11 years steel wedding what to give. Steel wedding - arrange a real holiday for two

Wedding anniversary 11 years

Every year of family life is important for spouses. Many couples celebrate every wedding anniversary. After all family life, like a fairy tale, begins with a wedding feast, and then comes the time of gains and losses, ups and downs, bursts of happiness and disappointments. The family is gradually approaching a new wedding anniversary - 11 years life together. No family can avoid this path, but this path is different for everyone. So what kind of wedding is celebrated on this day, how is it celebrated and what is given as a gift?

According to traditions and customs, each year of marriage has its own name, so our ancestors called the 11th anniversary steel wedding. Eleven years of marriage is not a milestone, but it is still a reason to celebrate. Family life has already been set up, the children have grown up, the spouses, despite life’s ups and downs, were able to keep the family together, so they can celebrate their successes overcoming all the difficulties that arose on the path to happiness.

Finally, 11th wedding anniversary- a special symbolic holiday, because symbol 11 says that 1+1 is a union of two people living in perfect harmony, so they are not just strong family, but a real couple.

It is worth remembering that without proper care, steel easily loses its shine, becomes faded, and becomes covered with rust. Therefore, the couple needs to make efforts to preserve family well-being, while preventing the appearance of a sheet of steel ( family relationships) rust stains (scandals), fade (indifference), scratches (minor quarrels), dents (misunderstanding between spouses). But we should not forget that the years spent together in marriage smooth out the harsh moments.

Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon, a man-made material. Good steel has long served good purposes, because good man will take up a weapon in order to protect or help. Steel protects the owner from evil entities, energy vampires, increases vitality. Therefore, the family is a force that resists any negative trends, which increases the positive impact several times.

The day of the steel wedding should remind you of love and responsibilities to the other doormat. On this day you cannot quarrel or swear, even for serious reasons.

Celebrating 11th wedding anniversary

If the wedding anniversary - 10 years of marriage is celebrated noisily, cheerfully, then the anniversary - 11 years from the date of marriage is celebrated in a quiet family circle, inviting close friends and relatives who can rejoice at your happiness. Such people will be able to create a pleasant, sincere home environment in 11th wedding anniversary.

If the spouses do not want to celebrate a steel wedding, or for other reasons the holiday cannot take place, then they can celebrate it together. 11th wedding anniversary ideas can be like this, you can - sit at home with a cup of tea and remember all the good things that have happened over the past years; go for a walk with the children; have a family picnic; do romantic dinner or visit your favorite restaurant together; go on a trip to an unfamiliar city. But most best idea An 11th anniversary means spending a day in the place where the family’s journey began. It will bring positive, pleasant memories and will be very symbolic.

Steel Anniversary Traditions

There are many traditions and signs that you should pay attention to on your 11th wedding anniversary. Since ancient times, at a steel wedding, according to signs, it was customary to perform several rituals that helped spouses strengthen their union and ensure many years of happy family life in love and harmony.

  • There is a popular saying - in preparation for the steel anniversary holiday, it is necessary to update the family nest (rearranging furniture, major cleaning, repairs, purchasing furniture). It is best to install a fireplace in the house or install an imitation one to create the coziness of a family hearth.
  • A husband and wife, according to tradition, on the eve of the celebration, nail over front door a steel horseshoe (hanged with the arms up - a symbol of the bowl), with the wife giving the nails, the husband hammering them in. The horseshoe is a talisman that is designed to protect the family from adversity during the 11th wedding anniversary and the subsequent years of the spouses’ life together.
  • Before the start of the celebration, the husband gave his wife a bouquet of eleven flowers, which should remain fresh for 11 days, which means that the next years of family life, the married couple will live in peace and harmony.
  • According to ancient traditions, early in the morning on the 11th wedding anniversary, the spouses had to perform the ritual of ablution. If there was a wedding in the summer, then the ritual took place in a nearby pond. If it was winter, then they doused themselves with water in the bathhouse (according to Russian beliefs, water washes away all the negativity and removes the sorrows that have accumulated over the 11 years since the wedding). Then the husband and wife dressed in white clothes, symbolizing the purity of their thoughts towards each other. After this, another important ritual was performed. The spouses had to choose one of three proposed items: a blade, dough, rope.
    When the spouses choose a test, the relationship between them is unstable, they took a rope - their feelings have not stood the test of time, a blade - feelings are extremely strong, so the marriage is indestructible.
  • Another old one wedding ceremony is the exchange of spouses - valuable things, while saying pleasant words, parting words, wishes, you also need to thank your soulmate for the good things he or she has done for you over the 11 years of your wedding. With this exchange, the spouses showed that they could trust each other with the most valuable thing.

Every tradition, every ritual carries a certain meaning and was not born out of nowhere, but based on the centuries-old practice of the people. Therefore, it is not necessary to look for hidden meaning in ritual actions, but you can simply believe in miracles and perform traditional rituals that promise a married couple happiness for many years and protection from unkind people.

