Summary of a lesson on modeling in a dhow. Summary of a modeling lesson in the senior group “Spring Landscape”

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 26 “Goldfish” combined type

urban district of the city of Kumertau of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Synopsis of direct educational activities

on the topic: “Our favorite kindergarten”

in the middle group

Prepared by:


Alexandrova A.A.

Implementation of program content in educational areas:

« Cognitive development», « Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", " Physical development", "Social and communicative development".

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, motor, visual.

Goals of the teacher: systematize children’s existing knowledge about the kindergarten and its employees; improve conversational speech; build friendships and children’s communication skills; develop coherent speech and imagination; foster a caring attitude towards employees’ work kindergarten; develop visual-motor coordination and attention; form positive emotions and character qualities (kindness and responsiveness); develop artistic activity and abilities; learn to arrange objects according to a pattern; handle glue carefully; use napkins.

Planned results - targets for preschool education: knows how to carry on a conversation; actively and kindly interacts with teachers and peers in solving gaming and cognitive problems; shows positive emotions when performing musically rhythmic movements; has self-care skills; interested in fine art and children's activities

(application on the theme “Fish in the Aquarium”); shows interest in participating in outdoor games.

Materials and equipment: projector; record player; audio recordings “If life is fun”, “Sounds of nature”; video material (photos of the kindergarten, pictures of gifts); toys: horse, ball, plane, doll; glue; brushes; disposable plates; an aquarium cut out of colored cardboard; blanks made of colored paper: fish, circles; paper napkins.

Progress of the lesson

(Children enter the group and approach the teacher)

Q: Dear guys, we have guests at our lesson today, let’s say hello to them.

D: Hello!

Q: Let's hold hands and play a little so we can have the whole day good mood.

Organizational moment “Give a smile”

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

To the left - to the right we turn

And let's smile at each other.

Everything will work out for us,

The mood is just great!

(Children sit on chairs)

Q: Guys, I’m so glad to see you that we are all gathered here today. I see your good mood, that you are all smiling. And this makes me happy too. I have something interesting for you. Do you like solving riddles? (Yes). Then listen carefully.

I go there every day.

This is necessary, even if you are lazy.

I already know all the guys there.

I eat and sleep and play with them.

I'm very happy to go there.

There is my favorite... (Kindergarten)

(V-l shows slide 1)

Q: What is the name of your kindergarten?

D: “Goldfish.”

Q: That’s right, every morning you come to the garden called “Goldfish”. Who will meet you in the kindergarten?

D: Educators.

Q: What are their names?

D: Arina Aleksandrovna and Yulia Gennadievna.

Q: Who else works with the teachers?

D: Assistant teacher - Aliya Alikovna.

(V-l shows slide 2)

Q: What is that in the picture? (Group). What is our group?

D: Warm, clean, bright.

Tell me, what do we do in the group with the teacher?

D: We play, study, draw, sculpt.

(V-l shows slide 3)

Q: What is this? (Music hall). What are we doing there?

D: We dance, sing songs, do exercises.

(V-l shows slide 4)

Q: What is this? (Gym hall). What are we doing there?

D: We run, jump, play outdoor games.

Q: Well done! Tell me, are you guys friendly? (Yes). I suggest you play and have a little fun.

Game “Do this - don’t do that” (music accompaniment)

If you have fun, do this... (shows).

If life is fun, we will smile at each other.

If you have fun, do this... (shows).

Gestures and movements can be like this:

Two claps of hands in front of the chest;

Two shows of “Pinocchio’s nose”;

"Do not do that":

If a friend comes to you, don’t do that... (shows).

If a friend comes to you, that's very good!

If a friend comes to you, don’t do that... (shows).

Example gestures:

Threat with fist;

Show the fig.

(Children sit on chairs)

Q: I think you remember what gestures you need to show your friends. And the best thing is to smile at each other, then there will always be peace, friendship and smiles in our kindergarten! Let's play with you.

Finger game "Friendship"

Friends in our group

Girls and boys (fingers of both hands are joined into a lock)

We will make friends with you

Little fingers (rhythmic touching of fingers of both hands)

One two three four five

(alternately bending the fingers on the right hand)

One, two, three, four, five (alternately bending the fingers on the left hand)

Q: Our children are very talented and know a lot of poems.

