How to get a baby to eat porridge at 6-8 months

Porridges are extremely useful for children's health and full development. However, a baby at the age of six to eight months cannot be explained. Therefore, parents have to resort to a variety of tricks to feed him. But is it worth it to force a small child to eat a spoonful of porridge if he resists?

Reasons why a child refuses to feed

A six-month-old baby may not eat porridge due to many reasons:

1. Complementary foods are associated in crumbs with negative emotions. This happens in cases where the mother forcibly makes him eat tasteless porridge, so the efforts on the part of adults cause him negativity.

2. Perhaps the baby's digestive system is not yet quite ready for the introduction of complementary foods. In such a situation, do not rush things. It is recommended to try to give complementary foods after a while, when the child himself begins to show interest in food.

3. It also happens that the child simply did not have time to get hungry, so he persistently does not want to open his mouth in front of a spoonful of porridge.

4. Sometimes the baby refuses to eat if he is not used to a new type of food. The process of introducing complementary foods should occur gradually, starting literally with ten to twenty grams.

5. If the baby is experiencing discomfort caused by painful teething or colic, he may also not eat porridge.

What to do if the child refuses complementary foods?

First, the mother must make sure that the baby's body is ready for a new meal. If not, then for some time you should limit yourself to fruit purees and juices that correspond to the age of the child.

Secondly, you can not feed the baby for some period so that he has a feeling of hunger. If he eats baby fruit puree with great appetite, then it can be mixed with porridge in equal proportions.

Thirdly, it is worth making sure that the child does not suffer from all sorts of ailments. A sick toddler will experience additional stress from being forced to eat.

Fourth, you need to try to put the baby at the same table with adults. When he monitors the intake of food by adults, he too may develop an appetite.

Fifthly, before the eyes of the crumbs, one of the relatives or a toy needs to be fed, perhaps he will also want to participate in such a meal. It is important to praise the child for every spoonful eaten, showing him your delight.

When a child refuses porridge, you can not be persistent or scold him. It is better to postpone it for a couple of hours, or even for a couple of days.

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