Congratulations on 11 years of family life

The couple have been married for eleven years, but the relationship still remains kind and gentle. Therefore, relatives and friends want to congratulate the newlyweds on the holiday, because what wedding without original congratulations that will brighten up this modest anniversary, which is celebrated quite rarely. Such congratulations for 11 years after marriage will give a feeling of celebration for the whole year, until the next wedding anniversary.

In a marriage of steel - eleven years!
You live together in love, without troubles.
I would like to sincerely wish you
Be energetic, don't be discouraged.
Having forgiven and forgotten grievances and quarrels,
Always have something positive in life.
Go towards the goal, never give up,
Love each other and always smile! ©

In any congratulation, in addition to the material part, there are also words. Congratulatory speech may be in prose or poetry. You can use ready-made options for congratulations on your 11th wedding anniversary if you can’t come up with anything, but want to surprise the guests and heroes of the occasion. The main thing is that the words come from the heart and are thought out in advance. Excitement and jitters can play a cruel joke on an unprepared improviser.

What to give for the 11th wedding anniversary

A gift for an 11th wedding anniversary should be intimate, special, and match the atmosphere of the holiday. Since this is a steel anniversary, you need to pay attention to silver-colored items. Often spouses prefer not to have noisy celebrations on their wedding anniversary, especially if the date is not round. But despite this, it’s still worth making presents to each other. After all, an anniversary gift is not just a tribute to tradition, but an expression of gratitude to your soulmate for shared joys and difficulties.

What to give your wife for 11 years of marriage

Be sure to please your other half with a gift, because she deserves to receive something special and memorable on this day. Our ideas include not only cute gifts for her personally, but also practical ones. Therefore, a wonderful bouquet of eleven flowers for an anniversary will become pleasant surprise wife. White roses wrapped in shiny gift foil will the best option for 11 years of marriage. For flowers, give:

  • A jewelry box with a steel finish, a brooch, and a neckerchief ring included.
  • Don't forget, women are romantic natures, so give a sentimental gift, such as a photo of you together in a steel frame. This will show that after 11 years have passed since the wedding day, everyone is still happy with their soulmate.
  • Delight your wife with a piece of jewelry noble metal. If your wife prefers silver, then choose a ring, earrings or bracelet. Silver shines just like well-polished steel.
  • Any nice outfit steel color. If you know how to select things according to your spouse’s size and know her taste, then go for it; if you have the slightest doubt, it’s better to go to the store together.

Women live by emotions; surprising them is not so difficult. And pleasant moments become a reliable contribution to the family treasury of values. Give your loved one pleasure, and she will certainly reciprocate.

What to give your husband for his 11th wedding anniversary

For such a long time of married life, the wife knows what gift to give her husband for 11 years of marriage, so that he will really please him. Presents made of steel reflect well the symbol of the eleventh anniversary and will certainly please the man.

  • A gift for your husband can be any household or decorative item made using steel.
  • A bicycle, a hoverboard, an electric scooter - all this will appeal to the active young man and will bring variety to his leisure time.
  • You can present a book lover with a table or floor lamp, a fisherman with tackle, a skilled man with adjustable wrenches, and a car enthusiast with a steel canister.
  • A set of electric or conventional tools (screwdriver set, hammer, drill and others) will never be superfluous. With their help, he can always maintain order in the house and make minor repairs.

A wife can give her husband a belt with a beautiful metal plaque, a watch, a steel tie clip, or cufflinks. If you choose everything tastefully, you will get a gift set that must be packaged in a shiny steel-colored box. An original solution for a steel wedding there will be a purchase of a barbecue for the husband (a hint to celebrate the anniversary in nature).

Gifts from guests and parents for a steel wedding

On the eleventh anniversary, relatives can choose amazing things for the heroes of the occasion. It is known that steel maintains its temperature for a long time without any additional devices, therefore a set of steel utensils in the form of a tea or coffee set, great choice for a wedding anniversary gift. You can also give steel-colored home textiles, gifts with a themed design - tablecloth, curtains, bedspread. The main thing to remember is that steel color looks good on shiny materials such as silk, organza, satin. On matte materials this color loses greatly.

You don’t have to limit yourself to symbolic gifts for your 11th wedding anniversary. You can always figure out how to add symbolism to your chosen gift. To do this, use foil packaging or use steel elements for decoration.

Friends who were invited to celebrate the 11th summer anniversary weddings, can give a steel safe, which will serve as an excellent place to store family treasures. To ensure that this wonderful gift does not go empty, put money (11 pieces, decide the denomination yourself) and theater tickets. You can also give steel products, various jewelry, and household items. Any combination will do: frying pans will be useful in everyday life - they will last for many years, a champagne bucket will bring back the romance. A set of pots and steel bowls will be a reason to go to the mountains.

Gift for 11th wedding anniversary must be positive and beneficial. Therefore, the lamp, which is made to resemble metal, symbolizes the light and warmth that the spouses experience mutually. Such a gift will decorate the couple’s home, constantly reminding them of a strong relationship.

Any wedding gift The newlyweds will love it on their 11th wedding anniversary if it is presented from the heart with wishes of family happiness.

