Does a child need a developmental mat? Lots of ideas for games and learning! What is a developmental mat? At what age does a child need it? Play mats for children from what age.

Educational mat - a means of children's development younger age, which is a rug with game parts.

According to, this is one of the most interesting and useful devices for children under one year old, which will not only interest the baby, but also allow the mother to take a break for a few minutes.

A developmental mat allows for the harmonious development of a newborn and stimulates him to explore the world. Like other toys, it is better not to keep the mat in sight all the time. IN otherwise interest in him will quickly fade away.

1. The play mat promotes the development of fine motor skills, which has a beneficial effect on the formation of speech.

2. The educational mat serves as a means of tactile perception.

3. Studying new objects, their shapes and textures allows the baby to develop thinking and prepares for a more complete and thorough knowledge of the world around him. Games on an educational mat will be an excellent training for attentiveness, memory, and logic.

4. Small details of rattles and a “safe mirror” train vision, and bright details develop color perception.

5. When a child reaches for toys and tries to crawl towards an element of interest, physical development and coordination of movements improves.

6. A model with sound effects and musical elements that trains your hearing.

7. Teethers massage gums and relieve pain as teeth grow.

8. In some models, you can raise the sides of the mats, securing them with buttons and, thus, creating a psychologically optimal space; The portable handle makes it possible to take the mat with you on a trip or travel - it is very convenient to play with it in the car, attaching it to the back of the front seat.

At what age should a developmental mat be used?

1. The developmental mat can be used from the very birth of the child. Of course, a newborn baby will not be too interested funny toys or sound effects, but the soft, flat surface of the product is ideal for placing a baby on his tummy.

2. From three months, the child will begin to watch hanging toys with interest, grab them with his hands, touch the rug itself, feeling it under his palms different texture products. The child will explore every element of the rug with great pleasure.

3. From 6-7 months, the child will already be perfectly accustomed to the developmental mat and will enthusiastically play with rattles, bite teethers, and look at himself in the mirror with interest. And if the rug is equipped with sound effects, “squeakers” or other interactive elements, then such a product will become the baby’s favorite toy, which will occupy him for a long time.

You should not buy educational mats for older babies over the age of 9 months. A child of this period of life already strives to explore the world by moving around, rather than playing in one place, so the purchase may be useless.

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil

Educational toys are now very popular and parents of all children, regardless of the age of the kids, pay a lot of attention to the development of game form. The variety of educational rugs does not go unnoticed by young mothers, because this is not just an interesting and colorful game.

From what age should it be used?

These rugs are made from materials that are safe for children, comfortable and easy to use, and most importantly, useful and educational. From what month should a baby be introduced to a developmental mat?

The developmental mat can be presented in the most different options. The choice of model depends primarily on the age of the baby

Their range is very large, and today you can find games not only for one-year-old babies who are actively learning the world, but also for very small babies, starting from 0-3 months, under the strict supervision of parents. You should select a rug for your baby according to age, and also pay special attention to safety and quality.

What should you pay attention to?

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What type of rug does your baby need? The baby's interests should be a priority - based on his tastes and preferences. Perhaps your baby already has favorite toys of a certain color or shape. Pay attention to size, configuration, quality and other features.

Buy a rug for children under one year old, taking into account the following features of the product:

  1. Choose the game so that it dimensional parameters met age requirements. For babies the best option is a product with small sides, this design is safer compared to other options. It is good if the sides are dense, but not hard. Strong sides will not wrinkle and will create a feeling of security and calm. And if the baby starts to get active, spin and roll over, they will not let him fall out.
  2. Interesting for older children more complex designs, consisting of parts different forms and materials. As a rule, such educational rugs for children are made of scraps of suede, satin, buttons, soft balls, cubes, and flowers. Special attention models that connect deserve with inflatable playpen. The convenience is that this option is also suitable for newborns, because... can be used separately from the inflatable play complex, and for older children, becoming one of the parts of the play pool.
  3. Important design features are special arches, which toys are attached. Placing rattles, interactive and musical toys on such an arc is an additional developmental point. In the first months of life, a baby develops attention, observation and a grasping reflex, because he will strive to reach out and grab the toy he likes.
  4. Equally important quality of materials products. All parts must be made of materials that are safe for health. Pay attention to the naturalness of the fabrics, as this is a guarantee that the baby will not develop allergic reactions and various skin irritations will not occur.

