What affects public opinion. Formation of public opinion

the method of the existence of a mass consciousness in which the relation (hidden or explicit) is manifested different groups People to the events and processes of real life affecting their interests and needs. The formation and development of public opinion is occupied or purposefully, under the influence of the mass consciousness of political institutions and social institutions (political parties, media, etc.), or spontaneously, under the direct influence of life circumstances, specific experience and traditions. In any case, the behavior of the individual, social groups regarding the decision-making is carried out to support and reject certain ideas, values, norms. Public opinion is practically valid in all spheres of life of society, but it is far from any occasion. In the field of view of public opinion, they usually fall, as a rule, only those problems, events, facts that cause public interest, differ in relevance and in principle allow a multi-valued interpretation, the possibility of discussion. By its structure, public opinion may be a monistic, unanimous (forms of totalitarianism, autocracy; about the "mannequin", thinking only on a general template, according to Nietzsche; about thoughtless performers, unanimous approval was written by representatives of anti-nightopias) and pluralistic (open democratic societies), consisting of A number of not coinciding with each other points of view. Public opinion in various specific situations turns out to be in varying degrees an adequate real state of affairs - may contain both faithful, realistic and false, illusory ideas about the actual position of things. To a great extent, the development of public opinion as an institution depends on the state of public consciousness, culture, on the degree of assimilation by the society of democratic values, rights and freedoms, and primarily freedom of printing, expressions - meetings, rallies, and from guarantees of the effectiveness of public opinion.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


In the most general meaning is the approval or disapproval of publicly observed positions and behaviors that are expressed by a certain part of society or society as a whole. OM It is an assessment of a significant occurring. In theory - conceptualization of nature, content and significance O.M. represented by a wide range of philosophical, sociological, political and other concepts, all the variety of which with some part of the convention can be reduced to a number of basic discussion problems: 1) the definition and interpretation of its subject; 2) the level of significance and, in a number of critical theories, the denial of the existence of OM; 3) Content O.M. The problem of determining and interpretation of OM. First arises in ancient philosophy. Protagor defines the social phenomenon observed by him - "public opinion" - as the opinion of the majority of the population. According to Platon, "public opinion" is the opinion of the aristocracy. Subsequently, both directions presented in antiquity receive their development in social philosophical thought. Supporters of the first line, define O.M. As the strength with which should be considered as a tool for the participation of the people in the management of state affairs. Proponents of the second direction argue that the opinion of the dominant elite acts as a force affecting the population and contributing to the legalization of the political domination of the elite. In 17-18 centuries. The concept of OM Used to designate collective judgments outside the sphere, controlled by the government affecting the political decision-making process. Such a definition becomes especially popular due to large-scale socio-economic and political changes: "With an increase in the politically active public sector, OM becomes the form of political power - the one that, together with the bourgeoisie, was able to challenge the absolutist rule" (V. Price) . In the middle of the 19th century The greatest interest in the development of analyzing OM Present works by Tard, in particular "public opinion and a crowd." Tard opposes the crowd and the public, emphasizing exactly the last as a subject of OM. The work of Tard actually marks the beginning of a socio-psychological approach in the study of OM. Among modern socio-philosophical interpretations OM It is possible to allocate: 1) - the concept of Lumana (considered within the framework of the theory of communication). Luman denies the presence of any subject OM. The central is the concept of content and theme proposed by society. Thanks to public affordability and publicity, society is simultaneously offered a whole range of those that are in the center of attention of the Communication Process. However, simultaneous communication with several topics is impossible, therefore, only one topic is selected with the need. Accordingly, the concept of "degree of attention" is introduced into the interpretation, given by this or that topic, due to which the choice is carried out. Such a home "Theme" of communication is the content of OM. Thus, one should not consider the concept of OM. in correlation with a majority of the population, or with separate individuals or aristocracy. According to Luman, everyone is equally its subjects. However, adherents of one opinion differ from the followers of another (which is explained by the difference in its content); 2) - Moralizing-regulatory concept OM, belonging to Habermas. In the concept of Habermas, this concept is considered in close relationship with the concepts of "rights" and "politicians". OM In his theory, this is a tool in the hands of the dominant class, is always official, i.e. identified with what is presented in the media; 3) - Concept OM. E.Nuel-Neuman. In accordance with its theory, firstly, the public and everyday opinion should be distinguished, which are often mixed enough. Secondly, based on O.M. Two sources lie: direct observation of others, capturing, approval or disapproval of certain actions; Topics OM, the so-called His "Spirit" is generated by means of mass communication. That is what formulated mood affects the behavior and evaluation of individuals. Noel-Neuman uses the definition of P. Lazarsfeld about the "selectivity of perception", the mechanism of which is social installations. The most interesting innovation in this Concept is the concept of the so-called "Spiral Silence" mechanism. The base of the phenomenon "Spiral silence" is a fear of individuals to be in isolation. The fear acts as a driving force, which launches the "silence spiral". OM, in addition, has a social dimension. If it can be renobotiously publicly expressed before the public, without experiencing fear of social insulation, then the phenomenon of "Spiral silence" is absent. This concept is sufficiently heuristic with the interpretation of these polls OM; 4) - structural and functional theory OM. As based on the unconscious desire of people living in a certain community, come to general judgment, consent, i.e. Performing integration function. In accordance with the theory of Merton, the main function of OM. - This is social control. Despite the diversity of theories and concepts O. M., the long tradition of his research, this concept and constructive concepts still remain the subject of permanent discussions.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

