Means for whitening age spots on the face. Whitening creams for age spots

If you are reading this article, it means that the topic of age spots is very relevant for you as well as for me quite recently. Just like I re-read a bunch of literature, rummaged through the Internet. In this article, I will share my proven methods and remedies on how to get rid of age spots once and for all.

What are age spots?

Pigmented spots are quite common. According to statistics, women suffer from it more often and more. Which, in principle, is understandable, since the appearance of such spots on the face or hands causes psychological discomfort and an extremely unpleasant feeling of self-doubt.

What is a pigmented spot? This is a collection of melanocyte cells that produce a pigment in the body such as melanin. In the place where these cells accumulate, a pigment spot appears.

Various disorders and changes in the body lead to numerous accumulations of these cells on the skin, which provokes the appearance of spots ... At a young age, they mainly appear on the face. More mature on the arms, neck, back.

In order to get rid of this problem, as well as any other, you should find out the reason for its occurrence. I must say that there are a lot of reasons and without the help of a specialist it is unlikely that it will be possible to figure it out.

So, what are and from what pigment spots appear.

What are age spots?

  • Freckles - the most harmless type of age spots. Freckles are common in people with blonde and red hair and are seasonal. This is explained by a natural feature of the skin of fair-haired people: they react faster to the sun and the ultraviolet light received from it, which provokes the production of melanin. This is what causes the appearance of freckles on the nose and cheeks.
  • Age spots , popularly called "senile ripples". Most often, they replace freckles, although they appear not only on the face and neck, but also on the hands, forearms - on those parts of the body that have been exposed to sunlight regularly and for a long time.
  • Melasma - rather large areas of age spots that occur mainly in young women above the upper lip, on the cheeks, temples and on the forehead. Often these areas are irregular in shape and are formed from several spots into one large spot. Such spots mainly appear due to hormonal changes (pregnancy, oral contraceptives, certain medications and cosmetics) and disappear on their own and completely after pregnancy, at the end of taking (or canceling) drugs or after stopping the use of inappropriate cosmetics.
  • Birthmarks - are also a type of age spots and are fraught with great danger. They are congenital or manifest with age, but the reason for their appearance is the same as in the rest: a violation of the development of the skin and the accumulation of melanocyte cells. I must say that absolutely all people have birthmarks. And the danger lies in the fact that birthmarks are inherently benign formations that can easily turn into malignant under the influence of various negative factors or severe stress.
  • White age spots - this yet unexplored phenomenon can appear at any age. The body becomes covered with pinkish or milky white spots due to the cessation of melanin production in these areas. Until now, doctors have not figured out why or under the influence of what they appear. Scientists suggest that, most likely, the reason is in disruption of the endocrine system. But this is just a guess.
  • Albinism - congenital skin pigmentation disorder. In this disease, the entire human skin is one large age spot. The fact is that the body of albinos is completely incapable of producing melanin. That is why they have absolutely white skin and hair, and their eyes are red. The sun is categorically contraindicated for them. They are constantly under the supervision of doctors.

Albinism is not common : about fifty people per million. Thanks to the modern developments of cosmetologists, it has become easier for albinos to hide their unusual appearance. And with the help of colored contact lenses, they easily add color to their eyes.

Causes of the appearance of age spots

The main reasons for the appearance of age spots are:

The appearance of age spots may also indicate serious diseases of the body, in which the level of estrogen in the blood rises.

Such diseases include:

  1. Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  2. Ovarian tumors and cysts.
  3. Adrenal pathology.
  4. Obesity of varying degrees (adipose tissue produces excess estrogen).
  5. Some diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

It is best to find out the cause with the help of a doctor, unless of course you are pregnant. Although in this case, the consultation will not be superfluous, and a good gynecologist will immediately tell you that this is a temporary phenomenon and there is no reason to worry ... I did not self-medicate and get rid of age spots until I figured out the reason for their appearance. Which is what I recommend you do.

My age spots appeared due to stress. And in order to get rid of them, you first had to put your nervous system in order. Which is what I did. At the end of the treatment, I began to seriously study ways to get rid of age spots in order to find the ones that were most suitable for me. I share proven tools.

Proven and effective treatments for age spots

I will say right away : There are a lot of means and ways to get rid of age spots. This includes laser therapy, various chemical peels, and whitening cosmetics. But I try to use folk remedies if possible.

In this case, you can and should use all kinds of herbs, vegetables and fruits in the form of trays, masks and other natural and harmless procedures.

So the masks:

I will say a few words about whitening cosmetics. I bought a whitening mask from the Belarusian company "Vitex". I really liked it: it not only whitens the skin, but also moisturizes and tightens ... I alternated the use of a cosmetic mask with the above folk masks to speed up the whitening process.

The results of my efforts

I was able to solve my problem completely only after three months. Maybe someone will say that this is a long time and I would like to quickly. Understand. BUT! Firstly, I used only natural products, which is much slower than using chemistry. Secondly, I needed to solve the problem not quickly, but permanently. And I did it! Which is what I wish for you.

An innovative product with a whitening effect, developed by specialists of Chinese traditional cosmetology and medicine, based on a complex of natural herbs and extracts. This set consists of two creams with different composition, but complementary action. The day cream effectively removes unwanted pigmentation, while the night cream brightens the skin of the face and intensively cares for it during sleep.

The day cream not only whitens, but also protects the dermis from ultraviolet rays that affect it throughout the day, and also moisturizes and nourishes it well. The night cream enhances the whitening process, restores and promotes accelerated regeneration of epithelial tissue.

Natural plant ingredients gently and very delicately care for the skin, slowing down its aging. The combination of ingredients is aimed at lightening the skin tone, spots, freckles, and the restoration of the structure of the skin, occurs as a result of the prolongation and enhanced action of the composition of both creams. Thanks to this, a person sees positive dynamics after the first days of use. The product is suitable for use on various parts of the body: face, hands, neck, etc.

Indications for use

Whitening creams are used to treat the following skin problems at home:

  • (, blackheads, inflammation);
  • rosacea;
  • freckles.

Also, the tool will be useful for those who are often under the scorching sun rays.

Beneficial features

Natural creams for age spots have the following beneficial effects on the human skin:

  • whitening(The tool makes freckles, age spots less noticeable, contributes to their complete disappearance);
  • protective(Effectively protects the dermis from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays);
  • stimulating(Normalizes metabolism in all layers of the skin);
  • moisturizing(The ingredients of the creams normalize the water-lipid balance of the epidermis);
  • tonic(The skin relief is leveled, minor irregularities are smoothed out, the complexion is leveled, the elasticity of the skin is increased, flabbiness is eliminated, mimic, age wrinkles are leveled);
  • anti-inflammatory(Inflammation in the tissues is stopped, the skin calms down, itching, peeling, and other unpleasant sensations stop);
  • regenerative, healing(Scratches, abrasions and other wounds heal faster, while preventing tissue scarring).


