Baby food jars crafts. DIY New Year's toys from plastic bottles

Just recently I was visiting my friend. Elena has been doing needlework for a very long time, and it is from her that I often borrow amazing ideas for creativity. Whatever the girl comes up with, she tries to implement immediately.

So this Saturday she showed me several of her finds, which can be a wonderful help in preparation for the New Year and Christmas. After all, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on purchased decor, when it is quite possible to make it yourself from scrap materials.

New Year's crafts from plastic bottles

Editorial "So simple!" I have prepared an unusual master class for you about how to make a christmas bell from a cola bottle. Easier than ever and without extra costs!

You will need

  • PVA glue
  • linen thread
  • packing tape
  • plastic bottle


I also suggest you check out a few more ideas New Year's decor , which can be made from unnecessary plastic bottles.

We also have a wonderful master class for you on how to create caramel using plastic bottles, colored packaging garland and LED flashlights. On the eve of the New Year, don’t be lazy to make such a decoration. It will come in handy more than once, tested from my own experience!

As you can see, even ordinary plastic bottles can become an excellent material for creativity. Especially on the nose New Year, which means that you need to create something new and get rid of the old. And these ideas will just help you get rid of the old, while creating an original and beautiful holiday decor.

Definitely New Year wonderful holiday, the coming of which not only children, but also adults are looking forward to. To make the anticipation of the holiday faster and more interesting, it’s worth making crafts. You can involve children in this activity. Surely, the little things they make themselves will be able to take pride of place in your home. Crafts for the New Year 2018 can be made from absolutely different materials. In this case, it is not necessary to purchase something expensive. For example, in many cases you can use even the most ordinary plastic bottles. In this publication, we decided to list for you bottle crafts on the New Year theme. We are confident that our article will be interesting for you and you will be able to learn a lot of interesting things for yourself.

Ideas for New Year's crafts made from plastic bottles

Miracle Christmas tree.

Why not replace the usual spruce with something unusual in your home? If you have such a desire, then it will be easy to realize it. First of all, prepare:

  • A cardboard tube 140 cm high. This tube is available in hardware stores. It remains after the oilcloth is sold.
  • The bottles themselves are made of plastic, which should have a volume of: 2, 1.5, 0.5, 0.33 liters.
  • Small wood screws and a screwdriver.
  • A cardboard circle with a diameter of 40 cm.
  • Scissors, awl, polyurethane foam.
  • Aerosol of varnish and aerosol of green enamel, aerosol of matte white enamel.
  • Gouache or acrylic paint, sequins and sparkles for decoration.


  1. Using an awl, bottle caps are pierced in the center. They are attached to a cardboard tube, which is pre-installed vertically. For the first row you will need 7 pieces. In this case, use 2 liter bottles. For the next row, 0.5 liter bottles are suitable.
  2. In order to strengthen the base, place it on a circle of cardboard. It is then filled in using polyurethane foam. In this case, it is worth filling the space between the bottles. The foam will increase in volume and will imitate snow under the Christmas tree. After the foam has dried, the remaining rows of lids are screwed on. The design will have 18 rows, which consist of 7 bottles.
  3. To make the Christmas tree made from bottles look natural, you need to alternate the volume of bottles. The first row should consist of large ones, and the second row should consist of smaller bottles. At the same time, you must maintain a cone-shaped shape.
  4. The base with the bottles should be painted. And before painting, it is recommended to spray the bottles with varnish. It is recommended to apply green paint twice. In this case, you should wait for the first layer to dry, and then apply the second.
  5. In order to simulate snow, white enamel is applied to the tips of the bottles.
  6. Then you can start decorating the Christmas tree. The bottle can be unscrewed and decorated at your discretion. However, the design that was applied to the bottles with gouache must be secured with varnish.

Funny penguins made from plastic bottles.

Plastic bottles are an affordable material. You can build a lot from it. For example, penguins look quite interesting. To create, you need plastic bottles, as well as bright colors.


