How to find out that he is in love with. Signs of a man in love, or how to understand that he is in love with you, even if he hides his feelings

Hello dear readers. In this article we will talk about how to understand that a boy, boyfriend or man has fallen in love with you. You will know what manifestations indicate the emergence of such a feeling in males. You will learn how to understand that this is not love at all, but a simple attraction.

Characteristic signs

  1. The young man behaves strangely in your presence. He can turn into a completely opposite person. If previously he was quiet and calm, now he will become arrogant and even boorish. At the same time, the joker and the merry fellow can turn into a quiet one. This is due to the fact that a man is embarrassed to show his feelings.
  2. A woman regularly feels the gaze of a young man on herself. When he notices that he is looking, the man immediately looks away. You can ask your friends to see how often the young man glances at you. Only this must be done so that the guy does not see that he has become an object of observation. You can also independently determine whether they are looking at you or not. For example, a test with a mirror: use it supposedly to correct your hair, and see for yourself where the guy is looking.
  3. You have started to intersect too often. A young man in love will look for a meeting with you, will start walking wherever you are in order to once again admire the object of his sympathy.
  4. A guy who has an interest in a girl will definitely show his concern for her. She will begin to offer her help, she will worry about her well-being.
  5. Young people, as a rule, remember only the information that is really important to them. They often forget the dates of birth even of their loved ones. A man in love will definitely remember which zodiac sign the girl belongs to when she was born.
  6. The guy, having heard that his beloved young lady is going to the theater, cinema or for a Saturday work, will postpone all his affairs and will also go there.
  7. When he loves, he begins to talk on topics that are interesting to the girl herself, touching on her hobbies. Surely he made inquiries in advance, found out what exactly she was interested in. He tries to get closer in this way.
  8. Looking at such a young man, you can see that he began to take care of himself, always thinking about what kind of hairstyle he has, what kind of outfit he should wear. Now it is very important for him. In addition, he can sign up for a gym, wanting to adjust his figure in order to become attractive to his chosen one.
  9. Love inspires a young man. He will try to become better in all areas of his life, he will be engaged in self-development. He will do his best to make the right impression on the girl.
  10. A man in love will not notice the capricious behavior of his chosen one. She will seem to him an ideal companion, the best and most beautiful.
  11. Men greatly value their independence, they do not let anyone into their personal space. However, in a situation where true love takes place, he is sure to get closer to the object of his sympathy. Very soon he will want to introduce the girl to his friends, relatives
  12. A guy in love is ready to make sacrifices for the sake of his chosen one.
  13. Such a young man would never hurt his beloved. He will ponder his every action, so as not to upset her even indirectly and not alienate her.
  14. The guy happily listens to everything the girl is talking about, even if the topic is not interesting to him. This is due to the fact that he wants to show his interest in the chosen one.
  15. You can hear many compliments from a guy in love. Moreover, these will not be some banal memorized phrases.
  16. You can hear personal questions from such a guy. The young man is very interested in his chosen one, so he wants to learn as much as possible about her.
  17. The guy makes plans for the future, even for the near future. For example, a classmate invites to go to the cinema in the evening, having purchased tickets.

We had a romantic story at the university. The student fell in love with his classmate. He constantly surrounded her with his care, helped with homework, tried to improve her knowledge. When she came under criticism from teachers or classmates, the young man always stood up for her. The girl did not notice this or took it for granted. So his love remained a secret until the end of his studies. And only after graduation, when the whole group went to celebrate the graduation from the university, he still dared to confess his feelings and offered to meet. The girl was very surprised, she did not expect this, and asked to think. I did not sleep all night, replaying everything that happened during my university years. I was amazed at myself, as I had not noticed the feelings of a classmate before. She liked the guy, so she agreed to a relationship. And after six months they got married.

Or maybe it's just attraction

It is important that a girl can distinguish between true love and passionate love. What are the signs that a man is attracted to you?

