Folk remedies for oily skin. Fatty skin face, what to do? Diet with increased fatty epidermis

Oily skin Persons and acne on it often deliver it to the owners of a mass of discomfort. You can get rid of this problem, but first of all we need to find out the reason for the increased oily skin. It is necessary to change your lifestyle, meals, learn how to care for your face. If necessary, you should seek help from specialists.

If you have fatty skin, the reasons for this can be different. Most often, teenagers suffer from this problem in puberty. In this case, approximately 30 years such a problem disappears, and the skin becomes combined. But not only adolescents suffer from hormonal changes in the body. Such a problem occurs in women during menstruation during pregnancy and climax. The fatty skin on the face can increase after a long use of oral contraceptives or hormonal drugs.

Not correct care The face can also lead to increased fatty. Frequent peels may result in such a problem: the epidermis layer is injured, and the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively to protect against damage. Often, it leads to this and uncontrolled use of a fat cream, while there is a blockage of pores, the cream is mixed with the separated skin fat, and the fatness of the skin is significantly increased.

Some diseases may also lead to such a problem, for example diabetes, liver pathology, gynecological violations in women. People with elevated weight also often complain about the fatty covers of the epidermis, this happens as a result of irrational nutrition and with high sweating.

The skin of the face with increased fatness looks untidy and ugly. It has an uneven surface, glorifying, has a grayish color. Over time, blocking of pores may occur, and acne is formed in their place. But this type of skin has some positive qualities. Bold cover protects the epidermis from external influence. Wrinkles on such a face appear much later, and they are not as noticeable.

Very oily skin of the face can be an excellent environment for the possible development of the inflammatory process caused by bacteria. Spinning, they can quickly spread throughout the body, causing a disease of healthy organs and tissues. If you found that you have a rather fatty skin of the face, what to do in this case will tell you an experienced specialist to whom we should seek advice. A mandatory consultation of the dermatologist and the cosmetologist will be required.

How to solve a bold skin problem?

How to get rid of oily skin on the face? First of all, it is necessary to find out the reason for increased fat. Blood test, hormones and sugar research. Medications for the normalization of the state of the epidermis do not exist, in most cases, getting rid of the cause, you can easily cope with this problem.

It is very important to learn how to properly care for the problematic skin of the face. It is necessary to get rid of excess skin, clean the pores and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands. It is easy to cope with this, using special cleansing agents.

During the cleansing of the epidermis, hot water, washcloths and alkaline soap are not allowed. Literally a few minutes after their use, the bold shine on the face will appear again. It is necessary to use only warm water, and means to apply a cotton disk. Instead of simple water, you can take infusion from these medicinal herbs as chamomile, nettle, lime color or mint.

After cleansing, you need to wait until the face dry, and treat it with a tonic suitable for this type of skin. In conclusion on the face, apply cream, which is quickly absorbed and protects from the impact of an external environment.

Once a week is held deep purificationThis must be a mask film that will remove fat, pollution and dead cells of the epidermis. A couple of times a week you can use a mask of green or blue clay. Once a week you can use rims from a salt of sea salt. 0.5 liters of water should be taken 1 tsp. Salt. The cotton swabs are wetted in the finished solution and applied to the face of 15 minutes.

Carefully need to approach the choice of decorative cosmetics. Tonal cream and the base for make-up should be easily absorbed by the skin and quickly removed with water. Not recommended once again Take a person during the day, even more dirty hands, to prevent the penetration of bacteria and not complicate the situation.

Homemade masks

How to deal with bold face skin yourself? At home, you can easily prepare healing masks that consist of natural products, and contribute to the purification of oily skin and its nutrition. Such means will help get rid of black dots, pimples and acne.

If there is no allergic reaction to honey, it is often used in the preparation of such masks. You can mix 1 tsp. Any honey with egg squirrel, and apply this tool on face. After 30 minutes, the mask washed with warm water. Such a means are used to combat glitter and narrowing pores.

Well helps mask from fresh strawberries. 2 tbsp. l. Crumpled berries are mixed with 125 ml of boiled water and a pinch of oily fabric soap. The mixture insists for about 30 minutes, flickering and applied to the purified face. Approximately after 10 minutes the mask washed off cool water. You can apply for 15 minutes to the face and the pulp of grapefruit, pressed through the gauze.