  1. A plastic bottle of any size is cut in half. The bottle is decorated using paints. And also the features of the penguin's face are drawn.
  2. At the next stage, the bottom is cut off from another bottle. It is also decorated with paints, and a pompom made of threads is also attached to it.
  3. To complete the image of the penguin, it is worth making a scarf from bright fabric, which is used to tie the figurine.

Craft from bottles on a Christmas theme.

Crafts for the New Year can look unusual and wonderful. In addition, plastic bottles can be used in this case. A lot can be made from this material. For example, you can even make Orthodox church. Use plasticine to sculpt the tops of the domes. For crosses, ordinary wire is used. For a presentable appearance, they are wrapped in golden paper. You should cut out windows in the bottles and draw a line across their edges. You can also perform them using a thin strip of white plasticine.


If you cut off the top of the bottles and secure them accordingly, you get stylish bells. Additionally, they are decorated with tinsel and a red satin ribbon.


Snowflakes are an integral part of winter. Therefore, at the New Year they should be present in huge numbers. Transparent and blue bottles are suitable for creating snowflakes. In particular, bottoms are used. They are painted with white paints. Worth drawing on them beautiful patterns. These snowflakes are strung on a fishing line and beautiful curtains are made from them.

Santa Claus from a plastic bottle.

If you use a plastic bottle, it can be a frame for Santa Claus. In this case, a napkin is used for the face or colored paper. But in order to make a beard and hair.

Unusual Christmas tree.

Not only plastic bottles can be used to create New Year's crafts. It turns out that glass bottles can also be used. In creating the next craft. The bottle will act as a base. And for making a Christmas tree it is recommended to use:

  • Tinsel and glue.
  • Large beads of different colors.
  • Christmas tree star big size.
  • A little cotton wool and thread.


  1. If the bottle seems unstable and light, then it is filled with sand.
  2. Open the lid and place the edge of the tinsel and thread under it. After which, the bottle is closed with a cap. All elements must be masked. At this stage, the thread is removed to the side for now.
  3. At the next stage, they begin to form the crown of the future spruce. In this case, the bottle is simply wrapped in tinsel. The glass should not be visible. And so that the tinsel does not fall off, it is fixed with glue.
  4. Then you should string beads onto the thread. In this case, the distance between them should be small.
  5. A star is placed on the top of the spruce tree. It is secured with glue.
  6. The cotton wool will be used as snow. It is attached in several places. As a result beautiful Christmas tree will be ready.

Original balls for the Christmas tree.

Don't know what to do with old plastic bottles? You should try making Christmas tree balls from them. They look very attractive. For this job you may need:

  • Several plastic bottles.
  • Acrylic paints of various colors and glue.
  • Scissors and thread.
  • Elements for decoration: sparkles, sequins and rhinestones.


  1. Bottles must be taken without bends - straight. The lower and upper parts are cut off from them. As a result, a tube will remain. It is cut into small rings.
  2. Each ring is painted with acrylic paints. Then, it is covered with sparkles or sequins. In general, you need to decorate the product in an original way.
  3. At the next stage, start forming the balls. Connect one ring to the second, and slightly turn the second. The parts are fixed at points of contact.
  4. Then take another ring. It is glued to the junction of the first two. It should also be slightly rotated.
  5. Thus, these rings are glued together. As a result, you will end up with a ball of different colors.
  6. Now all that remains is to thread the thread into one of the attachment points. The work uses a needle. And the loop is fixed with a knot.

Another version of the New Year tree.

Above we suggested the option of creating an unusual spruce. Now we are ready to offer you another wonderful craft. To create it you will need:

  • Plastic bottles,
  • Scissors and sandpaper,
  • Scotch.


  1. Cut off the bottom and neck of each bottle. Then prepare blanks from the branches. The branches should be of different sizes. In order for the spruce to be cone-shaped.
  2. Then the plastic bottles are cut lengthwise into 3 parts. Subsequent tiers should be smaller than the previous ones. It is necessary to form needles on each workpiece. For this purpose, they are cut with scissors, but not completely. Create a bottle stand using the bottom of one plastic bottle.
  3. Take a sheet of cardboard. Roll it into a tube and place it in the neck of the bottle. Use tape to secure it. After which each tier of branches is fixed to the Christmas tree. A toy is placed on top of the product. To make the spruce fluffy, the needles are made as thin as possible.

