The most useful oil for eyelashes. Oils for eyelash growth

Every year the beauty industry offers more and more new means for expressive looks. beautiful ladies.

ophthalmologists are alarmed: cosmetologists promise to provide amazing length and thickness of eyelashes with the help of medicines(forgetting to mention the extensive list of side effects and contraindications).

Moreover, there is a large number of reliable, time-tested means. Created by nature, they are designed to make eyelashes not only beautiful, but also healthy.

We’ll tell skeptics right away: any oil plant origin has a positive effect on eyelash growth. Why? Let's figure it out.

Eyelashes are the same hair. Only shorter, denser and tougher ones. Their growth occurs due to cell division of the bulb. As soon as the root of the new hair matures, the old one falls out. This natural process lasts a lifetime.

Like hair, eyelashes weaken, fade, and thin over time. This usually happens due to a lack of root nutrition and an aggressive environment.

  • stimulate hair follicles;

  • nourish eyelids and eyelashes with vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids;

  • help the formation of new cells.

All products obtained from oily plant raw materials are similar in chemical composition. What distinguishes them is a large number of polyunsaturated acids, vitamins, biologically active microelements. The benefits of any component are beyond doubt.

Distant ancestors used the unpleasant-tasting castor bean product as universal remedy from all diseases.

Russian beauties generously lubricated their eyelashes with castor oil, which made them grow quickly and were particularly thick, fluffy and soft.

The reason for this effect is the high percentage of ricinoleic acid (almost 90%), which activates the bulb and restores the structure of each hair.

Burdock oil, obtained by fat extraction from the roots of the plant, contains the valuable substance inulin. Natural polysaccharide supports metabolism at the cellular level and strengthens the hair follicle. The first assistant in the treatment of weak, brittle eyelashes.

Particularly effective after salon procedure eyelash extensions, as it helps restore their damaged structure.


Due to its pleasant aroma and light structure, a cold-pressed product from bitter almond seeds is often used in compositions with castor and burdock oils.

It is also effective as an independent means for the growth and quality of eyelashes. The composition contains a large amount of vitamins E (24 mg per 100 g of almonds) and B2 (0.65 mg). It is with their deficiency that hairs become dull, brittle, and growth slows down.

Almond oil does not leave a greasy residue. It can be used for daily makeup removal. A pleasant bonus will be elastic skin around the eyes and the disappearance of fine wrinkles.

As a means to grow and strengthen eyelashes, noble olive oil was used back in Ancient Greece.

The composition, enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids, restores the bulbs. Omega-3 and Omega-6 are found in other vegetable oils, but in olive oil they are about 80%. It fights better than others against the negative effects of decorative cosmetics on eyelashes.

For cosmetic purposes, only cold-pressed oil should be used. With the hot method, most vitamins and beneficial elements are destroyed.

Sea buckthorn

The benefits of sea buckthorn are beyond doubt. It is known that in terms of vitamin C content, the plant is inferior only to rose hips. The carotenoids included in the composition nourish each eyelash, make them soft and fluffy, and give a healthy appearance.

Peach, linen. wheat germ or grape seed oil are balanced in the content of vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and biologically active minerals.

This is not an idle question. The highest quality and most expensive oil that gets into the eyes can cause swelling of the eyelids and irritation of the mucous membrane.

Before the procedure, do not forget to remove makeup from your face. Instead of water, it is useful to use almond or peach oil.

Dip a cotton swab in oil and carefully move from the middle to the tips of the eyelashes. You don’t need to take too much liquid; it shouldn’t drip from the stick.

An old mascara wand can be a good option, as long as you apply the oil with extra care. A mandatory requirement is a soft bristle structure. Plastic or hard rubber will not be able to hold the liquid consistency of the oil. It will spread and fit poorly on the eyelashes. There is a high risk of contact with eyes.

You can use a cosmetic brush to line the eye contour. A thin, dense brush with beveled bristles captures a small amount of oil. It is convenient to distribute it along the length of the eyelashes. The tool must be chosen with natural bristles.

A cotton swab is a disposable tool and cannot be reused. The brush and brush should be washed thoroughly before each use and after the procedure.

Eyelashes can be smeared without the use of auxiliary products. Wash your hands thoroughly, dip a large and forefinger and gently wipe the hairs.

Having decided to please yourself with beautiful long eyelashes, you need to tune in to a daily cosmetic session. The full course is one month.

Vegetable oils are usually well accepted by any skin type. The problem may arise due to individual intolerance to a particular drug. To avoid any trouble, you should do a test before first use.

Apply a small amount to the skin of your hand. If after 30 minutes itching, rash and other discomfort, you can safely begin your cosmetic session.

Side effects occur more often due to improper use. Swelling of the eyelids and allergic reactions can be avoided if you know a number of rules.

  • Do not leave the oil overnight. Even the most neutral substance, if it comes into contact with the eyes, can provoke the development of inflammation. It is better to apply in the evening and remove before going to bed.

  • Observe the procedure time. For castor, burdock and mixtures with them, the session should not exceed 30 minutes. Almond, olive, peach can be kept for several hours.

  • It is advisable to warm the oil a little before use. It will lie down and be absorbed better.

Vitamin A (retinol) slows down the aging process of cells and actively participates in the formation of new ones, and activates the metabolic process. Thanks to retinol, eyelashes acquire a healthy shine and natural volume. It enhances the effect of castor oil, which itself is absent.

Nourishing vitamin mask

For it you will need 3 drops of vitamins A, E, a teaspoon fish oil and the same amount of vegetable oil (olive, flaxseed, burdock). Mix all ingredients and apply to eyelashes.

The presence of vitamin E in the composition makes the mask one of the best in the fight for eyelash length. Tocopherol actively nourishes hair follicles by improving blood circulation. Vitamin E restores brittle eyelashes and prevents their loss. Protects against exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Take castor, sea buckthorn, almond (or peach) oils in equal quantities. Add carrot juice. A good addition would be parsley juice.

Mask with vitamins and tea leaves

Any type is suitable for the procedure. vegetable oil. It should be slightly warmed up, a few drops of vitamins and a little fish oil should be added. It should be applied on both sides.

Makes you feel light in a few minutes in a circular motion eyelid massage (lower to the inner corner of the eye, upper to the outer).

If the mask must be washed off, it is better to use a decoction of herbs rather than water. Chamomile, cornflower and sage are considered the most beneficial for eyelashes.

Maria. I've been making masks for a year now. I apply it for a month, take a month off. Eyelashes have grown noticeably. Stopped falling out. I alternate castor and burdock, the most budget option.

Olga. I mix Castor oil with almond and I smear everything with it: eyelashes, hair. nails, hands. Highly recommend. Now I’m not ashamed to call my short, dull brushes eyelashes: fluffy, soft, and have grown noticeably.

