"Kolobok" made of papier-mâché. Interesting crafts from papier-mâché: do-it-yourself toys from a ball and twine

01 July 2013 1

My daughter once asked me to make a bun - a craft. She started asking about what exactly she wanted. In the end, they decided that the bun should be waterproof, because... We planned to have breakfast with him. The choice fell on the papier-mâché technique with further coating acrylic paints.

I read the master classes, and realized that sticking 8 layers of newspaper and then waiting another three days “until it dries” is not our option.

Therefore, I offer my variation on the papier-mâché theme. I’m not sure if I’m the only one who thought of this, so I don’t claim authorship.

What do we need for a simple papier-mâché craft?

  • Napkins
  • Newspaper or paper
  • PVA glue
  • Warm water
  • for coloring our crafts.

First you need to roll up a thick wad of newspaper to the desired size and cover it with masking tape. It took me 2 newspaper spreads (8 A4 sheets).

Now the child (3 years old) poured warm water into a plastic tray, together we cut and tore the newspaper into pieces. I wrapped the first layer over the masking tape with a napkin and brushed it with a damp brush, and then my daughter began to dip pieces of newspaper in water and place them on the ball in random order.

She especially enjoyed smoothing the wet newspaper over the craft. Well, letting your hands dangle in a tray of water is also the cutest thing!

The child stuck on about three layers of newspaper until he got tired of it. Then I once again wrapped the newspaper in a napkin on top and set it to dry. By morning we already had the ball ready for painting.

The bun was painted with acrylic paints. The child drew hairs. The bun, of course, turned out to have an amateurish appearance and was far from princely, but they did it themselves. And, most importantly, what the child likes.

I’m still surprised how many kids (including mine) like some scary toys. It will stand here the most beautiful doll, and the child will choose a shabby, shabby mouse with a torn ear. In general, the bun lay in our kitchen for a long time, and the child constantly played with it.

As for the papier-mâché technique itself, in my version a significantly smaller number of layers are applied and there is no need to wait long for the craft to dry, and there is also no need to cut the finished work, remove the base and then glue it together. Yes, due to the weight of the newspaper, the craft is not as easy as the original papier-mâché crafts, but there is less hassle, which is important for the small child participating in the process.

Papier-mâché is a simple and cheap technology that allows you to create real masterpieces. Moreover, the technology is available for both adults and children. And you don’t need any supernatural materials to create crafts.

There are two ways to create crafts. This can be done by forming the prepared mass into shapes, or by gluing torn paper onto some kind of base. Anyone can create a craft with their own hands; this does not require any special skills or abilities. You just need accuracy and patience.

This technique is successfully used even in kindergartens to develop motor skills in children. It allows you to create not only children's crafts, but also statues, boxes and many other interior items.

Papier-mâché crafts for beginners

Let's look at how several types of crafts are made.


You can make a beautiful saucer or plate with your child.

For this you will need:

  • Napkin;
  • Oilcloth;
  • Brush;
  • Paste;
  • Newspaper;
  • Gouache;
  • Scissors.

The plate is placed upside down and greased with a thin layer of vegetable oil. This is necessary so that the product can be separated from the base without problems in the future. The newspaper is torn into small pieces, each of which is coated with paste and glued to the plate. You need to start from the middle, gradually moving towards the edges. Newspaper parts are glued in several layers. Moreover, each layer must dry. There will be four of them in total. After the last layer has dried, the workpiece is separated from the base, the edges are trimmed with scissors. Several layers of white gouache are applied to the craft. After drying, the finished plate can be decorated with patterns, ornaments or designs.


To make a balloon with your own hands you need: an old newspaper, a balloon, PVA, a brush, colored paper, a pencil, felt-tip pens, scissors, a napkin.

The newspaper is crushed and moistened with water. The balloon is inflated and lubricated vegetable oil, or greasy glue. The surface of the ball is covered with a layer of wet paper without glue. The next layer is attached using PVA. The number of layers is 4. Each of them must be coated with glue and dried. After drying, the surface of the ball can be decorated with appliques or painted.

You need to leave a small hole near the “tail” of the balloon, through which the balloon is subsequently pierced and removed.

Papier-mâché for children (video)

Papier-mâché: animals

Let's take a closer look at how to make a sheep and a snail.