Public opinion

Public opinion - The form of a mass consciousness in which the attitude (hidden or explicit) of various groups of people towards events and reasons affecting their interests and needs.

Public opinion is expressed publicly and has an impact on the functioning of society and its political system. It is the possibility of a vowel, public statement of the population on the topical issues of public life and the influence of this state exposed position on the development of socio-political relations reflects the essence of public opinion as special. At the same time, public opinion is a combination of many individual opinions on a specific issue affecting the group of people.

At the moment, this point of view is reflected in most scientific papers and is considered generally recognized.

Public opinion existed in all historical epochs, even during the period of antiquity, however, the term himself denoting this unique phenomenon of human life of humanity appeared in England in the XII century.

According to some reports, the emergence of the term "public opinion" is associated with the name of the English state and public figure, the writer J. Solzbury, who used him in the book "Polycratic" to refer to the moral support of the Parliament by the country's population. Then the term "public opinion" represented a literal translation of the combination of two words "Public Opinion".

From England, this expression penetrated other countries and from the end of the XVIII century. It became generally accepted. It was then that the French Abbot Alcuen said the phrase that became in history: "Vox Populi - Vox Dei" - "voice of the people - Glow of God."

Interpretation concept

Such a unique phenomenon as "public opinion" belongs to the number of social phenomena, which attracts the attention of thinkers for a long time.

IN last years, the ever-growing level of participation of representatives of the world community in the political sphere is obvious. In many respects, this circumstance also explains the consistent attention of researchers from different countries of the world to problems in the context of their consideration through the prism of such a phenomenon as "public opinion".

Public opinion belongs to the number of phenomena, which are largely difficult to comprehensively analyze and strict definition. Currently, one can meet hundreds of definitions of public opinion.

The concept of "public opinion" in philosophical thought

The birth of public opinion reports belongs to the era of antiquity, however, in the texts of the Ancient Chinese philosophy, it was about the importance of studying the public opinion of people in order to adequately use in management. In particular, in Taoism it was believed that of the four causes of the death of the state, one is when the feelings and mood of people are not used by the rulers in the management.

Later began to spread other definitions. R. A. Safarov, agreeing by B. A. Pehushin in the fact that public opinion is a massive phenomenon in the field of public consciousness, at the same time, believed that it should be active. The activity of the subjects of public opinion in the representation of R. A. Safarov suggests that this is really "public", and no other opinion. Therefore, it is expressed not only in judgment, but also in practical actions. From here - public opinion is distinguished by relative prevalence, intensity and stability, the evaluation judgment of social communities to matters of interest to them.

In the 1980s, some were made, however, not very significant adjustments, in the interpretation of the concept of "public opinion". V. S. Korobeinikov noted that it is multiple, that is, reflecting a variety of points of view related to a large number of communities and, in the aggregate, is a kind of "pyramid of opinions".

V. N. Anikseev gave a historical and philosophical analysis by the concept of "public opinion". He concluded that the ratio of democracy in society with the development of the Institute of Public Opinion.

Interest, V. M. Gerasimov, who has already been published in the 1990s, who has attempted from the standpoint of political psychology and acmeology to develop an interdisciplinary concept of public opinion. Considering public opinion in a political context, he concludes that there is a close relationship between the government and public opinion and it is impossible to neglect them.