My favorite kindergarten!

In our kindergarten, friends,
Just great!
We are like a friendly family

With our teacher:

We sing songs together.
Let's have fun, celebrate,
In general, we live great

And we laugh joyfully!

To your teachers.
Cooks and nannies
We say “thank you”
Like our mothers!

(Children sit down, s/he shows slide 5)

D: Guys, what is this? (Gifts) Do you like when people give you toys? Now we will give each other gifts.

Game "Gifts"

(Children make a large circle, calling on the one who will be the first to choose a gift. In the center of the circle are the toys of a doll, a ball, a horse and an airplane).

The child goes to the middle of the circle, and the teacher, together with the children, leads a round dance to the following words:

We brought gifts to everyone,

Whoever wants it will take it

Here's a doll with a bright ribbon,

Horse, ball and plane.

When the words are finished, the children stop. The teacher, turning to the child standing in a circle, asks which of the listed gifts he would like to receive. If he chose a doll, then everyone dances like a doll; if it is a ball, they jump; if it is an airplane, they imitate the flight and landing of the airplane; if it is a horse, they imitate the clatter of its hooves. Then the game continues.

Q: Guys, now, I suggest you turn into wizards and make a magical goldfish, which will fulfill your wishes.

Paper applique “Goldfish”

(Children, accompanied by calm music, stick a fish onto an outline in the form of an aquarium)

Q: This concludes our lesson, we’ll say goodbye to our guests and go wash our hands, and then we’ll arrange our exhibition of works so that mothers can see what talented wizards we are.

Gayane Shvets

OO integration:

"Social and communicative development", "Speech development", "Cognitive development".

Give an idea of ​​the way of life of hares in natural conditions;

Strengthen the ability to create the image of a bunny using plasticineography technique, conveying the structure of the body and characteristics an animal using a variety of sculpting techniques;

Foster interest and respect for the natural world;

Develop creative and aesthetic abilities;

Preliminary work:

reading fiction(stories, fairy tales, poems, conversations about wild animals, looking at paintings and illustrations on the topic.


Demonstration painting with the image of a hare;

Modeling boards;


1 part. Organizing time.

Educator: Guys, what Russian character do you think folk tales the most harmless and defenseless? Who do the wolf and the fox always want to catch and eat? To find out, guess the riddle:

Rushes without looking back

Only the heels sparkle.

He rushes with all his might,

Guess quickly

Who is this?

Children: (in unison) Bunny.

(The teacher offers to look at a demonstration picture of hares and asks them to tell who is depicted in the picture and what they know about their life in nature)

2. Conversation. .

The hare is the most defenseless and most tasty “piece” for the wolf and fox in fairy tales and cartoons. And for people, the hare is the cutest animal, an eared runner. His whole appearance is a gray or white fur coat, muzzle, long ears and huge beautiful eyes evokes positive emotions in children and adults.

It is in vain to believe that hares are cowardly and timid animals. In reality, hares are not like that at all. Do you want to know something interesting about them? (children's answers)

Hares live in all countries, on all continents, except Antarctica;

It was believed that hares are vegetarians (they eat carrots, cabbage, grass). They eat meat with great pleasure;

Hares are hunted all over the world and they have not become extinct because they reproduce very quickly;

Hares communicate with each other by beating drums with their front paws;

Furious hares can defend themselves from the enemy. They have very powerful and sharp claws on their hind legs, and they can tear the chest of their offender with their sharp and terrible weapons;

Hares' teeth grow throughout their lives, so they gnaw on something hard to grind down;

Long ears help hares to escape from overheating in the summer, and during rain they bend their ears so that water does not get into them;

Hares are often called cross-eyed, but in fact there is no squint. And they are called so that while running they zigzag in order to confuse their tracks and evade pursuit.

Remember that the hare is a wild animal. And now you know that you are not so defenseless.

And you and I will make a long-eared bunny.

3. Practical part.

4. Final part.

Analysis of finished works. Organization of the exhibition.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an integrated modeling lesson in the senior group “What has autumn brought us?” Topic: “What has autumn brought us?” Goal: to systematize children’s knowledge about the signs of autumn; consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits; activate.

Abstract on sculpting in senior group Topic: “Rich Harvest” Objectives: Encourage children to embody their impressions of acquired knowledge in the process of modeling.

