How to be in a good mood all the time. How to learn to always be in a good mood

Unfortunately, we live in a time when a lot of negative and negative energy and people accumulate around us. Poor ecology adversely affects our morale and state of mind. Problems at work, in society, bad news and poor health can sometimes lead to depression. Automatically we sleep poorly, look bad, we experience apathy, Bad mood and poor health. How not to bring yourself to such a state and how to get out of it? Let's find out!

You need to understand one thing to the core. You're not the only one who feels bad. And it gets even worse. Look for the positive in any situation that happens to you. Had a fight in line? The positive thing is that you have thrown off the negative energy and returned home in a more relaxed state. Don't have enough money for delicious food? The positive is that you will be slimmer. And so on. Don't get upset over trifles. After all, everything that happens is for the better.

Live happily every moment, every second and minute of your life. Value your time, don't waste it on trifles. Having penetrated this thought to the depths of your soul, you will not want to walk around in a bad mood and eat yourself from the inside. Kill yourself with your own hands.

Set goals and achieve them. If you can’t dream and strive for something serious, start small. For example, set a goal to lose weight and do it in a month. Or quit smoking. It works. After all, it is better to strive all the time and enjoy the results obtained than to stand still, trample and cry because of it.

Walk with your children and play with them. Looking at babies and children, you plunge into another world, and you realize that everything is not so bad. Teach your children, be distracted by them. And simply spending time in a positive way will have a positive effect on your mood and well-being.

Play sports and move as much as possible. Don't let negative emotions and bad mood overtake you. Sign up for some sports section or dancing. Just walk or take a walk fresh air.

Communicate only with those people who bring you joy. They should be simple and at the same time interesting to you. Communication with people around you should not irritate or stress you. Get rid of energy vampires and the losers in your life. This is of no use.

Live in such a way that someone needs you. Friends, your family, child or parents. You can simply help strangers. When a person feels needed, he becomes happier. And there is less room in the head for bad emotions and sadness.

If you feel like crying, cry. Strongly, with all my heart. Cry into your pillow, scream. You will immediately feel better. Not today means tomorrow, not tomorrow means the day after tomorrow. After all, sometimes you need to somehow relieve the tension.

Get more rest. Don't watch the news or TV for a while. Enjoy fresh air and nature. Feel all the joys of life, open new horizons. Read interesting books or any other literature that interests you. Learn something new, learn. All these activities will simply make you always be in a good mood.

Try to find a job that brings you happiness. If you can't do this, find happiness in the work you do. After all, you can definitely find positive aspects in your unloved job.

Do good deeds. Help people. Give others your good mood and positive emotions.

Don't be sad simply and in vain. After all, life is given to us for happiness! Be happy, our dears!

The activity, success and effectiveness of a person’s activities are determined by the energy that he sends to the outside world. It is directly related to the daily mood of the individual, his thoughts about the people around him and current events. Everyone should know how to be good mood Always.

About the importance of positivity

Being in a good mood, we emit positive energy, and it returns to us through successful transactions, new useful acquaintances, and the fullness of existence.

How often can you hear and read sayings that human happiness should not depend on external factors, and that thought is a material substance that programs the present and future of its owner. However, a full understanding of the essence of this information comes only with experience.

About depression and the dangers of negativity

According to statistics, about 120-150 million people experience depression every year. It is one of the most common mental illnesses in the world.

The essence of the problem is that only a small number of “carriers” of this disease have good reasons for it, such as heredity, loss of a loved one, illness. For most, the root cause is instability to stress factors, which for a certain period of time determines a state known in everyday life as “out of mood.”

Systematic dissatisfaction with life destabilizes the personality and its perception of the surrounding reality, attracts negativity, and leads to the development of depression. In this chain of events, it is important to reassess your values ​​in time and protect your life’s fire from dying out.

Ways to keep yourself “positive”

Some world minds claim that people who have experienced depression are characterized by an increase in their overall resistance to stress, cheerfulness and realism. It’s easy to explain: having felt the influence of one’s own mental instability on one’s health and performance, the individual develops defense mechanisms against the changing factors of reality.

