Crafts for household bags from fabric patterns. DIY fabric bag patterns

It's easy to sew a bag with your own hands. In just a few hours you can create a fashion accessory that is comfortable and beautiful.

How many bags should you have in your wardrobe? Men will answer this question unequivocally: one or two. Women will think about it and will not be able to say the exact number.

A roomy bag, a clutch, a summer bag made of cotton fabric, a travel bag, a backpack, a bag-wallet for walking, an expensive bag from a famous designer. The list goes on and on.

Tip: Buy these fashionable accessories every new season expensive, but the products can be sewn yourself. Spend a little time making a masterpiece, and your collection will be replenished with unique and stylish handbags.

A woman's bag should not only be beautiful, but also spacious and comfortable. After all, it should fit many different little things, from cosmetics to a comb, money, some documents, notebook, handkerchiefs and napkins.

Original bags do it yourself - ideas:

1. Stylish cat bag in two models

2. Felt bag - easy to sew, comfortable to wear

Original do-it-yourself bags - no sewing

3. Bright bag made from scraps of zippers

4. Beautiful bag from scraps of leather different colors

Original DIY bags - interesting ideas

5. Summer bags - new every day

Original do-it-yourself bags - convenient and stylish

6. Clutches “Cute animals” made of felt

Original DIY bags - cute clutch

7. Shopping bag made of gray felt with an interesting pattern

Original do-it-yourself bags - an interesting ornament

8.Bag or sculpture? Beautiful and original

9. Fashionable bag from burlap

10. Beautiful and unusual bag made of cotton fabric

All these bags can be sewn at home yourself. A little imagination, the ability to sew and embroider, and stylish accessory ready.

Important: Moreover, it is not necessary to buy fabric and various elements to decorate the product - all this can be found at home.

Any bag usually consists of a front and a back piece, a bottom, two side pieces and handles.

Important: To sew an original accessory with your own hands, you only need to transfer the pattern to the fabric and sew all the details on a sewing machine.

How to sew a travel bag with your own hands? Patterns:

You can make a bag so that the bottom and sides consist of one piece. Less manipulation with sewing machine, the accessory will be ready faster.

Three patterns of different bags: a lady's travel bag made of cotton fabric, a roomy travel bag and one with drawstrings for safe storage of contents.

How to sew a travel bag with your own hands - three models

Tip: You can take measurements from your old or favorite bag, transfer them to fabric, and sew a new accessory.

How to sew a travel bag with your own hands - pattern from an old bag

Pattern of another roomy bag.

Tip: Choose the pattern of your favorite travel bag, sew an accessory and go on a trip. This will help you save money and spend it on the trip itself, and not on purchasing items from the travel list.

Do you want to be the owner of a unique and inimitable bag in which you can put everything you need for a trip to the beach? Sew it yourself and you will get a stylish and effective accessory.

How to sew a beach bag? Detailed master classes in videos, step by step instructions on sewing and just patterns, can be found in the article about creating from different materials. Fantasize, sew with your own hands and always be fashionable!

What to do if a woman wants to please herself with a new thing? Run to the store for new bag? No, sew a small crossbody bag with your own hands.

The design of this accessory is simple: two parts - front and back, a handle and fastening for it, a decorative belt.

  1. Cut out the details of the bag from any suitable fabric (leather, faux leather or any other dense fabric) without seam allowances
  2. Sew the handle, and after sewing the front and back pieces, insert the handle
  3. Decorate your bag with a decorative strap or other trim
  4. You can use a hidden magnetic button as a clasp. It would be appropriate for such a bag

You can sew a cross-body bag with an original cut according to the following pattern. This bag looks feminine and original.

The video shows how to quickly and easily sew a crossbody bag, spending only 1 hour of time.

Video: shoulder bag.flv

Leather is a durable material. Wardrobe items made from it turn out to be spectacular and beautiful.

If there is an old one in the house Leather Jacket, then you can sew a bag. If there are two jackets and they are of different colors, then you can combine the material for sewing or make the trim from brightly colored leather.

Sewing a leather bag with your own hands begins with a pattern. It can be done first on paper and then transferred to fabric, or immediately cut out all the details from leather.