  1. When communicating, he copies your every movement, even the way you touch your hair or straighten your clothes. Does it unconsciously.
  2. During the conversation, the man tries to get as close as possible. He may lower his voice or try to whisper something in his ear.
  3. Begins to show his best sides, especially his appearance.
  4. Begins to play with some round object that came to his hand. It could be an orange or a tennis ball. This behavior is unconscious. In addition, he can keep his hands in his pockets with his thumb out. These are signs that a man is sexually attracted.

How to check a guy

  1. When a young man is in love, he shows generosity towards his beloved. For her, he does not feel sorry for anything. The check can take place in this way: passing by a store, a girl must casually say how long she has dreamed of buying this or that thing. If a man is in love, he will definitely make this purchase for the sake of his beloved. Moreover, it is not necessary that it be something expensive, it can be a teddy bear or even a box of chocolates.
  2. Loyalty check. If there is such an opportunity, then you need to watch the guy when he is in a cafe or in another institution where there are many young girls. You need to pay attention to how he looks at them. In addition, you can voice a compliment to the alleged rival, see the guy's reaction. If he glances briefly at a stranger or does not turn his head in her direction at all, then he is not interested in anyone except you.
  3. Check for mutual assistance. If a man is not indifferent to you, he will want to show his concern, he will help you carry the bag and paint the door, even if he is very busy.

Everyone knows the banal truth that a woman loves with her ears. This is true. I'd love to hear compliments and words of love from the guy we liked! But men, unfortunately, are not always in a hurry to talk about their feelings. And we girls only have to guess what is going on there, inside, behind a wide and rock-solid chest.

Fortunately, there are several surefire ways to figure out if a guy is in love or not. Yes, a man may not speak directly about his feelings. But his eyes, voice, gestures and demeanor will tell many more words. And learning to read a man's soul is not so difficult.

A man's behavior is a mirror of his real motives. If a guy is not indifferent to you, he will definitely do the following things:

1. Make frequent calls

Of course, not all men behave the same. A confident guy is easier to call than someone who is very shy. But even a timid young man will find at least a couple of questions or topics for a telephone conversation. Even if he cannot say anything sensible into the phone, he will embarrassedly apologize for the concern.

2. Always make time for you

If you suddenly need help, your boyfriend will agree to come to the rescue. If he is in love, he will worry about your problems, delve into the difficult situation you are in, listen carefully, give advice and, of course, help.

If a guy is indifferent, he will find a thousand reasons why he is forced to leave you in a difficult moment (his mother suddenly fell ill, the boss called, the car broke down, etc.).

3. Admire you

Usually men do not notice what we are wearing or how our hair is done. But a guy in love always thinks that you look amazing. He does not always manage to express his admiration in the form of compliments (after all, not all men know how to say them, plus some are hindered by embarrassment). But he will "devour" you with his eyes and in no case will he say that the dress does not suit you, and his lips are painted too brightly.

A guy who has true feelings will never hesitate to show you to his friends or family. On the contrary, he will be proud to present to the whole world the object of his sincere adoration.

The look of a guy in love

Eyes are a mirror of the soul. This truth can also serve as a weapon in secret women's intelligence. You can tell from a man's eyes whether he has an interest in you or not.

For example, a guy looks directly at you, without looking away or wandering around his face and body. Such direct visual contact "eye to eye" is interpreted in two ways: a man can see an enemy in you, or, on the contrary, is head over heels in love. In order not to be mistaken, look at his pupils: if they are narrowed, the guy is tense and preparing for protection, if slightly enlarged, he is very interested in you, but if they are greatly dilated, he experiences sexual desire.

An indifferent guy will look at the ceiling, at the front doors of the cafe, at the adjacent tables, etc., unable to hide his boredom.

But if a guy looks at the floor, occasionally deciding to raise his eyes at you, he may be very in love, but terribly embarrassed.

Another interesting feature of the male gaze: if a guy looks at you, but his gaze is constantly shifting from his face to his shoulders, neck, chest and other parts of the body, then he is most likely just experiencing a strong sexual attraction to you.

