Astrological gifts: products as a gift with the zodiac sign. Gifts and astrology What to give to an astrologer

Among your relatives or friends there is an astrologer or a person who is interested in astrology, and you don’t know what to give him?

Don't be upset, better check out our top best gifts for astrologers, among them there is definitely what you need.

  1. Clock with symbols of the zodiac signs. For a friend's birthday, buy a stylish watch with symbols of all twelve zodiac signs. Both wall-mounted and , the main thing is that the product looks decent.
    We advise you to take a closer look at wooden wall clocks; they look very unusual, but at the same time beautiful. If you choose a wristwatch, then in addition to the design, pay attention to the quality of the case and the presence of additional protection, such as shockproof and waterproof coating.
  2. Thematic. We recommend giving your work colleague an original themed figurine. Give preference to figurines made of bronze; their price is much lower than silver ones, and they look no worse. It is best to choose a figurine with the symbol of the zodiac sign of the hero of the occasion. If you don’t know under what constellation the birthday person was born, then simply calculate it based on his date of birth; numerous tables on the Internet will help you with this.
  3. . For an astrology lover, buy a pendant with a constellation. A young girl will definitely like such a gift, so you can give it to your other half on the anniversary of your relationship or on Valentine's Day. It would be great if you buy a gold or silver pendant and have a commemorative engraving on it. Good and interesting option present:
  4. "Constellation". Buy for mom on March 8 original painting. The image in the picture can be anything, the main thing is that it is related to astrology. To make the gift look more unusual, choose a picture from unconventional material, for example from rhinestones, threads, coffee beans or.
  5. Zodiac lamp. Unusual lamp will decorate the astrologer's bedroom. Such a gift is equally good for both men and women, especially since there are a huge number of design variations. If you don’t see anything remarkable in a regular store, then visit online stores, you’ll definitely find something interesting there.
  6. "Star Map". Buy a themed umbrella as a gift for your astrologer wife. And so that your wife doesn’t immediately guess what you gave her, pack your surprise in an unusual way; fortunately, there are a lot of packaging variations, some of which are quite within the capabilities of a novice needleworker.
  7. Glowing wallpaper. You can surprise your daughter or son who is interested in astrology by hanging luminous wallpaper in his room. Of course, you need to choose wallpaper that matches the theme. If glowing wallpaper is too much for you, then you can make a glowing ceiling, it won't be as grandiose, but still very beautiful.
  8. "Starry Sky". An inexpensive, but still worthwhile gift that can be given. And if you want to surprise your spouse, then try painting the cup yourself. To do this, buy a black mug and a special thermal marker (white), which is not afraid high temperatures, which means it is suitable for drawing on this kind of products. You can buy a marker at an art salon.
  9. . For your girlfriend, buy a cool themed case, maybe with phosphorus. Indescribable delight and pleasant surprise are guaranteed. By the way, if you were unable to find such a case in the store, then just make individual order On the Internet, many sites deal with such orders. Such a case will cost a little more than a regular one, but it is exclusive, and that in itself is cool.
  10. . For parents who work in the field of astrology, give bed linen with a star chart for their wedding anniversary, they will definitely be pleased.

To summarize, I would like to add that you should choose thematic packaging for the chosen surprise. Since this topic is quite popular now, you can easily find a suitable wrapper, in otherwise can be painted

What to give to an astrologer, numerologist or parapsychologist? Representatives of these professions seem to others to be very mysterious natures. Of course, people who choose such an unusual line of work are always special, so gifts for them should be appropriate. We choose 13 of the most interesting gifts for a person who knows everything about others.

1. Large atlas or moving star map


A large astronomical atlas is one of the most necessary things for a person who “reads” the destinies of people from the stars and planets. Pay attention not only to beautiful design, but also on the content of the atlas. It is desirable that this be a recent publication with the most detailed maps, individual descriptions of constellations, diagrams of the positions of the planets for the coming years, and other useful information.

A more “advanced” version of the atlas is a moving star map, which allows you to simulate the real position of celestial bodies at a certain point in time. Using such a map, you can accurately determine what the location of the stars was exactly 1,000 years ago or what it will be tomorrow. To do this, it is enough to combine the symbols on the moving circle and on the map itself in a certain way.