Summary of the GCD lesson on modeling in the senior group “Puppy” Summary of the GCD lesson on modeling in the senior group “Puppy”. Program content: Teach: create an image of an animal in modeling; transmit.

Summary of the modeling lesson “Hedgehog is looking for friends” in the senior group I bring a basket covered with a scarf into the group. Guys, an unusual guest came to our group. And to find out who it is you need to guess the riddle (pro.

Summary of a modeling lesson in the senior group “flower beds.” Sculpting lesson notes. Topic: “Flower bed.” Equipment: plasticine, plasticine boards, stacks, discs. Goal: Educate children.

Target: introducing children to the techniques of sculpting a hedgehog.

Tasks: teach children to sculpt a hedgehog in a constructive way, using existing skills and abilities to work with plasticine - rolling, pulling. Continue to teach children to plan their work: conceive an image, divide the material into the required number of parts of different sizes, convey the shape and proportional relationship of the parts; strengthen children's ability to solve riddles; arouse interest in the life of wild animals. Develop creative imagination, emotional responsiveness - the ability to sympathize with a fairy-tale character. Activate the vocabulary on the topic “Wild animals of our forest”: little hare, fluffy, stubby (tail, cautious, cheat, etc.; develop fine motor skills hands Cultivate perseverance and interest in modeling.

Equipment, materials: plasticine, modeling board, stack; paper napkins, pictures of wild animals, beads, a forest composition of plastic trees, a pre-fashioned hedgehog for display.

Methodical techniques: guessing riddles; conversation about hedgehogs, encouraging children to take action - “let’s make hedgehogs and put them in a fairy-tale forest”, independent activity of children, physical activity. a minute, finger gymnastics, summing up.

Preliminary work: reading Russian folk tales; viewing illustrations; reading stories about the life of animals in our forests, conversations about the peculiarities of their body coverings (wool, thorns); rolling out balls from plasticine.

Progress of the lesson
(children are sitting on the carpet)

Educator: Guys, we have some guests, did you say hello to the guests?

Children: Hello! Hello golden sun, hello blue sky, hello morning, hello day, we are not too lazy to say hello!

Educator: Dear guys, I invite you to take an exciting journey! And where we are going, you will find out if you guess the riddle:

1. This city is not simple, it is dense and dense. (Forest)

2. He stood up like a wall to the skies,

We have a miracle before us. (Forest)

(a photo of a forest clearing appears on the TV)

Yes, we are going to the forest. But the forest is unusual, but fabulous.

To do this we need to close our eyes and say : “Turn around, spin around. And find yourself in a fairy forest"

(Children perform movements with their eyes closed, when the children open their eyes, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the pre-prepared composition of the forest)

Teacher: Guess the riddles and find out who lives in this forest:

  1. 1. The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden,

lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village. (Fox)(The teacher places a plastic fox in the woods)

2. He looks like a shepherd:

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his mouth bared,

Ready to attack a sheep. (Wolf)

(The teacher places a plastic wolf in the woods)

3. He sleeps in a den in winter

Under a huge pine tree.

And when spring comes,

Wakes up from sleep. (Bear)

(The teacher places a plastic bear in the woods)

4. A ball of fluff, a long ear, jumps smartly, loves carrots. (Hare)

(The teacher demonstrates a plastic hare)

5. Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest,

There are a lot of needles

And not a single thread. (Hedgehog)

(The teacher places a plastic hedgehog in the woods)

You can watch the video of the hedgehog watch?v=bTq-zZfCqlo

Gymnastics for the eyes

Educator: What does our hedgehog look like? On the ball. Also, what does the hedgehog have? The nose and muzzle are elongated on the hedgehog. The hedgehog is also covered with sharp needles. Now I will tell you about hedgehogs: Hedgehogs are born completely naked and blind. And then their eyes open and small soft needles grow. The needles grow and harden until they become completely hard. Then the mother hedgehog begins to lead the hedgehog through the forest, teach, show what’s what. And the hedgehogs behind her are like a puffing train with trailers.

Educator: What do you guys think, why does the hedgehog’s mother not release the hedgehogs until the needles grow? (Children's answers). Without needles, hedgehogs are defenseless and easy prey for predators.

