Effective ways to strengthen nails at home. Your nails should look like a princess's

The condition of the hands can be called the calling card of all girls and women. In order to properly take care of your hands, you don’t need to go to beauty salons. You just need to know how to make anti-aging masks for hands and nails yourself at home.

There are many recipes collected here, all of which can be prepared with your own hands. Masks for hands and nails will become good helpers for a woman on her path to beauty.

Nail masks at home It's no secret that after a short holiday at sea, the condition of your nails improves. This can be explained by the fact that contained in sea ​​water

minerals and salts penetrate the nail bed and strengthen it. Therefore, homemade nail masks should contain these substances. They will help your nails become stronger and stop peeling.

  1. Nail masks with sea salt The pulp of a ripe tomato should be crushed with a teaspoon of salt in a bowl, add a few drops of rosemary, olive and almond oils. Spread the resulting mixture evenly on the nails and leave for 15 minutes. After the required period of time, rinse your hands in warm water and apply to your hands and nail beds..
  2. nutritious cream
  3. A tablespoon of fine sea salt is mixed with red pepper, lemon juice and myrrh oil. The pasty mass is rubbed into the nails for several minutes. It is advisable to carry out this procedure 3 times a week. If a burning sensation appears, the paste should be washed off immediately and the content of pepper in the mixture should be reduced in the future. Red pepper accelerates nail growth, so it should be applied regularly at home. A little sea salt soaked in water should be taken on a piece of suede, velvet or other fabric that is pleasant to the body, and rubbed into the nail and its base. After such cleaning, you should apply melted water to your nails. beeswax

, mixed with a few drops of tea tree oil. The procedure is carried out only 2 times a month, as it has a very strong effect.

Sea salt is most often sold in the form of large crystals. Before using it as a mask on your nails, it is advisable to place everything in a coffee grinder and grind. Small particles of salt will have a more gentle effect on your nails.

Most nail masks with lemon are based on its mixture with various essential oils (patchouli, orange, jojoba) to soften the effect of the acidic juice. Tea tree oil added to lemon will help speed up the healing of microcracks on your nail beds and hands. Homemade masks should be applied to clean nails, previously steamed in warm water.

  1. A tablespoon of lemon juice is mixed with 5 drops essential oil lemon and a teaspoon of any unrefined vegetable oil. The mixture is applied to nail plates and rub in with light massage movements. The skin around the nails will also be happy with this nutrition.
  2. Mix a small spoon of lemon juice with a small spoon olive oil, add 3 drops of iodine to the mixture. The mixture is rubbed into the nail beds, but is not washed off, just blotted with a paper towel. Iodine will be absorbed into the nails for several hours after the procedure.
  3. A nail mask can consist of just two elements: lemon and salt. The lemon is cut lengthwise into 2 equal parts, then they are sprinkled with salt. The tips of the fingers are immersed in them. After such a mask, your nails and hands definitely need a moisturizer.

Any nail mask with lemon can be applied 2-3 times a week. If the cuticle looks dry after the procedure, then the content of lemon juice in the composition should be reduced.

Hand masks at home

Hand skin care should begin with an analysis of its condition. During the cold season, most women experience flaking and dryness; in summer, a similar skin condition can be caused sunburn. Hand masks can have different effects depending on their composition.

Protective hand masks

  1. A honey mask will perfectly help your hands in winter. Honey is mixed with milk and olive oil in equal quantities. You can add a few tablespoons of ground oatmeal to the mixture. Mix everything well, spread it onto the skin of your hands, put cotton gloves on them and leave everything overnight. In the morning, wash your hands in warm water.
  2. Lemon juice is mixed with egg yolk, honey and almond oil. The resulting mass is evenly applied to your hands and also left overnight.
  3. Cottage cheese perfectly moisturizes the skin of your hands. For the composition you will need: 2 large spoons of cottage cheese, 1 large spoon of lemon juice, 1 large spoon of strong green tea and the same amount of olive oil. Before use, the mixture should stand for 30 minutes.

Rejuvenating hand masks

  1. Kefir hand mask can also be used as a cream after washing dishes. Kefir must be mixed with lemon juice in equal parts, applied to hands and left for half an hour, then rinsed with water.
  2. Glycerin for hands is widely used in cosmetology; many creams contain it. Anti-aging hand masks with glycerin contain various additives, for example, corn flour. To create a jelly mask you will need: 40 ml of boiled water at room temperature, 50 g. corn flour and 4 gr. glycerin. All ingredients of the composition are mixed and the mixture is applied to the hands. You may need a cleansing sponge to remove it from your hands.
  3. Anti-aging hand masks with glycerin will be more effective if you cleanse the skin with a fine sea salt scrub before using them. Then on clean skin Apply a mixture of glycerin and water in a ratio of 1:3 as a hand mask. The mixture may drip, so it is best to wear gloves.