Another 1 recipe contains bread. It is necessary to warm up to about 40 ° C water or milk and softening a piece of rye bread in it so that it turns out to be Cashier. The mixture is applied to the face, withstand about 20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Salon treatments

Very oily skin requires special treatment. After the mandatory consultation with the dermatologist and the cosmetologist, you can try hardware procedures. Laser biostimulation helps well: a laser is affected by the skin, causing photochemical changes in the epidermis. After such salon Procedure The skin becomes renewed, more elastic, and its color is improved.

For advanced and removal of wrinkles, you can try microdermabrasion. During this procedure, there is painless skin grinding by the flow of smallest particles, for example, diamond crumbs or aluminum oxide.

To prevent bubbleing of the hair follicle with fat, reduce purulent rashes on the skin, use ultrafase. A ultrasonic cavitation peeling cleans the face with ultrasound, removes the excess skin fat from the pores and buried epidermis.

Very oily skin on the face is treated and with the help of such effective procedurelike darsonvalization. With the help of vacuum electrodes to the face, a pulsed current of high frequency is carried out. Such a procedure sunsites the skin, regenerates epidermis tissues and improves their nutrition.

In cosmetic salons you can do mechanical cleaning Persons. In order not to injury the epidermis, only a specialist should be performed. Peelings are well helped using fruit, dairy, glycolic or trichloroacetic acid. After peeling, the PN of the skin is reduced, significantly decreases. Clean the skin of the face and align its surface with the help of an apricot, almond or clay scrub. After the procedure, the beautician advises how to care for the face at home and assigns time for the next procedure.

Application of medicines

Depending on the degree of fatness of the skin and the cause of its causing, the doctor may prescribe medicia treatment. It includes the use of drugs containing such active substances: sulfur, the overwhelming secretion of the sebaceous glands; Zinc with a keratolic effect.

The drugs should include copper, regulating the production of skin salts. For the prevention of inflammation and formation of comedones, adapal is used. To exfoliate the epidermis and updates of its cells, such a substance is used as benzoyl peroxide. To restore the skin of the face after cleansing and physiotherapores, d-panthenol is used.

If the fatty skin is raised due to hormone imbalance or climax, hormones are prescribed, such as Livial, Divine or Belarus. For local treatment, antiseptic and exfoliating drugs are used. With bacterial and purulent complications, antibiotics can be appointed.

For rubbing the face after cleansing procedures, extracts of medicinal plants are used. To prepare such a lotion, such plants like chamomile, calendula, sage, oak bark. These plants have antiseptic, cleansing, regenerating, healing and drying properties. For the preparation of Lotion 1 Art. l. The crushed plant is poured with a glass of boiling water. After cooling, the composition is filtered and used to wip the face.

With comprehensive treatment and proper care, you can get rid of oily shine. For the prevention of inflamed rashes, without necessity, it is impossible to touch the face with dirty hands. In purity, you must contain all accessories that are used to apply cosmetics. It is necessary to constantly monitor the purity of the face.

Essentiality is important, fatty, sweet and sharp dishes should be excluded from the diet. You can not wash too hot water and cut the skin. It is necessary to carefully fulfill all the recommendations of the beautician and dermatologist. Only complex treatment and proper face care will help in a short time to get rid of the excess fatness of the skin.

Most women and girls came across problems associated with. If you have oily skin, treatment at home we will look at the article.

The presence of oily shine in the T-zone, frequent inflammatory rashes and acne rash, are a sign that the skin on the face is problematic and she needs to be engaged that the face looks clean and beautiful.

Causes of oily skin

With the problem of fatty skin faces are faced not only by young people during puberty, but also in more mature age.

The main reasons that provoke an increased production of sebaceous glands are:

  • failures in the work of the endocrine system;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • constant stress, depression;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • smoking, drinking alcohol.

Most often, the use of cosmetics that can only disguise the existing skin problems and is not enough. The condition of the skin with time can become more worse and will need to be treated. To avoid this, you need to know and comply with the basic rules of care for this skin type.

Manifestations of skin fat

There are four types of skin: fat, normal, combined and. For the first type of skin characteristic is the increased activity of the sebaceous glands, the regulation of which is performed by sex hormones.

