What to write on a T-shirt? How to make an inscription on a T-shirt: the choice of an inscription, bright colors, spectacular stickers, methods of applying at home and ordering an inscription from professionals How to make a stencil for an inscription on a T-shirt.

This printing method is considered one of the highest quality. The inscriptions on white T-shirts are produced only using this method. Moreover, drawing a picture on a T-shirt takes only a few minutes. With the help of thermal transfer, you can get a color image unlimited in color. At the beginning of the process, the image is printed on a laser printer, then with the help of a thermal press, the resulting image is transferred to a T-shirt. It is also possible to apply images on textiles using special thermal transfers on an inkjet printer, however, such images will not be durable.

The only drawback of this printing method is that you need to wash the T-shirt at a water temperature not higher than 40 C, the durability of the application is 100 washes.

A polymer film is called a flex; when printing using this method, the contours of a pattern or inscription are cut out on a plotter and transferred to the fabric using a heat press. Flock, unlike flex, is a more velvety film. The images that were applied to the fabric using flock and flex are highly resistant and durable, and they can also withstand washing at a temperature of 90 C. Printing one pattern or inscription takes only a few minutes.

In addition to these methods of printing on T-shirts, there is another way to apply a picture or inscription on a T-shirt - silkscreen printing. This method is considered the most common for printing inscriptions on fabrics, but it is used only for large print runs. An image or an inscription made on a T-shirt using this method is distinguished by excellent durability; such a product can only be washed at a temperature not higher than + 40 C.

Often, our compatriots have a question about how to make an inscription on a T-shirt at home. This problem is quite relevant, since this clothing is very popular. At the same time, it is not easy to find T-shirts with interesting text content or images in the store or on the Internet.

You can inexpensively order such a service from the master, who, after completing the work, will ensure the delivery of the T-shirt to the customer. However, this process takes time, so many tend to draw a suitable drawing at home for printing on a T-shirt. This option is completely free, allowing a person to show their own imagination when choosing what to embroider, apply or write on clothes.

It is recommended to use a black or color printer to print a picture or text on a T-shirt. Special transfer paper is sold on which the idea of ​​​​an interesting or cool image is printed. Then, using an iron, it is transferred directly to the T-shirt. This method of making an inscription on a T-shirt yourself is considered fast and low-cost if the appropriate technique is available. However, it also has a significant drawback - the applied pattern begins to peel off after several washes.

Painting is considered a more effective option for giving a T-shirt a unique look. acrylic paints or special markers for fabric. They can be purchased at all stores that sell art supplies at a low cost. There are even paints for painting on silk, but their use requires skill and practical experience. Standard fabric dyes are thick and applied directly to the fabric.

Before you make an inscription on a T-shirt with your own hands, you need to come up with a design version of the future image. The style is chosen taking into account the age and gender of the T-shirt wearer, since children's prints are not suitable for adults, and serious phrases are not suitable for the younger generation. Then, according to the intended text and drawing, an appropriate stencil is prepared.

Those who do not know how to draw and write beautifully can print an interesting version on thick paper using a printer by cutting out the appropriate elements. For cutting, stationery knives or a scalpel are used. In this case, do not cut the holes completely, otherwise the letters will fail.

The prepared stencil is applied to a T-shirt, which should be pre-ironed. An oilcloth or paper should be placed between the top layers and the back of the clothing. The paint is applied evenly with a regular brush. After removing the stencil, it is necessary to draw the uncut elements of the letters and at the same time correct the drawing in the necessary places. After completion of all work on painting, the T-shirt must be dried for 24-36 hours. The image and text should be fixed by stroking it for 5-10 minutes through a thin fabric.

Where to make an inscription on a T-shirt? You can use the services of gift and souvenir shops or show your creativity and transfer your favorite picture to the fabric yourself. It is not very difficult to bring such an idea to life. Everyone will be able to make an original and one-of-a-kind item with their own hands, even without artistic skills, but they will greatly facilitate the work. you can give young man, friend, husband or sister.

Choosing the right T-shirt

How to make an inscription on a T-shirt at home? This creative process begins with the selection of a suitable base. It is better to choose a plain t-shirt. For the first time, it is worth taking a white or gray one without extraneous inscriptions. The material is pure cotton without viscose impurities. This can be purchased cheaply at any store or even the nearest second-hand store.