A guy in love usually can't take his eyes off your face. He seems to be trying to memorize every line, examine every eyelash and not miss the slightest lip movement. He intuitively looks for the answer in your face to his question: do you like him.

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Gestures and facial expressions

Many books have been written about non-verbal signs. Sign language speaks ten times more words about us to those who understand it. It is not for nothing that at an interview, an attentive recruiter not only listens to your confession about yourself, but observes how you sit, where you put your hands, do not fiddle with objects, etc. By these non-verbal signals, he will know whether you are fit for the position or no, even before you finish the monologue.

So it is on the love front: a guy may try to hide his interest from you (for example, because of embarrassment or fear of rejection), but his body and face betray him headlong. When a man is in love, he doesn't notice what his hands are doing:

  • fiddling with a tie or buttons;
  • smooth hair;
  • twist the ear;
  • scratching the cheek, etc.

Often a guy in love, looking into your face, involuntarily copies your facial expressions or gestures while you tell him something:

  • frowns if you are not happy;
  • smiles if he sees a smile on your face (and not because you are telling a funny joke);
  • nods his head at the same time as you;
  • even waves his hand when you greet your acquaintances passing by, whom he sees for the first time.

This behavior may seem distracted, but in fact, it is a strong sign that the guy is very in love.

If we talk about facial expressions, then a guy in love raises his eyebrows and keeps his eyes wide open. When talking to you, it is difficult for him to control his emotions enough to carelessly squint and wink, as heroes from films do.

The voice also serves as a kind of detector. Usually a man who is interested in you "sits down": very low overtones appear or becomes hoarse, as if the guy's mouth was dry. In addition, the voice becomes muffled, sometimes turning into an intimate, intriguing half-whisper.

How to check if a guy is in love

There are a few more female tricks on how to unobtrusively find out how a guy is serious about you:

1. Check it out for generosity

Any girl likes to be presented with gifts. It's always nice. Even if this is not a Chanel bag for a fabulous price, but just a small chocolate bar that "accidentally" ended up in his coat pocket.

You can specifically check the guy's generosity by walking past the counter where you liked some cute little thing and show interest in it. If your boyfriend is in love, he will rush to acquire the item of your attention and give it to you.

2. Check it for loyalty

In the cafe where you settled down to have a cup of coffee, draw his attention to any pretty girl in the hall. Say she has nice shoes or hair. And see how long the guy stares at the stranger (and if he turns his head at all).

If your companion is in love with you, he will either show no interest in the other at all, or glance at her with an absent-minded glance, hurrying to return to communication with you.

3. Check for willingness to help

A man interested in you will surround you with care. He will be only too glad when you ask him to carry a heavy bag or paint a door. Even if he is very busy, he will take time to show you that he is serious.

Signs of a guy in love

So, let's summarize the signs that will indicate to us the true feelings of the guy:

  1. He will always find time to call, meet, help and just listen.
  2. He does not hide you from his friends and family.
  3. He can't take his eyes off your face. At the same time, his eyes shine, and his pupils are slightly dilated.
  4. His facial expressions and gestures sometimes reflect your own. Thus, he empathizes with your emotions. Or the guy just listens to you with a slightly open mouth and wide eyes.
  5. His voice, when he talks to you, becomes low and muffled.
  6. He only looks at you. He is not interested in the beauties passing by.
  7. He is generous and helpful to you.

Find out what other signals that a guy is in love with from the video.

How to understand that a man is in love - The main signs of falling in love

Why men hide their feelings: possible reasons

- Why men hide their feelings: possible reasons
- Is the guy in love or just passionate
- Six signs of a man in love
- How to understand that a man has fallen in love: relationship analysis
- Conclusion

Here are some of the most common reasons men tend to hide their feelings:

1. He has a girlfriend or wife.
The most common and common reason. The guy already has someone and he does not want to break off a comfortable relationship for the sake of another girl, even if he really loves her.

2. In the male world it is customary to be restrained, to be able to control oneself and one's emotions.
Showing interest or love means showing weakness for a young person. He has no right to be weak under any circumstances. It's different for women. When a guy is interesting to us, we try to show it.

