The scenario of the matinee on May 9 in Dow. Matinee Scenario "May 9" in the senior group

Festive Matinee for Victory Day for the Middle Group Dow.


1. To bring up a sense of unity with people in the struggle for peace.

2. Develop the ability to judge.


1. The phonograms of Marsha "Farewell to Slavica" V. Agapkin, songs "Victory Day" D. Tukhmanova and "Sacred War" A. Alexandrov.

2. Preparing the sultans, flags, flowers; two bandages; Headwear - Sun Crown, Soldier Pill, Blacksmith Hat, Steel Helmet, Shakhtar Casque, Machine Frame, Straw Han Hat; Musical instruments - metal products, plates, tambourines, triangles, drums; Spikelets - two every girl; Cape the breeze.


Presenter (adult).



Children with flowers, flags and slanders enter the hall under the march "Farewell to Slavs" V. Agapkin and stand in three ranks.

Leading. Today we celebrate the solemn date - the day of victory.

1st child

Victory! Victory! Victory!

Rushing the message around the country

End to experience and troubles,

End of a long war.

2nd child

Blood Victory -

You are more expensive to the heart.

You were with us in the suburbs,

You remember the Caucasus, Leningrad.

3rd child

With fighters went to the columns,

They led them to a decisive battle.

Today on our banners

You have been eclipsed by the sun.

I. Vasilevsky

Song "ninth of May" T. Chonaya

1st child

Let the Salute Victory rattling.

In the sky, let the lights burn.

Congratulations to our grandfathers!

Victory Day - Everyone is happy!

2nd child

On this day of the Spring

The sun shines brighter,

On this day happy

Children are happy.

3rd child

Everyone is not sitting on site,

I want to dance, spin,

Song sing and have fun.

M. Lapisov

Exercise with flowers, flags and sultachiki under the song "Victory Day" D. Tukhmanova

Leading. June 1941. People rejoice in the summer. Graduation balls are held in schools.

Tell me yesterday, no one would believe

That somewhere near the war hiding

That tomorrow she bursts into the door -

And the world and silence collapse.

K. Mamontov

The 1st verse of the song "Sacred War" A. Alexandrov sounds.

The peaceful life of our country crossed the war. Under this song went to the front of the soldiers. But the battles were not only on the fronts. In order for factories and factories, stocks of weapons and products to get the enemy, they were shipped into a deep rear under continuous bombings of enemy aircraft to the east of our country - to the Urals and Siberia. It sometimes happened that in a new place still the walls and the roof of the plant were not built, and he already worked under the open sky.

Then it happened,

The whole front repeated the huge

With the sigh of the tenderness of sons

Two words: "Batyushka Ural ...".


"Everything for the front! Everything for victory!" - It became the main task of the rear workers. Instead of the fathers who went to the war to the factory, their wives and children, old people, pensioners became known to the factory machines. People worked around the clock. They produced shells, cartridges, combat equipment - tanks, airplanes, artillery guns. Listen to a story about small turkeys.

1st child

Do not sleep the boy,

He thought all night:

"Well, how, well, what

To help me to help? "

2nd child

And in the morning on the dawn

The boy gets up

Familiar Dear

Goes to the plant.

3rd child

And to the master: -

Uncle, I teach me

I will pass the shells

For the front to sharpen!

4th child

The machine was obedient,

The boy was able to

And Boyko Machine

Under the hands of solder.

5th child

The boy is in a hurry,

Does not lose moments ...

Shells for Front

Machines are taken.

N. Palaguta

Leading. With advanced in sanitary trains were brought wounded in the rear. In hospitals, military hospitals behind the soldiers, doctors, nurses, and sanitary cars were courted. How many fighters facilitated the pain of the caring hands of these people.

Game "Perevying the wounded"

Four children are involved: two girls are "Sanitary" and two boys - "wounded fighters". Girls tied up hand boys. The girl is defeated, the first imposed bandage.

Leading. Rural residents grown bread to send it to the front. Often, hungry themselves, they fed the soldiers who defended the country from the enemy. The front required a lot of bandages, cotton wool. And wata is cotton. It grows in Uzbekistan. Previously, there were no cotton harvesting machines, and cotton was collected by hand. 12-year-old Uzbek girl Mamlakat Nashhangova invented a wonderful way to cleaning his. Cotton was always collected with one hand, and the Mamlakat began to pull the gun from cotton boxes at once: right - from one box, left - from another. A hardworking girl for it was awarded the Order of Lenin. The labor feat of our people was not inferior to the heroism of soldiers at the fronts of war. Thanks to this, we have stood in the fight against fascism. Glory to our people and the winner!


Walk, thank you, my Russia!

Nature you, Russian Our Earth!

Yes, there will be a strong century

Favorite our native country!

S. Gorodetsky

Piece "Walk!" M. Glinka

Children playing the orchestra.

Staging the poem "Victory" E. Trutneva

In the middle of the hall, children are published - the sun and soldiers.

The sun

Sun in the pipe Golden Cutting:

"Glory a hero-fighter!"

The enemy is defeated, destroyed, smashed.

Fame hero-fighter!


I am fighting with enemies, "the fighter says, -

It's not a pity on it and life.

But the bayon for me was Kuznets -

Strengled steel!

Game "Kuznets" I. Arseeva

Children come out - Blacksmith, Staples, Shakhtar, Machinist, Reaper.


I said the bayonet, - the blacksmith says. -

Like a heat, it burns in the sun.