On a note! For this craft, it is recommended to use transparent or blue bottles.

Golden bells.

Original golden bells can decorate a New Year's tree. For production you may need:

  • The bottles themselves are made of plastic,
  • Acrylic paint.


  1. To create bells, a 0.5 liter bottle is suitable. You can also use larger bottles if the Christmas tree in your house has big sizes. The bottom of the bottle is cut off. To make petals, the edge of the bottle is cut in the form of a zigzag.
  2. Using a knife, make the petals of the craft pointed. Holes are also made for the rope. This is done using a hot knitting needle.
  3. The finished bell is painted and allowed to dry. After this, you can decorate it with tinsel or other decorative elements.

Cones made from plastic bottles.

To create the cones you will need the plastic bottles themselves, as well as scissors.


  1. Squares are made from plastic bottles. Then, their corners are rounded. The result is products that resemble chamomile in appearance. Their edges are treated with a candle. As a result, they will sink to the bottom.
  2. Then all the parts are strung on a thread. This should be done in descending order. You should insert a bead between them. Then make a branch from the Christmas tree and attach it to the pine cone. As a result, your product will be ready.


In this article we have listed crafts from plastic bottles that you can make for the New Year. Of course, these are not all products. And you can arm yourself with your imagination and create something wonderful for winter decor with plastic bottles.

The Christmas tree is, of course, the main decoration of the New Year. On the eve of the upcoming holiday, the whole family dresses up the forest beauty. Standard Christmas tree decorations have already become boring. However, you can decorate the Christmas tree with something you made yourself; for example, a Christmas tree toy made with your own hands from plastic bottles will look great. In addition, the creation process will bring a lot of pleasure to your children.

Today, making your own Christmas tree decorations is not difficult. Even if you lack skills in this area, you can always use a helper such as the Internet. This article will discuss the most simple ways how to create toys for the Christmas tree with your own hands.

Volumetric toys

Before diving into the creative process, you need to decide on the type of material used. Make volumetric decoration can be made from absolutely any available materials. Naturally, the most popular paper products. They have earned their fame due to their ease of manufacture. In addition, such Christmas tree toys, created with your own hands, look quite impressive on the forest beauty.

A voluminous toy can also be made using thick thread or twine. It’s just important to take into account the fact that creating such a masterpiece will require large quantity glue. Jewelry made from beads looks quite original. Of course, it will take a lot of time to make such a toy, but it is worth it.

Volumetric paper decoration

To make jewelry you will need the following:

  1. Colored paper.
  2. Ribbon.
  3. Paper glue (preferably quick-drying).

Step-by-step instruction

Do-it-yourself voluminous Christmas tree toy is done as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to cut out eight circles from paper. To make the decoration look impressive, it is recommended to use different colors. It is important that the circles are the same size.
  2. Each piece is folded in half, with the front side on the inside.
  3. After that, glue must be applied to the wrong side of each half, then the parts are connected to each other.
  4. And finally, the first and last halves are glued together. Don’t forget to thread a ribbon through the toy, with which it will be attached to the Christmas tree.

A DIY Christmas tree toy created using the method described above can be made not only using colored paper. You can also use clippings from old magazines, old postcards, or even your children’s self-drawn pictures.

New Year's balls made of threads

As mentioned above, Christmas tree decorations can be made from more than just paper. Balls made of thread look quite attractive. And most importantly, their creation does not require special skills or large financial costs.

To make Christmas tree toys from threads with your children’s hands, you will need the following:

  1. Yarn.
  2. A bowl.
  3. Balloons.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Fat cream (vaseline).
  6. PVA glue.