During the maximum level of hormones (in the youth), the skin is the most fat. With age, the level of hormones and the solidity of the skin are reduced. On changes hormonal background The sebaceous glands of all people react, but the degree of manifestation and sensitivity of each of their own, which is due to genetically. Therefore, the manifestations can be different. In women, changes in the degree of fatty are also associated with the phases of the menstrual cycle, they can rise during pregnancy.

Although the aesthetic point of view looks not as attractive as other types of skin, but it also has its advantages:

  • resistance to the effects of the external environment;
  • better sunbatches;
  • slow aging and later appearance of wrinkles;
  • with age does not lose its softness and moisture;
  • needs smaller amounts for care and decorative cosmetics.

In order to determine whether the problem is a problem, you need to know its distinctive properties:

Also the problem of oily skin - comedones:

  • black comedones - clogging of stal glands;
  • - Small white pimples that are not accompanied by inflammation.

If the increased bodybuilding on the skin is a pathological nature, this disease is called Seborrhea, the main factors of its development are violations in the work of the sebaceous glands. The presence on the skin of this disease is manifested in redness, the appearance of small acne in the field of "seborrheic butterfly" - above the upper lip or around the nose. In the case where purulent rashes arise against the background of seborrhea, the disease is called.

Fatty skin face, home treatment, care

Inflamed problematic skin needs special attention, highlight the basic rules of care for it:

    Normalization of nutrition - the result of improper nutrition are malfunctions internal systems The organism, the emergence of skin problems. It is necessary to reduce the use of oily, salty, smoked, fried and acute food. Fresh vegetables, fruits, drink more clean water in your diet daily.

Do not engage in cleaning problem skin yourself - do not squeeze acne, black dots, because It is possible to enter infection and the development of the inflammatory process;

Careful skin cleaning - wash only cool (not hot and not warm) water, in the morning and evening. Do not use soap for washing, it is better to choose a gel or foam for oily skin;

Clean the pores - use scrubs and that will help get rid of black dots;

Do not use powder and tonal cream as decorative cosmetics and tone creams - these means are strongly clogged by the pores of the face, which leads to new skin diseases.

Properly selected daily skin care will save you from problems that may occur with the fat skin.

Treatment with folk remedies

If you have fatty skin, treatment at home can be carried out by different methods:

  • and scrubs;
  • independently cooked branches of medicinal herbs;
  • face Lotions;
  • medicinal herbal compresses;
  • natural creams and ointments cooked independently.

IN folk recipes For the treatment of oily skin with various rashes, it is recommended to use a household soap that is applied to problem areas. But you need to treat this procedure very carefully and prevent skin cuts.

For treating problem skin, you can independently prepare lotions.

Mint's drying lotion
Mint leaves crush, pour 25 ml. Boiling water, let it stand, strain. A cooked lotion wipe the face in the morning and in the evening, after pre-cleansing with gel or foam.

Lotion on herbs
Take 1st.l. Dry chamomile herbs, calendulas, eucalyptus, pour a liter of boiling water. Boil 10 minutes. Leave to complete cooling, strain. Add 50ml tincture on eucalyptus alcohol or calendula.

Cleansing lotion
1h.l. Food soda and sugar, pour glass boiling water, move. Cooled lotion wipe the face with cotton disc in the morning and in the evening.

Drinking lotion
In equal amounts, take birch leaves and kidneys, grind, pour the glass of water, boil 5 minutes. Give cool, add any alcohol tincture on herbs, wipe your face twice a day.

As a drying component, in lotions can be applied: apple vinegar, lemon juice, orange, grapefruit.

If the fatty skin of the face, treatment at home can be carried out with decorations. They are prepared equally: 3-4h.l. The medicinal herbs is poured with a glass of boiling water, insist 30-40 minutes. Strain.
The face is wiping with a prepared composition 3-4 times a day, movements should be soft to additionally do not injure skin cover.

The most effective herbs for the treatment of oily leather are chamomile, mint, a series, chorely.

Clear polluted pores, reduce inflammation on the face will help warm herbal compresses. In order to prepare them, you will need: 2st. Herbs calendula, Hypericum, field chewing, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Insist 20 minutes, strain. The resulting composition to wet the pure towel, attach to the face to the complete cooling. After the procedure, the skin can be wiped the ice cube to close the pores. The compress is superimposed twice a week, the face must be pre-cleaned.

