Recipes of our grandmothers for beauty and health. Wawa? You are about to fall! Ancient recipes for beauty from a grandmother's notebook

Face masks

They are necessary for a healthy complexion and renewal of tone. Grandmother's masks are safe for the skin, and even vice versa, very useful. But before that, the face must be thoroughly washed. You need to prepare the mask just before application, but not half a day before or the day before. When applying the mask to your face, you should be in a state of relaxation and be motionless. To wash off the mask, you will need boiled water or an infusion of herbs. Here are some rules to follow:

  • it is undesirable to keep the mask on the face for more than 20 minutes, especially if it then turns into a hardened rough cake;
  • after removing the mask, be sure to wash, lubricate the skin with lotion and apply a cream that suits your skin type;
  • if you normal skin, then 2 times a week it is enough to make masks, if dry - more often, and if you are already in old age, then 1 time per week.

If your skin is dry, then the infusion should be prepared from rose petals, jasmine, mint, strawberry leaves, raspberries, currants, chamomile and linden flowers. If you have oily and porous skin, then mixtures of yarrow, plantain, calendula, nettle, aloe, eucalyptus, coltsfoot and birch buds will suit you. For 1 tablespoon of the mixture there is a glass of boiling water, let it brew.

A mask for dry skin should be based on sour cream, vegetable oil and cream, and for oily skin - on berries, vegetables and fruits.


It is advisable to take such baths a couple of times a week for half an hour. Water temperature 30 degrees. Salt bath: for ¾ of the water in the bath there should be up to 500 grams of salt. It is very good if it is sea salt, it will make you feel better and invigorate.

Coniferous bath temperature should be 35-40 degrees. You will need half a pack of conifers for a bath of water. Such a bath will provide you with a pleasant smell, calm the nervous system and relieve fatigue.

A bubble bath will help you lose weight. Its temperature should be 35 degrees.

Wheat bran bath will soften the skin. Pour two handfuls of bran into a gauze bag and hang it under a tap so that water flows on it. Observe the temperature of 29-30 degrees. Do not wipe the body after the procedure. Let it dry itself.

A bath from a decoction of a tartar is taken for skin elasticity, the effect after a diet will be especially good. Brew 250 grams of the mixture, strain and send to the bath. The temperature should be 30 degrees.

Bath from a decoction of various herbs. Brew 250 grams of various herbs (sage, mint, Italian dill, rosemary, linden, lavender, yarrow), insist and pour into the water.

Clean skin– 4 tips

  1. To achieve an even complexion, it is not necessary to apply tone cream, it is better to use a mattifying face cream or gel. So your pores will breathe, and your complexion will be healthy.
  2. Use moist, antibacterial wipes throughout the day to cleanse your skin of dirt and dust that can inflame your skin.
  3. Always use moisturizing and restorative products. Do deep skin cleansing. For example, to remove peeling on the skin, this mask will help you: 50 grams of vegetable oil, the same amount of honey and yolk. Stir the homogeneous mass and spread a thin layer on the neck, face and décolleté.
  4. To prevent cracked lips, they need to be moisturized all the time. Cucumber juice, honey and pork fat (2:1) will help you. A good effect will be an apple boiled in milk. Constantly nourish your lips, do not forget hygienic lipsticks and balms. You can moisturize your lips simply by lubricating them with vegetable oil.

Grandma's shampoo

How to wash your hair, and most importantly with what? It may sound very strange, but you can do it without shampoo.

You will need a loaf of black bread. If it’s a hundred grams, then take it all, and if it’s large, then divide it into three parts. Crumble, pour boiling water so that it completely covers it, but no more. When the bread is swollen and warm, spread on wet hair wrap up in a package. Wash off after 25 minutes. You can not believe it, but the hair will become shiny and most importantly clean. You will need a lot of water to wash off the bread. You can add a teaspoon of honey, yolk and a little lemon juice to such a mask, but do not overdo it. The main task is to wash your hair. Such washing is very useful for hair not to break, fall out and grow well.

Hair masks

Women in Central Asia and the Caucasus are convinced that sour milk and whey have the best effect on hair. This feeds them and accelerates growth. First, they apply sour milk to dry hair, hold for a while and wash off with warm serum, and then rinse with water. It's a conditioner and shampoo.