The atmosphere that is formed during these 11 years after marriage plays a huge role in the family. The couple's relationship should become akin to steel: strong, unbending, reliable. Steel, like a mirror, symbolizes the extraordinary closeness of two hearts, despite the adversities that occur along the path of life. Steel wedding- a wonderful occasion to remind the whole world of your love, devotion, and loyalty to each other. You need to spend this 11th anniversary in such a way that you remember it with warmth for many more years, right up to your golden wedding anniversary, or even longer.

Other wedding anniversaries

It's not customary for us to celebrate. Therefore, the name of this event came to us from Europe, where on the 16th wedding anniversary it is customary to give topaz jewelry, hence the name of the anniversary. Topaz embodies prudence, wisdom, completeness of happiness, and strength of relationships. Upon closer examination, you can see mysterious marks and opacities on the topaz. They are compared to the mysteries and secrets of family life that cannot be fully unraveled.

An important date in family life, and spouses should definitely celebrate it. You can gather guests in a restaurant or banquet hall, sit in narrow circle relatives and friends at home or even dedicate this day only to yourself. Having been legally married for exactly 20 years, the couple are celebrating a major anniversary - a porcelain wedding. This interesting name for a wedding anniversary was not invented in vain. People who have lived together for so many years have become truly family.

Congratulations and gifts for a steel wedding.

The more spouses live together, the more attached they become to each other. Anniversaries are celebrated and perceived very vividly, which indicate a certain stage in the relationship. Each of these stages has its own characteristics.

Immediately after the first round anniversary there is a steel wedding. Few people celebrate it and not everyone even knows about its name. But really in vain. The fact is that with a steel wedding a new stage begins in the life of the spouses.

After 11 years of living, the children are growing up, many spouses are rapidly climbing the career ladder. It is during this period that a wife or husband can look for connections on the side. This is due to a certain lull in relationships and the appearance of free time. This is why the steel wedding is called that. Relationships are quite strong and flexible, but to make them shine, constant work is required.

According to tradition, steel products are given as gifts on the 11th anniversary. In general, it is better to discuss with your spouses in advance what they want. Steel products are inexpensive, so you can give a fairly large and voluminous gift.

Gift options:

  • Wine horn
  • Knife set
  • Set of kitchen utensils
  • Stainless steel dishes
  • Brazier
  • Souvenirs

This year should be generous with gifts. Ask your loved one what gift she wants. But if you know your spouse, then it’s easy enough to decide on a present. In general, it can be kitchen utensils, but if everything is in order in your wife’s kitchen, you can give jewelry.

Gift options:

  • Pots
  • Silver rings
  • Silver pendant
  • Steel stand for jewelry and jewelry
  • Steel box
  • Mouse or keyboard
  • Curling Hair

Of course, some products are not made of steel, but will contain parts made of this metal.

You can also give your husband a huge set of gifts. These can be either tools for car repair or more sophisticated gifts. If your husband is an office worker, then he will like fashionable gadgets and devices for computers.

Gift options:

  • Flash drive in steel case
  • Collectible stainless steel lighter
  • Training apparatus
  • Dumbbells or barbell
  • Cup with engraving
  • Platinum cufflinks
  • Silver tie holder

If your friends or good acquaintances decide to celebrate a steel wedding, be sure to please them with warm words. Most often, this date is celebrated in a close family circle, so congratulations can be expressed in your own words in prose. But you can learn a beautiful poem. The spouses will be very happy about this.


Dear friends! So you have opened a new decade of your family’s existence. Your relationship is strong and shiny like stainless steel. We wish that over time the metal will be refined and become gold.

Our closest people! We are glad to attend this date and congratulate you. It may not be an anniversary, but important stage in your life. A steel wedding is a rather big date and means that troubles and everyday life have not ruined your relationship. We wish you another 50 years together.


Eleven year life span
We celebrate today. They say
All congratulations. Steel roads
You've been through a lot. Ways back
Does not exist. Just go ahead!
To new heights, to happiness and love,
Eleven year life span
You fastened the rings and passed.
You still have a lot to go through together
It will be expensive. Off the right track
Don’t you dare go, take care of your happiness,
Carry love through all obstacles!

Touching congratulations on the steel wedding of 11 years for the wife in verse and prose

If your wife is quite headstrong and likes to be in charge, prepare a humorous poem for her. It will cheer up all the guests and cheer up the wife. You can write a few beautiful lines or say congratulations in your own words.


You and I are celebrating the steel anniversary!
Apparently I'm already completely sick,
Since I live with such a wayward lady,
Always dissatisfied, always right in everything.
Only, apparently, I need one like this,
Although you are harmful, you are just my gold.
I will kiss you deeply a thousand times,
For me there is nothing more precious than the light of your eyes!


Beloved and beloved! I can't believe that we've been together for 11 years already. The children have grown up and are already quite adults, but you are still blooming. Still as slim and beautiful. I hope that we will celebrate our 50th anniversary with you.

Beloved wife! You are the most valuable thing I have. I wish you never to lose heart, and I myself undertake to support you in all your endeavors. Even in household chores. I hope to celebrate more than one wedding anniversary with you.

Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky with good husbands, but in most cases, if the family has survived the crisis of the seventh year of life, by the 11th anniversary it becomes strong. The relationship is strengthened, the husband becomes support and hope, as well as an assistant. If you are lucky with your husband and he cares about you and your children, prepare some beautiful lines for him.


Congratulations on the steel wedding
Get it, hubby, from your wife herself!
Receive kisses, wishes and hugs,
I want to give you all of myself today!
Just so that you don’t get scandals, beatings,
It's better to have a lot of affection on soft pillows.
I promise this, you, my hubby,
Always be faithful, gentle and dear to me!


Dear husband! I am glad that you became my chosen one and supported me for many years. I wish you creative success and prosperity in business. I really want to spend more time with you. I hope that we will be able to maintain trembling feelings until the golden wedding and become an example for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Beloved and beloved! Today is not our anniversary, but still I hasten to congratulate you on our steel wedding. Now our relationship is as strong as steel, because we have been through a lot together. I hope that you will be my knight until the end of my days.

Parents usually treat any anniversary and date of their children with trepidation. They are very worried about the children’s relationships and try to help them in every possible way. Be sure to congratulate your children, even if not on a round anniversary, but still a happy and long-awaited one.


I have a rich family life experience,
How long have you been married?
Reliable enamel,
Your marriage has strengthened like steel!

WITH beautiful date congratulations,
We wish you warmth at home!
Solve problems together
Multiply the family budget!


Dear children! We are glad to be present at the celebration. We are very happy that you have been together for 11 years and continue to make us happy. Despite our experience in married life, we sometimes take our example from you, because you are truly a rare and happy family.

If you were not invited, or for some reason you were unable to come to the holiday, do not be upset. Send a postcard or SMS message with congratulations to the heroes of the occasion.


And here is the second wedding anniversary
I came to your house with a rustle of paper.
Joy, happiness and love reign in him -
Everything else seems unimportant.

You have everything to enjoy life
Let your friendly family grow stronger,
And there is money - paper bills.
This is my wish!

Cake for 11th wedding anniversary: ​​ideas, photos

Of course, the 11th anniversary is not an anniversary, and there is no need to spend a huge amount of money to celebrate a steel wedding. But you can complement your family gatherings with a delicious homemade cake. Below are several options for decorating a birthday cake.

Cake for 11th wedding anniversary: ​​ideas, photos

A steel wedding is an important date. The fact is that the crises are over, and the spouses have more time for each other. Don't miss this moment and make the relationship romantic.

VIDEO: Steel wedding

Finding new congratulations for your 11th wedding anniversary is not so easy, but with us it’s very easy to do. Cool statuses and SMS, poetry, prose intended for wife, husband, children, relatives and friends in this article especially for you! Pick up original congratulations with a steel wedding, which will brighten up this modest date, quite rarely celebrated, and give a feeling of celebration for the whole year.

To the husband from the wife in poetry and prose

Our marriage is friendly
Today is a new date!
So loved, so needed
I met you once...
11 years like lightning
We flew by like a happy moment!
I ask only one thing from God,
Live your whole life together, honey!
We will celebrate the steel wedding,
Husband, with the most tender feelings!
They must carry it through the years,
I love you as before!

To my dear husband
On the anniversary I send congratulations to:
Congratulations on the Steel Wedding,
And over the years I only love you more!
You fill the glasses with champagne,
And drink to the dregs with me for love!
We lived together for many years,
I’m ready to live them with you again!

Thank you for your concern,
Thank you, my husband, for your love!
It's our steel anniversary!
I'm ready to tell you again
That I promise to be faithful,
Like these 11 years!
Congratulations on your wedding,
Let us live without troubles!

Not everything happens in life
Too simple and smooth!
But with you, my love,
My life is so sweet!
And 11 years old
We flew by like an arrow!
Happy Steel wedding!
Let there be understanding
Have enough patience!
Let's live another century
We are with you, without a doubt!

I won’t say florid and incomprehensible phrases, but I’ll say congratulations in my own words. Dear husband, even though today we do not have a round anniversary of marriage, but only another 11 years of marriage, there is already so much to remember! Thank you for your strong character, for your support, for the fact that we live securely and prosperously! Only I know how gentle and kind you are, despite your external prickliness and brutality! So may you and I have so many anniversaries in our family life in the future that we recognize all their existing names! Happy Steel Wedding, my love!

To the wife from her husband

Today you and I have a Steel wedding,
I congratulate you on this, dear!
My wife, dearest to everyone in the world!
There is a cozy house and wonderful children!
I am grateful to you for your tenderness, for your affection,
Accept a gift from me on your anniversary!
I wish to live with you until the end of my days,
After all, you are like a bright sun to me!

Ring as a symbol of infinity,
I put it on your hand!
With you until the end of eternity
I wish I could live, my wife!
11 happy years we live,
And, as before, I need you!
Steel wedding! Congratulations on her
You, beloved wife!

To me best wife got it!
And now we have a Steel Wedding!
I want you to smile forever,
You're standing there in a wedding dress!
Always slim, tender, beautiful,
Faithful, and so loved by me!
And it’s very clear to everyone around,
How happy I am with my wife!