T-shirt needs to be prepared. The most important thing for the accuracy of the drawing is the definition of the center. You can fold the T-shirt in half and iron it with a hot iron. You will get a crease running down the center. You can mark the T-shirt with a pencil and a ruler, but it takes longer. After that, the T-shirt needs to be pulled over some kind of solid base: a piece of plywood, a thick magazine or a board.

Selecting an inscription or drawing

Writing something by hand beautifully and neatly is quite difficult, especially the first time. Only experienced artists who have already worked with fabric will cope. It is much easier to translate a finished picture or inscription through a stencil.

What inscription can be made on a T-shirt? Usually they choose their favorite quotes, phrases from movies and TV shows, logos or favorite characters. It is necessary to consider to whom such a gift is intended and what kind of relationship you have with this person. Think about what you want to say with this unusual gift.

What inscription can be done on a t-shirt for a guy? Young people love something out of the ordinary, but not everyone will like clothes with the inscription "The best guy in the world." Perhaps you should be a little more modest? Much better (but harder) to draw your favorite comic or apply one of the signature phrases that are familiar only to your closest friends.

What other inscription to make on a t-shirt for a guy? As an option (for example, as a gift for the anniversary of the start of a relationship), you can make paired T-shirts that complement each other. Paired T-shirts can be combined not only with an inscription, but simply similar pictures. For example, on one you can draw a mustache, on the other - a lip print, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, puzzles that fit perfectly together, and so on.

How can you make an inscription?

How to make an inscription on a T-shirt? There are several ways, each of which has certain advantages and disadvantages. To use gel colored glue, you need to have artistic skills, because the image is handwritten. The inscription is original and unusual.

You can use spray paint. In this case, you will need a special stencil that can be prepared at home. The paint must be suitable for the fabric. Another stencil option is acrylic paint. The inscriptions can be made on a T-shirt with two layers of paint using a hard brush.

Let's do the writing ourselves!

How to make an inscription on a T-shirt with your own hands? At home, you can use the following image application techniques: screen printing, printing on a home printer, using a stencil made of cardboard or plastic, hand-painting with gel glue, contour drawing.

How to make a stencil?

Before starting work, you need to make a stencil. If you plan to apply some kind of inscription, then the font style, size and other parameters can be selected in a practical way in any text document editor.

Don't forget to set the scale to 100%. Then the inscription will be on the screen in the same size as after printing. If you have a printer, it remains only to print the document after. If there is no such device, then you need to attach a self-adhesive to the monitor and circle the inscription. For convenience, the paper is fixed with tape.

The drawing on paper needs to be cut out to make a stencil. Everything must be done carefully so as not to cut off the excess part of the letter or image. It is better to cut with a sharp clerical knife on a cutting mat (so as not to damage the surface of the table). It is more convenient to start with the internal elements of the letters, and then move on to the external ones.

The result is a sheet with holes. The internal elements of the letters should not be thrown away (as well as the letters themselves, which will come in handy as stickers).

For the convenience of further work, you need to determine the middle of the figure. With a ruler, measure the top and bottom of the middle of the sheet and draw a median line with a pencil.

A stencil is needed if transfer paper will not be used to transfer the image, but only acrylic paints or spray paint. Otherwise, it is enough to print the desired picture or inscription on a home printer. The technique for using thermal transfer paper is described below.

transfer paper

How to make an inscription on a T-shirt? Inkjet printer owners can easily transfer lettering and designs onto fabric for decoration various products. You will need a high resolution inkjet printer. By the way, not only modern, but also some outdated models do quite well with such work.

An iron or ironing press is required. The press will provide a stronger fixation of the pattern, but if it is not available, then you can use a regular iron. In this case, you also need to prepare a table with a hard and even surface that is resistant to heat. An ironing board will not work. Even in the process, you will need a small piece of clean cloth.

To transfer the image, special media are used - thermal transfer paper for light or dark fabrics. The structure of such materials includes a paper base and a thin layer that is attached to the fabric when heated. It is on the surface of this thin layer that a drawing or image is applied.

An image or an inscription can be prepared in any program that supports the print function. Printing on fabric has several features. The reproduction of light shades will be worse, narrower, and the contrast will be lower. Therefore, it makes sense to artificially increase the contrast and saturation of the image using software methods before printing. If possible, you need to exclude areas of the image filled with light shades.