Svetlana. For two months I have been applying a mixture of olive, castor and linseed oils to my eyelashes. First I did big mistake: Left it overnight. I didn’t go to work in the morning: there were slits instead of eyes. I immediately wised up, and now I wash it off in an hour. I haven’t noticed much growth yet, but my eyelashes have become thicker and darker.

Burdock and castor oil can be bought at the pharmacy closest to your home. The price starts from 25 rubles. for 100 ml. Manufacturers offer oils already enriched with vitamins A and E.

Olive oil is healthy if it is natural, cold pressed. It is worth studying the label; it should not contain other herbal ingredients. They are sold in supermarkets and can be ordered in online stores. The price range is wide: on average from 700 to 1500 rubles. for half a liter.

Olive oil cold-pressed natural products are never packaged in a plastic container. Only used glass bottles or metal tubes.

You should also not buy healing liquid in ceramic vessels. Only the price will increase, but not the quality of the product.

Cold-pressed flaxseed is sold in pharmacies for an average of 120-140 rubles (250 ml). They offer oil made in the USA for 600-800 rubles, but it hardly makes sense to overpay.

Pharmacies offer a wide selection of oils for eyelash growth at affordable prices: peach from 40 rubles per 100 ml, almond 60 - 80 rubles. for 50 ml, wheat germ oil from 170 rubles for 100 ml.

Everyone decides for themselves which one is better to choose. If you don't forget about daily care, the dream of having long, thick, healthy eyelashes can become a reality in just a month.

I have been using burdock oil for several months. I bought a special tube with a brush at the pharmacy (like mascara, but without pigment). At first I was unhappy - I applied oil to my eyelashes before going to bed, and in the morning I had a monstrous sticky something on my eyes. It’s quite difficult to wash off the whole thing afterwards; you have to use a lot of soap, which is not very comfortable. My eyelashes are naturally long, but not too thick. Ultimately, despite all the inconveniences, the eyelashes actually became thicker and thicker. I'm taking a break for now, but in the future I will definitely try almond and castor oils.

Sea buckthorn oil worked best for me. After the extensions, my eyelashes were in poor condition. At first I tried burdock, but it didn’t really help me. But with sea buckthorn, the result became noticeable quite quickly. Only this oil has one drawback - it stains the skin of the eyelids, so it is better to apply it at night.

Building and perm eyelashes in salons, incredible volume and length with the help of a miracle mascara...

Every year the beauty industry offers more and more new means to express the look of beautiful ladies.

Ophthalmologists are sounding the alarm: cosmetologists promise to achieve amazing length and thickness of eyelashes with the help of medications (forgetting to mention the extensive list of side effects and contraindications).

Let's think: is it worth investing a lot of money in services that are harmful to health?

Moreover, there is a large number of reliable, time-tested means. Created by nature, they are designed to make eyelashes not only beautiful, but also healthy.

We are talking about vegetable oils.

Let us immediately tell the skeptics: any oil of plant origin has a positive effect on eyelash growth. Why? Let's figure it out.

Eyelashes are the same hair. Only shorter, denser and tougher ones. Their growth occurs due to cell division of the bulb. As soon as the root of the new hair matures, the old one falls out. This natural process lasts a lifetime.

Like hair, eyelashes weaken, fade, and thin over time. This usually happens due to a lack of root nutrition and an aggressive environment.

Masks, applications, massage using oils:

  • stimulate hair follicles;
  • nourish eyelids and eyelashes with vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • help the formation of new cells.

As a result, eyelash growth accelerates. They become thicker and take on a healthy appearance.

Popular oils

Which oil is better?

All products obtained from oily plant raw materials are similar in chemical composition. They are distinguished by a large number of polyunsaturated acids, vitamins, and biologically active microelements. The benefits of any component are beyond doubt.

There are several leaders who have proven their ability to accelerate growth over many years.


Distant ancestors used the unpleasant-tasting castor bean product as a universal remedy for all diseases.

Russian beauties generously lubricated their eyelashes, which is why they grew quickly and were especially thick, fluffy and soft.

The reason for this effect is the high percentage of ricinoleic acid (almost 90%), which activates the bulb and restores the structure of each hair.

Castor oil for eyelashes:

Top 10 proven castor oils:

  1. Aura Cacia organic (highest quality)
  2. Sky Organics organic, new brand
  3. Sky Organics organic, small volume (good for sampling)
  4. Heritage Store (also good)
  5. Heritage Store castor oil with roll-on applicator (convenient!)
  6. Heritage Store castor and rose oil serum with essential oils (good for hair, not on eyelashes)
  7. Now Foods budget oil, average quality
  8. Home Health good price for large volume, average quality
  9. Earth's Care new brand, quality unknown
  10. Cococare inexpensive castor oil


Burdocks, headache summer residents are in the forefront in the fight for the beauty of eyelashes.

Obtained using fat extraction from the roots of the plant, it contains the valuable substance inulin. Natural polysaccharide supports metabolism at the cellular level and strengthens the hair follicle. The first assistant in the treatment of weak, brittle eyelashes.

It is especially effective after a salon eyelash extension procedure, as it helps restore their damaged structure.

Benefits of burdock oil:


Due to its pleasant aroma and light structure, a cold-pressed product from bitter almond seeds is often used in compositions with castor and burdock oils.

It is also effective as an independent means for the growth and quality of eyelashes. The composition contains a large amount of vitamins E (24 mg per 100 g of almonds) and B2 (0.65 mg). It is with their deficiency that hairs become dull, brittle, and growth slows down.

Almond oil does not leave a greasy residue. It can be used for daily makeup removal. A pleasant bonus will be elastic skin around the eyes and the disappearance of fine wrinkles.

Top 10 proven almond oils:

  1. Aura Cacia sweet almond oil ( excellent quality and good price)
  2. Now Foods organic almond butter
  3. Sky Organics is also an organic oil, a new brand
  4. Now Foods almond oil not organic
  5. Earth's Care almond oil
  6. Heritage Store Sweet Almond Oil
  7. Life Flo Health Almond Oil (Good Volume)
  8. Nature's Alchemy Medium Almond Oil
  9. Cococare almond oil, budget, but not the best quality
  10. Hobe Labs pure oil, average quality


As a means to grow and strengthen eyelashes, noble olive oil was used back in Ancient Greece.

The composition, enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids, restores the bulbs. Omega-3 and Omega-6 are found in other vegetable oils, but in olive oil they are about 80%. It fights better than others against the negative effects of decorative cosmetics on eyelashes.

For cosmetic purposes, only cold-pressed oil should be used. With the hot method, most vitamins and beneficial elements are destroyed.