You and I are like a needle and thread,
Already 11 whole years!
I admire your smile
There is no one more ideal than you, wife!
Happy anniversary to you
I want to please, loving forever!
I will be the most reliable man
And I will support you!

Today I again want to confess to my dear wife that I have never loved anyone more in the world and will not love anyone! For eleven whole years on this day I remember how you said “Yes” to me! And I am immensely happy that we came to the Steel Wedding, retaining all the warmest feelings for each other, and we find the strength to understand and accept everything! I congratulate you, my love, and I will try, in turn, to continue to please you every moment of our life together!

Congratulations from parents

How joyful we are today,
After all, you have been together for 11 years!
Do you remember, son-in-law, the ring then
Did you put it on the bride's finger?
Live together, children, together,
So as not to swear, not to scold!
Let your dreams come true
And happiness will last forever!

Daughter, happy anniversary to you today
We congratulate you, we wish you to live
Live all your life with the only best man!
And love him deeply until his gray hairs!
A steel wedding is not a small date,
But there is more gold ahead!
Love your husband and always be faithful,
And kiss me hotly on the lips!

Please accept this wish from your parents:
Living life is not like crossing a field...
We wish you to go hand in hand
Together happily throughout the entire marriage journey!
Although this anniversary is called Steel,
Still, tenderness is needed in relationships!
You don't need a reason to show love,
For a wife and husband, family is so important!

You need to live together, without offense,
No quarrels, no grief!
Accept, children, on this day
Congratulations from us!
The family will be as strong as steel,
Love and understanding
Give, husband and wife, you
Mutual attention!
Eleven years of marriage -
Another year of life lived!
Always becomes part of the family
The impossible is possible!

Our dear children! 11 years ago you flew out of your parents' nests and built your own family nest. So let love and happiness, prosperity and mutual understanding always reign in him! And we wish you more of your little chicks! Happy Steel Wedding, our dear ones!

Congratulations from friends

Oh, what a wedding! This is just awesome!
I was a witness, remember, at your place?
And now you have lived for eleven years,
I have never met a happier couple, no!
Let the kids grow up, let the house be full,
And let love certainly live in him!
From the Steel wedding you will come to the Golden one
I sincerely wish you to walk this path together!

Remind me now, as a family friend,
I want you to always live in love!
You’ve been going to Steel’s wedding for eleven years,
Having gone through quite a few quarrels, mistakes and troubles!..
Leave it all behind, friends,
Let the rains bypass your house,
And the sun shines on your family!
Let there always be passion and heat between you!

Dear friends, we envy you
We are friendly white envy!
Today we want you these words
To say boldly without embarrassment:
We would like to congratulate you on your Steel wedding,
We wish everything to work out!
Love reigned and intimacy was passionate,
And the wife smiled at her husband!

You are an amazing couple
Our beloved friends!
11 years have passed since the date
How was your family born?
Steel wedding, anniversary
Among friends, among relatives.
You smile for no reason
And we give you this verse!

Dear friends, may you live a sweet life,
May your family life run so smoothly
So that there are no quarrels, so that there are no blizzards!
Please accept congratulations from your friends!
All 11 years have flown by so quickly,
And your marriage is filled with bright life meaning!
Keep the love, respect and affection,
And then you will live to see your gray hairs, as if in a fairy tale!

Cool congratulations for a steel wedding

You've been living together for so many years,
It's time to get bored!
Everyone is at the table: mother-in-law and father-in-law,
And the mother-in-law and father-in-law are here!
We celebrate the Steel wedding,
Husband, kiss your wife quickly!
You love her, dear,
And pamper me with gifts!
Well, you, wife, spouse
Warm your heart with affection!
Be true to each other
There will be eternal paradise in the house!

11th birthday
Your life together
Today we celebrate!
The house will be full of thicket,
The wife is always beautiful
Her husband is her support!
Let love-carrots not pass away -
The tomatoes don't wilt!

Let's wish you a sweet life,
Even if we shout “bitterly”!
To live eleven years in marriage -
There are a thousand reasons for this:
The house is tidy, cozy,
Children, borscht - how good!
There is plenty of money,
There is a big car!
A husband and wife are two birds of paradise,
They always sing in unison!
You are your love, dear ones,
Carry it through the years!

Original congratulations
We would like to congratulate you now!
Let the mood be cool
Let your eyes burn with happiness!
Let him carry his wife in his arms
Big and strong hubby!
The wife will take off her clothes in the bedroom,
And the fire will burn!
And let the Steel Wedding hum,
There will be no time for sleep today!
I wish you more love...
But you have it in full!

Didn't drink, wife, husband today,
You better listen to our congratulations!
After all, the Steel Wedding is a long time,
The husband will crawl home from work tired,
But he won’t forget about your date,
You will get the best roses!
Well, wife, you will set the table,
And give your loved one a surprise!

SMS congratulations

A steel wedding is a joy!
Live happily and together!
And may fate give the family
Everything you want and need!

I'm in this short SMS
I can't write a poem.
Happy Steel Wedding to you now
I will briefly congratulate you:
May life together be good
May your soul always sing!

Congratulations, beloved husband,
Happy anniversary!
I've been married for 11 years
With the most wonderful man!

You and I, dear wife,
Steel wedding! Congratulations!
Beautiful, loving and gentle
I always want you to be!

Happy 11th birthday to your friendly family
Congratulations today! I love you very much!
Let your ship sail in family life to those lands,
Where eternal love reigns! I wish you happiness!

You shared 11 years together,
Your years together have only strengthened you!
There is still a lot of happiness waiting for you,
And may the Golden Wedding come to you!

Keep the warmth of our hearts
You are already eleven years old!
Please accept congratulations,
There is no happier person in the world!

You have been inseparable for 11 years now,
Your hearts are in unison!
You two are like a thread and a needle!
May your family be strong for a long time!

Dreams and plans, washed for two!
On this anniversary I send you this verse:
11 years of life have flown by,
You didn’t even have time to look back!
So may love reign with you forever,
Live together in marriage, people!

I wish your family longevity,
May your children be healthy!
Steel wedding – no joke! Not a little!
May your couple be happy!

Toasts for 11 years

From my husband

For you, beloved, for you, dear,
I raise a toast to our wedding anniversary!
How beautiful you are, how bright, how tender...
You are the only one, my love, believe me, I need you!
We ate a lot of salt and pepper with you,
Without you my heart doesn’t beat at all!
For me you are the sun, the air, the universe,
The most magical, wonderful creature!
We quickly flew to the Steel wedding,
I will bring to life everything that you wanted!
And today I will make a promise in front of everyone,
Soon we will have a wedding!

It's not the champagne that makes me drunk,
And from your love!
My beloved wife,
You accept it from the heart
Congratulations from my husband!
I want to say a toast:
Family life has a long way to go
Ours was by no means simple.
We have been married for 11 years,
I am immensely happy!
You are everything that is so dear to me,
After all, you are my family!

From my wife

For my dear, beloved, dear husband
I raise my glass now
I am the first to take my word on our anniversary
And I will drink champagne to the bottom for us!
Thank you for being with me for 11 years,
Thank you, husband, for being a strong shoulder.
You set me up when I was a bride
And you still love me so dearly!

May our love be stronger than steel!
Let no sadness come to our family!
We saw a lot of laughter and tears,
And they even decided to break up seriously...
And here is the anniversary of the creation of a family,
We always took care of her as best we could!
And you, my husband, helped me in everything,
Over all these years you have recognized me,
Sometimes grumpy, sometimes bitchy,
Sometimes it’s not easy for you to be with me...
But I love you very, very much!
We will celebrate our Steel wedding!
I'll finish my toast by sipping some wine.
Our love with you has an eternal motive!..

From parents

For you, we, dear children,
We would like to make our toast!
At least for 11 years of life
Your family path was not easy,
Still, there were a lot of joys,
And happiness splashes over the edge!
Son, come quickly to your husband
Kiss and hug tightly!
And you, daughter, don’t be embarrassed,
Fall into his arms!
After all, the Steel Wedding is not the result,
And the Golden one is ahead!

Today you are newlyweds,
Eleven years gone!
Harnessed to one team,
Together you are not afraid of rain,
Not a blizzard will destroy your marriage,
No gossip and no everyday life...
And they echo the unison of the souls,
When the baby is sleeping in the crib!
For you, children, I raise
Wineglass! And I drink it to the dregs!
Love is more intoxicating
Than even the aroma of wine...
I wish you to be forever drunk,
Don't sober up for a moment!
And everyone is zealously in the race of life
Achieved harmony in the family!

Stutas for a steel wedding

  1. My husband is a king, my home is a pedestal! And my marriage is as strong as steel! 11 years of life together, today I’m a bride again!
  2. Steel wedding – a long way to go! With my beloved I understood the essence of life! I can’t sleep tonight, my wife won’t let me rest!
  3. The second ten years of marriage have been exchanged! I accept congratulations on your 11th anniversary of a happy marriage!
  4. We lived ten years and one year without worries! And we’re having a Steel wedding, I’ll be wearing a white dress again!
  5. My husband gave me steel dishes! 11 years together, I kiss you!
  6. The steel wedding has arrived, the days have flown by as if in a fairy tale! And I still always make eyes at my beloved husband!
  7. 11 years together! I’m not jealous of my husband, but on our wedding anniversary I kiss him everywhere!
  8. We've reached the Steel Wedding, and soon it will be time to move on to precious metals - the Gold and Platinum Wedding!
  9. Thank you, husband, for all eleven years of marriage! You are a real hero who has nerves of steel, because you were able to withstand such a “non-laughing princess” like me for so long!
  10. You fulfill all my whims, surprises await you today! I will wear my best dress to celebrate the steel wedding!

Today you can celebrate a variety of wedding anniversaries. But not everyone knows what each of them is called, depending on the years spent in marriage. 11 years later cohabitation A married couple celebrates their steel wedding.

Where did the name come from?

What do you give for your 11th wedding anniversary? What wedding? The experience of spouses who have been married for more than ten years already confirms that their relationship is quite strong and stable, just like steel. This is not only durable, but also very attractive material. Objects are reflected in it as in a mirror. The celebration that is dedicated to this solemn date should exclusively be the same - wonderful.

After such a long period, as a rule, the passions that were seething at the moment of grinding into each other subside. This period is characterized by the ringing of children's voices and career advancement. It seems like the couple has already managed to achieve a lot, but it’s too early to relax. There is still a lot to do ahead. If a couple has spent so many years together, it will be extremely difficult to break off their relationship. What awaits the spouses after 11 years of life? What kind of wedding is celebrated and what is it called? It's time to celebrate the steel anniversary. The couple can accept congratulations and prepare for nickel wedding, which will further strengthen their union.

How did you celebrate a steel wedding before?

If you believe ancient legends, on the anniversary day the first thing the spouses had to do was to perform the classic ritual of ablution. Those who celebrated a wedding in the warm season could perform such a ritual in a pond. Spouses whose wedding anniversary falls in the winter take a bath in the bathhouse. To emphasize the purity of the marriage, husband and wife dressed in white.

After this, another important ritual was performed. The spouses had to choose one of three proposed objects: a blade, dough or rope. If a couple took a rope, it meant that they had not yet covered the entire path for initiation; if it was dough, then the relationship between the spouses was extremely unstable, and if it was a blade, then their feelings were extremely strong.

Charms for spouses

In ancient times, much attention was paid to amulets. A horseshoe nailed at the entrance to a home was a sign of prosperity and good luck. It was usually purchased and installed together. The husband had to fix the horseshoe over the entrance, and the wife had to hand over the equipment and tools. This ritual is aimed at strengthening family ties and protecting the family from difficulties and adversities.

Many people have questions about celebrating their 11th wedding anniversary. What kind of wedding is being celebrated? What do they give newlyweds? How to celebrate? In ancient times, spouses were required to exchange valuable items. In this way they showed that they could trust each other with anything.

Another tradition of anniversary decoration: updating your home on the eve of the important day. Firstly, this way the spouses will be able to get rid of unnecessary and old things, and secondly, make repairs. The most important thing is that the house is comfortable.

Steel wedding: how is it celebrated?

Many people don’t think it’s necessary to celebrate 11 wedding years. What kind of wedding, what is given and how is it celebrated - these questions are not of interest to all married couples. Some people believe that since this is not a round date, it should not be celebrated on a grand scale. But what's stopping you from having a noisy party? Usually relatives and close friends are invited to attend. The more children there are at the party, the better. They represent the continuation of life. You should also invite an experienced married couple who have been married much longer than the newlyweds themselves.

What to give as a gift?

Common questions asked by guests who were invited to their 11th wedding anniversary: ​​what kind of wedding, what are they giving? According to an ancient custom, it is customary to give steel objects as gifts. Choosing a gift in this case will be quite easy. Many useful things are made from this metal. In addition, any shiny objects are suitable as a gift.

Here are just some gift ideas:

  • kitchen utensils and utensils, such as pots;
  • household appliances: blender, multicooker, kettle or coffee maker with a silver surface;
  • a champagne bucket - will help create a romantic atmosphere;
  • a picnic set with steel bowls and a pot - useful for joint trips to nature;
  • lamps, bedside lamps or sconces with a metal surface will look great with a modern-style interior;
  • glass vases decorated with silver, gold or bronze elements;
  • utensils made of metal or colored glass;
  • steel decorations and home items;
  • samovars;
  • photo albums and frames made of glass and metal;
  • book safe. Original and unusual gift, which the spouses will then use for many years to store money and various valuables.

You can approach the issue of choosing gifts more creatively. For example, make custom cutting boards, plates or other trays. Such original gifts will remind the spouses of the celebration of 11 years of marriage for a long time. What wedding is complete without flowers? A bouquet will always be a relevant gift.

Decoration is considered a good omen festive table bouquet of 11 flowers. According to legend, if the flowers from the holiday last for another 11 days, the marriage will only get stronger. That is why it is better to give preference to flowers that remain fresh for a long time. It is better to opt for roses, carnations, gladioli and chrysanthemums.

How to congratulate spouses on their 11th wedding anniversary?

Practical gifts are not only pleasant, but also useful. However, you can give the spouses an unusual surprise. Perhaps he will be remembered on for a long time. What should you give for 11 years of marriage? What's a wedding without congratulations? You can give the newlyweds a special box where they will keep all the cards from their wedding day. Or you can use a special wish box. This could mark the beginning of a wonderful tradition: every year on this day, spouses will put notes with their deepest dreams there, and a year later they will open it and check whether they managed to make their wishes come true.

What kind of celebration do people who have been married for 11 years do? What is the wedding anniversary, what is it called? What can you give?

