Chupa Chups: how to use it as a gift. Scenario for a summer holiday for all groups “Chupa Chups Postcards from Chupa Chups

Alina Prostova
Scenario summer holiday for all groups "Chupa Chups"

Clowns enter to cheerful music.

Chupa. Hello, here we are!

Chups. Hello bike!

Chupa. Fireworks, parachute!

Chups. Let's get acquainted! Our names are Chupa and Chups. Do you remember?

Chupa. Chupa!

Chups. Chups!

Both together. Chupa Chups!

Chupa. What’s your name? Tell me in unison!

Chups. One, two, three, say your name!

(children say their names)

Chupa. All clear! All the boys today are called "boo-boo-boo"

Chups. And all the girls “sweet-sweet-sweet”

Chupa. How are you? I can not hear! Let's do this: I ask you, and in response you stomp, clap, whistle...

It's clear? So, get ready!

How are you?

(children stomp, clap, whistle)

Chups. Your mood is simply super, top class!

Chupa. So we can begin our summer celebration!

Chups. Well, shall we play, sing, dance?

(children answer)

1. Chupa: then Jr. is invited to the stage. gr. 1 with the songs “Bouquets of Flowers” ​​and “Balls”

Chupa. Since we decided to have fun today, we’ll do the opposite!

We say “sweet”, and you...

Chups. Bitterly!

Chupa. "Good and you …

Chupa. Are you tired of answering?

Chups. I suggest you keep quiet!

Chupa. Are you guys obedient?

Chups. Then let's play! Senior groups are welcome

2. Games “Miracle-Yudo” Art. gr.

Once upon a time there lived a miracle Yudo,

Nobody knew where it came from,

When people noticed him, they laughed.

His teasing, everything was repeated after him

it waved with one hand

the other hand scratched my stomach

one foot trampled the snowball

jumped on the other leg

tail wagging merrily

shook his head violently

everyone was teasing and screaming

and everything started clapping again and again

Game Preparatory groups “Crocodile Gena”, “Perpetual Motion Machine”, “Fists” are invited

To play the game,

We'll clench our fists.

Squeeze right, left,

And now we begin.

We will carry them forward

Let's turn it the other way around

Cross and shoulders

I'll give you two knocks,

And then I’ll give it to my friends:

Knock - knock on fists,

Again two in front of you

There's a direct knock on the knees,

And then two crosswise,

We hit the ground in a crouch.

And now everyone stood up together,

Well, answer: “Aren’t you tired?

Can you do it even faster?"

Chups. Chupa, do you know what a rhyme is?

Chupa. Ha! Who doesn't know? It needs to be fun, and most importantly – fun!

For example, Uncle Fedya ate a bear!

Stepan - cockroach

Masha - curdled milk

Tatyana – sour cream

Chups. Enough is enough, I understand! It's as simple as two and two.

And now, attention, game! We start, you continue, answer in unison, in unison, and we will help you.

Chupa. They make wreaths from dandelions, of course (girls)

Chups. You will find bolts, screws, gears in (the boy’s) pocket.

Chupa. We chatted for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses (Irishki)

Chups. Afraid of the dark, little cowards,

All as one...

Chupa. Boys!

Chups. Wait, wait, is that true?

There is a rhyme, but it’s not true! These girls are panties!

Chupa. Oh, oh, how attentive everyone is, we couldn’t even outwit you! Let's dance better.

3. Chups. 3 invited junior group with the dance "Sandbox". Boys with buckets, girls with savories

Chups: Chupa, do you have a dream?

Chupa: what is a dream?

Chups: your deepest fiery desire.

Chupa: yes, I would like to visit Wonderland, where flowers talk, a grasshopper plays on a violin, where there is a lot of chocolate and sweets and you eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Chups: oh, it's so easy. The guys in the middle group will help you with this. Children from middle group 1 are invited to dance “Wonderland”

4. Middle group 1 Dance “Wonderland” with sultans

Chups (runs around the hall screaming). Lost! Lost!

