Genuine nubuck leather. What kind of material is nubuck? Types, characteristics and reviews

Nubuck is the name given to natural leather. High Quality. Its main difference from smooth and easy-to-care leather is its fine-pile surface. No, not like suede, but more polished. Nubuck also differs in the types of leather from which it is made. This is cattle leather that has been chrome tanned and polished.

In terms of moisture resistance, it is in many ways inferior to smooth leather, but at the same time superior to suede. In other words, nubuck is leather that has been specially treated and is an intermediate material between smooth leather and suede.

Today, nubuck products are especially popular, as they look expensive, status, noble and solid. Previously, few could afford such luxury. Today, the material and products made from it are more accessible. However, they frighten buyers with the lack of care information, as a result of which they quickly lose their original appearance. But those who know how to care for this special leather, and are also familiar with the means for cleaning it, which are presented in a large assortment by manufacturers, preserve the beauty of nubuck for a long time.

Many ordinary people, out of simplicity or ignorance, confuse nubuck with suede or velor. And there are those who consider it fabric. However, it is not. And not because people everywhere are stupid. It’s just that nubuck became popular not so long ago and is more or less available to the general public. In fact, this is a unique material. This is what further discussion will be about.

Buyers often wonder – is it leather or not? Leather. Just a different tanning. There are several ways to tan leather, which allows you to achieve different final results. And it is precisely this method and the source material itself that determines the final cost of the product made from it.

Woven nubuck

Tanning is carried out using fat, salt, tree extracts, sand and other related materials. Each craftsman has his own secrets and the final set of tools and materials for leather dressing.

So let's start with the source material. Suede is made from the skin of small cattle, and nubuck is made from large cattle, that is, from deer, elk and yaks. These are rarer animals. Therefore, their leather is more expensive, and with it the resulting material.

Suede is produced using fat and fat-formaldehyde compounds, and nubuck is processed using mineral salts, often chrome. This treatment makes the leather more pliable and wear-resistant. And also capricious. However, shoes and furniture upholstery perfectly resist stretching and impact loads.

Greased nubuck

What causes the capriciousness of this type of skin? Demanding on the external environment. He also needs constant care. Its main advantage lies in aesthetic and tactile pleasure. Thus, a sofa upholstered in nubuck gives the most unique sensations - light, velvety and enveloping with trembling tenderness. In turn, shoes made from it look chic in combination with any style of clothing, emphasizing the elegance and nobility of its owner.

The material is used in two directions - furniture and footwear. In both cases it is successful and in demand. Let's look at each of the areas separately.

  • In furniture

Upholstery upholstered furniture nubuck

  • In shoes

Nubuck shoes are comfortable, beautiful, and can be of any color and design.

The most common use of the material. And more expedient. Thus, the material not only looks good, but also performs its functions and tasks, including preventing overheating and hypothermia of the feet, protection from moisture, and original product design.

Natural oiled nubuck with water-repellent properties is most often used in shoes. Its natural counterpart is more suitable for furniture, as it is more pleasant to the touch.


Nubuck can be natural, artificial and oiled. Each type has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, taking into account which it is used in certain products of the shoe and furniture industry. And now in more detail about each type:

Material of animal origin. That is, it is genuine cattle leather, tanned using chrome salt, and then treated with fine materials (sand or sandpaper) on the front side.

Natural nubuck

A material with a soft velvety surface and small pile, which is airtight and minimum requirements in care. Quite often used as upholstery for Italian upholstered furniture - beds, sofas, armchairs, chairs.

This is not a wear-resistant material, so it requires regular treatment with antiseptics and special solutions. It has a more decorative function than a practical one.

This is artificial leather made from synthetic materials. Outwardly, it really looks like natural nubuck, only more wear-resistant, does not absorb moisture and does not allow air to pass through. Whether these are pros or cons should be considered separately in each individual case. On the one hand, shoes made of such material will always protect you from bad weather in the form of rain, on the other hand, they will not allow your feet to breathe, as a result of which they will sweat and acquire an unpleasant odor.

Synthetic nubuck

Artificial nubuck is produced by the process of alternately spraying polymers on top of each other. The appearance and ease of use of the material are affected by the diameter and length of the sprayed fibers. The copy costs less than the original, but the second one pleases with longer operation and use under a wider range of temperatures and mechanical influences.

It is of natural origin. The material undergoes additional treatment to remove moisture. It is distinguished by a damp surface, increased wear resistance and less whimsicality in comparison with natural nubuck.