List of ways to always be in a good mood:

  1. Physical activity.
  2. Balanced diet.
  3. Accepting your health as your highest value.
  4. Regular and proper rest.
  5. Agreement with yourself.
  6. Great looks.

By working on yourself, you can achieve significant success.

Active lifestyle

It has been scientifically proven that sports and sex have a positive effect on health. Sports activities strengthen muscles and joints, increase endurance, and improve appearance. At the same time, adrenaline and endorphin are produced during physical activity. Adrenaline in the right amount energizes, endorphin improves mood and causes satisfaction. At the end of any workout, there is a significant increase in the overall tone of the body, a change in worldview, and a change in mood in a positive direction.

Sex is also a powerful mechanism for launching the most important hormones: the same endorphin, oxytocin and dopamine. Endorphin increases satisfaction and feelings of joy. Oxytocin stimulates pleasure, calmness, tenderness, devotion, maternal instinct among women. Dopamine increases mood, self-satisfaction, and determination.

Regular high-quality sex has a positive effect on sexual, cardiovascular and nervous systems, energizes and increases the level of “happiness”.

Balanced diet

Being stressed, “out of mood,” and decreased vital activity lead to an increase in the amount of food consumed and a simultaneous decrease in its quality. At the same time, there is a feedback: systematic uncontrolled consumption of high-calorie and unhealthy foods develops apathy, laziness, and internal negativity.

Proper, nutritious and regular nutrition has a different effect: it replenishes the body’s energy, vitamin and mineral reserves, improves the condition of organs and systems, stabilizes the production of the required amount of hormones, including the joy hormone - serotonin. This is facilitated by eating sea fish, cheeses, yoghurts, nuts, cereals, fruits and dried fruits, and chocolate. It is important to know moderation in everything and enjoy food.

I am the highest value

We must love ourselves. Only in this way can a person accept his health and his life as the greatest value. Having solved this problem, he is faced with a new one. Its essence is to know how to protect yourself from the endless bombardment of negativity from the outside, how to always be in a good mood. The psychology is quite simple. There are several ways.

  1. "Protective screen". Here you need to imagine yourself inside a transparent sphere, smiling and happy. All malevolent energy is repelled from its walls and cannot penetrate inside.
  2. Analysis and closure of the issue. With the negative situation that has occurred, which may need to be fully understood: set aside time at the end of the working day alone with yourself, analyze, answer the questions:
  • What was I wrong about?
  • What exactly upset me?
  • How could it have been done differently?
  • What needs to be done to prevent the situation from repeating itself?

Upon completion of self-analysis, it is important not to return to the starting point, leave the problem “overboard” and continue to live happily.

Life is given only once, and we have no right to waste it on anger and resentment. Every minute should be lived in pleasure, with maximum use of all its resources and full awareness of how to always be in a good mood.

Proper rest

Excessive fatigue is a significant stress for the body. Unfortunately, most people don't know how to rest. Vacations should not be a waste of free time. It must be carried out with benefit and maximum

Possible options for spending time: a company of close friends or just interesting people, movies for mood music, reading, creativity, fishing, solitude in the lap of nature, cosmetic procedures or simply taking a relaxing bath.

It is good to combine individual versions of such activities with meditation. For example, yoga classes and music for the mood.

Also, we must not forget about the beauty of nature. How often in the bustle of the city people have no time to raise their heads and appreciate at least the beauty of the sky. Meanwhile, the pleasure of contemplating the natural beauty of the world stimulates an improvement in vitality.

It is important to find time exclusively for yourself, even if it is a small amount. One hour spent for pleasure awakens new reserves of energy, opens horizons, clears thoughts, awakens interest in meeting people, communicating, new activities, and self-development. And in all of the above there is hidden a reserve of good mood for our loved ones. And this is not selfishness at all, but healthy methods of keeping your sensual soul in good shape.


Lying is bad. It's even worse when a person deceives himself. There are many such situations: life with unloved people under one roof, unnecessary work, achieving someone else's goal. If doubt creeps into your soul, you need to analyze yourself and your world.

  1. Determine your own life goal.
  2. Correlate the functions performed and the type of activity in terms of consistency with it.
  3. Decide whether the people with whom you are building a relationship are truly loved.