Sewing a leather bag with your own hands - pattern
  1. Cut out all the parts according to the dimensions indicated in the diagram, leaving no seam allowances.
  2. Set up sewing machine on sewing leather and get to work
  3. First sew the bottom to the two main pieces
  4. Then sew them together and finish the top of the bag with a stitch and a large zigzag
  5. Sew on the handles and the bag is ready

Here is another soft pattern leather bag, which can be sewn in 2-3 hours. It will be comfortable to carry in your hands and on your shoulder.

Sewing a leather bag with your own hands - gray leather bag

The trend of the season is a bag made of fur. The designer shows how you can sew such a bag with leather inserts.

Video: Predatory bag

Recently, burlap bags from famous designers have appeared on world catwalks. At first, the ladies reacted to this idea with misunderstanding, but the burlap bag quickly gained popularity.

In order not to spend a lot of money on purchasing the original, you can sew such an accessory yourself.

  1. Wash and iron the old bag from which the main parts will be cut
  2. Find an old unnecessary diary or book and peel off the cover. It will keep the shape of the future bag
  3. Attach the cover to the burlap and cut 2 pieces plus 7mm for seams on all sides
  4. Cut such details, only without seam allowances, from any lining fabric
  5. Sew the lining, leaving only one side unstitched
  6. Place the resulting lining fabric bag over the cover. Sew up the one side that is left unstitched.
  7. Sew burlap fasteners to the leather handles
  8. Using a glue gun, glue the handles using sewn fasteners to the outside of the cover, sewn into the bag. Sew them with a needle and thread so that the handles hold tightly
  9. Now sew the main vertical seams of the burlap parts
  10. Decorate your bag in the form of cut out letters, words and numbers or original prints
  11. Baste all bag cuts
  12. Place the burlap on the cover in the lining and glue all the joints of these parts. The result is a beautiful and stylish bag

In the video, the designer shows what other bags can be made from burlap. With such an accessory it will be pleasant to walk around the city or go on vacation.

Video: DIY elegant bag!

A woman cannot go out without a bag, since she needs to take many different little things with her. But it often happens that you need to leave your hands free, so a backpack bag will come in handy.

You can sew such an accessory yourself from pieces of fabric that you have in the house or from old outerwear. How to sew a backpack bag?

Follow these steps:

  1. Cut out the parts of the backpack: outer part (2 pieces), 3 harness handles, handle design, bottom and bottom of the side, lining - 1 piece
  2. First sew the handles of the harness. If you sew a long zipper to the handles, you can wear the product both as a backpack and as a bag
  3. Now sew the bottom of the backpack - join all the parts. You need to sew “frames” to the bottom, into which handles will then be inserted.
  4. Sew the pockets outside and inside onto the lining fabric
  5. Assemble the outside of the bag by sewing in the harness handles
  6. Sew in the bottom of the lining fabric and connect the top to the bottom
  7. Insert a zipper and decorate the top of the handles

The result is a beautiful and comfortable transforming backpack. It will fit everything a woman needs.

Denim bags, photo

It's not that difficult to make a bag from old jeans or a jacket. Every woman can do this. The result is a stylish accessory that you can wear to the store, for a walk or to the beach. Clutch bags made of denim, photo

Men also love new things, especially if their favorite things have started to show signs of wear and tear. How to sew a men's bag? This question is often asked by needlewomen if they want to please their significant other with a new stylish accessory.

Sewing such a men's tablet bag is not difficult. First make a pattern on paper.

How to sew a men's bag? Pattern

Now follow these steps:

  1. Transfer the pattern from paper to fabric
  2. Cut the lining according to the largest piece
  3. Sew the lining fabric pieces
  4. Sew the main piece of fabric on three sides and sew on the lining
  5. Sew the handle if it is made of the same fabric as the bag. If the handle is made of special tape, then simply sew it to the main part of the almost finished bag
  6. Sew in the zipper - the bag is ready

You can decorate the product in different ways. For example, make a folding part from two parts, as in the photo, or insert a zipper with interesting sliders. It all depends on your imagination and desire.