It is also important to name a number of works, the author of which is a researcher from St. Petersburg D. P. Garara, comparing public opinion with air, which is necessary for breathing democracy: when he is, he is not noticed, but his absence can lead to the death of the whole organism . In addition, D. P. Garara imposed the concept of "regimes of interaction of power and public opinion", under which, in particular, is meant "generalized characteristics of a measure of the real inclusion of public opinion into making political decisions, managing the affairs of the state and society and opportunities for the functioning provided by power institutions. " At the same time, D. P. Garara, on the basis of the criteria developed by him, allocates the following "modes of interaction of power and public opinion": 1. The regime of the suppression of public opinion on the part of the power structures. 2. Ignoring public opinion mode. 3. Pattern regime of power in relation to public opinion. 4. Mode of cooperation (intervalization). 5. Pressure pressure regime for power. 6. Public opinion dictatorship mode.

E. Egorova-Gantman and K. Pleshakov, speaking of public opinion subjects, proposed to use the "Three Stratus" technique. In this case we are talking On the three main, in their opinion, the carriers of public opinion: first, the leadership of the country submitted by official leaders, secondly, elite, thirdly, the masses.

Marxist-Leninist Public Opinion Concept

Public opinion from the point of view of Marxism-Leninism reflects, posted in the third edition of the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, issued by the Publishing House "Soviet Encyclopedia" in 1969-1978.

With the exception of certain points reflecting the approaches that existed in domestic science in the Soviet period, in the era of the domination of the ideology of Marxism-Leninism, given in this article, the material fully reflects the features of the process of formation and functioning of public opinion at the present stage.



The term "public opinion" entered into use relatively recently, just a few centuries ago, however, the phenomenon itself was observed in almost all historical epochs. This may indicate the study of the mechanisms for the formation of public opinion in primitive peoples, which conducted a famous anthropologist Margaret MFA. She noted the effectiveness of public opinion in the regulation of the life of the tribes: "Public opinion is effective if someone acts as a violator of the commandments, or in case of conflict, or if it is necessary to make a decision regarding future actions."

In one of the written sources belonging to the era of ancient Egypt, "the conversation with its soul, a person who was tired of living" the events are mentioned, obviously deeply shook public opinion:

Who am I talking to today?
All fastened the greed ...
No longer no more space
People laughs over crimes
Honest people left
Earth fell into the power of villains

In the formation of public opinion, the media (media) play a large role, in particular: television, broadcasting, printed publications (press). In recent years, in the context of the development of the information society, the influence of electronic media focused on the global network - numerous social networks, blogs, forums, Twitter, YouTube is consistently increasing.
The opinions of people recognized by the Company with reputable and competent are influenced by public opinion. personal experience of people.

The instruments of the impact on public opinion from the state are propaganda and censorship.

Public opinion expression

IN modern society The familiar channels (and forms) of public opinion expressions are: elections of the authorities, participation of the population in legislative and executive activities, the media, meetings, rallies, manifestations, pickets, etc. Along with this, the widespread statements caused by political, Economic, social, cultural, as well as research interest and receiving the form of referendums and plebiscites, mass discussion of any problems, meetings of specialists, selective surveys of the population, etc. etc.

According to the legislation, Russian Federation Public opinion can be expressed at the advisory level, for example, at the decision-making phase on the construction of various objects. So, in 2004 in St. Petersburg, the law "On the participation of citizens and their associations in the discussion and decision-making in the field of urban planning activities in St. Petersburg was adopted. According to this law, any citizen has the right to express its opinion and, if there is evidence of the violation of the law, to prevent the construction of an object.

Measuring public opinion

Public opinion polls are carried out for quantifying public opinion.


  • Dalaov A. K. Public opinion of the Soviet society. - M.: Socsekgiz, 1963.
  • Gruzyshin B. A. The opinion of the world and the world of opinions: the problems of methodology and research of public opinion. - M.: Politicize, 1967.
  • Safarov R. Ya. Public opinion in the Soviet democracy system. - M.: Knowledge, 1982.
  • Korobeynikov V. S. Pyramid of Opinions (Public Opinion: Nature and Functions). - M.: Thought, 1981.
  • Usman A. A. Formation and study of public opinion. - M.: Knowledge, 1987.
  • Gorshkov M. K. Public opinion. History and modernity. - M.: Policy, 1988.
  • Anikeev V.I. Public opinion as a historical concept. - Rostov-on-Don, 1982.
  • Gerasimov V. M. Public opinion in the mirror of political psychology. - M.: Loose, 1995.
  • Gavra D.P. Public opinion as a sociological category and how social Institute. - SPb., 1995.
  • Gavra D. P. Public opinion and power: regimes and mechanisms of interaction // Journal of sociology and social anthropology, 1998. T. 1. Vol. four.

