5 ways to put your baby to sleep without crying

If a child is very tired during the day, he may become completely (disobedient, stubborn and self-willed). This is why bedtime is the worst time to fight. This problem needs to be solved during the daytime.

First of all, you must follow the obvious rules to keep your child healthy and active:

  • ensure that the child spends more time in the sun and plays in the fresh air;
  • Feed him healthy foods (minimize sugar, avoid caffeine, artificial colors and flavors, and include fiber-rich foods to avoid constipation);
  • Make sure that the child sleeps well during the day, but not for too long so that fatigue accumulates in the evening.

In addition to this, you need to build a rapport with your child during the day so that he will naturally want to cooperate with you in the evening.

How to put your baby to sleep without crying: 3 ways

Children hate sermons. They are much more likely to do what they see than what they are told. So, instead of giving a lecture, teach your little one a lesson indirectly.

We all jealously guard the front door of our minds, rejecting any messages that seem too mentoring... even praise that is excessive or insincere! Nevertheless, all of us (children and adults) have great confidence in what we manage to overhear - in other words, the information that comes to us indirectly.

Here are three interesting ways to show your child that he needs to be kinder and more compliant, but in an indirect way - so that the child does not feel like he is being pressured: "gossiping", playing with dolls and fairy tales.

"To gossip"- means making sure your child overhears you whispering to someone in confidence about his actions that you want to encourage (or, conversely, minimize).

Your child is constantly eavesdropping on your conversations with others, so use this opportunity to convey small messages to him. If you have a confidential conversation with someone five or ten times a day, giving a positive or negative assessment of your child’s actions, not even a week will pass before you notice changes!

Say something like:

- Can you imagine, dad, when it was time for a nap, Rosie came up to me and lay down next to me just three seconds after I called her! So fast! She's clearly growing up!

- Can you imagine, grandma, Marnie kissed all her dolls, then hugged the bear, took a couple of deep breaths and exhalations, and then very quickly fell asleep.

Another way to indirectly convey messages to your gnome is doll game. Young children are often more inclined to listen to their doll's advice than to their mother's!

When two-year-old Sadie balked at the sight of a toothbrush, her dad, Jonah, turned to the Buzz Lightyear toy and said,

- Wait... I need to talk to Buzz about this.

Jonah then "addressed" Buzz in a conspiratorial whisper, but so that Sadie could hear him:

- Buzz, Sadie needs your help! She refuses to brush her teeth, but I don't want bad sugar bugs making holes in them. What do you think about this?

Jonah put his ear to Buzz's helmet and pretended to listen to the answer.

- So what, Buzz? Do you want Sadie to have good teeth and get rid of the bugs? And you will be proud of her if she brushes her teeth? Great! And I can put a mark on her hand if she does everything well? Thanks Buzz!

Sadie brushed her teeth, constantly glancing at Buzz. Jonah then hugged her, put a mark on her arm, and "gossiped" with Buzz about what a good little girl Sadie was.

Your little one will love switching roles while playing with dolls (or stuffed animals). At first, for example, the child may speak for the bear cub (“Ah-ah, ah-ah, I don’t want to go to bed!”), and then you switch roles, and he will pretend to be a mother bear (“Okay, let’s play two more minutes. But then you will need to brush your teeth, okay?").

Another option for indirect influence is to use fairy tales you made up. There must be hidden lessons in them. Children love to listen to stories - over and over - and because of this, the hidden messages in them are slowly absorbed, which means you don't have to nag or threaten your child.

So choose a time during the day, sit comfortably somewhere with your baby and tell him a story in which Billy Rabbit (it's better if the characters were animals, not people) tries to quickly put on his pajamas so that he has time to read books, or goes to bed early to have a cool dream about what a superhero he is!

Another way to reduce your child's bedtime resistance is to sit down and read his or her personal bedtime book together. Here's how to make such a book with your own hands.

Take your child to the store so he can choose the stickers himself. You will also need thick colored paper or cardboard, a hole punch and a binder (so you can add and remove sheets as desired).

When you get home, work together on the cover of your new book.