Obtaining raw materials is a longer process and consists of several stages. During tanning, the leather is impregnated with a special composition that includes various oils. It is this oiling that gives the leather increased water-repellent properties. Also, thanks to oil treatment, the surface does not look so velvety - it is more moist in appearance.

Oiled nubuck shoes

Since we have dealt with the types of leather, we can safely move on to the most important and worrying question for users: what kind of shoe material is nubuck? We won’t even discuss why we’re talking about shoes and won’t go into detail, because this is the most popular way to use the material.

By the way, you shouldn’t believe the popular opinion about the capriciousness of nubuck shoes. Whatever type it is made of, the main thing is to know and adhere to just a couple of rules when caring for such products.

Caring for nubuck shoes is not difficult - it is delicate.

Your nubuck shoes will look great if you follow simple rules care

The first and most important thing the owner must do is leather shoes– protect it from moisture and dirt. That is, if weather forecasters promise rain, and especially if it is already knocking on the ebb of your window, do not wear your favorite moccasins, shoes, boots or boots.

Secondly, the quality of nubuck is negatively affected by all kinds of chemical reagents used in winter when sprinkling snow and snow crusts formed on the snow-covered streets of winter cities. This is also a reason to refrain from wearing your favorite pair of shoes. At the same time, nubuck itself is not afraid of frost! Therefore, at any other time, products made from it can be worn for your pleasure.

By adhering to these two rules, you can extend the life of your shoes for a long time. But this is not all that can be said about caring for products made from this noble material. So, further... It is equally important to start caring for nubuck on time. Since it is not particularly distinguished by its high moisture-resistant qualities, lack of care can reduce them to a minimum, as a result of which the material will quickly get wet and wear out quickly.

To extend the life of nubuck shoes for a long time, do not wear them in wet weather or on snowy streets sprinkled with chemicals.

When caring for nubuck, you cannot use regular shoe polishes. The manufacturers of the latter know this. But shoe owners don’t always know. Therefore, we hasten to inform you that there are special products for this type of leather - impregnations and aerosols. It is better to stock up on them immediately when buying shoes. The label of each product requires detailed study and mandatory labeling indicating that it is suitable for nubuck products.

Do you think that's all? No. Funds alone are not enough. To care for nubuck shoes, you also need a special brush that removes dirt in such a way that the fleecy surface retains its original appearance. Important! For soles and heels you need to use a different brush.

Only purchased shoes should be treated with a special impregnation. Until this is done, the use of shoes is not recommended. This procedure is necessary to extend the life of the product.

The first cleaning is carried out in several stages, while the shoes are generously moistened with an impregnating agent. New shoes It is recommended to treat with impregnation at least three times, each layer of which must dry before applying the next.

Caring for natural nubuck

So for genuine leather The following care is required:

  • daily cleaning in the morning and evening with special means and brushes;
  • prohibition of using water to remove dirt. The sole and heel are cleaned with a damp cloth, the surface of the leather is cleaned with a special eraser or brush;
  • shoes are cleaned only after the surface has completely dried;
  • The end of dry cleaning should always be treatment with a special spray that protects against getting wet and restores color.

Don’t forget to brush your shoes every day and treat them with special products. Finally, treat them with a special spray that protects them from getting wet and restores color.

Nubuck shoes are most popular in winter, when dirt and dampness do not come to visit so often. In cold weather, feet in such shoes do not freeze. In addition, it is very light and comfortable to wear. The main thing is to prevent shoes from coming into contact with the reagents that are sprinkled on snowy streets. If this happens and white spots appear on the skin, then they should be treated with a damp sponge that will absorb the salt. In addition, the sponge can be soaked in ammonia. Afterwards, the shoes are dried and treated with a special spray. Interested in how to restore the natural state of the pile? Hold the shoes over the steam and the lint will straighten out on its own.

Cleaning heavy soiling

Since nubuck products cannot be cleaned with water, solvents or products containing petroleum products, the question arises of how they can be cleaned from stains and dirt. For example, shoes are dirty with ice cream or something greasy. In this case, sprinkle a little salt on the stain, which, after drying, is cleaned off with a brush or dry sponge. But that is not all. The remaining stain is wiped with a damp sponge, previously soaked in a soap solution. Final stage– drying and processing with special means.

In addition, you can try to remove any stain on nubuck using a regular eraser. The main thing is to dry your shoes thoroughly first. Just under no circumstances should you do this near heating devices! The best option-newspapers used to stuff shoes.