Video: “Handmade” DIY bag (03/20/2013)

For summer, a bright fabric bag - a real find. For a walk, to the beach, to the store, to meet friends - you will have many reasons to wear your new accessory. In addition, the “highlight” of this DIY fabric bag is that it easily folds into a compact cosmetic bag and just as easily transforms into a large, roomy bag!

Cosmetic bag in open form is the bottom of the bag itself.
It can be round, oval or rectangular with rounded edges.

Assembled bags

Assembling a cosmetic bag

So, first let's start making the cosmetic bag itself. You will need materials such as:

  • Zipper (at least 10 cm, longer if possible). You can cut the zipper off old trousers, jeans, or skirts.
  • A large zipper, 40 cm long (again, can be cut from something used, such as a bag).
  • Cosmetic bag pattern. One of its parts will be from the outer fabric, the other from the lining material, and the third from dublerin.

On double fabric, no seam allowances are needed, only a hole for the zipper is needed

The process of assembling a cosmetic bag takes place in several steps.

  1. First, you need to cut out blanks for a cosmetic bag from fabric and dublerin. Then, using an iron, you need to glue the dublerin to the wrong side of the outer part, while centering it so that you get the same fabric edging on each side.
  2. The outer fabric with glued dublerin and the lining must be folded together with right sides together. Next, along the long edges of the hole for the zipper, you need to lay machine stitch. Fasten all seams at the beginning and end of the line. Make sure that these two lines are of equal length.
  3. Next, carefully cut the fabric through two layers along the intended line.
  4. The lining must be pulled to the front side through the hole. The edges of the hole need to be smoothed thoroughly to make it even.
  5. The zipper needs to be placed under the hole (under two layers of fabric), stitched along the edges of the hole. This way we will sew the zipper. It is better to use a special zipper foot.
  6. Now determine where the cosmetic bag will be folded in half, and then along this line, sew a seam through two layers of fabric.
  7. This line in the photo is at the top, above the sewn zipper

  8. Turn the wallet inside out. Our lining layer is divided into two halves. The half without a zipper needs to be folded over the half with a zipper, this is how you can form the lining of the pocket. To secure the fabric, you need to stitch close to the edge. The pocket is already ready!
  9. Now it's time to attach the long zipper. Again, install the zipper foot on the sewing machine. Turn the cosmetic bag over with the front side up and the zipper so that the reverse side is visible. Sew on the zipper, starting from the middle of the cosmetic bag.
  10. In the photo the middle is marked with a tailor's pin with a red head

  11. Make sure that the zipper is sewn slightly under tension. This will ensure ease of opening and closing. The pink line is the seam line, it should not go very close to the zipper teeth.
  12. The photo shows that at the very beginning the tail of the zipper is slightly curved - sew the same way.

  13. We carefully sew the zipper along the edge of the wallet, and make small cuts on the zipper tape so that it fits well on the rounded edges.
  14. Having reached the other end of the midline, you need to bend the zipper so that its teeth reach almost to the very top of the midline, and the remaining part of the unattached zipper is perpendicular to the cosmetic bag.
  15. Now you need to sew a zipper around the second edge of the cosmetic bag. The zipper must be bent symmetrically along the second side, starting from the midline.
  16. We sew until we get to the place where the zipper begins. Next, you need to similarly bend the head of the zipper so that it is symmetrical with respect to the center line of the cosmetic bag and secure its end well. Make sure the zipper is sewn symmetrically around the middle!

The cosmetic bag is ready! We put it aside and proceed directly to sewing the fabric bag itself with our own hands.

Assembling the bag

Before you start sewing the bag itself, you need to prepare everything you need:

  • Fabric - 30*67.5 cm
  • Two pieces of fabric for handles, each 7*33 cm.

All seam allowances are already included in the measurements. First we will make the straps of our bag.

To do this, both long edges of the fabric need to be folded 6 mm to the wrong side and ironed.

Machine stitching should be done along the long edges and the straps are ready.

Now they need to be placed above the top edge of the bag.

Above this very top edge, the ends of the straps should extend 2.5 cm. Sew the straps in place.