When fatty skin, treatment at home can be carried out using independently cooked ointments or scrub.

Fatty Cream
You need to take fresh raspberry leaves, rinse, crush, squeeze juice. Mix with a small amount of fresh butter, apply for night to problem areas.

Salt and lemon scrub
To prepare a lemon salt scrub, you need to take the same amount of lemon juice and sea salt. Ingredients Mix, massage movements to process face 2-3 minutes, more carefully need to process problem areas. Wash off cool water.
If there are inflammations, the scrub cannot be applied.

Also, various masks are used to care for problem skin, which are quite simple in preparation, have a therapeutic and masking effect, which makes it possible to look like a healthy and clean.

Recipes masks for fatty skin

For the preparation of compositions, only natural and fresh components are used.

Masks from clay
The use of white or blue clay contributes to cleansing the skin, saturation with useful elements and decrease extended pores.

  1. Mix 1st.L. Blue clay and water, add from 1ч.l. Badyagi, mix well. To impose a mask on the cleaned skin of the face, keep to complete drying. Remove with a wet cloth.
  2. To egg yolk add 1st.l. Honey and 1h.l. . Separately mix 2st.L. White clay with a small amount of water. All components to mix, apply a thick layer on the face. Keep to complete dry.<>/ LI

Mask with honey
It helps to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, dry and heals inflammation, nourishes the skin.
Take 1Ch.l. liquid honey, add yolk, 2-3 drops or tea tree. Apply to face for 25-30 minutes. Wash off cool water.

Oatmeal mask
This procedure will help narrow the pores and improve the complexion.
Mix 2 tbsp oatmeal, add lemon juice and olive oil 1h.l. For 25-30 minutes, apply to the purified face. Wash warm water.

Of course, make masks troublesome, but their effectiveness can not be underestimated. Appliques need to perform courses (two weeks in a row), then the result will be noticeable. Well-selected composition and properly performed procedure for the skin of the face, wonders are creating.

Regular care I. simple advice Cosmetologists will help get rid of oily skin on the face, narrow the pores and prevent acne appearing.

Why the skin on the face becomes fat: the main reasons

Overall skin is different from other types of characteristic gloss, the presence of rashes, acne and advanced pores. This suggests that the body produces more skin salary than necessary. Most often, the rash is subject to forehead and nasolabial zone. It happens for several reasons:

IN adolescence Almost all children suffer from fatty skin. It goes by itself. With age, such skin becomes land.

But it is important to remember that if the period is dragged, and purulent acne constantly appear on the face, scars and she looks rude, then it's not just a hormonal imbalance. Be sure to visit the doctor, pass the tests. The consequences may be much smasher. The protracted hormonal imbalance can lead to infertility in the future, both in the guys and girls.

If the hormonal imbalance and fatness of the skin rises against the background of pregnancy or menopause, then during this period it will be necessary correct and regular care. Skin cover will come to normal over time.

Get rid of oily shine and bring the face to order folk remedies and masks, proper nutrition. However, in the event of any disease, these measures will be little. Additional surveys and a course of hormone therapy will be required. So that the skin shone again with beauty, you need to get rid of the root causes.

The undoubted plus of oily skin is its resistance to external factors. People with this type of skin are older later.

Rules for the main leather

Oily skin is considered the most problematic view. It is difficult to care for it, it is necessary to select the appropriate means. How to get rid of oily skin forever?

It is important to remember that for the daily care of the face you need to choose cosmetics Without alcohol and drying substances. They will irritate the surface of the epidermis, but not treated.

It is best suited for zinc-based and salicylic acid tonic. They can be prepared independently. These drugs not only eliminate the fat shine, but also clean the pollution, they remove fat and remove the irritation of the epidermis.

In addition, it is important to remember that powder and the tone base are clogged. Rest of cosmetics are necessarily carefully removed before bedtime.

Diet with fat skin face

Not only cosmetics and daily care will help to get rid of oily leather, but also a properly balanced diet. The fight against the problem should be started from the inside.

First of all, with excessive oily skin, you should refuse the following products:

Review the diet, minimize alcohol, carbonated drinks, smoked sausages, avoid fast snacks.

