Congratulations for the new year from the leader to the team. Happy New Year to colleagues and partners

There are only a few days left until the New Year, and many have already congratulated their colleagues at work or business partners on the upcoming holiday, but for those who have not yet had time to do this, we offer you the best, the best sincere congratulations Happy New Year for colleagues and partners, which we have collected from various sources and published on our website. You will find here the most diverse, and most importantly - unbroken New Year greetings. You will not be ashamed to write these congratulations in a postcard to the director or send it by email to your business partner. You can also address these new year greetings any friends you know, because some of them are ideal for this, as they are universal.
We also suggest you use the widget voice greetings and send original congratulations work colleague, manager or business partner. The cost of the service with a discount is 139 rubles.

Best Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year 2019! I wish you well-being, good health, happiness and love! I sincerely hope that all our common successes and achievements will multiply in the coming year, and adversity and troubles will remain in the outgoing year. May the upcoming 2019 be a year of great opportunities and the realization of the most ambitious plans for you! Peace, love and harmony to you and your families!

Dear colleagues! Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year 2019 and happy holiday Nativity of Christ! With all my heart I want to wish you success and good luck in the new year, new ideas and correct decisions, active creative activity! Health, happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes in connection with the coming 2019! Traditionally, celebrating the New Year is associated with hope for the best and faith in the future. Celebrating this wonderful holiday, I wish you to remember all the good things in the past year and to enter the next year with new creative aspirations. May the coming year justify your best hopes, strengthen your health, bring you and your loved ones success and prosperity.

On the eve of the coming year, it is especially believed that our world should become better and kinder. I would like to hope that happiness and success will certainly come to every home and every family. I am sure that it is in our power to give our loved ones and relatives the most precious thing - this is warmth, understanding and love! I want to wish you great and robust health and good luck! May the New Year help you fulfill your most cherished dream, strengthen your faith in the future, may success accompany all your endeavors always and in everything! Happy New Year! Happiness, peace and prosperity to you and your families!

Accept the most my sincere congratulations Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Please accept my congratulations on the upcoming 2019 year and wishes for rapid development and innovative breakthroughs for the embodiment of your creative solutions. Let New Year will be a year of well-being, prosperity and success for you! We wish you Have a good mood, good health, confidence and optimism! Happiness to you and your loved ones!

Dear colleagues and friends! I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming new year holidays- Happy New Year 2019 and Merry Christmas! I wish you success, good health and good mood, joy and optimism for the entire coming year! May 2019 be the year bright ideas, long-awaited changes, significant events. May it bring peace and harmony, be generous in everything! May our friendly team grow stronger and good deeds multiply!

Dear colleagues and friends! Happy New Year, which, I am sure, will bring many new things to all of us. Something will go away irrevocably, something will change, but something will remain the same. Let's go to any life situation hope for the best and believe in good. With the chimes, make a wish, and let it come true in the new year, even the most incredible! After all, what other holiday do we sincerely believe in miracles ?!

Dear colleagues! Please accept the most sincere and warm congratulations Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! It is impossible to assess the outgoing year unambiguously. For some, it has become a real test of strength, and for others - a year of new opportunities, a year of implemented projects and desires. Very little time will pass and 2018 will become history. I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming holiday!

We sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! We sincerely wish that in 2019 your deepest desires come true, that your loved ones are healthy. May your faith in the best never leave you, and all your good undertakings will be accompanied by success. I wish you good health, love, happiness, comfort at home and mutual understanding!

New Year's greetings from the head

Dear Colleagues! On New Year's Eve, we take stock of the past year and set goals for the next. Everyone dreams, believes in miracles and expects something magical from the new year. We pin our hopes for new happiness on this holiday. For many, these are hopes for a quieter, more secure, dignified life, for a better future for their children. Please accept my sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! May 2019 justify your wildest expectations, crown all good undertakings with success, bring stability and prosperity to every home and every family of our country, give the warmth of human relations, the joy of family comfort and sincerity of feelings.

Colleagues! Please accept my sincere congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas! Everyone will probably agree that the outgoing 2018 was not an easy year for all of us. We hope that the coming 2019 will bring us more stability and confidence in the future. After all, the New Year is always new victories and new achievements! We wish you strength to achieve your goals and objectives, so that your interest in life and in your work never weakens! Health, luck, happiness, light and warmth to you, your relatives and friends!

I congratulate you on the upcoming 2019 year and the bright holiday of Merry Christmas! Let the successes and achievements of the outgoing year become a reliable foundation for new achievements in the coming year. May the new year bring happiness, peace and prosperity, our common work will bring glory and greatness to our Russia. I wish you good health, happiness, fulfillment of all desires to you and your loved ones!

Dear colleagues! Please accept my sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year and Merry Christmas! May the outgoing year bring all of us that particle of invaluable experience, that stage of new achievements that will allow us to take new heights next year and achieve better business results. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone for our long-term and fruitful cooperation, and also wish everyone good health, prosperity, good luck and fulfillment of desires!

I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas - the warmest and brightest holidays! May peace, harmony and goodness enter your home with them! May the coming year be generous in success and achievements, bring creative inspiration and fruitful creative work, good luck in all good endeavors for the good of our Motherland! I wish you good health, happiness, prosperity to you, your family and friends!

Dear colleagues! I am glad to congratulate you on the most long-awaited and happy holiday- New Year! For all of us, 2018 was not an easy year, but eventful and filled with hard work. On the whole, the outgoing year has become successful and positive. We have created a serious reserve for the future, and today we are united by the confidence that the New Year will bring only good changes. I am sure this cooperation will develop fruitfully and will remain a reliable guarantor of continued success in all matters. I wish that in the coming year all the most cherished dreams come true, and success accompanies all matters! I wish you health, your family and friends, happiness, family well-being and, by all means, good luck to everyone!

Dear colleagues! Everyone's favorite holiday is approaching - New Year! Everywhere - in the family circle and in the work collective - feeling its approach, we become a little kinder and more attentive to each other, forgive past grievances and, like children, dream of the future, make wishes and believe in their fulfillment. The outgoing year has brought something of our own to each of us - new victories and joys, meetings and discoveries. Of course, there were disappointments, mistakes and disappointments, but they gave us a new experience, made us only stronger. So, on New Year's Day, let's take with us all the good things, and leave all the bad things in the outgoing year. I believe that in the coming year together we will achieve new successes in enhancing the potential of our company. With all my heart I want to wish everyone warmth and comfort in their homes, love, joy, care and understanding of loved ones. I wish you happiness in the new year! New successes, bright victories and achievements!

Official New Year's greetings to partners in prose

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas! May 2019 be a year of prosperity, prosperity and success for you! We wish you a good mood, good health, confidence and optimism! Happiness to you and your loved ones! We also look forward to further beneficial cooperation with you.

Dear partners and colleagues! I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year holidays - New Year 2019 and Merry Christmas! I wish you success, good health and good mood, joy and optimism for the entire coming year! May the coming year be a year of bright ideas, long-awaited changes, significant events. May it bring peace and harmony, be generous in everything! May our cooperation and friendship grow stronger, good deeds multiply!

Dear colleagues and partners! I am glad to congratulate you on the brightest and most joyful holiday - New Year! I am confident that our partnership will develop fruitfully and will remain a reliable guarantor of continued success in all matters. I hope that in 2019 our cooperation will also be mutually beneficial and fruitful! I would also like to wish the coming year for all of us to become a time of new achievements, a time of stability and self-confidence. I wish you health, your family and friends, happiness, family well-being and, by all means, good luck to everyone!