For the frame of the animal you need to make a base. For this you will need toilet paper soaked in water. It should remain in the liquid for 40 minutes. After this, it is wrung out by hand, the water is drained and PVA glue is added. The mass should become homogeneous.

The Kinder Surprise capsule is coated with this mixture. After the product has dried, the layer is cut and the capsule is removed. You will need two blanks - for the torso and head. The legs are made of paper. To do this, you need to roll small pieces of paper into a tube, cutting them into a “star” on one side so that you can glue the legs to the body. To make wool for sheep you need cotton wool. Small balls are rolled out of it and glued over the entire surface of the head and torso. From thick cardboard Ears and tail are cut out. Eyes can be cut out from any picture. You can decorate the sheep with a bow or a wreath of flowers.


You will need: paper, glue, brush, paints.

The technique for preparing the mass for the craft is identical to that used for making the sheep. Using soaked paper and glue, a “long sausage” is formed and rolled up. You can make a head from the same composition by forming a ball and gluing it to the body. All parts should be connected only after they have completely dried. Subsequently, the surface of the snail is primed with white paint and left to dry for a while. All that remains is to decorate the body, head and draw a spiral, eyes, mouth. The final stage is to coat the finished craft with varnish.

Such crafts can be used for the garden. Children will be happy to participate in the process and in the future be proud of the masterpieces they have created with their own hands.

How to make a snowman using papier-mâché technique

Making a snowman is not difficult and very interesting.

For production you will need the following materials:

  1. Wet wipes;
  2. Cotton wool;
  3. Roll of toilet paper;
  4. White threads;
  5. Foil;
  6. Newspaper;
  7. Container with water;
  8. Brush.

Papier-mâché snowman (video)

Balls of the desired size are formed from damp newspaper. All blanks are wrapped in foil, and the body of a snowman is formed. Then it is wrapped with cotton wool and secured with threads. The hands are formed from cotton wool, which is rolled into a tube. It is easier to do this by twisting cotton wool around a pencil or knitting needle. You need to secure the hands so that they do not fall apart with glue. They are glued to the body with an adhesive composition. To create a headdress you will need a Kinder Surprise capsule. A mixture of soaked toilet paper and glue is applied to half of the capsule. After drying, it is separated from the plastic frame and covered with paints. The snowman's body is primed with white gouache.

When the snowman is dry, you need to draw the head, nose, and button mouth. Glitter hairspray will help add some brightness to your look.

Papier-mâché: crafts for kindergarten

Very interesting crafts you can make for kindergarten. Let's look at some of them in more detail.

Christmas tree decoration

Needed: Christmas tree decoration, newspaper, sheet of white paper, PVA, water, acrylic primer white, foam rubber, napkin with beautiful New Year's drawing to decorate a future toy, paint, braid, double-sided tape.

An old Christmas tree decoration in the shape of a ball is covered with damp newspaper without glue. The next layer is already fixed with glue. There should be at least 5 layers. Moreover, you should alternate layers - one from newspaper, the second from white paper. Each layer must be thoroughly dried.

After drying, the paper ball is cut into two halves. When the ball is removed, the paper parts are glued together along the seam.

Double-sided tape and braid are glued so that the toy can be hung on the Christmas tree. The next stage is decorating the craft with your own hands. First of all, the ball is coated with a white primer using foam sponge. Leave until completely dry (about 40-50 minutes). Then take the part of the napkin on which the drawing is depicted. It is cut out and attached to the toy with PVA glue. Glue is also applied on top of the drawing. The final stage is to apply a final coat of paint and cover the toy with glitter nail polish.


The base of the kolobok is balloon. You can also use large balloons. It should be covered with toilet paper soaked in water. The principle of applying layers is identical to those described above. After drying, you need to make a small cut, pierce the balloon and remove it. The resulting hole is sealed with a small piece of paper. The legs of the bun are cut out of a foam sponge. Surface of the resulting paper ball covered with yellow gouache. Paper hair is glued to the top of the head. Colored paper You will also need it to make the bun’s eyes and mouth. They are glued with glue. The legs can be glued with double-sided tape.