In order for the image on the T-shirt to be read normally in the future, it must be printed in a mirror image. To do this, activate the Mirror or Flip function. You can check the correctness of the settings in the preview mode.

After printing, the image must be cut out, leaving 5-6 cm of free space around the perimeter. The iron is set to the highest power, the steamer must be turned off. Before starting work, the device must warm up sufficiently.

How to make an inscription on a T-shirt? On the surface of the table you need to put a piece of fabric and iron it carefully so that no wrinkles remain. Then the product is laid on the fabric, on which the inscription or drawing will be transferred. The surface must be ironed, and then place the pattern face down.

The sheet must be ironed slowly and in several approaches. After completing the procedure, the product must be allowed to cool for two minutes, and then carefully remove the paper base by pulling it from one of the corners. With a completely cooled t-shirt, removing the base will be much more difficult.

Acrylic paints on fabric

How to make an inscription on a T-shirt? To work with acrylic paints, you will need a stencil. The technique of its manufacture was described above. Then you need to prepare acrylic, brushes, a rag or a jar of water. A rag and water are not necessary, because acrylic itself adheres well to the fabric, but it will be possible to remove excess paint or simply moisten it as you go, especially if you plan to work with several colors.

You can start applying paint. To avoid smudges, the brush must be driven from paper to fabric. Acrylic do not dilute with water in large quantities. The paint must be sufficiently liquid, but also thick, so that the color density is preserved. If black paint is applied to white cloth one layer is sufficient. If the fabric is dark and the paint is light, then several layers will be needed. Each new layer must be dried, and only then a new one should be applied.

After painting the stencil, do not rush to remove the stencil. It is better to let the paint dry a little, and it is better to dry completely. Then carefully remove the stencil. It is convenient to pick up the paper with tweezers. Smudges can be masked with acrylic in the color of the fabric. On black matter, this will turn out completely imperceptibly.

Drawing with helium glue

You can make an inscription on a T-shirt for a husband, girlfriend or boyfriend using a gel. Gel glue is easy to use, but artistic skills are needed, because the drawing is best applied without a stencil.

The base is pre-soaked in cold water and stretched on plastic or plywood so that there are no wrinkles. It remains only to write the desired text with glue. The adhesive gel is sold in convenient tubes, so it is quite convenient to apply it.

After a few hours (when the glue dries), the product is lowered into a basin of dye. After that, an inscription made with glue appears on a colored background.

What else can you draw?

There are several original and simple ways, in addition to those listed above. For example, you can use regular markers that are sold in stationery stores. But, rather, this is a one-time option, because there is a chance that the marker will blur after washing and stain the fabric around. You can buy plastic cubes with letters in the toy store, but the letters must be convex. This is a ready made stencil set. It is enough to paint over the letter with paint and make an imprint on the fabric.

Custom T-shirt

The easiest way is to order the transfer of the desired image to the fabric, rather than trying to master the work with thermal transfer paper or acrylic paints on your own. Where to make an inscription on a T-shirt? This service is offered quite often. You can order a t-shirt with an inscription in many online stores that sell t-shirts, or in gift and souvenir shops. The cost of applying an image depends on its size, base color and printing technique.

T-shirt care

The fabric with the transferred image can only be washed in cold water (maximum at 30 degrees Celsius). Be sure to turn the product inside out before doing this. Best of all, images (especially those that are applied by hand) are preserved by hand washing.

Do not use the steam iron, powder for colored fabrics, bleach or fast dry. You can iron such T-shirts only at medium temperature and from the wrong side. After the first wash, the image will become less bright and saturated.

How to remove the inscription from the T-shirt?

When a statement is outdated or no longer liked, the question often arises of how to display the inscription. The method depends on the specifics of applying the image. The thermal sticker is removed with an iron with steam supply. From above you need to put parchment and iron it with a hot iron until the inscription passes to paper. After the fabric is soaked in water with the addition of soda. Thermal printing can be erased with ethyl alcohol, ink or marker with thinner, acetone or alcohol. The tool must first be tested on a small area of ​​​​the image. After removing the image for several hours, dishwashing detergent is applied to the stains, and then the item is washed.


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Useful advice

For embroidery, you can also use ready-made pictures. They can be transferred to the fabric with an iron.

