Lesson notes for the "Spring-Red" senior group. Notes on cognitive development "Awakening of Spring" outline of a lesson on the world around us (senior group) on the topic Nod signs of the beginning of spring senior group

Summary of an integrated lesson on speech development and artistic creativity in senior group“Spring is coming - make way for spring”

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: The material is intended for older adults and will be useful for educators.
development of creative imagination, formation of a positive emotional attitude towards the beauty of spring nature.
- To consolidate children’s knowledge about spring, its signs, to be able to understand the signs of spring; improving grammatical structure and coherent speech skills.
- To cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature through the image of flowers.
- Arouse interest in creativity, the ability to express thoughts and feelings in speech and drawing.
- To develop the ability to arrange objects in space on a sheet of paper.
- Continue to teach children to convey in their drawings the joyful mood associated with the arrival of spring, the ability to come up with the content of their work.
Preliminary work:
Walking, observing spring changes, reading fiction, conversations, looking at illustrations with spring landscapes, learning outdoor games.
Pictures about spring and spring flowers, pictures depicting the seasons, sheets of paper, a simple pencil, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson
Educator: Hello guys. Please tell me on the way to kindergarten, have you noticed anything unusual?
Children's answers: There is less snow outside, icicles are melting on the roof, puddles are appearing, trees are waking up from their sleep.
Educator: Well done. Indeed, so much has happened, and you smart girls noticed it all. You are very observant. But why is all this happening, who can answer me?
Children's answers: Because spring has come.
Educator: Yes, guys, spring has already come to us. Spring is wonderful and beautiful time years when nature wakes up and comes to life after a long sleep. No wonder poets call spring “the morning of the year.” Listen to what wonderful lines have been written about spring.
All the snowstorms have died down,
And the frosts don't crack.
Drops dripped from the roofs,
And the icicles hang in a row.
More fun and warmer
The days of March have begun.
In our garden in the alleys
The thawed patches are already visible.
The tit tinks loudly
Near our window...
Soon there will be a knock on our door
Real spring! Alferov
Really, guys, wonderful poems. Oh, someone is really knocking on our door, who could it be? Let us see who it is?

Children's answers.
Educator: Indeed, it is spring that has come to visit us, or rather the daughter of spring, and her name is Vesnyanochka. Come in, Vesnyanochka, you will be our guest. Listen, Vesnyanka, how many interesting things our children know about you. Guys, what signs of spring do you know?
Children's answers: The grass is turning green, the sun is shining brighter, birds have flown in from warm countries.
Educator: Well done. Guys, look what I have in my hands?
Children's answers: Sun.
Educator: But it seems to me that our sun is missing something, look carefully and tell me what?
Children's answers.
Educator: Of course, guys, he misses some rays. How can we help him?
Children's answers. Attach rays.
Educator: Yes, so let's add some rays to our sun. Come to me and let's get to work.

Educator: Well guys, do you think our sun is happy now?
Answers children. Yes.
Educator: How did you determine this?
Answers children: Because our sun smiles and rejoices.
Educator: Guys, what kind of sun is there in spring?
Answers children: Bright, radiant, affectionate, warm.
Educator: Well done. Guys, spring has come, the sun has warmed up and the first spring flowers are appearing in the meadows. Who can tell me what they are called?
Answers children: Snowdrops.
Educator: Why are they called that?
Answers children: Because they are the first to emerge from under the snow.
Educator: Guys, what other spring flowers do you know? Remember, on March 8th, we usually give it to grandmothers?
Answers children: Mother and stepmother, mimosa.
Educator: Smart guys. Please pay attention to the pictures. Make up a few sentences about them.
Children make up.