Inside the book, on the first and last pages, draw a happy face and write: “Four rules for a happy dream.” Make up your own rules. Below are some good options:

  • Happy, clean hands.
  • We brush, brush our teeth.
  • Great in pajamas!
  • I feel very comfortable in the crib.

Over the next few days, take photographs: capture them as you buy special bedding; your star map; dinner; games before bed (in dim light); the process of putting on pajamas, brushing teeth, turning on white noise; heart-to-heart conversation before bedtime; prayers; kisses from mom and dad; how you turn off the lights; how your mischievous child sleeps and how he wakes up happy with the birds.

Also take photos of how other family members (including pets) get to bed and sleep. In addition, paste into the book funny sleep-related pictures that you find in magazines, and even your baby’s doodles.

Under each photo or drawing, write small captions, for example:

  • Maya brushes her teeth.
  • Dad and Theo read funny stories... and they have fun!
  • Twila's eyes feel good and they close.

Finally, find some pictures of nature... maybe a sunlit sky, or a moonlit night, or some sleeping animals.

Read this book with your child throughout the day and ask: “What’s next?” until the child remembers all the actions in the prescribed order. From time to time, ask him to help you remember all four rules. If your baby starts looking at his book every day, he will be more flexible in the evening.

Finally, this bedtime book will be another keepsake from your child's early childhood!

Getting ready for bed: what to do and what not to do

Every family has its own bedtime routine. The main thing is to ensure that all rituals are pleasant, calming, consistent and performed with love.

When it's time to go to bed, don't do anything that might cause your baby to resist. For example, instead of asking, “Are you ready to go to bed?”, enthusiastically exclaim, “Okay, that’s it! It’s time for bed!” Signal with a gesture that it's time to go to bed and start counting down before singing the song you usually sing at bedtime. When you sing, use simple gestures to show that “it’s time to sleep”: for example, you can put two palms together and lower your head on them.

All children love to say goodnight to their toys. Prayers, lullabies and bedtime stories are also great bedtime rituals, and a pacifier and a final sip of water will make your way to dreamland a shortcut.

Offer your baby water or mint tea or decaffeinated chamomile tea, but don't give juices or sugary drinks that cause tooth decay before bed.

Favorite things, such as a soft blanket or a teddy bear, can be excellent helpers when falling asleep. Consider them stepping stones on the path to maturity and independence.

And don’t forget about the good old attribute of falling asleep -.

Heart-to-heart talk before bed: the power of positive thoughts

Another wonderful way to end the day is a method called "heart-to-heart talk before bed."

In the last minutes before falling asleep, your child’s consciousness is open, he is like a small sponge absorbing your loving words. Having a heart-to-heart before bed allows you to use this opportunity to fill your naughty boy's mind with gratitude for all the wonderful things that happened today, as well as strengthen his faith in the good things he can do and experience tomorrow.

Here's how to use this method with children aged one year and older:

  • Lay your baby down and sit next to him.
  • In a soft and calm tone, list the good deeds and funny situations that happened to him today.
  • If you put marks on your child's hand, count them and try to remember together why he earned them.
  • Think about tomorrow and list the events that could happen and the good deeds that the child can do (“I wouldn’t be surprised if tomorrow you climb to the very top of the slide. And you can also help the teacher collect all the blocks!”).

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Comment on the article "5 ways to put your baby to sleep without crying"

How to put you to sleep? Dream. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness And also Trick three: how to put a child to sleep. The eldest son slept peacefully in his crib since birth. For about two years he has been with great...

Should I put the child to bed later? He’ll get used to it with dad, and then he’ll fall asleep like that with you too. Well, as an option, rocking on a rocking chair. Take your phone and books with you. Sleep yourself, children are not fools, they perfectly understand the movement...


Only with breasts, and still do. Exceptions - in the car, in a stroller, if you are very tired, extremely rarely, not with me - during fairy tales or cartoons. Now, apparently, we have finally abandoned daytime sleep; we sleep from about 21.30 to 8-9. In general, these putting things to sleep are my nightmare, two years actually passed in trying to put the child to sleep :) During these two years, we never even put the sofa where we all sleep.