You can use a copy pencil. They draw a picture on tracing paper, then put a sheet on the fabric with the side on which they painted and iron it. The disadvantage of this method is that not all fabrics can be ironed.

A drawing translated with chalk can be ironed. Then the chalk will not crumble immediately.

A pattern printed on fabric can turn an ordinary item into a unique one. Via easy way Printing on fabrics, you can apply to garments or accessories (such as T-shirts, T-shirts, tops, hats, textile bags) a variety of patterns, identification marks and symbols, realistic photo images, inscriptions - in a word, whatever you want. Drawings printed in this way adhere well to the fabric and can withstand up to 20 washes, provided that the optimal conditions for applying the image are met.

You will need

  • - Thermal transfer paper;
  • - inkjet printer (color or black and white);
  • - iron.


Select the digital image you would like to apply to the textile. It should be good quality and in real scale. Mirror the image in a graphic editor, especially if it contains inscriptions, so as not to get unreadable text on the product.

Take a sheet of thermal transfer paper, which can be purchased at stores selling various types paper for printing on a printer. And for light fabrics, get white thermal transfer paper, and for dark fabrics - black.

Thermal applications will save you time. Buy a finished picture. It must be accompanied by usage. As a rule, such decor is transferred to the fabric with an iron. Attach the picture to the T-shirt. Place a thick cloth under it. From above, through a sheet of paper, press on the application with an iron and hold it for about 20 seconds. If the image is not fixed, repeat the procedure.

For a simple monochrome drawing, make a stencil. Draw a picture on a sheet thick cardboard. Cut out those parts of it that should be filled with color. Cover the T-shirt with polyethylene, cutting a hole for. Place cardboard or plastic under the layer of fabric you'll be dyeing to prevent the dye from seeping onto the back of the T-shirt. Apply the stencil to the fabric covered with foil, secure with tape. Fill in the drawing with spray paint. Remove all protective coatings only after the paint has dried.

You can paint a T-shirt in a freer technique using batik paints. Pull the part that you will paint on the hoop, protect the rest of the fabric with a film. To make an abstract picture, apply paint to a surface moistened with water. Several shades will blend on wet material, leaving beautiful streaks. To create a pattern with clear contours, spread the color over a dry fabric. To prevent the paint from spreading, circle all fragments of the picture with a reserve for batik. Fix the finished picture in accordance with the instructions for the paint. Usually an iron is used for this.

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The process of thermal transfer of a pattern will appeal to all family members, allowing everyone to create their own images based on fabric materials. And the factory texture will remain unchanged even after washing the product in washing machine.

You will need

  • - paper for thermal transfer of the image;
  • - iron;
  • - the cloth;
  • - jet printer;
  • - stable flat surface.


Use any program to transfer the image. If it is not symmetrical or contains text, enable the "Flip horizontal" function in the printer driver. This option facilitates the correct positioning of the image during thermal transfer.

To print an image, open the printer driver dialog box. Select 360 dpi Ink Jet Paper as the media type by setting the resolution to 360 dpi.

Insert a sheet of thermal transfer paper into the printer. Be careful to position the printed side correctly. The paper mark should be in the upper right corner. Make sure the sheet is not curled or bent at the corners. Set the paper thickness adjustment lever to "0". Print the picture.

Cut out the resulting image, leaving 0.5 cm along its edges. Heat the iron to maximum temperature and leave it on. Turn off the steam function. Spread a piece of any matter on a flat surface so that its edges hang down. Smooth out all wrinkles.

After making sure that there are no seams on the spread fabric, place the product on which you plan to transfer the image on it. Iron it on. Place the printed image on the product face down, adjust its position so that the pattern lies exactly as you intended.

Try to use only the widest part of the iron for smoothing. Starting at the top left corner, slowly move the iron along the top edge of the sheet. While doing this, press the iron firmly. The ironing process should take about 30 seconds. Repeat this procedure for the middle and bottom parts of the sheet, ironing each for 30 seconds. Then walk the iron over the entire surface, performing circular motions.

After making sure that the edges of the image to be transferred are well ironed, turn off the iron and place it in a safe place. Wait a couple of minutes for the transfer area to cool down. Then pull the sheet at any corner and remove it from the product.