Dear colleagues and partners! I congratulate you on the coming 2019! I express my deep gratitude to everyone for their trust and fruitful cooperation. I hope that next year our partnerships will become even stronger and our cooperation more fruitful. May this new year bring prosperity and prosperity to each of you. Health, happiness and love to you and your loved ones!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the New Year 2019 and a bright holiday of Christmas. I wish you fresh strength for new achievements, creative success in professional activity, family harmony, prosperity, loyal friends and reliable partners in good deeds!

Dear partners, please accept my sincere congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas.

We wish the New Year to be a year of prosperity and prosperity, so that new life frontiers can be overcome naturally and easily, so that all dreams come true in the coming year! I wish you success in your professional activity, reliable partners, achievement of your goals, good health, happiness and family well-being!

Dear colleagues, partners! On the eve of the upcoming New Year, I want to remember all the good things that happened in our partnership. I believe that our cooperation has been quite successful and fruitful and I hope that next year we will maintain our beneficial relations. I wish you great success and great opportunities, health and prosperity! Happy New Year!

Dear partners, colleagues, friends! We sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Let everything new that comes into your life become the basis of a reliable partnership and business, successful and dynamic development. We wish you that the coming 2019 will meet all your expectations!
Thank you for being with us this year!

Universal New Year's greetings in prose

Friends! I wish you a Happy New Year! Let us all together put aside all resentments, worries and griefs in the old year and enter the new year with new hopes and joyful expectation of a miracle. I sincerely wish everyone to celebrate this holiday in the circle of the closest people, and may everything conceived under the clink of New Year's glasses come true in 2019, may the New Year bring with it everything that each of you dreams of! Happiness, health, peace and prosperity to you and your loved ones! Happy New Year!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year!
New Year is one of the most beloved and long-awaited, joyful and sincere holidays. WITH early childhood we associate it with the belief in a miracle, in the fact that the most cherished dreams will come true. Let's do good deeds, say warm words to loved ones, show care, respect and support.
On the eve of the New Year, I wish you that all that upset you will remain in the past, and all good things will find their continuation in the coming year. Let comfort, peace of mind always reign in your homes, and the festive mood does not leave you all year long! Happy New Year! Be happy!

Friends! Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on the upcoming New Year 2011 and Merry Christmas! New Year is the brightest and most beautiful, solemn and merry holiday. May the coming year be luckier, richer and kinder than the outgoing one. I wish you all good health, great happiness, new successes in your work, inexhaustible energy, peace and prosperity. May love inspire you, hope gives strength, and faith warms the soul!

Dear friends! I wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! On the eve of the New Year, we are making plans for the future, we wish each other the very best. Allow me to wish you health and happiness, peace and prosperity. May the warmest, most sincere wishes and may they all come true! May the New Year bring you and your loved ones good health, great happiness and prosperity!

Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas! These holidays are associated with the brightest feelings, good hopes, the fulfillment of innermost desires and the desire for new heights. May luck invariably accompany you in the new year, and all the most daring plans and ideas come true! Good health, peace, kindness and prosperity to you and your family!

On this most wonderful, kindest and long-awaited holiday of the year, I would like to wish first of all the fulfillment of desires. After all, on what other holiday do we sincerely believe in miracles and magic? May the whole coming year be full of pleasant events, joyful meetings, new discoveries and only wonderful mood. Let the news be good, acquaintances pleasant, business successful, and minor troubles. Let all your plans come true, health will not let you down, and loved ones will always be there! Happy New Year!

Dear friends! With all my heart, I wish you a Happy New Year. and Merry Christmas! Everyone knows that the New Year is a time of expectations and hopes. So let all the good things that made you happy in the outgoing year certainly find their successful continuation in the coming year, let 2019 bring prosperity and prosperity to each of you. Health, happiness and love to you and your loved ones!

On the eve of the New Year holidays, we all greet each other, convey warm wishes of health, goodness and happiness. Beautiful New Year 2019 greetings to colleagues in prose and verse , as well as friends, family and friends - these are insightful words filled with sincerity and warmth.

The coming new year always brings new hope for success in life, as well as overcoming all kinds of difficulties and troubles. The last week of the outgoing year is a great time to prepare joyful, unusual, comic congratulations... To facilitate this task, we offer below a large collection of beautiful, original, official and comic, funny and touching congratulations colleagues at work in poetry and prose, in their own words. If the employee is now on vacation, then you can congratulate him by sending short sms- Happy New Year greetings or sending New Year wishes by e-mail.

Expressing congratulations to an individual or a group of people is a kind of art. Serious or cool phrases those coming from the heart should radiate complacency and kindness, joy and friendliness.

We will remember beautiful congratulations for a long time, and each of us hopes that they will certainly come true in 2019!

Read also:

We have a common job,
Common business, concern.
The holiday is also ours for everyone.
May success accompany!

Happy New Year to you, colleagues!
Bright successes await you.
Do not be sick, do not be sad,
Have fun and joke!

To make work argue,
Just a pleasant care
To wait for you in life,
Bright so that fate was!

Have fun on this holiday,
And gifts of all kinds
I sincerely wish everyone.
Congratulations, colleagues!
Happy New Year to our entire friendly team.
May good luck accompany you, the positive will not leave.
So that work argues, so that families have comfort!
Lest you forget: they are waiting for you here in the morning.
All success and health, light, joy, kindness.
New Year's fun. Happy New Year to all. Hooray!
Having worked hard for a year,
It's time to rest.
Happy New Year to you, colleagues!
Put everything aside.

I wish you a salary -
To carry away in bags
Next door to the deputy
House so that you can buy.

Leadership to praise
To have a career growth.
So that they do not scold too much,
If you forgot something.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
We are one family with you.
I wish you happiness, joy
And good luck to you, friends!

We wish you all harmony and prosperity. May all dreams come true, and adversity become a thing of the past. May the coming Year of the Pig bring joy, peace, love! Happy days throughout all 12 months, which will be filled with pleasant chores, love and happiness!

Colleagues, this New Year,
I wish you great heights,
More profitable ideas
Less sad news.

Let the salary grow steadily
To row her with a shovel
Corporate parties were more frequent,
And life was kinder and sweeter!

Let there be what you need,
Success accompanies deeds
So that our team live together
And so that the boss praises us!
To work, like a holiday,
We are in a hurry from year to year.
A lot of things, big and important,
And a crowd of customers are waiting.

I wish everyone success
And diligence in work,
So that there is no interference
To be lucky always, everywhere.

To increase the salary
The family had enough strength.
Happy New Year
Our entire friendly team!

Congratulations from the management are a kind of moral support for each member of the team, a positive instruction to move forward, improving performance in their field of activity.

Dear colleagues! In anticipation of the coming year, I would like to wish you year-round financial abundance, prosperity for our business and further cohesion of all employees. May every working day be joyful, full of energy and a good emotional charge. Good health, good luck and many, many happiness in the New Year!

The team is dear and friendly,
I need to congratulate you now
Happy New Year! And wish ...
Where should I start?

I'll tell you without embellishment, friends,
I love our team.
At least joke, at least do not joke -
Here our paths converged.

You can’t count the wishes.
It is an honor to congratulate you.
May the new year bring
There are many joyful worries.