How to make balls of thread - instructions

  1. First you need to inflate the balloons. Their number depends on how much you plan to do Christmas tree decorations. Please note that you do not need to inflate the balloons to a gigantic size, because the decorations on the Christmas tree should be miniature.
  2. After the “template” is ready, you should move on to the main stage creative process. To do this, you need to dilute water and PVA glue in a bowl in a ratio of 1:3. Yarn is placed into the resulting mixture (for about 5 minutes).
  3. While the “base” of the toy is soaking, it is necessary to cover the balls thick cream or Vaseline. This is done so that the thread does not slip off the workpiece.
  4. The yarn should then be wound around the ball. The distance between the threads must first be large. When wrapping the ball with thread, this distance will be reduced.
  5. At the end of this process, the thread must be cut and glued to the ball. Now almost finished toy on the Christmas tree, made with your own hands, must dry.
  6. A day later balloon is deflated and then removed from the toy. The Christmas tree decoration is ready. All that remains is to attach the rope.

When making this decoration, you can use multi-colored yarn. The finished craft is also decorated with sparkles, tinsel or beads.

Christmas tree decorations - heart and ball

For such decorations you will need the following tools and materials:

  1. Scissors.
  2. Tweezers.
  3. Glue gun.
  4. A reel of small plastic beads.
  5. Small and large plastic garlands.
  6. Decorated cord.
  7. Heart and ball made of foam.

This method is perfect for decorating not very flashy Christmas tree balls made of plastic or updating old ones. In this case, you can use cords and beads of various diameters. For small balls, it is advisable to take a thread of small beads and a thin cord; on large ones you can stick both small and large beads. A Christmas tree toy decorated with your own hands using three threads and cords at the same time looks no less original.

Manufacturing instructions

  1. Unravel the finished garland into separate threads. Take the cord and use tweezers or small scissors to plunge the end into the foam ball.
  2. Apply a small amount of glue to the surface of the ball (in the place where the cord is attached) and secure the end of the bead thread.
  3. Then the ball is gradually covered with glue and at the same time beads and cord are laid on it (row by row) until the entire surface is filled.
  4. Then you need to cut off all the excess and immerse the end of the cord in foam. Thread the needle, then pass it through the cord to create a hanging loop.

The foam heart is decorated in the same way. With help glue gun a string of beads is attached to its edge. The beads are glued to one side, the turns are gradually laid in the direction from the edge to the center.

It is not at all necessary to use beads of the same color and size. When you get close to the center of the heart, cut the thread, then glue small pieces of it, cutting off the required number of beads using scissors. After completing one side of the craft, move on to the other. Finally, attach a ribbon or string for hanging.

DIY Christmas tree toy: big balls

To do Christmas balls from plastic bottles, you will need:

  1. Plastic bottle (it is important that stiffening ribs run around the bottle in rings).
  2. Old CDs.
  3. Beads or small balls for decoration.
  4. Sequins.
  5. Rain - preferably dense, which does not stretch from tension.
  6. Glue (it is better to use “Moment”).
  7. Stationery knife.

How to make Christmas tree balls from plastic bottles

  1. First you need to thoroughly wash the bottle. As a result, a layer of glue from the label will remain on its surface. It can be easily removed with tape; to do this, stick it to the place where the glue is and then tear it off. Such manipulations should be continued until the glue is completely removed from the plastic.
  2. Let's proceed directly to making a masterpiece. So, 1 ball - 1 bottle. There are grooves on the side surface, along which you need to cut the bottle using a stationery knife.
  3. The resulting rings need to be trimmed with scissors so that they are the same in width.
  4. 4 rings are connected and secured to each other using rain. Do the same on both poles, making a loop on one of them.
  5. For passionate fans of minimalism, this Christmas tree toy, made with your own hands from plastic bottles, is completely ready. Everyone else can move on to the next step.
  6. Balls can be decorated different ways and materials. For example, wrap it in rain, cover it with pieces of a CD or sequins. You can also use plastic beads, rain trimmings, shells, beads and much more as decoration.