Include useful products in the daily menu:

  • cheeses and boiled vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • juices;
  • various porridges;
  • fish;
  • milk products;
  • chocolate;
  • cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • eggs;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts.

Proper and balanced nutrition not only eliminates the problems with the intestines, but also regularly saturates the skin with vitamins, smoothes the scars, contributes to the healing of the wounds, improves blood clotting, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, eliminates the fat shine.

Fasting is extremely unpleasant with oily skin on face. It leads to stress in the body. You need to eat with small doses, but often, at least 5 times a day.

Face care aged 20+

After 20 years, the sebaceous glands are actively producing skin fat. The main task is to purify the epidermis. Cleaning procedures better spend twice a day using special means Based on tea tree.

At this age, it is possible to use creams with a light texture and a vitamin E content, they are well moisturized by the skin, retain its water balance.

Face care aged 30+ and 40+

The production of sebum decreases, the blood supply to the epidermis is worse.

At this age, facial care has its own characteristics.

  1. The face is cleaned by fat foam, only warm water.
  2. Wipe the face is better than herbs champs or acidic water.
  3. Regularly tell peeling at home, use light creams for the night.

After forty, the fat production is reduced twice, but the extended pores lead to inflammation and rash. The skin is cleaned with informed herbs. At this age, masks based on potatoes, milk and honey.

Folk recipes from oily skin

Masks, peeling, homemade creams and lotions will help in the fight in fatty skin. Such means are prepared from natural products, stored only in the refrigerator.

Herbal mask. Fresh plantain leaves rinse and grind. Oatmeal grinding blender to the state of small crumbs. Mix crushed leaves and oatmeal in a ratio of 1: 1. A mask to withstand 20 minutes, carefully rinse with water.

Mask honey narrowing. Egg protein is mixed with liquid honey. A little olive oil and a pinch of oat flakes add a mask.

Curd mask at kefir: 25 gr. Degreased cottage cheese brew kefir to the state of sour cream. A mask is distributed over the face, after 15 minutes wash off with water. The course - twice a week for a month. The mask narrows the pores well, cleans.

Clay mask with honey. Mask with white or green clay helps well. For its preparation mix the pinch of clay with honey. Apply for 15 minutes. Strawberry mask. Berries of strawberry crowned and mix with white clay. Course procedures - 1 time in 7 days, for a month.

Mummy mask for problem skin. Two mummy tablets are crushed and mixed with milk or decoction of herbs. Egg protein whipped and gradually introduced into the mixture. The finished mask is applied to the cleaned skin.

Yeast mask. It is prepared from fresh yeast and sources. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. After applying the mask, the skin wipe the ice cube. Lotion tonic based on green tea. In the thermos, brew green tea, after the liquid cools, strain it. Add some lemon juice, mix. Tonic wipe the face twice a day.

Herbal tonic. Prepare a decoction of 2 tbsp. L mint, lavender, calendula and chamomile. Insist the mixture of about 50 minutes, after which it is strain and stored in the refrigerator.

Cucumber applications. Before applying makeup, oily skin is recommended to wipe with a slic of fresh cucumber. You can simply cut the cucumber circles and put them on your face. After the face serves, you can apply cosmetics.

These basic methods will help get rid of oily skin, narrow pores and reduce the inflammatory process on the face. In addition, you should not forget that in modern cosmetology there are many ways to help radically improve the state of the epidermis. You can resort to the ultrasonic or cryotherapy rate, take advantage of vacuum cleaning Persons and peeling.

Fatty skin face is a problem that is often worried about teenagers. But maybe in adults. Causes can be different: hormonal failure, improper nutrition, poor skin care. All this gives goodbye to yourself: Fat shine, untidy look, ugly skin. For a girl, this is a real problem, therefore there are a lot of folk agents aimed at eliminating the manifestations of oily skin. On the Internet there is enough material, but not all methods are correct and effective. We tried to collect high-quality tips on the care of the fatty type and ways to get rid of oily shine.

Characteristics of oily and combined skin


Often, oily skin is most noticeable at certain sections of the face: forehead, nose and chin. As well as on the body: back and chest. Combined or fat type in most cases is manifested.


The oily skin looks not very aesthetic: rude, thickened, covered with liquid fat, gloss, uneven and untidy, has a gray or even dull color. Compare this species can be with orange peelbecause pores are well allocated and even with good care They shine. If there is no care - it becomes dirty, black dots appear more often and. Seborrhea and thaleangeeque can manifest.