A man, on the other hand, prefers to do everything consistently and does not waste his energy on silly fantasies. Even if the relationship does not go beyond the intimate, he will be restrained in showing his interest.

3. Bad experience.
Having gone through a difficult breakup, men do not seek to re-tie themselves in any way. It is much easier for them to meet without being constrained by any obligations. Some even become reclusive.

4. A man lives alone for a very long time.
He is independent, his own master. He is so used to it, he is so comfortable. Therefore, he begins to perceive a woman as something capable of disrupting his established life. For her sake, the guy will have to change his foundations, habits, but he does not want to do this.

5. He is not sure about his feelings.
Or maybe this is not love at all, but just fleeting sympathy? Then why find it? It will pass, and that's the end of it. And we women, suffer, suffer, think what is going on in his head.

6. A man is subject to stereotypes.
For some reason, in their male world, it is believed that the more restrained and colder a young man behaves, the more a woman will fall in love with him. This is actually a big mistake. Do not overuse indifference, no matter how persistent your principles are.

7. The guy is afraid of rejection.
The young man thinks, is it necessary to take the first step? What if he's not good? What if the sympathy is not mutual? Even confident men can be timid and shy at such a moment. In this case, they prefer to be silent and pretend that the girl is indifferent.

Is the guy in love or just infatuated?

Sexual attraction is an integral part of love. This is a chemistry that arises between two people, the nature of which scientists are trying to figure out, but they still cannot figure it out to the end, so that they can give out a ready-made formula.

If you feel and notice that a man is attracted to you, it's very good, because this purely physical feeling has every chance of developing into something more. Attraction is a great signal, because a man cannot love a woman he does not want, but wanting does not mean love yet. You should not delude yourself especially.

Passion for you can have a purely sports interest for a man, and when the trophy is in the hands of the winner, all interest can come to naught. If a man to whom you are not indifferent wants intimacy with you, this is certainly a reason for joy. If you are desirable, you are a happy woman, but if you are looking for true love, and not entertainment for a couple of nights, do not rush to rush into the flame of passions.

Six signs of a man in love

One of the most obvious signs that a man is in love is the style of his dress.

If a guy's feelings are serious, he will start to care about how you like him: he will quickly change his usual clothes, which are more simple comfortable than beautiful, for more stylish and fashionable ones.

He will be pulled stealthily to glance at you all the time.

He will admire you when he is sure that you are not watching him, and if you do catch his gaze, he will look away and may even be embarrassed. This is a good sign, he really loves and constantly admires and admires you.

If you fall into the trap of any problem, emotional, physical, financial or any other plan, he offers you his help.

He loves talking to you, loves spending time together.

Guys love to chat with people they really like, especially if they're of the opposite sex. And if he loves you, then he will always want to discuss with you some exciting event or news.

He likes to appear with you in front of friends or colleagues.

Definitely, if a man does not love a girl, then he will not "introduce" her into his social circle. He would prefer to meet with her away from the eyes of his friends and relatives. If a man does not want to appear with you in front of his acquaintances, then he, most likely, simply uses you to pass the time pleasantly once or twice.

A man in love will not insist on sex.

A man who has true feelings for a woman will always reckon with your emotions and feelings; in addition, he will never insist on sex at the very beginning of the relationship and will patiently wait until you yourself are ready for it.

How to understand that a man has fallen in love: relationship analysis

He wants to be with Her.
When a man is in love, he not only wants, but wants as much and more often just to be close to his beloved woman, seeks contact with her, tries to catch her eye more often. For a loving man, it is important not only bodily, but also spiritual closeness with a woman.

A man in love wants to know as much as possible about his beloved: how she lives, how she breathes, what she loves. If a man is looking for a woman's company not only for the sake of her body and physical intimacy, chances are high that this is indeed love.

A man in love is generous and caring.
This is not only about material generosity, although this, of course, should also be present, since we still live in the material world.

If a man is in love, and even more so if he loves, he spares no affection, no kisses, no warm words, no time, no attention for his beloved.