Happiness will come to every home
And it will bring good luck.
May love, health be.
And success will not forget you.

Santa Claus may give everyone
A lot of joyful chores
May it not be sad all year
Quite the opposite!

New Year's greetings to the team in verse

I congratulate all colleagues
Happy New Year and I wish you
So that the work does not torment,
Gave pleasure.
Optimism and positive
Let him join the team.
So that salaries are added
And more often they were issued -
Three or four times a month.
Well, all the pockets are wider!
So that the authorities do not bustle,
How loved you all loved,
The vacation was given on time ...
Well, about once a year.
Well, Santa Claus is kind
Will give happiness, love and blessings.
Let him advance you in the service
And he'll throw gifts!

I hasten to wish you a Happy New Year
I sincerely, colleagues, you!
Let your income grow
Not every day, but every hour!

Let only happiness reign in the family
May health be strong
Problems and bad weather will go away,
Sorrow and sadness will rush away!

I wish you all on this holiday
A lot of fun, jokes, laughter,
Kindness, smiles, sea of ​​light
And many great successes!
Let the New Year enter your home
An inviting bright light.
May your dreams come true
Let there be no fuss.
And seeing off the Old Year,
Get rid of all the hassle.
Leave all the sorrows in the past
All the troubles, everything about which they were silent ...
Do not be afraid of new beginnings!
Don't be afraid to be creative!
After all, New Year is like a blank slate,
And you are the only soloist
Those songs that you have to sing.
After all, the New Year is about to burst!
And dances, dances will rush ...
And you will find yourself in that fairy tale
That will change everything.
For the New Year! Let it come!

My dear colleague! Happy to you holidays... Try to keep some of the Christmas spirit alive so that it stays with you throughout the next year. I wish all subsequent days to be filled with fun, adventure, joy. On this New Year's Eve, you are more beautiful than ever, stay so cute and unique for many years to come!

We can mix up our affairs,
To be on the carpet with the authorities
At work, as if I was sawing in the forest:
Gave a tree - saw, and that's it!
Hard workers we are the most important here,
And at lunchtime we have a rest.
That's what colleagues mean. And we are not expected
Lonely weekdays with cold tea.
The team is strength, and in the New Year
I am glad to congratulate you all. May it bring you
Respect, happiness, good luck this fresh New Year.

Comic Happy New Year 2019 greetings to colleagues in prose and verse

Comic congratulations can improve the mood, make the holiday funny, funny and memorable.

I wish my friends that their reflection in the mirror does not frighten, but makes them rejoice and enjoy its beautiful appearance... Run to the gym as soon as possible after the New Year's feast, get in shape to be slim and fit all year round.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Please be patient so that the coming 2019 will bring everything your heart and soul desires. Step confidently up the stairs to your dreams! After all, they always come true, you just have to really, really want to.

I want to congratulate in my own words , without prepared standard phrases, all your friends! Let the complacent Pig give you good health and material well-being, give you peaceful days and new meetings. Let every new day of 2019 begin with good news. Happiness and luck!

Short SMS - Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

New Year is a good time!
New start and new achievements!
All colleagues - joy, kindness,
Strength, health, vigor, luck!

Let comfort always reign in the house,
And the soul knows no grief!
New Year's festive fireworks
Let him raise the bar!
Here's what I want to say, folks:
The New Year is in a hurry to visit us!
I wish you all the luck
The salary is good, there are many bonuses.
So that the boss only admires us
And I never found fault!
Let in the family and at work
Happiness awaits us, not worries.
May the miracle come to us soon
On a wonderful New Year holiday!
I sincerely congratulate everyone
And with all my heart I wish
Salary increases,
So that you are all rich.

Let the authorities not scold
Doesn't call on the carpet.
Let your career grow
As soon as the New Year comes.

And let every Snow Maiden
Receives a gift for a fur coat,
And her "Frosty Grandfather" -
Mercedes convertible.

In general, drink and walk,
And celebrate in full.
May the coming new year
It will only bring you joy.

I hope that the new year will bring gifts that you cannot find under any tree. These are the gifts of inner peace, personal growth, excellent health, prosperity and love!

Leave, colleagues, business and worries,
Already the New Year is knocking at our gates,
Let's meet him and have fun
After all, we had to work for a whole year.

May there be luck and luck
The soul does not recognize grievances and doubts.
All good things await you in the new year,
May he bring you happiness and joy.

Let's raise our glasses for the year that comes
Let love and prosperity find you.
I wish all your dreams to come true
And the most cherished wishes come true!

I wish Santa Claus would bring a pack of green bills to your house, open a bank account for you, which will be filled up and never run out! Let your refrigerator become a real storehouse of delicious food and aromatic wine. Loyal friends and associates in the bathhouse and in the gym. Happy New Year!

Any work we can handle,
We just radiate positivity.
Everyone has a "must" and "want",
And together we are a great team.

Everyone has their own home, their own family,
But we spend a lot of time together.
I want to congratulate you on the holiday.
Employees, colleagues, Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
This year I wish you
So that wealth and luck
Were at the same time with you,
And health and luck
Flew into your window.
Lots of laughter, lots of happiness!
Let all bad weather go away.
To Santa Claus
Growth in your career has brought you,
And the Snow Maiden with her
Has brought a lot of income!

I wish that on this night,
Work went into the background.
So that instead of folders and reports -
A glass of champagne and a cake!

Let it be near, on this New Year,
Faith and luck are marching
Health of loved ones, and in addition,
Events, best, turnover.

I also wish you creativity,
More laughter, more positive
Emotions, lightness, freedom ...
Let income grow to heaven!

The year passed so quickly
There were so many things to do in him
May you all in the new year
Successes and victories await!

In my heart I wish you comfort
And happiness every minute
In the family - mutual understanding,
In a career - only prosperity.

There is a lot of health, stronger than steel,
So that all dreams suddenly come true.
I wish you faithful friends
And fruitful, bright days!
May the new year bring
Much joyous trouble.
On the balance sheet - replenishment,
And in a career - promotions.

To close everything on time,
No problem and no hassle
To work for you with laughter.
Happiness, joy, success!

To a friendly team
He united us even stronger,
To go to work
We are always eager!

Short wishes for the New Year to colleagues in your own words and in verse

In the new year, I wish you a miracle
I wish you happiness in the new year.
And let every minute
Fills happiness with a fairy tale.
May the New Year bring you hope
May there be wonderful moments in it
Let everything be better than it was before,
Everywhere - good luck and amazing achievements!

On New Years, I tell you,
Miracles happen.
In the coming year
Let dreams come true.
Let in an excellent mood
With luck, happiness, inspiration
This new year will begin.
Let you be lucky!
Happy New Year,
May he be happy.
May love, goodness, good luck
He will bring it to every home.

Happiness, joy, health,
Let the new year bring
And let luck in your wallet
It will bloom with wild color!
In the New Year, I wish
A lot of happiness and love
A lot of joy and money
And good luck ahead.
Start the new year from scratch.
Let the problems dissolve in the old
And this will only be miracles
Which will help you not to give up!
Let the juicy needles scent
Everything fills up around
The year will be generous and rich,
And happiness will knock on the house!
Happy New Year,
New bright impressions,
I wish you a lot of happiness
Joy, goodness, health.

Happy New Year
Light, bright, kind,
Prosperity, happiness, peace,
Let him give strength.

Original New Year's wishes in prose

The best original wishes will delight your loved ones.