Try an onion mask. Onions need to be chopped - you can grate, you can in a blender, add the yolk, a spoonful of honey, the same amount of olive, burdock or castor oil and literally on the tip of a teaspoon of ground red hot pepper. Rub this mixture into the roots and apply along the entire length, wrap your head in polyethylene and a towel, and rinse with shampoo or bread after an hour. Brittle, damaged hair will recover and heal over time, will grow better. The only downside to this mask is the onion scent that will linger on the hair. You can apply it before the weekend or treat your hair during the holidays. The result will not keep you waiting.

Hair nutrition

If your hair falls out, quickly becomes oily, the ends are split or you suffer from dryness and brittleness, then it is better to be examined by a doctor. If it is not possible to do this, then eat more vitamins, cleanse the intestines and liver.

Hair will be delighted with sea buckthorn. Add sea buckthorn oil, jam and berries to your diet. After a while, you will see that your hair is healthy, lush and shiny.

A decoction of pine buds and cones of coniferous trees will help a lot. It is necessary to take one cone or a kidney harvest, pour water and boil for a minute. Then let the solution cool down. Drink this decoction 2 times a day ¼ cup. For this you will be thanked not only by the hair, but also by the skin.

The main reason for women who do not look after their appearance is the lack of time. In fact, the reason is the lack of self-love. If such a woman loves herself for who she is, then there will be time.

The second common reason is lack of money. But that's not a problem either.

After all, our ancestors did not have expensive beauty care products, but despite this they had lush curls, clean and radiant skin, and a toned figure.

Ancient beauty recipes will help you take care of your appearance without large financial investments.

  • Ancient Indian Beauty Recipe

Bathing in a bath prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. A handful of rosemary, lavender and fresh orange peels soak in 500 ml apple cider vinegar. Let it brew for a couple of hours, filter and squeeze
  2. Add the resulting infusion to a full bathing bath and stir well.
  3. Lie down for 20 minutes, pat your skin dry with a towel and apply olive oil with 3 drops of lemon per 10 ml in the morning and 3 drops of bitter orange per 10 ml in the evening

Your skin will not just be satiny, it will emit a pleasant glow and an exciting aroma.

  • An old beauty recipe from Persian beauties

Skin mask:

  1. Ripe persimmon gruel + rice flour + green tea decoction to the consistency of sour cream
  2. Apply for 7-10 minutes and wash off with a weak solution of green tea

Regular use of the mask guarantees the preservation of skin elasticity for many, many years.

  • A beauty recipe for nourishing the skin of the face and preventing its aging from the healer Kurennov P.M.

Mix one raw egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of glycerin. The resulting mixture is applied to the face for two hours, and then removed.

The mask can be applied two to three times a week. The prepared mixture can be stored in the refrigerator.

  • Ancient Greek mask for cleansing and nourishing the skin of the face

Beat one raw egg, add 5-7 drops of lemon, one teaspoon olive oil. Keep on face for 20 minutes, then wash off.

  • An old Italian beauty recipe for soothing dry skin

Soak a few in warm olive oil cotton pads, slightly squeeze them. Place soaked cotton pads on a pre-cleansed face and neck, leaving the nose and mouth area open.

Soak a towel in hot water and cover your face with it. Lie down until the towel cools down.

After that, remove the remaining oil from the face by blotting the face with a fresh, damp towel.

  • An old Russian recipe for rejuvenation of oily and porous skin

Finely chop half a glass of fresh birch leaves, then brew them with boiling water (half a liter). Add a pinch of baking soda (in order for the resinous substances of birch leaves to dissolve better).

Let it brew for two hours. Strain the infusion.

With a cotton swab dipped in the finished infusion, we wipe the face and neck. Wash off with cool water after 30 minutes.

  • Old English recipe for skin softening lotion

The recipe works no worse than modern lotions.

Put a slice of lemon in a cup and pour warm milk over it. Cover the cup with a saucer and leave for three hours at room temperature.

During this time, the lemon will curdle the milk. Drain the liquid from the cup so that the clot remains in the cup. Wipe the skin of the face and neck with the resulting liquid. The skin will be soft and tender.

  • An ancient Roman recipe for healing oily and porous skin

Take six teaspoons of crushed flowers and stems of fragrant violets, pour two cups of boiling water. Insist and strain.

Wipe the face with the resulting infusion three times a day.

The gruel can be used for masks by mixing it with a tablespoon of flour. The resulting mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes twice a week.