DIY Christmas tree toy: large plastic decorations

Almost every home has used plastic bottles, but not everyone knows what kind of bottles can be made from them. beautiful crafts. For example, a flower made from the bottom of a bottle. To make such a toy you will need:

  1. Super glue.
  2. Decorations.
  3. Gouache or acrylic paints.
  4. Colorless plastic bottle.
  5. Scissors.
  6. The cord for fastening is approximately 30-40 cm long.


DIY Christmas tree toy kindergarten made from a plastic bottle, is performed as follows:

  1. Using a stationery knife or scissors, carefully cut off the bottom of the plastic bottle.
  2. The surface of the bottom is covered with acrylic paint. This paint is resistant to any weather conditions, so the toy can later be used for decoration. street tree. If you don’t have acrylic paints, use gouache to create a decoration for home use.
  3. The bottom can be decorated with rhinestones, beads or painting. Glued along the edge of the cut satin ribbon.
  4. Using an awl, a hole is made for fastening. A ribbon or cord is pulled through it so that a loop appears on the outside, and the knotted ends remain inside the flower.
  5. A DIY Christmas tree toy for kindergarten!

If you use two bottoms, you will get more volumetric toy. The sequence of actions when making such a decoration will remain the same, only at the end the halves are connected by cuts. To do this, you will need superglue or double-sided tape, as well as satin ribbon to mask the connecting seam.

Soft fabric Christmas tree

It is not at all necessary for the Christmas tree to be green and prickly; it can be soft and pink. We will sew a decoration that is suitable not only for the Christmas tree, but also as New Year’s decor for your home.

For this you will need:

  1. Fabric size 15 x 22 cm.
  2. Pattern.
  3. Embroidery threads.
  4. Decorative tape.
  5. Polyester filling.
  6. Pins.
  7. Embroidery needles.

Step-by-step instruction

So, soft toy The “Christmas tree” is made with your own hands according to the following scheme:

  1. Download the pattern or make your own, print and cut out. It is advisable that it be on cardboard.
  2. Fold the fabric in half. Place the pattern on it, outline it with chalk, then mark the hole through which yours will be stuffed in the future. Christmas tree decoration"Christmas tree" with your own hands.
  3. Next, without touching the holes, sew the pattern. In order not to spoil the shape of the tree, you need to be especially careful when bending.
  4. Now cut out the pattern as close to the seam as possible. You need to leave a little more space at the material hole.
  5. Turn the Christmas tree inside out, shape it and iron it.
  6. Make six marks on the fabric where you want the knots to be.
  7. Fill the decoration with a small amount of polyester (about the size of a chicken egg).
  8. Then you need to sew up the hole. At the top, fasten the thread and tie it with a knot.
  9. In order to make knots, in the places marked with dots on the pattern, you need to sew stitches in front, back and back.
  10. Then you should tie a bow from a decorative ribbon and sew it at the very top with a few stitches.
  11. Now the educational toy “Christmas tree”, sewn with your own hands, is completely ready.

Funny toys for the Christmas tree

  1. After you select the shape you like, from thick cardboard cut out the template. Then select the threads - they should be voluminous and dense.
  2. A thread is attached to the template, after which we wrap it around our Christmas tree toy with our own hands so as to cover all the cardboard.
  3. Next you need to sew on a rope for hanging.
  4. The toy must be thoroughly soaked on both sides with glue.
  5. Once the glue has dried, you can start decorating. If we plan to make a giraffe, then first we apply brown acrylic paint.
  6. After the paint has dried, use masking tape to cover the areas not intended for painting.
  7. Next, a second layer of acrylic paint is applied.
  8. After drying, the toy can be decorated with beads or sequins, and details can be outlined (ears, eyes).
  9. The Christmas tree decoration is ready.

New Year's Eve with toys in which a piece of your own heart has been invested will become the most unforgettable event!

In this article we will tell you how to make DIY Christmas tree decorations for a street Christmas tree using available items. It is quite possible to turn everything ordinary into something beautiful and magical.
Decorations for the New Year's beauty are made from all sorts of things: foam plastic, cardboard, pine cones, pieces of wood and even bottles with light bulbs are used. And every craft is unique in its own way. Look at the photo. These balls are handmade from polystyrene foam.