Anti-pigment day cream contains the following herbal active ingredients:

  • aloe extract(Extraction of natural aloe penetrates into the deep layers of the epithelium and moisturizes the skin from the inside. This plant has pronounced regenerative and bacterial properties, it relieves redness, irritation, heals wounds and eliminates the negative effects of sunburn);
  • arbutin, tea polyphenol(It is these components that directly whiten age spots on the skin, since they break down the melanin pigment and stop its further production);
  • lavender(Refreshes, tones the face, treats skin diseases. It is a strong antiseptic, has bactericidal, antifungal properties, is effective in the treatment of burns, post-acne. Improves the structure and appearance of aging skin, as it fights against the main signs of aging);
  • seaweed extract(Activates regeneration processes and blood supply, nourishes cells, normalizes the acid-base balance and the work of the sebaceous glands. Saturate the cells of the dermis with oxygen, have an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, protective effect. As a result, the vascular network is eliminated, acne disappears, toxins are removed from the skin, the face contour is noticeably tightened, the skin structure is leveled);
  • tocopherol (vitamin E).(Gives the dermis elasticity, firmness, eliminates inflammation, stimulates the production of elastin. Tocopherol increases blood circulation in the tissues, relieves puffiness, as a result of which a natural blush appears on the face, the complexion noticeably improves, age spots disappear without a trace);
  • moisturizing and whitening factors(A complex of bioactive molecules capable of attracting and retaining moisture in different layers of the epithelium. Prevents dryness, irritation, peeling, microcracks);
  • chicken egg white(Natural whitening and rejuvenating agent. Natural protein at the micro level restores various damages, tones the skin, normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat, creates an invisible protective barrier that protects against external adverse factors: dirt, dust, frost, chemical fumes and others).

The night remedy is made from the following whitening ingredients:

  • aloe extract(Saturates the dermis with moisture, relieves inflammation, irritation, activates regeneration processes, evens out microrelief, skin tone);
  • chinese angelica(Softens, has anti-inflammatory effect, heals microtraumas, cracks, relieves pain, exhibits fungicidal, antibacterial activity);
  • (Stimulator of blood circulation, participates in the production of collagen, thereby contributing to the renewal and regeneration of the skin. Protects the cover from direct sunlight, reduces the accumulation of melanin, prevents the formation of pigmentation);
  • big-headed atractylodes(Eliminates edema caused by various factors, including allergies, inflammatory diseases);
  • hyaluronic acid(In combination with arbutin, it affects all types of pigmentation: hormonal, genetic, allergic, etc. deeply moisturizes the epidermis, regenerates tissues, stimulates cell renewal, makes the face elastic, soft, healthy, young);
  • vitamin C(Supports health, beauty, stimulates the synthesis of collagen in cells, removes signs of skin aging: smoothes fine wrinkles, eliminates age spots, spider veins);
  • (Evens out the tone, brightens age spots, stimulates regeneration processes, normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, cleanses and removes toxins from all layers of the epithelium);
  • sage(Moisturizes, intensively nourishes, tones the skin. Relieves inflammation, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands. Stimulates regeneration, soothes itching, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates acne, smoothes wrinkles, effectively protects the dermis from the influence of adverse external factors);
  • moisturizing factor.

Mode of application

The area of ​​problem skin is pre-cleaned with the usual cosmetics, but not brought to a dry state. The cream is applied in a thin layer on slightly moisturized clean skin with moist fingers, massaging movements and left until completely absorbed.

The type of product is selected taking into account the time of day: white is intended for use during the day, yellow - for application before bedtime.

It is recommended to apply the cream in a course of 7-10 days (depending on the severity of pigmentation). If the problem has not been resolved, you can periodically apply the remedy or repeat the course after a break. Long-term continuous use of the product against unwanted pigmentation is prohibited.


Pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance.

Where to buy whitening creams

You can buy a comprehensive Chinese remedy for unwanted pigmentation at the Russian Roots store. It is convenient to make purchases in the store, since the products are quickly delivered by courier service (in Moscow, Moscow region) or by mail (throughout Russia).

Also, the cream is on sale in, so residents of Moscow and guests of the city can buy them at any convenient time.

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An article on the topic: "ointments for age spots on the face from the pharmacy and cosmetics" from professionals.

Every beauty dreams that her skin is always fresh and healthy. Various neoplasms and age spots can significantly spoil the appearance of the skin. The problem of pigmentation is especially aggravated in the spring-summer period, when ultraviolet radiation is especially intense.

Reasons for the appearance of pigmentation

Melanocytes, special cells that produce melanin, are responsible for pigmentation and skin color. With excessive production of this pigment, age spots, freckles, lentigo or moles appear on the skin.

The reasons for the appearance of these neoplasms include:

  • Heredity;
  • Poor skin care;
  • External factors;
  • Age-related changes;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Incorrectly selected salon treatments.

A property of the skin such as a tendency to increased or decreased production of melanin can be inherited (for example, a tendency to develop freckles). An increase or decrease in the production of melanin can be caused by the use of low-quality cosmetics, insufficient hydration of the skin and their inadequate nutrition.

Temperature changes, excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation can provoke the appearance of age spots (as a result of this factor, the number of freckles and moles can greatly increase). With age, the impact of negative factors on the skin is only aggravated, therefore, middle-aged women, especially those who have started menopause, are advised to pay increased attention to protecting their skin.

If pigmentation appears, it is worth undergoing a medical examination, as it can serve as a sign of serious health problems:

  • Chronic liver disease;
  • Pancreas;

Also, age spots can form massively during pregnancy. This is caused by a complete hormonal change in the body.

The sudden appearance of age spots may be a sign of a banal lack of vitamins. In this case, you can return an attractive appearance to your skin by regularly taking vitamin complexes containing zinc, magnesium and iron, which helps to normalize the synthesis of melanin.

Excessive pigmentation can appear on the skin after phototherapy or peeling, as a result of a violation of pigment metabolism. In order to minimize this risk, it is necessary to contact only trusted experienced cosmetologists who will correctly select the procedure, taking into account the type of skin and possible contraindications, and also strictly follow all recommendations.

How to deal with pigmentation

The skin reflects well the state of the whole organism. Therefore, if you have no idea about the cause of the appearance of pigmentation, you need to consult a doctor and undergo a full medical examination to determine exactly why the age spots appeared. This will make it possible to help determine the presence of serious problems in the body in a timely manner and quickly begin treatment. Finding out the exact cause of the appearance of spots on the skin will save money and time when dealing with this problem.

In some cases, to remove age spots, you will need to take serious medications (for example, in the treatment of gastrointestinal problems or pancreatic diseases). In some cases, pharmacy ointments and creams will help solve the problem.

Which remedy will help, specially developed by scientists or folk, depends on the reasons for the appearance of age spots and the state of human health. There is no perfect whitening cream (or mask) that will definitely solve any woman's problem.

You do not need to select a product yourself by trial and error, starting from your skin type and financial capabilities, listening to the recommendations of friends and studying reviews on the Internet. Contact a competent specialist, this will save both time and money, and will protect your nervous system.

If the skin (especially on the face) is prone to the appearance of hyperpigmentation, then, in addition to whitening agents, it is necessary:

  • Protect the skin from the influence of sunlight (intense ultraviolet light plays an important role in the appearance of freckles and age spots);
  • Ensure that amino acids enter the body in the required amount (with a lack of amino acids in the body, the synthesis of melanin is disrupted, it begins to be produced in excess, which is the cause of the appearance of age spots);
  • Take blockers of melanin enzymes (these include folic and ascorbic acids).


Various companies specializing in the production of cosmetics produce creams and masks designed to get rid of skin hyperpigmentation. Reviews of such products indicate that they cleanse the skin well, brighten it and moisturize it.

