Blog about China. New Year according to the Eastern calendar! (interesting traditions) Lantern Festival - an enchanting end to the Chinese New Year celebrations

Today, January 28, marks the beginning of the Year of the Fire Rooster in the eastern horoscope or the Chinese New Year. In order to find out what the year of the Fire Rooster has in store for you personally, get your personal Chinese horoscope. The owner of the year - the Red Rooster - has already begun to establish his own rules, and we all said goodbye to the Fire Monkey. Chinese New Year or Eastern New Year begins on the first new moon of 2017, which is today, January 28th. The Chinese New Year holiday symbolizes the beginning of a new cycle, the rebirth of nature. Every year the date for celebrating the New Year according to the Eastern calendar is different. In eastern countries that live according to this calendar, the New Year celebration lasts from two weeks to a month. At this time, it is good to guess your destiny and perform various rituals to change your future.

The Chinese horoscope is not based on solar cycle, i.e. the revolution of the Sun across all 12 signs of the Zodiac, like a real Western calendar, but on the lunar cycle. Therefore, the point of the Chinese New Year is the second new moon after winter solstice 21 December. The Chinese horoscope is calculated, in a special way combining the lunar cycle and the period of movement of Jupiter, which is called the second Sun. Jupiter symbolizes wealth, success, recognition, rewards and honors.

The Eastern calendar consists of 12 signs, which are assigned the names and characters of animals: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar. Each year of the eastern calendar, in addition to its animal ruler, has a certain element: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water. In addition to the elements, the year also has its own color: blue, red, yellow, white, black. Both the elements and colors give the year itself and the person born at this time their own character traits and, accordingly, destinies.

For each person, based on the sign of the Chinese horoscope, as well as the elements and colors, you can calculate how favorable a certain period (from a month to a year) will be, which elements you need to be wary of, and which will be especially favorable for your sign.

From your personal Chinese horoscope you can find out what things will be especially favorable for you in the next 3 months, people of which specific sign of the Chinese horoscope or element will bring you luck, wealth and prosperity. You will receive information on how to plan your time and your affairs, based on the most favorable periods according to the Chinese horoscope. You will find out how lucky you will be in love, in money matters, and whether success in general awaits you during the chosen period.

The personal Chinese horoscope will help you calculate your personal periods of luck and, based on this, draw up an action plan for the next 3 months, guaranteeing you success in business, in love and in life in general.

In our country New Year tops the list of most favorite holidays. No wonder some even celebrate it twice: January 1 and January 14. When New Year holidays ends, you can sadly put away the tree and other holiday attributes until next December. Or you can not clean anything up and celebrate the New Year again - by eastern traditions. The start date of the holiday is determined by the lunar-solar calendar. According to it, the Chinese New Year in 2018 starts on February 16.

A little history

The history of New Year's celebrations in the Middle Kingdom is shrouded in legends. According to one of them, the holiday is associated with a terrible monster named Chun (Nan). This monster attacked a small village once a year, whose inhabitants were forced to hide from it in the mountains. One day, an old beggar came to the village and asked permission from one of the residents to stay in her house during the attack of the monster. The woman tried to dissuade the old man, but in the end she allowed him to stay. The next day, returning to their village, instead of destruction, local residents saw undamaged houses and that same old man in red clothes. The old man laughed, and lights shone around him and firecrackers rattled.

It turned out that Nan is afraid of bright red and cannot stand loud noises. Now the villagers no longer hid in the mountains, but once a year held noisy merry celebrations so that the evil monster never comes to their lands again.

When does New Year start in China?

It is not for nothing that New Year is considered the largest holiday in China. Preparation for it lasts several weeks. It is considered very important during this period to finish all business, pay off debts and throw away unnecessary things in order to start the year with a new clean page. Before the celebration begins, the house is thoroughly cleaned.

Instead of Christmas tree The Chinese decorate the Tree of Light, hanging numerous decorations, garlands and lanterns on it.

The day when the new year begins is also known as the Spring Festival. According to local beliefs, this day marks the end of old year, and with it winter. The awakening of nature is noisily welcomed by numerous fireworks, festivities and fairs. The celebration lasts for 15 days.

The Chinese spend the eve of the year's holiday with close people. The family table is set with a variety of treats, fish, chicken, seafood, and sweets. Dumplings are a traditional dish for the New Year's table in China. It is believed that the richer and tastier it will be New Year's table, the more satisfying life will be in the coming year. At midnight, all doors and windows in the house are opened, clearing the way for the outgoing old year.

