For which they use the basis for makeup. Rating the best foundations for makeup

If earlier the basis for makeup was used mainly by professional makeup artists, then today it is bought ordinary women.

Manufacturers offer us a wide range of Such funds, so there should be no problems with the choice.

But you need to understand what is such a basis and how to use it.

About what cannot be done after biorevitalization of the face, you can learn from ours.


What is the basis for makeup and what is it?

The basis for makeup (it is also called the casual under makeup or primer) - basic meanswhich is applied in front of the rest of the cosmetics, and it is designed for the following:

  • smoothing skin irregularities;
  • the perfect alignment of its surface;
  • disking defects;
  • makeup resistance. With a good basis, he will hold on for a whole day.

A good basis will cope with these tasks. She is like primer for canvasI use artists before writing a picture.

With the base of cosmetics perfectly falls on the skin and keeps very hard. The base will cope with, skin porosity, redness, peeling, pimples and many other problems.

Instructions for applying

How to apply the basis for makeup? There are two options for using the base. Simplest - First moisten the skin with day cream, then apply the database, distribute it and give it to absorb, and after using a tone cream.

There is I. another variant. Mix the base and tone cream, and apply on the skin.

Thanks to this option you will not get mask effectBut to hide all defects successfully.

Thanks to mixing, you can prevent such a common problem as the difference in the color of the face and neck. To apply the database this method correctly, consider such advice:

  1. Before applying the database, get out the remnants Day cream, even if it seems that he has absorbed enough.
  2. Apply a tool moderately, distribute it on the skin carefully. It is better to impose several layers in small parts, rather than immediately smear a lot of bases, and then get rid of residues.
  3. Need to good growing Transitions between the neck and the hair growth line.
  4. For applying, you can use your fingers, sponge, brush, beauty blender. the main thing- So that the basis is completely distributed in the face.

Important Council from the editorial

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, it is worth paying special attention to the creams that you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of the creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all troubles on the labels are designated as Methylparaben, PropylParaben, EthylParaben, E214-E219. Parabens adversely affect the skin, and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this dizziness falls into the liver, the heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to abandon the use of funds in which these substances are located. Recently, the experts of our edition conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by the funds from Mulsan Cosmetic - the leader in production natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Basic errors when using

To base Good lay down On the skin, consider the following factors and follow them:

What can be replaced?

What can be used instead of the basics of makeup? Simple transparent foundation can be replaced with fluid light cream with nutritional functions. He is required must absorb well.

If the base is opaque, it is possible to use a tonal basis or bb cream. To add a shine, you can apply a powder with particles reflecting the light.

In order for the result of the makeup to please you, adhere to such advice of makeup artists and cosmetologists:

  1. Remember O. personal hygiene. To prevent infection, do not let anyone else use your tool.
  2. Ward drives and sponges need to change no less than once a month. Brushes and sponges are regularly treated in a soap solution.
  3. When choosing primer consider the type of your skin. If it is fat, do not buy a means based on oils.
  4. If you are prone to allergic reactionsPay attention to the framework of the base there are no flavors.
  5. Before applying the tool, spend allergy test. A little database apply on the inside of the wrist. Three minutes later, look at the reaction. You can safely use the tool if there is no irritation, itching, peeling and other negative reactions.
  6. It is better to choose a base that has the opportunity sun protection.
  7. To face pathogenic microorganisms, use to apply special brush.
  8. If you are more convenient to apply it to the pads of your fingers, be sure to pre-disinfect your hands using the antiseptic.

  9. Before applying the foundation, apply on the skin moisturizing cream, especially if the skin is dry.

Choosing a tool

It is also important to carefully approach the issue of choosing the basis.

She must correct skin type.

The texture and the type of means may differ, but in any case, it must cope with its tasks.

Characteristics of the texture will depend on the number of pigments. Each database has additional functionsBut they all level the tone and sowed faces. When choosing, consider the features of your skin. Types of bases are allocated:

  • base in the form of emulsionwhich is produced in tubes and is divided by skin type. Well copes with small disadvantages;
  • cream in jars as a base base. They are mainly advised to apply for dry skin, since there are many moisturizing oils;
  • It is better not to apply such a means to the fatty skin, otherwise the skin can look wet.