2. Books on astrology, numerology and


Thematic literature is a very useful gift, since introduction to science always begins with theory. Of course, you shouldn’t give an astrologer ordinary collections of horoscopes, because any practicing astrologer knows much more than what is told in such books. But serious publications compiled by professionals and for professionals are a very worthy gift.

A special place on an astrologer’s shelf can be occupied by the publication of ancient treatises on the influence of stars on people’s destinies. For example, “Astronomy” by Marcus Manilius is the oldest treatise on astrology, which was compiled at the beginning of the 1st century AD. e.

And for those who are just starting to master astrology or numerology, a good tutorial will be very useful (such books are easy to find in gift editions).

3. Luminous wall star map

A luminous wall map will be, above all, a wonderful decoration for your office. A special fluorescent layer applied to the card accumulates sunlight during the daytime. And at night, the constellations begin to shine with a beautiful blue-green light . This thing can also be useful to an astrologer in his work, because the location of celestial objects is reflected here with high accuracy.

4. Tarot card set

Sooner or later, everyone involved in the occult sciences develops an interest in Tarot cards. However, this is not a gift for everyone. Working with Tarot is quite difficult - to interpret the symbols you need to have some experience and extraordinary intellectual abilities. Therefore, it is advisable to give them to an experienced astrologer who is not averse to mastering some new direction. By the way, the range of Tarot cards is now simply huge, so it is best if the recipient himself chooses the deck he likes.

Tarot is the most famous card for fortune telling, but other decks are also popular among astrologers. For example, “Simbolon” ​​(they are also called “astrological Tarot”) is a deck that was created to determine the psychological type of a person and work with repressed memories. This system is based on basic astrological symbols. Such cards will teach you to better understand the abstract language of astrology, conduct a deep personality analysis and make better predictions.

5. Globe

For a person who comprehends the secrets of cosmic harmony, a globe is quite suitable as a symbolic gift. But not an ordinary geographical globe, but a decorative one, for example, stylized as antique instruments. The “Armillary Sphere” model looks very unusual and expensive - the invention of this astronomical instrument is attributed to the ancient Greek geometer Eratosthenes.

“Glucophone” is a collective name for melodic steel drums. This instrument both looks and sounds unusual. Outwardly, it resembles a small flying saucer, and in sound it is a bit like the ringing of bells or a harp. You don't have to be a musician to play the glucophone - mastering this instrument is very simple. Glucophones are popular among people involved in meditation and esoteric practices, as its cosmic sound creates a unique atmosphere.

7. Pendant with the image of the ruling constellation

For a person who practices astrology or numerology, his “lucky” numbers and symbols have a special meaning. So why not give a symbol of its ruling constellation that will bring good luck? Classic pendants depicting zodiac signs are gradually going out of fashion. Today you can more often find decorations in the form of constellations, which look more elegant and unusual.

As for other talismans, there is no need to rush into purchasing them. The true meaning of many symbols is completely or not fully known to most people, while astrologers take them more seriously. Give jewelry with complex symbols only if the recipient himself has expressed a desire to receive them.

8. Home planetarium

A compact planetarium will certainly be a very unexpected surprise that will delight a person of any age. Modern optics in such devices will pleasantly surprise even those who are well versed in star maps. A high-quality and very realistic image of the starry sky, which the device transmits to the ceiling, includes thousands of stars, several dozen constellations and, of course, the Milky Way. The position of the stars can change in accordance with the date and time of day, and some devices also have a pleasant sound.

An inexpensive but similar option is a starry sky projector. Yes, a small projector does not allow you to admire the almost real thing on the ceiling starry sky, but it will definitely create a fascinating atmosphere in the room. This gift will especially appeal to young girls who are not only interested in astrology, but also like to surround themselves with unusual things.

9. Wall clock or lamp in the shape of the moon

A wall lamp in the shape of the Moon will definitely find its place in the astrologer’s home. This accessory will create a mysterious and romantic atmosphere in the bedroom, and can successfully fit into the interior of the office, among the star charts. Such a home Moon can shine differently every day, wax and wane - it all depends on which phase of the lunar cycle has been established.