  • how to transfer a design to a t-shirt

An unusual inscription made on a T-shirt or T-shirt will help express your individuality. A funny and original saying on clothes attracts the attention of others no worse than stylish and expensive accessories. If you were unable to find a T-shirt with a suitable inscription, you can do it yourself.

You will need

  • - light T-shirt;
  • - a transparent film for the printer;
  • - acrylic markers;
  • - a sheet of thick paper or cardboard;
  • - self-adhesive film;
  • - a computer;
  • - a printer;
  • - iron.


Select the inscription that you will transfer. It should be fairly simple and not too long. Use a graphical editor to prepare the template, which is available on almost any computer. Download the program and create an inscription of your choice in the editor. Experiment with , colors and the relative position of the elements. Having formed the inscription, flip it horizontally on the screen, reflecting it in a mirror image.

Insert transparencies specially designed for printing into the inkjet printer. The smooth side of the film should be directed towards the working part of the printer. Check the printer and computer settings, and then print a mirror image of the inscription you prepared in the graphic editor on the film coating.

Lay the T-shirt on a horizontal surface and straighten it carefully. While the image on the film is not dry, place the stencil on the fabric and carefully smooth it out, making sure that the ink is well absorbed into the material. When the contour is fixed on the T-shirt, leave the product to dry completely.

Arm yourself with colored acrylic markers. Outline the lettering, and then fill in the inner space of the letters. The work will become easier if you place a sheet of thick paper or cardboard with a self-adhesive film applied to it under the fabric in advance. In this way, streaks and smearing of the image can be prevented.

Dry the finished inscription by walking over it with a moderately heated iron. At the same time, the paint will be fixed and become resistant to moisture. Hang the updated T-shirt in a straightened form on the shoulders and leave it in this position for about a day, after which the product can be used.

Printing on a T-shirt can be applied in one of 4 existing ways. Some allow you to get an image at home, some only in industrial production.

Recently, printed t-shirts have become very popular. This one, decorated with a drawing or an inscription, can be worn by yourself, or you can give it as a gift or even organize production for subsequent sale. Fabric printing technologies are constantly evolving to produce a coveted image of rich, vibrant color that won't fade or fade over time.

Existing printing technologies

1. Printing on the fabric itself by means of a special.
2. Printing on paper with subsequent transfer of the image to the fabric using a thermal press.
3. Thermal transfer: silkscreen printing on fabric.
4. Thermal application.

Features of each of them

With the advent of special textile printers, it became possible to apply any image you like to clothes. You just need to put a T-shirt on a special movable table of the device and get a print. In the future, to fix the paint, it must be dried with a special device or under a heat press. However, this method allows printing only on white t-shirt: For application to color, an additional white substrate is required under the pattern. The advantages of this method include fast preparation for printing, high resolution, the ability to select an inscription and a picture. Among the shortcomings, it is worth mentioning the high cost of the print and the high time costs. This method is justified only if you need to process a small number of T-shirts.

The second technology is carried out in two ways: the sublimation printing method and the method called "magic touch". In the first method, printing is applied to paper with special ink, then with high temperatures ah, the paper is pressed against the fabric, and the T-shirt is dyed in the desired color. But this printing method is applicable only to polyester products. In the second method, the picture is printed on a special film, and then glued to the fabric under a heat press. This printing method is applicable to cotton products.

Thermal application involves cutting the film on a plotter and then assembling multi-color pictures. The resulting application is glued using the same heat press. The technology allows you to create simple inscriptions, vector emblems and. With thermal transfer technology, the image is printed using the silk screen printing method. The resulting "transfer image" is glued to the fabric with a heat press or iron. Ready product it turns out colored without the effect of a rectangular sticker.

the picture turned out brighter, the image can be varnished.

The second way. Lay the printout face down on the fabric and dampen with nail polish remover. Do not overdo it - cotton pads are best suited for this. You should smooth the picture well, expelling air bubbles. Next, the drawing must be “rubbed” with a spoon in a circular motion- diligently enough, but carefully so as not to tear the paper. Periodically lift the edge of the paper to check the quality of the image transfer. If necessary, rub it with a spoon for a while longer, and if the solvent or nail polish remover has evaporated from the paper, it can be gently moistened again. When the translated image dries, it can be ironed from the wrong side - this way the drawing will be fixed. Now it can even be washed.