Only very mercantile and empty persons who are interested neither in the man himself, nor in the thickness of his wallet can satisfy with only expensive gifts and material benefits.

No matter how busy and busy his work schedule is, a man in love will certainly carve out a minute for his beloved, because there is no one dearer and dearer to him in the world.

If a man is ready to adjust to your mood, if he is sincerely happy when he succeeds in calming, surprising, comforting, delighting or protecting you, you can be calm and confident that you are loved.

The lover lets the woman into his life.
Representatives of the stronger sex value their independence very much, they are great individualists and react extremely painfully to any restrictions and attempts to invade personal space. But if a man is really in love, he will easily let you into his life, you will not have to take anything by storm, all doors will open before you by themselves.

If a man is ready to share his personal space with you, if he allows you to run his house and even encourages it, if he is not annoyed by the tampons stored next to his shaving cream, this says a lot.

A man in love is ready to let his beloved woman into his life much deeper than just letting her run a joint household: he introduces her to his parents and friends, he shares and makes plans with her, begins to think about creating a family and children.

If all this is present in your relationship, this is a clear sign of the seriousness of the man's intentions.

A loving man is ready to make sacrifices.
Serious relationships and living together require certain sacrifices and concessions on both sides. The willingness to make concessions and sacrifice something for the sake of another person speaks of love. However, the sacrifices must be reasonable.

If a person begins to radically change his beloved or beloved, in fact he loves his own notion, which he is trying to mold from improvised material. When a person truly loves, he gives and gives, without setting any conditions, not expecting praise and approval, and without demanding anything in return. The main thing is that the loved one is good, that he is happy.

A loving man will never hurt his beloved.
A man in love values \u200b\u200bhis beloved and will never deliberately hurt her. Of course, everyone can happen in life and we are all different people, sometimes tactlessness, insufficient delicacy or simple misunderstanding can hurt painfully, but in this case we are talking about pathological rudeness, conscious cruelty, psychological pressure, constant humiliation and even the use of force.

If a man loves, he in every possible way seeks to protect and protect his beloved, and certainly not to hurt her. Violence and love are incompatible. If a man raised his hand at least once, you can be sure that sooner or later he will definitely do it again, therefore, closing your eyes to such antics, you untie his hands even more.

A man's willingness to take responsibility.
An indicator of not just falling in love, but seriousness of intentions is a man's willingness to take responsibility for his beloved, the desire for this woman to become his wife, give birth to children and be with him both in joy and in sorrow.


Unlike women, men are not so emotional and cannot always express their feelings in words. However, their actions are more eloquent than any words. It is by the actions of a loved one that you can determine the degree of his love for you.

If you want to find out if a man is in love with you in the first place, be objective. If you like this man, then you should hint him about it. This will inspire even the most indecisive of the opposite sex to take the next step. If he does not understand the hints and still keeps his distance, you should talk about your feelings directly and find out if they are mutual or not.

Material prepared by Dilyara specially for the site

A romantic relationship is always a whole storm of emotions and experiences that they try to carefully hide in love at first. Then they can turn into something deeper and more serious, but, first of all, a woman will ask herself the question more than once: how does a man in love behave, is the feeling really mutual and how long a man can hide feelings if he falls in love.

Characteristics of male behavior

As you know, men differ from women not only physiologically. Behavioral characteristics also differ significantly. Do not think that men are not capable of seriously falling in love and worrying a lot.

A man can have the most serious feelings for a woman, but the manifestations of these feelings can not be determined immediately. Women's psychology is more open and emotional - it is easier for a girl to express and cry than to carry her feelings in herself.

A man, on the contrary, is inclined not to be sprayed on explanations, but at the same time worry just as strongly. The perception of a man is in many ways more purposeful, strict and deliberate, while women are more amenable to emotions than reasoning.

How a guy in love behaves depends on temperament and character, upbringing and social environment, his ideas about what love is.

It cannot be said that the following signs of male love serve as some kind of yardstick by which one can judge all, without exception, the male half of humanity. But in part, it is possible to determine the love of a man by these parameters.