Colleagues, Happy New Year!
Let in a friendly round dance
You are often surrounded
Love, luck, happiness!

Everyone's salary is huge,
Growing and immodest
Indecent success
And great rest!

May the New Year bring good luck
The stability and income is immeasurable.
May it be generous with gifts this year,
Let the main peaks conquer.

I wish everyone happiness and love,
And the fulfillment of all kinds of desires.
Let the days be very bright.
And you will have various impressions!

Today is our working day
But the heart asks for celebration
After all, the hour of the magic night is close!
With happiness - my head is spinning!

Best gifts to you, colleagues,
And money is a full wallet.
And be lucky forever
Get delight from life.

Work with eternal inspiration -
Run home at full steam.
You will certainly have bright miracles,
Great success on all fronts!

May the New Year bring you
Prosperity and income.
May success accompany
So that you do not know the hindrances in anything.

May health be strong
The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
There is peace in the world, but harmony in families.
Raising all salaries.

A lot of strength and optimism,
Travel and tourism,
In the showers - sunny weather.
Everyone, colleagues, Happy New Year!

The coming New Year's Eve delights us with snowflakes that whirl in a light dance, Christmas trees, sparkling bright lights, songs and fun. Let this amazing holiday of magic and fairy tales give you the best moments of happiness, the radiance of the eyes of your loved ones, bright events, fun, laughter!

May in the coming year
Good luck will wink at you all,
Let troubles bypass you,
Let the income grow steadily!

May dreams come true
And let there be no sad days.
There is more warmth in the hearts
And in the house - festive lights!

New Year to my colleagues
Much to wish for:
So that there is less work
In order not to get up early.

To make the award more often
Awarded the team
To make every day happen
Small but positive.

So that we work together
Since we have one goal.
To let go in the summer
All of us together to the south.

Short funny congratulations to colleagues at work Happy New Year

Short new year wishes your colleague can be expressed in phone messages or sent by e-mail.

We are with you every day,
From eight to five;
The teams are better for us already,
Perhaps not to be found.

Happy New Year, I want you
Congratulate everyone, friends!
We can handle all the tasks
Where are you and me together.

Let's celebrate the New Year
With your family
I wish that without worries
All holidays are over!

And in a newborn year
We'll meet again
To work and create
And get money!

Our execution plans
May the New Year give
And add patience to us
If there is a lot of work.

Let, colleagues, work for you
Will bear fruit:
Income will increase
And dreams will come true!

Let the gentle sun and bright days of hope be faithful companions throughout the 12 months of 2019. Let your life be filled with meetings with kind people, and faithful friends help in difficult times. In the coming year, may all plans and dreams come true, and the love of the most dear people warms hearts!

Colleagues, Happy New Year to you!
I wish you peace, happiness,
Huge bonuses, weekends,
Praise is all overnight
So that everything is given lightly
Both in life and in work,
So that your every day passes
As if at a resort!

Happy New Year,
Let everything go smoothly
Happiness, for you for a whole year,
Better life - no hassle!

Let luck wander around
Caressing you with a gentle look
And, will fulfill all desires -
For worthy efforts!

May you all be lucky all year
Happiness is just waiting for you
Tenderness, sincerity, smiles,
Without any mistake!

I would like to wish our business partners mutually beneficial and fair deals in the Year of the Pig, because it promises to be prosperous and successful. May our cooperation achieve the highest results, and may all ideas be translated into reality. I wish you an effective partnership, business prosperity, stable and reliable customers. Let financial crises pass you by, and peace and prosperity reign in families!

I wish my colleagues at work to achieve all my goals in 2019 and get satisfaction from many undertakings. Make this year the best for yourself! The wishes to our team can be expressed not only in words, but also in material support, so I wish everyone a decent financial income, thanks to which you can soak up this summer on the warm seaside or go on a foreign tour.

Comic New Year greetings to colleagues at work

Happy New Year 2019 greetings to colleagues in prose sound on the eve of the holiday sincerely, cheerfully, and sometimes humorously and amusingly. Comic words encourage those who stay at their workplace on New Year's Eve, inspiring them to complete their tasks. From the management of enterprises and organizations, as well as from personnel, good greetings are always heard to people that they could not comfortably get a job. festive table and continue to work while others are having fun.

Let's raise our glasses, colleagues
And let's drink right off the bat!
May the New Year hasten to us
And it will pour three more times for us!
Colleagues, my dear guys!
I congratulate you, dear faces!
Today I wish on New Year's Eve,
May Grandfather save you from various hardships!
So that funny songs flow like a river
So that the boss has all the right hand!

May the New Year hasten to us
And he will not forget happiness with himself, he will take it!
Let my colleagues prepare gifts for you!
And it will arrange everything well for everyone!

New Year's greetings to all
I am happy to send to colleagues!
Let there be no problems at work
And at home, so that everything is "ok", I wish!
I congratulate my colleagues
I send with great respect!
Let on the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve
Instead of green needles
The salary will grow all around
So that everything is nothing to us!

I send my greetings to you,
Lift up a hundred grams
My dear colleagues
To make any dreams come true!
So that Grandpa frost,
Has brought you three awards!

May the holiday be joyful
Let the hurricane of happiness come!
And gifts of all kinds
A New Year's blizzard will give us!
Colleagues - health and good luck to you,
Higher salaries, more often, to boot!
For colleagues, my best words,
Congratulations, my mighty!
May the New Year not be a hindrance to you
Achieve great success in your career!

I wish you great luck
Colleagues, I wish you an apartment and a dacha
By the bluest blue sea
Take a walk for you in the open space!
Happy New Year, congratulations
May all "desires" be fulfilled!

I wish you a large penthouse
I wish you many, many happiness,
May Santa Claus be gray-haired for you
The penthouse will lay out the road!
Colleagues, may dreams come true
Bad as ice breaks
I wish you happiness all year
Our dear colleagues!
May you always be lucky in everything
And there will be triple prizes,
To buy for a holiday in the house
Caviar, bacon and champagne on ice!

We wish you a sea of ​​adventure,
Colleagues, our active and young!
Don't be afraid to make different decisions
Life is before you, Happy New Year everyone, dear!

Happy New Year
He will never be in fashion!
Even in such a serious company,
Where is every colleague, boss and hero!
We wish everyone a little simplicity
Then there will be no emptiness in life!
To our valiant accountants
We do not wish ta-ra-ram in the morning!
Celebrate the New Year more modestly,
So that the salary is enough, you know
She will also be useful to you
Live the whole January in full!
In the New Year, I wish you a new "home"
So that everyone in it is happy!
So that summer only flourishes
So that the salary is not enough for everyone!
So that all colleagues live together.
After all, we do not need bad things!

Happy New Year! At the corporate party
Our painstaking team,
We wish we always be in sight,
Leave any trouble to the past year!

Having a huge team is happiness!
May the New Year take everything away from you!
We wish you to live without troubles all year!
Colleagues, let everything go like butter!

Congratulations to the best friend-colleague can also be formed both in poetry and in your own words

My dear friend! Life is beautiful and our friendship with you is time-tested. I wish you and me that the coming year will only strengthen our relationship, because we have gone through so much together! Be happy and healthy in the coming year of the Pig.

Comic New Year's greetings
Let your colleagues bring luck!
And the salary will increase immediately for a year
And the boss will give a guarantee in advance,
That they have enough of it for food and the sea,
And what awaits everyone's promotion soon!