A small bottle of unrefined olive oil, called "Provencal" by our grandmothers, will replace both cream and mask for any skin. If it is not possible to buy a wide range of cosmetics, buy olive oil. Even if you just apply a little olive oil on your face every evening and after half an hour remove the excess with a soft cloth, after a couple of weeks you will see changes on your face. The skin seems to come to life, smoothed, becomes elastic. Olive oil solves the problem of excessive dryness, irritation, provokes the regeneration of skin cells. A valuable tool that can replace several jars of cream.

The oil can be thickened with a piece of natural wax. Heat in a water bath in a small glass jar baby food three tablespoons of olive oil and a piece of natural wax the size of a walnut. Heating must be carried out until the wax melts, it is impossible to overheat. Mix the oil mixture well, after hardening it will look like vaseline. Before solidification, you can add a few drops of natural aromatic oil. For example, avocado oil, cardamom,. The cream is well applied, after half an hour the excess must be removed. This is an old recipe and it has stood the test of time.

Face masks for our grandmothers

It is pointless to list recipes for masks, there are an infinite number of them, but about a few masks that can always be made from what is at hand, and which have always served faithfully female beauty from generation to generation, I'll tell you all the same.

- Egg-yolk mask. Grind the yolk of one egg, adding olive oil drop by drop, with a tablespoon, until thickened. Then add a teaspoon of honey and rub again. The mask is best used in the evening, applying for 20-30 minutes. Then just rinse. Wipe your face well with an herbal ice cube. Look at yourself in the mirror. Well, how? I say that our grandmothers knew magical remedies. The mask can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. The mask perfectly nourishes, stimulates and rejuvenates the skin.

- Sour milk or cream mask. Yes Yes. Kefir and cream, which we buy every day, are wonderful cosmetologists. They should trust their skin. It is good to buy bran or grind finely oatmeal. Pour a spoonful of bran or ground flakes with cream or kefir (a quarter cup) and let stand for half an hour in a water bath, in hot water. Can be mixed with sour cream. The mask should warm up to a pleasantly warm temperature. Apply for 15-30 minutes and wash off. No soap!

This mask nourishes, brightens the skin, tones and tightens it. You can add a few drops of olive oil for this. For oily skin - a few drops lemon juice. For inflamed, acne-prone skin, add ½ teaspoon of powder. It's such a spice. It is great for inflammatory processes. skin. Unfortunately, the mask is not stored, it must be used immediately.

- Potato mask. Wash one small potato well, wipe dry and grate on a fine grater, right with the skin, you can add bran and a few drops of lemon juice. Everything! Apply to the face, covering from above paper napkin so that the liquid does not spread. Wash off with cool water after twenty minutes. The mask refreshes, relieves swelling, fatigue. So simple and so useful, try it.

- Yeast mask. For this mask, you need real live yeast, as before, which is now rarely on sale. But, if you can buy them, be sure to try this mask. You can use brewer's yeast, they are sold in pharmacies. Mix a tablespoon of bran, a teaspoon of yeast and a teaspoon of honey (if you cannot tolerate honey, you can do without it) mix and heat for about five minutes in a hot water bath, until warm. Everything can be applied. For 15-30 minutes. The mask is very helpful. It affects the deep layers of the skin, activates metabolic processes in them, relieves irritation and soothes.

Masks should not be overused. They can be applied, alternating, once or twice a week, or in courses, every other day, for two weeks. Then you should give the skin a rest, use only the cream. If you are not too lazy to brew herbal decoction and wash your face with it in the morning and evening, it will be fine. The broth is stored in the refrigerator for two days. Brew the most common herbs: chamomile, linden blossom, burdock and dandelion roots, St. John's wort and plantain. Everything that is available to you from this list can be used to prepare cosmetic decoctions for washing.

Of course, it is good when there are funds to buy new cosmetic products and visit expensive beauty salons. And if there are no funds or opportunities? Such little things never stopped women in the struggle for their attractiveness. I hope grandmother's secrets will help you feel the most beautiful!

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If a woman does not take care of herself properly, the main reason for inattention to herself is usually called lack of time. In fact, it is a lack of motivation. And if she can love herself, then there will definitely be time.


The second reason is called: “Expensive, funds are not enough". This is where we can look for a solution to the problem.

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Let's delve into grandmother's recipes?

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Our grandmothers went through a hard time, but take a look at old photos from their youth: lush curls, hats, luxurious hairstyles, clean faces, beautiful figures, emphasized by the lightness of chiffon or strict dresses. Under any conditions, a woman must remain a woman, and nothing can justify the opposite. Let's not let grandmothers down, let's take care of ourselves!