Perhaps one of the most common patterns of behavior that accompanies men when they fall in love. A self-confident and successful person with a high position and social position can feel intimidated in front of a girl, what can we say about young guys.

He may feel awkward and awkward, stumble or laugh out loud, and then become silent for a long time, thinking. In any case, if such behavior has never been observed for him before, this can be regarded as signs of love in men.


Women's intuition, if it is not clouded by strong feelings, is able to recognize feigned and sincere anxiety. The psychology of a man in love is such that, following his instinct, he will try to take care of and protect the woman.

It shows up in simple little things. For example, in wishing good morning and good night, worrying about health and mood, carefully studying her problems and helping in solving them. A man subconsciously wants to show that he is strong and confident in his abilities, that he will be a reliable wall for his beloved woman.


No matter how paradoxical it may be, the gestures of a man in love can be cold-blooded. There can be two reasons for this: he saw that his father was treating his mother rather coldly, but, nevertheless, he took care of her and the family, and considered it sufficient. The second reason - somewhere he heard that women do not like those who constantly run after them, and there is some truth in this.

If such a man is secretly in love, he will find a way to hint about his feelings, for example, send a bouquet of flowers or give a helping hand where no one wants to help. But to understand that the guy is in love, you can only call him to a frank conversation in this case.

Such men will willingly take a step forward if you offer to discuss your relationship, and will be extremely frank if you make it clear that he is not at all annoying and not imposed.


Regardless of what zodiac sign a man has, whether a man in love is Libra or a Scorpio, he can show openness, even if in his zodiac characteristics it is written in black and white that his feelings are hidden.

Listen to what this man has to say to you. Perhaps he trusts you with his secrets, secrets, problems, the solution to which he cannot find on his own. After all, this is one of the forms of deep trust, which is impossible without falling in love.

Such a man will try to show everyone around that you are closer to each other than to others, for example, in a company he will sit down next to you, volunteer to take you home and talk on the phone, accidentally saying your name in front of acquaintances.


Sometimes, to understand that a man is in love, but hides it, it is enough to chat with his friends. This communication is necessary in order to find out how his close friends usually see him, and if there are any changes.

Some men are practically impossibly practical. Having fallen in love, they immediately begin to care about what money to give their beloved gifts for, where they will live and how to name the children. But at the same time, how long the love of such a man lasts, so much he forgets to inform his beloved about his intentions. And deeply offended when she, out of ignorance, chooses another.


It's not about the guy being jealous if he's in love. Falling in love in men can be quite incomprehensible for feminine logic, but the techniques remain common to both sexes.

By his manner of communicating with other girls and his behavior, as well as by what non-verbal signs he gives, you can find out that a man is in love. This category of men shows the beloved that he has many fans and he is just snapped up. But when communicating with others, he will certainly look at the true object of his love at least once.

Duration of feelings

Many women believe that male love is short-lived, and they think about how long an adult man's love will last. In fact, guys are able to love as much as women, scrupulously collect tickets from theaters and memorize telephone conversations.

The problem is that girls often abuse their position as an object of adoration, begin to play around and use this attention, imagining that a man in love, in order to warm up his interest, must always be denied.

In fact, this is not the case. You shouldn't take advantage of your relationship if you just fell in love with each other. Male love can last a very long time if it is reciprocated.

Do not bother and do not impose your ideas and views on the guy, let him know that you are completely self-sufficient and can take your leisure time, you have hobbies and favorite activities, but without him you cannot cope with some things and demand his protectorate. Such a woman will be interesting at any stage of the relationship, and even after a long separation, such love does not pass.

The psychologist's advice on this part is as follows. Regardless of the stage of the relationship, don't try to force your feelings on. Do not try to achieve symptoms of love in every man who shakes hands.

Today, good manners are often perceived as a sign of love. And since it becomes more difficult to recognize feelings for this reason, enjoy communicating with a person, show him how developed and interesting you are, finally become a spiritual friend.