But ringing steel, precious gift,

I paid the brother Stalevar.


Of course, - said Stalevar, - Metal

I got out of ore

But in the dark subsoil of the Ural Mountains

Not me descended, and Shakhtar.


Yes, it is true - Shakhtar said. -

I have a slaughter with me

I got my ore, but to you at the station

She brought her driver.

"Machinist's song" K. Volkov


Well, yes, - said the driver, - in the country

I drive all the ends.

But bread is mined and you, and me

Native our boards.

Girls with spikelets are built into two columns. A breeze runs between them.


The breeze asked, fleeing ...


What are you, rye, golden?


And in response, the spikelets will rustle ...

Golden hands are growing.

Dance with Colosals "Golden Wheat"

Performed girls

Girls with spikelets in hands are built in 2 columns. They are squatted for joining.

I'm fine, the ears spread Girls slowly rise ("RA spikelets

Here walking sometimes sometimes stout "). Raise spikelets up and swing

Wall stands Wheat Golden they from side to side. On repetition

On the side of the path field. spin with squats

And per hour, when over our party Rebuild in the circle and go

In the distance, the evening is worth it, party for another variable step

Native field speaks with me, On the repetition - circling.

About the best in life says.

And good to me to stop here Go to the center of the circle, raising spikelets up

And, looking away in the distance, think, dream ... Swing with spikes. To repeat -

Noise, High Wheat Noise spin. For conclusion - going

And the end and the edges do not see In the center of the circle, raising up the spikelet (Sheaf)


Well, that's right, I feed everyone, -

Said Machinist Reaper. -

But the land I love

Save for me a fighter.

"Song about Russia" V. Miryasova and N. Skvortsova


Need peace to you and me

Clean air at dawn,

Bird Gomon, children's laugh,

Sun, rain, white snow.

Only war, only war

On the planet is not needed!

M. Jumaeva

Song "Peace to you, people!" B. Savelyev

Adults sing sewing, children - chorus.

How to make the most solemnly to hold a matinee for the day of victory in children's garden? This festive scenario May 9 will help each educator to organize interesting eventwhich will not definitely leave a single child indifferent.

Holiday name: "We must remember and honor ..."

Leading. On this holiday, our garden opens the Museum of Memory of War Years, in which you can see illustrations, military records and books, they are preserved in the families of our children. There are also a lot of interesting things there: pilots, photos, tablets, etc.

Museum can visit not only children, but also their parents. It will work in the cinema hall, in which you can see various movie polls and slides about the war. It will also be interesting to listen to the speech of the guide. After visiting the museum, you can visit the matinee, who is dedicated to May 9.

A beautifully dressed babes, holding flowers, ribbons in the hall, enter the hall.

Leading. Today we celebrate an outstanding date. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War came to us, let's meet them (the greeting of veterans begins).

May 9 - Victory Day, the path to which was hard. Let us respect our guests with a low bow, giving them the honor for being interested in fulfilling their duty to the Fatherland. And also remember those who failed to return from the war.

Pupil. Glory to our defenders!

Children: Glory! Glory! Glory!

Begins to play the song "Victory Day" (the words V. Kharitonov, Music D. Tukhmanova). After turning on the record, the children are rebuilt in 3 circles. In the first round, the pupils of the garden hold ribbons, in the second - flowers, in the third - salutes.

During the first couple, the kids are moving throughout the circles. Pupils with ribbons raise them above their heads, and lowered. The same do children from two other circles. Chorus sing everything.

During the second check, the children are rebuilt into the line, face to the audience. Those who hold ribbons go with their arms raised on the hall, behind them - children with flowers and salutes.

During the game of the Porus, all actions are repeated. On the third buying, children move through the audience freely.

1st pupil:

Victory! Victory! Victory!

Rushing the message around the country

End to experience and troubles,

End of a long war.

2nd pupil:

Blood Victory -

You are more expensive to the heart.

You were with us in the suburbs,

You remember the Caucasus, Leningrad.


You went to the columns with us,

We led us to a decisive battle.

Today on our banners

You have been eclipsed by the sun.

Leading.The world and victory are 2 words that are inseparable.

1st pupil:

We need a world: you and me,

And everyone in the light of children.

And must be peaceful to be dawn,

Which will meet tomorrow.

2nd pupil:

We need a world, grass in dew,

Smiling childhood;

We need a world, a beautiful world,


3rd pupil:

We need to run, jump, sing

And talk to each other.

4th pupil:

Something to talk about -

On games and fun,

About motorcycles, about movies

And brave cowboy.

5th pupil:

Who prevented this world -

With flowers on the edge?

6th pupil:

Who is in this world, a wonderful world,

Aceted from the gun?

7th and 8th pupil:

I'll be happy.

I'll be happy.

When all the bullets and shells disappear on the ground.

Children sing the song "On the World".

Leading. 73 years ago, our glorious grandparents defended the world on Earth. We know the price of this world and peaceful life. What do you need to live happily in the world?

Children. Peace.

Leading. And what is the world in your opinion?

Children alternately:

The world is a cloudless morning;

The world is when you are full of worries;

The world is flourishing gardens and wide fields;

The world is open doors of kindergartens and schools;

The world is when instead of the crash of the guns, thunder is heard;

The world is when all the family together.

The world is life!

Children performs the composition "Let there always be the sun." The light goes out in the hall.