When using cosmetics designed for whitening the face, you should remember the following nuances:

  • The first results from their use will not appear immediately (you should not expect that the morning after the first application of the cream or mask, not a single speck will remain on the skin);
  • As soon as the first results from the use of whitening cosmetic products appear, you should not stop using them, all the more you should not replace a cosmetic product that has proven its effectiveness with another remedy (when fighting pigmentation, apply a cream or mask regularly for at least 3 weeks);
  • If a cosmetic product contains such natural ingredients as green tea, jojoba, lemon, aloe vera, parsley, yarrow, then, in addition to the main action, this product will have a general healing effect on the skin;
  • Some whitening cosmetics contain toxic substances, so you should carefully read the composition even before paying for it at the checkout.

Coic acid and hydroquinone were often added to anti-pigmentation creams in the past. These components are very toxic, so in some countries their use has been banned altogether, but in our market, creams with these dangerous ingredients are freely available for sale.

There are quite a few whitening creams and masks, and reviews on their effectiveness are very different, from negative to enthusiastic.

At any skincare store you can find:

  • Cream for age spots and freckles of the Vichy cosmetic line (it contains kombucha, acids, polyphenols and vitamins);
  • Evinal anti-pigmentation cream (it includes parsley, calendula, placenta extract);
  • Whitening mask Vitex (it contains fruit acids and salicylic acid, lemon oil and lingonberry extract).

Pharmacy folk remedies

To combat pigmentation in a pharmacy, you can buy:

  • Hydrogen peroxide (3%);
  • Ammonia;
  • Boric alcohol;
  • White clay;
  • Peach seed oil.

An effective skin whitening product is obtained from hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and boric alcohol. For its manufacture for 1 tsp. peroxide you need to take 1 tsp. ammonia and 2 tsp. tablespoons of boric alcohol. The resulting composition must be mixed very well and carefully applied to those areas of the skin where there is pigmentation. You need to use this mixture daily.

Hydrogen peroxide can also be used in its pure form to lighten skin on the face or body. To do this, a cotton swab should be moistened with peroxide and gently wiped clean skin with it. This should be done 2 times a day. In order not to dry the skin, it is worth applying a moisturizer after each such procedure. Hydrogen peroxide can work well if you need to lighten a large area.

White clay is used in the form of a mask, for the manufacture of which 1 tsp. clay you need to take 0.5 tsp. baking soda and dilute with warm water (a little). Keep this mask on your face or body for 20-30 minutes, after which it should be thoroughly washed off.

Has a whitening effect and peach seed oil. To combat pigmentation on the face, it must be applied to the skin every night before going to bed, after cleansing it well.

Folk remedies that every housewife has

In the event that pigmentation on the skin did not appear due to serious health problems, then they can help:

  • Lemon;
  • Parsley;
  • Sour cream and cottage cheese;
  • Grapefruit and dry yeast;
  • Soda.

Here are the most effective folk recipes:

  1. For skin whitening, you can use both lemon juice and its decoction. Lemon juice should only be used freshly squeezed. Lemon zest is used to prepare the broth. It is enough to peel 1 lemon, place its skin in a small saucepan with water and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. To achieve an effect in the fight against pigmentation, skin with age spots should be wiped 3-4 times a day for an extended period of time;
  2. Parsley can be used as a mask to combat skin pigmentation. To prepare it, parsley should be chopped in a blender and mixed with cream. Rinse off after 30 minutes. You need to apply this mask every day until the desired result is achieved (when applied on the face, in addition to age spots, it will be possible to smooth out wrinkles and improve the general condition of the skin). Wiping the skin with a parsley broth can also have a good whitening effect;
  3. To whiten your face, you can try lubricating your skin with milk cream. To do this, take a small amount of sour cream and cottage cheese. These ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and the resulting mass applied to the skin;
  4. In some cases, a mask made from grapefruit juice and dry yeast can help get rid of age spots on the face. To cook it, you need 1 tbsp. l. dry yeast squeeze out a little fresh grapefruit juice and mix well. Then you need to dip gauze into the resulting mixture, which must then be applied to the problem areas on the face. You can wash off the mask after 20 minutes;
  5. You can make masks from baking soda, and you can also use it for rubbing. To make a mask, you need to add very little water to a tablespoon of baking soda and apply the resulting gruel to your face. Rinse off after 10 minutes. For rubbing, you need to prepare a solution of 7 tsp. soda and a glass of water. Wipe your face with this solution 2-3 times a day;
  6. The best remedy. Raw potatoes should be grated on a coarse grater and applied to the problem area. Keep for 1 hour, rinse with warm water. You need to repeat this procedure every day.

Hyperpigmentation is an uneven distribution of melanin, which causes color changes in the epidermis. To reduce the color of certain areas of the skin, special bleaching agents are used for age spots on the skin. Depending on the type and principle of action, these can be masks, creams and emulsions.

Effective folk remedies for pigmentation

Whitening masks and homemade peels are used to combat age spots at home. For their preparation, active ingredients are used that can reduce the synthesis of melanin. These are dairy products, honey, potatoes, citrus fruits, some oils and herbal decoctions.

Pigmented spots on the face

The simplest and most affordable way to remove age spots - lemon juice... The fruit contains a huge amount of vitamin C and unique acids that quickly whiten problem areas. To apply, you just need to cut a lemon and rub the skin with its juice. If the epidermis is too dry, then it is recommended to treat it with citrus peel - it is saturated with oils that will additionally help moisturize the cover.

Skin whitening lemon

For age spots or lentigo, it works well mask with honey and parsley... Both components have excellent brightening properties. To prepare the mixture you will need:

  • 10 grams of honey;
  • A bunch of parsley;
  • Kaolin (optional for an additional lifting effect).

Parsley must be very finely chopped and mixed with honey. To make it easier to combine the ingredients, it is recommended to warm up the sweetness. If kaolin is added to the mask, then additionally it must be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio, and then add the slurry to the workpiece. Apply the resulting substance to the face, neck and décolleté. Withstand 20 minutes, repeat every other day.

Parsley and honey mask

Another popular way to get rid of age spots is mask with sweet pepper... This vegetable is rich in acids and minerals that help whiten stains. Large bell peppers need to be grated. To prevent the juice from flowing down the body and clothes, squeeze the vegetable gruel slightly. Then apply the product to the face and other problem areas. Keep 15 minutes. Can be done daily. Reviews claim that this recipe is especially effective in winter, when the sun has minimal effect on the skin.

From freckles and other age spots that are not associated with age-related changes in the epidermis, it helps yeast mask... It is ideal for young skin prone to acne, acne, as it has strong absorbing and toning properties. To prepare it you will need:

  • 25 grams of fresh yeast (dry will not work);
  • 5 grams of lemon juice and the same amount of milk.

The milk is warmed up to a pleasant warmth, but there is no need to boil it. All yeast is dissolved in it, after which citrus fresh is added to the mixture. Apply the prepared liquid on the face in the morning and in the evening. You don't need to wash it off.