Any homemade hand mask will nourish the skin and the result will become noticeable after the first use. There are also universal masks for hands and nails. They contain all the necessary nutrients, vitamins E and A, as well as glycerin for the hands.

Thus, homemade masks for hands and nails are an excellent alternative to going to beauty salons. In this case, hand nutrition is carried out only with natural ingredients.

Video: preparing a nourishing mask for hands and nails

The simplest mask option for peeling and brittle nails is to regularly lubricate them with iodine, vitamin E or lemon juice.

Effective folk recipes masks for the treatment, growth and strengthening of nails:

Recipe 1 - Nail care - folk mask-cream for nail growth and strengthening - olive (sunflower - burdock - flaxseed) oil - lemon juice - iodine

To treat nails from brittleness and strengthening, regularly make this folk mask.
Slightly heat a tablespoon of olive (sunflower, flaxseed or burdock) oil, add a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice and two drops of iodine. Dip your nails into the mixture and hold for ten to fifteen minutes. Wash off the cream with warm water without soap.

Recipe 2 - Homemade mask for strengthening nails - salt - iodine

Dilute a tablespoon of table or sea salt in a glass of water, add a few drops of iodine. To strengthen your nails, rub the mixture several times a day.

Recipe 3 – Mask for treatment and growth of nails – salt – lemon juice

Dissolve a little table or sea salt in freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply the solution to your nails for ten to twenty minutes, then wash off with water without soap.

Recipe 4 - Nail care - homemade mask-cream to strengthen and grow nails - ground red pepper - cream

Add a little hot red pepper to any hand cream, lubricate your nails and put on gloves. You can keep the mask on for five to ten minutes. This homemade cream Great for strengthening fragile, peeling nails. But be careful with pepper, do not let it get on your mucous membranes.

Recipe 5 – Folk mask-cream for strengthening and treating nails – egg yolk – beeswax – peach oil

Boil an egg hard and separate the yolk from it. Melt some beeswax in a double boiler. Add the yolk and peach oil little by little until you get a thick ointment. Rub this homemade cream on your nails before going to bed.

Recipe 6 - Folk remedy for strengthening brittle nails - beeswax

Very effective remedy for treatment brittle nails. Melt on steam bath beeswax, dip your fingertips in it, and then dip them in cold water. The wax will harden. Leave the mask on overnight. It is recommended to carry out this procedure a couple of times a week.

When using masks and creams, be careful: any product may have individual intolerance, test it first on the skin of your hand!

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Products for growing and strengthening nails reviews: 62

  • Nyuta

    Problems really started with my nails. They break, always with jagged edges. Thanks for the recipes, I will try and see what suits me.

  • Faith

    A good and cheap remedy for brittleness is lemon juice and salt. Your nails will noticeably become stronger, you just need to not be lazy and do this procedure regularly.

  • Nastya

    thank you =))

  • julia

    Honey-yolk nourishing mask for nails:
    Mix 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of oatmeal and 1 tablespoon of honey. Lubricate your hands with this mixture and put on cotton gloves. Rinse off the mask with warm water after 15 minutes, apply nourishing cream.

  • Catena

    I heard that it is very effective to lubricate the nails with lemon peels, it is advisable to press the juice of the lemon peels into the nails, it helps me.

  • Tonya

    My nails don’t grow; as soon as they start to grow, they break off.

  • Lena

    Thanks for the nail recipes!

  • Inez

    I will try the nail masks.

  • faith

    What should I do - my nails are weak and short?

  • Frosya

    Excellent thank you. My nails were breaking and peeling, now everything is in a bunch!

  • dosya

    Thanks for the recipes, it really helped, update the recipes again and again, thanks for the future.

  • Marina

    Dissolve half a tablespoon of gelatin in a glass of hot water and let it cool. Dip your nails into gelatin for 10-15 minutes; this bath can be used 2-3 times a week.
    This mask perfectly strengthens nails. They become durable and do not break.

  • Sashulya)

    Mix baby cream (oily) with red pepper, apply to nails for 7-10 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask helps strengthen and grow nails.