Educator: Soon the hedgehogs start looking for their own food. And what hedgehogs like to eat, …… will tell us.

(Children's answers):

Anything you can find: snakes, bird eggs, grasshoppers, apples and pears, snails, bees, worms, earthen roots, berries, lizards, mice. With the onset of darkness, hedgehogs crawl out of their holes and look for food. They stomp all night, look under every leaf, turn over branches. They have sensitive noses and ears. Hedgehogs, like people, can distinguish many colors. And other animals see the world only in black and white colors.

Educator: Why are hedgehogs called night hunters? (Children's answers).

Educator: I have one hedgehog. He will be bored in the forest alone. What to do (make friends for my hedgehog) And our hedgehogs will bring gifts to all forest dwellers, these will be mushrooms and apples.

Guys, go to the tables. Safety precautions, what you need to remember when working with sharp materials, plasticine, beads (children's answers).

Explanation of work: express your guess on the choice of color for the hedgehog, prepare a piece of plasticine for work:..... roll out the ball, pull out the nose. What are beads and toothpicks for? (beads are eyes and nose, toothpicks are needles) We mark the face with a stack, there are no needles on it, and there are needles on the back and sides. But before work we need to stretch our fingers. .

Finger gymnastics :

Hedgehog and clock

I used it once

Suddenly the clock said: “Bang!” (The child claps his hands above his head)

The hedgehog rolled somersault (The child “rolls” his hands to the floor.)

The hedgehog climbed for the second time

See what time it is. (The child sits on the floor on his knees and “runs” with his fingers from the floor along the body to the top of the head.)

Suddenly the clock said: “Bom, bom!” (The child claps his hands above his head twice.)

The hedgehog climbed for the third time

See what time it is (The child sits on the floor on his knees and “runs” with his fingers from the floor along the body to the top of the head.)

Suddenly the clock said: “Bom, bom, bom!” (The child claps his hands above his head three times.)

The hedgehog rolled head over heels. (The child “rolls” his hands to the floor.)

We've got our fingers ready for work, let's start sculpting.

Independent work children.

Individual assistance.

Educator: Guys, you have napkins on your tables, let’s wipe your hands with them and we’ll do some exercises:

Physical education minute: "Walk in the Woods" -

One, two, three, four, five (claps)

We went for a walk in the forest (regular walking) Along winding paths We will walk slowly (walking on toes)

Maybe we’ll suddenly find a mushroom under a leaf (bend over)

The children stood up on their toes (stood up)

Let's run along the path (running on tiptoes) And we'll walk in heels,

Let's cross the puddles (walking on heels)

And now we will rest. (sit down)

Educator: Guys……………….prepared a poem about our hedgehog, let's listen to it


Daddy the hedgehog has big quills

So that he could boldly defend himself from the wolf.

My son has a smaller hedgehog for now.

But know this, wolf, and it will tickle your sides!

Thank you Sashenka for such a wonderful poem!

Well, fine! - Well done! You did a great job. Now our hedgehogs have beautiful eyes and prickly needles on their backs - wonderful gifts for friends. Let's put our hedgehogs in our fairy forest. And now we need to go back to the kindergarten. Ready? Close your eyes and say the magic words:

"Turn around, spin around...

end up in kindergarten!"

Educator: Where were you and me and what did we do? What new did you learn?

(The teacher invites the children to remember how and what hedgehogs were made from).

Modeling classes are very useful for the development of a child. They develop fine motor skills, color perception, artistic taste, and perseverance. All advantages. Let's add here the fact that when working with plasticine, clay or salt dough You cannot get burned, cut or injured. And you'll have the perfect creative activity for preschoolers.

You can add variety to your modeling classes and expand their capabilities using the publications in this informative section. The positive experience of colleagues in working with plasticine, salt dough, clay, and modern modeling compounds is presented here in the form of step-by-step master classes, illustrated with photographs of reports.

Modeling: lesson notes, programs, clubs, planning

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Showing publications 1-10 of 7044.
All sections | Modeling. Lesson notes, projects

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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Well, if there is a problem in finding ideas for creating compositions or crafts for modeling classes with children, our section will come to the rescue. In which dozens of ideas, techniques and photo reports are painstakingly collected and neatly laid out. Teachers and educators throughout Russia spent a long time inventing, discussing and creating precisely so that you could glean useful information.