Volumetric papier-mâché crafts made from mass

Modeling volumetric crafts made with your own hands from the prepared mass. To do this, soak in warm water or toilet paper, or a newspaper. Paper swells in water within half an hour. Then it is squeezed through a sieve or gauze and placed in a container. You can add any glue to the composition - PVA or homemade paste. The mass should be homogeneous. To do this, it is mixed using a mixer. Subsequently, you can form any craft from this mass - a ball, a heart, a pattern. It is also not difficult to sculpt, just like from plasticine. The decor is done with paints, preferably gouache.

To prevent it from remaining on your hands in the future, the craft is treated with a special varnish. You can add anything you like to the decor of the craft - beads, sparkles, seed beads.

Papier-mâché products master class: watermelon

Making papier-mâché watermelon with your own hands is quite simple. Materials: toilet paper, methyl and PVA glue, film, self-adhesive gouache, acrylic varnish.

A mixture is prepared from paper or newspaper, water and glue. It is better to add both methyl glue and PVA to the mixture. The base of the watermelon is a balloon or ball. The base is first wrapped with tape or cling film. This will ensure trouble-free removal of the ball or ball in the future. The paper adhesive mass is applied in a thin layer to the base (5 mm). It should be carefully smoothed and dried. Since the ball is round, you must first apply the adhesive to one half, dry it, then to the other, leaving a 6 mm border between them. When the glue dries, both halves are removed from the ball or hot air balloon. They are glued together with methyl glue and dried thoroughly.

To make a watermelon tail, you will need a wire that is inserted into the craft. A layer of adhesive is also applied to it.

Using a knife, cut out a triangle (a piece of watermelon) the size of a fist. Using an adhesive composition, an internal border is made at the cut site. In the future, this groove can be inserted into or removed from the watermelon.

The craft is painted green, and circular lines are drawn using a darker shade. A piece of watermelon is painted red on the inside, and the seeds are drawn with a marker. The border of the cut piece is also painted red. Coverage is a must acrylic varnish of the entire product.

DIY papier-mâché crafts (video)

Making such products is not difficult. It is enough to show your imagination and have glue, toilet paper, water and paints on hand.

Crafts from papier-mâché (photo)

Let's start with making a stump, although you can take a real stump from a tree and thereby save yourself the work of making a bun. But I didn’t have a suitable stump, so I had to make it myself, and this has its own twist... Secure it together with tape 6 plastic bottles capacity of 1 liter. and fill the depressions with starting plaster using a spatula. Let the plaster set a little.

Apply a second layer of starting plaster, covering the bottles completely, seal the top of the bottles and attach legs to our hemp... Let the plaster set well.

To imitate bark, take the finishing plaster (knead in small portions!) and apply a layer around the entire circumference of the hemp...

Make furrows in the bark with your hands... use your finger to outline the eyes and mouth of the hemp

take a little starting plaster and make a spout...

slightly support the nostrils of the stump with the fingers of one hand and smooth the entire nose with a wet brush with the other hand. Let the hemp dry thoroughly, at least for a day.

“Bake” a bun of the desired size from newspapers...

For reliability, I sewed a newspaper bun into a vegetable net...

insert a kolobok from the handle wire bent in half...

Using a spatula, apply the first layer of plaster to our kolobok, fix the handles and let it set a little (15-20 minutes)...

Apply a second layer of starting plaster...

Smooth with a wet brush.

Let's move on to making the kolobok legs - straighten a small amount of plaster solution with a wet brush...

For bast shoes, bend the wire as in the photo and insert it into the legs...

side view...

Apply a little plaster to the wire...

And fix it with a wet bandage. Let the plaster set a little.

Apply a second layer of plaster to form the bast shoes...

And straighten it with a wet brush.

Let's draw the little bun's face...

Twist the corners of the future scarf from the wire (as in the photo), put a ball of plaster on top of the kolobok and insert our blank from the wire...

Let's start making handles - we fix the plaster roller on the handle wire with a bandage, squeezing everything a little with our hands...

We fix the arms of our “disabled” kolobok with supports and let them dry for 20-30 minutes.

Apply a second layer of starting plaster to the handles, form palms and straighten everything with a wet brush.

along the drawn contour of the scarf, place a small roll of plaster solution and smooth it with a wet brush...

We make the corners of the scarf the same way as the handles, you just need to press them with your hands so that they are flatter...

make folds of the scarf in the direction from the knot...

make a spout - attach a ball from the plaster, form it into a slightly oval shape and straighten it with a brush...