As you can see, maintaining the attractiveness of nubuck shoes is quite easy if you know the rules of care and cleaning. Now you can safely update your wardrobe with new moccasins, shoes, boots or boots made of noble and beautiful material– nubuck.

This is not at all surprising, because shoes made of this material are attractive in appearance and quite durable to wear and are fairly inexpensive products. Like many other materials, it requires individual special care.

Thanks to its pleasant and sophisticated appearance and soft, delicate color, nubuck is used for tailoring for both men and women. women's shoes. This material is used to make male shoes and boots, in rare cases boots. In women's shoes, the choice is much wider; shoes, ankle boots, low shoes, sneakers, boots and even over the knee boots are made from nubuck.

Nubuck shoes are suitable for both everyday wear and special occasions. Proper care will help maintain its original appearance, and advice from modern designers will tell you how to properly combine shoes with other wardrobe items.

What kind of shoe material is nubuck?

Very often, consumers confuse nubuck with leather suede or velor. Nubuck differs from other materials in its raw materials and tanning method.

There are two types of this material: natural and artificial nubuck. Artificial material, or synthetic as it is also called, is made from polymer fiber, pressed into several layers and having a velvety surface, which brings it closer in appearance to the real thing.

Natural nubuck is made from cattle hides using the chrome tanning method. A velvety finish is achieved by sanding with low-abrasive sandpaper or fine-grained sand. Treatment with this method makes the leather breathable and quite durable.

For shoes, nubuck is additionally impregnated with oils, making the material water-resistant.

How to clean nubuck shoes

As you know, nubuck is demanding in care, and in order not to spoil the item, it must also be cleaned correctly. For care, you just need to stock up on special cleaning and cosmetic products along with purchasing shoes.

To remove external dirt, you need to get a hard brush or eraser; regular shoe brushes will not only not help you deal with dirt, but will also deprive the material of its velvety quality. It is important to know that nubuck is cleaned only with dry brushes. When cleaning, water is used only to remove protruding salt. It is advisable to soak the sponge or napkin not only with water, but also add a special shampoo for nubuck. This will prevent deformation of the product and will not spoil the material as a whole.

After deep cleaning, the products must be coated with a protective agent. If scuffs or stains that cannot be removed appear on your shoes, special paint in aerosol form will come to the rescue.

Caring for suede and nubuck shoes (video):

If there are no special products or it is not possible to purchase them, home care is also suitable. Replace a professional cleaning agent, perhaps a solution of ammonia with water in a ratio of one to four or a vinegar solution at a rate of one teaspoon per liter of water.

Nubuck shoes pros and cons

Like many other materials, nubuck has its advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages of nubuck include its light structure, strength and long-term operation. Despite the breathability, the material retains heat well in winter, and the porous surface allows the feet to breathe.

Disadvantages include special care for the product and poor tolerance to moisture. But fortunately, shoe manufacturers have provided for these nuances and, in parallel with the products, produce special water-repellent agents and other items for caring for nubuck.

High-quality shoe cosmetics and timely cleaning will hide all the disadvantages and shortcomings of nubuck shoes.

Nubuck winter shoes

Nubuck, due to its ability to retain heat, has firmly established itself among materials for manufacturing. winter shoes. Boots made of this material retain the heat created by the fur lining and warm your feet even in the most severe frosts.

Among the models of winter shoes made of nubuck, knee-high boots and over the knee boots are especially popular. In addition to its excellent characteristics, shoes made from this material stand out among ordinary leather or artificial substitutes. The velvet surface gives a unique effect and incomparable gloss to a nubuck product.

An important factor was the attractive price of shoes made from this material; they are much cheaper than leather and suede.

All the distinctive qualities and fashion trends convince consumers to choose nubuck shoes.

Paint for nubuck shoes

Shoe paint has become one of the main means for caring for nubuck. It will not only return the product to its original appearance, but will also significantly increase the service life of the shoes. It is necessary to paint shoes not only when necessary, but also to regularly update the color, since external influences make it dull and uneven.

By following the instructions on the packaging, it will be easy for anyone to paint their shoes themselves, without going to specialized workshops.

Before applying paint, shoes must be cleaned of dirt and dust, and the greasy layer must be removed using a rubberized eraser. Like cleaning, painting is carried out on a dry surface. The effect of painted nubuck is preserved with the help of protective agents.