There are even step-by-step instruction How to make a delightful lilac branch. It turns out that everything is not as simple as it really seems. The teacher shares little secrets on how to breathe life into an ordinary bush, how to play with colors and shapes. Children will definitely enjoy these creative lessons. Teachers also suggest using any available materials to make funny compositions - kinder surprise eggs, toothpicks and thread. Everything comes into play when your imagination, head and desire to create are turned on!


Teach children to sculpt vegetables of different shapes (spherical, oval, cone-shaped), convey their characteristic features.

Reinforce the techniques of rolling, flattening, smoothing, and develop fine motor skills.

Lexical work: introduce children to the concept "fair" ; selection of relative adjectives denoting the color, shape, taste of vegetables.

To cultivate a caring and loving attitude towards nature, which generously gifts us with its riches, and respect for the work of people working on the land.


Plasticine, board, stack, natural vegetables: cucumber, tomato, potato, onion, carrot, beet.

Preliminary work:

Examination of illustrations of various vegetables and fruits, as well as illustrations depicting the work of people in growing vegetables and fruits, learning riddles, singing songs "Gathering the Harvest" reading by V. Suteev "Apple" , Yu.Tuvim. "Vegetables" .

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, the time has come when vegetable growers and summer residents have reaped their rich harvest of vegetables. They took the surplus harvest to the vegetable fair. By the way, you know what it is "fair" ? This is a specially designated place where collective farmers come with their harvest. The fair is usually held in the fall to encourage people to stock up on vegetables for the long winter.

You and I also have to prepare vegetables for the kindergarten for the winter so that the cooks can prepare delicious food for us, so we are also going to the fair.

But since you and I are not working yet, and we don’t have money, I think that we can buy vegetables for interesting riddles, which we will wish for sellers. Please start making wishes.

Riddles about vegetables:

1. Buried in the ground in May

And they didn’t take it out for a hundred days,

And they began to dig in the fall, -

Not just one was found, but ten!

What's its name, kids?


2. I grow in the garden.

And when I mature,

They cook a tomato out of me,

They put it in cabbage soup

And that's how they eat.


3. He never did anyone

Didn't offend you in the world.

Why are they crying because of him?

Both adults and children?

4. In the summer - in the garden,

Fresh, green,

And in winter - in a barrel,

Strong, salty.

5. For a curly tuft

I dragged the fox out of the hole.

Very smooth to the touch

Tastes like sugar, sweet. /Carrot/

6. There is grass above the ground,

Under the ground there is a scarlet head.

Now, guys, let's take a closer look at the vegetables we bought. Trace them with your fingers and tell me what shape your vegetables are?

Tomato, onion - round;

cucumber, potatoes - oval;

carrots – elongated;

beets are cone-shaped.

Can you please remind me what color your vegetables are?

Tomato – red;

potatoes - white, pink;

cucumber – green;

beets – dark cherry;

carrots – orange;

onion - brown.

You said everything correctly, well done guys. Only these vegetables are not enough for the entire kindergarten, because the winter is long. What should I do? /Make some more/.

Physical exercise "Vegetables"

We chop the cabbage, chop it,

/moves the edge of the palm up and down/

We three, three carrots.

/movement of palms back and forth/

We salt the carrots, we salt them,

/circular movements with fingers/

We squeeze the carrot and squeeze it.

/clenching palms into fists/

Now, guys, prepare yourself a basket and fill it with vegetables.

/independent activities of children/

Now I suggest putting your sculpted vegetables on the table and admiring their variety and abundance. Look carefully at each other's work and express your opinion, whose vegetables did you like the most and why?

When speaking, pay special attention to whether your friends’ vegetables turned out neat: after all, you had to smooth the craft with your fingers so that it was smooth; Do they look like real vegetables?

/analysis of children's work/.

And now, guys, the most pleasant moment is coming: we will taste /taste/ the vegetables that we bought at the vegetable fair. Try a piece of different vegetables and tell me what they taste like?

Onions, garlic - spicy,

Potatoes - crumbly,

Tomato – sweet and sour,

Cucumber – crispy,

Bell pepper is sweet.

Guys, I think the chefs will thank you very much for the vegetables they bought. Now we are provided with vitamins for the whole winter. Thank you for your work.

Introductory process

Children's work