Tip 12: How to transfer an embroidery design

Ways for light fabrics

The easiest and most affordable way to transfer any pattern to a light fabric is to use tracing paper. A sheet (or several sheets) is placed with a bold shiny side to the fabric, paper or fabric with a pattern to be copied is placed on top, and all layers are carefully cleaved together. After that, with a soft stack or a blunt pencil, circle all the lines, carefully making sure not to miss anything. Pencil pressure in most cases requires very little.

Can be used to transfer the pattern to smooth light fabrics special transfer pencil. A sheet of tracing paper is carefully pinned to the selected drawing and circled with a special pencil. Then the tracing paper is fastened with the fabric with the pattern down and ironed. Drawing under the influence of high temperatures is printed on the fabric. When applying this method, it must be remembered that the temperature threshold of some fabrics is very low, and in the case of translucent synthetic fabrics, as well as natural silk, this method will not be feasible.

For such thin fabrics, there is another way to translate the pattern. The drawing is placed on a surface illuminated from below (it can be a sheet of plexiglass placed on two stools) and the fabric on which it needs to be transferred is placed on top of the drawing. This method is good not only for transparent fabrics, but also for thin cotton, cambric, even linen or calico in some cases.

Methods for dark fabrics

There is a special tracing paper for dark fabrics, and although it is somewhat more difficult to find than ordinary, it is ultimately very convenient to use.

In the event that tracing paper is not freely available or you need to transfer the pattern to a fleecy fabric such as velvet, on which the pattern from tracing paper will not hold, there are several other ways.

The first way is stitching. The pattern is copied onto tracing paper, and then sewn to the fabric along the contour with small stitches using a contrasting thread. After the drawing is completely translated, the paper is simply cut off, and the thread outline remains on the fabric. Subsequently, you can remove it, or you can disguise it under embroidery.

The method of making a chip is suitable for absolutely all types of fabric and, depending on the dye, for any colors. But it requires a lot of time spent, so this method is used when there are no other ways, namely when you want to transfer the pattern to a fleecy fabric.

First, the drawing is transferred to tracing paper, and then holes are made in the tracing paper along its contour with an awl. You can pierce several layers of tracing paper so that the drawings for translation are at hand, or you can use mica and make an eternal chip. In any case, then tracing paper or mica is attached to the fabric and smeared with toothpaste on top - for dark fabrics, with toothpaste with dye - for light ones. It is best to dilute the paste in advance and then use a sponge to smear the chip. Toothpaste, penetrating into the holes on the chip, forms a strong outline of the pattern on the fabric, which will completely disappear after washing.

The picture can be transferred to the fabric in many ways.

Methods for printing on fabric

Whichever option you choose, contact only competent and experienced professionals who conscientiously do their job. And then you will get a magnificent stylish thing that will be worn for a very long time without losing its flawless appearance.

Fabric bags and T-shirts turn gifts into surprises original inscriptions. In principle, there are many options for such products on sale today, but sometimes you want to make your own inscription on a gift, one that no one else has.

You can contact a company that manufactures such things, and your order will be executed on time and in at its best. But there is an inscription on one product or a small batch (if you want to make surprise gifts for a holiday for several friends) will not be cheap. How and how to make an inscription on the fabric yourself, at home?

1. The easiest option: buy markers for T-shirts . They look like this.

There are felt-tip pens and markers for fabric of different companies, imported and domestic. An inscription or drawing made with high-quality felt-tip pens for T-shirts can withstand up to 20 washes without losing their appearance.

2. You will have to tinker a little more if you buy fabric spray . “Write” it quickly, before you have to make a stencil for the inscription (from cardboard, for example). Therefore, spray paint is more often used when you need to make large drawings.

You can make the inscription on the fabric special paints for fabric (acrylic base). There are no problems with their acquisition today - they are sold in any, more or less decent, needlework store. The inscription is applied with a brush. It is advisable to first make a barely noticeable inscription with a pencil, and already “paint” with paint. Be sure to place plastic wrap on the other side of the fabric.

3. Easy to write on fabric with thermal transfer paper (paper for thermal transfer of drawings). It is also sold in craft stores.

The inscription must first be applied to it - using a printer. Then, having applied the paper with the inscription on the fabric, iron it through a sheet of parchment with a well-heated iron. Everything!

There are countless options for interesting inscriptions with which you can make surprise gifts for your friends. We are sure you will come up with something special.