General tips on how to get rid of age spots on the face, body and hands:

  • Rinse them regularly with a decoction of chamomile or tincture of parsley (100 grams of greens are taken for 200 ml of water);
  • Introduce washing with milk into your daily routine. This method will allow not only to significantly whiten hyperpigmented areas, but also to strengthen the skin and protect it from aggressive external factors;
  • In summer, avoid prolonged sun exposure without sunscreen. Some of the tools at hand can be used as them: for example, shea butter and coconut oil.

Lightening the skin with cucumber

The best pharmaceutical remedies for skin lightening

Folk remedies for age spots on the face cannot replace full-fledged care. Therefore, they are only used as whitening aids. Unlike pharmacies, most of which can give odds to eminent brightening creams and acids.

What pharmaceutical remedies help with age spots:

  1. Zinc ointment is considered one of the most useful and affordable medicines. It is a thick white mixture of paraffin wax and zinc oxide. It has the unique property of denaturing protein, relieving inflammation, and soothing irritation. It needs to be applied pointwise to the affected areas, since it reduces local immunity;
  2. Salicylic acid... It is known for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Sold in the form of an ointment, tablets, and solution (salicylic alcohol). To lighten age spots, tighten and refresh the skin of the face, you need to take 1 tablet of acid. Crush it in a mortar and combine with 5 grams of day cream. Apply as a thick mask, wipe off the skin with paper towels after 20 minutes;

    Acetylsalicylic acid for age spots

  3. Tincture of calendula will help get rid of acne, scars, age spots. To prepare a refreshing and brightening tonic, you need to combine mineral water and tincture in equal parts. It is important to stir and shake the solution thoroughly before each use. This means to smear the face in the morning and in the evening;
  4. Tincture of licorice root... An excellent drug that is most often prescribed by pediatricians for the treatment of cough in children. But they can also wipe the face in order to whiten the skin from freckles and age-related pigmentation;
  5. Mumiyo- This is not really a pharmaceutical agent, rather a dietary supplement. Mountain resin is able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, normalize melanin synthesis and strengthen collagen and elastane fibers. For lightening and gentle exfoliation, you can prepare a mixture of cream (as needed) and two mumiyo tablets. Apply the gruel to the skin and leave for half an hour. Repeat daily. This method will also help get rid of stretch marks and deep wrinkles;

    Liquid mummy

  6. Strong brightening effect has hydrogen peroxide... Perhaps this is the most effective pharmacy remedy for age spots. It is better to use it pointwise, so as not to dry out the epidermis and ensure an even distribution of the solution. Apply to all problem areas, including spots after acne and acne, scars and others.

Review of cosmetics with whitening effect

Cosmetic companies produce entire lines of products dedicated to combating excess pigmentation. Their action is based on a combination of active plant components (extracts and oils) and synthetic additives (acids, proprietary formulas).

Clinique Even Better Clinical Dark Spot Corrector (Clinic) It is a sunscreen that has brightening properties. Contains coconut oil and a personalized formula. The product has a high UVF factor - 45. Helps protect the skin from sunburn, even out its color and normalize melanin synthesis.
Khadi Herbal anti blemish cream (Kadi Herbal) Organic cream for age spots. Like many other Indian brighteners, this product is made from natural herbs and oils. Created according to Ayurvedic formula. In addition to pigmentation, it helps to reduce dark circles under the eyes, remove freckles and acne marks.
Guerlain Blanc de Perle (Guerden) It is both a corrector and a bleach. Consists of natural pearl extract. It is able to normalize the amount of melanin, even out skin color and lighten and exfoliate the surface of spots.
TimeWise by Mary Kay This is the best remedy for age spots on the face and body (arms, back). The active ingredients are cockatoo plum extract, fennel and sunflower extract. The list also includes oils and special lactobacilli.
Lierac An essence based on glycolic and lactic acid. Part of a proprietary anti-hyperpigmentation complex. It is used to get rid of freckles, lentigo and hormonal changes in skin color.
Idealia Pro Vichy (Vichy) Like Guerlain, Vichy's product is a stain corrector. It simultaneously hides and brightens them, thus performing the role of a corrector. The composition includes the DRM-Bright complex, branded thermal water and lipo-hydroxy acid.
Tony Moly Panda's Dream White Magic Cream Famous Korean remedy for emergency whitening. It does not have any internal effect, it just brightens the top layer of the skin with the help of active ingredients. It contains herbs and extracts from various fruits. As cheaper analogs, you can use similar BB creams or make-up tones from Oriflame, Avon, etc.
Yinni (Innie) Chinese complex remedy for getting rid of hyperpigmentation. This is not one product, but a set that includes a cream, toner and mask. Consists of herbal extracts and synthetic additives.

Professional skin whitening cream

Reviews claim that such products for whitening the skin and removing age spots are only effective under conditions of regular use. In addition to them, you also need to provide the epidermis with proper sun protection and proper care (use of masks, tonics).


estimates, average:

Publication date: 2017-02-08 | Face care

With age and with prolonged exposure to sunlight, small areas with a darker color appear on human skin. Using a cream for age spots will help get rid of such a cosmetic imperfection on the face and hands. In addition to topical preparations, laser therapy or other cosmetic methods can be used to remove stains, but they are quite expensive and will not help with multiple small areas of hyperpigmentation.

You can buy whitening cream at your local grocery store, drugstore, or beauty salon. It is best to consult your doctor before purchasing. He will help you choose the most suitable remedy for your skin type, size, number and color of stains.

Products for removing age spots have different effectiveness. Major cosmetics manufacturers spend large sums of money developing and testing their products, so a good brightening cream cannot be cheap. Inexpensive store-bought creams for freckles and larger spots of pigmentation are best for preventing their formation.

Herbal ingredients of bleaching agents

The basis of the action of creams for whitening spots on the face or hands is the reversible inhibition of melanin production. This occurs when the tyrosinase enzyme is blocked or the binding of ions necessary for the synthesis of pigment (iron, zinc, copper). In modern cosmetology, plant and synthetic substances with a lightening effect are used.

Natural, effective pigmentation lightening creams may contain extracts from the following plants:

  • bearberry ordinary;
  • arbutus;
  • dandelion medicinal;
  • blackberry;
  • parsley;
  • water lily (water lily);
  • onion;
  • cucumber;
  • lemon;
  • horseradish;
  • viburnum ordinary;
  • iris Germanic or Florentine;
  • Erica gray;
  • benzoic styrax;
  • naked licorice.

These plants contain a complex of organic acids, essential oils, arbutin, hydroquinone, glabridin. They not only protect the epidermis from the sun's rays, but also inhibit the production of melanin. These preparations slightly exfoliate the skin, saturate it with moisture, rejuvenate and increase elasticity.

Read also: Whitening Creams

Synthetic substances in the composition of creams for age spots

A good anti-age spot cream contains chemicals that have the following effects:

  • blockade of the tyrosinase enzyme (kojic and ascorbic acids, arbutin);
  • suppression of melanin synthesis (azelaic acid, hydroquinone, ions of copper, iron and zinc).


The most effective remedy, however, it is the most toxic. It suppresses the work of melanocytes by acting on their DNA. At the same time, the drug affects other skin cells. It often causes allergic dermatitis. Hydroquinone is used in products manufactured in Asian countries. European creams should not contain more than 2% hydroquinone, and they can be used for no longer than 2 years. If after six months the effect is not achieved, the use of such a drug should be discontinued. Hydroquinone should not be used by pregnant or lactating women.