  • liquid basesuitable for any type of skin. She lies well, hides the shortcomings and is imperceptible;
  • the basis can be issued and like gel. In this case, an easy effect of naturalness is created, but the disadvantages do not hide much, therefore it is a suitable option only for normal skin.

Depending on the presence of color pigments, the base is colored. On the skin of their shades are not noticeable, but they can cope with additional problems:

If you want to add the skin of the radiance, choose the base with the brilliance.

When choosing the basis, you need to take into account and natural tint of leather. It is also worth buying a good high-quality tool from a proven manufacturer with which your skin will shine.

Then you for a long time forget about the problems of making makeup and all kinds of imperfections.

On how to correctly apply the basis for makeup, you can learn from the video:

The main task of high-quality cosmetics for the face is beautiful and smoothly to bed on the skin, and also long to stay on it without lubricants. This is perfectly coping with the means called the primer, which acts as the basis of makeup and gives the skin a radiant healthy appearance.

Prime - What is it necessary for?

Ordinary creams allowing to align the complexion and give it a light radiance, clog the pores, which leads to serious problems with the skin. So light and persistent steel primers of a real find For fashionista.

Purpose: Thoroughly prepare the skin to apply powder or tonal creams, as well as protect the surface of the epidermis from the penetration of pollution.

High quality primer does not spread throughout the day, ensures the absence of roughness on the skin, gives radiance and smoothness. Many compounds help hide small wrinkles, eliminate peeling. The effect of using is noticeable immediately.

A few minutes after applying, the relief is equal, and the skin is ready for further processing.

How to choose primers: species and features

Almost every manufacturer makes several types of purposes: for face, eyelashes and eyebrows, lips, eyelids. Forms of release: thick cream, gel, air fluid, spray, oil, serum.

Select the color of the face and the type of leather

It all depends on the type of skin, for example, it is recommended to use fluid or spray for fatty, and for dry - saturated cream.

The tool is selected with the orientation of the tasks assigned:

  • Moisturizing. Great for dry skin, normalizes the level of humidity, gives natural radiance.
  • Matting. It has an aligning effect, copes with an unpleasant bold gloss on the skin.
  • With reflective particles. Gives a soft natural radiance, masks minor defects.
  • Correcting. Fills wrinkles and scars, hides redness and acne.

The classic version of the primer has no color, but you can find more advanced formulations that allow you to solve several tasks at the same time.

Depending on the shade, the primers are divided into:

  • yellow or pink, hiding dark circles under the eyes;
  • lilac / purple, eliminating the "gray" skin;
  • orange, eliminating bruises;
  • white or blue, lighting face;
  • green, allowing to smell inflammation and redness.

When choosing the basis for makeup, you should not worry that she is colored. After applying, the shades will not be noticeable, and the skin will acquire a healthy natural look.

Rules for the use of primer

Cosmetologists advise responsibly approach the choice and applying the base of makeup. A solid foundation should be chosen in the case when there are "pits" or scars on the face.

The gels will suit the possessors of porous skin, and the cream is ideal for masking redness and freckles.

Step-by-step instruction

The base should be applied only on moisturized skin so that there is no noticeable peeling. In addition, it should be carefully cleaning the pores, paying attention to the chin, forehead, nose and cheeks.

How to apply primer

Specialists for applying primer advise to use special spongats or porous pads.

Phased primer application:

  • Processing the skin with a cleansing lotion or use micellar water.
  • Apply a means with a slightly moistened sponge. You need to move from the eye towards the cheeks. The composition should be carefully driven into the skin, and not rub it.
  • Estimating the remedy on the wings of the nose, chin and forehead.
  • Points should be treated with green affairs areas. Circles under the eyes are cleaned with pink or yellow tones.
  • Wait a few minutes before applying a tone cream to the tool absorb.

In some cases, the primer can replace the tonal basis, but this option is suitable for dry skin with imperceptible pores.

Top 10 best primers

Today you can purchase matting products for any skin types and a different consistency. Below are the best tools from several price categories.


This primer matches the skin well and gives it smoothness. The active substances of NYX are palmitic and stearic acids. Cost - about 1 000 r. The manufacturer offers other effective options: Spray-primer, matting cream "Shain Killer", Oil "Hydro Touch Oil Primer", as well as a means to reduce the pores of POR Filler.