Educator: Okay, let’s turn you and me into snowdrops and play a little. We squat down.
Physical exercise “Snowdrops are waking up”
Children squat down and close their eyes.
Now the snowdrops have woken up,
They smiled and stretched.
Once they washed themselves with dew.
The two circled gracefully.
Three - bent down and sat down.
And they looked at the sun. They get up and rub their eyes.
They smile and stretch.
They wash themselves.
They're spinning.
They bend over and squat.
They raise their heads up.
Educator: Well done! You were real flowers. Take your seats. Who can tell me the spring months?
Answers children.
Educator: Well done, of course - this is March, April, May. Do you know poems about these months?
Children read poetry.
Misha: In March, snow and ice melt,
Mother's Day is coming.
The ice on the glass is melting,
The day is getting brighter.
Polina: April
April, April!
Drops are ringing in the yard.
Streams run through the fields,
There are puddles on the roads.
The ants will come out soon
After the winter cold.
A bear sneaks through
Through the dead wood.
The birds began to sing songs,
And the snowdrop blossomed.
Varvara: May painted the world green,
White, pink, cheerful!
Take the crayons, run into the yard,
And paint the fence there.
Draw happiness with crayons,
And shout to the girls: “Hello!”
Draw, write, play!
May has come - it's time to dream...
Educator: Very good, you know a lot about spring, now let’s remember once again what happens in spring, let’s play the game: “Name it affectionately.” I will name the word, and you continue. Begin.
Game: “Name it affectionately.”
The sun is the sun;
ray - ray;
spring - freckle;
stream - stream;
snowdrop - snowdrop;
mimosa - mimosa;
tree - tree;
bush - bush;
leaf - leaf;
mom - mommy;
rain - rain;
cloud - cloud;
flowers - flowers;
grass - grass.
Educator: Amazing. Let's play the game "Freckle", stand in a circle.
Outdoor game "Vesnyanka".
Sunshine, sunshine - bottom of gold(children walk in a circle holding hands).
Burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out.
A stream ran in the garden, a hundred rooks flew in. (they run in a circle on their toes, imitating flapping their hands like wings).
And the snowdrifts melt, melt (squat).
And the flowers grow (raise, hands up).

Educator: Well done, and now we will draw spring and its signs and symptoms. Take each for yourself necessary materials, remember everything we talked about, come up with a picture and get to work.

Educator: Your drawings are wonderful, let’s put all the drawings together and make a book with our own hands, and we’ll call it “Spring is coming - make way for spring.”

Educator: Well done guys, you made me happy that the kindness of your soul, your curiosity was felt throughout the entire lesson. Guys, what did you like most?
Answers children.
Educator: And I suggest you, as soon as autumn comes, create the same book with autumn, etc., don’t you agree? Well guys, you are all smart, now let’s clean up our work places and get ready to go for a walk and continue our observations.

Synopsis of direct educational activities in terms of cognitive speech development in the senior group “Spring is coming, make way for spring”

Andronova Marina Aleksandrovna, teacher of the MKDOU Gavrilovo Posad kindergarten No. 1, Ivanovo region
Description of material: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities on the cognitive and speech development of children in the senior group “Spring is coming, make way for spring.” This summary is aimed at developing the speech of older children preschool age, the material will be useful to kindergarten teachers.

Summary of direct educational activities on cognitive and speech development
in the senior group “Spring is coming, make way for spring”