Fundamental works

  • Bryce, James. US republic: at 3 p. 1-3 / lane. from English - M.: K. T. Soldenkov, 1889-1890.
  • Tard, Gabrielle. Personality and crowd: Essays on social psychology / per. With Fr. - M.: Publishing House T-Va Type. A. I. Mamontov, 1902.
  • Holzendorf, Franz background. Public opinion / trans. with it. - SPb.: Y. Orovich, 1895.
  • Bourdieu P. Public opinion does not exist // Burdy P. Sociology of politics: per. With Fr. G. A. Cherednichenko / Sost., Society. ed. and preface. N. A. Shmatko. - M.: Socio-Logos, 1993. - P. 159-177.
  • Kara-Murza S. G. Manipulation by consciousness. - M.: Publishing House "Eksmo", 2000.
  • Yadov V. A. Strategy of sociological research. - M.: Omega-L, 2005.

History of exploring public opinion in the XX century

  • Doctors B.Z. The first pioneers of the world of opinions: from Gallpa to Grumina. - M.: IN-T Foundation "Societies. Opinion", 2005.
  • Doctors B.Z. Advertising and polls of public opinion in the USA: the history of the origin, the fate of the creators. - M.: Center for Social Forecasting, 2008.
  • Doctors B.Z. George Gallup. Biography and fate. - M.: Publishing House "Polygraph - Inform". 2011.
  • Doctors B.Z. Modern Russian sociology: historical and biographical searches. In 3 volumes. - M.: Center Social. Forecasting, 2012.

Mutual influence of foreign policy and public opinion

  • American public opinion and politics / resp. ed. Zadoshkin Yu.A., Avt. Call. Zavokhkin Yu.A., Ivananyan E.A., Petrovskaya M.M. and others - M.: Science, 1978.
  • War and society in the XX century: in 3 kN. / Hands. Project and Cost. O.A. Rheshevsky. - M.: Science, 2008.
  • Zadoshkin Yu.A. Calls of civilization and US experience: history, psychology, politics. - M.: Science, 1991.
  • Ivananyan E.A. Public opinion is its role in political life // USA: economics, politics, ideology. - 1974. - №8. - p.15-27.
  • Kerrtman G.L. Mass consciousness. "Vietnamese syndrome" and its consequences // Problems of Americanism. - M., 1989. - C.255-271.
  • Kosolapov N.A. Foreign Policy Consciousness: Category and Reality // Bogaturov A.D., Kosolapov N.A., Khrustalev MA Essays of the theory and methodology of political analysis of international relations. - M.: NOFMO, 2002. - C.207-222.
  • Kosolapov N.A. Social psychology and international relations. - M.: Science, 1983.
  • Kuznetsov D. V. Arab-Israeli Conflict and France: Foreign Policy and Public Opinion. - Blagoveshchensk: Publishing house BGPU, 2005.
  • Kuznetsov D. V. Events September 11, 2001 and the problem of international terrorism in a community mirror. - M.: UrSS, 2009.
  • Kuznetsov D. V. Yugoslav crisis: look through the prism of public opinion. - M.: UrSS, 2009.
  • Kuznetsov D.V. Problems of the Middle East and public opinion. In 2 parts. Part I. Arab-Israeli conflict. - Blagoveshchensk, Publishing House of BSPU, 2009.
  • Kuznetsov D.V. Problems of the Middle East and public opinion. In 2 parts. Part II. Iraqi crisis. - Blagoveshchensk, Publishing House of BSPU, 2009
  • Kuznetsov D.V. The problem of non-proliferation of AM and public opinion. Iran's nuclear program. - Blagoveshchensk: Publishing House of BGPU, 2009.
  • Kuznetsov D.V. The problem of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and public opinion. Northern Korea nuclear program. - Blagoveshchensk: Publishing House of BGPU, 2009.].
  • Kuznetsov D.V. Interaction of foreign policy and public opinion in the United States. Some current issues. - M.: URSS, 2010.
  • Kuznetsov D.V. American Public opinion and use of military force: the period of the presidency of William J. Clinton (1993-2001). - M.: UrSS, 2011. -.
  • Kuznetsov D.V. American public opinion and use of military force: the period of the presidency of J. Bush Jr. (2001-2009). - M.: UrSS, 2011.
  • Kuznetsova T.V. Americans about issues of war and world // USA: economics, politics, ideology. - 1984. - №7. - p.48-56.
  • Ice Yu.M. Problems of the participation of the American Public in the formation of US foreign policy. Scientific analyte. overview. - M.: Inion Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1987.
  • Malashenko I.E. The United States in search of "consensus": foreign policy orientations in the American mass consciousness. - M.: Science, 1988.
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  • Nikitin A.I. The evolution of American globalism: ideological struggle in the United States on the role of America in the world. - M.: International. Relationship, 1987.
  • Public consciousness and foreign policy of the United States / Call. Auth.: Zavokhkin Yu.A., Ivananyan E.A., Petrovskaya M.M. et al. - M.: Science, 1987.
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  • Petrovskaya MM US public opinion: polls and policies. - M.: International. Relationship, 1977.
  • Petrovskaya MM US public opinion and foreign policy // Questions of history. - 1981. - №1. - p. 63-75.
  • Petrovskaya MM Public opinion polls in the USA // Questions of history. - 1976. - №2. - p.113-123.
  • Petrovskaya MM President and public opinion // USA: economics, politics, ideology. - 1991. - №10. - p.23-33.
  • Petrovskaya MM USA: Politics through the prism of polls. - M.: International. Relationship, 1982.
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  • Plekhanov S.M. US Society and US Foreign Policy // USA: Economics, Politics, Ideology. - 1986. - №3. - C.3-15.
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In this article, I would like to "touched" such a global topic as the influence of public opinion on a person. After all, no matter how it was, but most people are subject to this influence, and cannot do "something" against. For many, the deviation from the norm is something unimaginable, which will lead to almost public censure. Regarding the prevention of negative actions, everything is correct. But what harm can cause a formed look, dependence on the opinion of society?