Top 10 proven olive oils:

  1. Spectrum Naturals Organic, Cold Pressed, Edible
  2. Bionaturae, organic, virgin, edible
  3. La Tourangelle, organic, cold pressed, can be used for food
  4. Now Foods organic, virgin, edible
  5. Flora organic, edible, first pressed
  6. Kevala organic extra virgin (cold pressed), suitable for food
  7. California Olive Ranch, not organic, but cold pressed, good for eating
  8. Gaea, not organic, but cold-pressed, can be ingested
  9. Nature's Alchemy, pure oil, 118ml, for external use only
  10. De La Cruz, pure oil, for cosmetic purposes only, but small volume

Sea buckthorn

The benefits are beyond doubt. It is known that in terms of vitamin C content, the plant is inferior only to rose hips. The carotenoids included in the composition nourish each eyelash, make them soft and fluffy, and give a healthy appearance.

Products obtained from oilseed plant materials have a beneficial effect on eyelash growth.

Peach, wheat germ or grape seed oils are balanced in the content of vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and biologically active minerals.

Which oil is best should be decided based on personal preference.

You can use different ones. Or choose the one that will give the best effect.

Top 7 best sea buckthorn oils:

  1. SeaBuckWonders Organic Himalayan Sea Buckthorn Oil, Excellent Quality
  2. Sibu Beauty sea buckthorn oil, excellent quality, reputable brand
  3. Leven Rose, organic sea buckthorn oil, good quality, respected brand
  4. Weleda, organic sea buckthorn oil mixed with olive oil, excellent quality, reputable brand
  5. Life Flo Health non-organic sea buckthorn oil, famous brand, average quality, reasonable price
  6. DNC Mix for eyelashes and eyebrows with castor oil
  7. DNC Sea buckthorn oil for hair and skin

How to apply it to the eyes correctly?

This is not an idle question. The highest quality and most expensive oil that gets into the eyes can cause swelling of the eyelids and irritation of the mucous membrane.

The tool you can choose from is:

  • cotton swab;
  • mascara brush;
  • eyeliner brush.
Before the procedure, do not forget to remove makeup from your face. Instead of water, it is useful to use almond or peach oil.

Dip a cotton swab in oil and carefully move from the middle to the tips of the eyelashes. You don’t need to take too much liquid; it shouldn’t drip from the stick.

An old mascara wand can be a good option, as long as you apply the oil with extra care. A mandatory requirement is a soft bristle structure. Plastic or hard rubber will not be able to hold the liquid consistency of the oil. It will spread and fit poorly on the eyelashes. There is a high risk of contact with eyes.

You can use a cosmetic brush to line the eye contour. A thin, dense brush with beveled bristles captures a small amount of oil. It is convenient to distribute it along the length of the eyelashes. The tool must be chosen with natural bristles.

A cotton swab is a disposable tool and cannot be reused. The brush and brush should be washed thoroughly before each use and after the procedure.

Eyelashes can be smeared without the use of auxiliary products. Wash your hands thoroughly, dip your thumb and index finger in the oil and gently rub your hair.

It should be remembered that you will not be able to get an instant result.

There will be no pronounced effect if you do the procedure occasionally.

Having decided to please yourself with beautiful long eyelashes, you need to tune in to a daily cosmetic session. The full course is one month.

Only after regular use of oils will eyelashes begin to recover and grow.

Vegetable oils are usually well accepted by any skin type. The problem may arise due to
individual intolerance to a particular drug. To avoid any trouble, you should do a test before first use.

Apply a small amount to the skin of your hand. If after 30 minutes no itching, rash or other unpleasant sensations appear, you can safely proceed to the cosmetic session.

Side effects occur more often due to improper use. Swelling of the eyelids and allergic reactions can be avoided if you know a number of rules.

  • Do not leave the oil overnight. Even the most neutral substance, if it comes into contact with the eyes, can provoke the development of inflammation. It is better to apply in the evening and remove before going to bed.
  • Observe the procedure time. For castor, burdock and mixtures with them, the session should not exceed 30 minutes. Almond, olive, peach can be kept for several hours.
  • It is advisable to warm the oil a little before use. It will lie down and be absorbed better.
At the end of the procedure, it is better not to wash off the oil. Blot the remainder with a cotton pad.

Growth oils can be applied individually. Masks and massage will give the best effect.

Mask of castor (or burdock) oil, aloe juice and vitaminA

Vitamin A (retinol) slows down the aging process of cells and actively participates in the formation of new ones, and activates the metabolic process. Thanks to retinol, eyelashes acquire a healthy shine and natural volume. It enhances the effect of castor oil, which itself is absent.

Aloe juice activates dormant hair follicles, which accelerates hair growth.

For the mask, mix oil and juice in equal proportions, add a few drops of vitamin.

Nourishing vitamin mask

For it you will need 3 drops of vitamins A, E, a teaspoon of fish oil and the same amount of vegetable oil (olive, flaxseed, burdock). Mix all ingredients and apply to eyelashes.

The presence of vitamin E in the composition makes the mask one of the best in the fight for eyelash length. Tocopherol actively nourishes hair follicles by improving blood circulation. Vitamin E restores brittle eyelashes and prevents their loss. Protects against exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Carrot juice mask

Take castor, sea buckthorn, almond (or peach) oils in equal quantities. Add carrot juice. A good addition would be parsley juice.

The juice must be squeezed out immediately before use.

Mask with vitamins and tea leaves

Mix castor or burdock oil, strong tea leaves, vitamins A and E.

This cocktail not only promotes rapid eyelash growth, but also gives them a rich color.

Eyelash massage

Any vegetable oil is suitable for the procedure. It should be slightly warmed up, a few drops of vitamins and a little fish oil should be added. It should be applied on both sides.

For several minutes, massage the eyelids with light circular movements (lower to the inner corner of the eye, upper to the outer).

If the mask must be washed off, it is better to use a decoction of herbs rather than water. Chamomile, cornflower and sage are considered the most beneficial for eyelashes.

What women say

Maria. I've been making masks for a year now. I apply it for a month, take a month off. Eyelashes have grown noticeably. Stopped falling out. I alternate castor and burdock, the most budget option.

Olga. I mix castor oil with almond oil and smear it on everything: eyelashes, nails, hands. Highly recommend. Now I’m not ashamed to call my short, dull brushes eyelashes: fluffy, soft, and have grown noticeably.

Svetlana. For two months I have been applying a mixture of olive, castor and linseed oils to my eyelashes. At first I made a big mistake: I left it overnight. I didn’t go to work in the morning: there were slits instead of eyes. I immediately wised up, and now I wash it off in an hour. I haven’t noticed much growth yet, but my eyelashes have become thicker and darker.