In the first days of the year, the Chinese meet with friends and family, visit each other to congratulate each other and celebrate the beginning of the new year together.

The date of the Spring Festival is set after the winter solstice on the first new moon, therefore, the New Year according to the Chinese calendar occurs between January 21 and February 21 each year.

Symbols of the coming year

The cycle of the eastern calendar includes 12 animals that are the patrons of each coming year. In addition to animals, the calendar includes five elements (water, earth, metal, fire and wood), which also alternate. Thus, each year in China is symbolized by a combination that is repeated only once every 60 years.

Eastern symbols have firmly entered into the traditions of celebrating our country, setting the mood for New Year's decorations and gift souvenirs.

Chinese New Year 2018 will be symbolized by the animal Dog and the element Earth. The main color of the year is yellow. By the way, the chronology in China is different from ours. The coming Year of the Dog will be 4716 according to the Eastern calendar.

In China, it is not customary to give expensive gifts. However, congratulations are rarely complete without a gift. Traditional New Year's gifts in China are considered:

  1. Banknotes. In China, it is customary to give money to children. They are packaged in red envelopes and given to every child who arrives at their doorstep in the first 15 days of the new year. This tradition is believed to bring good luck for the coming year.
  2. Symbols of the year. A popular gift are souvenirs with images of the animal that is the patron saint of the year. In the coming year, these are figurines of dogs and various objects with their image.
  3. Couple gifts. In China, there is a custom to give small gifts consisting of two items for the New Year. These can be glasses, paired figurines and other things. Two parts of one whole symbolize harmony and well-being in the family.

Gifts (except for envelopes with money for children) are usually given before leaving. Guests often do this secretly, almost unnoticed by the hosts.

Also in China there is an ancient tradition of presenting two tangerines to the hosts upon entry. When guests leave, they receive two other tangerines in return. This gesture is a wish for each other good luck and wealth, as tangerines symbolize gold.

How to celebrate the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog

To make the coming year prosperous and successful, you can use New Year's celebration some advice coming from Chinese traditions:

  1. Celebrating the coming year should begin with preparation. According to Eastern customs, it would be a good idea to get rid of all the excess rubbish that has accumulated in the house. It is worth reconsidering your grievances, dealing with debts and unresolved issues. If in 2018 the New Year in your family begins in a friendly and warm atmosphere, rest assured that the Yellow Dog will help support it throughout the year.
  2. It is better to decorate your home in yellow, gold, light brown and pale greenish tones. They correspond to the color of the element of Earth, which patronizes the coming year.
  3. You shouldn't celebrate alone. The Chinese always surround themselves with loved ones on New Year's Eve. In addition, the dog, symbolizing the coming year, is a herd animal, so it is better not to contradict it and celebrate the holiday in pleasant company.
  4. The festive table must include meat or poultry dishes. The dog prefers meat food, and in celebrating the coming year it is better to try to please it.
  5. Clothing and accessories are also worth choosing from color range yellowish tint. The dog is a conservative, so do not overdo it with extreme short dresses and bright shiny accessories.

New Year's celebrations can be extended over two months. They can begin, according to the traditions of our country, on the night of January 1 and continue until the New Year according to the Chinese calendar, which starts on February 16 and is celebrated for another 2 weeks. For those who think New Year's celebration most beloved, this is a wonderful opportunity to extend Christmas mood and charge positive attitude for the entire coming year.


Chinese New Year - Chun Jie, which means Spring Festival, is the most important holiday for the Chinese, it has been celebrated for more than two thousand years. It falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice, between January 12 and February 19. With the introduction of the Gregorian calendar, this holiday began to be called the “Spring Festival” to separate it from the Western New Year.

In everyday life, Chun Jie is called “Nian” (nian means “year”). According to legend, Nian is a terrible, fierce monster with horns on his head who lived in ancient China. All year round he was in the depths of the sea and only on New Year's Eve he crawled out of the water, burst into villages, devoured livestock there and killed people. Therefore, local peasants were very afraid of him and every year before the onset of the New Year, entire families left the villages and ran into the depths of the mountains to hide from the predatory beast Nyan.