But, despite all these cons, oily skin has its small advantages: it does not grow so fast, wrinkles are slower, the skin remains elastic longer.

Read also about how to get rid of black dots on the face.

The fat layer protects against environmental exposure.

Fatty leather care at home

Any type skin cover Needs appropriate care. In order for oily skin less than himself, it is necessary to conduct such procedures:

  • it is necessary to wash with special tonic, fitherment and gels for oily skin. It is necessary to conduct such a procedure two or three times a week. These funds eliminate inflammation, clean the skin and prevent the appearance of seborrhea;

Read more about the best tonic for oily skin.

  • during the purification process, it is forbidden to rub the face with rigid washcloths or sponges, as well as using too hot water and alkaline soap. Yes, the first fifteen minutes, the effect will be wonderful - there will be no traces from oily skin. But do not forget that hot water and mechanical impact - even stronger activate the work of the sebaceous glands. Thus, oily skin will return with even greater brilliance for twenty minutes. So that the effect of washing is not deplorable, but even good - it is necessary to wash it with warm or cool water, washing with cotton disk or fingers. But it is impossible to overdo it;
  • the best effect will give washing herbs: chamomile tea, lime decoction, a tincture of rosehip, nettle, mint. In extreme cases, bottled water can be used;
  • after washing, you should not wipe your face with a towel. It is better to give it to dry by the natural way, and then clean the suitable lotion, tonic;
  • at the end of all procedures, it is necessary to smear the face with cream. The cream must necessarily fit the type of leather, as well as quickly absorbed and not leave fatty traces. What to do right choice, we recommend familiarizing yourself with;
  • peeling, in other words, deep cleansing - must be carried out once a week. It is worth paying attention to that it is strictly forbidden to use as the main tool for peeling. To prevent the activation of the sebaceous glands, you can use masks films that are easy to clean the pores, remove fat and do not harm bold skin;
  • a couple of times a week is recommended to make masks for a fatty skin type. Great and green clay based masks are perfect. Apple masks, Kiwi or lemon juice perfectly cleaned the skin. Pretty useful mask from potatoes, helps to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • throughout the day, it is forbidden to touch the face with dirty hands. Bacteria that are in hand will penetrate into the pores and the situation will become even worse. Touch the skin only after washing hands;
  • to improve the condition of oily skin, you can make a margin from sea salt once a week. One teaspoon of salt is mixed with a half liters of melting water. All this is maintained on the face from five to ten minutes. Be sure to be melting water! It is cleaner and well acts at the pores.

Selecting cosmetics, it is necessary to carefully choose a tonal cream and a database for makeup. They must quickly be absorbed, have a lightweight structure and clean it well. Ideally, it is better not to use tonal cream and powder at all.

Folk remedies

Most often for care masks, scrubs and home cooking lotions. The basis of many compositions are oils. Because Fatty skin in most cases is characterized by advanced pores, most of the folk agents are directed to their deep purification and narrowing.


The most common way to care for the skin. The main components are clay and essential oils. Depending on how purpose the mask is used, other components are added, which act symptomatically - eliminate the shine, relieve inflammation. The main effect of the mask is deep nutrition and saturation of skin elements, normalization of the sebaceous glands.

With caution below the prescriptions must be applied to teenagers. The skin of a young man or a girl is not yet fully formed from the point of view of the hormonal background, so various antiseptic and cleansing masks can harm, violating the natural process of operation of the epidermis.


Behind the oily skin you need to care more than the normal or combined type. After applying this mask, the face will look less fat, the pores will not be as noticeable. Vegetable oilsMakening a moisturizing mask well affect skin.


After applying this mask, the face will become noticeably cleaned, the angry rash will pass. Activated coal cleans the skin and treats it. Laminarium rejuvenates the skin, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and restores cells.

For a mask need:

  1. 40 grams of laminaria.
  2. One tablet activated coal.
  3. Carnation essential oil.

Preparation: Dry laminarium finely cut and pour warm water. Let it be broken for three hours. After the oil and the powder from the tablet of activated carbon is added. Spare face and evenly put the mask. Wait 10 minutes and remove with cosmetic napkins.