Natural product derived from hydroquinone. Unlike the latter, it does not damage skin cells and does not cause poisoning. Arbutin is very popular in Japan and is used by major manufacturers of whitening cosmetics.

Kojic acid

Blocks tyrosinase, an enzyme necessary for the production of melanin. It also destroys existing pigment. This substance not only fights with age spots, but also prevents their formation. Kojic acid has a rejuvenating effect, enhances the synthesis of skin proteins. Of the side effects, irritating effect is noted when used in high concentration.

Ascorbic acid derivatives

They inhibit the production of melanin well. They are used to combat freckles and age spots. The content of such substances should not exceed 3%, otherwise they can irritate the skin, like any acid.

Azelaic acid

It is used to treat acne (acne). However, it also inhibits melanin synthesis. This drug is especially effective for stains left at the site of injuries, scars and scars. However, it often irritates the skin and causes redness.

Glycolic acid

Inhibits the production of melanin. It is not used as the only remedy to combat pigmentation, but is included in combination preparations. This substance visibly rejuvenates the skin, exfoliates dead cells. It is often given by injection.

Phytic, retinoic and thioglycolic acids

Block melanin synthesis. However, retinoic acid and its derivatives are not recommended for use in summer as they may increase photosensitivity.


Changes the structure of melanin. Instead of a dark color, the pigment takes on a light brown color. In this case, the spots are aligned in color with the surrounding skin.

The best creams for age spots can contain new patented ingredients that effectively inhibit melanin synthesis:

  • Albatin;
  • Dermawight;
  • Aloesin;
  • as well as gentesinic acid esters.

Any brightening cream will take some time to work. Its components suppress the production of melanin, and also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. It also helps to gradually reduce the intensity of the hyperpigmentation. It is better if the whitening agent contains several active ingredients. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase pharmacy creams against age spots, which have a carefully selected composition.

Manifestation of facial skin hyperpigmentation

An overview of anti-age spots

Vichy Idealia PRО

One of the most popular whitening products is Vichy Idealia PRО. The components of this product help to reduce the content of melanin in the skin, significantly lightening it. They enhance the production of skin tissues with normal pigmentation, and also protect the epidermis from the harmful effects of sunlight.

  • freckles;
  • dark complexion;
  • age spots on the hands and face;
  • dilated small vessels - "stars";
  • pigmentation at the site of injury, scar, scar;
  • persistent redness of the skin.

The cream is intended for the face, but it can be applied to other areas of the body as well. It is applied 2 times a day. Pigmented spots begin to lighten after a week of use, and after 2 months they will disappear. The cream does not contain irritating components and does not lead to the development of allergies.


One of the most popular manufacturers of cosmetics is Alen Mak (Bulgaria). She produces the famous anti-pigmentation cream Achromin. Like almost any Bulgarian cosmetics, this cream has a rose scent. It brightens the skin and protects it from sun damage, preventing the appearance of new freckles or age spots.

The cream is applied 2 times a day. The effect is noticeable after 2 weeks. Note that Achromin contains potent components, so it should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, children, as well as people with allergic dermatitis. The cream can cause redness and swelling of the skin, therefore it is advisable to consult a dermatologist before using it.

Evinal cream

Evinal cream is devoid of these disadvantages. It contains plant extracts obtained from calendula, parsley, corn oil, as well as vitamin E, which is very useful for restoring the skin. The manufacturer claims in the composition of this preparation placenta extract, which removes excess melanin from epithelial cells.

Evinal can be attributed not only to medicinal, but also to caring agents. Its regular use helps to moisturize, soften and even out the skin surface. In this case, minor injuries heal. After a month of application, age spots almost completely disappear.

Evinal can be used during and after pregnancy to get rid of the dark areas of the skin that have appeared. It helps with age spots and hyperpigmentation lesions after intense sunburn.


We mentioned above that azelaic acid is used not only to treat acne, but also to lighten age spots. This substance is contained in Skinoren cream. It should be used only after consulting a doctor.

The cream has an antibacterial effect, and also reduces the production of melanin, including under the influence of sunlight. To avoid possible irritation, you must apply it once a day. With good tolerance, the number of daily applications is increased to two. The drug should not be used by pregnant women.

Skinoren contains acid and may cause burning sensation in the eyes or nasal cavity. If the cream gets on the mucous membranes, you must immediately wash and rinse your eyes and nose with warm water.

Melanative cream

Contains a complex of arbutin and a derivative of kojic acid, therefore it is highly effective. However, when using it, burning and irritation of the skin is possible. Therefore, it should be applied to the face every other day, only gradually teaching the application. People with sensitive skin should look for another remedy. Melanative allows you to quickly remove age spots from the skin surface.

Welltox anti-age cream

Contains components of plant origin: lemon, vegetable oils, licorice extract, bergenia, feathery undaria algae and glycolic acid. Thanks to its complex action on the skin, Welltox cream not only brightens age spots, destroying melanin and preventing its re-formation. It cares for the skin, improves blood circulation in its deep layers, rejuvenates and evens out the complexion.

The tool can be used once a day at night. For a lasting effect, a course is required for 1-1.5 months. The cream is not sold at a pharmacy or store, it can only be ordered online.

Miracle glow cream - mask

A new drug on the bleach market. It contains Omegalight, a proprietary plant-derived substance. This component blocks the formation of melanin and destroys it. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

The mask should be used once a day, the effect becomes noticeable after 2 weeks. The advantage of this product is hypoallergenicity and safety. It can be used continuously 1-2 times a week to prevent new freckles or blemishes from appearing on the skin. The Miracle glow mask can only be purchased online.

Neoton cream

Contains licorice extract, glycolic and salicylic acids, and propylene glycol. Thanks to this composition, the cream not only blocks the production of melanin, but also relieves inflammation and retains moisture in the skin. It is a sunscreen as it contains SPF 50+. Therefore, it can be used regularly in the summer as a day care. One of the advantages of Neoton cream is its affordable price.

"Radiance of the skin" cream for age spots

Its action is due to the mushrooms it contains, Chinese cordyceps and ganoderma, ginseng, rose oil and hyaluronic acid. The original formulation allows you to get rid of age spots, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin, smooth out fine wrinkles.

Apply this product to clean, dry skin twice a day. The manufacturer promises quick results in just a few applications. The product can be used on the whole body. It is sold only via the Internet.

Green Tea Whitening Cream

It is represented by day and night care. The cream contains extracts of tea, algae, aloe and arbutin. All of these ingredients are well established as whitening and anti-aging agents. Under the action of the product, not only pigment spots are removed. Wrinkles disappear, the surface of the skin is smoothed, and its elasticity increases.

Green Tea cream is applied to damp skin in the morning and in the evening. After 2 weeks, the melanin spots become lighter or completely disappear. It helps not only with age spots or freckles, but also with pigmentation after acne. The product is safe, well tolerated and contraindicated only in case of intolerance to its components. It is not recommended to use it in summer, during the period of maximum solar activity. It is better for pregnant women to choose another drug.

Lakshma MAXXI

One of the most popular whitening products in the United States. Its active ingredients are kojic acid and arbutin. The product does not contain alcohol or hazardous hydroquinone. Therefore, it is safe and has virtually no side effects.