10. Astrological puzzles

A person who is prone to thinking in silence will get great pleasure from assembling a large and incredibly beautiful puzzle with a cosmic pattern. Pay attention to Ravensburger or Eurographics puzzles - among them there are huge and very complex puzzles with thousands of pieces and incredibly colorful landscapes.

If your astrologer friend lives in a private house or has a garden, then he will certainly be pleased with the sundial. For a person whose work is related to planets and numbers, they will become a symbolic gift. Especially if such watches have a suitable design: you can find products with the image of the zodiac circle or with an unusual three-dimensional design. This is a rather rare thing that can not be found in every home, and such an original approach will certainly be appreciated.

12. Glowing umbrella

A familiar item with an unusual design is just what a representative of a rare profession needs. This is both a beautiful and practical gift. The umbrella is equipped with external lighting and a flashlight built into the handle (both battery operated). Small diodes on the dome of this umbrella will glow in the dark, like a piece of the starry sky.

Astrologers are romantic and mysterious people. They talk to the stars and reveal the secret knowledge of the Universe to mere mortals. If there is a representative of this profession in your environment, you are lucky. After all, sometimes the heavenly bodies can provide answers to all your pressing questions and help where the usual ways of solving problems are powerless.

In order to thank the astrologer for his help or congratulate him on the holiday, you will have to show a rich imagination and think carefully about the gift. These people do not tolerate trivial things. To surprise them, you need to try really hard.

Surprises for homebody astrologers

The life of an astrologer, like any other people, is closely connected with everyday life. They also go shopping, decorate their home and appreciate the warmth of the hearth. And if the recipient of the gift is also a very practical person, it is better to give him:

  • soft cozy blanket in pleasant shades of blue and purple, which will warm you with its warmth after a hard day at work;
  • a tea set decorated with paintings in the form of constellations;
  • collection different varieties tea and coffee in a beautiful tin box or a set of unusual oriental spices;
  • cutting board with a map of the solar system printed on it,
  • a plant that is designed to create an ideal microclimate in the house, in a beautiful flowerpot - coffee tree, spathiphyllum, myrtle, laurel, lemon;
  • table lamp interesting design;
  • a painting on canvas or a triptych with an image on a professional theme.

These gifts will make the home even more comfortable and will be appreciated by the astrologer and will take their rightful place in his home.

Attention to details

Life is made up of details, so every part of the image and environment must be carefully thought out. And astrologers are very attentive to details, so as a gift you can choose:

  • a beautiful diary and a stylish pen for it;
  • exquisite case for glasses;
  • mp3 player with meditative music recorded on it;
  • unusual case for a smartphone or tablet;
  • Keychain with amazing design;
  • a stole for a female astrologer or a neckerchief for a man, always silk, hand-painted;
  • wrist watch with engraving so as not to be late for important meetings;
  • a pendant with the constellation of the recipient of the gift or with a stone corresponding to the zodiac sign;
  • sleep mask with “space” print;
  • umbrella with astrological symbols.

Such cute gifts will emphasize your care for the gift recipient and show that you know the person very deeply and think outside the box.

Star surprises

If you want to emphasize the recipient’s profession with your gift, you can choose something that will directly or indirectly emphasize his affiliation with astrology:

  • projector starry sky;
  • constellation map;
  • an antique-style globe with a minibar inside;
  • home telescope;
  • evidence that a star in the Universe is named after the recipient of the gift;
  • certificate for a trip to the planetarium;
  • Flight to hot-air balloon on a clear cloudless night;
  • book on the history of astrology.

When choosing such a surprise, it is important to remember that you should not go deep into this activity and try to give something purely professional. After all, it is quite difficult for an outsider who does not have sufficient knowledge to choose manuals and scientific works on astrology. The same applies to attributes that are necessary for astrological calculations.

Fragrant surprises

In modern astrology, fragrances are very closely related to the signs of the Zodiac, the planets of the solar system and the Universe as a whole, so the following would be appropriate as a gift:

  • perfume, the pyramid of which corresponds to the zodiac sign of the recipient of the gift;
  • aroma lamp and set of incense;
  • natural soap self made with a refined aroma;
  • aromatic sachet with dry Provençal herbs;
  • hookah or smoking pipe and several types of tobacco.