When answering the questions posed, you need to be extremely honest. After all, the lack of agreement between the implemented actions and desires is a serious reason for destabilization. It is impossible if they occur for one’s own good, one must be afraid of imaginary stability that destroys the personality.

Perfect beauty

They say she saves the world. Undoubtedly. Saves us from ourselves: unkempt, unkempt, unfashionable.

You need to look good not for members of the opposite sex, not for bosses or competitors. You always need to be beautiful and stylish, regardless of what is happening in life and the people present in it. When we like ourselves, the same effect on mood is produced. To do this, you need to watch your figure, exercise, and eat right. It is necessary to live your days fully and positively. From everything follows a close connection between an excellent psychological state and a beautiful appearance. Love yourself!

The human body is a vessel for his soul. What it is filled with is what pours out through relationships with others and health. In order to be happy and successful, it is important to know how to always be in a good mood, work on yourself and always strive for positivity.

Have you noticed that good mood has been visiting you less and less lately? Surely you are simply tired of worldly worries, or you are in a difficult situation that at this stage of your life seems insoluble to you.

Secrets of successful

Do you know the secret of success of the luckiest and happy people on the planet? No matter what happens in their lives, and no matter how difficult the twists of their fate, they live by the motto “this too shall pass!” .

In principle, a person’s mood cannot be permanently positive - anything happens in life, and besides, the most trifling banality can ruin one’s mood. And this is a completely normal reaction for a healthy, psychologically healthy person. But if gloominess, anger or apathy predominate, this must certainly be combated by any means.

The source of a good and cheerful mood can be found both in religious events and in simple worldly pleasures, which sometimes you don’t even remember in the monotonous cycle of affairs.

Let's look at the options that can provide you with excellent energy tone in your daily life.

Why do you need to fight apathy and sad thoughts quickly?

If a person does not fight them and does not try to cheer himself up, sooner or later he will face serious problems, such as chronic fatigue syndrome or depression. Therefore, if you have noticed that gray and black colors predominate in your life, and the ordinary “pleasures” of life have ceased to please you, start toning your own soul as soon as possible.

Recipe for a good moodin "express style":

  • Let go of all the bad things that happened to you the day before into “free floating.” Did you get rude and your whole day went awry? You were offended by your loved one or simply close person? Someone had the imprudence to rudely criticize your brainchild, on which you worked tirelessly throughout last month? Dont be upset! Mentally squeeze all your resentment into a fist and throw it out the window. Tell yourself “let this little thing become the biggest trouble in my life”;
  • Take a walk in the fresh air. And under no circumstances take this moment for granted! Try to extract some interesting things from your walk: watch the people around you, admire the sunset, look at the wonderfully beautiful flowers growing in the park near your house. And get all the bad thoughts out of your head! Catch yourself in the fact that this moment is unique, and therefore priceless;
  • Experience the joy of movement. It is not without reason that the sages say that movement is life. And if you experience a deficiency of it, constantly being in a sitting position in a dusty office, it is no wonder that your mood corresponds to this factor. Do regular classical exercises, or just do some homework that requires physical effort on your part. This way you will trigger the “biochemistry” of a good mood, because it is during motor activity in our blood the very same ones are rapidly synthesized "hormones of joy";

  • Help someone.
    It is the feeling of our significance, necessarily justified, that often makes us look at the world differently. It won't hurt you if you "fork out" for food and give treats to homeless animals. You won't overstrain yourself if you deliver groceries to Orphanage. And nothing bad will happen to you if you visit seriously ill people in a clinic or hospice. Remember that when you give a positive charge to others, you receive twice as much of it;
  • Thank the Universe and mentally say “thank you” to those you love. Surely there are people in everyone's life who have done or are doing something good for us. But we also need to thank those who treated us dishonestly. After all, they are the ones who provide us with lessons that strengthen our spirit and make us stronger. Think about who you would like to thank right now. Remember all the benefits that strangers have brought into your life. Mentally say “thank you” to them for everything. The more such people there are, the better. And in general, make it a rule to wake up every day with a feeling of gratitude to God or the Universe for everything that you are generously given. You are able to contemplate the beauty around you, convey your thoughts, move on your own feet - isn’t this a reason for happiness?;
  • Surprise someone. Are you waiting for your husband to get home from work? Give him the joy and pleasure of returning home. Come up with something interesting and give him a surprise. Let it not cost you anything - it is not money that is valuable, but attention, care and the desire to bring happiness. Draw a funny postcard or poster, make a do-it-yourself collage of photos together, make a personalized craft;