Smashbox photo finish

SMashbox primer with grape seed hood, tea tree extract and vitamin complex is suitable for different types Face skin. Remedy without smell and harmful chemicals in the composition well hides various shortcomings Skin and actively leveled the skin, giving it a natural shine. The average cost of such a primer is 1,300 p.

L'Oreal Lumi Magique

"L'ORAL LUMY MADIK" is a great solution if you want to prepare the skin to makeup. The primer gives a light shine, well aligns. It is worth considering, the remedy is not suitable for disguising acne and strong redness on the face. Cost in stores - from 550 r.

Oriflame line

One of the most popular primers from the Swedish manufacturer is "Face Perfection". It makes makeup perfect, refreshes the complexion, gives a smooth matte tone. The average cost without a discount - 1 000 r. Another option is designed for owner oily skin. "Oriflame Veri Me" is produced in the youth line. Price - about 350 r. Another basic base is Giordani Gold with orchid extract. Costs about 1,100 p.


Riche oil primer gives skin natural radiance, eliminates redness. Included in the oil (lemongrass, verbena, jasmine) contribute to an increase in skin elasticity, reducing the number of wrinkles, relieving inflammation. There is such an oil about 2 000 r.

Markell Cosmetics.

Mattling primer "Bio Helix Markell" from the Belarusian manufacturer is distinguished by affordable price and excellent quality. The composition includes mucin (mucus) snail. Adequately copes with the problems of uneven tone, extended pores, pigment spots and dull color face. Price per pack - about 200 p.

Max Factor

Base for Makeup "Facefiniti All Day" from Max Factor Created for those who have no time to often correct makeup. Suitable for any type of skin of the face, has a light texture, due to which it does not roll, keeping the effect throughout the day. Actively protects from UV rays. The price of the foundation is about 600 p.

Catrice Prime.

Katris Prime End Fine Unving Refiner helps remove the fat brilliance of the skin, hides too extended pores. Hypoallergenic high quality primer from the German manufacturer has a dense texture, long holds, keeping the initial effect. Approximate price - 400 p. for 40 ml.

Means from MAC

The grade grade primers are suitable for both professional and home applications. The tool "Preim Skin" gives the skin of the barely low glow, akin to the Effect of a highlyera, while maintaining a smooth tone. Such a product masks all the imperfections of the skin, imperceptibly smoothing small wrinkles. The cost in brand stores begins from 2 000 r.


The tool "lymbridem" from the domestic manufacturer with hyaluronic acid masks irregularities on the skin of the face and acne, eliminates the fat shine, goes well on skin Covers. It is in the branded stores about 900 rubles, but it is quite economical, the tube is enough for several months. It has a soothing effect, makes wrinkles less noticeable, carefully hiding them.

Video Procedures Application Primer

Competently use the database for makeup will help training rollers. From the video, you can find everything that will be required to create an impeccable image.

The following video shows what a primer is, its most popular species, as well as the basic rules for using this cosmetics.

Primer is an excellent cosmetics for masking imperfections of the skin. It helps longer to keep a tone basis, powder or blush. The remedy should be selected depending on the type of skin. Many manufacturers offer matting and shining compositions of different consistency, the main thing is to choose a quality product that is suitable for you.

Such a basis not only matches the skin and allows you to eliminate the fat shine, it aligns its structure, masks small flaws, gives the radiance and, most importantly, reliably fixes the makeup on the oily skin, not allowing it to spread and smear. It is applied first, in front of a tonal agent and decorative cosmetics, hence another name - primer.

The newest casual bases protect the skin from contaminated air and ultraviolet sunlight, they stop sewing the sebaceous glands, preventing the appearance fatty gloss. In some matting bases for oily leather, antibacterial components and substances that dry inflammatory formations characteristic of oily skin are contained.

From those funds that are intended for owners of such problem skin, You can advise the top ten, selected according to customer reviews.

Choose the basis for makeup in accordance with the type of your skin. If you have a fat, the base for dry skin can provoke the appearance of pimples.

Top budget options for primers

Avon Personal Match. One and most successful products of this budget brand, which can be ordered from Avon cosmetics distributors, it will cost it within 400 rubles. Very well lies on the skin, leveling it tone and structure. It has a high defense factor from ultraviolet rays - 15. If the skin is very fat, after applying this base, it should be slightly swept.