Small soft sides indicate that the rug is intended more for a newborn than for an older child

Design features for children under one year old

The presence of removable additional elements is a feature of all smart rugs for early development children of any age.

The duration of the game, the child’s passion and interest in the cognitive process depend on the number of details. Additional details vary significantly depending on the age for which the product is designed.

For babies in the first months of life, the following additional details are usually offered:

  1. Developmental rattles. As a rule, this is a cube or ball made of soft, pleasant-to-touch materials, inside of which ringing balls are placed. These toys are designed to develop hearing, attention, and fine motor skills. They are safe and will not hurt your child. In addition, they can be washed, which is very convenient, because... At this age, the baby tastes everything.
  2. Mirror. The presence of a mirror made of safe materials allows the baby to become familiar with his reflection from birth. For most children, looking at themselves is a fun and interesting activity.
  3. Teethers for teeth. As a rule, they are rubber or consist of rubberized parts. Teethers are very popular with children who are getting their first teeth. The process of chewing rubber toys greatly alleviates the discomfort caused by teething.
  4. Sound and light mobiles. Always interactive toy arouses genuine interest in the baby, regardless of his age, and the musical carousel will help calm a nervous baby and even lull him to sleep.

The teether greatly facilitates the process of teething for the child, as it relieves itching and unpleasant feeling distension

Features of rugs for one-year-old babies

Playing mats are also very interesting for older toddlers. In order for a one-year-old baby to play excitingly, the components must correspond to his age development:

  • soft rattles can be replaced with plastic ones, which will provide greater variety in shapes and colors;
  • the presence of soft or semi-soft construction toys will allow the little researcher to intensively develop logical thinking and fine motor skills hands;
  • the presence of toy models of electronic equipment (phone, laptop or tablet) introduces the baby to such important modern world technologies, and allow him to feel like his dad and mom;
  • soft books made of fabric or oilcloth material, the pages of which depict animals, fruits and vegetables, and the alphabet, introduce the baby to the world around him in a playful way.

Choosing a high-quality and interesting rug

In order for a baby to play on the mat with interest, it must combine many qualities and characteristics. You should approach the choice of a rug responsibly, because the health and mood of the person closest to you depends on what product you purchase. So:

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

What is it for and at what age can it be used?

In this article we will talk about what a developmental mat is, how necessary it is, at what age it can be used, what you should pay attention to when choosing, and present your rating. From the first months of his life, a child begins to actively develop and learn about the world around him. Our task, as parents, is to make acquaintance with the world interesting and comprehensive.

To help your baby at this stage, this soft accessory is perfect. It is a soft blanket with arches, sides and rustling rattles. In addition to the developmental mat in stores you can find sun loungers for children. But this device will be useful for very young children who have not yet learned to roll over and crawl. Sun loungers provide comfort when staying in one position for a long time, but they are limited in size and, as a rule, are poorly equipped.

From what age can it be used?

This is a device can be used literally from the first days of the baby’s life, up to the moment when the child begins to move independently, that is up to 8-9 months. Usually, by this age, a child’s interest in static objects weakens; he is interested in moving and interacting with all surrounding objects.

Large rugs can be used for older children; they can be perfectly transformed into play areas with thermal insulation, where a child can sit on the floor for a long time, playing with his favorite toys and not get sick.


  • Develops motor skills, color perception;
  • Coordinates the child's movements;
  • Strengthen the vestibular apparatus;
  • Musical toys help to perceive the world by ear;
  • Bright colors and unusual shapes of objects on arcs develop vision.


  • Quite a high cost of some models

I think, given the large number of advantages and the variety of price offers, the question of whether your child needs a rug will be resolved in positive side. The main thing to remember is that it does not replace the child’s parental attention, but only helps the child develop organically. But which one is better? In this article we will answer the question, which developmental mat to choose, consider the main parameters and imagine your rating depending on the tasks of use.

IMPORTANT! No matter how wonderful RK is, it will not replace the attention and participation of parents. Do not leave children unattended, even if the accessory is equipped with sides.