In one way or another, an imposed opinion may prevent development comprehensively. In an effort to meet all the parameters of the "ideal" member of society, and trying to "like" everything, you only slow down your movement forward. How can it be expressed?

We will analyze example:

You have all the desired external attributes (new iPhone, a prestigious brand car, suitable clothing). You will be perceived as a sufficiently successful person, but there will be no one for at least two different opinions. Some will consider you a person with certain knowledge, the desire for the goal, wrestling, which will cause some admiration. Other on the contrary, will take you for the "goat", which robbing the government, and them, including what will cause a squall of mental curses in your direction.

But meanwhile, the achievement of these attributes can also be "imposed" public opinion. After all, you need to be like everyone else, and have these things, dear, and almost exclusive. Strive for this. Only so you will impress about yourself. BUT Here again, at least two branches:

  1. You really meet this status, and have acquired these things on the basis of your financial opportunities.
  2. You do not meet the status, and "ponabral" loans in order to have all these things. And they themselves have gross themselves in expenditures. It is possible that the basic needs barely grabs.

Now conclusion: Was it your really desire to acquire all these attributes? If so, this makes sense. If you strive to be "like everyone else", then you felt the influence of the public.

What else can be expressed?

A number of typical examples:

  • Investing money somewhere, nothing else like a divorce. In fact, some people investment is perceived as a deception. And absolutely any financial instruments.
  • You just need to save money and save. Only so you can dial the amount for the desired purchase. This makes sense based on the situation. But not everyone wants to take a point of view, according to which the income needs to be increased, and work on it to get more opportunities. Moreover, money lie without work, and at best, under the pillow.
  • Success is promotion over the career ladder, and nothing more.
  • Family and children - strictly in the allotted time. If a person has not yet created a family, and it's time, then something is wrong with him.
  • Yes, what to say, even earnings on the Internet - can be perceived as "divorce" for money.
  • After school, the institute, after - work for the specialty for which he studied.

You will talk about you anyway. And negatively, and neutral, and positively. What would you do, and did not.


So what is it all? It is necessary to have its own point of view, and not to be subject to someone else's opinion. Decide as you think necessary. Completely different people can have different views on the same thing. Everyone will not be able to please in any case, but to live exclusively for this - in my opinion, stupid.