Lumene Beauty Base Matifying Primer, designed for oily and mixed skin, matures perfectly and aligns its microrelief, fixes makeup. The disadvantages include increased rolling. To apply this basis in minimal quantities and be sure to sweep in particularly distressed places.

Sephora Zero-Shine Base is ideal for oily and mixed skin. The most optimal price / quality ratio, but on top of it can only be applied to the powder. When applied to the purified and prepared skin, the effect is noticeable immediately, the base is good for those ladies who already have a treacherous glow to dinner on the face. The disadvantages include the lack of protection against ultraviolet.

Primers in the middle price range up to 1000 rubles

The basis for Makeup Second Skin Foundation from Max Factor is a sample of professional cosmetics, which can be successfully used at home. This tonal base for oily skin is perfectly adjusted to the tone of your face, since its action is due to the presence of multi-tonal pigments. It is easily applied and provides the desired effect throughout the day and evening.

Base under makeup from Mary Kay. Also designed for sustainable makeup applied to oily skin. It has a gel structure and is ideal as the basis before applying a tone, quickly absorbed and well levels skin color, visually reduces small wrinkles, hides the flaws. This transparent primer can be used for skin of any tone.

Another professional belt - Base under the makeup Loreal Studio Secrets, which are used by many makeup artists, famous in the fashion world. It also allows you to eliminate wrinkles and has a noticeable lifting effect, giving the skin an even matte tone, eliminates the fat shine for a long time. The disadvantages include the fact that the tones on this basis are not very good, but if you use a powder, your makeup will look impeccable until the evening.

Basics for makeup cost above 1000 rubles

If you do not matter how much the basis for makeup is, you can buy one of these funds that offer the most famous and prestigious fashion homes, for example, Mister Mat from Givenchy. This base is a thick gel that surprisingly combines the ease of application, instantly providing the visual effect of a smooth velvety tone, narrowed pores and eliminating small wrinkles. In the evening, the fat brilliance on the skin still appears a little, but this is completely compensated by the special velvety softness of the skin that this base gives it.

If the skin is problematic, refuse to use matting databases with a reflective effect, in which minerals are present - with them pimples and advanced pores will become even more noticeable.

Another base from Givenchy with sunscreen filters is suitable for all skin types. This base can be used under powder, and under a tonal cream, and as an independent product. You can always pick a shade that is ideal for you by tone, makes the skin matte and help hide all the existing shortcomings.

To eliminate redness on the skin, the basis for the Makeup Redness Solutions SPF 15 from Clinique, which has a green color is suitable. It is thanks to this pigment that the blurred skin of the face will acquire a natural even tone. As part of the funds there are plant components and antioxidants that act the most beneficial effect on the skin, removing inflammation and redness.

The base for Makeup Meteorites from Guerlain contains pearl particles, thanks to which the shining effect is created and the skin seems perfectly smooth and smooth, both in daytime and during evening lighting.

Each right make-up should begin with the application. Why do you need a basis for makeup? The basis for makeup is necessary to ensure impeccable color and freshness of the face Many girls and women resort to the help of the basic basic to make up.

What is the basis for makeup? The basis for makeup is a set of actions with cosmeticsIt is used to conceal deficiencies of the face expressed in the form of pigmentation, acne, moles and scars to create a so-called good basis for the main makeup. In addition, the use of it contributes to professional makeup.

What to choose the basis for makeup?

As a rule, such a base is selected in accordance with the tone of the skin. This base base may vary on texture and varieties, but, despite significant differences, all types of basics have one positive effect on the skin of the face - this is an improvement in its color. The texture features are in the quantitative composition of pigments that are based on the basis. Each base serves for a specific purpose and gives a different effect. But absolutely all of them contribute to the alignment of the color and the facial oval.

In order to properly choose the desired base foundation, it is important to take into account the type and features of your skin.

Distinguish the following types of bases:

The basis for makeup should be selected in the face of the face of the face. For the first time this is not easy, but after a certain time spent in a cosmetic store, you can find the most suitable option. And if you buy the basis that will differ from the color of the skin, then after it applies the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck will stand sharply, and in the light all the poorly applied areas will look pretty ridiculous.

What is the basis for makeup better?