I hasten to wish my colleagues a Happy New Year!
It's no joke, we have been together for so many years!
We gather again from year to year,
And we work, from winter to winter!
May all desires, dreams come true
And may your thoughts be pure!

Gray-haired grandfather is going to visit,
He's funny and has a beard!
At our corporate party
Everyone is waiting for him on the positive!
We will celebrate the holiday
To add to Santa Claus
Strong hot tea,
We hope it doesn't melt
And only a little kinder,
So that your wishes come true sooner!

May luck smile
And he will not turn his back on you!
Colleagues, we wish you joy
Pop all year long you sweets,
What will your gray-haired grandfather bring you,
This winter, cold time!

I wish you never get sick,
I wish you not to grow old at all!
It's just New Years
His, colleagues, a succession goes!
May it bring you positive
Vivat! Vivat corporate!

The years go by fast, fast
Our colleagues cannot keep up,
Well, we'll watch the artists
After that you have to dance a lot,
After all, the New Year is coming
He brings us all the best!

Tangerines blossomed on the Christmas trees,
Bananas, pineapples, oranges ...
Eh ... dreams, dreams, dreams
You are celebrating in Russia ...
I would like to be in the Maldives,
To see this miracle miracle!
I wish my colleagues such a salary,
So that they would rake her with a shovel!
Vacation to be twice a year
So that the boss is trouble-free!
New Year's performance
Our colleagues will start today!
I wish you crazy fun
I wish to come off for a year at a time!

I wish my colleagues endless happiness,
Let the bad weather take Grandfather away from the raids!
May the outgoing crisis take the year away
And the coming year will bring peace and tranquility!

Let the New Year spin
Happiness and call us
Into life without troubles, my colleagues,
Where shoots of goodness grow!
Where are the friendly people.
Where we will all be happy!
Happy new year my dears
Let the salaries grow big!
But, colleagues, do not you drink a lot
To find your way home in the evening!
So that happiness is not redistributed,
That the angel rescued you every now and then!

Be bolder than my colleagues
He makes his own wishes!
Santa Claus will fulfill everything
To make everyone happy!
Happy New Year's joy to you,
Get ready for a hangover in the morning:
Buy beer right away,
Drive out this pain-infection!

We are waiting for the holiday, we are very much looking forward to
So that old year kick out later!
To leave, he is a colleague sooner,
It should be celebrated the New Year is more fun!

Funny congratulations to colleagues at work with the New Year

We celebrate the people today
New Year in the middle of a frosty winter!
Nice, cool our corporate party
Radiates fun and positivity!
Even our boss is here
Maybe he brought the good news
About what will increase our salary,
To have enough not only for rent!

Colleagues now we are on the positive,
We are waiting for the artists at the corporate party,
So that they amuse us together,
For all the days to forget this year!
So that joy and light come into life,
And they brought a lot of money with them!

Happy New Year, dear colleagues
Make big wishes!
May the year bring you both a wheelbarrow and a summer cottage,
Let him change the apartment to boot!
Will send on vacation soon grandfather Freezing,
Wherever the bitter frost torments you!
The joy of a colleague is with us today
Let's dance at the New Year's corporate party!
What will happen tomorrow - on the drum,
Today our life is "flawless"!
Pour the golden drink soon
Let the artists entertain us today!

Pour wine into glasses
So that it is not enough for us!
Colleagues, now we are walking
Seeing off the old year!
We will wave it together,
We don't need these years!
Let's drink together to care
And hug the New Year!

We are in a hurry to congratulate our colleagues,
After all, the old year is leaving!
Let's praise him in unison:
Let him go away soon!
The crisis will take away with it sooner,
To the stability of the door will open!
The whole New Year will be joyful,
To make the common people happy!

Official and warm, bright and hearty beautiful New Year 2019 greetings to colleagues in poetry and prose say that the year of goodness, peace, mutual understanding, happiness is coming!

The time is coming New Year's corporate parties or just partying in the office with colleagues. Of course you need to prepare good congratulations for colleagues, people with whom you spend a huge amount of time, who have become a second family. On this page, handpicked from all over the internet best congratulations Happy New Year to colleagues in poetry and prose. Successful corporate party!

Order your friends and colleagues a funny audio greeting for home or cellular telephone which will act as usual phone call on the scheduled day and hour, and will become the most memorable New Year's greetings.

Colleagues, associates, just friends!
The new year has stepped on the threshold!
I wish our friendly family
She rushed forward for success!
Everyone, so that in business and everyday life,
Stability and harmony reigned.
And a fabulous holiday for any dream
Today I was glad to perform!

Let the problems go away
With them - pain and hopelessness!
Together with happiness at the gate,
Knocking at us - New Year!
New plans, ideas,
Reaching a new goal!
Many different achievements
Only competent decisions!
And you have big incomes,
Good working days!
At home - joy, warmth,
A lot of all kinds of good!

Colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you
Happy New Years celebration!
I wish you success, I wish you joy,
May your home be filled with happiness!
May peace, prosperity, good luck
Accompanied on the path of life.
May it be happy - and never otherwise,
Your mornings, nights, days pass.

Our team is small,
But with a huge soul,
Will greet the New Year amicably,
What is knocking at the gate -
Santa Claus may not be stingy
For gifts. And seeks
Give a prize to everyone for a year,
So that the people are happy.
So that the team worked
Summer and winter
And so that everyone has enough strength
Be yourself!

In the New Year, everyone, in a friendly platoon
We will escape into the future!
I want to wish you a Happy New Year
You, my dear colleagues!
Take good moments with us
Clients that will bring us profit,
The highest interest rates on transactions
And a profitable route for business!

We are with you in a friendly team,
Spent a lot of days
Always with good, positive,
We boldly walked towards a common goal!

I want to congratulate you colleagues,
And on New Year's Eve I wish you
Merits, victories and privileges,
Don't count the happy hours!

Happy New Year, colleagues,
What's coming now!
Let it snow money
Pampers you more often

Let the fun whirl
And it brings good luck
So that a friendly team
We all reached the heights!

In the New Year at work, a hard worker.
Poor fellows do not laugh, do not joke.
And they don't drink or even smoke:
At a serious post, everyone is on duty.

Excited to the cold, to the shiver
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden too:
May the hard workers not be offended -
I wish you happiness, how much ice is in Antarctica!

The routine of all work matters,
Has faded into the background
Snowflakes took us prisoner
We are in a hurry to confess

What is sincere and from the heart,
We want to say the words:
Happy New Year everyone, love everyone,
All happiness and kindness!

Dear esteemed colleagues!
Happy New Year to you!
And I wish you a lot of success
Interesting, sincere work!
Promising and new projects,
And in a career - great achievements,
Joyful mood to all of you
And great, biggest accomplishments!

Colleagues! We worked together, I will not hide,
I go to work with joy,
And I really want to tell you at times:
I won't find any other like that anywhere!

May the New Year make your wishes come true
Good luck - will not bypass anyone!
We will fill our glasses with champagne,
Let's drain them now for the New Year!

As streams and rivers run to the seas,
So the past year has sunk into eternity ...
Happy New Year! Merry Christmas colleagues
We set off on a new hike.
Let you on different new paths
Waiting for joyous delight to open
May rich experience help you,
So that the new year is successful.