Among the indications for the use of the cream, in addition to removing age spots and freckles, there are the following:

  • axillary hyperpigmentation;
  • lightening the skin on the inner thighs, in the crotch and bikini area, and no prior hair removal is required;
  • elimination of pigmentation on the elbows and legs;
  • lightening of the skin in the area of ​​stretch marks and stretch marks.

You need to apply the cream at night, rubbing gently into the surface of the skin and avoiding contact with mucous membranes. The product should not be used during pregnancy.

Elure Night Cream

Israeli cosmetology has proven itself in the bleaching products market. In particular, the scientists of this country have patented a new substance of plant origin Melanozyme. It became the basis for the Elure night cream, which is suitable for daily care.

Under the influence of this cream, the complexion is evened out, age spots disappear, the skin looks fresher and younger. It is especially indicated for improving the shade after intense tanning.

Also in the section: Why age spots appear and how to remove them

In order for the whitening cream to have the maximum effect, without damaging the skin, it should be used correctly:

  • before buying, consult a beautician, because a pigmented spot can be a sign of a serious illness, including skin cancer (melanoma);
  • choose the drug that is best suited for each individual case;
  • purchase cosmetics only from official suppliers on the Internet or in pharmacies, but in no case in markets or in kiosks;
  • before the first use, apply a little cream on the elbow area and leave for 1 day to make sure there are no allergies;
  • do not use whitening cosmetics for skin lesions, dermatitis, acne;
  • do not allow the product to get into the eyes, nasal cavity or mouth;
  • apply the drug according to the instructions on clean skin, at first in a small amount;
  • the whitening course is best done in winter;
  • in the future, you should refrain from sunburn and direct sunlight on your face;
  • with a single application per day, use a whitening cream at night.

If you follow these rules, you can get rid of freckles, age spots or significantly lighten them within 24 weeks, as well as even out the skin color and make it more attractive.

When buying cosmetics, pay attention to the word Whitening in its description. This means whitening. These ingredients can be found in many caring creams. You can enhance the lightening effect using ready-made rulers under one name, consisting of cream, maxi, serum and other forms. Such a complex effect will be more effective than using only the cream.

An effective cream for age spots on the face

The appearance of pigmentation on the skin of the face may not bring discomfort, but it makes the face visually older and less attractive. There are many ways to remove pigmentation on your face. One of the most effective ways is to use brightening creams. Next, we will look at the types and best creams for age spots on the face.

Causes of the appearance of pigmentation on the face

Spots on the surface of the face can form due to uneven production of melanin (the pigment responsible for skin tone). When it is unevenly worked out, light or dark areas appear. Light spots appear with a lack of it, brown ones with excess production.

Skin problems and a lack or excess of melanin exacerbates the ultraviolet effect, and therefore spots are formed instead of an even and beautiful shade of healthy and tanned skin.

Pigmentation on the face often appears for the following reasons:

  • Long-term sunbathing, artificial tanning;
  • Changes in the level of hormones in the blood during pregnancy, breastfeeding and when taking funds containing hormones;
  • Disorders of the internal organs or body systems;
  • Consequences of nervous disorders, lack of B vitamins;
  • Light skin, which is prone to the appearance of freckles, in this case, a cream against age spots on the face can help lighten the rash;
  • Bad habits, such as smoking, alcoholism, can also contribute to the formation of pigments on the face. In this case, it is inappropriate to use a whitening face cream for age spots; first, the cause itself should be eliminated.

In the above cases, the diagnosis is made after a medical examination, since similar spots on the skin can be caused by various diseases, which only a doctor can accurately determine.

Types of pigments on the face


Chloasma is understood as light brown spots, which are often located on the surface of the face, have an unevenly defined shape and do not bring discomfort.

They appear with hormonal disorders and in most cases do not require treatment, as they go away on their own.


Post-acne is called the consequences of acne, in the form of scars and age spots. The spots remaining after acne can be lightened with a cream to lighten age spots on the face, a visible effect can be achieved with regular use of the product.

Senile spots

Otherwise called lentigo, they are formed with age-related changes, they look like dark brown round spots on the head, face and hands. After consulting with a specialist, age spots can be whitened with a cream.


A complex skin disease caused by a lack of melanin, which is responsible for the color of the skin on the body and face.


The greatest number of freckles is in people aged 20 to 35, then their number gradually decreases. If necessary, freckles can be lightened, but in this case, the surface of the skin will have to be protected from the sun and use a sunscreen for the face against age spots.


Dark brown moles are an accumulation of melanothocyte cells in this location. They are not lightened with creams and are removed only for medical reasons, since there is a risk of their degeneration into a malignant tumor.

Effective creams for lightening pigments on the face

To remove age spots on the face, you can purchase a cream at the pharmacy. Please note that you should get rid of spots on the face only after the permission of the attending physician, as rashes can be a sign of a more serious illness.

Below is a selection of which creams for age spots on the face are the most effective:

  • Bark cream. It is used to lighten pigmentation due to its constituent licorice root, horse sorrel, ascorbic acid and bergenia. Has a mild effect, improves complexion and moisturizes it. The average price is 500-600 rubles;

  • Akhromin. One of the most inexpensive creams for age spots on the face is achromin (from 100 rubles), the action of which is based on the extract of licorice root in its composition and lactic acid, it additionally includes UV filters that reduce the likelihood of re-appearance of pigmentation;

  • Melantive. A cream based on arbutin and acids. Has a slight exfoliating effect, it cannot be used on sensitive areas - on the eyelids, lips. Approximate price per package 15 gr. - 600-800 rubles;

  • Evinal. This remedy can be used during pregnancy (after permission from the attending physician). It has a protective effect against UV rays due to titanium dioxide in the composition, therefore it can be used as a cream and protection against age spots on the face. Helps to lighten pigmentation ascorbic acid and placenta extract. The estimated cost of the funds is 400-500 rubles;

  • Skinoren. This cream can be used not only as a cream against pigmentation of the skin of the face, but also in the treatment of acne. Skinoren's action is based on azelaic acid in its composition and inhibits the production of melanin pigment. Its approximate price is 500-700 rubles, for a package of 30 grams;

  • Bodyagi-based creams. Bodyagi-based creams have an exfoliating effect, and therefore such agents can remove surface pigmentation;

  • Vichy Idealia Pro. It is used to remove all types of pigmentation due to its constituent kombucha extract, vitamin C and eperulin. This is a fairly effective cream for age spots on the face, the price of which is 1500-2000 rubles.

Other creams for lightening pigments on the face

In addition to special brightening face creams for age spots, there are also economical preparations that can be used to treat pigmented areas. These products can be purchased at pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Retinoic ointment. Used to suppress the production of melanin pigment. The active ingredient in retinoic ointment is vitamin A, which additionally refreshes the skin and reduces the number of rashes on the face.

Liquorice root. The solution is sold at the pharmacy, it can be used as a lotion, wiping problem areas daily in the morning and in the evening.

Bodyaga. It is sold both in dry form (powder) and as part of various gels and creams. You can also use powder, dissolving it in water and using it as a mask according to the instructions, bodyagu can also be used as cream for age spots on the hands.

Zinc ointment for the treatment of pigmentation. It is used as a drying agent, suitable for combination and oily skin. Lightens specks in several tones with regular use. It is recommended to apply zinc ointment only on pigments, without affecting healthy skin.