Of course, that's does not meanWhat you can do anything, or harm to anyone directly or indirectly, thinking that this is imposed on the opinion. No, it's solely in your personal Development, in positive aspects that you can extract for yourself. And what is your opinion on this?

Public opinion is a specific manifestation of public consciousness, expressed in estimates (both oral and writing) and characterizing the explicit (or hidden) attitude of large social groups (first of all the majority of the people) to current issues of reality representing public interest.

The fact is that public opinion exists not in any society, since it is not just the sum of those private opinions that people exchange in a narrow, private family or friends.

The core of the work PR of work is the impact on the state of public opinion.

Most of PR shares are held with the goals:

  • 1) convince people to change their opinion on any question, product or organization;
  • 2) to form a public opinion when it is not;
  • 3) Strengthen the existing public opinion.

The public is a group of people, firstly, who found themselves in a similar unresolved situation, secondly, conscious of the uncertainty and the problematic situation, and, thirdly, responding in a certain way that created the situation.

Public opinion is such a state of public consciousness, which is expressed publicly and has an impact on the functioning of society and its political system.

It is the possibility of vowel, public statement of the population on the topical issues of social life and the influence of this position expressed in his rumor to the development of socio-political relations reflects the essence of public opinion as a special social institution.

Public opinion is a combination of many individual opinions on a specific issue affecting the group of people. Public opinion is a consensus.

The formed attitude of a person is manifested in the form of opinion. Attitude can be considered as an assessment by a person any particular problem or question. The attitude is determined by a number of factors:

  • 1) personal - physical and emotional components of an individual, including age, social status, physical condition;
  • 2) Cultural - the life style of a particular country (Russia, USA or Japan) or a geographical area (urban or peripheral). Political candidates of national scale usually appeal to the cultural characteristics of specific regions of the country;
  • 3) educational - level and quality of human formation. Appeal, appeal to a modern educated audience requires increasingly complex communications;
  • 4) Family - taking into account the origin of people. Children often acquire the worldview features of parents in early age and retain them in the future;
  • 5) Social class - position in society. Changing the social status of people entails the change in their relationship. Thus, students of educational institutions can change their attitude to public phenomena after entering the labor market and commemorate professional activities;
  • 6) Ethnicity as a lifestyle.

Scientific tradition connecting the existence of a public opinion institute with freedom in public life in society is still from Hegel, who, in particular, wrote in the "Philosophy of Law": "Formal subjective freedom, consisting of the fact that single persons are as such have and express His own opinion, judgment about general affairs and file advice on them, manifests itself in the compatibility called public opinion. " Such freedom arises only in a society, in which there is an independent (individual and group) interests independent of the state, i.e., the sphere of relations that make up civil society.

Public opinion in its modern meaning and understanding appeared with the development of bourgeois system and the formation of civil society as a livelihood, independent of political power.

In the Middle Ages, the person's belonging to one or another estate was direct political importance and severely determined his social position. With the birth of bourgeois society, open classes consisting of formally free and independent individuals came to replace the estates.

The presence of such free individuals independent of the states, individuals of the owners (even if this property is only on its labor force) is the necessary prerequisite for the formation of civil society and public opinion as its special institution.

In the conditions of totalitarian regime, where all social relations are strictly politicized, where there is no civil society and private individual as an independent entity.

That is, which does not coincide with the stereotypes of the dominant ideology, a publicly expressed opinion, there is no and cannot be public opinion.

In this sense, our public opinion is the child of the publicity, which has a very small experience of existence on historical standards. Over the years of perestroika, our society has been very quickly the way from ordinous dispaturacy through the so-called publicity and pluralism of opinions to the real political pluralism and freedom of speech.

During this period, public opinion independent and judgments have been formed.

According to the theory of "Overton" windows, the consciousness of the masses is constantly being processed. Disassembling sentiment, tastes and moral principles is not fast, but goes. And we are all the main participants of this process.

Today's global geopolitical confrontation is not a war of regular armies or competition of economic systems, but, above all, the "struggle of meanings." But how to introduce one or another image into a fairly conservative and not inclined to the sharp "course change" mass consciousness, especially if your idea is the full opposite of all past habits and moral principles?

