Vitaly Malyshev and Alice Litinskaya came up. Vitaly Malyshev and Alisa Litinskaya Raced Fight Vitaly and Alice

Thinks on the TV project House 2 no one will not surprise anyone, and Maja Dontsova, who with his own Maman joined the fight because of the guy, and then regularly fought with guys, and with girls, clearly not from those who are afraid to get in response to provocation . From news on Schlok.Ru. Already known that Alice Litinskaya left the teleproject. The announcement for future ethers is opened by the first reason - the conflict with Maya Dontsova, during which Alice not only clung to Maya's hair, but also called the old woman. For "old woman" - on the exit, Litinskaya?

Someone still covers the Donts from the project from the project, not a gift that rumors had rumors about related links with Natalia Varvina. Damaging annoying Maya, which is absolutely contraindicated by such a color of hair and pricks of beauty, to which she has long resorted to, is ready to betray everyone. For a very long time, the audience insisted on exile.

Two stories replaced on a rotten one?

So really because of the fact that young and unrestrained Alice Litinskaya voiced the opinion of most viewers, was it kicked out of the island and project? Maybe not only Andrei Denisov-Strike fell in love with a girl, but also (which is already unbearable in his "Babysk people"), in whining and hysterics, also "put an eye" on the Litinskaya?

Why did two promising stories be replaced by the usual "gum" rotten Dontsova and Kupina? And T-shirt - urgently put himself in order, nothing to be offended, let it look from the sides in the ether.

What do children love most? Of course, cartoons. In this section, we collected a variety of foreign and domestic cartoons. Among the huge selection, there will be a one who will especially love your tea. If you have a lot of cases or just want to relax, and the child asks constant attention, and if it is not, it begins to "dad", then cartoons will come to the rescue. Turning on the cartoon for a child, it can be distracted at least half an hour, or even two or three.

This kind of art as an animation, lives enough long enough. During this time, the quality has improved, which cannot but rejoice. Cartoons madly like children of any generation, everyone, being a child, adored cartoons. Many adults at one time had to wait on TV and had to watch what they show. Someone was lucky at one time if their parents bought cassettes or discs. And the new generation can already be viewed what they want and without spending from the parent wallet, because almost every house has a computer and the Internet, with the help of which a huge cartoon card emerge for every taste and color.

For the smallest Soviet Classics, which is famous for its simplicity, kindness and pleasant picture. For example, "Crocodile gene", "Prostokvashino", "Well, wait!", "Bremen Musicians", "Flying Ship", "Winnie Pooh", "Kid and Carlson" and many others. You can even sit down with the child and to interoperate by childhood. Also, for small children, there are many modern training cartoons that differ not only with a brighter picture, but filling.

For children, which is already completing the kindergarten or learn in elementary school, fitting entertainment cartoons, where heroes save someone or even the whole world. These are foreign cartoons about superheroes from comics, about magicians or fairies, or also domestic about the hero.

Those kids, which is already slow and correctly moving toward adolescence, can already begin to be interested in cartoons, which are particularly different in the plot. In such cartoons in a relaxed form of a child, make it think about serious things and experience the mass of emotions. They are for viewing all the family, because at the expense of a well-thought-out plot, they will be no less interesting for adults. Such cartoons can be safely put on one shelf with family films.

Teens, despite the fact that they consider themselves adults, they still love to watch cartoons. For teens already more bold and not so harmless as children. They prevail entertainment, adult jokes, teenage problems. These are mainly foreign multi-sieves cartoons, such as Simsons, Griffins, Futurama, etc.

Do not forget about adults. Yes, for adults are also drawn, only they are somewhat similar to adolescent, but more rude, abusive words may be present, intimate subtext and are addressed by adult problems (family life, work, loans, middle-aged crisis, etc.).

Cartoons are a type of art in which the author's hands are completely unleashed, because it is possible to depict absolutely anything and at the same time supplement the charming story. We offer them to watch right now and getting great pleasure.

The participant of Telestroika Vitaly Malyshev is experiencing events in Seychelles. Alice Litinskaya Olga Orlova put out the gate because of the fight with Maya Dontsova, and Vitaly did not leave the girl. After a few days, the guy dressed and looked at the situation differently. Although their relationship came to a dead end, he is sure that in the near future will not be able to look at other girls at all.

Alice's scandal Litinskaya and Maya Dontsova ended with the expulsion of the blonde per gate. Mary Kuleshova, who also attacked Maya, went next. The girls returned to Moscow, and Vitaly Malyshev remained only to accept that his beloved was put up for the gate.

The participant was very hoping that Alice would be forgive and leave the perimeter, but Litinskaya did not frost, and Maya Dontsova was not Masha Kohn, so there was no speech for for forgiveness. So the dream of Malyshev continue to build strong relationships not carried out for quite understandable reasons.

"I have such a madhouse! She called me a design player, because I did not go beyond her. And I did not even know that Alice leaves! Do you know how it happened? I was told that Alice comes to Moscow, but it is expelled from the project. I, like a fool, I sit, and from the side looks that I did not go after her ... ", - vitaly complained.

Vitaly Malyshev // Photo: Instagram

Malyshev admitted that he had a rush to leave the project, but he was dissuading the leading. At the moment he is not sure what is ready to go for the gate. Immediately after the publication of the guy, in which he accused Alice in dislike and treasures, Litinskaya responded on his page and assured that he did not give a reason for such thoughts.

Despite the presence of offensive words in the statements of both, Vitaly assures that after a few hours after mutual statements, they came up. Only he still does not understand what will happen next and generally together they or not.