Musical lesson for young children in the group “Family preparation for kindergarten. "A walk in the magic forest"

The fact that music is capable of changing the mental and physical state of a person is not a discovery of our time. The inhabitants of ancient Greece, Rome, and eastern countries knew this well. Al-Khorezmi, a prominent scholar of the Ancient East, wrote: “In my homeland, since ancient times, word, medicine, knife, and also music have been used for treatment. I prefer the latter. "

At the end of the last century, the Russian physiologist I.R. Tarkhanov, who studied the role of various external influences on the body, became interested in music, among other things. Through his research, he proved that melodies that give a person pleasure slow down the pulse, increase the strength of heart contractions, promote vasodilation and normalize blood pressure.

It was also found that listening to music with pleasure stimulates the secretion of digestive juices and increases appetite.

It is also noticed that music acts selectively depending not only on the character, but also on the instrument on which it is performed. Playing the clarinet, for example, affects primarily the circulation, the violin and piano are the most soothing, and the flute is the most relaxing.

In developed countries, where health care has reached the highest technical equipment, music is widely used. Scientific societies of musicotherapists have been created, specialists in this profile are being trained.

In Japan, for example, music has become one of the elements of obstetrics, as a result of which the number of complications in childbirth has decreased, and babies are born more relaxed.

Music has the greatest effect in the prevention and treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases. Music “... has a beneficial effect on mood, and since mood disorders constitute important element mental illness, its useful influence is very possible "- considered the prominent Russian psychiatrist SS Korsakov.

At the Maryland Center for Psychiatric Research (Baltimore), systematically using music in a psychedelic therapy program, they were convinced of its enormous psychotherapeutic potential. It helps to mobilize emotions, to make them available for external expression.

The skillful use of appropriate music facilitates the manifestation of specific contents - aggression, emotional or physical pain, etc.

When working with a group, loud and dynamic music allows the group members to be incorporated into a single art form. Helen Bonny, a music therapist at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, developed a technique called Directed Imagination to Music from her understanding of the therapeutic potential of music (Bonny and Sawry, 1973).

Thus, music occupies a special place in the family of arts due to its direct complex effect on a person: it is able to influence the psyche and human physiology, it can have an exciting and calming effect, cause positive and negative emotions. That is why the thesis about the possibility of musical education all children without exception.

  1. Music and movement.
Movement as a reaction to what is heard, as a creative display of music in action, is characteristic of all children. Being engaged in rhythm, children are actively involved in conveying the nature of music, its tempo, dynamics, rhythm, and form. In the course of studying musical rhythm, the motor-support system, the emotional-volitional sphere, and sensitivity to external influences (to music) develop.

The teacher of musical rhythm in his activity relies on the data of physiology and psychology, which assert a close relationship between auditory and muscle sensations. The great Russian physiologist IM Sechenov wrote about this connection in his classic work "Reflexes of the Brain" (1866). He emphasized that auditory perception, like muscle perception, is associated with temporary sensations. In the work of the scientist, neurologist and psychiatrist V.M.Bekhterev "The value of music in the aesthetic education of a child from the first days of his childhood" states the presence of dynamics of the child's musical experience. It was found that at first a noticeable effect on a small child is exerted by rhythm, and then by pitch combinations and timbre; therefore, it is advisable to develop a child with the help of various types of movements (in round dances, dances).

So, knowing that the emotions caused by music create a certain motor activity, the teacher can direct it in the right direction, choosing for this an interesting and varied music-rhythmic repertoire. Freedom and immediacy in the performance of movements are an attractive feature of musical rhythmic classes.

The program "Musical-rhythmic development" in the "Special child" group takes into account the direct-emotional reaction to music and certain motor abilities.

Music awakens bright and joyful feelings in children. They get great satisfaction from free movement, from the combination of music with body plastic and gestures. Musical and rhythmic classes lift your spirits, increase vitality. Feelings and moods evoked by music give the movements a certain emotional coloring and expressiveness.

In music-rhythmic lessons, you should not give complex movements, because children have different motor abilities: some have poor posture, others have poor coordination of movements, not all at once are able to coordinate movements with music, and many also have poor orientation in the team and space. It is necessary to gradually correct these shortcomings, to enrich the stock of motor skills in children.