How to choose and what to pay attention to

When choosing this gadget, you need to pay attention to such parameters as material, compactness, the presence of arcs or sides, size, equipment, manufacturer and cost.

When choosing this accessory, you need to pay attention to such parameters as material, compactness, presence of arcs or sides, size, configuration, manufacturer and cost.

  • Material. The material should be pleasant and soft. Of course, it is better to give preference to natural materials, but finding such rugs on the market is problematic. Most likely, the rug will be made of synthetic materials. Notice how electrostatic and tactilely pleasant it is.

  • Compactness. Evaluate how conveniently the rug can be folded. Evaluate how easy it will be to go on a visit or to nature with him.

  • Sides and arches. The sides are needed to prevent the baby from rolling off the gadget; they must be soft and elastic. Arcs are needed to secure rattles and rustles; they must be made of durable plastic and easily attached to the RK. You can attach beepers, safety mirrors, interactive and Stuffed Toys with rustling paper inside and even a video baby monitor if you need to go somewhere.

  • Size. Selected based on needs. If the RK will often be moved from place to place, then you need to choose small options, but due to its compactness, the baby will not have much space to play. If the accessory is planned to be used in one place and the space allows the use of the model large sizes, then you can give preference to large rugs on which the child will have more space.

  • Equipment. Please note what is included in the set. As a rule, the kit includes sides and/or arches, several hanging rustles, possibly musical ones. Evaluate their quality, ability to replace batteries, suspension height, etc.

  • Manufacturer brands. Nowadays you can find many accessories from various manufacturers in stores. Pay attention to those brands that have already proven themselves well. Pay attention to the instructions, if they are included in the kit, what language they are written in, whether there are telephone numbers for feedback, etc.

  • Price. Always choose the set of functions that you really need, do not overpay. The price range in stores fluctuates around 2100-5000 rubles.

Rating of the best. Choosing the best option

Best of the best - "Zoo", Tiny Love

One of the highest quality RKs on the market. Has light and sound effects, thickened edges, arcs, a safety mirror, 5 toys. Made from nice material. You can click on certain places to produce sounds. The toys rustle, squeak and are made of pleasant material.

Price - 3900 rub.


  • large toys;
  • bright colors;
  • holes in the arches for attaching additional toys.


  • rather thin central part;
  • high price.

Mat size: 110x110 cm.

"Kitten" Increased security.

It is designed to ensure maximum safety and comfort for babies. It has soft and elastic sides and moderate colors. Made from soft material. The set includes arcs, rattles, a pillow and a musical toy. Folds up quickly and is easy to transport. Suitable for active children.

Price - 4200 rub.


  • Dense and high sides;
  • Excellent materials;
  • Can be used for sleeping.


  • Quite a high price;
  • Necessary dust cleaning.

Size 105x110 cm

2 in 1 from Taf Toys. The most spacious.

Due to its size, it is suitable not only for babies, but also for older children. It can be used as play area for practicing on the floor and not worry that the child will become hypothermic and get sick. High-quality execution of all details, made of microfiber. The mat is quite thick and warm, dries quickly, and is easy to care for. Great option For home use several children.

Price - 2700 rub.


  • Big sizes;
  • Hidden surprises in pockets;
  • Easy care.


  • Hot in summer;
  • High price.

Size 100x150 cm

Fisher-Price Piano. Best quality/price ratio

He still can do very little. However, after a few weeks, a real breakthrough occurs: the baby begins to fixate his gaze, tries to follow a moving object, and closes his eyes in bright light. It's time to start developing it! An educational play mat will be an excellent assistant in teaching your child.

The children's educational mat is equipped with various playing and educational elements: arcs, rattles, mirrors, knots, pockets, buttons, light and musical toys. All of them are designed for the development of vision, hearing, and tactile sensations in children early age and for the development of thinking, imagination and creativity in older children.

Primary requirements

An educational mat for babies up to one year old should be soft and pleasant to the touch, if possible made from natural materials of various textures, with clear, non-aggressive patterns. It is important that all the elements of the rug are large enough so that a curious baby cannot tear them off and swallow them!

A big plus will be the possibility of machine washing. It will make caring for such a rug much easier - after all, babies put everything in their mouths, and they will definitely want to try out a new toy.