You should not give heavy aggressive scents, unless the person for whom the gift is chosen is an ardent fan of them.

Flower astrology

Any gift for both a woman and a man will ideally complement the bouquet. And since its recipient will be an astrologer, you need to know which flowers are suitable specifically for his zodiac sign:

  1. - roses, peonies, chrysanthemums, gladioli, daffodils.
  2. - lilies of the valley, lilacs, orchids, tulips.
  3. - orchids, roses, anthurium, daffodils, freesias.
  4. - callas, irises, lilacs, geraniums, roses.
  5. - tulips, lilies of the valley, orchids, gladioli.
  6. - hyacinths, roses, gerberas, daisies, asters, chrysanthemums.

New Year is just around the corner. Have you already thought about what gift to give to your dear people? Astrology will help you with this. You cannot find out the birth time of everyone you know, but finding the date is not a problem. Therefore, we can build a cosmogram of a person and understand which elements are expressed in him. The severity of the elements, as well as the position of Venus, will tell you what gifts the owner of the horoscope prefers by date of birth. The position of the luminaries and their connection with the Planets is also important.


A person has a strongly expressed earth element - the signs Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo. It is best to give him money. Of course, everyone needs money during a crisis, but these people especially. If you still decide to give a gift, then it should be practical. So that it will definitely come in handy. Men will receive gifts related to money in one way or another - a wallet, a money holder, a purse, a connection between a gift and a car, banal shaving products. Especially if Venus is in earth signs. For example, . For women, any practical household items depending on your budget. Also, many women with a pronounced earthy personality simply adore jewelry and status gifts. If your friend has Venus in the sign of Libra or Taurus, try to decorate the gift beautifully and expensively. If you are giving a phone, then an iPhone is better; if you are giving a ring, then it is gold.


People with a pronounced element of water in the natal chart - the signs Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - have good intuition and are dreamy. Gifts that are a little fabulous will suit them. Even if you give an ordinary gift, it is important to design it in an unusual way. Unlike earth signs, where strict design is better. Often such people are interested in music and love listening to it.

for those who want to master astrology quickly

Therefore, any gifts where you can listen to music and accessories are suitable - telephone, MP3 player, headphones, microphone. People with strongly expressed water in the horoscope have a vivid imagination. Therefore, a camera, video camera, telephone with good quality A video would be very helpful. For girls who are interested in esotericism and fortune-telling, amulets and so on will do. Such people are romantics. Therefore, flowers, sweets, romantic gifts, surprises for girls will be a wonderful choice.


Fire is the most active element in the horoscope. People in expressed fire i.e. The signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius in the natal chart, as a rule, do not sit in one place. Men often become businessmen and connect their lives with an active profession. Movement is energy. Any gift must be related to activity. For men, depending on their hobby, they can choose a ball, a paintball gun or a pneumatic gun, or any gift for active recreation and hobbies. It is better to make a gift in bright colors. Suitable for women bright gifts. If you are giving accessories, such as a phone case, it should not be gray. Red flowers and sweets also work well. Strong Sagittarians will receive gifts from abroad.


The element of air in the dough horoscope is associated with information. Let me remind you that these are the signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Love with a pronounced air element, any information keepers and transmitters are suitable. Internet access is also a priority for them. Flash drive, phone, tablet, even an old one good book you'll like it. Of course, it is better to first find out from the owner of the cosmogram - does he like to read? and what books. Webcam, Air, more than other elements, is associated with society. Therefore, if you don’t know what to give, give those gifts that are popular in society, that everyone gives. Don't make things up. You will have to invent for people with a pronounced water element.

Conjunction of the Sun with the Higher Planets

If your friend has a pronounced Aquarius conjunction between the Sun and Uranus, it is better to give gifts related to new technologies and computers. If the Sun is in conjunction with Neptune or the sign of Pisces is expressed, men will like a beautiful lighter or a bottle of expensive cognac. Romantic surprises are more suitable for women. When the Sun is conjunct Pluto or the sign of Scorpio is expressed - good gift underwear for a woman, just consult her first. They will also enjoy everything secret and extreme - for example, a parachute jump, an unexpected trip. Men will love various guns, knives, and, of course, their Beloved. It’s not for nothing that the sign of Scorpio is associated with sex.

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