  • Lerochka

    I strengthen my nails with sea salt every day and it really helps, in 2 weeks my nails have grown by 2 cm.

  • Dunya

    And I keep my nails in my urine every evening for about 15 minutes. The result is amazing, warm urine gives such an effect that no other mask can compare with it! The nail plate grows even and smooth, without tubercles, the nails do not peel and grow very quickly, and by the way, it is a good antiseptic, there are no hangnails. Afterwards, simply wash your hands with water and apply olive oil instead. baby cream!!!

  • Ksyunya

    I'll try, maybe it will help.

  • Anonymous

    What nonsense??? Nails cannot grow 2 cm in 2 weeks, no matter how you strengthen them!!! Don't talk nonsense!!!

  • Kira

    Anonymous, I completely agree with you! People just say thoughtless words! How can nails grow 2 cm in 2 weeks? This contradicts all the laws of genetics!!! My advice to you: think about what you say!!!

  • Svetlana

    In my opinion, the most effective method- this is to buy a special varnish to strengthen nails, nail care oil with jojoba, lemon and citronella oils. And don’t stop at one treatment method, you need to try everything, the improvements will be immediately visible! NAILS WILL GROW 10 CM IN A WEEK!!! 🙂

  • I

    Girls, drinking calcium gluconate also helps a lot, because nails peel, break, and don’t grow due to lack of calcium in the body.

  • Taisiya

    Indeed, the products are good, I have been using them since April and now my nails are 15 cm long and have not broken for 2 weeks.

  • Taisiya
  • Valentina

    I also had a problem with my nails. I grew my nails for the first time in my life at the age of 23, I was so happy, you can’t imagine! I was pregnant at that time. I bought myself calcium at Amway and liquid vitamin D at the pharmacy. I started drinking them, and you won’t believe it, my nails stopped peeling and became stronger. Previously, as soon as I painted them with varnish, after a week they began to peel. Now I'm not afraid to paint them. So girls, take calcium with vitamin D and your problems will all disappear!!!

  • Anonymous

    Apparently, there was very little calcium in the body, so my nails were peeling and soft.

  • Natalie

    My nails grew and did not peel while I was pregnant, but now they are peeling, breaking, I can’t do anything about them, tell me how I can strengthen my nails?

  • ruzilya

    I tried all the recipes, but it doesn’t help, 🙁 help!

  • Tanya

    And I have great nails!

  • Anya

    I use 1 drop of iodine, vegetable oil and lemon. I rub it into my nails with a cotton swab 3 times a day.

  • Nastyukha

    Every day before going to bed I rub iodine into my nails, it helps a lot, my nails don’t break, don’t flake and grow quickly, this procedure should be continued for a month, but if you are afraid that the iodine will not be erased, then don’t be afraid, before the morning your nails will return to their normal color .

  • Nastyukha

    I have a great way for fast nail growth, you have to pour room temperature water into a plate, then add a teaspoon of salt and three drops of iodine, then you stir it all thoroughly and dip your hands in this water and hold it for about 15 or 20 minutes, like this The bath needs to be done for 1 month. Once you have done this procedure, if it helps you, then you can start it again after 3 weeks. Good luck.

The change of seasons is often accompanied by a deterioration in the condition of the nails. Especially during the transition of the body from winter to spring state.

Your nails should look like a princess's

To enter a happy, sunny and cheerful spring, do not forget to strengthen and restore after cold weather. winter days your marigolds.

To make your hands and nails beautiful, so that not a single man would want to let go of them, you need to carry out a thorough, nourishing, care complex.

Replenishment with vitamins, moisture, useful compounds will make your nails look like a princess.

There is a wide variety of means and methods for effective nail care: both modern and time-tested home recipes.

Strengthening nails: effective techniques at home

Before growing, nails must be strengthened and treated with additional vitamins and minerals.

There are several basic principles for this:

  1. Try to eat right, do not overuse fatty, spicy, fast food foods. Instead of a burger, buy a kilogram of apples - it will strengthen your nails and increase their tone.
  2. Buy vitamins that will support the body during the onset of spring vitamin deficiency.
  3. When treating with masks, oils, baths and other means (which will be described below), pay attention not only to the nail plate itself, but also to the cuticle and the area of ​​skin around the nail.
  4. Removing excess cuticle – important point. By removing dead cells, we give the nail more oxygen, it “breathes.”
  5. Pay attention to creams that contain proteins, amino acids, keratin, vitamin C. These substances act as a shield from external influences.
  6. To prevent your cells from getting used to one or another composition of the mask, you can alternate procedures.