The compact size of the developmental mat allows you to easily fold it and take it with you on the road. But spacious models have more elements for play and development, and over time the baby will be able to crawl on such a rug.

First rug

At what age can you use a developmental mat? Despite the fact that many manufacturers' instructions indicate age 0+ (from birth), it is better to start introducing your baby to this multifunctional toy no earlier than 1 month. By this time he will get stronger, get used to others and his home environment.

As a first step, it is better to choose a small rug, made in soft, soothing colors, with arches and protective sides. Since the baby is aged 1-2 months lies most of the time, he will be interested in looking at funny hanging toys on the arcs, he will try to focus his gaze on each specific object and try to remember its color and shape. So gradually the baby will learn to concentrate his attention.

Closer to 3 months The baby will begin to pull his hands towards the toys, will try to reach and touch them, push them with his legs, and here the arc will be very useful! It will become the main entertainment for the baby.

We are actively moving

TO 4 months The baby will learn to roll over onto his stomach and will not be interested in just lying on his back. From this age, arches, as a rule, are not needed: the baby’s main attention will be focused on the mat itself.

This is where a special pad, which comes complete with some rug models. With the help of this pillow, a baby lying on his stomach will be able to comfortably lift himself up in his arms and explore the toys located in front of him.

A big plus for babies from 4 months will be teething toys on the mat, which will facilitate the process of the appearance of the first teeth.

It won't be long before the baby learns to crawl. At this age, the protective sides of the developmental mat are no longer an obstacle for the young traveler. A child can easily climb over them. Remember this and do not leave the baby unattended!

Thrifty and prudent parents will love it universal developmental mats, growing with the child. Raised sides will allow you to turn the rug into cozy house for a one-month-old baby, and when the baby grows up, the sides can be expanded, significantly increasing the playing space. A set of play elements can be placed on the carpet depending on the age of the child.

Mat-bag Easily transforms into a convenient portable bag or toy chest. This model is convenient to take on a visit, for a walk or to a doctor’s appointment. Using a special handle, the mat-bag can be hung on the stroller.

Great idea - double sided mat. If the young explorer is bored with one side, there is always the opportunity to turn the rug to the other side and give the baby new experiences. Parties can be designed for different ages. This rug will last longer.

Rug puzzle Designed for older children, from one to 7 years old. It is made of safe and non-toxic polymer. With this rug, a child can assemble a whole picture, the alphabet, or a city street with road signs. Games on such a carpet are very useful; they develop spatial thinking and geometric associations.


Among all educational rugs, puzzle rugs are the absolute champions. My observations: as soon as the little one (my brother is 3 years old) sits on the mat, I can go do whatever I want, and if I also give him a construction set, the boy turns into a dream - no screams: calm and balanced - he sits first assembling the rug, then the construction set , then somehow combines both the rug and the construction set) So, if you choose rugs, I would advise you to stop at puzzle ones.

We bought a rug, but mostly used a rocking chair.

We didn’t buy a rug for our little one, we kind of wanted it, but it’s been a couple of months here and there and the child doesn’t need a rug anymore. The child grows very quickly and you can’t buy everything.

Good information for moms. Previously, this was not the case for children, but now everything your heart desires! Great!!! If only the State would pay more so that they could buy everything for their children.

Comment on the article "Developmental rugs for babies: what are they?"

developmental mat. Toys. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. Developmental mat? Where can I look within 1000 rubles? Educational mats for babies: what are they?

do you need a developmental mat? Toys. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. We are 2 months old, we react and enjoy toys. So I’m wondering if we need a developmental mat? Do kids play with it at all?

Among all educational rugs, puzzle rugs are the absolute champions. My observations: as soon as my little one (my brother is 3 years old) sits on the mat, I can go do whatever he wants, and if he doesn’t, look at other discussions on the topic “At what age is a developmental mat?”

Educational mats for babies: what are they? Among all educational rugs, puzzle rugs are the absolute champions. My observations: as soon as the little one (my brother is 3 years old) they are embossed and erased... My son crawls and tries to pick up a separate image...

Developmental mat. Toys. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year, depending on the rug! Ours with music, multi-colored light bulbs, various toys hanging on arcs. She lay looking around mostly, and of course not for 20 minutes at that age.