When is the Year of the Dog in 2018 according to the Chinese calendar: rules for celebrating the Chinese New Year The ancient Chinese celebrated the New Year for a whole month, but the reality modern life

they don’t allow you to relax for so long, so your rest time has been halved. On the first day of the Chinese New Year, incense is burned everywhere and fireworks explode to scare away the evil spirits that come to decorate the harvest (for the Chinese, the New Year is associated with the beginning of sowing work and is, first and foremost, a spring festival).

1) On New Year's Eve, decorate your house in red to protect all your loved ones from misfortune and sorrow. The color red, according to legend, protects against adversity, so on New Year's Eve it should prevail not only in the decor, but also in the clothing of all family members.

3) According to Chinese tradition, one of the most powerful rituals that attracts well-being is a ritual called 108 oranges. On New Year's Eve, roll 108 oranges (about 30 kg) into your apartment so that they get into all rooms. And enjoy the “orange carpet” throughout the day. From time to time, raise the fruits, while repeating - “love in the house”, “money in the house”, “luck in the house”, etc. After 24 hours, give the oranges to friends and family, make jam, make fresh juice, or just eat them. In Eastern cultures, 108 is considered a sacred number, so such a ritual must necessarily bring harmony and well-being.

4) An interesting ritual can be performed on New Year’s Eve, which will attract money to the house. To do this, you need to take a red sheet of paper and a green marker or paint. Write the amount you want to earn in the coming year, then glue a 10-kopeck coin and paint the sheet with images of bills and coins. After this, roll the drawing into a scroll, wrap it with gold and red ribbon and hide it in a secluded place.

5) Another ritual will bring material well-being. Sew a small bag from red fabric. On New Year's Eve, fill it with coins, having previously washed them under running water. This way you will wash away someone else’s energy from your money. Tie the bag with red and gold ribbon and place it in your most beautiful non-metallic container. Fill the bag with rice, and then move the “money source” to the south-eastern part of the apartment and leave it in the corner of the room.

When is the Year of the Dog in 2018 according to the Chinese calendar: the legend of the eastern calendar

Each year in the eastern calendar corresponds to one of the twelve animals - the signs of the Chinese zodiac. These are rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.

According to one legend, it was in this order that these animals came to Buddha to say goodbye to him before his death. He gave them one year of reign each as a sign of gratitude.

It is believed that people born in the year of a particular creature adopt its character traits. Both positive and negative. For example, people born in the year of the Rat are smart and cunning, while those born in the year of the Rooster are sociable and love to be praised.

In addition to animals, there are five more elements in the eastern calendar. These are metal, water, wood, fire and earth. They change once every two years. The elements also influence a person's character. For example, the Fire Goat is active and active, while the Earth Goat is reserved and dry.

Chinese New Year occurs on the second new moon after the winter solstice, between January 21 and February 21.

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Every year the number of people interested in eastern culture and the traditions of celebrating the New Year according to the eastern calendar is growing. How do they celebrate the New Year in these easternmost countries? We'll try to tell you!


For almost all countries of East Asia, New Year according to the Eastern calendar is a very important holiday! It is celebrated noisily and on a grand scale.

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Legend of the origin of the eastern calendar


The lunar calendar consists of twelve cycles, each of which has its own animal symbol, but how did these symbols appear? It turns out that Buddha is involved in everything.

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Before leaving the earth, Buddha decided to gather all the animals and say goodbye to them. Twelve animals came and in the order in which they came, Buddha gave them a year. As a result, the first year is Rats (cunning), then comes the Ox (hardworking), Tiger (brave), Rabbit (quiet) and Dragon (strong), Snake (wise), Horse (beautiful) and Sheep or Goat (artistic), Monkey (smart), Rooster (bright), Dog (loyal) and Pig (happy)

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In addition to the fact that each animal received its own year, it conveyed its character traits to the year: both positive and negative. It is believed that a person born in the year of a certain animal also takes on these traits. He receives both the strengths and weaknesses of the animal, and must decide for himself which line of behavior to choose.




New Year in Asian countries is one of the brightest and longest holidays. Traditionally, the color red is also given particular importance during the celebration.


This is interesting! In the east, red symbolizes fire; it drives away bad luck and troubles. Asians not only wear red clothes to celebrate the occasion, but also write cards on red paper, give gifts in red packaging, and release wishing lanterns of this color.

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Chinese New Year lasts, according to Chinese traditions, for fifteen days. and literally translated means the Spring Festival - Chundze, the meaning of which among the Chinese comes down to the awakening and flourishing of nature after hibernation.


During the Chunjie Festival, a joyful and festive atmosphere reigns everywhere.

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Residents shop for their favorite holiday, New Year is the most an important event for 1 billion 300 million Chinese. Everywhere, on the streets and in stores, there are toys and decorations in the shape of a Dragon.


The Chinese adore this holiday and prepare for it in advance: they carefully clean and decorate their homes, while throwing out all the trash from the house, thus making room for wealth and happiness.

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Chinese New Year Traditions


Chinese oriental traditions deserve special attention, according to which the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom celebrate the Chinese New Year

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So, for example, the Chinese traditionally celebrate New Year's Eve at home with their closest people. All family members, no matter how far they live from each other, should get together for a big festive table. New Year's Eve dinner together is as important a New Year's tradition as fireworks.

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Well, in the subsequent ones holidays They go to guests, where they give each other red envelopes with money. In addition, the pomp and scale of the New Year celebrations in China will surprise any visitor. Thousands of fireworks, firecrackers and firecrackers, according to Chinese residents, scare away everything bad, while, on the contrary, attracting only good things.



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Traditionally, before celebrating Chinese New Year, you need to thoroughly clean your home. Dirt in the house is a sign of disrespect for the owner of the next year. And if you meet the year of the wooden Goat in an untidy house, you can’t expect any favors from it.

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According to Eastern traditions, the New Year cannot be celebrated with debts, otherwise it will be very difficult to give them away.

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In the east, red means sun, joy, happiness and protects against evil spirits. Therefore, to celebrate the Chinese New Year, the house must be decorated in red shades.



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Favorable to stick on entrance doors in the house there are hieroglyphs made dark paint on a red background, as well as images of guardian spirits and the deity of wealth in the hope that they will bring happiness and prosperity to the house.

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Be sure to place vases with ripe tangerines throughout the house.- they represent wealth and prosperity. Instead of a Christmas tree, many Chinese buy tangerine trees.


They are found on the streets, in shops and offices at every turn. In addition to tangerines, the house can be decorated with peach and apricot flowers - they will symbolize new beginnings.

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Traditionally, for Chinese New Year it is mandatory to wear new clothes . This is done in order not to carry over the problems of the outgoing year into the new year.

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On this day it is also necessary to show exceptional politeness to everyone, even with those people who are unpleasant to you. Under no circumstances should you utter any words that are associated with troubles and misfortunes.

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A rich table for Chinese New Year is the key to success and prosperity. The New Year's table should include both traditional oriental dishes: rice - a symbol of wealth, noodles - a symbol of longevity, fish - a symbol of prosperity, as well as dishes that will appease the animal that is the symbol of the coming year!

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The holiday is accompanied by posting paired paper inscriptions on both sides of the entrance to the house, the room is decorated inside with popular New Year's paintings, these images contain wishes for happiness in the future. In the past, this custom, like the release of firecrackers, was considered effective way expelling evil spirits and cleansing the house of evil spirits. Later, gluing splints became part of the Chinese holiday ritual, and is now very popular in the country.



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On the night before the holiday, called “chusi,” the whole family gets together. A rich festive dinner is arranged, after which they watch the performance of famous artists on TV, and conversations are held on different topics, games. In many families, young people stay up all night, this is called “shou sui” - waiting for the New Year.

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The next morning, many families eat jiaozi dumplings, dumplings resemble traditional gold and silver bars in their shape and symbolize the desire for wealth.

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After breakfast, you are supposed to go around the houses of relatives and friends with congratulations and wishes for all the best. On the first day of the New Year, family and friends, friends and colleagues visit each other and give gifts.

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Adults give children small money, wrapped in red paper, which symbolizes the wish of prosperity for the family and the success of the child’s development.

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There is also a legend associated with this custom, that once in the city of Jiaxing there lived a couple who only gave birth to one child in their old age. The couple were afraid that the evil spirit “sui” might kill their baby, and decided to keep watch at the child’s bedside throughout New Year’s Eve. They prepared several coins for the baby and began to teach him how to wrap them in red paper, but after that they were all tired and quickly fell asleep. And a red bag of coins was placed near the baby’s pillow. Night has come. And the evil spirit began to creep up on the child, but when he decided to pet the child, a golden ray suddenly burst out of the bag of coins. The spirit was very frightened and ran away.

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Although today no one pays attention to whether the evil spirit “sui” exists, on New Year’s Eve adults still give money to children for good luck.