Musical and rhythmic classes include movements from the field of physical education (basic movements, the simplest gymnastic exercises, exercises with objects, formations - a line, column, circle), from the field of dance (elements of folk round dances, paired children's dances, dances with toys), very broadly plot-like movements (depicts the movements of animals, birds, human actions, etc. In addition, elements of musical and rhythmic lessons in the "Special Child" group are listening to music and using musical works (simple vocal exercises, playing with children musical, noise instruments), micro-conversations about listened and performed music.

Musical and rhythmic lessons have a considerable educational impact. Performing tasks (musical, plastic) by the whole team develops discipline and a sense of camaraderie in children. In addition, children develop memory and attention, develop active inhibition (children gradually learn to make stops when the music ends, move from one movement to another: from step to run, etc.)

  1. Lesson structure.
The proposed structure of a musical-rhythmic lesson is approximate, it can vary at the discretion of the teacher, depending on the musical-motor material used, from the readiness of children for a certain type of musical-rhythmic activity.

1. Introductory part - organizational.

It includes constructions, different kinds steps, running, jumping (light, dance); assignments for orientation in space (walking in a column in a circle, circling around various objects; free movement around the hall one by one and in pairs - in accordance with the nature of the music); plot-shaped movements (imitations of animals, birds, people, etc.)

2.The main part.

1) Listening to music.

2) Performance (participation in performance) of musical works.

A) play vocal exercises

B) playing children's musical and noise instruments.

3) Rhythmic task

Isolation of the "pulse" of a piece of music, as well as the performance of the simplest rhythmic patterns with the help of claps, tapping, light flapping (conducting) with the hands, shaking the head, etc.

4) Plastic intonation, plot-like movements.

3. General developmental exercises; exercises with objects; work on elements of dance movements; repetition of previously learned dances, round dances.

4.Music game.

5. The final part is listening to relaxing, calm music.

A rough outline of a musical and rhythmic lesson.

Children sit on chairs.

The lesson opens with the teacher's story that the children are going to ride a steam locomotive today (showing an image of a steam locomotive). Because children are already familiar with this type of work and with the drawing, a small conversation is held: what is shown in the picture; what the steam locomotive is pulling; about the rails on which the steam locomotive moves; how his wheels knock.

Then the teacher chooses one of the children who will play the role of a steam locomotive (in the previous lessons the teacher himself performed this role), the rest are "trailers" caught on the locomotive. The teacher uses chairs to indicate the corners of the hall, at the same time, these chairs act as obstacles encountered in the path of a steam locomotive with carriages that the latter must bend around. The task is performed with marching music; walking with a strong, brisk step. (Musical material: "March" by E. Parlov).

The movement ends with the end of the music: the locomotive has stopped - the children are getting out of the cars. Conversation is being held "Where did the locomotive stop?" based on the illustration "Forest Glade".

Children go for a walk in pairs along the forest paths with a calm, gentle step. Unhurried movements in a free direction (Musical material by T. Lemov "On a walk"). The beginning and end of the movement, along with musical accompaniment, the nature of the movements must correspond to the music.

At the end of the walk, the teacher tells the children that the trees in the forest glade, along which we walked, greet the children with dances with the wind. Soft swaying with raised arms is performed, imitating the swaying branches of trees (Musical material: D. Kabalevsky "Waltz"). The movement ends with the end of the music, the children sit on chairs.

The teacher shows the children a picture of sparrows. The conversation "Who hid in the branches of the trees?" The teacher says: “As soon as the wind died down, the trees stopped swaying, and the sparrows happily sang their simple song.

Listening to the song "Bird and Chicks" by E. Tilicheyeva. The teacher tells that different sparrows sit on the branches: adults and kids, and they also sing in different ways. The teacher shows the singing of adult sparrows and babies. After that, the children, together with the teacher, perform the entire song. Further, the teacher offers to guess which sparrow is singing: an adult or a baby, performing one of the parts of the song. Having guessed the musical riddle, the children perform this part of the song, whispering the "pulse" of the music. The teacher gives the instruction: "The sparrow sings - we clap him!"

The teacher continues the storyline: "But then a small wind blew again, the sparrows flew up and flew in a flock to look for grains." Music sounds, little sparrows raise their arms-wings to the sides and lightly run in a free direction. With the change of musical accompaniment, the movement changes: sparrow children jump easily on two legs. (Musical material: V. Serov, excerpt from the opera "Rogneda"). The game is repeated several times. It is important that children independently convey the changes in the music in the movement.