Now let’s turn to reliable recipes that help strengthen nails.


Masks are a universal thing. They can be mixed from anything, the main thing is that the products are natural and have beneficial properties for nails.

Recipe 1: “olives-lemon”.

Proportions: a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and 6 drops of lemon juice.

Heat the oil in a microwave (water bath) until it reaches a pleasant warm temperature.

Dropping into oil lemon juice, mix, apply to nails and cuticles. After a short massage, you can put on gloves (fabric) for an hour, two or all night.

Recipe 2: hot “macho mask”.

This recipe is universal both for nutrition and for accelerating nail growth.

Proportions: 1 tsp. ground red pepper, 1 tbsp. cream (oily), 15 drops of water.

Mix the ingredients, heat (to a temperature that is comfortable for you) and lubricate your nails. We wash off the mask after 20 minutes. This recipe can be called “nuclear”, so we use it no more than once a month.

Recipe 3: wax.

Beeswax is a storehouse of vitamins. Use this as often as possible.

Proportions: 1 tsp. granulated beeswax, 1 boiled yolk, 2 tbsp. peach (almond) oil.

Mix melted wax (in a water bath) and mashed yolk, add oil and rub the mixture into an ointment-type consistency.

Apply to nails, put on gloves and hold on for as long as possible. We use it daily.

Recipe 4: lemon juice + salt.

Lemon juice - oldest representative nutrition of nails, like salt.

Proportions: 2 tbsp. lemon juice (freshly squeezed), half a teaspoon of salt.

Mix the ingredients and apply the composition to your nails. Do not rub too hard; the salt is quite hard and can damage the skin and nail plate. You can apply the mask with a brush.

Wait 20 minutes and rinse everything thoroughly with warm water.

Baths for strengthening nails

Nail baths create a SPA effect. Don't neglect them. You can immerse only your fingertips in the composition, or you can immerse your entire palm. Then there will be a beneficial effect on the skin of your hands.

Recipe 1: “sea”.

Sea salt – unique natural material with a high regenerating, healing effect. If a vacation by the sea is not possible, create the sea at least for your nails.

Proportions: 1 glass of water, a couple of tablespoons of sea salt (unflavored).

Dissolve salt in warm water, dip your fingers into the bath and wait about 25 minutes.

Dry your hands with a towel and lubricate them with cream, while doing a massage.

This bath can be done daily for a week and a half, followed by a break of 20-30 days.

Recipe 2: olive oil + honey + egg.

Proportions: 3 tbsp. olive oil and honey, 1 raw beaten egg.

Mix the butter and honey and heat until the mass melts a little and is more pliable.

You don't need to heat it up too much to avoid losing it. useful properties ingredients.

Recipe 3: vegetable cosmetic oil + lemon juice + iodine + vitamin A.

This recipe is for brittle, peeling and brittle nails.

Proportions: 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, lemon juice and vitamin “A” (similar to clear vegetable oil), 4 drops of iodine.

Mix the products, heat them slightly and dip your fingers into the mixture for 15 minutes. Then we wash it off soapy water.

Recipe 4: gelatin bath.

Gelatin wonderfully strengthens and restores nails.

Proportions: 1 incomplete teaspoon of granulated gelatin, 250 ml of very hot (not boiling) water.

Dissolve the gelatin in water (while stirring, the mixture will cool) and lower your hands into the bath. Leave for about 15 minutes and remove. This technique can be repeated twice a week.

Strengthening nails with gel

Effective homemade mask nutrition can be combined with by professional means. The latter are sold in pharmacies and cosmetics stores.

These are special varnishes for growth, nutrition and saturation with vitamins, strengthening nails.

Most often, such “useful” gel polishes have no color. They can be applied as a base for decorative varnish and used as a protective layer.

But it is still better to use such gel polishes one by one so that the nails do not have any other effect.

Other procedures to strengthen nails

  1. Massage gives nails strength, hardness, elasticity, and improves blood circulation. It is carried out using brushes with soft bristles, using baby soap, oils or the masks described above.
  2. Applying iodine to nails is another way to strengthen and treat them. Apply iodine to your nails before going to bed - it will be absorbed overnight and by morning Brown there won't be any left.
  3. Sealing is an effective procedure. It consists of applying several layers of substances with vitamins, beneficial microelements and proteins. Then the nails are polished and cream or oils are generously rubbed in. This procedure is performed by cosmetologists. It helps protect, strengthen, moisturize and eliminate splitting nails.

