Simoron's technique of magic science. Rituals fulfillment of one's desires using the simoron technique

Simoron rituals are an opportunity to make your most cherished dreams come true and attract good luck. Simple and effective techniques enable people to find love, stability and prosperity. Simoron rituals will allow you to change the usual picture of life and find harmony.

In the article:

What is Simoron?

This unusual name became popular at the end of the last century, when Petra and Peter Burnalovs(a couple of psychologists) decided to open their own school of wizardry. What is it like Hogwarts, only in modern world... Psychologists give a kind of decoding to the unusual name of their school:

What does any name mean at all? A set of sounds that should help somehow distinguish one object from another. Let's say - "kangaroo" ... What is drawn to us when we hear this word? A funny animal with a woolen pocket on the belly and a springy tail. In fact, it is translated: “I don’t understand you ...” This is how the Australian aborigine answered the Englishman who got off the ship and asked a question about the unseen beast galloping. The concept of "simoron" is from the same opera.

Then introduce yourself. Mentally remove the burden of extra pounds and all visible flaws. Imagine how the body has become graceful, light, attractive and effective. After that, the magic of the simoron will begin to work.

You can perform the ritual anytime, anywhere. The main thing is to believe that the result will be visible soon. This is an effective, and most importantly, a safe way to lose weight.

Magic walk
There is a lot of talk about the benefits of walking, but magic walking is just as effective. In order to get rid of annoying pounds, while walking, imagine that all the negative, everything overweight and failures leave your body.

With every step there is a feeling of lightness and self-confidence. The walk should be enjoyable. To make the promenade more effective, mentally repeat to yourself as you walk:

I walk once, I walk two, with each step I lose fat forever.

How to achieve harmony in a relationship?

Simoron rituals can not only help you become more attractive, fulfill desires and become richer, but also attract love... Before embarking on the ritual, focus on what is loved, desired, and soon a man who is really worthy will appear in your life.

The technique of fulfilling the wishes of Simoron is very unusual - in it you have the opportunity to independently create magical rituals, and not use those invented by other people. Simoron also shows impressive results, which regularly adds more and more fans to the method around the world. In this article, we will talk in more detail about the features of the Simoron implementation of the desired in life.

If you dream for your desires to come true in life, it is important to follow some recommendations for addressing the Universe:

  1. The first principle is to write your thought as accurately as possible, while instead of the word “I wish” use the word “I have”. That is, the desire should be written in real time, thanks to this it will begin to be more actively fulfilled in your life.
  2. Specify what you want - to do this, indicate a certain time period that you give the Universe to realize your dream.
  3. It is forbidden, formulating desires, to use a particle of “not” - the fact is that our subconscious mind simply does not perceive it, so always voice your dreams only in a positive context.
  4. It is important to imagine the fulfillment of your dream in as much detail as possible - fill this process bright colors and consider the smallest details. Try to "feel" the emotions that you will experience when your dream comes true.
  5. Never tell the Universe how the desired should come to you - this is how you put yourself in a certain rigid framework. Otherwise, your dream may come true even more than you originally expected.
  6. Think only of positive desires that are designed to do good and do not bring any harm to the people around you. They should also not cause people physical or mental pain.
  7. It is advisable to draw your dream (if you have the talent of an artist) or you can use pictures cut from magazines. Each time your gaze falls on the picture, mentally say your desire again.
  8. Take action! It is not enough to make a wish for the Universe, you still need to learn how to do something for its embodiment in life. Higher Forces will send you different opportunities, and it is important for you to discern them in time and not to miss them.
  9. When your dream has come true, be sure to show your sincere gratitude to the universe.

Simoron Wishing Techniques

Now it's time to take a closer look at the Simoron rituals, which have managed to prove themselves very well in practice.

Ritual Magic Wand

Surely, you at least once envied wizards from fairy tales or movies, for whom it was enough to wave a magic wand to make their desires come true in life. Now imagine that you also have the opportunity to become the happy owner of such a stick, which will be very useful to you in life.