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Let's start with the hair.


Even short haircut requires a healthy scalp, live hair, especially since at any moment a whim can come to change boyish perkyness into an image of a beauty with lush hair.

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Grandma's shampoo

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How to wash your hair? You will be surprised, but I will say that you can do without shampoo.


-Take a loaf of black bread. A large one can be cut into three or four parts, and a small one hundred gram can be used as a whole. Bread needs to be crumbled or finely chopped, pour hot water so that it is only covered with it. Let the bread swell, turn into a homogeneous porridge.


When the mixture has cooled to a tolerable temperature, it must be applied to wet hair and wrapped with a plastic scarf. We wash everything off after 15-30 minutes. Hair will be clean and shiny. You will have to rinse with plenty of water to wash out the remnants of the bread. You can add a spoonful of honey, egg yolk, a little lemon juice to the bread mask (for oily hair), just don't overdo it. All the same, the task is to wash your hair. Too many ingredients can mess things up. Washing with black bread is useful for hair loss, brittle hair, and poor hair growth.


Hair conditioner

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Natural "conditioner" for hair. Conditioner is a product that improves the structure of the hair, appearance. How did our grandmothers achieve this? The most common rinsing agent in those days was ordinary warm water. with the addition of vinegar. When rinsing, it is immediately felt that the hair becomes soft, pliable. Vinegar can be substituted lemon juice. Water should be slightly acidified; two or three liters - a couple of tablespoons of vinegar or a tablespoon of lemon juice.


You can wet your hair with any beer and wash off after two or three minutes. plain water. Beer contains brewer's yeast, malt made from germinated grain. This is an excellent nutrition for hair, a stimulator of their growth.


For those who are not lazy. cook herbal decoction. The raw materials of medicinal herbs are inexpensive, besides, they can be prepared in the summer, in advance. Just a couple of teaspoons of the collection need to be poured with a liter of water, insisted, cooled to comfortable temperature, strain and rinse hair after washing. It can be chamomile, burdock root, nettle, calamus root, birch leaves, twigs of willow and coniferous trees. All of these natural ingredients can be part of your wonderful rinsing balm.

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Hair masks

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In the Caucasus and Central Asia, the best way to grow and nourish hair is considered sour milk and whey. Sour milk is applied to dry hair for a while, hair is rinsed with warmed serum and only then rinsed with water. Here is a shampoo, conditioner and conditioner in one product.

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A good mask is chopped onion. There are many recipes for onion masks. I'll bring one.


Grate the onion or chop it in a blender, add a spoonful of honey, one yolk, a spoonful of olive, castor or burdock oil, on the tip of a knife of red ground hot pepper. The mixture is applied to the hair, more to the roots, then the head should be wrapped with polyethylene and wrapped in a towel for an hour. After washing off with regular shampoo or bread mass. The mask is very effective, stimulates hair growth, heals damaged hair. The only inconvenience is the smell of onions, which stays on the hair for a long time. There is only one way out - to apply a similar mask once a week, on the night before the weekend, or during the holidays, set aside a few days and take it in a course. The result is worth it.



Hair nutrition

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Healthy hair is an indicator of the health of the whole organism. Therefore, if there are problems - hair loss, split ends, brittleness and dryness, increased greasiness of the scalp - it is better to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. If this is not possible, try to cleanse the intestines, cleanse the liver, buy good vitamins.


Helps the hair very well sea ​​​​buckthorn. Sea buckthorn jam, grated berries, sea buckthorn oil added to grated carrots - include these additives in your menu. This will have a beneficial effect on the condition of your hair.


Great help decoctions from cones and buds of coniferous trees. Pour one cone or a handful of growth buds (ends of coniferous branches) with cold water, bring to a boil over a small fire and let cool, brew. Drink two to three times a day for a quarter cup. By the way, coniferous decoction is useful not only for hair, the skin and body will also feel the vitamin "feeding".




What are the good recipes of our grandmothers? The fact that they used affordable, natural, inexpensive ingredients to maintain their beauty.

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In practice, they used the gifts of nature, products from their table, and the results were not bad. Maybe now some ladies look twenty years younger than their age, using the achievements of plastic surgery, but at the same time they lose their liveliness of gaze, their naturalness, charm. Therefore, we will protect our youth andLet's continue to get acquainted with the secrets of our grandmothers.