We continue to sew a bag with our own hands, the master class is already at the very equator, the hardest part is behind us.

We pull the straps up, bend the top edge of the bag 1 cm to the wrong side. We smooth this place with an iron.

Now we have to sew the cosmetic bag (which will serve as the base) to the bag itself. We make 4 marks along the base of the bag, and the same along the circumference of the cosmetic bag. Place the wallet and bag right sides together. We align all the corresponding marks, making sure that the straps are located opposite the long edge of the wallet. Pin in place if necessary. To secure, sew along the edge.

Very important points that will help you do this job neatly:

  • You need to use a special zipper foot - you won't see the zipper between the layers of fabric, but the foot will help you feel the zipper teeth.
  • The product must be placed under the zipper foot so that the material of the bag is on top and the fabric of the wallet is below. Not the other way around.
  • You will need to make small cuts along the seam allowance (along the base of the bag). This is necessary so that our fabric bends more easily.

Now we sew along the edge of the base of the bag, excluding only one point (where the tail of the zipper “meets” that same center line). We fasten the seam, leaving an opening of approximately 1-1.5 cm.

The hole is necessary so that the zipper slider can pass through it later.

After this you will see that the base of the bag is almost ready.

And the bag itself will look like this:

The bag must be turned right side out and the slider very carefully pushed through the hole left.

Now turn the bag inside out again, cut off the seam allowances and the excess zipper tape (to reduce it). This cannot be done before, otherwise the slider will simply fall out.

Well, we can say that the bag itself is ready. You can, however, sew a finishing seam along the edges of the cosmetic bag. This will make it look neater. And don't forget to secure the edges of the hole that was left to push the slider through. To do this, you need to bend the seam allowances and the zipper tape under the cosmetic bag and sew a finishing seam through all layers except the fabric of the bag itself (move it to the side).

Having reached the hole, sew it very carefully, as close as possible to the edge around the runner.

And now the bag is definitely ready, for now we put it aside.

Of course, you already understand how to sew such a bag with your own hands, but this is not the end of the work)

Sew the lining

To make the lining we will need:

  • Lining fabric for the bag - 30*67.5 cm (including seam allowances). We recommend choosing nylon as a fabric; it is waterproof and does not unravel.
  • A piece of lining fabric cut along the contour of a cosmetic bag. We take seam allowances into account.

Sew up the side and attach the base of the bag. This is done by analogy with the previous work (sewing the bag itself). But it will be easier to do all this now, because you don’t need to insert a zipper, nor do you need to leave a hole. Just stitch around the very base to secure it. Make sure that the oval of the base of the lining clearly coincides with the shape of the base of the bag itself. After all, this is not a circle that can be sewn on any way you want, you have to try.

Make sure that the side seam is done correctly and that the lining completely matches the shape of the bag.

Final assembly of the bag

Let's move on to the final part of our work. Turn the bag right side out. The lining remains turned inside out. Next, proceed according to the scheme:

Insert the insides inside the bag, remembering to line up their oval bases.

Align the folded upper edges of the two layers and sew close to the edge with a finishing seam. This will hold the two layers together.

Now we make another seam around the entire perimeter, 2.5 cm lower than the previous one. The second seam will secure the ends of the straps of our bag.

Hooray! Finally, our transforming bag is ready!

Now fold it and zip it up.

We got a cosmetic bag, wallet or small clutch, which you can take with you anywhere.

What is the beauty of such a product? First of all, its compactness, elegant appearance and matching your clothes. A cute, aesthetic product that is in no way inferior to its store-bought counterparts. By putting it in your regular bag or in the glove compartment of a car, for example, you will take it out at the right time, and then hide it again. This transforming bag is practical and very fashionable. The product may have a completely different shape, let alone color solutions just can't count.

Color compatibility

Let's say we've already figured out how to make a bag with our own hands, but how to choose the right color and texture of the fabric?

Today, the choice of fabrics allows our imagination to run wild as much as we like. Someone loves pastel colors that never go out of fashion - this will be an interesting, classic solution.