Where to go for healing oils

Burdock and castor oil can be bought at the pharmacy closest to your home. The price starts from 25 rubles. for 100 ml. Manufacturers offer oils already enriched with vitamins A and E.

There is no need to be afraid of fakes. Fraudsters are not interested in this product.

Olive oil is healthy if it is natural, cold pressed. It is worth studying the label; it should not contain other herbal ingredients. They are sold in supermarkets and can be ordered in online stores. The price range is wide: on average from 700 to 1500 rubles. for half a liter.

Natural, cold-pressed olive oil is never packaged in a plastic container. Use only glass bottles or metal tubes.

The inscriptions on the bottles “Special for children” are an advertising ploy that increases the price.

You should also not buy healing liquid in ceramic vessels. Only the price will increase, but not the quality of the product.

Cold-pressed flaxseed is sold in pharmacies for an average of 120-140 rubles (250 ml). They offer oil made in the USA for 600-800 rubles, and if it is organic, then it’s worth paying more!

Pharmacies offer a wide selection of oils for eyelash growth at affordable prices: peach from 40 rubles per 100 ml, almond 60 - 80 rubles. for 50 ml, wheat germ oil from 170 rubles for 100 ml.

Everyone decides for themselves which one is better to choose. If you don’t forget about daily care, the dream of having long, thick, healthy eyelashes can become a reality in just a month.

Eyelash care at home:

Not everyone is lucky enough to have luxurious eyebrows and eyelashes from childhood. Today it is possible to correct the situation with the help of cosmetics without resorting to drastic decisions. We offer a selection of the best, in our opinion, gels and balms for eyelashes that strengthen their structure, activate growth, add shine and elasticity.

  • characteristics (composition, release form, method of application, etc.) of goods;
  • ratio of product prices to their effectiveness;
  • customer reviews;
  • recommendations of experts (ophthalmologists, dermatologists, cosmetologists, etc.).

The best oil for eyelashes

Eyelash oils are perhaps one of the most traditional remedies. Our grandmothers knew that castor oil makes eyelashes and eyebrows thicker and darker. Even now, oil-based products are distinguished by a more “natural” composition. As always, there are pros and cons to this. Negative sides: natural remedies They spoil faster if no preservative is added. They are more likely to cause allergies. With them you will not get a quick and obvious effect - yes, growing eyelashes will be stronger, stronger, more elastic, and look darker. But it will not be possible to awaken dormant hair follicles. On the other hand, the oil will not cause depletion of the root, as happens with thoughtless use of more strong means, has no side effects and is absolutely non-toxic in case of overdose. Apply natural oils you need from the middle of the eyelashes to the tips, without “painting” at the roots - the required amount will itself be distributed along the eyelash shaft to the root. Excess oil can cause swelling of the eyelids. You should use oil products before bed.

4 CC Brow Lash Oil

Excellent growth stimulation
Country Russia
Average price: 350 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Product domestic production appealed to beauties who want to naturally increase the length and volume of their eyelashes. The composition includes argan and burdock oils, which are the leading components. However, they are supplemented with extracts of alma, usma, almond, apricot and macadamia. The unique oil helps strengthen hair and activate growth by providing valuable nutrients. The product allows you to maintain the required level of hydration.

Users like the product not only for its effectiveness, but also due to the naturalness of the composition. According to the girls in the reviews, the result is noticeable after 3-4 weeks; longer use allows you to get long and thick eyelashes without harming the sensitive eye area. One of the disadvantages is the lack of a brush for application, you will have to get used to it. The product requires removal after 2–3 hours. CC Brow Lash Oil starts our rating well.

3 Oleos Nutrition

Best price. Hypoallergenic
Country Russia
Average price: 168 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Nourishing product for eyelashes and eyebrows from Oleos takes third place in our rating and is awarded the “Best Price” nomination. This brand’s mix of peach, calendula, castor oil and almond oils is in wide demand among customers. The composition is enriched with vitamins A, E and F. Distinctive characteristic– anti-allergenic orientation, consisting of a complex hypoallergenic extract of chamomile, sea buckthorn, nettle and string.

  • The product prevents hair loss by activating the awakening and growth of “sleeping” hairs.
  • Regular application helps increase thickness and strengthening.
  • Suitable for sensitive skin types, does not cause burning, redness or irritation.

Experts and users emphasize in reviews that the composition carefully cares for the skin in the area of ​​eyelashes and eyebrows. Improvement in condition is achieved by saturating the hair shaft with useful elements, as a result of which activation of “dormant hairs” is observed and their loss is prevented. “The eyelashes have become noticeably thicker and fuller!” – those who have tried it themselves exclaim joyfully effective oil. The cost of a bottle (8 ml) does not break the wallet - you can continue to purchase the product as a preventive measure.

2 Sexy Brow Henna Mix

The best selection of oils for eyelash care
Country Russia
Average price: 315 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

This product is designed for the most effective care of eyebrows and eyelashes. It contains a unique composition of oils that have the most beneficial effect on hair growth and quality. All components are obtained by cold pressing to preserve the benefits. Usma, burdock and apricot oils effectively stimulate hair growth and help strengthen them. This is one of best combinations to achieve the desired result.

As users write in reviews, the product perfectly restores the hairline on the eyebrows. In just 2-3 months you can become the owner of luxurious thick eyebrows and long fluffy eyelashes. The drug has a pronounced therapeutic effect. It is easy to use; the brush applies the oil quickly and evenly along the entire length. Application 2 times a day is recommended, but in practice the most convenient use will be just before bedtime. “Sexy Brow Henna Mix” deservedly entered the rating the best means for eyelashes.

1 Elma Eyelash Oil

Most popular. Convenient release form
Country Russia
Average price: 199 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Here is the category leader – an effective natural complex of oils for strengthening and caring for eyelashes “Elma”. This popular remedy has been on the lips of fashionistas for the last few years. There is a note on the product packaging stating that the product consists of 100% organic ingredients - essential oils and plant extracts. The composition includes burdock and castor oils, oil extracts of milk thistle and nettle, vitamins of groups A, E, H and PP, hyaluronic acid.

  • Activation of growth.
  • Nutrition and hydration.
  • Adding elasticity and shine.
  • Restoration of natural color.

The reviews positively evaluate the product and also express gratitude to the manufacturer for the clear font on the packaging. The release form is convenient in all respects - the brush is practical, passing through the neck of the bottle it remains on it optimal quantity oils It is recommended to apply at night, and this is perhaps the only negative, since there is a high probability of staining the pillowcase and hair. At the same time, the product does not get into the eyes, you don’t have to worry about redness and burning. The volume of 10 ml is enough for a long time, the price is reasonable. After a month of use, you will notice that the eyelashes have become darker, there are more of them, they are fuller and stronger.