Let's talk about skin

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Most the best remedy for female skinolive oil. A small bottle of unrefined olive oil, called "Provencal" by our grandmothers, will replace both cream and mask for any skin. If it is not possible to buy a wide range of cosmetics, buy olive oil.

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Even if you just apply a little olive oil on your face every evening and after half an hour remove the excess with a soft cloth, after a couple of weeks you will see changes on your face. The skin seems to come to life, smoothed, becomes elastic. Olive oil solves the problem of excessive dryness, irritation, provokes the regeneration of skin cells. A valuable tool that can replace several jars of cream.

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Butter can be thickened natural wax. In a small glass baby food jar, heat three tablespoons of olive oil and a piece of natural wax the size of a walnut in a water bath. Heating must be carried out until the wax melts, it is impossible to overheat. Mix the oil mixture well, after hardening it will look like vaseline.

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Before solidification, you can add a few drops of natural aromatic oil. For example, avocado oil, cardamom, almond. The cream is well applied, after half an hour the excess must be removed. This is an old recipe and it has stood the test of time.

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Face masks for our grandmothers

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It is pointless to list recipes for masks, there are an infinite number of them, but I will tell you about several masks that can always be made from what is at hand, and which have always faithfully served female beauty from generation to generation.



- Egg-yolk mask. Grind the yolk of one egg, adding olive oil drop by drop, with a tablespoon, until thickened. Then add a teaspoon of honey and rub again. The mask is best used in the evening, applying for 20-30 minutes. Then just rinse. Wipe your face well with an herbal ice cube. Look at yourself in the mirror. Well, how? I say that our grandmothers knew magical remedies. The mask can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. The mask perfectly nourishes, stimulates and rejuvenates the skin.

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- Sour milk or cream mask . Yes Yes. Kefir, sour cream and cream, which we buy every day, are wonderful cosmetologists. They should trust their skin. It is good to buy bran or grind finely oatmeal. Pour a spoonful of bran or ground flakes with cream or kefir (a quarter cup) and let stand for half an hour in a water bath, in hot water. Can be mixed with sour cream. The mask should warm up to a pleasantly warm temperature. Apply for 15-30 minutes and wash off. No soap!



This mask nourishes, brightens the skin, tones and tightens it. For dry skin, you can add a few drops of olive oil. For oily skin - a few drops of lemon juice. For an inflamed, acne-prone rash, add ½ teaspoon of fenugreek powder. It's such a spice. It perfectly copes with the inflammatory processes of the skin. Unfortunately, the mask is not stored, it must be used immediately.

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- Potato mask. Wash one small potato well, wipe dry and grate on a fine grater, right with the skin, you can add bran and a few drops of lemon juice. Everything! Apply to the face, covering the top with a paper towel so that the liquid does not spread. Wash off with cool water after twenty minutes. The mask refreshes, relieves swelling, fatigue. So simple and so useful, try it.



- Yeast mask. For this mask, you need real live yeast, as before, which is now rarely on sale. But, if you can buy them, be sure to try this mask. You can use brewer's yeast, they are sold in pharmacies. Mix a tablespoon of bran, a teaspoon of yeast and a teaspoon of honey (if you cannot tolerate honey, you can do without it) mix and heat for about five minutes in a hot water bath, until warm. Everything can be applied. For 15-30 minutes. The mask is very helpful. It affects the deep layers of the skin, activates metabolic processes in them, relieves irritation and soothes.

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Masks should not be abused. They can be applied, alternating, once or twice a week, or in courses, every other day, for two weeks. Then you should give the skin a rest, use only the cream.

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If you are not too lazy to brew herbal decoction and you will wash your face with it in the morning and in the evening - it will be fine. The broth is stored in the refrigerator for two days. Brew the most common herbs: chamomile, linden blossom, nettle, burdock and dandelion roots, St. John's wort and plantain. Everything that is available to you from this list can be used to prepare cosmetic decoctions for washing.

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Of course, it is good when there are funds to buy new cosmetic products and visit expensive beauty salons. And if there are no funds or opportunities? Such little things never stopped women in the struggle for their attractiveness. I hope grandmother's secrets will help you feel the most beautiful!

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At all times, women tried to look attractive, prolong the youth and beauty of the skin, keep their hair thick and lush. Today, store shelves are filled with various cosmetics, but we still use grandmother's recipes from time to time. What is so attractive about home care products? Probably, first of all, their naturalness, the absence of all these preservatives, flavors, silicones and parabens. In addition, many are convinced of the effectiveness of masks, scrubs and other products made from natural products, herbs and oils. Of course, every woman has her favorite beauty recipes. Let's add a few to the list effective means from the arsenal of our grandmothers.