We've been waiting for a miracle for a whole year
Worked wonderfully well
A little more, just about,
Let's raise a glass

And we will drink to the New Year,
He will be better than others
May we all be lucky in business
And in personal and in workers!

New Year to my colleagues
Much to wish for:
So that there is less work
In order not to get up early.
To make the award more often
Awarded the team
To make every day happen
Small but positive.
So that we work together
Since we have one goal.
To let go in the summer
All of us together to the south.

Colleagues, Happy New Year to you!
I wish you peace, happiness,
Huge bonuses, weekends,
Praise is all overnight
So that everything is given lightly
Both in life and in work,
So that your every day passes
As if at a resort!

Your work colleague,
I want to say good words,
Leave everything and worries for a moment
After all, it's New Year's time

And this means a week, even more,
You rest in body and soul,
Happy New Year, may the holiday last longer,
You spend it with your beloved family!

Happy New Year, my colleagues,
With new happiness, friends at work.
I wish the team in love
To live in respect and honor,
Forget all the grievances and sadness,
Drive away problems, bad weather,
And let the glasses fill -
Happy New Year, friends, with new happiness!

We have done a good job and we will have a good rest.
We practically live at our work.
And on New Year's holiday I want to wish you
Millions of salaries and vacation pay a year five.
I wish my colleagues more days off,
It is logical to believe that there are very few of them,
Feasts and fun at noisy celebrations,
And morning without a hangover, and clarity in the eyes!

Happy New Year
I am my invaluable colleagues!
I wish you a lot of happiness
And indispensable success!
And good luck at work
And pleasant days of the year
To look decent
If suddenly you are in sight!
Romance and happiness
Very quivering love
To do a lot,
To do a lot!

Let difficult problems be solved
May plans and dreams come true
Let's forget all the problems, failures,
And we will celebrate the holiday with all our hearts!

And sincerity will decorate wishes,
All words were spoken from the heart,
Fireworks let the sky colorfully paint,
Happy New Year! Happy Holidays! Hooray!

How many years have we met him,
All the same, he is like a native,
We don’t miss the New Year
Not a single second!
I wish everyone privileges
May success not leave
Happy New Year to you, colleagues,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Happy New Year to you, colleagues!
I love you madly!
Holiday wishes
I give you my poems!
Let the fireworks rumble
Let the smoke go in a pillar,
Happiness comes on this day
To every office, to every home!
It will look to you too,
Wait for him in awe,
I wish you good luck
And good luck!

Happy New Year to colleagues in prose

Happy New Year, my dear and respected colleagues. I wish you to become at new sources of promising ideas, to find new opportunities for the implementation of all plans. I also wish you absolute confidence, worthy victories, true respect and high prosperity in the new year.

Colleagues, Happy New Year of the Pig. I would like to wish you to always find a way out of any situation, to achieve success and recognition of your talent with every undertaking. May the coming year bring a lot of opportunities, ideas and success, may every day be a day of professionalism and significant achievement.

Dear Colleagues! I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - New Year! May this year bring you only happy moments, positive mood and success! I wish our joint work to be productive, efficient and successful, and our business to develop in the right direction, bringing profit to us and our clients!

I hasten to wish a Happy New Year to all those with whom I share my working days. Let our profession be always in demand and worthy of payment, the results of our work - obvious, and the contribution to the development of the Motherland - very significant. Happy New Year, ladies and gentlemen, with new happiness!

Dear colleagues! I congratulate you on the most anticipated holiday - New Year. As the clock strikes, I wish to remember all the pleasant things that happened last year and thank him. And in the coming year, take with you luck, prosperity and love. Let everything be fine both at work and at home!

I wish you, dear colleagues, in the midst of the New Year to catch luck by the tail and hold on tight until the next holiday! The very same get caught in the net of a happy fortune and not get out of it all the long and joyful life path! Happy New, certainly magical and sparkling, year to you!

Congratulations on your New Years, Person I share all business hours and lunch breaks with. Thank you for the kind working atmosphere, reliable support, calm working condition and confidence in achieving our goal. May your every working day be better than the previous one in the New Year, and each salary is higher every month.

Congratulations, my colleague, with a magical holiday New Year. I wish you to find inspiration for yourself under the holiday tree, creative ideas, healthy ambitions, financial prosperity, career growth and everything that makes our work a pleasure.

Colleagues, we are all in anticipation of the New Year, in anticipation of the upcoming holidays and the long-awaited weekend! But, besides this, we all, regardless of age in the soul, still believe in miracles. And I wish everyone - while the chimes are chiming, make one, or better, several desires at once. And let them come true, no matter how crazy and unreal they may seem at first glance. I wish you all healthy optimism and faith in the very best! May the coming year bring more positive emotions and make us all believe in miracles!

My dear colleagues at work, we have worked well and amicably this year! Thank you, on the other hand, that you accepted me well into your team and thanks to you I easily improved my professional level. I have found new and good friends among you. I want our team to be even stronger and more harmonious in the new year. So that our working hours bring only joy and pleasure! May our cooperation with you last for many more years, let us forgive each other mutual grievances, happiness in your family and in your work.

Colleagues, I wish you a Happy New Year. I wish you good health in the new year, and there will be health, there will be strength for work, and there will be work, there will be aspirations, and there will be aspirations, there will be successes, and there will be successes, there will be prosperity. Well, let Santa Claus give everyone happiness and love.

Corporate congratulations on the new year to colleagues

There could be no question of any success if our team had not got down to business! The time has come for annual reports, reconciliations, the approval of a business plan ... but behind all the figures and calculations there is the painstaking work of professionals, without whose skill no process can be imagined and no idea can be realized. The outgoing year was successful thanks to your knowledge and experience, patience and mutual assistance, ability to work in a team, respect for each other and dedication to a common cause! May the coming year be reliable and stable for you and your loved ones, and dreams and goals will find their embodiment! We wish your families peace and comfort! Your well-being is the key to our common success! Happy New Year, friends!

Dear and esteemed comrades-in-arms! Happy New Year! May it be even more fruitful and joyful than the past year. May all our plans come true, and every day will be successful both in the family and in work. Good luck, peace and kindness!

Dear Colleagues! Another year has come to an end! It's a bit of a pity, because those wonderful events that brought our team together are becoming a thing of the past. But do not be discouraged, because there is still a lot of new ahead that we have to go through together! May everything that comes in the New Year bring our team only changes for the better, prosperity and income growth! Happy new year dear friends!

When the old year leaves, we all feel sorry for something. But do not be sad, friends, after all, everything that has been lived remains in us forever. And let all the best that has been lived in the past year become a small spark compared to the bonfire of the bright events that await us in the coming year. Even if what we were afraid to dream about will wait for us in real life! Let every sparkler flow into the river of smiles and joy of our entire multinational Russian family!

The New Year is approaching decisively and irrevocably. Therefore, dear fellow friends, I wish you to put off the fuss, troubles and focus on your desires, because they will certainly come true! New bright victories to all of us in the old reliable team.

Dear Colleagues!
I think that many of you will meet the coming year at the festive table in the circle of your closest people, because the New Year is family holiday... I would like to raise a festive glass for warmth and comfort in your home, for peace and well-being in every family!
May the New Year be successful and fruitful for you! Happiness, festive mood, health, love to you and your loved ones!