Chupa (runs up to him). What did you lose?

Chups. Lost the candy (Looks in all pockets). And here it is not. And here it is not.

Chupa. What kind of candy did you have: fruit, chocolate, marmalade, mint?

Chups. (continues to look in his pockets) which one - which one. Delicious! That's what it is!

Chupa. Well, don’t worry, I see the guys have a lot of candy wrappers, they probably know the dance. Maybe after it they’ll treat you to some candy too.

Chups. Junior 2 boys come out to dance with candy wrappers.

5. DANCE of the Younger 2 “Wrappers”

Chups. Well, they didn’t give us a treat (sadly).

Chupa And if you find candy, will you give me a bite?

Chups Found it! Here it is, my candy! (Walks along the first row of spectators and shows her.) Chupa, would you like some candy?

Chupa. Want!

Chups. I'll give you candy if you guess in which hand I'll hide it.

Chupa. Fine. I'll definitely guess. Hide it quickly.

Chups Just turn away and don't peek.

Chupa. (walks away and stands with his back to Chups). Turned away!

Chups Done! (Extends both hands.)

Chupa. (looks first at one hand and then at the other of Chups, wants to pull one, but pulls his hand away). I'm afraid to make a mistake. (He leaves, then approaches Chups again, looks at his hands, then at his face.) So, you have a huge mosquito on your forehead.

Chups (scared). A big mosquito? (Slaps his free hand on his forehead.)

Chupa. (quickly grabs the other hand). The candy is in this hand.

Chups. You guessed correctly, get some candy. How did you guess it?

Chupa. Ask the guys, they will tell you. Now take the candy and eat. But I have no time. (Leaves.)

Chups Oh, how cunning! Well, okay, while we wait for her, the holiday must continue.

6. I announce the song “A grasshopper sat in the grass” middle group 2 I invite you to the stage.

Chupa comes in to the music and dances merrily.

Oh, and laughter! Oh, and laughter!

I'm smarter than everyone, of course!

(Sits on a chair and stretches his legs.)

And believe me, I'm not lying,

That I will outsmart everyone!

Chups sneaks up unnoticed, lightly touches his left ear and hides behind a chair.

Chupa. Oh! (He grabs his ear and, cautiously, slowly turns to the left.) There is no one. But someone touched my left ear. (Pause.) The bird was probably flying and hit it with its wing. (He repeats his song cheerfully.)

Oh, and laughter! Oh, and laughter!

I'm smarter than everyone, of course!

And believe me, I'm not lying,

That I will outsmart everyone!

Chups touches Chupa's right ear and hides again.

Chupa (grabs his ear and slowly, cautiously turns to the right.) Someone touched me again, but this time on the other ear. And again there is no one. The plane was probably flying and hit it with its wing. (Chups throws a scarf over Chupa’s head.)

Chupa Oh! It became completely dark, I can’t see anything. (Loudly.) Chups, where are you? Come here quickly.

Chups (steps aside). What's happened?

Chupa Suddenly it became dark! I don't see anything... What does this mean?

Chups. This means that night has come. Everybody sleeps. You're the only one making so much noise.

Chupa I want to sleep too. But how will I find my bed?

Chups I'll help you.

Chupa Can you see?

Chups Yes, I see a little and I’ll take you to bed.

Chupa Please, Chup, take me!

Chups Okay. Give me your hand. (Takes him by the hand and leads Chupa around the stage in different directions. Be careful, the bumps! Raise your legs higher.

Chupa (walks, raising his legs high). Bumps? I'll break my nose, but I only have one.

Chups Now walk wider, there are puddles here.

Chupa. Puddles? There's nothing worse than puddles. (Continues walking.)

Chups Jump, there's a ditch here.

Chupa Kanava? I might fall. (She jumps and falls, her scarf falls off.) It’s light again! What is it: day or night?