From wrinkles

After applying this fold mask different species, wrinkles and acne will pass. The skin becomes cleaner.


  1. 20 milliliters serum.
  2. 30 grams of corn starch.
  3. Essential oil with grapefruit extract.

Preparation: All mix and apply from the center and to lymph nodes. Apply need circular movements. After 25 minutes, wash off the mask with cold water.

From acne

After applying this mask, acne and gumers will pass. Acne will be dried.

  1. 15 milliliters of dry white wine.
  2. Essential oil with verbena extract.
  3. 16 grams of yeast.

Cooking: yeast stirring in warmed wine. Add oil and mix everything. Spare face and put evenly. After half an hour, wash off and wipe the face frozen herbal influence.


From oatmeal

Flakes are useful not only for the body, but also for the skin. Oatmeal cleans the epidermis, nourishes the necessary vitamins and minerals.

To prepare the mask you need to grind a tablespoon of oatmeal and pour kefir, unsweequish yogurt or just water. Add liquid to the moment until the mixture is thick enough to hold on the face. Equally apply a mask with circular motions. Slightly massage for five minutes. Wait for complete drying and rinse with warm water.

After washing the mask with warm water, it is necessary to wash it cold water. It narrows the pores and will not give to appear angry rash.

From black dots

Surprisingly, sugar and egg can clearly clear the fatty skin of the skin from acne and gumons.

Preparation: mix one egg squirrel and one tablespoon of sugar. It is necessary to divide the female twice. First, apply a scrub for five minutes slightly massaging. Then apply the second part, as just a face mask. Wait until complete drying and washed with warm water. Then wash the cold water to narrow the pores.

Read about the scrubs for the face at home for combined skin.

Healthy I. clean skin - The basis of an attractive appearance.


From herbal

To do good lotion For bold leather from the grass, you must take on one tablespoon of chamomile, calendula and nasturtiums. Pour 500 ml of warm boiled water and give five hours. Then add four tablespoons of cologne.

From tea

Mix one tablespoon of green tea with the same amount of vodka and lemon juice. Let's give a couple of minutes. Such a mask can clearly clean, remove the fat shine and lines the tone.

From Grapefruit

Stir one tablespoon of vodka and lemon juice. Add Paul Glass of Fresh Grapefruit Juice. The resulting liquid shake.

Grapefruit is very useful.

Store better in the refrigerator, in a container with a closed lid so that the effect of vodka is preserved and the next time.




  1. Three tablespoons of natural yogurt.
  2. One egg raw yolk.
  3. One tablespoon of low-fat cream.
  4. Paul tablespoon of apple vinegar.
  5. Paul tablespoon of tomato juice.
  6. One tablespoon of bee honey.

Preparation: Mix thoroughly and put it in a refrigerator for a couple of hours. It is evenly smeared on the face and neck every evening.

From natural beeswax


  1. One teaspoon bee wax.
  2. One tea is false of ammonic alcohol.
  3. Two teaspoons of simple water.

Cooking: Place Wax, add water and alcohol there. All stir so that it turned out a homogeneous mass. It is necessary to apply the cream in the morning and in the afternoon and wear on my face from one to four hours. Wash off warm water and wipe tonic for oily skin.



  1. One yolk.
  2. Two tablespoons of lemon juice.
  3. Table spoon glycerin.
  4. The fourth piece of glasses of olive oil.

Cooking: beat yolk, enhance juice and glycerin. Continuing to beat add butter. According to the consistency and color should remind mayonnaise. For convenient application on the face, you can slide a little lemon juice if the mixture is too thick. Used as a daily face cream.

A mask with a yolk for a face effectively moisturizes, nourishes the dermis, eliminates wrinkles and rashes.

The use of clay

Clay is used to purify. Most often used black, white and blue clay. The clay mask lines the skin tone, moisturizes and cleans, removes the fat shine, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, treats acne and comaons.

You can use clay not more often than one or two times a week. Excessive care for the fatty skin type will only worsen the situation. However, if we use masked clay wisely, there will be less than at least twice the skin with a fatty skin type.

In order for all fatty skin care products only positive results, you need to adhere to such tips.