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On the days of the Spring Festival, mass performances are organized: lion dances, dragon dances, round dances of “land boats”, performances on stilts.

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In the old days, New Year's celebrations lasted more than a month. With the acceleration of the pace of life, there can be no talk of such long holidays, but it is during this time that one of the three “golden weeks” occurs in China. calendar year- seven continuous days off.

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Appears new fashion and for gifts. Previously, the Chinese gave each other cigarettes, alcoholic drinks, and food. Today a good gift are fresh flowers, a membership to a sports club, lottery tickets.



Ways of congratulations are changing. Instead of personal visits and greeting cards There are phone calls, emails and postcards over the Internet.

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After a noisy New Year's Eve, the Chinese will celebrate another traditional holiday"Yuanxiao" - Lantern Festival.


During this time, it is customary to enjoy pies made from sticky flour with sweet filling and candied fruits, as well as admire the light of lanterns lit at night. The Lantern Festival ends the New Year celebration in China.

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To believe or not to Eastern traditions, to follow them or not, each person decides for himself. We don’t see anything reprehensible in learning more about the traditions of our closest neighbors, and on the eve of the New Year, try to do something according to the rules and bring the celebration to an organized system. In any case, at least feeding the symbol of next year will definitely not be superfluous.

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In Russia, preparations for the New Year begin in mid-December. Both children and adults enjoy the holiday with its solemn atmosphere. In China, this celebration is celebrated twice a year - first together with the whole world on January 1, and then according to lunar calendar every year on a different date. Most residents will look forward to the Chinese New Year in 2019 with great anticipation, since Chun Jie (as the New Year is called in China) has a special meaning for the indigenous people of the country.

There is an assumption that an unusual animal called Nian came on New Year's Eve. It could destroy all food supplies, or even attack someone from the village. Nian even took children, animals, and grain supplies. The only salvation and protection was a luxurious dinner, which the Chinese began to leave at the door of the house. The more food there was, the faster Nyan became satisfied, and he left the area.

Families tried to prepare as many dishes as possible to appease the evil creature. Apart from Nian, evil spirits also tried to infiltrate Chinese houses. For their illegal actions, they were expelled from their main habitats, so they tried to find refuge among the common people. It was possible to frighten and drive out spirits only by the serious noise made by different ways. In modern China, the tradition is still relevant today, because fireworks shows are held, firecrackers explode, this is the ideal accompaniment of the holiday.

They also say that the color red has a detrimental effect on evil spirits. On all days of celebration on the streets and in Chinese houses, even in clothes – this tone prevails. They try to honor the ritual to this day, that is, on the eve of the holiday, scarlet paper appears on doors and windows, and the Chinese dress in something red. The most relevant element of clothing is underwear, which is usually purchased and given to each other. The color of clothing may vary depending on the patronizing element. Without looking at it, the Chinese always use at least 1 red element. The most common gift is red panties, because they can protect not only the body, but also the soul from evil forces.

Symbol of 2019

In the eastern horoscope, each year has its own symbol in the form of an animal. There are 12 of them in total: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Each symbol is assigned the color of a natural element. He is changing too. There are 5 colors and elements:

  • white - metal;
  • blue - water;
  • green - tree;
  • red - fire;
  • land is indicated in yellow.

According to the Chinese calendar. According to legend, the Jade Emperor chose the most beautiful animals living on earth for the zodiac calendar. The pig arrived by accident: it became a replacement for the cat, who slept through the reception of the heavenly emperor due to the fact that the rat did not wake him up.

The pig is considered sociable, friendly, but at the same time pragmatic. Therefore, it is necessary to celebrate the holiday in the cheerful company of your closest friends and relatives.

Residents of the Celestial Empire expect success in business and in their personal lives from this year. The pig loves to dig in the ground, so 2019 will be favorable for people who are engaged in agriculture and work on the land. The pig will also favor those who decide to enter into a marriage.

To celebrate the Chinese New Year under this sign, you need to properly prepare. The color of the symbol is of great importance, so for festive outfit It is recommended to choose clothes in yellow and brown shades. The gold color is suitable for both outfits and room decor. The pig loves acorns, so creating decorative compositions with them is encouraged.

The animal loves to eat, so the New Year's table should be rich. Dishes made from vegetables, legumes, meat, poultry and fish are welcome.