The Best Eyelash Serums

Eyelash care serums have a positive effect on hair growth and strengthening. The products presented in the category have the largest number of positive reviews from users and experts. The enriched composition is the feature of this product, which, coupled with a pleasant consistency, makes serums very popular for improving the condition of eyelashes in the shortest possible time.

4 Toplash

Perfectly strengthens and stimulates eyelash growth
Country: Ireland
Average price: 2290 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Quite expensive, but very effective eyelash serum, which in addition to its strengthening effect stimulates hair growth. As users note in their reviews, after just a month of use, eyelashes become noticeably thicker, longer and look more well-groomed. In addition to good efficiency, the girls also appreciated the design of the packaging. A beautiful and stylish white and pink tube will decorate any cosmetic bag.

Included in the kit detailed instructions by application. The serum is excellent for recovery after frequent eyelash extensions, for fragility and dullness due to lack of vitamins, for strengthening during the period after childbirth and breastfeeding. Many users confirm the effectiveness of the serum in their reviews. After 4 months of regular use, tangible results are noticeable. The product is applied to the eyelashes using a thin brush. One of the disadvantages is the need to remove contact lenses before use.

3 Rapid Lash Eyelash Enhancing Serum

The safest. Shine and volume of eyelashes
Country: USA
Average price: 3105 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

“A unique eyelash growth activator!” - this is what users say about the third line of our rating, which went to the serum of the Rapid Lash brand. An innovative product improves the condition of eyelashes by restoring damaged hairs. The result is fuller, longer and thicker natural eyelashes.

  • The safety and effectiveness of the composition have been confirmed during clinical testing. The serum is approved by ophthalmologists and dermatologists.
  • Guaranteed result after 5 weeks of use - elasticity, shine and volume.
  • Rejuvenating effect, accelerating hair growth and strengthening.

The course recommended by the manufacturer is 8 weeks. The volume of the bottle (3 ml) is just enough for one and a half to two months. One package is definitely enough to test for yourself how the serum works. The reviews emphasize that once you try it, you will be faithful to this product in the future. Buyers definitely recommend the serum and confirm the stated effect.

2 Eveline Cosmetics 8in1 Total Action

Affordable price. High efficiency
Country: Poland
Average price: 239 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

One of the most popular firming products with panthenol and argan oil. Women like the serum for its effectiveness and low cost. It is worth noting that this is the most inexpensive product in this category, which is not inferior in quality. The product has a liquid texture and is convenient to apply to eyelashes using a special silicone brush. Serum is used as a base before applying mascara.

As users write in reviews, the product is characterized by low consumption. The tube lasts for 2-3 months of active use. After the product is absorbed into the hairs, they immediately become noticeably denser and a curl appears. Regular use makes eyelashes longer and fuller. The drug does not contain fragrances or other allergens. Great for use by people with hypersensitivity eyes or those using contact lenses. Eveline Cosmetics 8in1 Total Action Eyelash Serum is worthy of the attention of potential users and continues our rating.

1 Eyelash Booster Stimulator Elixir

Best quality. Stopping hair loss
Country: Germany
Average price: 1387 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The undisputed leader is “Aylash Booster”. This is an effective stimulating serum for preventing hair loss, which can also be used as a care product. German serum is appreciated by users around the world who prefer naturalness. Thanks to this product, eyelashes visually appear longer, and the number of hairs falling out is noticeably reduced.

  • The serum has a comprehensive effect on the roots of the eyelashes, as a result of which the eyelashes grow both in length and width.
  • Hair loss is reduced and growth is activated, so eyelashes become thicker and fluffier.
  • The drug increases the growth stage and the transition phase of eyelash development, slowing down the resting period.

Reviews say that the composition does not cause eye irritation or burning. This is a safe product, the results of which will not take long to arrive. Within a month you can evaluate how the condition of the eyelashes has improved and how they have strengthened. The effectiveness is confirmed by clinical trials - which also indicates high quality serum. Another feature is the permissibility of applying the product under mascara. The volume (2.7 ml) is enough for six months.

The best serums based on bimatoprost and its analogues

Bimatoprost is a medicine against high blood pressure In eyes. Acceleration of growth is nothing more than a side effect from the use of this drug, which cosmetologists noticed for the benefit of owners of sparse and weakened eyelashes. The principle of action is irritation of the follicles and stimulation of blood circulation, which in turn ensures an increase in the growth phase of eyelashes. The danger is side effects, including the risk of developing conjunctivitis, the appearance of inflammation of the iris, the likelihood of retinal edema, etc.

4 Bioaqua nourishing liquid eyelashes

Contains natural silk protein
Country: China
Average price: 250 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Another worthy cosmetic product that will help you get the eyelashes of your dreams. The concentrated gel takes excellent care of hair and activates dormant hair follicles. Thanks to a sharp boost to growth, eyelashes become significantly longer and fuller in a fairly short period of time. In addition, the hairs themselves become stronger, elasticity appears and hair loss decreases. Over time, the eyelash line evens out and volume comes. After 3-4 weeks, users notice noticeable results.

The product has unique composition, which contains natural silk protein, sea ​​water and a complex of useful amino acids. Proteins improve and strengthen short hairs, making them visually longer, adding volume. The remaining components moisturize, add shine and elasticity. The product is applied once a day to the eyelid along the lash line. It is not necessary to use before bed, just wait until the gel dries and you can apply makeup.

3 Dreamlash

Best for damaged eyelashes. Applicator brush
Country: UK
Average price: 790 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The active substance of the effective serum from Dreamlash is bimatoprost. The cosmetic product is in wide demand, as it allows you to get desired result already after 3 weeks of use.

  • Increasing the length and volume of eyelashes.
  • Restoring damaged hairs after extension procedures.
  • Convenient bottle (4 ml) with an applicator brush.

Reviews confirm that the use of serum reduced hair loss. The eyelashes acquired shine, and their shade became somewhat darker. In general, there is an improvement in the condition of the eyelashes, side effects no product was noticed upon application. Contraindications include age under 18 years, pregnancy and lactation, allergies to components and eye diseases.

2 Queen Lash Eyelash Enhancer Serum

Fastest result
Country: USA
Average price: 1100 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

This is one of the best serums based on bimatoprost, which deservedly took its place in our rating. The drug for activating the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows has many advantages. Firstly, it is an improved composition that eliminates irritation and side effects. Secondly, the product shows quick and incredible results, thanks to its positive effect on the active phase of eyelash growth. The serum is easy to use; it is applied to hair using a convenient and economical applicator. The tube is enough for 4 months of active use.

According to user reviews, the first result is noticeable within a couple of weeks, and after 2 months the eyelashes become as long as possible, voluminous and acquire more dark shade. Thanks to this, the look becomes more expressive. Experienced users advise using the product at intervals, with short breaks. After complete withdrawal of the serum, the eyelashes return to their original state after 6 weeks. Among the disadvantages, one can highlight only the possibility of individual intolerance to the main active ingredient.