And again a little conversation "Why do sparrows have such strong wings?" The teacher concludes: "The sparrows do their exercises in the chimes."

1) gently knead the wings (the first part of the exercise "Soft and firm hands" is performed to the music of Grechaninov "Mazurka", part 1);

2) greet the sun (the second part of the exercise is performed: waving the arms forward and bending, - at 2 pm Grechaninov's Mazurka).

In the future, this exercise of the sparrows develops into an exercise dance, which is performed in a round dance.

After the exercise, the teacher invites the children to dance a familiar dance with the sparrows and the sun (the Serbian folk dance “Erasko kolo is performed).

In conclusion, the teacher talks about the warmth that the sun gives for the fact that we danced so much. A piece of music from the film by Ennio Marricone sounds “Listening to this piece can be done in a circle, where the children sit on the carpet, holding hands and closing their eyes.

^ The content of the musical material of the lesson:

1) "Walking". Walking at a brisk pace, grappling into the "Engine". Walking marching through the hall keeping right angles indicated by chairs. The teacher makes sure that the children do not detach themselves from the "train", convey the character of the music by the nature of the movement, and begin and end the movement with the music.

^ E. Parlov "March"

2) "Let's take a walk!" Children walk in pairs in a free direction, calmly, unhurriedly, at their natural pace, with the end of the music they stop.

^ T. Lomov "On a walk"

3) "Trees". Soft movements of arms raised up from side to side. Make sure that children do not sway with their whole body, keep the "pulse" of a piece of music.

^ D. Kabalevsky "Waltz"

4) "Bird and chicks". Listening, work on distinguishing high and low sounds, performance (in parts, as a whole, with "pulsation").

^ E. Tilicheeva "Birds and Chicks"

5) "Sparrows".

Bars 1-4. Sparrow children jump easily on two legs.

Clock 5-8. The sparrows flew - children raise their arms-wings to the sides and run in a free direction. With the end of the music, they squat down. Make sure that the children do not bump into each other, pass a change of musical accompaniment in motion, during the "flight" they do not forget about the movements of the arms-wings, so that the movements are easy.

^ A. Serov, excerpt from the opera "Rogneda".

6) Exercise "Soft and hard handles."

Starting position - basic stance (heels together, toes apart, arms down).

Bar 1. Raise your free, soft hands forward.

Bar 2. Spread your arms to the sides.

Bars 3-4. Slowly and gently lower your hands down.

Clock 5-8. Repeat the movements of bars 1-4.

Measures 1-2. With a jerk, raise your hands up, while rising on your toes, When raising your hands, follow them with your eyes.

Bars 3-4. Lower your arms down, lower your entire foot, tilt forward.

7) Serbian dance "Erasko kolo".

1 part. 8 side steps to the right in a circle, holding hands. 8 side steps to the left.

Part 2. 8 bars - easy dance run to the right. 8 bars - to the left.

Material for the lessons of musical and motor development.

First year of study.

Musical movement exercises.


Musical accompaniment

Software content



"Run to me!"

"Dance", E. Tilicheeva

Orientation in space; change of movement to motionless waiting on a musical signal (change in the nature of the musical accompaniment).



"Dudochka", T. Lomova

Development of imagination; the requirement of calm walking in a free direction, orientation in space, walking with small movements of the hands, performing movements of the hands while standing still.

"Musical and movement exercises in kindergarten". Compiled by: Raevskaya E.N., Rudneva S.D., Soboleva G.P., Ushakova Z.N., Tsarkova V.G. Moscow, 1991.



Hungarian folk melody arranged by L. Vishkarev.

Orientation in space; perception of the two-part form of a piece of music; alternation of light running with the arms set aside and quick movements of the arms and legs from the supine position.

E. M. Dubyanskaya “For our children, Leningrad, 1971.



Excerpt from the opera "Rogneda", V. Serov

Perception of a two-part musical form; orientation in space; alternation of light running with light jumps on two legs; development of the skill of simultaneous work with both hands and feet, distribution of attention.



"Hand Swing" and "The Mill"

English folk melody.

Alternation of calm swinging (crossing) of the arms with active elastic swinging movements of the arms.

E. M. Dubyanskaya To Our Children, Leningrad, 1971.



"Gallop", I. Dunaevsky.

High leg lifts while running; orientation in space.