A woman can face the problem of age spots on her face at any age. Sometimes, getting rid of them requires examination by specialists, and in some cases, whitening creams are enough.

There are the following reasons leading to the appearance of age spots:

Features of whitening creams

The effect of skin whitening creams is achieved by a combination of two mechanisms: an effect on melanin production and skin renewal, exfoliation of areas with hyperpigmentation. The active components of the cream can completely suppress the work of melanocytes, or regulate it. The second option is better because it has a long-term effect.

A whitening face cream for age spots among the active ingredients should have:

  • Arbutin (Arbutin). Slows down the synthesis of melanin, moisturizes the skin.
  • Ascorbic acid (Asorbic aicid) suppresses the production of skin pigment, has a beneficial effect on capillaries.
  • Azelaic acid (Azelaicum aicidum). Brightens age spots, regulates sebum production, tightens pores.
  • Beta-carotene (ß-carotene, KPMK) Reduces the production of melanin.
  • Glycolic acid (Glycolcic aicid). Accelerates the processes of skin renewal.
  • Retinol (Retinol, Retin-A). Stimulates skin renewal and collagen production.
  • Fruit acids (AHA-acid) stimulate skin regeneration, exfoliate dead cells, saturate with vitamins and minerals.

Many manufacturers supplement the composition with herbal ingredients: parsley, bearberry or angelica extract, white mulberry. These components also have a lightening effect on the skin, saturate it with vitamins and microelements.

The following compounds should be avoided in the composition:

  • Hydroquinone (Hidroquinone). A toxic substance that suppresses the work of melanocytes.
  • Mercury derivatives are also toxic.

Indications for the use of whitening creams

Whitening creams are essential when you need to get rid of:


Contraindications for whitening creams are:

  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • pregnancy (part of the funds due to the composition is unacceptable to use);
  • unhealed wounds on the skin;
  • children under 12 years of age.

Popular bleaching creams for age spots

A bleaching face cream for age spots is produced by both cosmetic brands and specialized companies whose products are sold exclusively in pharmacies. Popular cosmetic companies include Helena Rubinstein, L΄Oreal Paris, Natur Siberica. And among the drugstore brands - Skinoren, Klivrin.

L'oreal White Perfect Clinical Cream

White Perfect Clinical Loeal Whitening Day Cream removes age spots, moisturizes and smoothes the skin. The product contains tourmaline, which removes yellow pigment and enhances blood microcirculation.

Price: 1600 rubles.

Vichy cream

In the line of the French company "Vichy" there are several remedies for getting rid of hyperpigmentation. Serum for leveling skin tone "Idealia Pro" is popular. It can be used in conjunction with creams, as well as independently. Serum can be substituted for day and / or night cream.

The composition of "Idealia Pro" fights any kind of pigment spots, evens out the skin's relief, moisturizes it. The basis of the product is thermal water, active ingredients are lipo-hydroxy acid, diacalite, patented formulas.

The first results are lighter skin, visible after 3 weeks. According to some customers, serum cannot completely get rid of age spots or freckles.

Price: 2500 rubles.

Prodigy Age Spot Reducer

Luxury brand Helena Rubinstein launches Prodigy Age Spot Reducer, a lightening cream for aging skin.

It reduces the production of melanin, eliminates the appearance of age spots, eliminates existing ones, smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes and nourishes mature skin.

The active substances are extracts from Peruvian Caesalpinia and gentian root. It can be used as a day and / or night cream.

The first effect is noticeable after a month of use, the skin is radiant, the complexion is evened out, hyperpigmentation is less noticeable.

Price: 4500 rubles.

Garnier Orquid Vital

The Garnier Orchid Power line is a comprehensive anti-aging care for mature skin. Night and day creams, a product for the skin around the eyes and a concentrate serum, allow you to get rid of age spots, wrinkles, make the skin more elastic and elastic.

The use of a day cream together with a serum can improve the condition of the skin, lighten it, and prevent the appearance of age spots. The basis of the composition is soy bio-proteins, an extract from orchid flowers. The price of a day cream is 600 rubles, a serum is 600 rubles.

Guerlain Orchidee Imperiale White

The fashion house "Guerlain" in the line of care for aging skin produces the whitening serum "Orchidee Imperiale White".

It smoothes wrinkles, brightens age spots, preventing new ones from appearing, moisturizes the skin.

Molecular extract obtained from the "Royal Orchid" regulates the production of melanin. Extract of "White Orchid" fights against age-related skin changes.

The first results from using the serum can be seen after 2 weeks.

The price is 29,900 rubles.

Himalaya Herbals Bleminor Antiblemish

Bleminor Antiblemish, a bleaching cream for anti-age spots, is produced by the Indian company Himalaya Herbals, which specializes in the production of natural cosmetics. Components of the composition: licorice extract, extract from the bark of the Sarya tree reduce the production of melanin.

Silk tree extract has an antioxidant effect, almond oil makes the skin smoother. The cream is applied precisely to areas with hyperpigmentation. It is unacceptable to apply the composition to the skin near the mouth, eyes. The effect of the product is noticeable after 3 weeks.

Price: 650 rubles.

Ideal whitening

The Belarusian manufacturer "Belita-Vitek" in the line "Ideal Whitening" produces a day whitening cream. It contains SPF-20 sun protection factor.

And thanks to the patented formulas "Dermawhite", "Lumiskin", the remedy reduces the production of melanin, whitens the centers of hyperpigmentation.

Also, excessive pigmentation is regulated by bearberry extract.

Lactic acid speeds up the processes of renewal of skin cells, exfoliates keratinized areas.

Rice powder has a mattifying effect, prevents clogging of pores.

The manufacturer promises the first results after a month of using the cream; you can speed up the result by using a mask and tonic from the same series.

Cream price: 150 rubles.

Shining white pearl

Israeli brand "Dead Sea" produces two-phase treatment "Shine of the White Pearl". It consists of a mineral bar saturated with cosmetic oils and a brightening cream. First, for 2-3 minutes, the face is massaged with a mineral, then you need to wash yourself with cool water, after which the cream is applied.

Active ingredients of the cream:

  • pearl powder;
  • plant extracts (blueberry, aloe vera, gingo biloba, seaweed);
  • beta carotene;
  • water and healing mud of the Dead Sea;
  • lifting complex.

The mineral is saturated with cosmetic oils - almond, jojoba.

This comprehensive treatment can be used in place of day and night creams.

In a month, the first results will be:

  • even skin tone;
  • reduction of pigmentation;
  • tightened face contour.

The price is 3500 rubles.

Faberlik cream

The Faberlik company produces a whitening cream - "Expert". This is a day cream with

SPF 15.

Active ingredients:

  • Tetrahydrocurcmin. An antioxidant with a brightening effect.
  • Nicotinomide. Prevents new age spots from appearing.
  • Arginine. Improves microcirculation in skin cells.
  • Panthenol, vitamin E. Relieve inflammation, accelerate skin renewal.

The manufacturer claims a noticeable effect after a month of use.

Price: 500 rubles.


Whitening face cream from age spots - "Melantiv" is produced by the "Glenmark" company.

The product contains the following active ingredients:

  • Alpha arbutin. Affects the production of melanin.
  • Kojic acid. Whitens age spots.
  • Glycolic acid. Removes keratinized particles, accelerates skin renewal processes.