Nail growth at home: proven recipes

Healthy long (within reasonable limits) nails are a sign of well-groomed, neat and healthy women. This attribute is never knocked out of fashion trends and attracts attention.

The now fashionable natural style awakens the desire of girls to grow their nails, and not turn to the help of salons and artificial materials.

Growing nails is a painstaking task that does not tolerate laziness, but it can be done.

It is associated with proper care and the use of both general strengthening agents (see recipes above) and growth-activating ones.


Recipe 1: oil mask.

There is a group of vitamins, the action of which activates the growth of nails and softens the skin: these are A, E, B - vitamins.

They are sold in pharmacies, come in the form of an oil solution and are available to everyone.

You can mix all these vitamin oils in equal doses, apply the mask to your hands and put on gloves.

There will be significant benefits even if you apply only one vitamin. It’s good to steam your skin and nails in a bath of sea salt and warm milk/water before applying vitamin oils.

Recipe 2: rose water + lemon juice + glycerin.

A mask based on this recipe not only promotes growth and strengthening, but also improves the color of nails.

Proportions: 3 – 4 tbsp. l. rose water, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 1 tsp. glycerin.

Mix the ingredients and apply on your fingers for 20-25 minutes. Let's put on fabric gloves for a thermal effect.

Recipe 3: cabbage + banana.

Proportions: 1 leaf of white cabbage, a quarter of a banana, 1 tsp. honey and heavy cream.

Grind the cabbage in a blender with banana, add cream and honey into the mixture.

After mixing thoroughly, spread it on your nails or simply dip your fingertips into the mixture. Leave for about 25-30 minutes, rinse with warm milk/water.

Baths for nail growth

Recipe 1: oil baths with iodine.

Proportions: 1 tbsp. glycerin, 4 tbsp. cosmetic oil, 4 drops of iodine.

We take any cosmetic oil (castor, peach, olive, almond) as a basis, heat it slightly and mix iodine and glycerin into the mixture. Keep your nails in the bath for 5-7 minutes.

The mixture can be washed off completely or left partially on your hands until completely absorbed.

Recipe 2: Soda bath.

Proportions: 1 – 1.5 tbsp. soda per 250 ml of water (warm).

Mix the ingredients and “bathe” your fingers for about 15 minutes. Then you can massage your hands with oils or cream. Taking such a bath a couple of times a week will be enough.

Recipe 3: herbal.

Healing herbs sold in pharmacies are excellent nail growth stimulants. Be sure to stock up on chamomile, St. John's wort, and burdock root - these herbs are the most effective. Mix them and prepare healing decoctions.

Proportions: 2 tbsp. herbal mixture, a glass of hot water, 5 tbsp. white wine (optional).

Infuse the herbs for 30 minutes. Heat the herbal infusion, add wine and hold your hands in the mixture for about half an hour. Carry out a session for 10 days, daily.

On a note! Baths and masks based on lemon, sea salt, iodine and oils are universal and always useful. You can take nail strengthening formulas that also promote growth.

Pre-steaming or soaking your hands in a bath helps to enhance the effect of the masks. Skin pores and nail structure will become more pliable and take in more vitamins.

You can perform the procedures comprehensively: first, soak in mini-baths, then use a mask, and finish with applying gel polish.

Gel polishes for nail growth.

Gels provide professional care. They contain the most effective substances for growth. Apply them as a standalone coating, or as a base and fixer for decorative varnish.

Other ways to improve nail growth

Paraffin therapy.

Paraffin therapy brings positive and quick results.

This is a popular way to stimulate nail growth, which can be done at home: you need to warm up beeswax (cosmetic paraffin is also suitable) and apply it in a warm melted form with massage movements to your fingertips.

It turns out to be a kind of paraffin massage.

Hand-made cream.

A daily evening massage can be done with homemade hand-made cream.

Proportions: ½ tsp. ground red pepper, 1.5 tsp. baby cream, 20-30 drops of warm water.

Mix the ingredients and warm a little. Apply to nails in the same way as regular cream.

Universal express methods for nail restoration and growth

In addition to narrowly targeted methods, you can actively use complex methods that are easy to make and use even for the busiest beauty.

Method 1: miracle - olive oil.

It is not necessary to make a mixture of ingredients. Olive oil alone will be quite sufficient in the fight against splitting of the nail.

After 4 - 5 days of daily use, you will notice clear improvements in the surface of the nails, which, by the way, will accelerate growth.

The skin of your fingers will be softer, more tender, without burrs.

Method 2: "green".