Leading. We all survived the hard, and a very terrible war, coming out of it with the winners. All fought - from the smallest, to the oldest. Women and children tried in the rear: shelling shells, darned clothes, treated crippled. The slogan of those years were the words "all for the front."

While the educator tells, behind his back there is a slide show.

In the forests, in the sky, on the seas and on land, the swamps and rivers were cruel fighting. Many never returned from the war, but we will always keep memory about them in our hearts (at that moment the slide of the "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier" is shown). They are forever in our memory. Let's almost a minute of silence.

1st pupil:

All under the legs of the globe,

I live, breathe, I sing.

But in memory is always with me

Killed in battle.

2nd pupil:

What they owe - I know.

And even if not only verse,

Will be the life of my

Soldier's death.

In the hall, everyone starts to sing the song "Eternal Flame" (words D. Chibisov, Music A. Filippensko - 1976).

The teacher-presenter transmits the word one of the veterans, which tells children and all those present military history. Children begin to ask him questions. For example: "How did you meet the Victory Day? What feelings overwhelmed you? What did they think when he heard "victory?" ", Etc.

The pupils of the kindergarten are performed by the song "Victory Heirs" (the words V. Shumilina, the music of E. Zaritskaya), after which the prepared flowers prepared veterans.

Educator.Our great and glorious warriors bravely fought on the fronts of war. Let's see the video "We - Military" S. Mikhalkov, it will tell you about what I had to deal with our grandfathers.

Children go into clothing with elements of military attributes.

Connector (with a walkie-talkie):

Hello, Hello, Jupiter, I am a diamond.

Almost at all you can not hear you.

We won the village with the battle

And how are you, Allo, Allo?

Sailor (with binoculars):

On, horizon plane.

By the course full move, go ahead!

Get ready for battle, crew,

Retain our fighter.

Automatic machine:

So I climbed into the attic.

Perhaps the enemy is lighted here.

Behind the house we clean the house,

The enemy is everywhere we will find.

Pilot (with map):

Infantry here, and tanks here.

To fly left seven minutes.

The battle order is clear.


The enemy will not leave us.

Infantryman (with the Order):

I am a young infantryman.

With the fascist fought near Moscow.

I went to intelligence, I went,

My colonel awarded me.

Leading. Only the most courageous and strong, skillful and clever military were able to stand in this confrontation.

It comes a series of games "The most valid shooter" and "rope pulling".


Who is stronger from the guys?

Well, we do for the rope!

One who takes

The strongest will become.

The 4 envelopes are shown, it is explained that these are reported, and they need to be urgently delivered to the headquarters (the table where they sat down veterans). The attraction "go through the swamp and deliver a report".

One of the veterans reads a riddle:

Crawling turtle, steel shirt,

The enemy in the ravine, and she, where the enemy.

Does not know either grief or fear.

What is this turtle?


The composition "Three Tankers" (Words B. Laskin, Music D. and D. Poksovy). Dressed in helmets, three boys go to the scene with rugs in their hands, circled the hall.

The educator opens the second envelope, reads:

Like unprecedented wonderful flowers,

Umbrellas from heavenly heights flew.


Leading. And here are our parachutes.

Small toy parachutes take off. Girls come out, start dancing with boys.

The third envelope opens:

Iron fish floats under water,

The enemy threatens with fire and misfortune.

Iron fish dives up to the bottom.

Native sea guard she.


Child in Cooker:

The sailors go into the ranks, the anchors sparkle.

And we dream about the sea in our sailors.

Children dance "Apple", the educator opens the last envelope:

In the war of the warrior there were many proverbs and sayings. Do you know them? "

Guys (alternately):

Perfect fighter everywhere well done.

Good in the ranks - Silen in battle.

The soldier's business is to fight brave and skillfully.

The Russian soldier does not know the barriers.

Krasnu girl braids, and soldier orders.

Choose the mind in teaching, courage - in battle.

For each other, stand - and won the battle.

Educator. For wartime, composers and poets were invented by many beautiful songs, which so much loved to fulfill the soldiers during the rest between the battles. They recalled the house, family.

Children along with educators start singing familiar songs.

Girl in Russian folk costume:

Russian songs I sing, let me not Ruslanov.

Perfects the song "I walked on a slide." Children lead a dance under the Russian folk melody "And I am in the meadow."

The tutor lists a big globe on stage. Take a look at how small the ball is the earth, and it will be detected from it absolutely for everyone: animals and fields, people, fish, waters, forests. We must take care of our Earth, about our own house. Therefore, we must live in the world.

1st pupil:

Let's take care of the planet,

In the whole universe there is no similar.

In the whole universe, quite alone,

What will she do without us?

2nd pupil:

Let's be friends with each other.

Like a bird - with heaven like wind - with meadow,

Like a sail - with the sea, grass - with rains,

How the sun is friends with all of us!


Let always be the sun.

Let always be the sky.

Let always be mom.

May I always be!

The proposed scenario is a scenario of one of the numerous classes dedicated to the Victory Day held in the Kolobok group from 2009 to 2013.

The material reflects both the direction of "familiarization with the phenomena of public life" and "the formation of knowledge about the history of the state."

We believe that the relevance of the problem of patriotic education of the younger generation has no doubt, and therefore does not require additional justification. As for the novelty of the approach to this problem, we believe that an excessive desire for innovations for the sake of innovation itself brings more harm than good.

In our work, we are widely used by the experience gained by the teachers of the older generations. We also closely follow the latest developments of the leading teachers of our time and apply these developments in their daily work, adapting it to their conditions and opportunities.