Integration educational areas: “communication” (speech development), “cognition” (formation complete picture world), “music” (musically rhythmic movements, listening to music), “ artistic creativity" (development children's creativity), “safety” (formation of prerequisites for environmental consciousness), “labor” ( manual labor), « Physical Culture"(physical education), "socialization" (development of communication skills, emotional responsiveness).
Target: formation of a positive emotional attitude towards the beauty of spring nature.
1. Clarify and systematize children’s ideas about spring changes in nature. 2. Train children in the ability to establish simple cause-and-effect relationships.
1. Activate children’s vocabulary with concepts from the topic of the lesson.
2. Develop coherent speech: the ability to express one’s thoughts clearly for others, and to use grammatical structures correctly.
3. Develop logical thinking and attention, children's spoken language, encourage the desire to communicate.
4. Develop fine motor skills hands through various movements and exercises.
1. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards native nature.
2. Contribute to the formation of children’s interest in nature.
Educator:- Guys, I just saw how a magpie flew up to the window, knocked on the window and began to chatter so joyfully and loudly. I wonder what she wanted to communicate? Oh, look what's there?!
The children discover a strange envelope. The teacher reads the letter.
- Get ready for an unusual trip soon.
Forest secrets await you, along the path calls.
- Guys, do you want to go to the forest? Not for mushrooms, not for flowers, but for forest wonders! (children - “Yes!”) Then let’s go along these paths.
Music is playing. Children walk along the "path".
Educator:- Guys, we have now walked along the path, but who can describe their path? How did you feel? Don’t forget, you need to tell it so that everyone believes: you really walked through the forest.
Children share their impressions. Someone imagined a stream, someone climbed over a fallen tree, stepped on a pine cone under a tree, walked barefoot on moss, etc.
Educator:- Here we are in the forest! Illustrations about spring are hung on the easel.
- Hello forest, dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!
Who is hiding in your wilderness?
What kind of animal? What bird?
Open everything, don’t hide it,
You see, we are our own!
- What forest did we come to?
Children:- Spring, beautiful, mysterious, fabulous, wonderful, dense, magical.
Educator:- What time of year is shown in the pictures?
Children:- Spring!
Educator:- Why did you decide so? In this picture there is snow in the forest. I think it's winter. And here I see flowers. Maybe it's summer? What signs of spring are shown in the pictures?
Children prove that the paintings depict spring, name the signs of spring (snow is melting, the sun is shining brighter, icicles appear, birds are flying in, streams are flowing, the first flowers are blooming).
What signs of spring have you observed? (the days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter, the first migratory birds are arriving, a warm wind is blowing, it’s getting warmer).
Name the spring months. (March April May)
Educator:- Now I see the smile of spring in all the paintings. And what gives spring a smile? (Sun) Look how beautiful the sun is, but something is missing. What do you think? (rays) Let’s make the sun warm us even more, you and I will add some rays to it.
Children add clothespin rays to the cardboard blank.
A recording of “bird voices” is played.
Educator:- Do you hear the birds singing in the spring forest? What are the names of birds that fly away in the fall and return in the spring? (migratory).
Which bird usheres in spring? (children's answer) That's right, rook.
All the migratory birds are blacker,
Cleans the arable land from worms,
Jump on the arable land all day
And the bird's name is rook.
Why do people say this: “The rook opens spring”? (children answer)
What other spring singers do you know? Display them on an easel. Guess the riddle:
There is a palace on the pole,
There is a singer in the yard,
And his name is..... (Starling)
- What is the name of the starling's house? Who builds the birdhouse - people or birds? Come on and we'll build it cozy houses for starlings.
Children lay out birdhouses from counting sticks on the table.
Educator:- Well done boys! And now we are going out into the sunny meadow. And since it’s sunny, how does the snow melt on it? (children - “Quickly!”) this means thawed patches appear on the ground, and on the thawed patches which spring guest do you see? (snowdrop)
Physical education minute."Snowdrop"
Spring has just dropped in on us - they stretch out their hands forward
I dipped my palm into the snow below, perpendicular to the body.
And there it bloomed tender, hands joined into a bud at eye level
A small snowdrop is slowly spread apart by the fingers (“the flower has opened”)
“Snowdrops are standing, their heads stretched out towards the sun, swaying in the warm breeze.”
Educator:- Now close your eyes and listen: what is the forest talking about?
An audio recording of forest noises is turned on.
Children's answers: a hare is running, a stream is babbling, birds are singing, drops are heard, a woodpecker is knocking on a tree.
Educator:- Well done! You guessed everything correctly.
Educator:- Guys, how should you behave in the forest? Break branches, throw garbage, light a fire? (no, you need to admire the forest) Do you want to give a gift for spring? (Yes)
Spring walks through the forest, sunny, ringing, elegant, and to make spring even more elegant, let's give it beads.
Educator:- Guys, let's make colorful and elegant paper beads for spring.
Children twist rings from strips of paper, glue the end of the paper, and then string them onto a string.
Educator:- Look, how beautiful the beads turned out. Let's hang them on the Christmas tree so that spring can see and try them on.
Educator:- Well done! And now it's time for you and me to return home to kindergarten. And as a farewell, let's perform a round dance in the spring
Teacher and children:
1. If the sun has risen-
So, morning has come to us.
The forest woke up from sleep -
This means spring has come to us.
Chorus: the snow has melted and there is no winter,
Warm outside
And fun and joyful
And my soul is light.

(Clap their hands.) Children walk along the path to the music.
Educator: Our journey has now ended. We are back in kindergarten. How did you feel when you returned from the forest? What interesting things did we do today? What did you like most?

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 25"

Abstract of GCD for cognitive development

on the topic: “Awakening of Spring”


teacher 1 sq. cat.

Kozlova S.V.

Arzamas 2016

Target : formation of children's ideas about spring.


1) Educational– contribute to the formation of children’s ideas about spring, as a season, about characteristic features spring, about the solid and liquid state of water; contribute to the formation of skills to understand the patterns of natural phenomena.

2) Developmental – promote the development of interest in changes occurring in nature; encourage drawing conclusions through decision logical problems; promote the development of skills to establish relationships, the development of observation, speech, thinking, aesthetic taste; enrich your vocabulary.

3) Educational– encourage children to love their native nature, appreciate the beauty of nature, and take care of it.

Methodical techniques: sketch “Call each other affectionately by name”, a surprise moment - a letter from the forest from Old Lesovichka; motivation – “Help the Old Man-Lesovich wake up the forest, since spring has come”; conversation “Signs of Spring”; teacher's story, “How an icicle is formed”; riddles about spring, icicle, stream; ball game “Describe Spring”; reading the poem by A. Pleshcheev “The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing...”; game "What's extra?" musical accompaniment– A. Vivaldi “Seasons. Spring”, sounds of dripping, chirping of birds; experimental activity “What happens to an icicle in warm conditions”; physical education lesson “Bear”; artistic creativity (drawing with colored pencils) – “Leaves on the trees.”

Facilities : classical music A. Vivaldi “Seasons. Spring”, sounds of dripping and chirping of birds, presentation, laptop, multimedia projector, envelope with a letter; metal tray; easel; album sheet (according to the number of children), colored pencils (according to the number of children), a ball, containers with an icicle (according to the number of children).

Preliminary work:

Observing signs of spring while walking.

Looking at paintings about spring: A.K. Savrasov “The rooks have arrived”; I. Levitan “March”, “Spring”, “Spring. Big Water", "Spring Time. Last snow"; I.I. Shishkin “Forest in Spring”; Boris Kustodiev “Spring”; V. Baksheev “Blue Spring”; K. Yuon “March Sun”; Alfred Sisley "Spring".

Reading fiction: F.I. Tyutchev “Spring Waters”, “Spring”; I. Sokolov-Mikitov “Spring in the Forest”, “Early Spring”; N. Sladkov “Birds brought spring”, “Spring streams”; S. Marshak “All Year Round”, “April Rain”; G. Skrebitsky “April”; S. Yesenin “Bird cherry”, A.A. Fet “The willow is all fluffy”, etc.

Memorization of signs, proverbs, poems about spring: F.I. Tyutchev “Spring Waters”, “Spring”.

Conversations on the topics: “Early spring”, “Mid spring”, “Late spring”, “Signs of spring”, “First spring flowers”, “Animals in spring”, “Migratory birds”.

Progress of educational activities

Guys, when you went to kindergarten, did you notice what morning it is? ( Children's answers)

Yes, today the air is clear, fresh and clean. The sun is gentle and warm. The sky is high and azure. What is your mood on this wonderful morning? ( Children's answers)

Today, dear guys, we will continue our journey into the fabulous natural world. Before we begin our journey, let's get comfortable and look at each other: smile and affectionately call each other by name. I like your faces and I see what you have good mood. So, we can go on a trip with you.

So, today we will take a trip and go for a visit. And who will you find out when you solve the riddle?

The snow is melting,

The meadow came to life

The day is coming

When does this happen? (In spring).

That's right, today we are going to visit spring.

Spring is the transition from winter to summer. The sun is shining brightly and hot. Today the old forest man sent us a letter from the forest. Now we'll see what's in it. "Dear Guys. There was a disaster. Spring has already arrived, but the forest does not wake up. Please help me wake up the animals, birds, and the earth.”

Guys, what will we use to go to the forest? ( children's answers)

I suggest going into the forest on a magic carpet. Let's fly (children sit on the carpet and listen to music).

An excerpt from A. Vivaldi’s musical work “The Seasons” is played. Spring"(1 minute) .

Guys, what emotions did you have when listening to this piece of music?(Children's answers)

The teacher reads a poem

The snow is already melting...

The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,
There was a breath of spring through the window...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in leaves!
Pure heavenly azure,
The sun became warmer and brighter,
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
It's been a long time again...

(Alexey Pleshcheev)

Guys, what signs of spring did you hear about in the poem? ( children's answers)

What other signs of spring do you know? ( children's answers)

Guys, let's celebrate spring in beautiful words. Let's play the game “Describe Spring.” I will throw you a ball, and you will describe to me what spring is like ( children's answers).

Guys, what spring months do you know? ( children's answers)

We are now at the end of March. Tell me what changes in nature occurred by this period ( children's answers)

So we arrived in the spring forest.

How can you and I help spring? What does it take for the snow to start melting? (let's wake up the sun). Let's wake up the sun, and guess who will help us with this?

Drip sounds are heard.

They grow upside down
And they cry loudly only in the spring.

What is this? (icicles)

That's right, icicles

When the icicles cry
We hear all day long
Cheerful and loud
Spring drops.

Today, when I was going to kindergarten, I saw a lot of icicles and decided to show them to you. (Give each child a container with an icicle. Offers to touch the icicle and tell what it is).

Guys, touch her, what is she like?(children's answers)

Now look at the icicle, what is it like?(Children's answers)

Let's see how an icicle is formed.

When the snow melts, a drop appears, it flows off the roof and freezes, then the next one flows down and freezes again, joining the first drop. This is how icicles are formed. They consist of many droplets.

Children and their teacher conclude that an icicle is frozen droplets of water that turn into ice.

What happens if you lift an icicle above your palm? ( children's answers)

That's right, the icicle starts to drip. Why? ( children's answers)

So, the icicle begins to melt and turn into water, as it is in warm conditions.

If we place an icicle over a metal tray, we will hear the sounds of dripping. (A teacher with children hold icicles over a metal tray)

Icicles are dripping, drops are ringing, the sun has woken up.

The teacher reads a riddle

The sun is shining early in the morning
The snow became dark and wet
And singing songs loudly
Running cheerfully... (stream).

That's right, a trickle. The sun is shining brighter. The spring warmth melted the snow, and streams began to run, gurgle, and awaken.

What types of streams are there? What are they doing? ( Children's answers).

Guys, what animals live in the forest? What happens to them in the spring? (children's answers). Let's wake up the bear and do some physical exercise.

Physical education “Bear” (2 times)
The bear crawled out of the den,
Looked around at the threshold (turns left and right)
He stretched out of sleep (stretching his arms up)
Spring has come to us again.
To quickly gain strength,
The bear's head was twisting. (head rotation)
Leaned back and forth (leans back and forth)
Here he is walking through the forest.
The bear is looking for roots
And rotten stumps.
They contain edible larvae -
Vitamins for the bear. (
slopes: right hand touch your left foot, then vice versa)
Finally the bear has eaten
And he sat down on a log. (
Children sit down).

Guys, do you know what the first spring flowers appear? ( Children's answers ) Let's wake them up too.

Yes, sure. In spring, a lot of them appear in thawed patches. Flowers of coltsfoot, snowdrop, crow's feet, lilies of the valley. They delight people's eyes in the spring with their flowers.

Now let’s play the familiar game “What’s extra?” (The teacher shows pictures on the slide (coltsfoot, snowdrop, lily of the valley, cactus)).

Guys, what's wrong here? What do you think and why? ( children's answers)

But we haven’t woken everyone up in the forest yet.

Music sounds and birds chirp.

- Guys, do you hear these sounds?

- Look! The birds have arrived! What birds flew to us from warm countries ( children's answers)

It seems like we woke up everyone, but something is missing in the forest. What do you think? ( children's answers)

That's right, the trees don't have enough leaves. Let's draw them.

(The teacher gives the children a landscape sheet with a drawn tree without leaves. Children draw leaves on trees on a landscape sheet with pencils. Upon completion of work, children place their work on the easel)

So we helped the old man, the forester, wake up the forest and made a fascinating journey into the world of spring. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. We sat down on the carpet like an airplane and flew off. And while we are flying, I want to ask you - what did you like most about visiting the old forest man? How did we help the old forest man?(children's answers)

What was more difficult for you to cope with?(children's answers)

We flew back to our kindergarten.

Spring hides in every person,

If you are sad, it means she is sleeping.

If you run, laughing, barefoot through puddles -

This means spring has come out in you!

And I want to wish you blue, clear skies, bright, gentle sun and a wonderful spring mood.

To form in children an idea of ​​the characteristic signs of spring



Expand and enrich children's knowledge about spring changes in nature;

Foster a sensitive and caring attitude towards nature;

Develop curiosity, memory, sustained attention.


Foster initiative and independence in verbal communication with others;

Enrich the vocabulary of pupils;

Develop the ability to solve riddles.

Artistic creativity:

Develop imagination;

Develop fine motor skills.

Develop skills of accuracy when performing work.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction, thematic conversations, looking at pictures and photographs, listening to songs, watching natural phenomena, listening to poetry, didactic games.

Direction: cognitive - creative.

Educational area: cognition.

Activities: cognitive, communicative, motor, productive.

Form of organization of children: group.

Integration of areas: cognition, artistic creativity, communication, socialization.

Equipment: thematic pictures with signs of spring, cards with images of birds, pictures with images of primrose flowers, cut-out pictures, a ball, drawing paper, watercolors, brushes, a jar for water.



MBDOU – kindergarten No. 501


Larionova Maria Vladimirovna

Senior group

Conducted: March 23, 2015

Summary of educational activities

in the senior group

"Spring came"

Target joint activities teacher with pupils

To form in children an idea of ​​the characteristic signs of spring



Expand and enrich children's knowledge about spring changes in nature;

Foster a sensitive and caring attitude towards nature;

Develop curiosity, memory,sustained attention.


Foster initiative and independence in verbal communication with others;

Enrich the vocabulary of pupils;

Develop the ability to solve riddles.

Artistic creativity:

Develop imagination;

Develop fine motor skills.

Develop skills of accuracy when performing work.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction, thematic conversations, looking at pictures and photographs, listening to songs, observing natural phenomena, listening to poetry, didactic games.

Direction: cognitive - creative.

Educational area: cognition.

Activities:cognitive, communicative, motor, productive.

Form of organization of children: group.

Integration of areas:cognition, artistic creativity, communication, socialization.

Equipment: thematic pictures with signs of spring, cards with images of birds, pictures with images of primrose flowers, cut-out pictures, a ball, drawing paper, watercolors, brushes, a jar for water.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, you can name our guest yourself if you guess the riddle:

The snow is melting,

The meadow came to life

The day is coming

When does this happen?

Spring is a wonderful and wonderful time of year, when nature wakes up and comes to life after a long sleep. No wonder poets call spring “the morning of the year.” Are you excited for spring? We have been waiting for spring for a long time, so what kind of spring is it? (Long awaited).

I suggest you guys listen to a fairy tale. How do all fairy tales begin? (Once upon a time, there were). So our fairy tale begins with the words once upon a time - there was a family: a father and four daughters. The father's name was Year, and his daughters' names were Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. The father loved his daughters very much, even though they were different. The time has come and sister Spring warmed me with the sun and melted the snow. Streams ran, drops rang! Water leaked into the bear’s den, the clubfoot woke up and crawled out of the den to warm up. The birds that flew away from us for the winter have returned. Name them? (rooks, starlings, swallows, cuckoos, geese, swans, nightingales).

Do you want to be in the world of spring? Then close your eyes, spin around...you will find yourself in the world of spring! Imagine yourself in a sunny spring meadow. And here are the signs of spring.

Children find pictures with signs of spring, the teacher hangs them on the board.

Conversation about spring.

What signs of spring are depicted in the paintings?

(The snow melts, the sun shines brighter, icicles appear, birds fly in, streams flow, animals give birth to babies, the first flowers bloom). Children tell stories in a chain based on simple plot pictures.

What other signs of early spring have you observed?

(The days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter, the first migratory birds are arriving, a warm wind is blowing, it has become warmer.)

Name the spring months.

March April May -

Don't forget them!

People call the month of March protalnik. Do you know why they call it that? (Children's answers). Thawed patches are where the snow melted and the first islands of land appeared. In the thawed areas, the first flowers appear from under the snow. What is the name of the first one? spring Flower? (Children's answers). Why is it called that? (Children's answers). And April has long been popularly called ice breaker and snow blower. Why? (Children's answers). And May is called pollen. Why do you think? (Children's answers).

D/Game “Say kindly.”

D/The game is played in a circle with a ball.

In the spring I just want to talk sweet words. I will say the sun, and you affectionately - sun, branch - twig, leaf - leaf, stream - stream, puddle - puddle, flower - flower, cloud - cloud, tree - tree, cloud - cloud, water - water.

D/Game “Name the signs.”

Select signs for the word spring. What's spring like? (early, ringing, warm, friendly, cheerful, beautiful, blooming, long-awaited).

Didactic game "Fourth odd".

Educator. Look at the birds. Which one do you think is the odd one out and why?

Children . Extra sparrow. He is a wintering bird, and all other birds are migratory.

Guys, why are they called birds? (the body is covered with feathers, two wings, they can fly, they have a beak, two legs, and a tail).

Which birds arrive first? (rooks).

What are the birds doing? (a picture is displayed - hint: a tree with nests.) (birds make nests).

Why do birds nest and build nests? (in order to hatch chicks).