E. M. Dubyanskaya To Our Children, Leningrad, 1971.



Composition 37 "on a swing", V. Rebrikov.

Alternating smooth and rhythmic hand movements; regulation of muscle tone.

E. M. Dubyanskaya To Our Children, Leningrad, 1971


"Drawing in the Sand"

Composition 31. V. Rebrikov.

Development of imagination, the skill of smooth movements, the ability to create a musical and motor image. "



"In the meadow"

English folk melody

Orientation in space, perception of the two-part form of a piece of music; development of the ability to create a musical-motor image, development of imagination; development of flexibility, rhythm of movements.



"March", E. Parlov.

Responding to the beginning and end of the sound of music. Transfer of the marching nature of the music with a brisk step. Tasks for orientation in space: bending around objects, walking in a straight line, in a circle, etc.

Raevskaya E.N., Rudneva S.D. et al. "Musical and movement exercises in kindergarten", Moscow, 1991


"Let's take a walk!"

"On a walk",

T. Lomova

Orientation in space; transfer of the calm nature of music with a soft, unhurried step; the ability to move in pairs; development of imagination.

Raevskaya E.N., Rudneva S.D. et al. "Musical and movement exercises in kindergarten", Moscow, 1991


"We walk like athletes!"

"March", T. Lomova.

Development of the ability to move in a brisk rhythmic step, while maintaining its place in the column; reacting to the beginning and end of music.

Raevskaya E.N., Rudneva S.D. et al. "Musical and movement exercises in kindergarten", Moscow, 1991


"Stomped with their feet"

"March", M. Rauchwerger

High knee lift, development of imagination, orientation in space.

Raevskaya E.N., Rudneva S.D. et al. "Musical and movement exercises in kindergarten", Moscow, 1991


"Walking and running with flags"

Latvian folk melody.

Perception of the two-part form of a piece of music; development of the ability to move in a straight line; performing a brisk step alternating with an easy run; formation of the ability to move with flags in hands.

Raevskaya E.N., Rudneva S.D. et al. "Musical and movement exercises in kindergarten", Moscow, 1991


"Soft and firm hands"


A. Grechaninov

Responding to a change in the nature of music and its transmission in the nature of hand movements: alternation of smooth and energetic movements; regulation of muscle tone.


"Trees sway"

"Waltz", D. Kabalevsky

Development of the ability to hold hands above the head; transfer of a waltz character by smooth swaying of the hands, without swaying the body.

"Music reader for the music program", grade 1 four-year primary school... Moscow, 1986.

^ Musical games.


Name of the musical rhythm task

Musical accompaniment.

Software content



"Cat and Mice"

English folk melody.

Development of creative imagination, reaction to a change in the nature of music; orientation in space.

Dubyanskaya V.M. To Our Children, Leningrad, 1971.


"Swan geese"

French song of the 18th century.

Reaction to changes in the nature of music - transmission in movements; plot-figurative perception of music; alternation of movements with a stop; development of attention.

Dubyanskaya V.M. To Our Children, Leningrad, 1971.


"Playing with the Ribbon"

"The Game", N. Lyubarsky.

Perception of the three-part form of a piece of music; alternation of light running with a ribbon in hands with a movement of a careful scattering step and light running around your ribbon; the ability to handle the ribbon; development of creative imagination.

Dubyanskaya V.M. To Our Children, Leningrad, 1971.


"Game of houses", "Who lives in the forest?"

"Game of houses", V. Vitlin, "Who lives in the forest?" I. Manukyan

Transformation into the images of different animals in accordance with the nature of the music.

Dubyanskaya V.M. To Our Children, Leningrad, 1971., 1987.


"Goats and Wolves"

"Goats and Wolves" V. Vitlin

Perception of the two-part form of a piece of music, following the plot of the game, developing creative imagination, attention, distinguishing between tempo and dynamics.

Dubyanskaya V.M. To Our Children, Leningrad, 1971



Excerpt from the opera "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", N. Rimsky-Korsakov.

The transition from one movement to another in accordance with the nature of the music, the ability to perform a leisurely step in combination with claps, spinning in place in combination with rotations of the brushes.

Raevskaya E.N., Rudneva S.D. et al. "Musical and movement exercises in kindergarten", Moscow, 1991


"Merry palms"

"Old polka" in the processing of N, Sokolova

Clap transmission of dynamic shades of music.