In addition to cleaning from dirt, nubuck needs impregnation. This procedure must be carried out after each shoe cleaning. Impregnation will prevent dirt and dust from entering the structure of the material, and will also protect against moisture and any other influence. In addition, high-quality and correctly selected impregnation will give the material a velvety feel and excellent elasticity and softness.

Shoe cosmetics manufacturers produce impregnation in the form of a liquid and, for consumer convenience, in the form of an aerosol. This shape allows you to saturate the nubuck evenly and in sufficient quantities. Impregnation should begin to be applied even before the first wear, immediately after purchase.

How to paint nubuck shoes

The main thing you need to know about painting nubuck is at what distance from the material to spray the paint. Under no circumstances should you bring a spray can of paint close, as this will spoil the color and make it unnatural. The painting procedure can be carried out at home without the help of a specialist.

First of all, you need to choose a suitable paint that is as close in color to the product as possible. You also need to thoroughly clean your shoes and dry them.

Choose better paint in the form of a spray, this will greatly facilitate the procedure. After preparation, apply paint to the product at a sufficient distance and allow to dry. Seal the effect with a protective agent.

How to restore nubuck shoes

Even careful care and high-quality cosmetics does not provide a full warranty for shoes. Be that as it may, nubuck shoes are worn outdoors, so not only ordinary dirt, but also various substances can get on the material. Just like a thing, shoes can get a stain that cannot be removed with a regular hard brush. And over time, nubuck loses its attractive appearance.

To restore shoes you will need the entire arsenal for caring for nubuck shoes. How to choose the right means The specialists in the store will advise you.

In order about the recovery procedure:

  • clean the surface from stains and dirt using a special shampoo;
  • wipe the surface with a hard brush and eraser;
  • allow to dry naturally, do not use household appliances and heaters;
  • apply paint to the surface and fluff the fibers using a rubberized brush;
  • secure the result with a water-repellent protective agent.

How to break in nubuck shoes

Despite the inherent elasticity of nubuck, it is impossible to stretch shoes an entire size, but there is a chance to simply stretch uncomfortable shoes.

By the way, artificial material practically does not stretch. It will be much easier to do this with natural material; just buy a stretching spray. These universal sprays are suitable for leather, suede and nubuck.

Concerning folk remedies, alcohol or vodka will do. Having lubricated the inside of the product, you need to walk in it for 2 hours.

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Nubuck has a sophisticated appearance and delicate shade, so it is quite often used for sewing shoes. Concerning male models, then boots and shoes are most often made from it. For women, the choice is much more varied; nubuck is used in the manufacture of shoes, sneakers, low shoes, boots, ankle boots and even over the knee boots.

Nubuck: what kind of material is it?

You've probably heard of nubuck. It is also sometimes confused with velor or suede, but it differs from them in the method of tanning and the raw materials used.

There are two types of this material: natural and artificial. The latter is also called synthetic. It is created from polymer fiber, which is compressed into several layers. Externally, it is quite close to natural.

If we talk about natural nubuck, then it is made from cattle hides. For this purpose, the chrome tanning method is used. Sanding with low-abrasive sandpaper and fine-grained sand gives it a velvety appearance. It also makes the leather durable and breathable.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of nubuck include its lightweight structure. At the same time, it is durable and lasts a long time. On average, one pair is enough for 2-3 seasons.

Air permeability, which was mentioned a little above, allows your feet not to sweat. Good ventilation allows for both winter and summer models.

This material also holds heat well - in winter you definitely won’t freeze in nubuck boots.

For those who follow fashion, the external characteristics will be a clear advantage - matte, with a small pile, and can be painted in various colors.

During production, the material for shoes is impregnated with special compounds that make them waterproof. Due to this, your feet will remain dry.

If we name the disadvantages, then first of all we should note the special care that nubuck shoes require. Despite the water resistance mentioned above, humidity can cause significant damage. Moreover, it cannot be washed with a cloth, even if there is a water-repellent agent.

Nubuck quickly loses its original color. And if you want to purchase delicate colors (yellow, pink, blue), then dirt and dust will be especially visible. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them during rainy and dirty weather.

Of course, you can turn a blind eye to all this with proper care. But it will be necessary big list necessary tools, which will allow you to maintain the original characteristics. These are all kinds of special sponges, brushes, paints, aerosols and sprays. Since the shoes themselves are not cheap, care products must be specialized and quite expensive.