Sister Spring continues her work on earthorder direct. She decorated everything with flowers, the first tender, green grass.

Why are the flowers that appear in spring called primroses? (because they are the first).

Which flowers bloom first? (snowdrop, mother and stepmother).

How has the life of plants changed with the arrival of spring? (they woke up, young, green leaves appeared on the trees and bushes, the grass turned green).

Guys, tell me, what does spring smell like? (freshness).

Children, we remembered the signs of spring, then you can easily guess all the riddles. Ready?

The snow turns black in the clearing,
The weather is getting warmer every day.
Time to put the sled in the closet.
What a time of year it is.
- spring -


In a blue shirt
Runs along the bottom of the ravine.
- stream -


Housewarming party at the starling's house
He rejoices endlessly.
So that a mockingbird lives with us,
We made...
- birdhouse -

There's someone's house on a branch here
There are no doors or windows in it,
But it’s warm for the chicks to live there.
This house is called...
- nest -

Streams run faster
The sun is shining warmer.
Sparrow is happy about the weather
- Visited us for a month...
- March -

The bear crawled out of the den,
Dirt and puddles on the road,
A lark trills in the sky
- He came to visit us...
- April -


The garden tried on white,
The nightingale sings a sonnet,
Our land is dressed in greenery
- We are greeted warmly...
- May -

The first to get out of the earth
On a thawed patch.
He is not afraid of frost
Even if it's small.
- snowdrop -

On a green fragile leg
The ball grew near the path.
The breeze rustled
And dispelled this ball.
- dandelion -

White peas
On a green leg.
- lily of the valley -

There is a curl in the garden
- White shirt,
Heart of gold.
What it is?
- chamomile -

Guys, you guessed the riddles about spring signs, showed how spring progresses, how flowers grow, remembered the names of spring flowers, collected pictures, and now let’s draw together the “Coltsfoot Meadow.”

Educator: Melikhova Oksana Sergeevna

GCD in the senior group “In the World of Spring”


    Clarify and generalize ideas about the characteristic signs of spring, expand children’s knowledge about spring, the spring months, enrich and activate children’s vocabulary on the topic

    Develop children's speech, imagination, logical thinking, fine motor skills

    To cultivate in children the ability to see and understand the beauty of nature through the active use of folklore (riddles, chants).

    Develop imagination and the ability to make appliqué from satin ribbons.

    To instill in children a sense of love and respect for nature, to teach correct behavior in nature.

Equipment. Presentation about spring, satin ribbons for the image of the sun, postcards of the sun.

Educational areas. Music, communication, socialization.

Preliminary work. Conversations about spring, sun. Learning riddles, chants, reading fairy tales.

Progress of the lesson. Organizing time.Educator asks the children to go to the center of the group in a circle. The sun is in your hands.Educator : Guys, as usual, our day starts with a smile. Hold hands and smile at each other. We're in a good mood. Look who came to our class today? (children: sun) What kind of sun is it? (d: sun - spring, bright, warm, big, affectionate, cheerful... etc.)

Well, we have one more guest,you can name it yourselfwho is she, if you guess the riddle:

The snow is melting,

The meadow came to life

The day is coming

When does this happen? (In spring).

That's right, it's spring - a wonderful and wonderful time of year, when nature wakes up and comes to life after a long sleep. No wonder poets call spring “the morning of the year.” Are you excited for spring? We have been waiting for spring for a long time, so what kind of spring is it? (Long awaited).In the old days they believed that spring did not come on its own. They used to invite spring to visit and say these words...Spring is red!

We invite you to visit!

Come quickly!

Bring it with you

(good weather, warm sun, green grass, warm breeze, singing birds, snowdrops, etc.)

Let's listen to a poem about spring.()

Sit on the chairs Let's remember together what we observed during our walk. Let's remember togethersigns of spring, I will start reading the sentence, and you will help me.(The teacher says a sentence, and the children finish it by picking up the right word. D/game “Choose a word”).

The long, cold... (winter) is over.

The warm, long-awaited... (spring) has arrived.

Spring is shining brighter... (sun).

The first ones appear... (thawed patches).

The sonorous...(streams) are running.

Dripping from the roofs of houses... (icicles).

The trees are swelling... (buds).

From warm regions... (birds) fly.

Children put on spring... (clothes).

The guys are building starlings... (birdhouses).

We really love the first spring... (flowers).

This is... (snowdrops, lilies of the valley).

Educator : Well done, you chose the right words, and we got a spring picture.