Chups It was me who outsmarted you. (Pause.)

Oh, and laughter! Oh, and laughter!

I'm smarter than everyone, of course!

And believe me, I'm not lying,

That I will outsmart everyone!

Chupa Yes, you outsmarted me. But let's live together and not come up with different tricks.

Chups: agreed. Better announce the next number.

Chupa: one, two, three round dance of the backwater.

Chups: who will start it, you and me?

Chupa: no, the guys from the older groups, they are also friendly like us, and they will sing and dance to the song “The children of the whole Earth are friends.”

7. Senior groups round dance “The children of the whole Earth are friends.”

Chups walks and tries to do “Pa” (dance, practicing this or that movement.

Chups. Chupa! Come here!

Chupa. Did you call me, Chups?

Chups. Yes. Do you know what I came up with? Let's dance.

Chupa. Well thought out. I love to dance. But when I start dancing, everyone falls silent and there is complete silence.

Chups. Is this so as not to distract you?

Chupa (sad). No, I just dance very awkwardly and everyone runs away.

Chups. You have to keep your posture, pull your toes. Try!

Chupa starts dancing and falls.

Chups: don’t worry, you’ll learn over time, the main thing is not to give up, be patient and go to classes. Our kids can dance great, look at them, they rehearsed for a long time.

8. Preparatory group 1, dance “Light Up”

Chupa: I wish I could learn that too.

Chups: let's invite another group of dancers, and you can try with them.

Chupa: Okay.

Chups: guys from preparatory group 2, senior 2, come out and teach us to dance.

9. Preparatory 2, senior 2 Dance Coco Jambo.

Chupa: oh, I’m tired, I’m tired, I need to rest, blow on me (Chups blows, the children help him, it’s hot, oh so hot! And the sun is very hot, I need to rest and play. Invites junior groups, then middle ones.

Game ml. gr. “Bunny Bunny” Nasaulenko 1 time

"How are you? Like this" Wed. gr. 1 time

Song “Summer” by Gomonova average

The hour of farewell has come!

Who among you will clap?

Children. This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

Chupa and Chups bow, wave their hands, say goodbye and leave to the music.

Many people are familiar with the moment when a celebration is just around the corner, but there is no time to drop things and rush to browse the shops. In the best case, the person being congratulated will receive a more or less interesting souvenir that can be found anywhere, in the worst - another set “for all occasions.” What to do if you don’t have the necessary skills to implement a global gift idea, but you want to make someone smile? The answer is simple: decorate a sweet present beautifully.

Known to everyone since childhood, Chupa Chups stands out among its sweet counterparts for its brightness and variety of flavors. The main advantage of this delicacy is that you can implement many ideas with its help. Today we will look at options on how to give Chupa Chups in an original way.

Personalized lollipop

Decorate it with a colorful paper heart or sun with the recipient's name on it. Write to back side poems or congratulations - it will be a warm sign of attention.

Arrange a mini-quest where participants will receive lollipops with hints as a reward for completing the task. At the end of the quest, everyone will receive personal gifts or...

Giant lollipop

Any boy or girl will definitely love the bright festive look of the candy, not to mention its “durability” and its size, which is fifty times larger than the original.

Your colleagues will not remain indifferent either - you can organize a costume party where lollipops turn out to be improvised torches. Such funny gift It will allow even adults to briefly feel like carefree children.

Air surprise

For this you will need a large balloon. Before inflating it with helium, place a few lollipops through the inflatable hole and pour out a pack of confetti.

If desired, add small paper strips and a few small balls inside. At the right moment, imperceptibly pierce the inflated balloon with a needle, and you will see how much joy and delight this simple but original surprise will bring.

Flower bouquet

It looks impressive and beautiful. A bouquet of lollipops is suitable as a gift for a girl on International Women's Day. Stick them into uncured plaster or bright plasticine, or simply tie them with a festive ribbon.