How to care for nubuck shoes

So, it was noted above that this is quite capricious material. Accordingly, caring for it will not be easy. Therefore, immediately when buying a pair of shoes, you should purchase all the necessary supplies. The most important thing is to do the first cleaning immediately upon returning home with the purchase. The shoes are wiped down and a water-repellent compound is applied to them. This will allow you to extend the life of your boots, so do not neglect this action. After the first treatment, it is important to maintain constant care, otherwise these efforts will not be worth it. Give special care to your boots in rainy or snowy weather. Here are some cleaning tips:

  • Dirt from the surface can be removed with a special stiff brush. If it has insufficient rigidity, then the dirt will not go away, and the material will no longer be velvety. In this case, you can only use a dry brush. If you don't have a brush at hand, you can use an eraser.
  • If you want to wipe the outside with a damp sponge, you need to use a special detergent. It will not spoil the material and prevent its deformation. At home, instead of a cleaning agent, you can take a solution of ammonia and water (1/4 ratio).
  • If your nubuck shoes have stubborn stains or scuffs, spray paint can help. Carefully spray it onto the damaged area according to the instructions on the can.
  • After the shoes are cleaned, you need to cover them with a special water-repellent impregnation (you will find out which is better). This will create a protective layer and thereby make it easier to care for and prolong the durability of the material. The material must be treated with impregnation three times: each new layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried.

I also suggest you watch a video on the topic.

Thus, nubuck shoes are expensive materials and require care, but if you follow simple recommendations, then it will serve you for more than one season.

The fashion industry does not stand still and constantly offers consumers new ideas and ways of self-expression. The texture of the raw materials from which a certain thing is created is of great importance in creating a harmonious appearance. In this article we will look at a fashionable attractive and velvety structure. It perfectly conveys the conservative ideas of formal shoes and equally successfully reflects the spirit of free style. Very often this material is mistaken for suede. Upon closer inspection, differences are still revealed. Nubuck - what is it?

Nubuck or suede?

Both of these materials occupy a worthy place in designer collections. They are ideal for sewing shoes, outerwear and small accessories. Many people are interested in natural nubuck. What kind of material is nubuck and how does it differ from suede? Let's consider further:

  • Raw materials used. Deerskin is used to produce natural suede. Nubuck is made from the leather of cattle.
  • Tanning method. Suede is traditionally treated with a grease treatment, while the chrome version is for a material called nubuck. What is this procedure? It provides softness and elasticity to the material, but gives it the unattractive ability to quickly get wet and take a long time to dry.
  • Pile. Nubuck has more short length pile.
  • Wear resistance. Suede is more suitable for long-term wear.

Nubuck shoes. Rules for caring for winter and summer models

Let's take a closer look at nubuck. What is this material and how to wear it?

It belongs to the category of expensive and capricious, so not every girl is able to decide on such a purchase. Modern trends dictate their own rules, offering summer and winter models made of natural nubuck. Recently, sports boots and elegant slippers have become the most popular. Using suede or nubuck for these types of casual shoes may seem impractical, but there are rules for caring for capricious shoes that will help preserve the beauty of the material in its original form for many years.

In what weather can you wear nubuck shoes?

Expensive materials do not tolerate high humidity, so boots made of natural nubuck cannot be worn in damp and rainy weather. Despite a large number of models for ordinary life, suede shoes remain a formal option that does not involve long walks and the possibility of exposure to adverse weather conditions.

Suede shoes and boots, nubuck boots are designed for indoor use as well as for dry outdoor roads. These conditions are considered the safest for preserving the beauty of the product.

How to clean nubuck

Natural nubuck is a noble material that requires careful and careful handling, care and constant attention. Boots and shoes made of nubuck can be damaged if neglected, so it is important to approach the care of the products thoughtfully.

When buying capricious shoes, you should take care of related products. You will need a brush for cleaning, nanospray for processing, matching nubuck paint for touching up, heating pads for drying.

Primary care for nubuck consists of high-quality surface treatment, drying and re-processing. The composition of the protective agent creates a barrier that prevents the penetration of moisture, dust particles and reagents. Preventive measures reliably protect shoes from possible problems and also slow down the contamination of the material. In question with suede shoes It's better to play it safe by spending money on protective equipment than to spend money on restoring a damaged item or losing it altogether. Therefore, it is extremely important to know how to care for nubuck.