What types of educational mats for babies are there and how to choose the right one. Types of educational children's rugs by material. developmental mat. Please advise that it would be preferable to wash it. If you find errors or problems on the page...

Praise your developmental mat. Development, training. A child from birth to one year. What types of educational mats for babies are there and how to choose the right one. Types of educational children's rugs by material. developmental mat. please advise...

developmental mat. Development, training. Educational mats. Children's dowry. A child from birth to one year. you just laid it on the mat and that’s it??? otherwise we have it, but I thought that until it crawls, then there’s no need...

Educational mats. Development, training. I would like to give my friend an educational mat. There are two questions: is the thing generally useful? - Where to buy?? We have Tiny Love Africa, from some online store. But the best rug, I think, is from IKEA - it has no arcs, but it’s big...

A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. And what will be interesting for the child longer? I think it’s worth getting used to the mobile phone, maybe it’s better to buy a rug, and a simpler mobile phone?

Washing the developmental mat. Play mats for children's development presented by modern manufacturers All Developmental mat how to wash? Parental experience. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development.

The educational mat is the first educational toy. Development of a child from 1 month with the help of a baby rug: vision, hearing What types of developmental rugs for babies are there and how to choose the right one. Do-it-yourself educational aids for a child: how I...

What types of educational mats for babies are there and how to choose the right one. An educational mat for babies up to one year old should be soft and pleasant to the touch, if possible made from natural materials of various textures, with clear...

The educational mat is the first educational toy. Development of a child from 1 month with the help of a baby rug: vision, hearing What types of developmental rugs for babies are there and how to choose the right one. Do-it-yourself educational aids for a child: how I...

Educational mats. Toys. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. Have you bought educational mats for your children? If so, at what age are they most relevant?

What types of educational mats for babies are there and how to choose the right one. Types of educational children's rugs by material. Play mats presented by modern manufacturers for the development of children Everything worked out, I went to wash it...

Educational mats. Development, training. 1) at what age did you start playing with rugs? 2) how exactly do you play? We are 2.5 months old, we are still somehow not very good. At first, at your age, we sucked the rays of the sun, admired the hedgehog, Now we are 3.5 - a boy, cubes...

Developmental mat. Toys. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. Mommies, please tell me how often and when do you use a developmental mat? Does it make sense to purchase it?

Educational rugs are so bright and elegant! I just want to look at and touch every toy, drawing, applique... But some parents complain that their baby does not show any interest in new toy. They try to use it in different ways, but nothing works. Maybe the rug is wrong? Or is the age inappropriate? And in general, does a child need a developmental mat?

Of course you need it! Moreover, the most. From what age? In fact, it can and should be used from the moment the baby is born. Just in at different ages its various functions will come in handy.

From 0 to 3 months: creating a safe space

At this age, it is extremely important for a baby to feel safe. Create all the conditions for him:

From 3 to 6 months: learning to grab and roll over

It's time to train coordination of movements and the first coups:

From 6 to 9 months: dancing and singing

During this period, it’s time to introduce your baby to musical buttons and toys, if they are included in the kit:

From 9 to 12 months: the whole world is not enough!

You will not be able to keep your fidget on the mat. But don’t rush to give away your favorite children’s toy, thinking that it is no longer needed. It’s better to hide the development mat for a while and then take it out again.

From 12 months and older: giving the rug a second chance

Choosing a developmental mat

Have you decided, but don’t know which educational mat to choose? In the article we have already talked about the best rugs for newborns. The leader among them can be considered Educational mat “Zoo” Tiny Love. It is he who has already managed to win a lot of approving parental reviews and satisfied little “quacks”.

This educational rug will introduce your child to the world of interesting sounds and funny songs. The baby will enthusiastically tap the keys, stroke the animals' velvet backs and pull their tails. In addition, he will certainly enjoy rustling, squeaking and crunching toys.

So do you need a developmental mat or not?

The benefits of educational mats are simply enormous, because they:

Promote development visual perception;
- train fine motor skills;
- develop hearing and touch;
- provide pleasant tactile sensations;
- help in the development of coordination of movements.

So you can be sure: You will definitely need a development mat. From how many months? Yes, literally from scratch! Play, have fun, learn and develop! May your baby be healthy and happy.