The eldest, from six months, and the youngest, from one year old, went to bed at night according to the same scheme - bought, put on pajamas, kissed, put in the crib, turned off the light, went out and closed the door. All. Until they were one and a half years old, both still drank milk at night.
If I lie down with a phone and a book next to me, my 5-year-old will wobble and chatter when they sleep and don’t read.

Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illness and physical development of a child from 3 to 7 years. Ours never went to bed before 23. And all the styling and rituals were not carried out.


And meeeeee

10/30/2018 21:21:49, Miguera??

We had the same thing until they introduced the rule for a child to fall asleep without a mother. How much time has been freed up! And this happened just at 3 years old. Now my daughter falls asleep alone, albeit with the door open and the light on in the hallway. From time to time there are “pee, poop, drink”, but this is not sitting with the child until he falls asleep. Just explain to your child that he is big, and big people fall asleep on their own. He might have a row for a week, then he’ll get used to it. The main thing is not to follow the child’s lead. What are our results (1.5 years have passed since my daughter began to fall asleep on her own)? My daughter also takes a long time to fall asleep, as before, but the parents’ nervous system has become much stronger (and this is as important for the child as it is for mom and dad) and they have 1.5 hours of free time.
And one more thing: rituals are still worth introducing. The same book before bedtime for 10-15 minutes will give the child the necessary communication with the parent. We have had this habit since we were 2 years old.

Teach how to put your child to sleep! Dream. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development Do not let him sleep for a long time, wake him up in the morning - then gradually the evening bedtime will shift to earlier.


After observing all the rituals, I simply bark, and after five minutes of whining, there is silence in response. Almost always.

Hmm, I'm sorry. As for drinking and writing, I’m familiar. I give him half a cup of water in the kitchen, he runs around to drink it himself, I don’t get up and don’t pay attention at all. Go to the toilet by yourself too. We have a magic belly button (my belly) - he puts his hand on his stomach and slowly falls asleep, usually asleep by 10-10.30.

Child mode. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition My children did not sleep during the day from 1 to 1.5 years old, and I myself, according to my mother’s stories, did not either. True, the children began to sleep again in kindergarten, but this is because...


Try not to go to bed during the day. It’s possible that in the evening at 20-21 o’clock he will pass out. This is exactly how I set up my regime. She tried to stay up late with me. There was no way to go to bed until 23. I stopped going to bed during the day. A couple of days and everything was fine. Now he goes to bed at 22, gets up at 9, and sleeps during the day from 14 to 15.

if it’s more convenient for everyone this way, then live like that, if not, you have to try to adapt, of course... and if you wake up in the morning, for example, at 8 am, get dressed (no matter how tears and whims), let him walk with his legs, then sleep for hours 12 for a couple of hours, but the evening will somehow work out on its own
in general, as I presented it... it’s all difficult, even very difficult (it’s easy to give advice, yeah, yeah :))

read the book “How to Put Your Baby to Sleep Without Crying” by E. Paintley. It was recommended to me, but we get sick or teething, I haven’t tried it on myself yet :) but suddenly you Discussion of the issue of the appropriateness of the traditional method of rocking babies: arguments for and against.


I was rock sick until I was 1 year and 2 months old. At first I was worried (all my friends unanimously talked about how great their children are, they fall asleep on their own), and then she stopped tormenting herself and the child and rocked her in her arms. And one evening he began screaming in my arms and stretching his hands towards the crib, since then for a month he has not wanted me to rock him to sleep, apparently he himself was no longer comfortable falling asleep in his arms.

read the book “How to Put Your Baby to Sleep Without Tears” by E. Paintley. It was recommended to me, but we are either sick or teething, I haven’t tried it on myself yet :) but maybe it will help you

Please advise/tell me how to teach your baby to sleep through the night and not ask for the breast at night! Requires breastfeeding every hour. And as for “sleeping through the night,” there is an excellent book by E. Pantley, “How to Put Your Child to Sleep Without Tears,” which contains just the right ways to teach him to fall asleep.


Place him in a crib, preferably in another room. Let me yell. No more than half an hour. Then take it. But DO NOT give the breasts, rock them to sleep. The main thing is to under no circumstances give more breastfeeding if you want to wean.
That’s exactly how I weaned in 1st and 3rd.