1 Careprost

The most effective. No. 1 among products based on bimatoprost
Country: India
Average price: 800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The basis of Careprost is bimatoprost, a synthetic analogue of prostaglandins, which was originally developed for the treatment of glaucoma. But as a side effect of the substance, increased growth and increased thickness of eyelashes were found. It turned out that prostaglandins irritate the eyelash bulbs, including the “dormant” ones, stimulating their activity.

  • After 4 weeks, the first changes are an increase in the length and thickness of the eyelashes.
  • After 14 weeks – eyelashes are dark, fluffy and shiny.
  • Increased volume of the bottle with a built-in applicator – 4 ml.

The product should not be used during pregnancy and lactation. Doctors recommend using the composition for a course of 2-3 months daily, then 1-2 times a week to maintain the effect. Reviews are replete with positive examples of how eyelashes have changed. Indeed, growth and strengthening are noticeable. Eyelashes are graceful, curved, healthy and at the same time natural. “You can forget about extensions and even mascara! Exactly this effective remedy!” – buyers share their opinions.

The best eyelash gels

Eyelash gels are famous for their healing effect. They can be used during free time during the day, shortly before bed, or just before applying mascara. They effectively envelop the hairs, making them stronger, shinier and more elastic. Gels also help shape eyebrows and carefully separate lashes for a more open look.

4 Mixit Grow Gel

Suitable for all ages
Country: China
Average price: 595 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Mixit Grow Gel eyelash gel has proven effectiveness, which is confirmed by users over and over again. It contains the famous Widelash peptide complex, which provides phenomenal hair growth speed and also increases the thickness of eyelashes after 2-3 weeks of active use. By strengthening the hairs and acting directly on the hair follicles, it is possible to obtain an unsurpassed result. The gel reduces fragility and loss of eyelashes during makeup removal.

The product has natural composition, which contains extracts of kelp, parsley, and cereal peptides. All this has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the hairs, and also reduces the likelihood of an allergic reaction. The gel is applied to dry eyebrows and eyelashes once a day. The manufacturer recommends carrying out the procedure before bedtime, after removing makeup. The product is suitable for all ages and all skin types. It is undoubtedly one of the best and deserves to start the ranking in its category.


Improves metabolism in root tissues
Country Russia
Average price: 210 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

A unique balm-gel with the self-explanatory name “Growing Eyelashes” allows you to quickly and without special costs achieve the desired result. This product will help every woman become the owner of an expressive look and thick eyebrows. This fact, as well as its high efficiency, is confirmed by satisfied girls in their reviews. Gel-balm perfectly nourishes, moisturizes hairs and promotes their growth. In addition, fragility and loss are significantly reduced, and, as a result, the thickness of eyelashes increases.

The composition contains only proven natural ingredients, including best oils for care: castor and burdock. They improve metabolism in root tissues and strengthen hairs. Wheat proteins protect eyelashes from dehydration and give them shine and elasticity. The product is applied to the hairs using a convenient brush. After an hour, you need to rinse it off with warm water and you can start applying makeup. This is one of the best eyelash products that is worth checking out.

2 Ardell Brow & Lash Growth Accelerator

Best for brittle and sparse eyelashes. Noticeable strengthening
Country: USA
Average price: 547 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The product from Ardell is intended for eyelashes and eyebrows. The composition based on wheat protein leads to accelerated growth and strengthening of hairs. In the near future you will notice how brittle, sparse and dry ones turn into well-groomed and strong ones.

  • The concentrate nourishes, strengthens and activates the growth of “dormant” ones.
  • Helps restore eyelashes after extensions, and awakens eyebrow growth after excessive plucking.
  • After a month of use, the first results become noticeable.

Reviews say that if you want to achieve a “doll look,” this product is exactly what you need. A concentrated effective gel serum will give you longer eyelashes in a month. “It feels like your eyelashes have become stronger and more elastic, and your eyebrows are thicker! Finally, my eyes have become wide open!” – customers note. When applied, the composition does not spread, there is no feeling of stickiness or grease. A bottle (3 ml) lasts a long time.

1 RefectoCil Longlash Gel

Professional care. Elasticity and shine
Country: Austria
Average price: 1800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The action of the gel for intensive eyelash care of the RefectoCil brand is based on beneficial properties vitamins of groups D and E. Experts note that the product retains moisture for a long time, deeply nourishes and protects hairs. Regular use of the gel prevents eyelash fragility, which has a positive effect on their length.

  • Professional hair care.
  • Strong, healthy and shiny eyelashes.
  • Increasing elasticity and preventing loss.

The reviews mention that the gel belongs to the professional line of products. It can be used to sculpt eyelashes with or without mascara. The result of use is strengthening and active hair growth. This product is the choice of those who strive for natural makeup and at the same time appreciate an expressive curve.

The best eyelash growth stimulators

How to wake up “sleeping eyelashes”? – Seek help from growth stimulants. These are products that contain components that improve blood circulation, beneficial vitamins and microelements. The task of the stimulator is not only to speed up the process of the appearance of new eyelashes, but also to restore the structure of damaged ones. Most of them are representatives of the premium class.

4 Lundenilona hipnosis

Convenient bottle
Country Russia
Average price: 2000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Lundenilona hipnosis has won the hearts of girls who want to make their eyelashes long and thick without resorting to extensions. The growth activator effectively affects the follicles, strengthens existing hairs and prevents their loss. As a result, in 3-4 weeks the look becomes more expressive, eyelashes become longer and thicker. Users in their reviews note that the growth line becomes smoother, denser and more uniform. Areas that were not previously covered with hairs become covered.

Girls also like the composition of the activator; it does not contain artificial components, everything is only natural, which minimizes the risk of allergies and irritation. Suitable for use even by people with sensitive skin century A convenient applicator in the form of a thin brush allows you to quickly apply the product to the eyelash line. After drying, you can begin applying makeup; as a rule, this does not take more than 5 minutes. Lundenilona hipnosis worthily begins the ranking of the best eyelash products in its category.

3 Christian Breton Paris Eyelash Builder

Premium class. Hydration and nutrition
Country: France
Average price: 2059 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Premium eyelash product from Christian Breton is designed to increase the intensity of growth and strengthening. A formula based on the interaction of polymers and wax is designed to make eyelashes stronger and denser. The composition contains Carolina algae, procapil and other components that are essential for the health of eyelashes. This effective remedy is valuable for damaged and weakened hair, which has become so due to extensions, exhaustion of the body after childbirth, etc.

  • Increasing the length of eyelashes.
  • Restoration of structure.
  • Nutritional impact.
  • Makeup durability.