It is important to know one important detail. The weather is not always good on New Year's Eve; it rains often. Therefore, your crafts should not have anything that washes off or gets wet. When the Christmas tree is in the house, use whatever you want there.

Foam crafts

The material is easy to process and in itself. It will not split, break or hit anyone if it suddenly falls off the branch. You can make Christmas tree decorations from polystyrene foam with your own hands in any form and in different ways.

Getting ready for work

We will need materials and tools:

  • Styrofoam;
  • soldering iron;
  • paints;
  • glitter;
  • needle and thread;
  • glue;
  • sandpaper.

Don't forget that you are making decorations for an outdoor Christmas tree, so the glue and paints must be resistant to water and frost.

We will use a knife to process the foam blank. The knife should have a thin, sharp blade because the processing should not be too rough. The same goes for sandpaper, choose “zero”. Sandpaper will be needed for final processing: we will use it to remove irregularities (burrs, extra bumps). Using paints, we will color our craft, and then lightly cover it with glitter. We will make a hole with a needle and thread it to make a loop.

Choose strong threads, as a strong wind can easily tear off the decoration!

With a soldering iron, if desired, you can apply indentations in the form of patterns. You will need glue if you want to attach, for example, a beautiful ribbon bow to the toy.

Follow safety precautions when working with a soldering iron! When processing polystyrene foam with this device, toxic smoke will be released that can cause cancer. Keep this in mind and work in a well-ventilated area. It is advisable to use a mask or respirator to protect your respiratory system.

Making beautiful balls

It is best to make your own Christmas tree decorations from foam balls. They are very often found in handicraft stores. This option is offered because you can’t make a ball out of ordinary foam wrappers. We will need large balls, since we will hang them on a street tree. How more tree, the bigger and brighter the toy!

So, take a clean foam ball and prepare a flat foam stand. We paint it any color with permanent indelible paint. To avoid getting your hands dirty or smearing paint from the ball with your fingers, use two toothpicks and stick them into the ball, as shown in the photo. You can paint with a brush or spray can. We stick the toothpicks with the ball into the stand and wait for it to dry.

After the ball has dried, you can apply patterns with another paint or glue something beautiful to it. You can apply patterns with the tip of a soldering iron, for example, in the form of snakes. Now let your imagination run wild. Then take a needle and thread in the eye and pierce the part of the ball that you consider to be the top.
The picture shows exactly how to pierce the toy.

Many people use arcs from paper clips as a hanger, simply sticking them into the ball, and then tying a thread. In our case, this option will not work: a strong wind will easily tear the ball away from the suspension. The simpler the design, the more reliable it is!

We tie both ends of the thread into a knot and hide the knot itself. The finished craft will look like a store-bought one plastic ball for the Christmas tree.

Foam figures

Christmas tree decorations made of polystyrene foam can also be made flat, in the form of various figures. You will need foam boards. First, use a pen or felt-tip pen to make a drawing on the foam. Then we carefully begin to cut. You need to sand rough surfaces with sandpaper, otherwise the craft will not look so beautiful.

For example, we want to do beautiful snowflake. We draw it on the foam, then we begin to cut out the internal places.

Always start by cutting out the inside areas. This is much more convenient, and the risk of the toy breaking is significantly reduced.

Now let's start cutting out the snowflake itself from the foam sheet. It will look beautiful even without painting. It is better, of course, to paint it silver, gold or metallic blue. The hole must be made from the upper ends so that the snowflake on the tree is turned with its front part towards the viewer. If you pierce it directly on the plane, the snowflake in a suspended state will turn edge-on towards us.

Don't limit yourself to flat figures. cut out volumetric crafts in the form of bells, birds, Christmas trees and so on.
By the way, such Christmas tree decorations can be made from foam balls. For example, a snowman.
You will need balls of different sizes. One is big, the other is smaller, and the third is even smaller. Carefully glue them together with strong glue. There is no need to paint such a craft, because the snowman should already be white. Using permanent markers, draw his mouth, eyes, nose and buttons. You can sew him a small hat.