Do you sleep together? Maybe first get tired of sleeping separately (maybe there will be less attachments?), and then wean him off. She fed both the eldest and the youngest at night and put them in a crib, because... I can’t sleep at all with a sleeping child next to me:-(((I’m afraid of crushing him, especially when we were very little. I don’t get enough sleep! That’s why both of them have been in the crib since birth...

The youngest at your age woke up 2-3 times at night, more only when she was sick. It didn't cause me any inconvenience at all! Now he wakes up once a night to pee, but he still can’t sleep without the breast :-(I think I need to wean him off during the winter - he’s already big :-))) Although, again, the breast is only for sleep - it doesn’t bother me :-) it suits me too her too!

Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, regime I’m just exhausted with these arrangements. Whether your child sleeps alone or with you is a matter of your convenience. Many children, who sleep separately from birth, at the age of...


Imagine, any psychologist will tell you if he doesn’t want to, let him sleep with you. Then the age will come when he will ask to go to his bed. Somewhere around three. It seems to me that by using emotional abuse on a child, he may develop neurosis. Try to meet him and he will outgrow it.

sit next to him until he falls asleep. When he gets used to falling asleep in his bed, start going out. at first, when the eyes are already merging and there is no strength to protest, then earlier and earlier. this is not a matter of one day

I have two children, both girls, 6 years old and almost 3 years old. They sleep in one room, we are in another, my parents (we live with our parents) in the third. Lately we have been plagued by the problem of going to bed: ((The children sleep in a bunk bed, the eldest is on top, the youngest is downstairs.


I have a 3 year old daughter. The diagnosis is hyperactivity. So she goes to bed around 12 am, and maybe falls asleep at one o’clock. we lay it down for 2 or even 3 hours. We read, sing lullabies, tell fairy tales, etc. After 12, of course, we start swearing and raising our voices. But usually this doesn't help. She gets up around 8, and you can’t put her to bed during the day either. Today I sat with her for 2.5 hours and to no avail. We consulted a somnologist: she said everything was fine. The main thing is not to force him to sleep and not to punish him with sleep. Everything will return to normal. Such an age. I prescribed phenibut, but it doesn’t help much.
So your situation with the bed is not yet very critical :) Probably, you won’t be able to change anything until the youngest one passes this age. Maybe try moving the time a little later and not listening to bedtime stories. Fantasy can also keep you from falling asleep, and fairy tales really spur it on. Recently they said on TV that fairy tales in general are a lot of work for the brain and that they contain a lot of encrypted information, so there is no need to read them at night.

I understand that I am getting out of line with the entire topic that suggests closing the door and turning off the lights. But here I am still putting my son to bed. In the light and with songs. I'll sit with him until he falls asleep. Read books and sing songs. By the way, his night light burns all night. Because he is afraid of the dark. And I don’t see anything terrible in the fact that a mother or father can sit with the child in the evening until he completely falls asleep.
You can throw tomatoes at me now))

How to put your baby to sleep at night? We are almost a year and two years old. Not so long ago, this problem appeared: Previously, I just fell asleep with my tits. A child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and the development of household skills.


go to the website motherhood.ru, there is a topic on “going to bed on your own”, just read the one from last year earlier. The problem is relevant and the topic, in my opinion, is still ongoing. And... be patient. I went through this.

We introduced a ritual and everything became easier. Be sure to have a shower/bath, then kefir, then mom reads 3 books of his choice, then dad sings :) - the same song every day - and the child turns his nose to the wall and says “bye, bye.” In extreme cases, he can whine - one more book. They trained for about a month. They only started at an earlier age - one year old. But it is desirable that the child splashes out his reserve of energy during the day :).

How to put a child to sleep? Dreams. Child psychology. Share your experience (preferably positive:)) of putting your child to sleep. I’m interested in young children (up to two years), how you laid them out then, what and how you changed later.


Budiiiit... yyyy.... he himself whoever he wants...