It's true folk way keeping nails healthy.

You will need several bunches of fresh herbs: dill, tarragon, parsley, celery and any edible greens in general.

Grind the herbs and “season” with a couple of tablespoons of olive/linseed/sesame oil. Transfer the “green mush” into a jar and leave in the refrigerator for 48 hours.

In the morning on an empty stomach, swallow a spoonful of the mixture, and in the evening massage your fingers with oil from the jar.

Method 3: “grandmother’s strengthening ointment.”

Previously, only rich beauties who had the means to travel to the kingdom of nascent cosmetics - France, applied cream to their hands.

Russian girls maintained beauty with their own, no less effective, means.

For example, they used homemade ointment to massage their fingers and nails before going to bed.

The ointment recipe is simple: 5 g. wax (natural, bees), boiled yolk, 50 gr. calendula oils.

Grind, knead the yolk and mix in the butter. This mixture needs to be heated (2-3 minutes) and wax added to it.

Stir until the last component melts and dissolves. The gruel will resemble sour cream consistency; we transfer it to a convenient container. “Grandma’s ointment” is ready!

Method 4: folk.

This is another popular recipe for express nail and skin care. It contains the strongest natural healing and restorative substances.

Proportions: sea buckthorn, calendula and burdock oils - 50 drops of each, homemade (fat) cream - 2-3 tablespoons, aloe juice (can be a pharmaceutical solution or freshly squeezed) - 30 g.

Beat the ingredients until you get a cream. Rub your hands in the morning and evening hours.

Method 5: lemon.

You don’t have to go through the hassle of squeezing the juice out of the ubiquitous lemon. There is also an emergency method - dip your fingertips (only them!) into freshly cut lemon pulp.

Lemon juice has a beneficial effect on both the structure and color of nails - the tips whiten and do not turn yellow (which is important for smokers).

Beautiful nails are a source of pride for a woman at any age, just like well-groomed hair and skin. Unfortunately, they are not always pleasing: they peel, quickly break, and even become deformed. This often happens because the body redirects all the vitamins and minerals it receives to supply vital organs.

They may not reach the nails, especially if there are not so many of them. Therefore, our marigolds require an additional power source. It can be easily achieved using the most common nail masks made from common products.

Homemade nail masks serve many functions. Firstly, they can be therapeutic if you need to restore damaged nails.

Secondly, they can be simply cosmetic, if you just need to put them in order. Thirdly, such masks are almost always high-quality, complete prevention of various diseases of the nail plates. So all women need them.

Moreover, the effectiveness of these funds appears within a few days:

  • nails acquire a healthy, slightly pinkish, natural color;
  • white spots on nails disappear;
  • they stop exfoliating and breaking;
  • begin to grow faster;
  • wounds around fingernails heal;
  • burrs are less likely to form;
  • The manicure goes on easily and lasts a long time.

To provide such magical care for your nails, you need to regularly make nourishing and restorative masks for them at home.

It won’t take much time, but it will allow you not to be embarrassed by short, broken nails. It is enough to carry out one such procedure at home - and you will no longer be able to refuse such a wonderful transformation of your nails without unnecessary financial expenses.

Using nail masks

In order for nail masks to meet your expectations, you need to follow several recommendations for their preparation and application.

This will enhance their effectiveness and prevent you from being disappointed in them:

  1. First, remove the manicure from your nails. You cannot make masks if they have any coating on them: shellac, acrylic, gel, or even the most ordinary varnish.
  2. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap.
  3. Make a decoction of calendula or chamomile. Keep your nails in it for 10 minutes.
  4. Beat the mixture for masks with a blender.
  5. Honey, milk, cosmetic and vegetable oils, and any liquids in their composition can be slightly heated in a water bath.
  6. Dip your fingertips into the prepared mask so that it lays on them in a dense, even layer and does not drip.
  7. The duration of action of miraculous nail masks is 10 or 15 minutes.
  8. After this, the mask can be washed off in the same herbal decoction that has already been used. You can replace it with any other warm liquid - plain water or milk, for example.
  9. Nails need to be wiped dry.
  10. Apply any nourishing hand cream to your hands, not forgetting to treat the nail plates with it.
  11. It is advisable not to apply manicure to your nails during this day.

The rules seem simple, but these procedures require, above all, regularity. If you make masks only from time to time, they may not be of any use. Be sure to take this into account if you decide to truly pamper your nails with such complete and high-quality care.