In this regard, taking this opportunity, we express great appreciation to our colleagues: Z. Ya. Rota, M. Eremeeva, E. Gomonova, N. V. Burtseva - teachers of preschool institutions, whose experience inspires us and often serves as the basis of our events.

One of the complex tasks moral education We consider the upbringing of patriotic feelings in children. It includes the upbringing of love for loved ones, to the kindergarten, to the native city and the native country.

The most difficult for us to work to raise love for the native city, and the native country. In this regard, many questions arise. What do patriotic feelings appear in children preschool age? How can a preschooler express these feelings? What should the teacher should strive for?

After all, the preschooler perceives the surrounding validity of its reality emotionally, therefore, patriotic feelings for his native people, he has been manifested in the feeling of admiration for their people, history and accomplishments of their country. It is these feelings that need to be called in the process of working to familiarize children with their country.

Such feelings cannot arise after several, even very successful classes. This is the result of a long, systematic and focused impact on the child.

Of course, patriotic education Cannot be achieved through one matinee per year. Acquaintance of preschoolers with the history of the native country is a long and complex process. It can not pass from occasion. A positive result can be achieved only by systematic work, and this work is carried out not only in classes, but should take place outside of classes. In class we endure complex topics that require explanations, interpretation.

All the work on education in the children of the sense of love for their native country we distributed on weekly. We use various forms of work on the acquaintance of children with phenomena of public life, familiarize themselves with the traditions and culture of their people, the formation of knowledge about humanity, the formation of submissions about the family, family, childbirth and pedigree, as well as the formation of knowledge about the history of the native country.

Depending on the goal, it can be: Target, conversation, didactic games, reading fiction literature and others.

We spend one or twice a month, depending on the age group. Knowledge gained in classes are fixed in various forms of work out of occupation. And throughout the year the educator and music leader Returning several times to the fact that the children learned earlier.

Some topics are repeated in each group, but with a certain complication. If in medium group The theme, for example, the Victory Day, may be devoted to the final event, then in the senior group it can already be entertainment with the subsequent thematic excursion to commemorative places native cityAnd the next year, already in the preparatory group, it will be a grand matinee with the invitation of veterans and multimedia presentation.

Festive matinee They are a very important link in this chain of events.

This, for example, matinees dedicated to such topics as the "Day of Defender of the Fatherland", "April 12 - Cosmonautics Day", "May 9 - Victory".

Each occupation is carried out using visual material.

In every matinee we try to include multimedia presentation. After all, a patriotic song or a poem accompanied by video sequence causes a very strong emotional response in children. Seeing how large our country is great and diverse, they learn to love her, feel a feeling of pride in their compatriots. The educator and music leader choose the material on the basis of the capabilities we possess, as well as on the basis of age features Children.

Almost every occupation, children will recognize new words that are not familiar to them. We believe that one should not strive to ensure that children remember them all at once. But preferably every new word to repeat with the children of the Choir so that every child this new word says, which contributes to the expansion of the dictionary of children.

The phonogram of the song "Native Song" sounds,

MUZ. Yu. Chichkov, sl. K. Sbryaeva.

Children enter the hall, sit on the chairs, the music is silent.


Our country Russia is big and beautiful. For each person it starts with a parental home. In whatever corner you are born, you can proudly say: "This is my homeland!"

Quickly sounds the song "What is the homeland begins",

mUZ. V. Basna Words M. Matusovsky.

(On the background of music)

Our Russia is a country very much.

She is rich in wide beautiful rivers.

She is rich in cities and villages: small and big, noisy quiet; Old and new ...

It is rich in minerals - gold and silver are stored in its depths, gems, oil Gas.

She is rich in forests, fields, meadows ...

But the most important thing is its wealth - people, our compatriots with you. Each of them in his own way chants his homeland. Builders build at home, scientists commit discoveries that glorify her name, composers write songs about it, poets dedicate her poems. Listen to one of them.


Russia - as a word from the song

Birrozok young foliage.

Around the forest, fields and rivers

Razdare, Russian soul!

I love you, my Russia

For clear light of your eyes,

(S. Vasilyev)

Song sounds "Looking in Lie Blue",

mUZ. L. Afanasyeva, SL. I. Sharuna

Girls in elegant Russian costumes performed

Dance with handkerchiefs

Children sit down to the seats.

MUZ. A. Alexandrova,sl. V.Ledeva-Kumacha

At this time, the boys dress the pilots.


More than seventy years ago, a mortal danger was hung over our homeland. Fascist Germany decided to capture other people's lands, other people's wealth. Many countries managed to conquer, reached our country.

That's how it was ...

1 child:

Attacked us fascists

No enemy tanks numbers

Brest Brest Fortress fighting

Under a hail of cast lead.

2 child:

Flames fire Sevastopol

Rasking the Andreev flag.

And breasts protects

Odessa native sailor.

3 child:

Moscow defending Panfilov,

In the ring on the Neva Leningrad,

But you whisper tired people;

"Neither step nor step back"

4 child:

Fight go for every city,

Fight for the street, for the house,

People help Frant.

Honest, valiant labor

5 baby

Men went to the hot battle

Women became a machine

To more mines, shells

Became exactly on the enemy.

Enable multimedia equipment.

Children are invited to see the photo Presentation of the War

accompanied by a song "On Unnamed Height", mUZ. V. Basner, cl. M. Matusovsky ,

Presentation lasts 3 minutes.

6 child:

Walled fights with the enemy

Moved to the east

Evenings at the dugout

Korotali evening

Those who in the morning with a machine gun

The machine gun was in battle.

And on holiday soldiers

Song quiet song.

Song sounds a song "in the dugout",

mUZ K. LISTOVA, SL. A.Surkova

Children sink. (1 verse)


I scattered the war of young guys - who are in telephonists who are in the scouts who are in artilleryrs.

Several children stage the poem of S. Mikhalkov "We are also warriors."

Children are distributed throughout the hall, put on the elements of costumes, take the necessary attributes.

(The child sits on a chair, depicting the invoice, on the head - headphones, in the hands - a microphone or phone).

Hello, Jupiter? I am a diamond

I almost do not hear you at all

We took the village with the battle.

And how are you? Hello! Hello!

Nurse (bandages the wounded, sitting on the chair, he moans).

What are you roaring like a bear?

Void remains to suffer!

And your wound is so easy

What will heal probably.

Sailor (looks into the binoculars on the sky).

On the horizon plane.

By the course - a complete move forward!

Get ready for battle, crew!

Go back - our fighter.

Two pilot (Consider a map in the open tablet).

1st pilot.

Infantry here, and tanks here,

Fly to goal seven minutes.

2nd pilot.

The battle order is clear.

The enemy will not leave us.


So I climbed into the attic.

Perhaps the enemy lies here?

For houses we clean the house.


The enemy is everywhere we will find.


And the profession was in war - driver. And she was no less important than the pilot, tanker.

It is the front-line chaffiner that the next dance is dedicated.

Song "Song Front Chofor", mUZ. B. Mokrousov, sl. B. Laskina.

Boys performed

Dance front-line chauffeurs


For the fact that there are flowers in the hands of flowers,

You carried the machines in your hands

Not for war are born soldiers,

And in order not to be war.

Guys today we have a great veteran Patriotic War Sidorova Maria Petrovna.

Let's greet our expensive veteran Maria Petrovna.

She left a volunteer to the front by a young girl. Maria Petrovna, could you tell the guys a little about how you defended our homeland.

A small story of the veteran.


On behalf of the whole team and all the children congratulates the veteran on the holiday and pronounces the words of gratitude.


Maria Petrovna, as a sign of our gratitude, we give you these flowers.

Music sounds, children give flowers.

Children sing the song "When veterans go to the parade", mUZ.I. Sl.Z. Root.


Recall all Introductory

We will remember my grief

It is necessary - not dead

It is necessary - alive.

Through the century, after a year - remember

About those who will never come - remember!

Do not Cry. In the throat, take the moans,

Bitter moans.

The memory of the fallen, be worthy,

Always worthy.

Bread and song, dream and verses,

Life spacious.

Every second, every breath

Be decent!

People, as long as the hearts are knocking -

What price was won happiness -

Please remember!

7 child:

Stand today in the morning early,

Go to the city - look.

How veterans are walking

With orders on the chest.

8 child:

Thank you cute, relatives

What they protect us then

And stood up Russia

At the cost of maturity.


The victory went to our people an expensive price.

Millions of fighters forever remained lying in the ground.

Burn your head, almost a minute of silence with a bright memory of the heroes.

I ask everyone to stand.

Sounds a "metronome" phonogram.

Minute silence.

9 child:

Will not forget those heroes.

What lie in the ground is raw

Life giving on the battlefield

For the people, for us with you ...

10 child:

Glory to our generals,

Thank our admiral

And soldiers ordinary -

Walking, floating, equestrian,

Tired, hardened!

Glory fallen and alive

From the soul thank you!

Sounds song "Victory Day",

mUZ. D Tukhmanova, sl. V. Kharitonov.

Children perform a march with rebuilding with balls and flowers.

The holiday is over.

music leader

Sokolova Irina Ivanovna,

educator MKDOU "CRR - kindergarten №5" Dolphin ",

semiluki, Voronezh Region, Russia

Festive Matinee for Victory Day for Preparatory Group Dow.

The evening of memory by May 9, "Children and War". Scenario


1. To introduce children with the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

2. Develop dexterity and attention.


1. The teacher talks about the pioneers heroes.

2. The phonograms "Marsham Victory" are selected performed by the brass orchestra and songs "We are for the world!" S. Tulikova performed by a red-known im. A.V. Alexandrov Ensemble Songs and Dance Russian army; Pictures of Petit Capture and Lie Golikova.

3. Flowers are prepared, tongue flags, balloons; Toy duckling; parcel box knitted scarf, mittens, socks, soap, box with the inscription: "Tobacco", a letter - two sets; Wooden spoons - two each (for dance "Kadril"); Toyed cartridges, a soldier bag, three pairs of racks with fixed on the height of 20 cm from the floor with sticks, a cube - two sets.


Presenter (adult).

On the central wall on the red fabric, the inscription "May 9" and a bouquet of carnations are attached. On one of the walls of the hall, a stand was decorated with portraits of the heroes and the words "Heroes of Glory!".

Children with colored balls, flowers and flags enter the hall under the "Marsh of Victory" M. Starokadovsky and are built in the form of the letter "P".

Leading. Guys! Congratulations on your great holiday Victory Day! Many years have passed since that day, when this word sounded for the first time - "victory".

1st child

Defended the people of the depression

She walked bravely into a formidable fight.

Do not regret the people of life for fragile expensive.

2nd child

Brought fathers and grandfathers

Happiness to people of the whole land.