The manufacturer recommends applying the product in the evening, pointwise, only to areas with hyperpigmentation. In the process of using the cream, it is important to use sunscreens, if possible, avoid direct sunlight on the areas treated with "Melanative".

Allergic reactions are possible, it is forbidden to apply to damaged skin. The effect is noticeable after a month of use.

Price: 600 rubles. Sold in pharmacies.

Nature Siberica

The whitening cream from the White line of the Russian brand Natura Siberica is designed to get rid of freckles and age spots. The cream not only brightens the skin, but also nourishes and moisturizes it, fights against age-related changes.

Active ingredients of the product of natural origin:

The cream is applied to the cleansed face in the morning. The first improvements in skin condition are noticeable after a month of use.

Price: 500 rubles.

"Amanita" lightening

Active ingredients:

  • Parsley extract and lemon juice - brightens the skin.
  • Almond and Melon Seed Oil - restore the hydrolipid balance, soften and nourish the skin.
  • Phyto-mushroom complex "3 + 3" - tones the skin, has a protective and antioxidant effect.

Price: 150 rubles.


Pharmacy drug "Skinoren Gel" is used in the treatment of acne and other inflammations on the skin, it also has a powerful lightening effect. The active ingredient of the drug is azelaic acid. It regulates the production of melanin, activates renewal processes, and has an antibacterial effect.

Skinoren bleaching face cream for age spots is considered a pharmacy drug

The gel can be applied to the entire face or only to areas of hyperpigmentation. The manufacturer recommends applying the gel in the morning and evening. According to customer reviews, the first noticeable effect can be seen after 8 days.

Price: 1200 for a thirty-gram pack.


Another pharmacy drug "Achromin" is intended exclusively for the fight against age spots.

The composition of the product:

  • Licorice extract. Whitens the skin, regulates the production of melanin, and has a calming effect.
  • Lactic acid. Renews skin cells.
  • Sun protection filters. Protects the skin from aggressive UV rays.

The product is applied pointwise or all over the face, depending on the condition of the skin. The manufacturer recommends applying the cream 2-3 times a day.

Price: 170 rubles.

There is a lot of controversy about the effectiveness of the updated composition of "Akhromin", most of the customers talk about the decreased effectiveness after changing the formulation of the product.


Multifunctional pharmacy remedy "Klirvin" brightens age spots, eliminates scars and scars, post-acne, stretch marks. The composition is natural, it includes a complex of Indian herbs (manzhista, neem, turmeric, aloe vera and others). They not only whiten, but also have a caring effect. After 3 weeks of application, the first effect is noticeable - smoother, lightened skin.

Price: 70 rubles.

How to use whitening creams

Before using pharmacy whitening creams, it is necessary to test for the allergenicity of the composition.

  1. Before using the cream, it is necessary to cleanse the skin, treat it with a tonic.
  2. The cream is applied in a thin layer, with gentle massage movements
  3. If the cream is used as a day cream, then it must be applied at least an hour before going outside.
  4. It is important to remember about UV protective agents. When whitening skin in the cold season, SPF protection can be up to 30, and in summer and spring - over 50.

But you can use whitening creams, if necessary, in late spring and summer, subject to safety rules:

  • The cream should be chosen without retinolic acids in the composition.
  • Use the product as a night cream.
  • Don't forget to use sunscreen.

The use of whitening creams in combination with acid peels, whitening masks and toners allows you to achieve results faster.

It is important to stop using the over-the-counter brightening cream once the desired result has been achieved.

Features of the use of whitening creams during pregnancy

During pregnancy, due to hormonal changes in the body, age spots may appear. To avoid this, it is important to use sunscreens with filters based on zinc oxide or titanium dioxide throughout pregnancy. These are safe hypoallergenic ingredients.

If age spots appear, then the choice of a brightening cream should be approached with great care.

Its composition should be absent:

  • hydroquinine;
  • arbutin;
  • bismuth salts;
  • koic and ascorbic acids.

Safe formulation creams contain:

  • synthetic rucinol;
  • benzophenone;
  • lactic or gluconic acid;
  • extracts of parsley, licorice;
  • jojoba or grape seed oil.

Before buying a cream, you need to carefully study the manufacturer's recommendations, making sure that pregnancy is not a contraindication.

Safe creams:

Price: 290 rubles.

  • "Helan linea mamma" The cream protects against UV radiation, brightens, nourishes and moisturizes. Natural extracts, hyaluronic acid are the active ingredients of the cream. The effect is noticeable after 3 weeks of use.

Price: 2000 rubles.

Inexpensive pharmacy remedies for skin pigmentation

Name Features of the composition the effect Indications for use Features of use price, rub.
Synthomycin ointment Levomycetin, castor oil Treatment of burns, ulcers, purulent inflammations, wounds Apply to areas with age spots once a day, cover the areas with a bandage if possible 80
Salicylic ointment Salicylic acid, auxiliary components The first results are visible after 3 weeks Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, treatment of wounds, acne, acne, post-acne Apply only to areas with hyperpigmentation three times a day for a month 30
Zinc ointment Zinc oxide, petroleum jelly The effect is noticeable after 14 days Treatment of skin inflammation, dermatitis in children, acne, acne acne Acne and post-acne treatment - apply 5 times a day to cleansed, pre-steamed skin 30
Sulfuric ointment Sulfur, petroleum jelly, purified water Whitening effect for several days Scabies, skin rashes, age spots Apply to areas with age spots for 24 hours. If necessary, apply for up to 7 days. 60
Liniment synthomycin Chloramphe niol, castor oil The effect is noticeable after a week of use Purulent skin lesions, wounds, acne, post-acne and pigmentation caused by prolonged inflammation of the skin To lighten the skin, the product is applied in a thick layer to problem areas for 2-3 hours, the procedure must be carried out daily 50

Homemade recipes for natural whitening creams

You can make your own bleaching cream for age spots.

Recipe 1 (cream):

  • Lanolin (sold at the pharmacy) - 15 g.
  • Grape seed oil - 50 g (10 teaspoons).
  • Cucumber pulp puree - 1 tablespoon

Mix the ingredients. Heat in a water bath for an hour. Cover the container with food foil instead of a lid. After the specified time, beat the mixture. Transfer to a sterile, preferably glass container, store in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

Recipe 2 (mask):

  • Cottage cheese - 3 tbsp. l.
  • The yolk of one egg.
  • Sour cream - 1 tablespoon (optional).

Beat the cottage cheese with a blender or rub through a sieve, add the rest of the ingredients, knead the mass. Apply to prepared face for 20 minutes, then wash.

It is better to apply the whitening home cream at night, and to do the mask 2 times a week.

How to choose the right whitening cream

When choosing a whitening cream, you need to pay attention to the composition and take into account the individual needs of the skin.

  • For mature skin, it is better to choose cosmetics that fight not only hyperpigmentation, but also age-related skin changes.
  • For dry skin, nutrition and hydration are important.
  • For the combined type - moisturizing and matting.
  • For sensitive skin - hypoallergenic composition and soothing effect.

The composition of creams for age spots should not contain hydroquinone (toxic substance). For allergy-prone skin, avoid arbutin, koic acid. When choosing whitening products for the face, preference should be given to those enriched with natural ingredients that have a more gentle effect on the skin.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video about cream for age spots

How to get rid of age spots: