How to make an injection intramuscularly in the buttock?

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Detailed instructions on how to properly inject in the buttock at home. "Country of advice" warns: we will talk about intramuscular injections. Leave intravenous injections to professionals. Moreover, if you have the opportunity, it is still better to provide them with intramuscular injections.

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But if you are prescribed a course of intramuscular injections, and there is no time to go to the nurse in the hospital, you will have to give injections at home with the involvement of relatives and friends in the process.

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So, intramuscular injections can be done:
- in the buttock (the most simple and common option - we will consider it),
- in the thigh
- in the hand. What you need is cotton balls moistened with 96 alcohol,
- a three-component syringe 2.5 - 11 ml (depending on the volume of the drug prescribed for administration),
- a drug prescribed for administration. For intramuscular injections, buy special syringes with long needles.



Do not give intramuscular injections with a short hypodermic or intravenous needle or insert the needle not to its full length- it may not reach the muscle, the medicine will not be injected into the muscle, but under the skin, which can lead to inflammation.

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The injection should be done in the supine position, as in this case the muscles are relaxed and the injection will be less painful. In addition, in a standing position, there is a risk of breaking the needle if the patient contracts the muscle sharply.

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1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
2. Take an ampoule with medicine, wipe thoroughly with alcohol.
3. Shake it well.
4. File and break off the tip, draw the medicine into the syringe.
5. Then tap the syringe with your finger to collect all the air bubbles in the upper part of the syringe into one, and by gradually pressing the piston "push" the air bubble through the needle.
6. To make sure there is no more air in the syringe, wait for the first drop of medication to come out of the needle.



Performing an injection


In order to correctly inject intramuscularly (into the buttock), it is necessary to draw an imaginary cross along the buttock, dividing it into 4 parts. The injection is made in the upper outer quadrant (in this area you will not damage the sciatic nerve).

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1. Take two cotton swabs and in turn lubricate the injection site with alcohol.
2. Then take the syringe in your right hand. If you are giving an injection to an adult, stretch the skin at the injection site with your left hand (in children, on the contrary, the skin must be taken in a fold).
3. Take the hand with the syringe away and at an angle of 90 degrees to the surface, with a decisive movement, insert the needle into the muscle by almost 3/4 of the needle (not to the very end!).
4. Slowly pressing on the piston with the thumb of your right hand, inject the medicine (attention! if you use an outdated syringe - two-component - with one hand, you may not be able to perform the injection. In this case, it is better to hold the syringe barrel with your right hand, press the piston with your left hand).
5. With a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, press the injection site and quickly remove the needle at an angle of 90 degrees. This will stop bleeding and reduce the risk of infection in the body.
6. Then massage the affected muscle. So the medicine will be absorbed faster, and the alcohol will disinfect the wound. Safety rules1. Alternate buttocks - do not inject into the same buttock.
2. Use only imported syringes, as their needles are thin and sharp. And also, in 2 cc syringes, the needle is thinner than in 5 cc syringes.
3. Never reuse the syringe and needle, the syringe must be thrown away after use!



Be healthy!