We also decorate the cheeks of the bun...

We make the mouth with a small roll of plaster and straighten it with a wet brush...

Apply a second layer of plaster to the corners of the scarf and straighten it with a wet brush.
Carefully inspect the entire bun and eliminate all flaws.

We send the finished product to dry, and then everything is the same - rub it with emery cloth, cover with a primer, paint and varnish.

Thanks everyone for your attention! GOOD LUCK IN YOUR CREATIVITY!

Papier-mâché is a type of mixture from which you can create your own original craft at home. This French name literally translates to “chewed paper.”

Papier-mâché is a mixture of cardboard (paper) with adhesive materials (gypsum, starch). From such a mass you can make decorative jewelry, children's toys or furniture yourself at home.


To create papier-mâché you will need a large, spacious table. It needs to be covered with oilcloth or paper (newspaper), which you won’t mind throwing away after work. Keep a dry cloth near your work area to wipe your hands from glue.

Before considering options for crafts made from papier-mâché and the tools necessary for this, it is worth studying in more detail the instructions on how to make papier-mâché correctly, production techniques and some nuances.

Papier-mâché techniques

Today there are many manufacturing techniques various crafts from papier-mâché.

In order to make a large craft, you will need to work with paper and paste. What kind of papier-mâché craft can you make? Beginning handicrafts are advised to make small crafts and only then try to create toys and interior items.

The most popular technique for making such crafts is mashing. The basic principle is to glue torn paper in layers onto an object. After waiting for the paper to dry, remove it from the craft, paint and varnish.

This manufacturing technique is very simple to perform and can be mastered by children. Simple crafts papier-mâché is suitable for beginner needlewomen. A similar method is used to make plates or cups.

First you need to shred the paper, fill it with water and mix thoroughly. The prepared mixture is left for a day, then squeezed out and glue is added.

For maximum ductility experienced needlewomen It is advised to add 2-3 tablespoons of any of the oils. If you carefully pack the prepared mixture in cling film, you can keep it in working condition in the refrigerator.

What crafts can be made from papier-mâché

Similar techniques for making crafts allow you to create interesting interior items, children's toys, boxes, dishes, etc. Children between five and ten years old show the greatest interest in this hobby.

Such activities lift children's spirits, develop motor skills and the perception of beauty. This hobby does not involve any particularly complex activities. The main thing is perseverance.

How to make your own papier-mâché plate

Beginning handicrafts are advised to start this hobby by making a plate. Try to involve your children in this activity. This will make the process of making papier-mâché crafts of any complexity more exciting and fun.

First you need to cut paper (white) or newspaper into small strips. Next, prepare the base for the craft - a plate. In a separate bowl, mix water and PVA glue.

Grease the plate with butter or cream. This will make the paper come off easier from the base. Next, dip the cut pieces in water and glue them on. First, lay out one layer. It must be thoroughly coated with glue and the next one placed on it. The process should be repeated until the layer thickness reaches three to five millimeters.

Once the workpiece reaches the required thickness, it is left to dry at room temperature. After complete drying, carefully remove the workpiece from the base.

To make the surface beautiful and smooth, treat it with sandpaper and apply a layer of putty on top.

Such plates will perfectly decorate the interior of an apartment, house, or area in a photo studio. Show your imagination and be inspired by photos of papier-mâché crafts on the Internet. Creating a product from papier-mâché is inexpensive, but the fake will look interesting.

How to make a tiger piggy bank from papier-mâché

In Internet sources you can find a lot of master classes on papier-mâché. Here is one of them: creating a tiger piggy bank. To do this you will need: White paper– 2 l., sheets of newspaper, plasticine, jar, glue, paste, gouache, acrylic varnish.

First of all, prepare a paste (boiled and cooled mixture of cold water and starch). The jar is turned over and placed on the floor or table. It is covered with plasticine, forming the animal’s face.

To make the piggy bank stronger, leave it to dry overnight. This is followed by gluing with white paper using PVA glue.

Let the workpiece dry a little, and then cut it into two parts. They must be removed from the can and reconnected using PVA glue and white paper.

We make a cut on top of a size suitable for coins. The workpiece is treated with white gouache on top, and after drying, you can begin to paint it. The tiger piggy bank is ready!

Photos of papier mache crafts