  • Watch a positive film with an exciting plot and a favorable ending.
    It doesn't have to be a comedy. Rather, you should choose a movie that would reflect the events of your life at the moment. If you are haunted by apathy and loss of strength, it will not be a bad idea to watch motivating masterpieces of cinema;
  • Get some sleep. The only completely free pleasure in our life is sleep. Well, take advantage of it! Especially if you clearly realize that your loss of energy is associated with lack of sleep or chronic fatigue;
  • Visit a beauty salon or massage therapist. Any changes in appearance represent favorable changes in life. Why not decide to get the haircut you've been dreaming about right now? And if you go for a massage, and at all “kill two birds with one stone”, because this will bring you not only moral, but also physical relaxation;
  • Accept cold and hot shower. Positive stress (by the way, which is the secret of health, longevity and happiness) in the form of temperature changes is guaranteed to distract you from the bustle of the world, smooth out unpleasant thoughts and eliminate negative feelings;
  • Keep perspective. What may seem like a real tragedy today may bring a sincere smile tomorrow. Your task is to create within yourself constant feeling prospects. Instill in yourself a simple truth: life is like a river, it does not stand still and is constantly changing. This means that if today is bad, tomorrow will definitely be better. No wonder people say that "The morning is wiser than the evening";
  • Allow yourself to eat deliciously. Even if you're on a strict diet (which can be a major source of stress in itself), allow yourself to enjoy your favorite food. It will be great if the process of preparing it falls on your shoulders, and then you invite someone over to show off your culinary skills;
  • Change your surroundings. Nothing heals better than travel. If you have the opportunity to travel abroad, be sure to use it. New pleasant experiences will definitely provide you with an excellent mood for a long time.

Unfortunately, positive films, walks and books are not enough for a good mood. After all, what we feel is only inside us. And it is precisely this projection that is important to change initially, otherwise all efforts will be unjustified.

We radically change our worldview

How to create constant good mood?

If you begin to feel that something is wrong with you and sad thoughts overcome everything greater strength, try not to stay in this state for a long time - it can drag on. Look for ways to help cope with this condition.

  1. So that you always have a good mood, learn to control yourself. Don’t be offended over trifles, try not to quarrel with people close to you, forgive them. By forgiving, you get rid of anger and vindictive feelings that primarily destroy yourself.
  2. Try to look at the world with humor. Even if you were insulted or found yourself in a difficult situation, still smile and tell yourself: “This too shall pass!”
  3. Don't sit at home, being offended by the whole world! You can be sure: on the street, in the company of friends and acquaintances, the mood is never bad. Proven!
  4. Bring something new into your life. Psychologists recommend changing stable habits from time to time - for example, starting a new hobby or changing your clothing style. Choose a new wardrobe. Nothing has such a positive effect on your mood as the attention of others.
  5. Learn to relax. When you do some boring work, think about something pleasant. For example, about an upcoming meeting with friends or a loved one. And also remember such a miracle as an aroma lamp. Essential oils that have a positive effect on mood and state of mind: tangerine, orange, lemon, grapefruit, bergamot.
  6. Go swimming. Water helps the body rest and relax, improving tone and mood. Additionally, the possibility of an accident or injury when swimming is minimal, unlike many other sports.
  7. Stop, look around… Sometimes people get trapped simply because they don’t take the time to think about whether they are moving in the right direction. You should put your thoughts, goals, and connections in order in a timely manner, just as you regularly clean your room.
  8. Take life easier. There is always a place for heroism in life, but it is not always necessary. Try to focus on what you are doing at the moment. Often this is what contributes to success. Rejoice even in small successes and small achievements.
  9. Maintain a Sense of Perspective. Life is movement, and what seems like a tragedy today may bring a smile tomorrow. It’s not for nothing that they say “the morning is wiser than the evening.”
  10. If you want to lie in bed and mope, it is better not to follow the lead of this desire, it usually drags you into the funnel of despondency. Move– and your emotions will also become more mobile. Watch a movie, do some cleaning... This is the most effective method prevent depression in the bud.