Amazing snowflake - video

From plastic bottles

There are a lot of options, both simple and complex. Plastic Christmas tree decorations are perfect for a street New Year's beauty. They also do not get wet, are lightweight and easy to manufacture.

Only large bottles, 1.5 or 2 liters, are suitable. Toys made from small bottles will be difficult to see on a street Christmas tree.

Let's make a Christmas tree toy from a plastic bottle with our own hands, which will function as a bird feeder. We will need supplies:

  • 2 liter plastic bottle;
  • scissors and awl;
  • paints;
  • strong nylon thread;
  • tinsel, ribbons, etc.

In this option, a large bottle is suitable so that the birds have room to feed in it.

We take a bottle and begin to paint it in any color bright color, along with the lid. Spray painting will not take much time. We are waiting for the paint to dry. We decorate the bottle with ribbons, for example, knit a bow and secure it with glue. You can also use stickers. Then we cut out a small round window (8 cm in diameter) in the wall of the bottle so that it is as close to the bottom as possible. The photo shows interesting options bottle feeders, where the upper parts are made in the form of a roof.

First you need to paint the bottle, wait for it to dry, and only then cut out a window for the bird. The paint should not get into the area where the food will be placed. An animal may accidentally swallow a piece of dry paint and become poisoned.

Now unscrew the plug and punch a small hole in it. Take a thread and make a loop. It is better to make the knot large (tie several times). We insert the end of the loop so that the knot rests on the bottom of the lid. A simple and useful feeding toy is ready. We hang it on the Christmas tree, sprinkle it with food and admire the birds.

Flashlight bottle and delicate bells

A very simple option, familiar to everyone since childhood. Such Christmas decorations made from plastic bottles are also easy to make and process. We will need everything the same as for the feeder. Only now we will cut vertical stripes on the walls.

A sharp thin knife or scalpel is perfect for this procedure. It is better not to use a razor blade, as it can easily hurt you.

We cut the strips, the gap between them should be approximately 5 mm. The length of each strip is 15-20 cm, depending on the size of the bottle. Now we need to squeeze the bottle so that all the stripes bend into different sides. Let's start painting and decorating. You can put something bright and shiny in the inner cavity of our flashlight.

A plastic bottle and disposable teaspoons will make a wonderful Santa Claus.

A white bottle will make a unique snowflake.

Green bottles will become the basis for the Christmas wreath.

A little patience and a lot of bottles will turn into a big snowman after a while.

DIY disco ball for a street Christmas tree - video

You've probably already looked at the options. simple from Tatiana Yablonskaya.

Now let's move on to the secrets of making such Christmas tree decorations that require more time.

Complex New Year's toys made from plastic bottles

  1. Snowman.

For this toy you will need a bottle that is shaped like three connected balls (or at least two).

You will also need to take a piece of felt of any shade and matching thread.

Sew a hat from fabric and cut it out long scarf. For the hat, you need to cut a rectangle, sew it along the cut line, and tie it at the top with thread or lace.

Paint the bottle in White color. Any paint will do, even gouache. Glue the cap onto the cork and tie the scarf between the first and second curves of the bottle.

Make two hands out of cotton pads. You just need to glue them into tight balls and glue them in the middle of the base.

Use gouache to draw the buttons, nose and mouth. And the eyes can be made from ready-made parts that are sold in handicraft stores.

The snowman is ready. It will look great on.

  1. Box with a surprise.

For this toy you need to choose a bottle without ribbed lines or bends. It is necessary to cut off the top part and use the high bottom.

Sprinkle on the bottom artificial snow and place a homemade snowman toy in the middle. It is better to fix it on a thin stick in the center of the workpiece.

So original and funny New Year's toys for the Christmas tree can be made from additional material.

Don’t be afraid to experiment, then your festive pine or spruce will surprise all the guests who gather at your home at the New Year’s table.

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Craft - Christmas tree toy "Monkey"
Another master class by Elizaveta on New Year's theme- Christmas tree toy "Monkey" from scrap materials...