I stopped “seizing the moment” quite late, about 4 years old. In the first days he fell asleep around 1 am, then he moved it to 11 o'clock, then even earlier, between 10 and 11. Moreover, no later than 8 he was already on his feet, and more often at 6.40-7. I took after my dad... he is also a night owl with little need for sleep, working at the computer until 2-4 in the morning and getting up at 7-8 in the morning is in the order of things. And his summer work schedule is basically... he goes to bed at 7 am, gets up at 11 and is alert all day.

They didn’t put me to bed or wake me up. At this age, my daughter had approximately 25-26 hours per day, i.e. floating rhythm. Namely: live your life and let your child live...

Put your child to bed at the same time, repeating the same actions. Try not to stretch out your efforts to put your baby to bed for an hour (a baby’s dream). Children who already know how to speak quickly learn to bribe their parents: one more kiss, read...


The critical age is 5 years. If a child has not learned to sleep well before the age of 5, he has a high chance of having insomnia as an adult; 5 years is the limit. At this age, the child already understands well what the parents want. Many children at this age go to bed, do not cry, do not call their parents, but the problem is not resolved, since they continue to fall asleep with difficulty and wake up often, only now they keep it to themselves. In the worst cases, the child begins to have nightmares and other nighttime problems, he cries that he does not want to go to bed. From adolescence, insomnia remains for life.
Sometimes parents don’t even understand the seriousness of this problem; they think everything will go away with age. In fact, 35% of children suffer from sleep problems before the age of 5. But these data are understated, since many parents believe that it is normal if a child from 6 months to 2-3 years (and sometimes further) does not want to go to sleep, wakes up 3-5 times at night, explaining this by hunger , desire to drink, write, etc. Therefore, surveys often do not give correct results. 35% - statistics from our center for the treatment of sleep problems.
From 6-7 months, a child is able to sleep alone in his room, in absolute darkness, for 10-12 hours without waking up and without requiring the presence of adults.
If your baby is not sleeping as described above, it is natural that you ask yourself: what is going on, what is wrong? Why then doesn't our child sleep?
Forget the excuses you used before: gas (goes away by 4-5 months), teeth, hunger, thirst, too much energy, went to kindergarten, etc. There is only one reason for 98%: Your child has not yet learned to sleep! Like this? -you ask. - What does it mean?
You will discover this in subsequent chapters. If you literally follow all our instructions, then in less than one week your child will turn into a sleepyhead.
Before you start reading other chapters, you should convince yourself of the following things:
- your child is not sick (if he sleeps poorly, this is not a disease and it cannot be treated with medications: valerian, motherwort decoctions, etc.)
- your child does not have any psychological problems (excuses like: he wakes up because he feels separation from his parents, etc.)
-your child is not spoiled (even if everyone tries to convince you otherwise). If he sleeps poorly, this is in no way a consequence of being spoiled, even if this is expressed in the fact that he constantly demands the attention of his parents, wants to be lulled to sleep, rocked, carried in arms, read to him, etc.
-if your child doesn't sleep well, it's not your fault.
Our book will help you teach your child to sleep.
A baby's 3-4 hour cycle consists of the following elements; food-sleep-hygiene (change diapers, etc.) The order may change (hygene-sleep-food). Sometimes we meet newborn anarchists. They don’t even follow this simple pattern, that is, they fall asleep and wake up without any logic.

How to put a child to sleep - 5 rules. Sometimes the task of putting babies to sleep sometimes turns out to be very difficult for parents - the child seems tired, but does not want to go to bed. Daily routine for a child. Ways to put your baby to sleep. Print version.


but you can’t force it, especially such a small child. my son is 2 years old and still wakes up at night. when he was 1 and 3, I thought he was hungry (which most likely was the case, since he ate complementary foods very poorly). Now he’s waking up to check where I am (he’s bored, I’m at work all day). I, too, was terribly exhausted from 2 years of lack of sleep. but believe it or not, it has become easier now; over the last week he has woken up only 2 times a night, and immediately falls asleep. so I have hope that things will get better for us soon!