The very first thing you should remember is that all the cloudiness and dark stripes are temporary, and are created so that you reconsider some points. Therefore active positive attitude and the absence of dramatization should become your assistants in solving any life problems.

You create a good mood yourself, and you should start in the morning. Stand up, do a series physical exercise. Take an invigorating shower and eat a healthy, nutritious breakfast. Favorite music and prepared activities will also contribute to high spirits throughout the day.

What surrounds us is a reflection of what happens inside us. Therefore, try to keep your home, desk, and kitchen clean and tidy. You shouldn’t fanatically brush away every speck, but dusty piles of objects whose purpose you yourself don’t know are unlikely to add to your mood and lightness.

The same goes for your appearance. Take care of your clothes and take care of your body. You should not let yourself go even for a period of time, because this not only does not contribute to a quick recovery, but will also put you in a state of depression. Don't want to go to the mirror? Urgently take care of yourself and take off that old robe!

Sport improves the quality of life by several points at once. It is very rare to find athletes who suffer or become fixated on one problem and drown in it. Any physical activity promotes the production of serotonin, the hormone of joy. Therefore, if you are not ready to take up any specific sport, then morning jogging, the gym, dancing, skiing out of town, or just a few abdominal exercises - all this will provide stability to your good mood.

Regular sex is undoubtedly the most important part of a person's life. It is important that sexual relations were a joy to both, bringing both spiritual and physical satisfaction to a person.

Creativity is something that can help keep you in balance. This is due not only to the fact that you can take up drawing, playing music or writing stories, but also to the fact that all the cataclysms that arise along the path of life, which you do not know how to solve, you can cast in creativity. On the one hand, this will help you pour out negative energy, for example, on a piece of paper, and on the other hand, you will be filled with new positive active energy, which will give you the strength to solve problems.

Feel free to pamper yourself and give yourself gifts. If you went towards your goal and worked hard, would you not feel guilty for it? It could be a delicious dinner in an expensive restaurant or New furniture– the important thing is that you experience joy and pleasure.

Rest when necessary. Sometimes you need to go out of town on a fishing trip or spend a few days in solitude with your thoughts. You are a living person, and therefore, so that breakdowns do not occur, and your mood does not fall, but is always sunny and active, you need to give yourself time to recharge.


  • always in a good mood
  • 23 ways to cheer yourself up

A good mood improves performance, affects well-being, and gives self-confidence. An optimistic attitude helps you cope with difficult situations and makes it easier to survive failures. In addition, others are drawn to a positive person. How to be good mood Always? You have to learn this, you have to work on it. There are proven methods.


Set yourself up for positivity in the morning. When you haven't opened your eyes yet in bed, smile and wish yourself a great day. Then lie down quietly, stretch, stand up slowly, and do a short warm-up. Take a contrast shower, it invigorates and charges you with positive energy. Don't skip a light breakfast. Let it be porridge or an omelette and a cup of green tea. Throughout the day, treat yourself to mood-boosting foods. These include nuts, dark chocolate, bananas, cheese, fish, buckwheat, and oatmeal.

Diversify your day, arrange surprises for yourself and your loved ones. For example, on the weekend, instead of cleaning the apartment as planned, visit friends or go fishing out of town. Change your surroundings - rearrange the furniture, change your image. At least once a month, give up all your activities and devote a day to relaxation and rest. Visit a beauty salon, go to the sauna or soak in a warm bath. Treat yourself to your favorite dish.

Praise yourself for every little thing. Forget about your shortcomings, because you have so many advantages! Do not reproach yourself and do not suffer from remorse. Give yourself gifts for every achievement. Smile more often, remember pleasant moments in life, funny stories. Don't think negative thoughts. When unpleasant situation imagine whether it will take place in your soul after some time. One of the famous 45 commandments of the American journalist Regina Brett says: “When faced with any so-called disaster, ask yourself the question: Will it matter in five years?” Take this into account.

Lead healthy image life: eliminate alcohol and smoking, go in for fitness, and constantly monitor your well-being. Spend as much time as possible in nature. Sunlight, fresh air, and a light breeze have a positive effect on your emotional state and improve your mood.