Slavm in a bright day

Victory to all who went to battle.

Dance "Festive Waltz" A. Filippenko

Leading. Summer Sunday morning on June 22, 1941, fascists attacked our country. From this day, long four years we fought. On the very first day, the men went to defend their depiction. Over the whole country stood crying. And the soldiers hug their loved ones and said goodbye to a long time, realizing that not all would come from the war. This is what the poet Musa Jalil said a little girl, who reminded him her daughter, before leaving the front:

You are goodbye, my clever,

Immerse me.

I'll go across the street -

I will find in war.

If the bullet goes

Then not to meetings.

Well, the song will remain -

Try to save ...

And the enemy continued to capture our land, bombed our cities and villages. During enemy raids, people were scared, they hid in bomb shelters - basements, underground shelters, metro stations. Adults took with them the most needed - clothing, food, drink, and children toys.

Staging the poem "Duckling from Wat"

Where are you, daughter, gathered?

After all, soon arrive!

Oh, mom, I'm this time

Forgot about ducks,

The smallest one

Under the bomb would not please!

Here is your wadded duckling, here,

Take and take care

Already our conninkles beat,

Go to refuge!

They descend in darkness,

While let's give a hang

And whispers the girl to him ...

Do not be afraid, I'm with you!

Leading. The fascists fell, and then the children tried to take away away from the war, in the rear. Echelons with children's gardens and schools in Siberia and south of our country were reached. Children left, and moms remained. Hugged and kissed their children for farewell.

Boy blueglase

My twig

So still

I did not be sad.

Trades cars

Five minutes later.

In the first echelone

Kindergarten are carrying.

Children of terrible fairy tales

Listen should not

Fugasok roar

Topot war.

You are more often mom

Remember, son.

Leading. In the rear, schoolchildren studied and worked. Many 12-year-old children walked to the plant to make shells for guns along with adults. They cleaned cotton on the fields of Uzbekistan on the material for parachutes. Girls knitted for soldiers things, and then they collected the parcels to the front. What could children put there? Socks, scarves, mittens, so that soldiers were warm, soap and strong tobacco, and necessarily wrote a letter in which the victories over the enemy wanted. Now we will try to collect such a parcel.

The relay "Who will quickly bring the parcel to the front"

Teams are participating six people each. Participants keep in their hands one subject: knitted mittens, scarf, socks, a piece of soap, a box (or a cube) with the inscription: "Tobacco", a letter. At a distance of 4-5 meters from the commands are parcel boxes. Children in turn run up to them and fold things. The team defeats, the first task.

Leading. Along the country, hospitals were opened, where they treated wounded soldiers. And the first assistants, the Sanitaryies were children. They cared for the sick, wrote for serious letters home, arranged concerts for fighters. After all, with music, any pain is easier tolerated.


What's with your feet, I do not understand

Go to the right and left

Don't stand in place

So in Kadril and ask.

L. Olifirova

Russian folk dance with spoons "Kadril"

Leading. But not everyone did evacuate. Many children remained in the occupied territories. Often, parents died, and the children remained alone. Sometimes they were left in the army. Such guys called "sons of the regiment."

1st child

Amber dawns and sunsets,

And the freshness of the forest, and the river smooth ...

So that the guys be happy

Wars of national soldiers

Spells for the deposit to stand.

2nd child

And forty-first,

And forty-fifth

They went into battle they

And sometimes sometimes

Chagal boyfriend,

Our peers is probably.

More boys

But the hero is already!

Leading. I will tell you about one such a little fighter. His name was Petya Capture. He served in a platoon of collateral and in the cart delivered ammunition fighters. He did not have a machine gun. He was awarded the medal "for the courage." Here is how it was. The fighters who defended an important height, the cartridges and grenades ended. Several brands tried to break through to a highlight with the cartridges, but all the approaches were shot, and they could not lie in any way. Then Petya laid a part of the ammunition in Volokuch, put on a strap over his shoulder and crawled in Plastanski. But he was late. Our soldiers have already retreated. When Petya was at a height, he saw that the fascists and our fighters were coming. Then the boy began to shoot himself. The shooting was heard, and our fighters came to his aid. The next day, the commander handed a 14-year-old soldier "for courage". Now we will try to deliver ammunition here before this high.

Game "Take the Cartridges"

Two children participate. Each player folds the cartridges in a military bag, puts it on her shoulder, is inserted in a twingete under three sticks, fixed at an altitude of 20 cm, and puts a bag with cartridges to the cube. The participant wins, the first giving cartridges.

Leading. Many children fought together with adults in partisan detachments. Next to the names of the legendary heroes of war Ivan Panfilova, Dmitry Karbyshev and many others we call the names of the young heroes of the Soviet Union, Pioneers ... (Shows the stands with portraits of Pioneers-heroes and calls them.) Volodya Dubinin, Valera Volkov, Nina Sagaidak, Valya Kitty, Marat Kaza, Zina Portorova.

1st child

Winds in hiking pipes

Rain beat off the drum shot ...

Guys-heroes in intelligence walked

Through the thicket of forests and marsh and swamp.

2nd child

And it seems, again in the fight and campaign

Today in the ranks of your faithful friends

Golikov Lenya, Dubinin Volodya, Cat, Matveev, Zverev, Kaza.

S. Grebennikov, N. Dobronravov

Children listen to the vocal ensemble of schoolchildren song about Larisa Mikheenko "Not only the boys" D. Kabalevsky.