On the eve of the holiday

New Year in China is a special holiday and preparations for it are no less intense. According to beliefs and traditions, before the holiday, the Chinese must cleanse themselves and put their home, body and soul in order.

Preparation includes the following actions:

  1. Housewives spend general cleaning. Women wash their homes thoroughly, as the presence of dust is unacceptable.
  2. Old things must be thrown away so that there is room for new ones.
  3. The day before, all Chinese go to the bathhouse to cleanse the body.
  4. Women prepare many delicacies for the celebration. On the first day of the New Year you cannot cook anything, so the day before you prepare meat and fish dishes, sweets and other treats.
  5. Tangerines and other citrus fruits are placed on the table, which symbolize well-being.
  6. Prepare the robes. You need to celebrate the Spring Festival in clean, ironed and smart clothes.
  7. The house must be decorated paper garlands, lanterns and others holiday decorations. A hieroglyph denoting happiness, inverted, is hung on the door.

When preparing for the holiday, do not forget to prepare gifts for loved ones, relatives and friends. Before the New Year, the family gathers for a pre-holiday dinner. This evening several generations gather at the table.

Features of New Year celebrations in China

Chinese New Year is celebrated every year with tradition and 2019 will be no exception. Celebrations stretch over 15 days and take place in the following sequence:

  1. The night before, the family gets together for dinner. Adults and children do not sleep all night. They watch on TV entertainment programs, sing and dance, have fun from the heart and definitely set off fireworks. It is believed that fun and loud noises scare away evil spirits.
  2. On the second day they go to visit relatives. In some regions this day is called Son-in-Law Day.
  3. On the third day, sacrifices are made - paper “sacrifices” are burned. They pray and don’t leave the house, except to go to church.
  4. IN next days go to visit colleagues and friends. They prepare goodies and set off firecrackers.
  5. From the 6th to the 8th day, the Chinese spend time with their families, and on the ninth day they honor the memory of the dead.
  6. The second week is less busy; workdays begin in many provinces. People prepare for the Lantern Festival, go to visit people, and folk festivities are held on the streets.
  7. On the 13th day it is customary to eat vegetarian food.
  8. On the 14th day, sheds are built for launching lanterns and the final preparatory work is carried out.
  9. The Lantern Festival concludes the New Year celebrations. Thousands of hot lanterns rise into the sky on this day. A fascinating sight for the Chinese special meaning. It is believed that this ritual helps refresh the sky and help the souls of the dead find their way upward.

During the New Year celebrations, Chinese people spend time with family, visit relatives and friends, and honor the memory of the dead. Any action is accompanied by bright saturated colors, lights shining everywhere and sincere fun. Laughter and songs are heard in the streets, firecrackers and fireworks explode.

What traditions do the Chinese follow?

The Chinese population always adheres to traditions. In every region individual characteristics celebrations, although general canons are also supported:

  • you should wear something red from clothes, this color copes with various monsters that previously attacked Chinese families;
  • When guests enter the house, they bring with them 2 tangerines, this is a symbol of happiness and prosperity. The same amount of fruit is returned to this family if it goes home;
  • on all days of celebration, fireworks are launched on the street, they help scare away evil spirits;
  • tapes or red paper appear on the windows as additional protection;
  • on the 1st day you cannot clean, as you can sweep happiness out of a residential building, you are not even allowed to take out the garbage;
  • The Chinese do not give each other expensive gifts, but they may present some money in a scarlet envelope. Since 8 is a lucky number, that’s how many bills there should be. It is not recommended to use odd amounts of money. Sweets and classic souvenirs are also gifts.

How to celebrate New Year 2019 according to Chinese traditions?

Every year the number of fans of Eastern religion and customs is growing, so many are interested in how to celebrate the New Year. According to the Chinese calendar, 2019 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, so when preparing for the holiday you need to consider the following:

  1. For the celebration, you can choose clothes in yellow, brown or green, as well as their shades.
  2. There should be abundance on the table, since the Pig loves to eat delicious food. Various salads would be appropriate. Give preference to plant foods, fruits and vegetables, but you can also serve baked goods, meat or fish dishes.
  3. You need to celebrate the New Year in the company of friends or family. In China, the symbol of the year means family well-being, and the animal itself lives in a herd, so don’t be alone.

And most importantly, create a comfortable and festive atmosphere in your home, have fun from the heart. In China they believe that only positive emotions, joy and laughter can bring prosperity and happiness into the home.

Look video about how New Year is celebrated in China: