How to look good all the time. Simple Tips

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To maintain your beauty, you can use much less cosmetics than you are used to. Each of us has cosmetic bags and shelves in the bathroom filled with a wide variety of products, but you did not even know about the beneficial properties of some of them.

Shrink pores

Need to urgently get rid of fatigue and tighten pores? Ice cold water will help restore a fresh look to your face. Pour cold water and ice into a bowl and dip your face into it for 10 seconds. This procedure will reduce blood flow. Cold water will also help your nail polish dry faster.

Puffy eyes

Spent the whole night at the disco or finishing an urgent project? The consequences of a sleepless night can be dealt with very easily: bags under the eyes can be removed with regular tea.

Brew two sachets and refrigerate for a couple of minutes. Place in front of your eyes for 10 minutes.


To easily draw an even, smooth line with an eyeliner, use this trick: for a second, bring the tip of the pencil to a flame from a lighter. Blow to cool.

And start drawing: the arrows will be neat and accurate!

Face tonic

You can make your own tonic for inflammation and acne. This will require apple cider vinegar, known for its useful properties... Mix vinegar and water: 1/5 vinegar and 4/5 water. Apply to skin after washing every day.

Revive curls

Olive oil is useful not only for food consumption, but also for beauty. It will help revitalize your hair. You need to heat half a glass of oil - let it be warm, not hot.

Apply to hair for 20 minutes, then rinse with shampoo. It may need to be flushed several times.

Curled eyelashes

Dreaming of beautiful and curled lashes? Heat your curling iron with a hair dryer.

Get rid of dead cells

Use sugar as a scrub. It moisturizes the skin, makes it soft and non-irritating. Mix sugar (two parts) with coconut or olive oil (one part). Rub lightly onto face and rinse off with warm water.

Reduce inflammation

Can't hide the red redness? It is easy to do this with the help of Vizin eye drops. Dip a cotton swab and apply to the pimple.

Soft skin

The skin will be softer and softer if you make an avocado mask. Rub the fruit until mushy and apply on the skin for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Natural blonde hair

Lemon juice can lighten the strands. Mix the juice of four lemons with a third glass of water and pour into a spray bottle. After spray on hair, go out in the sun for 45 minutes.

Don't forget about UV protection. The hair will be a couple of shades lighter, especially for natural blondes.

To bring beauty to the power of every woman, regardless of age, material capabilities and natural data. The main thing in this business is desire, willpower and striving for perfection. If you take as a rule daily procedures for face and body care, pay due attention to your own health and figure, the result will not keep you waiting long. And after a week or two, admiring glances are guaranteed to you.

How to learn to look good always?

It will not be difficult to put yourself in order if financial opportunities and time permit. To do this, it is enough to turn to professionals: the beautician will take care of the skin of the face, the make-up artist will do the perfect make-up, the hairdresser will do the hairstyle, and, finally, the stylist will help with choosing the right clothes. But, alas, not every woman can afford such a luxury. Therefore, most girls will have to master the skill of transformation on their own, following simple recommendations and rules.

So what you need to do to look good:

  1. Let's start with the hair. The appearance of even the most beautiful girl by nature will be spoiled by dirty or split hair. Therefore, monitoring their frequency and health is the first rule on the path to excellence. Wash your hair as soon as it gets dirty, whether you are going out or about to do your homework. Also feed them regularly.
  2. The condition of the skin is a vivid reflection of the condition of the body as a whole. Therefore, the slightest problems, be it acne, pigmentation, and others, require a more thorough examination and certain measures. In addition, in order to look good every day, you need to properly care for your skin: choose the right means for cleansing and moisturizing, make masks as often as possible, do not forget about peeling.
  3. Well-groomed hands and - an important component of a flawless appearance. This procedure does not take much time and effort, but it also significantly improves mood. So that your manicure is flawless and accentuated - make baths for the skin of your hands and nails, shape and polish your nails, remove or push back cuticles in a timely manner, apply a protective coating.
  4. Next - clothes. As a rule, a girl does not have to purchase expensive branded items to learn to look good every day. Take a close look at your figure, decide what is better to hide, and what to show off. From these considerations, you should choose the style of clothing: an inflated belt for a protruding tummy, a trapeze skirt for wide hips. Never rely solely on fashion trends when choosing clothes. Body features are the main guideline for looking good and stylish. Also, do not forget that things should always be clean, with a pleasant light scent.
  5. Remember that shoes, accessories, and other little things can radically change the style of the image or give a zest.
Appearance and lifestyle

Of course you can do beautiful make-up and hairstyle, paint on your nails and dress stylishly, but, you see, it will take a lot of time. In addition, the efforts made may be in vain if the skin and hair have an unhealthy appearance, the figure is far from ideal, and the reason for this condition is the wrong lifestyle, etc. After all, it has long been no secret that constant lack of sleep first of all affects the appearance - these are dark circles under the eyes, a tired look, swelling. Even the highest quality cosmetic products cannot disguise such a "bouquet".

Errors in nutrition: the abuse of sweet, spicy and fatty foods will affect not only the waist and stomach, but also the skin. Acne and similar "delights" are also the result of disturbances in the digestive system, constant stress and anxiety.

That is why, in order to always look good, you need to pay as much attention to your health as possible, give up bad habits, play sports, walk more and, of course, smile more often!

Every woman wants others to see her only in the best light, when she looks great. Smart women understand that no matter what facial features or body proportions nature has awarded them, it is important to take care of themselves every day, look good and tidy. Do not forget about this even when you have been living with your husband for many years. Take care of how you look good every day.

How to look good every day

Trust me, as soon as all your friends start celebrating that you look great, you will get into a kind of excitement to look good every day. It is incredibly pleasant, it raises mood and self-esteem. You will begin to always love yourself and your reflection in the mirror! We repeat once again, no matter what is given to you by nature, it is important to LEARN to look good always.

Let's walk through the exterior

So, stick to the following rules.

Hair. Hair condition can transform a person beyond recognition and also make him completely unattractive. Understand the main rule - keep your hair perfectly clean. Clean hair looks so beautiful on its own that you don't have to have a hairstyle. If your hair tends to be oily, read up on how to properly care for it. Pick a soft detergent and wash your hair as needed.

Leather. Her well-groomed appearance is a guarantee of beauty. If there are problems with the skin, this is a consequence of problems in the body, then you need to pay attention to it. The condition of the skin is often indicative of problems in the digestive system, which means it depends on your diet. Do not clog the body with toxins and toxins, drink plenty of clean water, eat foods with fiber, get tested. You should also take care of the skin of the face from the outside. Rinse off makeup at night, do not wash with soap, do not wipe your face with alcohol or lotions containing alcohol, never squeeze pimples and blackheads, and never wash your face with hot water. You will have amazing skin if you follow the following guide: "How to properly care for your skin."

Clothing. It's not about expensive clothes, but about the ability to combine them, to understand what exactly suits you, and not silly to follow fashion. You need to love yourself, but you should not flatter yourself: do not cover your body with clothes, like a net of ham, so that your sides protrude from all sides. For a wide waist - a raised belt under the bust; for full arms - bolero; for large hips - a tulip or bell skirt. Choose feminine clothes, avoid hoodies. Keep your clothes clean and have a pleasant body scent.


If you behave stiffly, stumble from scratch, are very worried about your appearance in public, then it can be difficult to look good. Therefore, we will increase our self-esteem and learn to feel confident in any company. The best remedy developing confidence is doing what you fear. Excited in public? Try to be in different companies more often, overpower yourself and go out in front of the audience, for example, get up in a cafe and go to the restroom, get used to the unfamiliar looks of people sitting around. What becomes familiar to you ceases to make you worry.

How to look better in the photo

Well, if laziness has prevailed, at least make sure that your photos reflect only the most beautiful features. And remember - you can store only those photos in which you like yourself. Here are some things that will make you look good in the photo:

  1. Look at yourself in the mirror more often, take pictures of yourself to mark those angles in which you are great in the photo. Search the internet for photos and videos from professional photo shoots. So you will understand how to take pictures correctly and what poses look the most advantageous for any girl.
  2. Don't strain yourself. If you don't feel like smiling, don't use an artificial smile. It is better to remember something funny and funny if you need to smile in the photo.
  3. Don't photograph yourself close.
  4. A lot depends on the lighting. Extra shadows on the face age. Let the light sources be on different sides.

Continually praise yourself in front of the mirror. You must remember that you are the most beautiful. Looking good every day will make it a habit.

Of course, every woman often thinks about how to look better. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that appearance matters both for others and for oneself. Of course, there are a wide variety of cosmetic procedures that will help to keep up. But what if there is no money and no time for constant visits to beauty salons and fashionable expensive boutiques? There are some secrets to help you achieve your desired goal.

How to look Where to start?

Every woman strives to always look great, and there is nothing strange in this desire. But how do you look your best? Where to start transformation? If you ask such questions, then first you should find out what exactly in appearance you do not like.

Naturally, if you are not satisfied with the shape of your nose or ears, then only a plastic surgeon can solve such a problem. But other acute moments, such as being overweight or ugly clothes, can be completely corrected. So first, make a list of the things you don't like and imagine the person you want to become. Now start changing your life, and accordingly, your appearance, point by point. So how do you look your best?

Step 1. Wardrobe

It's no secret that they are greeted by their clothes. This is why your wardrobe is so important - don't underestimate it.

Of course, not every person has the means to regularly buy fashionable items in expensive branded boutiques. But you can do without it.

If you are wondering how to look good at all times, then remember: just choose things that will emphasize the dignity of your figure and mask flaws. Do not blindly chase fashion, as it is changeable. If a short skirt doesn't suit you, just don't wear one. Remember that clothing should suit you both in style and color.

Don't buy things just because you like them. Before you become the proud owner of a new blouse, think about what you can wear it with. It is not necessary to have a hundred things in your wardrobe at once, because they can be combined. For example, black looks businesslike and is suitable for office work, and if you decorate it with a red belt and pick up jewelry to match, then you can safely go on a holiday or a date. The same blazer can be worn alongside jeans for a light, casual look.

Therefore, when shopping for clothes, think over all possible combinations. And do not forget about accessories - handbags, sunglasses, scarves, earrings, bracelets and shoes will help you create more and more new looks. If you have time, you can even compose a special album "What to wear with what" - it will save you from constant doubts about what to wear to work tomorrow.

Step 2. Makeup

Of course, make-up is another way to emphasize. If you are worried about how the abundance of makeup will affect your skin, then there is an easy way out for you. Buy higher quality cosmetical tools (even if they are more expensive) and use them wisely.

Yes, evening make-up can be bright and catchy, especially if you're heading to a nightclub. But in the daytime, just mascara and a light lip gloss will be enough - this way you will look more natural. And if you are interested in how to look good in the summer, then for this case there are special cosmetics that do not flow when high temperature and humidity.

Do not forget about the need for skin care. Always look for quality creams and other products. If you do not have money for this, then try using folk recipes - there are many options for preparing masks, creams and lotions from products that are in every home.

If you are wondering how to look good at all times, then it might be worth considering more radical methods. For example, you can color eyelashes, agree to eyelids, lips. With the help of the methods of modern cosmetology, you can always - in the morning after sleep, in the sauna or pool.

Step 3. Hairstyle

If you are thinking about how to look good, then be sure to think about your hairstyle. Do you like it? If not, then you can change not only the haircut, but also the hair color.

By the way, choose those haircuts, the styling of which will not require too much time or any special skills from you. Ask a hairdresser or stylist you know to teach you how to style your hair. And, of course, do not forget that your hair also needs proper care.

Step 4. Healthy lifestyle

No matter how hard you try, no matter what means you use, sleepless nights, bad habits and unhealthy diet is reflected primarily on the condition of your skin. A couple of extra pounds, saggy skin and bags under the eyes can hardly be considered jewelry.

Therefore, to begin with, you should pay attention to nutrition - more fresh vegetables and fruits, less fried and fatty foods. This will help not only keep the skin youthful, but also improve the figure. Another one important point - physical activity, which is simply necessary. Go to the gym, pool, or just exercise at home at least 1-2 times a week. Spend more time outdoors and quit smoking and alcohol, as this primarily affects the condition of the skin and body function.

Step 5. Cleanliness is the key to health and harmony

If you're wondering how to look your best, keep it clean. AND it comes not just about a regular shower. After all, even if you and you flaunt in an exquisite outfit, greasy hair and dirt under the nails will nullify all efforts.

Also, keep an eye on the condition of your clothes. An inexpensive but clean and ironed shirt will look better than a silk robe with greasy spots on the sleeves.

If we are talking about cleanliness, then ladies (and men) should not forget about epilation of those parts of the body where the hair does not look very beautiful.

How to look good for a man?

There is an opinion that the requirements for the appearance of men are not so strict. Nevertheless, many want to become more attractive, because the grooming of the stronger sex is very important. So what's the best way for a man to look?

In fact, he needs to follow the same guidelines that are suitable for women. Healthy lifestyle life, proper nutrition, outdoor activities, suitable clothing, clean well-groomed hair and nails (yes, men also get manicures) will help to preserve youth, become more attractive and self-confident.

Where is she, beauty?

Naturally, all these little tricks will help you stay on top at all times. But often you can see a woman who is not very attractive (from a physical point of view), who, nevertheless, attracts the eyes of men. So where does beauty begin?

Physical attractiveness is important, but only until you get to know the person better. Self-confidence, charisma, charm, wit and sociability - these qualities are much more important. Therefore, first of all, start to love and respect yourself. It is the awareness of oneself as a full-fledged personality that is the first step on the path to internal and external improvement.

At all times and eras, a woman has been the standard of beauty, she must be well-groomed, specious and make a pleasant impression on others. But, a woman wants to please the eye not only of the people around her, but also to admire her reflection in the mirror herself, thereby raising her mood.

Of course, bad ecology, frequent stress, a frantic life rhythm do not have a beneficial effect on appearance modern women... Fortunately, today there are many tools and ways to look good at all times, and we will share some of the female secrets with you in this article.

Basic beauty rules or how to look good every day

Thinking about your appearance, and how to become even more attractive, you need to take turns analyzing what you can change in yourself and in your everyday lifestyle in order to preserve your youth, beauty and magnetism. And so, about everything in order.

Healthy sleep

Healthly food

ABOUT proper nutrition speak today at every step. And it is no coincidence that today there are so many "harmful things" in stores: carbonated drinks, semi-finished products, smoked meats, canned food, baked goods, etc., all this is unlikely to be able to preserve your beauty for a long time; hips a few unnecessary centimeters.

So, in order to always look perfect, make sure that the body always has enough vitamins and beneficial trace elements. All this can be found in vegetables and fruits, greens, fresh meat and fish, and fermented milk products. Also, during the period of fruit and vegetable deficiency, you can take special vitamin complexes in tablets. Read what foods burn fat.


If the two previous points are more or less known and understandable to everyone, then few people pay due attention to this fact. To look good, watch your posture, keep your back straight while at work or on the bus, standing at a bus stop or at an ATM, or just walking on a walk. Correct posture is determined by and. It is much more pleasant to look at a graceful woman with her shoulders thrown back, with free and relaxed plastics, rather than at a woman bent over like a "hook", sadly leaving work.

How to look good without makeup

Many women would be happy not to spend a lot of time every morning to put an attractive "make-up" on their face, but many feel extremely insecure without makeup. And we advise you to put aside your full cosmetic bag, and read useful tipshow to look good without makeup.

Take care of your skin

To forget about foundations, powders and concealers, you need to bring your skin into perfect condition so that it looks flawless even without makeup. First, you need to find the right skin care products. These should be cleansers and moisturizers.

Train yourself and your skin to a constant regimen, wash your face in the morning and evening, additionally moisturize your skin, and pamper it with all kinds of nourishing and vitamin masks. When proper care you can look good at 40 for a woman, and at 50 and 60 ...

Focus on grooming

A woman will undoubtedly make a pleasant impression even without makeup if she is well-groomed. So, how to look your best every day:

  • pay the necessary attention to hair, it must be clean and styled;
  • support, pluck them periodically;
  • moisturize your lips, protect them from adverse external conditions;
  • take proper care of your teeth, a beautiful, healthy smile will make you even more attractive;
  • take care of your nails, a beautiful manicure is always a woman's dignity;
  • choose the right wardrobe for yourself, according to fashion and shape, remember, we are "greeted by clothes."

And finally, I would like to say that in addition to external beauty there is also internal beauty, which often determines our attitude towards ourselves. Therefore, do not forget about a smile, a positive and friendly attitude towards others, and always be confident in yourself.

There are probably many more ways to look stunning every day. Maybe you have a secret female secret, share your advice in the comments, as well as ask your questions and participate in discussions.

Always be delightful and impeccable! Long live female beauty!