The active composition demonstrates outstanding nutritional and moisturizing properties. During use, the product does not leak due to its thick, enveloping consistency, and does not hurt or sting the eyes. Reviews advise applying the product before bed as a mask, and in the morning after washing to protect against mascara. By the way, makeup now lasts much longer with the help of this product (thanks to wax and other useful elements). As blood flow increases, “dormant hairs” awaken and damaged ones are restored. After just a couple of weeks, you can see that new eyelashes are growing, and existing ones are falling out less often.

2 Aleran Dual formula

Dual formula for use in different time
Country Russia
Average price: 693 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The unique product for activating hair growth has a dual formula that has an individual effect on eyelashes at different times of the day. The “Day” formula protects hairs from external influences and is better basis under mascara. The “Night” formula is intended for evening use after removing makeup. It actively moisturizes eyelashes after a long day, nourishes and restores structure, makes natural pigmentation brighter and has a positive effect on hair follicles.

The product does not require daily use on an ongoing basis. The manufacturer recommends using the growth stimulator at intervals, twice a year for 1–3 months. The packaging has two different tubes with convenient individual brushes. The product has no contraindications other than individual intolerance to the components. It is worthily included in the ranking of the best for eyelashes.

1 Almea Xlash

Best for awakening “sleeping hairs”. Thick and dark eyelashes
Country: UK
Average price: 2780 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

"Almea Xlash" is an effective conditioner-stimulator of eyelash growth. The key elements of the composition are soft coral extract, usma juice, arbovi and fo-ti herbs. The number of admirers of the product from the British brand is growing exponentially, and this is not surprising: safety, effectiveness, naturalness, simplicity are its main characteristics.

  • Noticeable increase in length and strengthening of eyelashes after 4 weeks of use.
  • A bottle (3 ml) is designed for three months.
  • European certification.

This unique eyelash product was developed by cosmetologists to activate the body's natural forces aimed at accelerated growth by awakening “sleeping hairs.” In a month you will become the owner of longer, thicker and darker eyelashes. Many reviews write that this conditioner is a real alternative to extensions. A nice bonus to the effectiveness of the product is a well-thought-out bottle with a built-in applicator.

Jet black, fluffy, velvety - beautiful eyelashes poetically minded citizens describe it this way. People don’t write odes to scanty, faded hairs on their eyelids.

You can grow beautiful eyelashes. At the same time, you need to understand that most remedies will not work a miracle: the length of the hairs is programmed by the body and only radical intervention can change it. But healthy eyelashes look more lush and worthy of poetic epithets.

Habits that are good for eyelashes

Weakened and brittle hairs will not grow better, no matter what products you use. Therefore, you need to acquire several habits that will help lengthen your eyelashes:

  • Always wash off your mascara at night, or better yet, immediately after returning home.
  • Massage your eyelids to improve blood circulation, but without fanaticism, so as not to stretch the delicate skin.
  • Change your mascara every three months to prevent bacteria from getting into your eyes and causing problems.
  • Don't sleep on your stomach: contact with the pillow can deform your eyelashes, making them weak and brittle.

Eyelash growth products

1. Castor oil

Castor oil is an effective and proven remedy for eyelash growth, which stimulates hair follicles thanks to the acids in its composition.

First, let's decide how not to use it. No matter what the Internet advises, do not apply castor oil to your eyelashes at night. The oil irritates the mucous membrane of the eye and the delicate skin of the eyelids. Because of this, you risk getting red, watery and expressive eyes in the morning.

Gently apply the oil to your eyelashes with a brush. You can wash off the old mascara, or better yet, order disposable ones: they do not need to be washed and do not need to be stored after use, risking staining the entire apartment with oil.

Leave the oil on for 15-45 minutes, then remove with makeup remover. Once will not be enough. Castor oil should be used in courses. Repeat the procedure several times a week for a month before assessing the results.

Castor oil is good on its own, but you can increase its effectiveness with the help of components that are sold in pharmacies for literally pennies or can be found in almost any home.

Mask with burdock oil for eyelash growth and strengthening

  • 1 teaspoon of burdock oil.

Mix the oils in the container in which you will store the mask: this way you won’t have to wash extra dishes. These ingredients are enough for several uses. Apply the composition to the eyelashes for 15-30 minutes, then rinse.

This remedy will be useful for those who periodically suffer from. But you can make this mask only in the intervals between relapses of the disease - for prevention.

  • ½ teaspoon castor oil;
  • ½ teaspoon aloe juice.

Mix oil and juice, apply to eyelashes for 15-30 minutes, and then rinse. It is not recommended to store this composition for a long time, as aloe juice may begin to deteriorate.

Mask with calendula

  • 1 teaspoon castor oil;
  • 10 g dried calendula flowers;
  • 100 ml water.

Place the calendula flowers in a small ladle and fill with water. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes, then cool. Measure out one teaspoon of strained broth and mix with oil. Apply in the same way as previous masks.

2. Burdock oil

Burdock oil strengthens eyelashes and accelerates their growth thanks to sitosterol and stigmasterol - plant stearins that stimulate the process of cell division. It should be used in the same way as castor: apply to eyelashes for 15–45 minutes, then rinse.

Burdock oil will only be effective if used regularly.

3. Eyelash serums

These preparations usually consist of oils, herbal extracts and vitamins. Essentially, these are almost the same formulations that you could make at home, but ready to use and placed in a convenient package with a brush.

Depending on the manufacturer and volume of drugs, the price starts at 100 rubles. Eveline 3 in 1 serum will cost an average of 250 rubles. Alerana's eyelash growth stimulator costs about 500 rubles, and the popular Eyelash booster costs 1,500.

4. Serums based on bimatoprost and its analogues

This is the most controversial point in the selection. Bimatoprost is used as a medicine for high eye pressure. Eyelash growth is a side effect that has been actively used in cosmetology.

The essence of the action of bimatoprost is to irritate the hair follicles and stimulate blood circulation. Due to this, the growth of eyelashes does not stop when they reach the length established by nature. You need to apply such products with a brush on the eyelid at the roots of the eyelashes.

Now, based on bimatoprost and similar prostaglandins, many drugs are produced under different trade names: Latisse, Careprost, Maxlash, Dreamlash and so on. You can buy them at the pharmacy; some formulations are available only through distributors. They cost from 600 rubles.

Research has shown A Retrospective Review and Observational Study of Outcomes and Safety of Bimatoprost Ophthalmic Solution 0.03% for Treating Eyelash Hypotrichosis that in 27.4% of patients, when treating eyelash hypotrichosis with a drug containing 0.03% bimatoprost, side effects were noted, including skin hyperpigmentation, itching, erythema of the eyelids and irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes. And yet, scientists have recognized such compounds as safe for long-term use and effective.