All you need to do is choose a thing that you will assign the title of a magic tool (it can be anything - a ballpoint pen, a magic key, or even an item of your cosmetics). Always keep the selected attribute with you or you can hide it in a secret place. Do as you please - after all, you create your life!

Every time you have another wish, write it down on paper. You can select a special "magic" notebook for this purpose. This technique is called a script. Her main rule is to write the desire in the present tense, as if it has already begun to be fulfilled. End it with: "Life is sending me this or something better." And be sure to thank the Higher Forces from the bottom of your heart for their help.

It is important and sincere to believe that your dream will certainly turn into reality.

Simoron renaming technique

Everybody gets into trouble. When we find ourselves in some kind of unpleasant situation, we are inside it and it is difficult for us to assess the real picture of things, making the correct conclusion from what is happening. The renaming technique was invented just for such a case - it helps to examine in detail oneself from the outside in what is happening, taking on the image of another person.

You need to take a piece of paper and write on it who you are in this situation. For example, a description might be something like this:

"I am a person who has had such and such a nuisance and who is sad in loneliness." Then come up with an alternative image for yourself - any, the main thing is that it is funny and gives you only positive emotions. At the same time, it does not matter at all how absurd the invented role will be. You can show your imagination to the maximum.

For example, you can write it like this:

"I am a fluffy cat in a gray fur coat who writes a love story and catches sunbeams on the window." Repeat the recorded phrase several times - as many times as your subconscious mind tells you.

You can find a hint for renaming anywhere. The most important thing is that the new name is cheerful, cheerful and you like it, it evokes only positive emotions in you. Don't frame your image as a necessary goal.

To make it clearer, out of two options: “I am a Snow Maiden who makes snowballs in the cold” and “I am an office manager in a pyrotechnics company that was awarded an award on Wednesday”, the first option will work better. And finances can come into your life in a completely different way, not necessarily in the form of a bonus.

Ritual "Examples of addition, multiplication and prosperity"

For this technique, also take clear sheet paper. In the left column, write down all your problems, desires that did not come true, unfavorable life situations etc. They act as your "minuses" and they will need to be turned into pluses, adding to them what you want. To do this, put a bold plus sign in front of each of the entries and add a possible solution to the situation and the final result (necessarily positive).

For example:

  • no shoes for summer + new spectacular red shoes = great mood and stylish look
  • lonely autumn evenings+ meeting an interesting young man in the park = an exciting joint pastime, love
  • vacation in November + last-minute low-cost trip to Egypt + unplanned bonus = wonderful vacation in an interesting company
  • overweight + regular fitness = celebrating my birthday in my new dress two sizes smaller.

In general, the meaning of the technique is clear - remove any limitations from your subconscious and do not be shy about your desires. Write down your wildest dreams, ask for help from the Higher Forces and enjoy the result! Do not forget to thank the Universe only in the end for the help provided. The Simoron system is truly limitless and easily breaks down any obstacles and obstacles in its path.

If you still have questions about the fulfillment of desires in Simoron, we recommend that you watch the following video clip

Simoron (one of the directions is OksYumoron) is an exclusively Russian invention, which is gaining more and more popularity all over the world every day. The Simoron School of Wizards was founded at the end of the twentieth century by Peter and Petra Burlan, who had many followers.

What is Simoron? Someone thinks that this is just a set of techniques for realizing desires. All of us respected "Wikipedia" calls Simoron a school of play psycho-training. There is an opinion that simoron is directly related to esotericism. Most likely, simoron is a way of thinking, a position in life. And the main thing in Simoron is a positive outlook. A person is open to the world, and the world always goes to meet him, helping to fulfill his cherished desires. What does the word "simoron" mean? Even the founders of the Simoron movement find it difficult to answer this question, declaring that “simoron” is nothing more than a simple set of sounds, and inviting each of us to fill this set of sounds with meaning on our own, according to our taste.