Dear friends! The New Year is coming - a time of new hopes, successes and victories. What the coming year will be depends on each of us. Therefore, first of all, I want to wish you all faith in yourself and your strength, great achievements, discoveries and hopes. We will definitely bring them to life! Let the coming year only multiply the count of happy moments, people dear to you will be nearby, and the warmth of the family hearth will attract welcome guests. Encourage the tired, smile at those who are lonely - and life will repay you a hundredfold for your care. Please accept my heartfelt wishes for health, well-being, happiness and prosperity! Great mood and happy New Year holidays! Happy New Year!

Dear and dear colleagues! Last year we have conquered new heights! Today I want to wish you a Happy New Year! We look to the future with bright hopes, but in order for them to come true, it is necessary to make every possible effort. Remain positive, bright people in any work situation, no matter how difficult it may seem. Support your teammate with advice or help in your spare time! And may it always be warm and cozy in your house, so that you come to work with joy and shine in your eyes!

You can always find Happy New Year greetings to colleagues and partners in this section on the website. This holiday is one of the most anticipated. Many people start preparing for it a few months before and buy gifts. Do not forget about colleagues and postpone the preparation of wishes until the last moment. You can come up with New Year's greetings in prose to a colleague or copy ready-made versions from our website. A New Year's feast with loved ones is an obligatory ritual, but, as a rule, many gather and celebrate the holiday in advance with colleagues at work. Before a festive corporate event, prepare in advance cool congratulations for the team and colleagues. In this case, when the time comes for your toast-wishes, you will not fall "face down in the mud."

In order to perform well in front of colleagues at a festive corporate party, choose any short congratulations for the new year from this section. It will not be difficult to learn comic, funny, funny or beautiful rhymes. They are usually easy to remember. You can also send funny poems about the New Year for colleagues in the form of SMS if you cannot congratulate the person with whom you work side by side personally. He will still be pleased to receive a warm wish in the form of an SMS message, especially since it can be quite difficult to get through by telephone or mobile communication for the new year due to its congestion.

Happy New Year!
We wish you prosperity
Do not be afraid of competitors
And develop steadily.

Wonderful new perspectives
Interesting proposals.
So that financial income
Yours has grown over this year.

Many joyful events
Innovation and discovery.
Different risks to avoid
And to become even more successful.

We boldly confess to you:
We are glad to do business with you.
May the New Year come
Will bring you good luck!
Happy New Year.
We sincerely wish you:
May the whole next year
Prosperity brings.

Orders - only profitable,
And deals are only profitable,
Joint promotions,
A profitable investment.

And courage and prospects,
There was a friendly team.
And happiness, joy, kindness,
Life to be fun!
New Year is a miracle, New Year is magic
So let him give only good,
Illuminate you with hope, luck, success
And will give you health, fun and laughter.
It will be prosperous, happy for you,
Will bring your wishes come true now!
I want to wish you a Happy New Year
And I hasten to wish
Success, profit at work,
Great projects and ideas!

To make the work easy
The income is always big.
Let there be less controversy
In a huge business area!
May the New Year bring you
Prosperity and income.
May success accompany
So that you do not know the hindrances in anything.

May health be strong
The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
There is peace in the world, but harmony in families.
Raising all salaries.

A lot of strength and optimism,
Travel and tourism,
In the showers - sunny weather.
Everyone, colleagues, Happy New Year!
Colleagues, Happy New Year!
And if in the old something did not come true,
We do not diminish the level of desires,
So that Santa Claus tightened up.

May the coming year be great
The curve grows up on the chart,
The income will be decent and decent,
And life is without troubles and hindrances.

I wish you improvement and growth,
Less procrastination and problems
Difficult issues are easy to solve.
Happy New Year everyone! Happiness, peace to all!

Happy New Year to a colleague in prose

Dear partners! I sincerely want to wish you a Happy New Year! I wish this year to bring us new opportunities, fresh ideas and new perspectives. May the coming year bring good health, prosperity at work and happiness in your personal life! Happy Holidays!
Dear partners! I wish you in the New Year global projects worthy of competitors, new discoveries, innovative proposals, great development prospects, interesting ideas, financial stability and prosperity!
From the whole team, please accept my sincere New Year greetings. Your energy and enthusiasm energizes us. We admire your wisdom and discretion. Your will and desire to win gives us strength and helps to lead the team forward. We will try to meet your hopes and expectations. Together with you we will move towards our common goal. I wish you health, prosperity and success!

Dear (name, patronymic). Thank you for your noble work, patience and responsiveness. We are always happy to attend your lessons. Your professionalism makes each lesson interesting and memorable. We would like to wish you good health, optimism, good luck and good mood. Happy New Year!
I would like to personally wish everyone in the New Year perfect harmony. Harmony in everything - let nothing bother you, let everything that you do, that they do for you, let all the people with whom you communicate, will cause only positive things in you. Let all the most beautiful thing that happened to you - there was a black streak in your life, and in the new year there will be a new streak - a white one. And more - joy! And faith! And, of course, good luck, and if there is none, then hope! Happy New Year!
Dear colleagues, I am happy to congratulate all of you on the upcoming New Year holidays! I wish you great fun today, relax, chat in an informal atmosphere. May the friendly atmosphere prevailing here now remain unchanged during working hours. I believe that our close-knit team will show excellent results in the coming year and reach new heights. I wish everyone present interesting work, mutual understanding between managers and subordinates, income growth (both for the company as a whole and personal), and, of course, happiness, health and well-being!
Today we celebrate the coming New Year together. And on the eve of such a wonderful holiday, I want to wish all employees of our company a New Year's mood! Let harmony reign in your soul, let a smile shine on your face, let your heart rejoice. I wish the coming year to be no less successful than the past. Let all the bold plans come true, let the sales grow, let there be more good and different customers! I wish you all family well-being, financial stability, active workdays and exciting weekends and vacations!

We congratulate you on the New Year and, so as not to forget later, we congratulate you in advance on February 23, March 8, April 1, May 9, birthdays, September 1, November 7 and ... Happy next New Year. Till! We will write in a year! We!
May the next year bring prosperity and success to each of us, present new brilliant ideas and help to bring them to life. May peace and mutual understanding reign in our families, and the love of loved ones will warm with an invariable hot flame at any moment. Let's wish each other professional growth, optimism and self-confidence!

Funny congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

For the coming New Year
It's time for colleagues to wish
Less hard work
More pleasant salaries!

Let customers become smarter
The staff will be nice
Let the authorities praise, cherish,
And work will become easier than play!

Not only working success
Let Santa Claus carry in a sack,
And humor, joy, laughter,
And only the salary - seriously!
You are a bit tired -
We urgently need to rest!
Whatever you wish,
I want to say one thing -

Happy New, best year!
Even though he is still young
But we are already loved by the people,
Like a fairytale hero!

Let him bring, colleague,
Good luck and honor to you
And good from a big cart
Gives out very generously!
Snow was falling, blizzards were falling
And the frost deigned to joke -
We barely made it
On this New Year's holiday

Wish you happy days,
The mood is on the rise
Delicious honey gingerbread
And feedback at work!

May the New Year give you
Millions of positive
And it won't poison you with champagne,
Making life quite happy!
Happy New Year
Numerous colleagues,
New Year is a great holiday -
Time of joyful pleasures!

Time of holiday fireworks,
Fireworks, discos,
Everyone finds joy in him,
What he loves the most!

Santa Claus has been waiting for a long time
He has a heavy bag
Let the gifts be super!
Let them shock you!