If you look into the eyes of a guy for every specific case and expect confessions from him, even a really in love person can back down and lose all respect because of your impatience.

Sometimes one of the hardest parts of starting a new relationship is figuring out if a person likes you. It's quite difficult to understand a guy's feelings, so determining how attractive you are to him is not easy. Observe him, use your common sense and talk to him directly to see if the guy is in love with you.


Pay attention to body language

    Look him in the eye. If you are very attractive to a guy, you can see it in his eyes. Some of the signals of his behavior may seem contradictory, but it depends on the personality of the person.

    Pay attention to his pose. Men, like any males, unconsciously change in behavior when they try to draw attention to a woman (a female of their own kind).

    Consider any touch. If he is looking for a reason to touch you, this is one of the surest signs of his sympathy. If you are talking and a guy suddenly touches your hand or palm, most likely, in this way, he probes the ground in order to understand how you will react to his touch.

    • Encourage this touch by reciprocating. When talking to a guy, gently touch his hand and look into his eyes. From his response, it will be clear how much he likes you.
    • Keep in mind that you will need to compare his touch with his normal behavior. If a guy rushes to hug everyone and everyone he meets on his way, it means that he hugged you, most likely. does not mean anything.
  1. Pay attention to the clues that are reflected on the face - blush and smile. A guy who is very interested in you, most likely, often smiles at you for a long time, laughs a lot at your stories, even if they are not very funny.

    Notice if the guy is imitating you. Men and women inadvertently mirror the behavior of the person they are interested in. In other words, this means that they literally copy the manners of the interlocutor, as if sending him a signal of similarity and compatibility.

    • This can be easily verified by doing something that you usually do not like: for example, you can "accidentally" put your hand to your mouth or stretch. See if the other person repeats this gesture.

Learn to Distinguish Love from Physical Attraction

  1. Talk about serious, interesting topics. With someone with whom you have a serious relationship and love, you can discuss a variety of topics. Make sure you can have a two-way conversation with ease.

    • The topic can be anything from your hopes and dreams, past relationships to your favorite celebrities.
    • If a guy is not particularly involved in the conversation, or it seems to you that he is not interested in your opinion, it is unlikely that he has mutual feelings for you, or he is simply not the best option for you.
  2. Go on an innocent romantic date. Especially if you're in an intimate relationship, it's important to go on a date or just spend time without physical intimacy. Having fun together without a hint of intimacy is an integral part of a healthy and happy relationship, in addition, such a date will allow you to distinguish the guy who likes you from the guy who is only interested in your body.

    Go through a difficult situation together. Of course, this is not something that you can adjust yourself, but if you are going through a situation that is emotionally very difficult for you, you can check the sincerity and depth of this guy's feelings.

    • Be honest and open about your feelings about a particular situation, just like your partner.
    • Discuss your emotional needs with your boyfriend, but remember that it is often difficult for guys to share their feelings and emotions. But this does not mean that he is not interested in you.
  3. Be honest about your feelings and see how he reacts. If you love a guy and want to know if your feelings are mutual, tell that guy how you feel about him.

    • If you tell a guy that you love him, be prepared in advance that he will not immediately reciprocate you. But that doesn't mean your relationship is over. Maybe he just needs a little time to think about your words.
    • Observe his body language as you tell him about your feelings. If he suddenly immediately felt somehow uncomfortable around you, he is unlikely to share your feelings.
    • If he didn't answer and it seems to you that he does not feel reciprocity, he is unlikely to love you.
  4. Talk about the future. Talking about the future can kill two birds with one stone: first, you can understand whether your goals and values \u200b\u200bcoincide, which speak of long-term compatibility. Secondly, thanks to such a conversation, one can understand whether a person is only interested in a "one-day" relationship.

    • Start by talking about your personal goals and thoughts about the future.
    • Then, casually ask if he envisions his future with you.
    • Keep in mind that goals for the future and vision in general can change a lot, especially if you are still very young. Therefore, periodic review and reassessment of these goals is a good idea.
  5. Spend time with his family. If a guy invites you to spend time with his family, chances are he loves you.