Simoron techniques and rituals are any absurd action performed by a wizard in order to realize his desires. The Simoron ritual is always an improvisation, always a game, it is a juxtaposition of incomparable phenomena and concepts. For people with standard, stereotyped thinking, the description of the Simoron rituals evokes an unambiguous reaction: "What nonsense!" "Yes, this is nonsense!" - the followers of Simoron happily confirm: the more absurd the action of the wizard, the faster his wish will be fulfilled, and this has been proven by practice! But do not rush to write down every wizard in the psycho: we will not drag a five-year-old child into the madhouse who puts sand into the molds with a scoop and claims that it is a cake. All wizards are people with an absolutely healthy psyche, because they are aware that Simoron techniques are just a game, while the rules of the game are invented by the magician himself, in the process of the "action" itself. To carry out the Simoron rituals, you do not need to have any superpowers, you do not need to be a psychic, and you do not need special training. The magician is hidden in any person, and the simoron always works for everyone, subject to the correct mood and competent formulation of desire.

The state of steamy is a state necessary for carrying out the Simoron rituals. In a state of soaring, a person feels that his wings are growing behind his back, in other words, “it takes your breath away!”. We are in a state of soaring when we are happy, when we have fun, when we are born interesting ideas... The impetus for the state of soaring can be your favorite music, a happy memory, good news, even reading anecdotes and watching humorous programs. Anyone can enter this state, it is not difficult at all. In short, vaping is happiness!

The state of Spleen or the State of Pleasant Laziness is a favorite state of the wizard. This is appeasement, even good mood, calm self-confidence is a worthy alternative to constant hassle and the desire to beat his forehead against the closed door with which he sins modern society... While a person with standard thinking “fights on the barricades” for any little thing, pouring “sweat and blood” on it, the wizard finds an open door and takes what he wants for free.

Self-overtaking is the famous Simoron ritual, which allows for a minimum period of time to put into the "business" exactly the number of units of mental energy that is necessary to realize the desire. It is natural for a person to dream, now and then returning in thoughts to on their own... During the time that we spend on empty dreams, constantly tormented by doubts and disbelief in the possibility of the realization of desire, a lot of energy is wasted. And desire remains a dream. Self-overtaking allows us to avoid this. The ritual can be performed anywhere and anytime. Magicians distinguish between sweet and bitter self-overtaking. Sweet self-overtaking consists in the fact that we mentally replay the entire scenario for the realization of our desire - either silently, or aloud - and bring the situation to the point of absurdity. For example, when ordering money, we do not stop at a suitcase with bills (“I have enough to have enough for my life!”), But we do it out of money paper boats and launch them into the Mediterranean Sea, sitting on board our own yacht on the way to our summer residence somewhere in Italy - that's how much money I have, nowhere to go! And they are caught with a butterfly net by crabs and jellyfish in blue kerchiefs. When self-overtaking there are no and should not be any prohibitions, no restrictions! We dream until we get bored. For someone it takes five minutes, for someone ten, for someone an hour, no one is rushing us. We must so "eat" our desire that we no longer want to mentally return to it. It is at that moment when we feel that we are tired of engaging in this nonsense, we remember the very last image that appeared in our head. You can sketch it: such a drawing will be called "SIM-PAT" or, affectionately, "handsome".

Bitter self-overtaking is carried out according to the principle of sweet self-overtaking, but for a completely different reason. If a person is afraid of something, if he is regularly tormented by fears and doubts, then unpleasant thoughts now and then come into his head. Living under constant stress is not magical, but for nervous system just disastrous. Moreover, the situation is aggravated by the fact that with our fears we unwittingly lay the program of "sufferer and loser" for ourselves. After all, thought is material, and we can involuntarily attract negativity into our lives. To get rid of their own fears, bitter self-overtaking is used. In the same way as in the first case, we mentally replay the scenario of events, but this time we plunge into our own fears and - again - we bring the situation to the point of absurdity so that the terrible becomes funny. This is very important point: if we play through a negative scenario, but do not fix some final image (funny and devoid of meaning), then the risk of attracting trouble into our lives is very great. And if we stopped at something ridiculous, funny, but completely not scary, this means that we jumped out of unpleasant situation, and events will no longer develop according to the bad scenario that has lived for so long in our frightened imagination.