Smooth skin, fresh glow

There are a huge number of masks for facial skin care. With their help, you can improve skin color, reduce the number of fine wrinkles, narrow pores, get rid of dryness and eliminate many other problems.

Masks for oily skin suffering from acne and enlarged pores:

  • Cucumber. Grind the average cucumber on a fine grater, add one beaten egg white to it. The mixture is applied to the face for 15-25 minutes (until it dries), then washed off with water. Do not take overripe cucumbers for the mask, give preference to young specimens;
  • Sour milk. Bran or finely ground oatmeal (1 tablespoon) is poured with kefir (50 ml) and kept for 30 minutes in a water bath. Then cool to a pleasant temperature and add lemon juice (2-3 drops) and fenugreek powder (half a teaspoon) to the mixture. The resulting mask is applied to the skin for 25-30 minutes, washed off with warm water. The sour-milk mask not only tightens pores, but also tones, brightens and tightens the skin.

For dry skin:

  • Honey-lemon. Mix natural cream (1 tablespoon), honey (50 g), lemon juice (1 teaspoon). Add potato or wheat flour to get the consistency of sour cream. The mask is applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes, washed off with warm water. Honey-lemon mask eliminates dry skin, whitens it, reduces dark spots. It is better to do it in the evening before going to bed, as the skin becomes more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Curd. Natural cottage cheese (1 tablespoon) is mixed with liquid honey (1 tablespoon), a little warm milk is added until the consistency of sour cream. Keep this mask on your face for 15-20 minutes, then wash off. The result is moisturized, smooth skin, without peeling and irritation.

Lifting masks:

  • Honey. Natural liquid honey (2 tsp) is mixed with cosmetic clay (1 tsp) and 2 tsp. freshly squeezed juice (lemon, grapefruit, tangerine, orange). Mix all the ingredients well and apply the mask on the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. It is important to choose the right cosmetic clay. If you have dry skin, it is better to take red or pink, with oily skin give preference to white, black, green, yellow or blue;
  • Protein. Beat one egg white, add a few drops of natural lemon juice to it. Apply the mask on the skin for 5 minutes. Then apply a fresh layer of the mask and leave for another 5 minutes, then repeat the application a third time. After the mask dries a little, it is washed off with warm water. In addition to the tightening effect, this mask has a whitening effect.

Lush thick hair

Many modern young ladies are faced with such a depressing phenomenon as hair loss, loss of their density, lifelessness and brittleness.

You can improve the condition of your hair by using the following recipes:

  • Nourishing mask for the scalp. Mix equal amounts of egg yolk, aloe juice, cognac and honey. The mixture is applied to the hair roots, put on a plastic cap and wrapped with a towel. Wash off the mask after 1-2 hours. Important: in no case do not wash off the mask with hot water if you do not want to get scrambled eggs on your hair;
  • Onion mask. A mixture is prepared from onion juice (4 parts), cognac (1 part), decoction of burdock roots (6 parts). Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp for 1.5-2 hours, after which they wash their hair in the usual way;
  • Mask for oily hair. Dry chamomile flowers (2 tablespoons) are poured with boiling water (50 ml) and infused for 3-4 hours, then filtered. Egg white is whipped into foam and combined with chamomile infusion. Apply the mixture to the hair roots and leave to dry completely, then wash the hair. This mask not only reduces the oiliness of the hair, but also makes the curls soft and silky.

Elastic body skin

The skin of the body also needs constant care. Can cook by yourself effective means to improve its appearance:

  • Coffee scrub. Mix in equal proportions coffee grounds, sea salt, sour cream and 2-3 drops essential oil(lemon, orange, grapefruit or rosemary). The resulting scrub is applied to the body with massage movements, after which it is washed off with water. With the help of this procedure, dead skin cells are removed, blood circulation improves. After using the scrub, a moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied to the skin;
  • Moisturizing cream. Lecithin (1 tsp) is poured with distilled water (20 ml) to swell. After about a minute add Castor oil(1.5 tsp), aloe juice (1 ml), glycerin (1 ml), propolis tincture (1 ml). Beat with a mixer for exactly 4 minutes (if you beat more, you get milk). Then the cream is transferred to a jar and placed in the refrigerator. Shelf life homemade cream- two weeks. Such a tool perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the body, prevents its aging.

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