Nail mask recipes

There are different masks for nails - strengthening (for brittle ones), restoring (for peeling ones), nourishing (for complete care of any nails), activating their growth.

Focus on these points when choosing the recipe you need.

Nourishing with cream

Potatoes + cabbage + cream = nutritious

Grind a fresh leaf of young cabbage and potatoes in a blender, add one tablespoon. heavy cream (they can be replaced with sour cream).

To strengthen

Potatoes + milk = anti-brittleness

Peel young, fresh potatoes, boil in milk, crush, to liquefy, add the milk in which the vegetable was boiled.

Nourishing with honey

Cabbage + banana + honey + cream = nutritious

Mix crushed cabbage leaf and banana (two tablespoons each), add heavy cream, warm honey (one teaspoon each). Nourishing mask This composition can be kept on your nails for half an hour.

From fragility

Olive oil + lemon + iodine = anti-fragility

Heat unrefined olive oil (three tablespoons) in a water bath, add lemon juice and iodine (three drops each).

General strengthening

Salt + iodine = for strengthening

In glass boiled water dissolve two tablespoons table salt, add a few drops of iodine.

For active growth

Red pepper + hand cream = for nail growth

Pour red hot pepper (half a teaspoon) into water (2 tablespoons), add nourishing hand cream for thickness. Heat in a water bath. Use once a month. The mask is contraindicated for dry hand skin and the presence of wounds and cuts near the nail plates.

Wax protective mask

Melt the wax in a steam bath, dip your nails in it, quickly remove and place in a container of cold water.

Put on light gloves and go to bed. In the morning, remove the wax.

For color

Glycerin + lemon = for healthy nail color

Mix glycerin melted in a water bath (one teaspoon), concentrated lemon juice (one tablespoon), dilute the mixture to the desired consistency with rose water.

If you want your nails to be beautiful and well-groomed, to grow quickly and not break, and for your manicure to apply easily and last a long time, be sure to try one of the miraculous masks. This will allow you to always be on top and not have complexes about your short nails.

Evgenia Valerievna

The condition of the nails is very important indicator normal operation body, it, just like skin and hair, can signal illness or lack of vitamins. Nails begin to peel, break, and often even good master won't be able to help. To find a way out, let's look at the main causes of fragility and possible options for avoiding problems.

Causes of brittle nails

  1. Constant contact with chemicals - varnishes, products containing acetone, various household chemicals, solutions and acids. It is worth periodically giving your nails a rest, not using varnishes, and wearing gloves when working with chemicals. When choosing a varnish, do not focus on color and drying speed; bright, quick-drying varnishes are the most harmful.
  2. Lack of microelements. Deficiency of potassium, iron, vitamins A, E, D causes brittle nails. Review your diet and consult a specialist who will help you choose the right vitamins.
  3. Heredity, presence of diseases. Several human diseases are determined by the condition of the nails. The most common diagnoses are thyroid diseases. Nails become brittle during pregnancy and breastfeeding, because beneficial elements from the mother’s body are partially lost to the child.
  4. Nutrition, depression.
  5. Dry air. Nails suffer from too dry air, especially in winter when the temperature is constantly changing. Make sure there is enough humidity in the house, wear gloves in winter before going outside.
  6. Cuticle problems. The cuticle protects the nail from the external environment, germs, bacteria and transfers beneficial elements from the body to the nail plate. Any damage, disease, fungus causes brittle nails.
  7. Incorrect care. Few people know that you cannot trim your nails with clippers., you need to file them down with a glass or ceramic file so as not to damage the skin.
We determine the problem based on the condition of the nail

Folk remedies for strengthening nails

There are many simple recipes to strengthen your nails without leaving home. Remember that they do not solve problems that already exist in the body, but they can temporarily make nails much stronger and healthier.


Baths with sea salt are an excellent remedy for brittleness and will help quickly strengthen your fingernails so that they do not peel or break.

  1. In a liter of hot water comfortable temperature, dissolve 3 tablespoons of salt. You can add a few drops of essential oil, lemon juice or iodine.
  2. Dip your nails into the solution for 15-20 minutes, wipe dry, and lubricate with your favorite cream. Do salt baths every day for 2-3 weeks, then once every 1-2 weeks, depending on the condition of the nail plate.

Olive oil and lemon juice

Prepare a simple solution:

  1. Heat a small amount of olive oil in a water bath and add lemon juice.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to your nails, leave for 3-4 hours, or preferably overnight.

You can simply rub your nails with a piece of lemon. It strengthens and whitens the nail plate. This procedure should be done 2 times a week

Wax ointment

A good strengthening agent is beeswax ointment.