5. Eyelash gels

Therapeutic gels for eyelash growth and strengthening are used before or instead of traditional colored mascara. In the first case, they perform a protective function. Mascara, especially waterproof ones, can dry out your eyelashes. The gel not only creates a protective barrier, but also nourishes the hairs throughout the day.

Using this product instead of mascara will allow you to curl and secure your eyelashes, making them look natural color more saturated - all this without side effects.

In terms of composition, gels are usually a lighter version of colored mascara with the addition of herbal extracts, ceramides and other hair-strengthening ingredients.

You can find eyelash gel in the lines of companies that produce decorative cosmetics and in pharmacies.

6. Vitamins

Previous remedies were for external use; vitamins must be taken orally. Any complex that contains:

  • B vitamins - stimulate the activity of hair follicles.
  • Vitamin E - improves oxygen microcirculation in blood vessels, improves blood flow to the hair follicles.
  • Vitamin A - restores hair elasticity.

Eyelashes are not only a reliable means of protecting our eyes from the penetration of foreign particles, pollution, sun and water, but also a wonderful decoration for a woman, which is an essential part of her delightful image. Therefore, it is very important to pay Special attention eyelashes, provide them with proper and systematic care. Castor oil will be an excellent natural assistant in this matter; it will significantly strengthen eyelashes, improve their growth, make them elastic, thick and fluffy.

Not all women have ideally thick and long eyelashes from nature. Cosmetical tools and various tricks (curling or curling, extensions, tinting, and makeup in general) help correct this deficiency, but women have to pay too much for this expensive price: Over time, eyelashes become depleted, become thin, brittle, dull and begin to fall out. Health-improving procedures will help restore eyelashes to health, thickness and silkiness. The use of castor oil for eyelashes will be one of the simple, affordable and effective eyelash care products, which has highly nourishing and strengthening properties, and also affects their growth.

Castor oil is obtained by first cold pressing from the seeds of an oil plant such as the castor bean. It grows mainly in zones with tropical and subtropical climates, in particular India, Brazil, China and some other countries. More than 90% of the composition of castor oil is ricinoleic acid, which determines its truly healing properties for eyelashes.

This amazing product has been used for many centuries by famous beauties in the care of eyelashes and hair to maintain their thickness, elasticity and health, and eliminate various problems (loss, dryness, brittleness, etc.). Nowadays, it has in no way lost its relevance and significance; many women successfully use it to grow and strengthen eyelashes and stop their loss.

Castor oil is easy to get at any pharmacy chain at a low (by today's standards) price. To care for and treat eyelashes, it is better to use virgin oil.

The effectiveness of castor oil for eyelashes.
Castor oil has long been popular among products whose action is based on maintaining the health of eyelashes, eyebrows and hair. It is even used on the face. This is due to its amazing composition, because all the components included in it work to benefit our eyelashes. Castor oil has a comprehensive effect on all areas responsible for health and beauty appearance eyelashes The saturated fatty acids it contains give eyelashes a rich dark color, positively affecting their pigment properties from the inside. Further, monounsaturated fatty acids, due to their high moisturizing ability, have a restorative effect on eyelashes, strengthening them. Polyunsaturated fatty acids nourish them from the inside and stimulate growth.

This multifaceted effect on eyelashes and their structure makes castor oil ideal for restoring eyelashes and strengthening them.

Proper use of castor oil for eyelashes.

If you really want the desired result from using castor oil, it is important to know that such a procedure must be systematic. Remember, it must be done in the evening and on a face cleansed of makeup. Never apply this product to your eyes with your fingers. This must be done using a special brush, ideally from under an old mascara (the brush should have bristles, not silicone!). It should be thoroughly washed and dried in advance. The same should be done after each application procedure.

So, lightly dip a clean brush in the oil and apply it with light movements to the eyelashes, paying attention to the base and tips. The process will resemble applying mascara to your eyelashes in several approaches. After applying oil to the eyelashes in this way, it is necessary to remove the excess by blotting with a cosmetic napkin. In the morning, rinse your eyelashes thoroughly with warm water.

In order to strengthen eyelashes and solve problems of fragility and loss, the oil should be used three times a week. This should be done with great care to prevent oil from getting into your eyes. Because of this, an unpleasant greasy film is formed, which is quite difficult to get rid of. In addition, this can provoke conjunctivitis.

The effect of using the oil can be assessed after a month of regular application. Despite its safety, the oil can cause allergic reactions in the form of redness and swelling of the upper eyelid or under the eyes, which can occur due to individual intolerance or the presence of a small amount of alcohol in the composition (depending on the manufacturer). If the oil contains a small amount of alcohol, it is not recommended to use it to improve eyelash health. For prevention, castor oil for eyelashes can be used once a week.

Recipes with castor oil for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes and eyebrows.
To enhance healing properties Castor oil for eyelashes is recommended to be combined with various supplements. In particular, one option is to add vitamin A to the oil (in capsules, you can use Aevit). Just a few drops per 10 ml of oil will make your eyelashes irresistible. Instead of this vitamin, you can use carrot juice, but each time you need to prepare a new mixture for application.

It is also effective to mix castor oil with olive or burdock. It is recommended to slightly heat the oils first. In addition, a mixture of castor and burdock oil effectively removes remnants of eye makeup and, in general, does an excellent job of removing decorative cosmetics. And if you add a small amount of aloe juice to the mixture, you will get an effective nourishing agent for eyelashes and eyebrows.

A combination of castor oil with almond (or peach) oil in a 1:1 ratio will accelerate the growth of eyelashes and also strengthen them, preventing loss.

Here's another great recipe for eyelash care: combine 3 ml of castor oil with five drops of chamomile oil extract and the same amount of calendula extract, also in the oil. This composition will improve metabolic processes inside cells, strengthen hair follicles and improve their structure. This product is good for use on the skin around the eyes; it has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.

This mixture nourishes and strengthens eyelashes very well: combine almond, burdock, castor oils in small quantities, add vitamin E in the oil and a little fish oil.

For eyelash growth, it is effective to use the following composition: combine castor oil in the amount of 5 g with 8 g of Vaseline and 2 g of Shostakovsky balm (it can be replaced Peruvian balsam). Can be applied twice a day for a month.

And this nourishing and moisturizing mask for eyelashes perfectly stimulates their growth and serves as a remedy against hair loss: combine castor, flaxseed, almond, rose, wheat germ and grape seed oil in equal proportions. Apply the mixture to the eyelashes and eyelids, and after ten minutes, wash with warm water.

To vitaminize eyelashes, combine castor oil with vitamins (one drop each) A, D, E, F.

It is necessary to use castor oil in courses of two to three months, then take a break for three months and carry out the course again. Only two courses per year ( better in autumn and spring).