A handsome man, or rather, a SIM-PAT (Simoron patent for the fulfillment of desire) is a bizarre drawing or image that we draw at the end of self-overtaking. The handsome man symbolizes the Simoron route - the shortest path along which the Universe will lead us on the path to the realization of desires, bypassing the scenario that would be offered to us in ordinary reality. You don't have to draw a handsome guy, any image can be suggested to us by the surrounding reality - a random melody, a fragment of a phrase, the scent of perfume or the smell of some food. Experienced wizards often do without cute, but beginners need one. Any object that in some way resembles a handsome man can be a sign of support for the wizard, showing that he is going in the right direction.

Support signs, fireflies, SO are clues that the wizard regularly encounters on his way. Not necessarily a sign of support is an object or drawing that resembles a "cute" created by a wizard. Any good news, any beautiful melody, etc. and so on can become your firefly. You don't need to look for support signs: they pop up on their own in unexpected places and at an unexpected moment.

The "Panties on the chandelier" ritual is a well-known and very easy-to-use universal Simoron ritual. It is necessary to formulate your intention and throw your panties on the chandelier. The time the panties are on the chandelier and further actions are at the discretion of the wizard. Ideally, the underpants should be red.

The slipper ritual is one of the most powerful magical rituals for attracting grooms and changing for the better side of your personal life. It is brilliantly described in several books by L. Moussa, but in brief its essence is as follows: Buy new men's slippers (the quality of the slippers matters, the size is optional, the color and style are any), let them stand in the hallway for three days. Do not wear or let anyone wear. After three days, put the slippers on your hands, open front door, turn them with their socks towards the apartment, stomp them three times and say: "The betrothed-mummer (description of the desired betrothed) appear!" (Or another wording at the discretion of the sorceress). Further, it is recommended to carry slippers with you to places where people of the opposite sex congregate. Male wizards who want to arrange their personal life are advised to purchase women's slippers. Any improvisation is appreciated.

The number 27 is considered a magic number for all followers of the simoron system. Nobody will give an exact answer why exactly the number 27 was chosen. But the question: "When?" any wizard will answer without hesitation: "In 27", without naming the units of measurement. 27 minutes, 27 seconds, 27 days, 27 cutlets eaten, 27 flies caught ... For those who like to find an explanation for any phenomenon, there is a version of the origin of the number 27. In Russian folklore, as in the folklore of many other peoples, great importance is attached to the number 3 And if the number 3 is even raised to a cube, to the third power? We get exactly the number twenty-seven!

PKM and VKM are a familiar picture of the world and a magical picture of the world. PCM is commonplace, everyday reality and standard thinking. VKM is a parallel reality in which miracles are performed. Absurdity, a combination of incongruous and misuse of items is encouraged! It is very easy to find yourself in a magical reality - jump off a stool, step beyond an imaginary line, take an elevator ... or perform any other action at the discretion of the wizard. The main thing is to decide for yourself that at the moment we are passing into a magical reality!

The enthusiastic reviews of practitioners of the Simoron rituals make people more and more interested in this teaching. Its simplicity and spontaneity win over even harsh critics. Before you start getting acquainted with unusual rituals and ceremonies, you need to understand what Simoron is.

  • Simoron magic - changing life for the better

    Simoron is a school of wizards, only the teachers in it are not strict professors, but funny and mischievous sorcerers. A kind of Hogwarts, founded in 1988 by a married couple of psychologists Petra and Pyotr Burlanov. This is how they themselves explain the strange name of their school:

    What does any name mean at all? A set of sounds that should help somehow distinguish one object from another. Let's say - "kangaroo" ... What is drawn to us when we hear this word? A funny animal with a woolen pocket on the belly and a springy tail. This is translated: "I do not understand you ...". So the Australian aborigine answered the Englishman, who asked about the unprecedented beast. The concept of "simoron" is from the same opera.