Do you want to be in the world of spring? Then close your eyes, spin around...you will find yourself in the world of spring!(While the children have their eyes closed, the teacher changes the slide; it shows a spring meadow. Look what a wonderful clearing has opened up for us.

Tell me what is shown on it.

WITH With the arrival of spring, nature comes to life and many different phenomena occur. The snow is melting, drops are dripping, thawed patches appear, streams are babbling, the sun is shining brighter, the buds are swelling on the trees, birds are flying in, but changes are taking place not only in nature, but also in the life of forest animals.

What animals that live in the forest experience changes?

Bear, hedgehog (they both woke up from hibernation)

Squirrel, hare (they both changed their coats in the spring: warm to light)

Guys, if we met a wolf, who would he be paired with? (with a fox, both hunt hares)

Well done! Let's also be a little rabbit and play a game"The bunny is jumping"

Progress of the game : The players form a circle. They choose a bunny. He stands in the middle of the circle.

“The bunny is jumping along the road,

The fast-footed bunny gallops,

One two three four five-

How can we catch the bunny?

Here the bunny rolled into the sand,

He raised his ears: catch up!

Hey guys don't yawn

Quickly catch up with the bunny!”

When the poem begins, the children walk in a circle in one direction, and the bunny gallops in the opposite direction. On line 4, everyone turns their backs in a circle, and the bunny touches one player. On line 5, the children turn to face the circle, and the bunny leaves the circle. On lines 6-8 the bunny jumps around in a circle. With the end of the text, the child who was touched by the bunny catches up with the bunny. If he succeeds, then he becomes a new bunny.

Well done! We played and relaxed.

Let's remember and name the spring months.

March April May -

Don't forget them!

Popular monthMarch called a protalnik. Do you know why they call it that? (Children's answers). Thawed patches are where the snow melted and the first islands of land appeared. In the thawed areas, the first flowers appear from under the snow. What is the name of the first spring flower?(Children's answers).

AApril People have long called it icebreaker, snow blower. Why Because it was in April that the ice on the rivers began to crack and melt.

AMay called pollen. Why do you think? (Children's answers)

Now let's sing the song "Vesnyanochka".

Guys, do you like to launch boats?(Children's answer). Where do they swim?

(Children's response) Let's imagine that we have turned into a trickle. Hold hands, and I will stand at the beginning of the stream. Our stream ran and began to gurgle.(Children run, pretending to be a stream, then sit on chairs)

Guys, without what would the snow melt and streams not run?(no sun) Right. People always look forward to the sun. It gives everyone warmth and light. And this makes you and I feel joyful, cheerful, and festive. Listen to riddles about the sun.


A golden apple is rolling on a blue saucer.

A red girl walks across the sky.

We cry without him, but when he appears, we hide from him.

There will be no knocking on the door or window,

And it will rise and wake everyone up.

Well done. You told interesting and beautiful riddles about the sun.

And now we will draw a portrait of the sun . We will draw with ribbons.

Children, what color is the sun?

Each of you has ribbons, but these are not just ribbons. These ribbons are rays of warmth and light.

Go to the table, take the ribbons. What will we make from ribbons?

(We will make rays from ribbons).

Well done. Get to work.

(The children do the work. A calm melody sounds )

The portrait is ready. How wonderful they turned out. This is how they attract the eye. Let's play with our suns, pass the sun around in a circle with words of wishes, think about what you can wish each other on a spring day.

Game - wishes

Well done guys, now let's go to the chairs and listen to the chants about the sun.

Bucket sun,

Look out the window!

Sunny, show yourself

Red, dress up!

Sunshine, sunshine,

Red seed

Come out quickly

Be kinder to us!

Sunshine, turn around!

Red, light up!

Come back with a red spring!

Red sun,

Get on the road

Drive away the winter cold!

Bucket sun,

Come up quickly

Light up, warm up,

Calves and lambs

More little guys.

The sun is a bell,

Get up early

Wake us up early.

We should run to the fields,

Let's welcome spring!

Summary of the lesson.

You guys are great, you know a lot about the signs of spring. Today's lesson was interesting. Did you like it? (Asks questions to the children: “What did you like? What do you remember? Who will you tell about today’s lesson?

Guys, I really enjoyed working with you, and I want to give you sun postcards that say:

May luck follow you everywhere

Smile more often and you will be lucky!

Let them keep you warm even in cloudy weather.