  1. Be sure to check the shelf life of each ingredient.
  2. Apply only clean hands on clean skin.
  3. Do not use the tool longer than the specified period.
  4. You will check the presence of allergies to all ingredients.
  5. BUY only high-quality products for the manufacture of home remedies.
  6. Do not walk with a mask longer than the specified time.
  7. Before the procedures to clean the face as much as possible.
  8. Do not flush hot water.
  9. After the procedure, do not rub the face with a washcloth.
  10. Do not wipe the face of the towel, give dry in a natural way.


In this orido, the secrets of fast and high-quality getting rid of oily skin are told.


  1. To be able to care for any type of skin, and for the bold type especially.
  2. Masks use no more than one or two times a week.
  3. Creams can be smeared every day.
  4. Lotions are used every two or three days.
  5. It is necessary to select the right cosmetics.
  6. Cannot touch the skin with dirty hands.
  7. The most effective lotions are lotions with adding vodka.
  8. Oily skin is not the end of the world. With this you can live and even more so, in fatty type, too, there are advantages.
  9. If you correctly care - then there will be no problems. Not worth it to be shy.

According to one American dermatological magazine, in 2013, more than 60% of people with oily skin are registered, and this figure is always growing. We will tell you how to get rid of oily skin of the face at home, and which recipes will be most effective.

Acne on the face is dead skin cells, pathogenic microbes, dust and dirt. On the oily derma they will "come true" the easiest, mainly due to the improper work of the sebaceous glands and extended pores. Accordingly, it is necessary to reduce this threshold, and ideally, to completely normalize.

The whole process of getting rid of oily skin can be distributed on stages:

  • tony;
  • cleaning;
  • protection.

Means for tone skin with fatty brilliance

Every morning you need to start with the washing of special tonic, for this you can buy professional meansOr prepare them with your own hands. In particular, a solution of water and salicylic alcohol perfectly helps from very oily skin. For a glass of water we take a tablespoon of liquid. Such lotion degreases the skin and eliminates the oil shine.

It looks good cleaning the dermis and decoction of green tea. Just brewing a drink without mixing it with sugar, wash as often as possible. If you wish, you can add to the welding also (literally 5-7 drops). This folk remedy also helps to reduce the fat content of the dermis.

Sensitive oily skin needs special care, it is impossible to use alcohol methods. Very gentle folk remedies are needed - this is milk, cucumber water and aloe infusion. The method of preparation of a cucumber lotion is similar: in a glass of boiled water, add either one sliced \u200b\u200bcucumber, or 3-5 aloe twigs. We leave to insist on the night, in the morning we wipe the resulting liquid.

Do not also forget about the miraculous properties of honey. This tool helps from very oily skin with the most different problems. On a glass of warm water, we take two spoons of the sweet ingredient. Wipe the dermis to the resulting means three times a day.

Just great for giving the skin of the tone, especially in the summer, the cryotherapy has proven itself. Ice massage in the morning is a procedure that will help extend the youth, get rid of wrinkles, clean the skin from acne and acne. The main thing is to massage the face not a simple ice, but frozen decoction of therapeutic herbs.
Video: Fatty skin mask

Masks for skin cleansing from

Under the cleansing, we mean scrubs and masks. It is primarily necessary to use the peelings. For oily leather, fruit and dairy products are most suitable. In particular, you can mix milk and sugar, and the face with the resulting sweet mortar. It is very important to fully dissolve sugar in water, large abrasive particles can even more "irritated" and so damaged skin.

Perfectly helps peelings based on fruit and vegetable ingredients. In particular, it is strawberries, raspberries and lemon. We offer to try a good refreshing and bleaching recipe: water with lemon juice. So you can get rid of home conditions not only from oily skin, but also from red spots on the face. You need to mix the decoction of chamomile and lemon juice: on a glass of liquid three spoons of Fresh. Cool, water should be cold, and wipe the face with this means for five minutes using a sponge or cotton swab.

Chamomile is just a universal plant from oily skin, it is prescribed if you need to get rid of peeling and acne on the forever, body (back or buttocks), and on the nose. You can make such a mixture:

  • a glass of ragger chamomile;
  • two tablespoons of oatmeal;
  • egg white.

All mix and put on the face of a thin film, wash off in 20 minutes.

Clear and narrow the pores of the face will help a simple chicken egg. Separate the yolk from the protein, whipping the proteins to the foam, and lightly smear on the skin, wash off in 20 minutes.