Follow the rules of color therapy. Surround yourself yellow- it improves your mood. Green color relaxes, and purple energizes. Choose your clothes bright colors.


  • Mood and others
  • how to stay in a good mood

Tip 3: How to always stay in a good mood: 10 simple tips

Many of us would like to always experience only positive emotions. But our mood is determined by factors, many of which can be very difficult to control. However, there are still a few simple tips that will help you easily and quickly cheer yourself up.


Never blame yourself for anything. Guilt is one of the main culprits of depression.

Don't dwell on failures or negative aspects current events. Try to see the positives in everything. Cultivate an optimist within yourself.

Always open the curtains when you wake up. The morning rays of the sun can give you a good mood for the whole day, so try to take short walks in the morning.

Play with your pet. Scientists say spending 15 minutes with your puppy or cat can increase the production of feel-good hormones such as serotonin, prolactin and oxytocin.

Eat more chocolate. The smell of chocolate alone can make us happier. It’s not for nothing that we feel the urge to eat chocolate when we’re in a bad mood. Tryptophan contained in chocolate can increase the production of the happiness hormone.

Devote some of your free time to creativity. If you are experiencing negative emotions, try throwing them out on paper. Inspiration is not always the result of calm and happy life.

Exercise regularly. Exercising for 30 minutes daily can help relieve symptoms of depression.

Eat to be happy. There is a list of certain foods that can improve our mood. A person with a lack of omega-3 fatty acids in the body is most prone to depression. Selenium deficiency can also affect your emotional state.

Video on the topic

What is the secret of vigor, energy, beauty, health? The answer is simple. Only 4 components make our day truly wonderful: good deep sleep, balanced diet, reasonable physical activity and positive psychological attitude. But how can you achieve harmony with yourself and the world around you if you constantly don’t get enough sleep, eat on the run, drink liters of coffee, and generally spin around like a squirrel in a wheel?


To feel good throughout the day, a person needs deep sleep of at least 7 hours a day. However, not everyone can afford to sleep that much on a regular weekday. You should consider getting into the habit of falling asleep and waking up at the same time, and planning your schedule so that there is at least one “sleep” day. This way, the body will be able to recover, and the new series of working days will be easier, with a greater supply of energy and strength.

Physical exercise, fresh air and bright sunshine - everything you need for a great start to your working day. Only the weather doesn’t often spoil us with bright rays of sunshine, and sometimes what’s happening outside the window makes us even more reluctant to leave the warm place under the blanket. And here light exercise will come to the rescue (it can be squats, push-ups, a short jog in the fresh air, stretching exercises), and then a contrast shower, a glass of clean cool water and half an hour later a good nutritious breakfast.

Proper nutrition is the key to good health, longevity, beauty and good mood. But don't be confused proper nutrition and a strict, exhausting diet. In addition, undereating is just as harmful as overeating. Don't be lazy and neglect a full breakfast and lunch. If possible, it is better to give preference to meat, fish (preferably sea), fragrant herbs, vegetables and fruits, rather than instant breakfasts and lunches and semi-finished products. But if this is not yet possible, it is best to eat “harmful foods” in the first half of the day, but at the same time drink more water, eat sweets after the main meal and do not overuse coffee, which will not at all invigorate your sleepy body.

The body becomes tired and sick for a number of reasons, and in most cases they are psychological. It is not for nothing that it is said: “All diseases are in the head.” And indeed it is. Work, family, everyday life, personal life - problems in any of these areas can unsettle you and ruin your mood. And when problems press from all sides? The answer is obvious. Fears, anger, awareness of one's own helplessness and many other negative emotions and feelings consume a person, as a result of which he gradually becomes a hostage to chronic fatigue. What should I do? Learn to switch from one event to another. Realize that any conflict ends sooner or later and you should not continue to carry negative emotions within yourself, much less throw them out on others. It's better to try to find a way out difficult situation. Meditation, exercise after a busy day, and a relaxing bubble bath will help you find harmony with yourself.
IN autumn-winter season It would be a good idea to pay attention to your immune system. If necessary, take appropriate medications and vitamins, but again, do not forget about the doctor’s recommendations.