The answer gives fashionable the theory of "windows" today, that is, the invisible border, denoting the readiness or unwillingness of society to accept this or that idea. Let's try to understand this dangerous political technology named by the surname of its creator, american engineer And the political scientist Joseph Overton (1960-2003), who died in a car accident in the heyday.

The whole focus in graduality

No matter how much we plunge the momentary fashion, the average man is not ready for radical changes and a sharp change of obstacles, especially if they break the basic value attitudes and deeply rooted traditions. According to the principles of the Overton window, the output is simple: to adjust the "scale of the permitted" not immediately and simultaneously, but gradually, step by step so that the man in the street does not realize the catastrophicity of the general change vector.

A characteristic example is Nazi Germany. First, the theoretical basis is created, Mol-de, we are "Higher Race", and you are "Unternumenshi", the shortcoming. "Scientific" works confirmed by the "studies" of archaeologists, ethnographers, linguists are produced. The question is beginning to be widely covered in newspapers, the "problem" is discussed in work canteens, and in aristocratic living rooms.

The discussion occurs on the background of objective reality: the economic crisis is deepened, but now it seems to be known who is to blame. A large number of parties with ultranationalist rhetoric are created, one of which captures power. The storms of the Nazi slogans begin to march the streets of each city. On the doors of Jewish stores they write insults.

Then, during the notorious "crystal night", the wave of anti-Semitic pogroms is rolled around the country. And society, with indifference, and even with approval, who accepted all previous stages, descends another, the last step: the people of "wrong" nationality are enough and dragged on slaughter to the camp.
So, the elephant is large, but it can be eaten in parts.

Our weapon - media and mass culture

It is widely known for such a concept as the "media agenda" - simply speaking, the fact that at the moment is discussed most of all. According to modern political science, significant trends and infoovodes (for example, a request to combat corruption or an improvement in the urban environment) emerge in society implicitly, as they are developed, by themselves.

However, the media can focus the attention of the audience on those aspects that are beneficial to the manipulator with public opinion, and withdraw any event to a relevant agenda (thereby in part correcting the latter).

Thus, the reformatting of public consciousness through the Overton window is impossible without the active participation of the media and the Internet. Some publicists believe that the indicative, public and cruel execution of Giraffa Marius in the Danish Zoo in February 2014 had one of the goals and legitimation, the excuse of incest. After all, as we remember, the unfortunate male - the fruit of a nearby crossing, and the director of Zoosada, it would seem, just performs the rules prescribing to get rid of such "illegitimate" pets.

And the protesting against his murder (the petition with the requirement to preserve Life Marius was signed tens of thousands of Europeans), we thus, according to the supporters of the "Conspiracy theory", agree that the incest is admissible.
However, whatever wanted in factors actually, we would attribute to them a secret intent if Copenhagen horror flashed on the bands of almost all the global media?

Manipulation with Linguopagaganda

Of course, the "soft" correction of public opinion is impossible without a neat change in the basis of the basic terminology used by the person.
Recall the same Marius. Any sensible person will agree that incest is disgusting and unacceptable. And if we are talking about inbreeding, or nearby crossing, after which there was a poor giraffe (as, at least, numerous journalists argue)?

Let us open the secret: inbreeding and nearby crossing - the essence is the same as the incest, only named in other words. That is, the language manipulation is capable of correcting our perception of any object or phenomenon in the desired side.

Another example is modern linguopropaganda among warring parties in Ukraine. Some call their opponents with "Colorads", and they are "dill". Within the framework of the Overton window, we have classic tools for calculating: after all, it is psychologically easier to allow the murder of an insect or plant than the same as you, a citizen of your country.

Go behind the leader of opinions

The literary critics of various times claimed that the noble muskets from Dumas Romanov, suffering from young vertices from the lead of Götte, Messenko from Novell Zoshchenko, as real human types, existed for the most part only in the imagination of writers. Of course, you can argue about what preceded: the appearance in real life The new hero, or his bright image of a talented author, but obviously: the epidemic of suicide youth, who broke out in Europe in the late 70s of the 18th century, was caused by the soul final of the plot of the already mentioned work of Goethe, published in 1774.

But could the antiper of the verter have such a great success if the "viral" idea did not fall on the already prepared soil, formulating the secret aspirations of the mass consciousness in a clear and clear formula?
Thus, according to Overton, serious changes are becoming possible if they are offered policies and leaders of opinions, and only if these changes have a serious public request.