Caring for winter boots

In winter there is no dust, so caring for boots is simplified. It is enough to wipe the product with a flannel cloth and dry it away from heaters. If the shoes are significantly wet, you cannot immediately begin cleaning. It is necessary to stuff the boots with paper or newspapers and leave them to dry completely away from heat sources. You can use special liners for drying shoes.

Caring for summer nubuck shoes

Caring for such shoes in the summer is much more difficult. Even short stay on a dusty street takes away all the sophistication from a noble thing. To remove dust deposits, it is convenient to use a soft cloth or a special sponge brush. For best results, it is recommended to use a foam cleaner. Stains can be easily removed using a regular eraser, which also lifts the lint, refreshing the appearance of the product.

Caring for nubuck shoes: how to raise the pile?

During wear, shiny spots form on the velvet surface. To remove them, use a cotton pad soaked in ammonia. It is necessary to wipe off the dirt and lift the pile with a brush or sponge.

To update the appearance of the product, you should arrange a “hot bath”. You can restore the original appearance of the pile by holding the shoes over the steam of boiling water. Steamed fibers should be wiped with a flannel cloth. After such manipulations, the shoes are transformed before our eyes.

Artificial nubuck

What is this? The answer is simple - it is a synthetic material. In appearance it is quite difficult to distinguish it from natural one. It is famous for its wear resistance, but does not allow air to pass through. As a positive point, one can note its ability not to absorb moisture.


The modern development of designers, which has high moisture-proof qualities, is called nubuck-oil (nubuck impregnated with oil). Considered the most resistant to external influences environment. Its water-repellent impregnation allows you to wear shoes even in wet weather without fear of ruining them. However, the material requires the same careful care as the classic version.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of nubuck: durability, pleasant appearance, breathability. Things made from it always look stylish and expensive and complement any outfit.

Disadvantages: delicacy. Afraid of wet weather, requires careful care. The purchase of related care products is required for on a regular basis, which is financially unprofitable.

For those in doubt: is it worth buying nubuck shoes?

Most often, girls refuse to purchase such shoes due to the difficulties of care. Having studied the methods of proper processing, following the rules of observing weather conditions, you don’t have to worry about the appearance of your favorite thing.

Shoes made from natural nubuck are elegant and stylish element, which will never lose its relevance. The presence of such shoes is an indicator of good taste.

To make high-quality shoes, many manufacturers use only natural materials that have been valued at all times. The most common raw material is, of course, leather. More elite ones include suede and nubuck.

Many people, out of ignorance, believe that nubuck is a type of artificial leather, so products made from it are more affordable. In fact, to obtain this raw material, the skin of a young animal undergoes a polishing process, which creates a soft and velvety texture.

What is better in winter - nubuck or leather?

Pigskin and calfskin are used much more often for the manufacture of shoes and various accessories. For supporters of traditional options, this raw material is considered an ideal option. However, if you compare all the pros and cons, then what is better, shoes made of nubuck or leather?

In winter, the warmest, waterproof and breathable products become preferred. Pros of standard leather include versatility, waterproofness, strength and durability. Although when long-term wearing deep creases appear, which are reflected in the appearance.

Natural nubuck is quite durable, soft and pliable, making it proper care for a long time retains an attractive appearance and dries quickly. In addition, due to sanding, the material becomes more breathable than regular leather. Frost and snow are not scary for him, but rain and slush should be avoided.

There is also artificial nubuck, which is quite difficult to visually distinguish from natural, but the differences between them are significant. The polymer material is waterproof, but it also does not allow air to pass through, which is very bad for the health of the feet. Although in terms of durability and accessibility it occupies a leading position.

As you can see, each type of leather has its pros and cons. Therefore, when choosing, you should listen to your feelings, which will help you decide on the ideal option.

Nubuck leather care

They say that the most “capricious” material is suede. However, nubuck is also quite demanding to care for. And, despite the fact that it is classified as resistant to moisture, nevertheless, manufacturers do not recommend wearing such shoes in rain and slush. But with proper care, the accessory will serve you for many years.

When purchasing nubuck shoes, you should purchase special cleaning products for them, which will make your task much easier:

  • protective aerosol with markings intended for nubuck;
  • cream paint, for maintenance appearance;
  • soft brush for covering nubuck. They come in different types, two, three and four-sided. But the best option is a brush with rubber bristles, similar to large noodles, on the one hand, and metal bristles, on the other hand, for deeper cleaning;
  • separate brush for heels and soles.

As we see, any natural material has a number of pros and cons. Which one to choose is purely a matter of personal taste.