So, here are some simple secrets that you need to know by selecting the basis for makeup:
  1. Buying a new foundation, first of all, pay attention to the degree of its protection against the rays of the sun. This indicator should be equal to at least 15, and this base must be approached for everyday use, since it is that the sun's rays contribute to the aging of the skin. And in the summer, the sunscreen should be much higher than the specified indicator.

  2. The shade of the basic basis should be chosen only with natural light and apply it, which will allow to consider all inaccuracies when applied.

  3. Trying a new basis, it should be applied to the skin of the face and wait for a while, since it is able to change the shade when interacting with air.

  4. In order to advantageously emphasize all the advantages of your face, it is better to purchase two tones of the base base, one of which will approach the color of the skin, and the other is more darling on three tones.

  5. If the skin of the face is quite sensitive, it is better to purchase a hypoallergenic base.
It should be remembered that the basic base is not able to cause any harm to your face, but, on the contrary, will only bring the benefit that protects against adverse factors ambient. And some high-quality foundations even contribute to the prevention of the occurrence of acne. In addition, women, scarce the shortcomings of the face with the help of a high-quality base, feel much more confident and liberated.

We all dream of a healthy and homogeneous color of the face. If your skin is far from the ideal, because of what the tonal remedy lies unevenly, emphasizing all the flaws - this is not a problem, because the cosmetic market has a unique product: the basis for makeup. With this base, the skin will acquire a well-kept and shining look. It is only necessary to correctly pick up the basis for the skin type.

Successful base - Pledge good makeup!

What is a base for makeup?

A pimple jumped on the face? After the skin spent on the frost began to peel off? Using the base, you can completely disguise all disadvantages and prepare a person to apply other cosmetics. The basis for makeup contains special ingredients that care for the skin, so sometimes it can be used even instead of day cream. The base performs several important functions:

  • levets skin relief;
  • lines the complexion;
  • corrects redness;
  • covers peeling with a thin moisturizing layer, making them imperceptible;
  • fills pores and wrinkles by reducing their visibility;
  • prolongs the resistance of makeup.

If you competently choose the base according to the type of skin and the problems available, you can visually make the face almost perfect.

What are the bases for makeup?

There are many basic on makeup, and it is not necessary to choose a suitable work. By texture, the Makeup base can be divided into the following categories:

  • Liquid base (fluid). It is easily distributed, covers the skin with a thin weight layer and hides small flaws. As a rule, such a base contains a small amount of beige pigment, which is easily adjusted to the skin color. Because of the lightweight crumbling ability, the liquid base may not be suitable for problematic skin, as it is not able to disguise serious disadvantages.
  • Liquid base (primer). Such a basis is more pigmented and suitable for the owners of problem porous skin with stains of pedestal and scars. Most often, the primer is produced in a universal shade.
  • Creamy base. This category includes popular explosives today and CC creams that combine the properties of a caring cream and a tonal base with a mild or medium degree of cover. The creamy base without problems disguises such flaws of the skin, like Cuperoz, minor pigmentation and stains of the Package.
  • Gel base. Perfect for very oily skin. Due to the light texture, the gel-like base cools the skin, does not clog the pores and does not provoke the appearance of acne. The basis for makeup in the form of a gel is with or without a tone pigment.
  • Till base (stick).The most pigmented base. It is represented in the form of a stick, has a solid, similar to a lipstick texture. Base-stick is suitable for masking the most notable flaws, creating a dense coating. Suitable for combined and oily skin. On the dry skin, a solid base can emphasize the peeling and provoke further dehydration.
  • Dry base. It happens in the form of crumbly or compact powder. In contrast to the usual powder, final makeup, powder base has a more dense texture and is designed to hide disadvantages. Dry base smoothes pores and is suitable for fatty and combined skin. A powdered base is applied immediately after day cream.

The basics of the makeup are also different from the type of skin, performing different functions:

  • Matting base.Its composition contains antibacterial and sebulagulating substances, as well as absorbent particles: talc, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide. A high-quality matting base regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands on the face, without clogging the pores and without provoking the appearance of comedones. In a tandem with a tonal cream and fastening powder, a matting base prevents the appearance of oily shine throughout the day.
  • Moisturizing base. Is designed to soften and protect dry and sensitive skin. As part of the moisturizing base, there are necessarily components such as hyaluronic acid, glycerin, natural oils. As a rule, all moisturizing bases are water based.
  • Highlighting base. Maybe with a tonal shade or without it. The main distinguishing feature of the highlighting base is the presence of microscopic flickering particles, similar to a pearl. Such a base makes the skin of a healthy, rugged and literally luminous from the inside.
  • Corrective base.Such a base contains a specific color nuance that allows you to effectively hide skin flaws: the green base neutralizes redness, fully masking them; Pink - overlaps the earthy and tired complexion; Purple base neutralizes unhealthy yellow subtles; Yellow base - removes bruises and dark circles under the eyes; White base equalizes a common face tone and fills wrinkles.