Leading. We already know about the exploits of these heroes pioneers. Today I will tell you about Lena Golikov. All night, the group of partisan scouts lay in the ambush at the highway. But the road was quiet and deserted. In the morning, the commander gave a team to departure. All partisans are gone. Alive only lamentage. Only he was going to catch up with his own car. The brave boy threw a grenade. From the car jumped and ran a German officer with a portfolio. "Staff documents!" - Young partisan was delighted and rushed after the fascist. A short queue - and the officer collapsed into the grass. When Lenka returned to the partisan camp, there was a German celler with the general purses. On the chest - two automaton: your and trophy. And in the hands of the portfolio, in which the secret drawings of the new mines were. Many young fighters died in the fight. Eternal fame heroes!

1st child

Unforgettable heroes

Young you stayed forever.

Before your suddenly revived

We stand without raising the age.

2nd child

Pain and anger is now the reason

Thanks to all you all

Small, persistent men,

Girls worthy of poems.

Song "Hero name" S. Wolfenson


Sleep down once children -

Windows are still darkened

And woke up at dawn -

In the windows light, and no war!

1st child

You can no longer say goodbye,

And do not interfere on the front,

And raids are not afraid

And no night alarms wait.

People celebrate victory!

The message flies into all the ends:

From the front ride, go, go

Our grandparents and fathers!

S. Mikhalkov

Song "About the world" A. Filippenko

Leading. It has long been completed the war, but the memory of young heroes is alive in our hearts. Child

More reliable than obeliski

Harsh memory hearts

Forever in the detachment lists

Enrolled was the young fighter.

K. Ibryaev

The children leave the hall under the song "We are for the world!" S. Tulikova.

Matinee "We must remember everything and honor ..."

Leading. This year, by the Day of Victory, we open the Museum of Memory: There are illustrations, books about war, military time newspapers, relics, preserved in the families of our pupils (bowls, blankets, tablets, compasses, military pore photos, etc.).

The museum is open not only for children, but also for parents. It has a cinema hall, where you can watch movies, slides about the Great Patriotic War, listen to the story of the tutor's guide.

After visiting the museum, a matinee will begin, dedicated to a very solemn date - ... - a year from the day of victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The hall includes elegant children, in their hands they have salutes, ribbons, flowers.

Leading. Today we celebrate a very solemn day - ... Then from the Victory Day. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War came to visit us, meet them. (All welcome guests.)

May 9 - Victory Day! Little and difficult was the way to victory. Low bow to soldiers, with honor who fulfilled their duty to homeland: and those who returned home, and those who did not live to the great day.

Child. Salute to our defenders!

Children. Firework! Firework! Firework!

Sounds (in gramzapsy) Song "Victory Day" (Music D. Tukhmanova, Words V. Kharitonova). On the entry, everything is rebuilt into three concentric circles. Children in the outer circle are kept in the hands of ribbons, on average - flowers, internal - salutes. For the first verse, children are going through the three circles. Children with ribbons raise hands. Omit. Children with flowers raise hands. Omit. Children with salutists raise hands. Omit. All children raise hands, lowered. Chorus sing everything.

On the second verse, children are rebuilt into three ranks face to viewers. Children with ribbons in their hands go ahead to the audience. Behind them - children with flowers. Then there is a rank of children with salutists. On the chorus of the movement are repeated. On the third verse, children go free around the hall. On the chorus of the movement are repeated.

1st child.

Victory! Victory! Victory!

Brings the news in the country,

End to experience and troubles,

End of a long war.

2nd child.

Blood Victory -

You are more expensive to the heart.

You were with us in the suburbs,

You remember the Caucasus, Leningrad.


You went to the columns with us,

We led us to a decisive battle.

Today on our banners

You have been eclipsed by the sun.

I. Vasilevsky

Leading. Victory and World - these two words are inseparable.

1st child.

We need a world: you and me,

And everyone in the light of children.

And must be peaceful to be dawn,

Which will meet tomorrow.

2nd child.

We need a world, grass in dew,

Smiling childhood;

We need a world, a beautiful world,


3rd child.

We need to run, jump, sing

And talk to each other.

4th child.

Something to talk about -

On games and fun,

About motorcycles, about movies

And brave cowboy.

5th child.

Who prevented this world -

With flowers on the edge?

6th child.

Who is in this world, a wonderful world,

Aceted from the gun?

7th child. I'll be happy.

8th child.I'll be happy.

9th child. And we will all be happy ...

Everything. When all the bullets and shells disappear on the ground. Children sing the song "On the World".

Leading. ... years ago, our grandfathers defended the world on Earth. Our people know the price of the world and peaceful life. So that adults and children live happily in the world, what do you need?


Leading. And how do you imagine what "world" is?

1st child. The world is a sunny morning.

2nd child.The world is when the day is full of worries.

3rd child. The world is golden fields and flowering gardens.

4th child. The world is when the doors of schools and gardens are open.

5th child. The world is when the spring thunder ratches and do not rummage guns.

6th child. The world is when Dad, Mom and I'm near.

Everything. The world is life!

Children sing the song "Let there always be the sun." Gas light.

Leading. Our people suffered a terrible and hard war and came out the winner. The whole people rose to the fight against the enemy, from Mala to Great ... Women worked in the rear and children: released shells, sewed clothes, treated wounded. "Everything for the front" - sounded a slogan of military years!

In the course of the story of the lead, there is a slide show.