Of particular note are the bright bags with floral prints. They attract attention to their owner, and now you stand out from women with ordinary bags or standard shopping bags! This bag also looks great in the middle of summer on the beach.

The following unions are in fashion today:

  • Pink + gray
  • Lilac + pink
  • Pink + purple
  • Blue + yellow
  • Light green + orange
  • Red + orange
  • White + emerald

You can get creative and choose a fabric with a child's pattern or a print that imitates the design of Louis Vuitton bags.

If you decide to change the design of your bag a little, remember:

  • the circumference of the bag should always correspond to the perimeter of the cosmetic bag
  • the main zipper should be at least 7 or 8 cm longer than the perimeter
  • It's better to use a long zipper: you'll cut off the excess at the end, and working with a long zipper is much easier.

Try, experiment, despite long description, this work will not take very much time. In the process, you yourself will figure out how and what to do next. Having sewn one such bag, you will probably decide to make your friends happy with such a useful and stylish product. By the way, wonderful gift with your own hands!

Bags are an invariable accessory of our Everyday life. We go with them to work, to the store, on dates, to various meetings, simple walks, important events, and so on. Today not only in women's wardrobe you can find a bag, but also in children's, and even in men's.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with several master classes that describe sewing bags in detail. Patterns are included with each of the proposed types of bags. And these are simple fabric, denim, household, travel, men's and clutches.

How to make fabric bag patterns with your own hands

The easiest way is to find a ready-made pattern on the Internet or in a magazine. Then, if necessary, you can simply increase or decrease its size and begin cutting and sewing the selected type of bag.

The second option is to draw patterns for a fabric bag with your own hands. To do this, you will need to sketch out a model of the future bag and imagine what elements it will consist of. For example, it can only have a front and back wall, bottom, sides, the handle can be sewn separately or be one piece with the main part, and so on.

Small cloth bag

Such a small fabric handbag is very relevant at any time of the year. It is great for walking with friends and for everyday wear, because it will fit the necessary cosmetics, phone and notepad.

Master class on sewing a small fabric handbag:

  1. Cut out the paper parts of the fabric bag pattern with your own hands.
  2. Transfer the pattern to the reverse side of the fabric, cut out the required number of parts.
  3. Sew the two sides together (front and back), the sides and the bottom together.
  4. Sew the sides together.
  5. Sew the bottom completely to the walls.
  6. Place the lining over the fabric frame.
  7. Sew the lining and frame together, leaving a small opening so you can turn the bag inside out.
  8. Sew the hole closed with a blind stitch.
  9. Sew the lid of the bag.
  10. Make a strap and sew it to the bag.

A small fabric bag is ready!

Clutch bag

This clutch is very convenient because its size is adjustable with buttons. When closed it is small in size, but when unzipped it becomes a spacious bag.

Master class on creating a clutch:

  1. Transfer the details of the fabric bag pattern with your own hands onto the prepared material.
  2. Cut out the required number of parts.
  3. Make a bag out of them.
  4. Make the lining in the same way.
  5. Place the lining and bag together.
  6. Turn the bag right side out.
  7. Glue two pairs of magnets or buttons.
  8. Sew on the snake.

The clutch bag is ready!

Denim bag

Master Class:

  1. First of all, you will need a denim bag pattern, which is located above. Print it out and cut out the pieces.
  2. Now the denim bag pattern is transferred directly to the fabric.
  3. Cut out all the parts.
  4. Sew the pattern pieces together as shown in the picture above.
  5. Make and sew the lining.
  6. Turn the bag inside out, fasten the handles and decorate it with a bow.

All is ready!

Man's bags

It has long been no secret that men also need a bag. As many keys, a wallet, a handkerchief as possible, mobile phone and put other small things in your pockets? After all, it is much more convenient to put all this in one small bag, especially since today there are many different styles specifically for men. We suggest you sew one yourself.