There are also the foundations for different zones of the face:

  • The basis for the shadow for the age. It has a thick texture and contains cosmetic silicone. Such a base matches and slightly dry the skin of the eyelid, preventing striped shadows rolling, and extending their resistance. The shadows applied to the database look more pigmented and bright.
  • Basis under mascara.Produced in a tube similar to mascara. It contains a powder component, which significantly increases the volume and the length of the eyelashes, and also prevents the mounted tremble during the day. Many bases under the mascara contain caring components that strengthen eyelashes and stimulate their growth.
  • Foundation for lipstick. Moisturizes, nourishes, lines the relief of the lips, fills fine wrinkles. Due to the lipstick on the lips, it keeps much longer, does not roll and not smeared. IN winter time The base protects the delicate skin of the lips from the frost and dryness.

Before applying the database, the skin needs to be cleaned and prepare

Skin preparation for database

Despite the fact that the basis for makeup in itself improves appearance Skin, it is still better to prepare the skin to apply the base by making the color of the face even more shining and healthy, and makeup - fresh and natural.

  1. Exfoliation. Make a deep peeling of the skin of the face, removing all dead cages and scales. The skin purified from the horn layer is actively updated, breathes and in general looks more healthy.
  2. Cleansing.Soft foaming means for washing, wash off the remnants of makeup and dirt accumulated in the skin per day. This will help to cleanse and allocate less sebum. Lightly blocked the face with a napkin and immediately go to the next step.
  3. Toning. With the help of a cotton disk, apply a face tonic on the skin. It will help to close and strengthen the exchange processes in the cells of the epidermis. The tonic activates the suction of the skin of the useful substances by preparing it to apply the cream. If we wipe the face with Tonic immediately after washing, without waiting for a complete drying of the skin, then the moisture "sealed" in the skin, making it gentle and velvety to the touch.
  4. Intensive nutrition.Irrish the face of thermal or flower water and apply a nutrient mask with a thick layer. Hold the mask opening time. Wash the water, blot the napkin and apply the tonic on the skin again.
  5. Moisturizing. Apply day cream on the face (patting the movements on massage lines). If you pass the serum course, then first apply serum, then cream. After 10 minutes your skin is ready for makeup.

Application of the Base for Makeup

Application on the face of the basics of makeup is somewhat different from the application of an ordinary tone, because the base is not only a decorative, but also a caring part of makeup. There are several ways to apply bases:

  • Application with fingers. The coating will be easy or average.
  • Applying a special wet sponge (beauty blender). The coating is light.
  • Application with a brush for makeup. The coating will be medium or dense.

You can choose an optimal option based on general condition Your skin and on the problems you want to disguise. If the base of the base differs from the color of the neck, be sure to apply the basis for makeup on the clavicle and on the side sides of the neck. So you visually align the color on these zones.

There are some tricks that are used by professional makeup artists for giving the skin of a natural and homogeneous shade.

  • Moisturizing cream + base for makeup. If you have too dry and peeling skin, try to combine the moisturizing cream with the basis of the makeup. Heat the mixture on the pillows of fingers and circular rubbing movements to the skin, paying particular attention to the most dry sites.
  • Base under makeup + tonal cream. Sometimes it happens that the base for makeup does not fully hide the shortcomings, and the tone cream is too noticeable on the skin. In this case, mix in equal parts the basis for makeup and tone cream. It turns out a medium in density coverage, which will smooth irregularities, but will still look natural.
  • Thermal water. Pharmacy mineral water will help to eliminate the effect of "peach" - when the face looks overloaded with makeup. After each layer of the base or a tone, spray thermal water on the skin and wait for complete drying. This manipulation will help moisten the skin and mix with each other all the layers of makeup.

If your goal is the perfect face tone and the maximum naturality of the coating, then stop your selection based on makeup.