Hand made

If you have time for preliminary preparation, you can make gifts with your own hands. This will require glue, paper and a little patience.

Spring flowers

  1. Take colored paper two colors and cut out rectangles - these are petals. The size of the rectangles is determined by the size of the selected lollipop.
  2. Use scissors to round the corners of each rectangle and bend them outward with your fingers.
  3. Glue the resulting petals onto the head of the lollipop.
  4. The leaves are made using the same pattern from green paper. The stem will be a candy stick.

Place the resulting sweet flowers in a beautiful basket, stick them in plasticine or tie them with a gift ribbon. A large sweet bouquet can be wrapped in a flower net.

You can also replace the petals with hearts, which are simply glued to the head of the candy.

Sweet Christmas trees

  1. Cut out Christmas trees from colored paper. Fold each one in half vertically.
  2. Take the lollipop and place it in a bright bag, head down.
  3. Glue the Christmas trees onto the “trunk” enclosed in a bag.

Unusual new Year gifts ready! You can put them in a small basket with snow-white cotton wool - you get a beautiful spruce forest.


  1. Cut out a butterfly from colored paper.
  2. Glue it onto a lollipop stick.

Make some sweet butterflies and decorate a bouquet of flowers with them.

This is a small part of the options for how to give an original gift of lollipop. There may be even more design ideas. It all depends on your imagination, desire to please and... the number of lollipops.

All children love tasty souvenirs. Both the content and the idea are equally important here. For the little ones, the ideal treat can be a simple lollipop - Chupa Chups, which is presented in an unusual way in the form original crafts. Today you will learn several interesting ideas- how to turn it into an original gift.

I present to you master classes - DIY crafts from lollipops with unique photographs. 10 ways to decorate a lollipop, surprise and give it as an original gift!

DIY crafts from lollipops


If you have ready-made color drawings of butterflies, then you only need to cut them out and glue them onto cardboard. No beautiful drawings? It's okay, just paint the butterflies with watercolors or gouache.

Glue the candies with double-sided tape to create a butterfly with a cartoon head.

Winged lollipop heart

If you are going to treat your baby to candy on February 14th, then decorate it in the form of a cute Valentine. Cut out wings from white cardboard, a heart from red cardboard, and attach a funny bow to a stick.

Connect all parts with double-sided tape.

And glue a candy in the center. It turns out to be a delicious original Valentine's card.


You can make a ghost candy from ordinary paper napkins. To do this, take three white napkins.

Turn two of them into a square and fold one on top of the other so that the corners do not touch. Place a candy on a stick in the center.

Wrap the candy in the middle and use a napkin to wrap the paper around the stick.

It turns out to be a ghost with thin arms and fluffy clothes. Draw eyes and mouth with a marker.

The kid will never guess what is hidden inside the scary hero. Boys will like this candy more.

Original crafts from lollipops for girls

It's all in the hat

But girls will appreciate this souvenir. Just take a piece of candy with a face on it and put a hair tie on it. It turns out a cartoon character in a hat. In fact, these are two gifts in one: a delicious candy and a hair decoration.

You can make your own elastic band from ribbons using the kanzashi technique.

Pleated dress

To make such a dress, you need to take a sheet of white paper and fold it like an accordion. The width of the strip should not exceed 1 cm. Then a 4 cm long cut is made from the top in the center, and the two parts are bent to the sides.

Glue the candy onto the stick in the middle and decorate the dress with paper flowers. It is better to use a candy that already has a face drawn on it.


To make a doll's dress, take a three-layer paper napkin with a beautiful design.

Place the candy in the center of the napkin and fold it into a triangle.

Form arms and skirt.

There is another way to make a fluffy dress for the doll.

When your daughter has had enough of playing with such an unusual toy, she will then be able to simply eat it.

Candy flower

Cut out 4 flowers from a yellow cleaning napkin and make a hole in the center.

String the blanks onto a stick and secure them with a piece of fabric.

It turns out to be a flower with a candy-like center.

Lollipop flower


The lollipop dress can be made in another way. Take white cardboard and draw several circles of different diameters on it.

Cut out circles and fold them several times to create waves.

Place the blanks on the stick in this way: small circles on top, largest circles on the bottom.

It turns out a bride in a fluffy white dress.

How to decorate lollipop for boys

These ideas should appeal primarily to boys.


Take a set of colored cardboard and cut out the following parts from it: a green body, 2 black wheels, 2 blue windows and 1 yellow headlight.

Glue all the parts using double-sided tape and fix the candy on a stick on top of the trunk.

Lollipop rocket

Cut out the main part of the rocket with portholes from purple cardboard, and make three lower parts from black cardboard.

Glue all the parts with tape and secure the candy in the windows.

This is the kind of transport that will deliver the desired candy to your sweet tooth.


Print out a fairy-tale image of a bear, which can be found on the Internet (in the “Children’s Coloring Books” section). The image must be on the entire sheet.

Using this stencil, cut out 2 symmetrical parts from brown cardboard.

One - the back - remains unchanged, but the front part needs a little work. Draw the ears, muzzle and paws with a black marker, and simply cut out the nose. You will get a hole.

Insert the candy into this hole and glue both parts together. Glue a bow to the bear. The original cardboard toy is ready. And a sweet surprise awaits the baby inside.

Cute candy bunny

To make a candy bunny you will need napkins, PVA glue and a marker.
Take 2 white paper napkins.

Cut one of them in half and wrap it around the lollipop so that the stick is on top.
Twist a flagellum from the second half of the napkin and secure it with the edges of the paper around the stick.

Tear the second napkin into 4 parts and twist the balls - these will be the paws. Twist a tail from the remains of the flagellum.

Glue the paws to the candy and secure the tail. Draw a face with a black marker.
The fluffy white bunny is ready!

Another option - animals made from lollipops

This idea is no less easy to implement. Draw any animals on white cardboard. For example, a bunny and a bear. Only the legs need to be drawn separately from the body.

Color the drawings with paints and felt-tip pens.

Cut out the toy and glue the legs so that each animal holds a candy in front.

Craft from candy deer

In the coloring section of the Internet, look for an image of a deer's head. Print it out on the entire page.

Using a stencil, cut out the head from orange cardboard and the horns from black.

Draw the animal's face with a black marker, glue on the horns and cut out a hole for the nose.

Insert a round candy on a stick into the hole and secure with tape.
The deer on a stick is ready.

If you do a lot of different fairy-tale heroes made from lollipops, you can arrange a theatrical performance, the reward for which will be a delicious candy.

Christmas deer

Deer is a symbol of Christmas and New Year. Making such a lollipop craft with your own hands is not at all difficult.

You need to prepare cardboard, pencils and ribbons for decoration.

We outline the candy with a simple pencil.

Let's draw a deer.

Let's cut out our blank.

Well, that's all, our craft is ready, all that remains is to decorate it with a ribbon.

Postcards from Chupa Chups

You need to find or draw a boy and a girl who are holding a string balloon. Transfer the image onto a 1/4 A4 white sheet of cardboard. Boy and girl separately.

Trace the drawing with a black felt-tip pen, and instead of the ball, cut out a hole into which the lollipop will be inserted.

Color the children with colored markers.

Write the names of those for whom the card is intended.

Children receive not only a tasty treat, but also congratulations on the holiday. Thanks to original ideas, an ordinary lollipop can easily be turned into an unusual souvenir for your son or daughter.

Children love various sweet candies, but most of all kids are attracted to lollipops. They are interested in licking the treat while holding it in their hands by the stick. If you are going to treat your child to lollipop, then use original ideas by presenting this delicacy in an unusual way.

Each of these ideas makes it possible to give a child an interesting, original and unusual candy. Try to come up with something like this, and you will see real amazement on the baby’s face.

DIY Chupa Chupsov bunnies video

Lollipop spider

How to do it - read here.

We taught the world to suck! This not entirely decent and not entirely correct slogan has essentially become the business manifesto of the famous company, whose colorful products adorn the checkout counters of almost any modern supermarket.

But first, someone had to invent this sweet icicle... and tasty....

So, Enrique Bernat was born on October 20, 1923 in Barcelona. He began his sweet - in every sense of the word - career by working in his parents' candy store. Bernat was the grandson of a major businessman who founded the Granja Asturias confectionery company. After some time, Enrique receives the rights to manage his grandfather's company.

Just a few years pass, the enterprise begins to flourish. It was at this moment that Enrique Bernat makes an unexpected and, at the same time, fateful decision: he abandons two hundred types of products that the company produces and begins to produce only one - caramels.

But he was not the kind of guy to be guided by instinct or whim alone. With the help of famous experts, Enrique found out that no one had ever produced caramel specifically for children. The main difference between Enrique's caramel was the stick on which the caramel was placed. You could suck it without getting your hands and clothes dirty. At first the stick was wooden, and then they began to make it - like mine - from plastic.

Enrique called his caramel “Chups”, and at first it had only seven flavors: strawberry, lemon, mint, orange, chocolate, coffee with cream and strawberry with cream. The popularity of caramel grew, along with it the number of products produced increased, and new flavors appeared.

Now the entrepreneur was faced with another task - he had to come up with an original wrapper so that Chups would be recognized by, well, absolutely everyone. In 1961, Enrique Bernat turned to his fellow countryman, and, you know, not to anyone, but just to Salvador Dali. He couldn't find a simpler artist.

The brilliant artist did not think about the problem for long and in less than an hour sketched out a picture for him, which depicted the Chupa Chups daisy, which in a slightly modified form is today recognizable as the Chupa Chups logo in all corners of the planet. At the beginning of the 21st century, sales of Chupa Chups amounted to more than $400 million.

It all began half a century ago in sunny Barcelona with a simple caramel on a wooden stick, which was invented by our hero of today, Enrique Bernat.

On October 20, 1714, our mutual acquaintance - Tsar Peter I - issued a Decree banning stone construction throughout Russia, except St. Petersburg. In the city on the Neva, the construction of exclusively stone “model houses” was strictly prescribed. From now on, in all cities except St. Petersburg, the construction of stone houses became strictly punishable.

With a light stroke of the pen, the tsar left thousands of masons without work throughout Russia. Which, naturally, began to flock to St. Petersburg in search of work. So, friends, on behalf of all St. Petersburg residents, I ask forgiveness today from all residents of wooden cities, and first of all, from residents of the city of Kizhi, where people are still warmed by friction against each other, which, of course, improves not only their mood, but and fertility.

The Old Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard - one of the very first circuses in Russia, began its work on October 20, 1880. At first, the circus had 5 rows of seats, boxes, dress circle, second places with wooden unnumbered benches and a standing gallery. Then the building was adjusted and completed more than once, but throughout its long life it invariably served the circus.

In addition to other artists, the clowns Karandash, Oleg Popov - the “sunny clown”, Yuri Nikulin and sometimes Yuri Kuklachev worked here. There is even a legend according to which a drunken Yuri Kuklachev marked the office of the director of the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, after which he worked as an anti-stress pillow for Nikulin for a month absolutely free of charge.

And another amazing event happened on this day. On October 20, 2002, an unusual exhibition opened in Veliky Novgorod. The exhibition includes debris found during the cleaning of the shores of Lake Ilmen and several neighboring rivers. Almost half of all waste is car tires. Environmentalists also found many old refrigerators, benches and trash cans from city streets. The curator of the exhibition, the homeless man Uncle Misha, spoke something like this to his uncultured fellow citizens: boo-boo-boo...