Step-by-step instructions for sewing a men's bag:

  1. First of all, you will need a pattern for a man's bag. An example of this is above. Just take it and print it out, then cut out the individual elements.
  2. Take fabric for the bag. It is better to opt for a thick one (for example, waterproof, nylon, leather, and so on).
  3. Take fabric for the lining (it’s better to choose cotton) and dublerin (this special fabric to connect the lining and the main fabric).
  4. Transfer the pattern to the fabric and lining. Cut out all the parts.
  5. Glue the dublerin using an iron where it may be needed.
  6. Make a belt. Take its parts, fold the right side in half inward and sew the parts together. Unscrew the belt.
  7. Sew the lining to the main parts of the bag.
  8. Sew on the snake.
  9. Sew on the bag lid and pockets.
  10. Collect all the parts and stitch them together.

The man's bag is ready!

Summer bags

Summer bags are also called beach bags. As a rule, this is a fairly lightweight design with one large zip compartment. They can be sewn from different fabrics or knitted or crocheted. Pattern summer bags the latter type is not required. In this case, you simply take and knit a large piece, which is then sewn together.

Step-by-step master class on sewing a summer bag from fabric:

  1. First you will need a summer bag pattern. For example, you can use the one above. This bag consists of two front walls and sides, a bottom, handles and an inner pocket.
  2. Cut out the paper pattern pieces.
  3. Place the pattern on the back of the fabric and transfer the pattern.
  4. Cut out all the details from the fabric, stepping back from the edge a couple of centimeters.
  5. Cut out the lining.
  6. Sew two pockets in the center of the two linings. Don't forget to fold the edges.
  7. Place the lining and front wall, lining and side wall together. Put it all together.
  8. Assemble the second wall and side in the same way.
  9. Sew together two pairs of walls and sides.
  10. Sew the bottom to all the walls.
  11. Make handles. To do this, fold each ribbon in half lengthwise with the right side inward and stitch the edges. After this, unscrew the handles.
  12. Sew the handles to the bag. Fold the edges of the lining and walls inward. Attach the straps to the bag and tuck their edges. Sew everything together in two rows for greater security.

Summer Beach bag ready! It is suitable for both going to the beach and walking around the city with friends.

Travel bag

Travel bags should be comfortable and roomy. And although there is a wide variety of them, it is difficult to find the most suitable one. If you want to sew such a bag yourself, then read the instructions below.

Instructions on how to sew a travel bag:

  1. The pattern for a travel bag is not much different from the pattern for a summer bag. The main distinguishing feature is that it is necessary to increase the size of all walls and bottom by at least one and a half to two times.
  2. Transfer the pattern onto the fabric. For travel bags, it is better to choose the following types of fabric: polyester (900d, 1200d, 1800d or 2400d), nylon.
  3. Cut out all the pieces of the bag and lining.
  4. Repeat steps 6-11 from the previous master class. If desired, you can make several internal and side pockets.
  5. Sew a zipper to the top of the bag.
  6. Sew on the handles. Additionally, you can sew on another long handle.

The travel bag is ready!

Shopping Bag

A shopping bag is something between a summer bag and a travel bag. It usually consists of one large compartment and is made of durable material (for example, nylon or cotton).

Detailed sewing instructions shopping bag:

  1. The shopping bag pattern is the outlined outline of a simple bag with handles, often called a “T-shirt.” An example of such a pattern is above.
  2. Cut out the pattern from paper.
  3. Attach the paper pattern to back side fabric that has been previously folded in half. The fold should be at the bottom, where you plan to make the bottom of the bag.
  4. Cut out the details of the bag, stepping back from the edges of the pattern a couple of centimeters. Don't cut the bottom.
  5. Sew the fabric together, leaving holes in the places for folding and handles, that is, at the top of the bag.
  6. Sew the handles together.
  7. Fold the fabric where you don't want the bag to be sewn and finish the edge. Either carefully baste or glue using adhesive tape for hemming.
  8. Turn the bag inside out.

The shopping bag is ready!

A stylish and original image, which is carefully created by every fashionista, is emphasized by the chosen wardrobe; its unique highlight is the unusual and exclusive accessories. Functional little things that no person can do without include bags and handbags, various types, design style and size, with an impressive and aesthetic design and practical application.

A bag sewn and made by hand may not be inferior in quality and appearance many designer models from popular brands and world-famous brands that are on everyone’s lips.

After reviewing the photos of handmade handbags presented in the article, you can choose the model you like and make it yourself, using available materials and special tools.

Choosing a bag style and required materials

Modern, changing fashion is constantly changing and dictates the rules for selecting accessories for a wardrobe that corresponds to a certain style chosen by a person as the basis of his own image.

There is a certain classification of handbags, based on it you can simplify the choice of model for further self-tailoring, with a choice of material and additional and high-quality fittings:

Spacious beach bag. Great for summer holiday, a visit to the beach, a family picnic or other fun beach-themed event.

Small evening bag. Used for visiting a variety of special occasions, going to the theater or cinema, exhibitions or corporate events and cafes.

Children's accessory with handles. Such bags are small in size and can have bright colors or original prints with recognizable fairy tale and cartoon characters.

Casual crossbody bags. They go perfectly with urban or casual clothing styles, are practical and reliable, and are made from wear-resistant and high-quality materials.

Stylish laptop bags. Used for carrying personal laptops, they have an original cut with a durable strap and a compartment for a charger.

To sew a bag of any kind yourself, you need to select a material, and you can use the fabric of old jeans, jackets and jackets with interesting pattern, or purchase a new cut.

Separately, you will need threads with needles and additional accessories, such as various fasteners, all kinds of rivets or zippers, which can be purchased at sewing or specialized stores.

Materials for sewing an exclusive bag

Having chosen a pattern that matches the model of the future bag, you need to decide on the materials necessary for sewing a practical and attractive accessory with your own hands.

Before sewing a bag, you must choose a material, the use of which may require a special approach, purchase it in the required quantity or prepare it for further use:

Genuine leather, suede or their substitutes. When using used materials, you should carefully inspect them for abrasions and damage, eliminating all defects.

Thick cotton or soft denim. You should not choose a fabric that is too rough and thick for sewing, which cannot be processed when sewing with a sewing machine or by hand.

Durable wool, rough linen or beautiful felt. High-quality fabrics can be purchased as a new cut or a bag can be cut according to a selected pattern from various items of clothing that have gone out of fashion.

To sew an original handbag with a unique design, you need to carefully consider its design, select all the decorations and functional accessories, and you can draw up a preliminary project.

By following all the stages of work, you will be able to create a skillful masterpiece without having special or special sewing skills or working with leather, fabric and other materials, fittings and accessories.

Step-by-step activities for sewing a bag with your own hands

All procedures for such needlework can be divided into preparatory, main and final stages of work, each of them requires a responsible and attentive approach, and special care in implementation.

The standard stages of self-tailoring any bag include the following procedures, which are interconnected and must be carried out in strict sequence:

Selecting a model and pattern. The model is selected based on your own preferences; the pattern must be detailed, informative and contain all the necessary dimensions of the individual, functional elements of the bag.

Preparation of materials. If you plan to use used materials, old items must be washed and ironed to simplify cutting procedures; when using purchased cuts, they must be purchased in advance at the store.

Purchase of accessories. To make a functional accessory, you will definitely need fasteners in the form of snap or magnetic buttons, zippers different lengths for decorating internal and external pockets of a bag.

Cut the bag according to the pattern. Carried out using pre-prepared patterns of individual elements finished product and a slate pencil, the trace of which must be washed off after sewing, sewing scissors for cutting.

Sewing individual parts. To simplify the stitching procedure, you can first baste the individual elements, and then use a sewing machine or manually stitch them, observing a strict sequence.

Reliable fastening of accessories. Manufactured according to the recommendations of the craftsmen, buttons and fasteners are attached firmly and securely or glued to the fabric glue gun, zippers are sewn on manually or by machine.

Decorating and finishing the bag. The decor may differ from the design of the model and is the embodiment of our own solutions, which allow us to decorate the bag with unusual installations of beads, fabric flowers and bows, and special accessories.

Upon completion of all stages of work, the hand-made bag will be ready for functional use; before wearing, it is recommended to wash it by hand or machine.

An exclusive accessory will become a real decoration of your wardrobe and will allow you to create unusual ensembles with outerwear or other accessories, feeling confident in yourself and your own stylish appearance.

DIY bag photo