    The main idea is changing the usual pictures of the world... A person who believes that something cannot be should understand that this would be the reaction of people in the middle of the last century to mobile phones and video conferencing via Skype. But, as life shows, anything can happen. Get rid of stereotypes, let the subconscious mind determine for itself what is real for it and what is not. Think only about what is really needed. The Universe itself will find hundreds of ways to help and the desire will be fulfilled in an unexpected way.

    You can't wait for the result in simorona, the process of creating magic is important. Any result is good according to the principle "whatever is done is for the best." You should not think in patterns and try to plan the future within the framework of the usual picture of the world. The basis of Simoron is in free creativity, not limited by conventions. The spontaneity of action leads to large selection options for the development of the situation.

    According to the law of attraction, like is attracted to like. Therefore, it turns out good or evil, depends on your own thoughts. Do not think about problems, otherwise they will be transferred to the category of an equal opponent in strength, with whom you need to fight. Don't feed them with your energy. Problems are the fruit of an attitude towards life, change your approach, they will disappear. As they say: “Do not be sad because of nonsense. Nonsense does not grieve because of you. "

    For a better understanding of the work of the Simoron techniques, we will give a comparison. A problem is a doll that a person plays with, fools around, worries about her, performs daily activities, feeds or puts to bed. That is, he constantly scrolls the same scenarios in his head. And as soon as it plays enough and stops remembering, it will immediately disappear from thoughts and the whole world.

    Pay attention to the signs. Simoronists assure that over time, intuition becomes sharper, they begin to notice what they did not pay attention to before. These are called support signals. When receiving a negative, it is worth repeating the ritual or checking if it is performed correctly.

    Important 27. To the questions: "When or after how long the wish will come true", the Simoronists answer: "After 27".Days or hours, it is not necessary to specify. Only the Universe knows how soon it will be able to help. This number is considered magical, very significant. In numerology it symbolizes success, in Feng Shui it is favorable, and in ancient civilizations it is key. Therefore, 27 is actively used in many rituals.

    With the help of Simoron techniques and rituals, you can influence any situation, solve problems. To arrange a personal life, to attract money, they can do anything. The only condition is to wish yourself and others exclusively good.

    Techniques are never the same. Each relies on individual sensations, so the Simoron adherents adapt the rite for themselves or come up with a new... Lack of understanding of further situations means not understanding the idea of ​​practices.

    Act as you want, follow the subconscious, most importantly, do it emotionally and fun. The perplexed look of others is considered a good sign. It means internal innovations that people began to feel. Following this, the surrounding world will also change.

    Remember the words of Jankowski in the role of Baron Munchausen: “I understood what your trouble is. You are too serious. All nonsense on earth is done with this expression on the face ... Smile, gentlemen ... Smile ... "

    The main enemy of the Simoron rituals is doubt. Catching yourself thinking that nothing will come of it, change your technique or come up with another.

    To make the presented images brighter and clearer, use associations. Creativity is released when something is created. For example, having written the word "love" on the teapot, each time pouring out of it, say: "I revel in love." When spending money, identify it with a boomerang. A very interesting association is life as a zebra. Paint the black stripes in the picture every day with white paint.

    Words and expressions sit firmly in the subconscious. It believes unconditionally that they are right. Therefore, the phrase “swimming in money”, which implies wealth, can be used in a simple ritual. Take a bath with coins or bills. To improve financial well-being, the phrase "money is like mud" is used. But “what has fallen is lost” will help to get rid of problems and unnecessary things. are very popular.

    Self-hypnosis formulas, supported by action, work many times more efficiently. Acting and playing a mini-performance is nothing more than creativity.

    Stand on new way as difficult as taking the risk of changing something in yourself, at home. Try from a critical realist to a magician. Only in this way can life improve beyond recognition.