Most likely, the reason for waking up at night is in HOW YOU lay it down. He obviously falls asleep from rocking on the pillow, and in the next period of “REM” sleep, when he semi-consciously evaluates this environment. situation, he discovers with horror that the familiar attributes in which he fell asleep are missing. Screaming - mom - motion sickness - and so on in a circle.
There is only one way out - to admit that the child has PROBLEMS with sleep, make sure that he is healthy and work closely on the formation of HEALTHY sleep. That is -
1. A certain time of day (the most physiological is 20-30 - 21-00)
". Constant ritual - last bottle - bathing - brushing teeth - song - mishma on the side. pacifier
3- Wish Goodnight in a gentle but firm voice. take a look. and LEAVE the room.
4. If she starts crying - wait a little - go in, stroke, insert the pacifier, try to confidently leave.
Depending on the "neglect" of the case - from 3 to 10 days. It is very important that you are confident. that you are doing good for your child and yourself (I'm afraid now they will kill you for every little tear...). To be honest, after a year it is more difficult than at 6 months, but it is really good for the child (children who have slept are completely different children) Good luck .

08/25/2004 16:49:47, Ol"tya

How to put you to sleep? Dream. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. Ignore all the child's efforts to get your attention, and all the tears?


We have a ritual - we turn off the lights everywhere, we say that everyone is going to bed - dad, mom, the Christmas tree, the TV, and... Then dad and daughter (she with a pacifier and her favorite blanket) lay down on the sofa for about 5 minutes - 10. And then I take her to her room and we fall asleep on the couch in an embrace. Then I move Nikki to her crib.

At the dacha we just all go to bed together in our parents’ bed. If I don't fall asleep before Nikki, I move her, asleep, to her crib.

It seems to me that having a routine and ritual plays a big role. Bath, books, turn off the lights, rock? Lie down with a toy? Should I lie down with my mother and then move her to the crib? It seems to me that it is important for a child to know what comes after what. I was sitting with the children. who grew up without any regime - I wanted to hang myself already.
Putting him in bed and leaving is not an option for everyone; mine, for example, vomits from crying if it is not calmed down in time.

04/07/2001 12:07:01, Olya

Olga! This is all a temporary phenomenon. Each of my children went through this. At about three years old, they no longer bother me, well, if you just straighten the blanket or go to the potty.
Imagine! There is only a year left and you will sleep peacefully all night. :)

Putting a child to sleep is only possible in your arms. Moreover, laying down turns into a real confrontation. Try to live according to the schedule of a child 1 -1.5 years old. Try to forget that the child needs to sleep (for example, like on New Year’s), follow her wishes.


My baby is already 1.2 years old, but he always had problems with sleep: it took him at least an hour to get to bed! Its OK now. I achieved this by creating a whole ritual for going to bed: every time the same sequence of actions: five minutes of quiet play (look at a book, etc.), curtain the windows, wrap myself in the same blanket, pick you up in only one position , I sing only one tune (I never sing it in another situation), even I am in a certain place in the room, etc. And I already realized that it is useless to put the child to bed before he at least somehow shows his desire (rubs his eyes..). We also always had less sleep during the day than is usually expected for a child of a certain age. When I had to sleep twice a day, they would go to bed for an hour and sleep for 30-40 minutes until I started going to bed once. The first week he was capricious when the time he was awake was delayed, but I kept him busy with active games (preferably with water, for this the children are ready not to sleep at all) and now we sleep for 2-2.5 hours. And neurologists have disappointed me more than once. I would be very glad if I helped you at least a little.

I'll tell you how I style it myself. I take him to the room, turn off the lights together, put away the toys, say - the dog has gone to bed, the cats have gone to bed, etc., and wave to the lantern on the street. For a while he crawls out of bed and runs to the toys, then he takes one into bed, then we put her to sleep in a box, then I lie down next to him and my son, tossing and turning, rubbing his finger in my eyes and nose, falls asleep.

I'll tell you how I style it myself. I take him to the room, turn off the lights together, put away the toys, say - the dog has gone to bed, the cats have gone to bed, etc., and wave to the lantern on the street. For a while he crawls out of bed and runs to the toys, then he takes one into bed, then we put her to sleep in a box, then I lie down next to him and my son, tossing and turning, rubbing his finger in my eyes and nose, falls asleep.