On the seas, rivers, on land and in the sky, in the forests and swamps were fierce battles. Many have not returned from the war, but the memory of them always lives in our hearts. (Showing the slide - the grave of an unknown soldier. Include light.) We always remember about them. Almost their memory is a minute of silence.

1st child.

All under the legs of the globe,

I live, breathe, I sing.

But in memory is always with me

Killed in battle.

2nd child.

What they owe - I know.

And even if not only verse,

Will be the life of my

Soldier's death.

S. Shpachev

Adults and children perform the song "Eternal Flame" (Music A. Filippenko, the words D. Chibisov). Sat "Holidays in kindergarten." - M., 1976.

The presenter provides the word veteran of the war, which tells about his battle way. Children ask a veteran questions. For example: Where did you celebrate the Victory Day? What did you feel when you heard "victory!"? Do you meet one-caps now? Veteran wishes to children to love their homeland, be friends, grow decent people.

The children sing the song "The Heirs of Victory" (music by E. Zaritsky, the words V. Shumilina). Sat "Holidays in kindergarten." - M, 1990. Give live flowers to veterans.

Leading. Our warriors fought bravely on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Look at the scene "We Military" S. Mikhalkov. She shows how our defenders fought.

Children overlook, in their costumes the elements of the military form.

Telephonist(with phone).

Hello, Hello, Jupiter, I am a diamond.

Almost at all you can not hear you.

We won the village with the battle

And how are you, Hello, Hello.

Sailor(looks into binoculars).

On, horizon plane.

By the course full move, go ahead!

Get ready for battle, crew,

Retain our fighter.


So I climbed into the attic.

Perhaps the enemy is lighted here.

Behind the house we clean the house,

The enemy is everywhere we will find.

Pilot(with a map).

Infantry here, and tanks here.

To fly left seven minutes.

The battle order is clear.

Everything.The enemy will not leave us.

Private (in the pilot, with the Order).

I am a young infantryman.

With the fascist fought near Moscow.

I went to intelligence, I went,

My colonel awarded me.

Children perform rebuilding " Brave soldiers"(Music A. Filippenko).

Leading. Only strong, skillful, deft warriors were able to defeat this war.

Amusements are held "Who is the most tagged shooter?" (to bring down a bowl with a ball); "Peretsyani rope."


Who is stronger from the guys?

Well, we do for the rope!

One who takes

The strongest will become.

The presenter shows four envelopes, explains that these reports need to be delivered to the headquarters (the table behind which the veterans of the war).

The game is held "pass through the swamp and deliver the report" (four children, rearring a plank, are moving forward. We bring envelopes to veterans). The presenter proposes to open the reports.

Veteran (reads a riddle).

Crawling turtle, steel shirt,

The enemy in the ravine, and she, where the enemy.

Does not know either grief or fear.

What is this turtle?


Sounds (in gramzapsy) The song "Three Tankers" (music DM. And Dan. Paints, Words B. Laskin). Three boys come out in helmets, with steered, circled the hall.

Adult reveals the second envelope. He reads a riddle:

Like unprecedented wonderful flowers,

Umbrellas from heavenly heights flew.


Leading. And here are parachutists.

Parachutiki fly. (The dome is made of corrugated paper or easy kapron fabric; At the end of the jointed threads - a ball of plasticine.) Girls perform a song and dance with parachutes (words of T. Spender, music L. Levina).

One of the guests reveals the third envelope and reads a riddle:

Iron fish floats under water,

The enemy threatens with fire and misfortune.

Iron fish dives up to the bottom.

Native sea guard she.


Boy (in Cooker).

The sailors go into the ranks, the anchors sparkle.

And we dream about the sea in our sailors.

G. Boyko

Boys performed the dance "Apple".

The tutor opens the fourth envelope, reads: "In the war of the warrior, there are many proverbs and sayings. Do you know them? "

Children (in turn).

Perfect fighter everywhere well done.

Good in the ranks - Silen in battle.

The soldier's business is to fight brave and skillfully.

The Russian soldier does not know the barriers.

Krasnu girl braids, and soldier orders.

Choose the mind in teaching, courage - in battle.

For each other, stand - and won the battle.

Leading. During the war, poets and composers wrote a lot of good sincere songs that loved singing soldiers during a rest watch, recalling their father's house, relatives.

Educators, children and guests sing familiar songs, for example, "Dark Night (Music N. Bogoslovsky, Words V. Agatova)," Katyusha "(M. Blanter Music, Words M. Isakovsky)," Earthman "(Music K. Lisov , words A. Surkov).

Girl (in Russian costume).

Russian songs I sing, let me not Ruslanov.

Sings Russian folk song "I walked on a slide." Children lead a dance under the Russian folk melody "And I am in the meadow."

Leading (makes a globe to the center of the hall). See what a little globe (children are suitable, consider the globe), and everyone has a place for it: both people and animals, water, and fish, and forests, and fields. We need to take care of this fragile planet, she is our home. And for this you need to live in the world on Earth.

1st child. Let's take care of the planet,

In the whole universe there is no similar.

In the whole universe, quite alone,

What will she do without us?

2nd child.

Let's be friends with each other.

Like a bird - with heaven like wind - with meadow,

Like a sail - with the sea, grass - with rains,

How the sun is friends with all of us!

Children (sing):

Let always be the sun.

Let always be the sky.

Let always be mom.

May I always be!

Children stand up and sing the song "Big Horovod" (Music B. Savelyev, Words L. Gigalkina // Pre-school education. -1987. -№ 9).