  1. Melt 5 gr. wax, add hard-boiled yolk and a few drops of peach oil.
  2. Place this ointment in a convenient jar and rub your nails with it.

Another way is possible: melt the wax, dip your fingertips into it, then into cold water to harden. The mask nourishes and moisturizes the nail plate and surrounding skin.

Red pepper

To strengthen and speed up the growth of your nails, you can make a mask of red pepper.

  1. Add a few drops of water to half a teaspoon of pepper to make a paste, add hand cream.
  2. Warm up the resulting product and apply it to your nails with a brush.
  3. Keep it for a maximum of 20 minutes; if it’s too hot, you can do less, but not less than 10. Carry out the procedure no more than once a month!

Milk bath

  1. Add 2 tablespoons of apple and lemon juice to 0.5 liters of heated milk.
  2. The solution is mixed with a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of table salt.
  3. The bath takes 15 minutes.


Every day, apply iodine in a thin, even layer to your nail plates. By morning, the yellow color will disappear. This procedure, taking into account regularity, makes nails less brittle.

Green tea bath

  1. Brew a tablespoon of tea with a glass of boiling water without any additives or flavorings.
  2. When the tea has cooled, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a teaspoon of lemon juice, after which the solution can be used for the procedure
  3. Before the bath, you should stretch your fingertips to increase blood flow to them. The bath should be taken for 10 minutes, after which you should not wet your hands for several hours.

Vinegar and oil

Not the most pleasant smell, but effective bath from apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil.

  1. Mix vinegar and oil in equal proportions, you can heat it up, dip your fingers in the solution for 10 minutes.
  2. A vinegar bath will strengthen your fingernails well if done every day for 2-3 weeks; after 2 months, repeat the course if necessary.


If your nails are brittle, a gelatin bath can help.

  1. Dissolve gelatin in water or milk and reheat after 15 minutes.
  2. Dip your nails into warm gelatin for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Use the mask 2 times a week.

You can also add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil to the gelatin to make the procedure more enjoyable.


One of the most simple ways strengthening nails - ordinary berries. Lubricate them with crushed currants, lingonberries, cranberries; this saturates your nails with vitamins and makes the color healthier.

Mask with olive and almond oil

  1. The pulp is extracted from one medium-sized tomato.
  2. Place in a cup and add a spoonful of olive and almond oils.
  3. The mask is applied in a thick layer to each nail.
  4. After 15 minutes, remove the composition with a paper napkin.

Herbal decoctions

To prevent nails from peeling and breaking, make strengthening baths from decoctions of medicinal herbs - burdock root, chamomile, St. John's wort. The herbs are poured with hot water and infused for an hour, then, if the decoction has cooled, it is heated. Place your fingers or toes in the bath and hold for about 30 minutes.


Regular white wine baths significantly improve the condition of your nails. The recipes are simple: 200 ml. white wine, add two tablespoons of sea salt, tsp. honey and a third tsp. butter. Heat the mixture, stir well, dip your fingertips for 25-30 minutes.

Potato decoction

Place your fingers in warm potato broth for 10-15 minutes, rinse your hands, dry and apply your favorite cream. This bath strengthens nails and softens the skin.

Vitamin rub

In addition to the suggested methods, use vitamin E capsules. Open the capsule, rub the contents into the cuticle and nail. Repeat for 2 weeks, take a short break and repeat if necessary.


Massaging the hands and the area around the nail has a positive effect on its condition and growth. Massage using jojoba oil, ylang-ylang, lemon, olive oil.

Nutrition for strengthening nails

Of course, advice won't help if you have the wrong diet. Nails and hair will be beautiful and strong only with proper nutrition, rich in protein foods, fruits and vegetables. To keep your nails strong and healthy longer, you need to consume enough vitamins A, E, C, group B, calcium and iron every day.

  • Vitamin A is found in dairy products, eggs, carrots, tomatoes;
  • Vitamin E – in vegetable oils different nuts, you can buy it at the pharmacy and rub it into your nail;
  • Vitamin C is rich in citrus fruits, rose hips, currants, sea buckthorn, and sauerkraut.
  • There is a lot of iron in liver, eggs, poultry, sesame seeds, apples and nuts.

Make one healthy food addition at home. Egg shells contain calcium; they need to be crushed into powder and a small amount added to food regularly. This will help increase the amount of calcium without pharmaceutical supplements.

Specialty: General Practitioner
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov in 2010