Here are some more ideas original gifts for anniversary:

  1. Sweets “For Happiness”: can remind newlyweds of the passion that raged in their relationship in the first years of marriage.
  2. Certificates for spouses. Can be done comic certificates for "The Best Husband in the World" or "The Most Beautiful Wife".
  3. "Closing" umbrella.
  4. A watch without numbers on the dial: such a gift seems to say that “lucky people don’t watch hours.”
  5. A comic piggy bank for the family budget. The peculiarity of this souvenir is that no matter what part of the piggy bank the wife’s money is put into, a large amount will still remain on the wife’s side.
  6. Funny wedding anniversary wishes.

What can spouses give each other for their anniversary?

Today, most people do not know what a wedding is like - 11 years of marriage. This is a steel wedding. A married couple should definitely think about gifts for each other. What can a husband present to his wife on their wedding anniversary?

Original and refined products will always please a woman. You can buy a bag from famous designer, accessories with various steel logos, Jewelry, cosmetic set or high-quality expensive perfume. Jewelry would also be a great gift.

As for a gift for your husband, it is also easy to find a suitable item here. You can give a silver flash drive or some equipment decorated in silver colors. An excellent gift would be a steel belt with a massive plaque made of shiny metal. For business man Accessories such as a tie clip and cufflinks are great options. For the outdoor lover a wonderful gift there will be a barbecue. You can also give something from a collectible edged weapon, for example, a dirk or a saber. If the head of the family likes to make things with his own hands, then a set of tools would be an excellent gift for him. Avid car enthusiasts will find a variety of car accessories to choose from. You can give sports equipment to an athlete.

Romantic surprise

How else can you celebrate your 11th wedding anniversary? What wedding is complete without a surprise? In our case, this could be an unusual romantic evening for two. You have the power to give yourself and your other half a real holiday. You can arrange a short trip for the two of you. Or go to a car dealership for a gift on this day. As you can see for yourself, there are many options. You just need to choose the one that suits your couple the most.


In this review, we examined all the issues related to celebration and congratulations on our 11th wedding anniversary. What kind of wedding will be fun and memorable? Of course, with gifts, sincere speeches and good mood- all the components of a spiritual holiday. To make your mood truly rosy, please yourself and your significant other with something unusual and original. Such a holiday will remain in the memory of not only the spouses, but also the whole family for a long time. Learn to surprise each other with even the most unexpected little things. Make your life varied, and then you won’t be afraid of any obstacles.

The eleventh anniversary marks that the union of the spouses is very strong and durable, which is why it is called steel wedding. Surely by this time you have already acquired your own home, many families have a child, and maybe more than one - this is no small achievement and you can congratulate each other on it.

Steel wedding: 11 years

It’s interesting, but in the old days in Rus', real spouses were considered to be husband and wife who lived in harmony for 11 years, then they had every right to say that they had gone through fire, water, and copper pipes. The first year is just preparation for life together, the first trials, the first shared sorrows and joys. After this year, the spouses must live for another 10 years - only then will they know what marriage is, it is a kind of probation for a young family.

A steel wedding confirms that the union has become indestructible and strong, because steel is very strong. Despite the fact that steel itself is unattractive, after processing it is transformed and becomes shiny, attracting the eye. So the union becomes stronger and more beautiful if husband and wife go through the trials prepared for them by fate hand in hand.

How to celebrate a steel wedding?

Traditionally, steel wedding symbolizes renewal, so it would be good to rearrange or repair the house or apartment. On this anniversary, it is customary for spouses to exchange valuable gifts with each other - a sign of how dear their relationship is to them, as well as immense trust in their soul mate. Another ritual that a steel wedding cannot do without is the rite of passage: early in the morning the spouses washed themselves with water or plunged into the river (if the weather allowed) - this is a symbol that all troubles and sorrows are left behind, and the spouses enter the second decade of marriage renewed. It was customary to hang a steel horseshoe over the front door - this is a talisman of family happiness.

It is accepted that steel wedding spouses dress in white: if you don’t like this color, choose a suitable shade - beige, ivory, cream, and so on. A steel wedding should take place in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere, so only the couple’s closest friends are invited to the celebration. According to tradition, among the guests there should be a married couple celebrating their 12th anniversary, as well as children - after all, this is a symbol of renewal, a change of generations.

You can celebrate your anniversary either in a traditional style or make it themed. An original solution would be a wedding in steel color: a pure “metal” design does not look very elegant, but it can be combined with other colors - green, turquoise, white and so on. Let silver dishes flaunt on the table, decorate the room with silver garlands, balloons, fabrics, you can find contrasting flowers and create original compositions; even silver-colored retro items will fit perfectly into the overall atmosphere.

What to give for a steel wedding?

Gifts can be given not only made of steel, but also simply in this color. Silver dishes, glasses, photo frames, paintings, and candlesticks will come in handy.

Nowadays there are a lot of household appliances that are produced in silver shades - from a kettle to a TV or refrigerator, the main thing is to know what the couple needs now. The husband and wife should also think about gifts for each other: you can give your wife jewelry and pleasant trifles, as well as a bouquet of flowers, a hookah for my husband, a personalized flask, new headphones or a phone. If he is a fan of fishing and good gear, he will appreciate such a practical gift. You can also buy something for the common good: say, a new camera for future travel, and so on.