Short congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Please accept Happy New Year greetings
And wishes for happiness and love.
In the next year, you will have more patience,
May good luck fill your days.
Honest, smart and reliable partners,
Do not deviate from the right path.
The contracts are profitable, and it is better to have more,
And to the goal to come to the intended purpose!
Our team is small,
But with a huge soul,
Will greet the New Year amicably,
What is knocking at the gate -
Santa Claus may not be stingy
For gifts. And seeks
Give a prize to everyone for a year,
So that the people are happy.
So that the team worked
Summer and winter
And so that everyone has enough strength
Be yourself!
Colleagues, we sincerely congratulate you
Happy New Years celebration!
We wish you success, joy,
May your home be filled with happiness!
May peace, prosperity, good luck
Accompanied on the path of life.
May it be happy - and never otherwise,
Your mornings, nights, days pass.
Colleagues! We worked together, I will not hide,
I go to work with joy,
And I really want to tell you at times:
I won't find any other like that anywhere!

May the New Year make your wishes come true
Good luck - will not bypass anyone!
We will fill our glasses with champagne,
Let's drain them now for the New Year!

Our whole fine team
Happy New Year!
And service prospects
We sincerely wish everyone!

Let the work succeed
And the salary is growing!
In personal life, everything will grow together,
And it will go as it should!

May hearts be filled with joy
Let the glasses fill with champagne
The fun has no end
Well, let the sadness have no beginning.

Let the night come like a wondrous dream
Let the New Year knock on you, colleagues,
Let him bring a fairy tale with him,
And all that was conceived, let it happen soon.

May the New Year bring you success,
And everyone will delight in a good mood,
Let only laughter sound in your houses,
And at work there will be only luck.

We did a great job in the old year,
They were not at all afraid of rapid take-offs,
And in the new, friends, deserved by right,
So that our dreams and desires come true!

Let's fill our glasses with sparkling wine
And I wish you all great victories.
May joy with success rush to you quickly
And life will be sweeter than a ton of candy!

All this difficult, painful year,
We were supported by one vegetable garden.
In a storm with a thunderstorm, we were together.
It costs two hundred for it.

I wish everyone a Happy New Year!
And, together with the white-bearded grandfather,
I wish you to reach the heights.
It is worth drinking five hundred for this.

Happy New Year!
I declare my wishes:
In our home office
May everyone be healthy!

I wish you guys
Salary increases
And a fast-paced career
Positive atmosphere.

Let the reports do not twist,
The reports will be easy.
We quickly catch the positive, -
Go to the corporation!

You are a top class team!
I insanely appreciate you
And I wish you New Year
Know no trouble

To live beautifully and with a soul,
And with a big salary!
So that both at home and in business
Everything turned out like in dreams!

So that success accompanies,
Protected from mistakes!

Happy New Year! With a positive!
I will tell you a secret -
What is friendlier than the team
Not in any office,
I wish you patience
Do not be sad and do not be ill,
And in a good mood
And work and rest!

Congratulations, colleagues,
After all, today is a new year!
May love, goodness and happiness
This holiday brings you!

Mood, jokes, joy
And a cheerful, ringing laugh
Let it come to you today
The main success in life!

Congratulations to the team Happy New Year 2019 comic

Happy new year
Your bosses from the bottom of your heart!
We wish you, colleagues,
Conquest of the peaks!

And gifts and surprises,
And good good days
Bonuses to you quarterly,
Anecdotes - funnier!

May you be lucky all the time
May peace reign in the family
Happy New Year!
Finally - a day off!

What can I say, dear employees?
Today I am not strict and formidable,
Indeed, in assignments, both in the easy ones, so in the difficult ones,
You were virtuoso for a whole year!

The past year was an excellent year,
Fruitful achievements at work.
I wish you personal success:
Let the New Year bring everything that you expect!

And at work - and so you are cool,
I don't know the team better!
And today, my dears,
Happy New Year, I congratulate you!

Colleagues, Happy New Year,
With the beginning of better days.
I wish you freedom
From evil, empty people!

May the salary rise
At least five times more,
So that you row with a shovel
All the money from the cash registers!

I also wish you happiness -
Big like an elephant
Decency of power,
Friends under a million!

We worked hard for a year
It's time to rest
Incredible corporate party,
We decided to organize!

And what would be more fun
And with a New Year's light,
We dressed everyone in advance,
Some goat, some goat.

At first, somehow everyone was ashamed,
And everyone behaved modestly,
And they drank and rushed to dance,
After all, the legs themselves carried everyone!

Well, in the morning the state
Someone cut off my horns
What happiness is it all
My head is back!

Smells like pine in the office
There is laughter and jokes in the offices.
Although you are busy people,
Take a moment for me.

Happy New Year! With a positive!
And I'll tell you a secret:
What is friendlier than the team
Not in any office.

I wish you patience
Do not be sad and do not be ill,
And in a good mood
Worker day to begin!

Happy New Year! Let it rush
A sea of ​​joy, warmth,
Will throw good luck under your feet,
A bunch of tenderness, kindness.

May a whole broom of success
In New Year's magic
Will drag a bag of money
Happiness will hit on the head!

Gathered in the hall for a reason
Our close-knit team,
Today we celebrate the holiday, -
Weekend announcing.

Happy New Years, colleagues!
May there be no black days
So that money falls on you
In the alley, hurry up.

So that customers come
Without boring and whining,
To be thanked
And they loved like themselves.

To last year's snow
Swept away the melancholy, sorrow
So that on New Year's Eve
Everything has come true, what we dreamed of!

Happy New Year 2019 to the team in prose

Dear team, I wish you a Happy New Year. Thank you for your support, understanding and help in difficult situations. I wish you success in your business, optimism, health and sunny, joyful days. Let happiness, love and care surround you, and let problems bypass!

Dear colleagues, in the New Year I would like to wish you professional and creative success, mutual understanding and respect in the team, worthy rewards for your work. May peace and tranquility reign in your families, and let troubles pass by. Be healthy, loved and happy!

My dear and respected colleagues, I wish you all a Happy New Year. May good luck and happiness knock on everyone's door this New Year. May each of you fulfill your cherished dream and achieve your goals. Let your soul be joyful and fun. Let your family and friends always be around. Hooray!

Dear, my employees! May luck, joy and fun come to us along with the New Year. I wish you income growth, love and happiness! I am sure that in our team there will definitely be big changes for the better, which will have a beneficial effect both on our work and on our financial condition! May it be so! Happy New Year!

Congratulations to our valiant and close-knit team! May each of us in the New Year receive everything that he desires, dreams of and sees in best dreams! May your families be happy, may your projects be successful, may your work be a joy. I wish you health, energy, optimism, harmony and always good mood!

Dear, beloved, relatives and friends of my people - colleagues! You and I spend so much time at work that sometimes we are closer to each other than family! I wish you such great success and such a lot of money in the new year that you have enough for everything you dream of! May, in addition to material well-being, your inner world be filled with joy, peace, bliss and happiness! Love you - strong, faithful and very tender, and friendship - strong and reliable. Inspirational everyday life for you and happy Holidays! Peace to your families, good health to close and dear people!

Happy New Year, dear colleagues! May this year, like a breath of fresh inspiration, bring you many ideas, suggestions, may all steps and undertakings on your part be crowned with success! We wish you healthy stubbornness, inexhaustible energy, endless enthusiasm and, of course, as an assessment of your decent work, financial well-being!