Raevskaya E.N., Rudneva S.D. et al. "Musical and movement exercises in kindergarten", Moscow, 1991


"Playing with rattles (tambourines, maracas)"

"Ecossa", A. Zhilina

Perception of the two-part form of a piece of music, the ability to properly handle rattles (tambourine, maracas).

Raevskaya E.N., Rudneva S.D. et al. "Musical and movement exercises in kindergarten", Moscow, 1991



"Dance of the bunnies at the Christmas tree"


E. Tilicheeva "

Responding to a change in dynamics; transfer of plot-shaped content of music in movements.

Dubyanskaya V.M. To Our Children, Leningrad, 1971


"Russian dance for kids"

"Russian dance"


Perception of a four-part piece of music, performance of movements in pairs, one after another, independent change of movements, smoothness of movements.

Dubyanskaya V.M. To Our Children, Leningrad, 1971


"Round dance"

"Round dance"


Smoothness of movements, transfer of the character of music, change of direction of movement, joint movements of arms and legs, preservation of a circle dance.

Dubyanskaya V.M. To Our Children, Leningrad, 1971


"Show your hands"

French folk melody arranged by V. Vitlin.

Perception of the two-part form of a piece of music, transfer of the playful and perky nature of music in movement, alternation of leg movements with hand movements.

Dubyanskaya V.M. To Our Children, Leningrad, 1971


"Round dance"

"Blizzard" (Russian folk song).

Transfer of the plot-shaped content of the song in imitating movements, the combination of movement with singing.

Franio G., Lifitz I. "Methodical manual on rhythm" for the 1st grade of the music school. Moscow, 1987.


Dance with a toy

Latvian folk song

Free movement - dancing with a toy to short musical phrases, passing the toy to one of the children at the end of a musical phrase.

Franio G., Lifitz I. "Methodical manual on rhythm" for the 1st grade of the music school. Moscow


"Round dance" (Erasko kolo ")

Serbian folk melody.

Alternating side step with light jogging; change of direction of movement; perception of the two-part form of a piece of music.

Zakharova I. Center for Curative Pedagogy. Moscow.

^ Vocal and performing activities.


"Frogs and Storks".

"Frogs and Storks" V. Vitlin.

Hearing; perception of 2x particular form; execution; plastic intonation.

Dubyanskaya V.M. To Our Children, Leningrad, 1971



“Sleep, my child, sleep” A. Arensky.

Hearing; plastic intonation - motion sickness of the doll; participation in performance; playing musical instruments.

Franio G., Lifitz I. "Methodical manual on rhythm" for the 1st grade of the music school. Moscow


"To school".

“To school” by E. Tilicheev.

Keep intonation on one sound; alternation of short and long sounds.



"Bells" by E. Tilicheev.

Hearing; performance - singing the main sounds of the major triad; abrupt singing - imitation of the ringing of bells; plastic intonation; role performance with voice and instruments.


"Up down".

"Circus Dogs" by E. Tilicheev.

Hearing; cantilena; progressive movement of the melody up and down - showing by hand; combining singing with hand movement.

Orlova T.M., Bekina S.I. "Teach children to sing." Moscow, 1988.



"Musical Echo" M. Andreev.

Ability to pause, repeat after the teacher.

Orlova T.M., Bekina S.I. "Teach children to sing." Moscow, 1988.



"Waltz" by E. Tilicheev.

Hearing; execution; plastic intonation cantilence of singing; breathing out; development of language mobility; chanting.

Orlova T.M., Bekina S.I. "Teach children to sing." Moscow, 1988.



Russian folk song.

Hearing; execution; plastic intonation. Exercise in progressively keeping the melody down; cantilena.

Orlova T.M., Bekina S.I. "Teach children to sing." Moscow, 1988.



S. Bodrenkov has become emboldened.

Hearing; execution; showing the heroes of the song on cards during performance; pause exposure; alternating singing with claps; slapping rhythmic pattern; using tambourines.



“They did not invite to visit” A.Ushkarev.

Hearing; execution; development of mobility of the tongue, development of breathing. Execution of the glissando technique; role performance; alternation of abrupt and coherent singing.

Songs to verses by G. Ladonshikov "The First Joy". Moscow, 1991.



Russian folk song.

Hearing; execution; plastic intonation; pure intonation, development of language mobility, development of breathing. The combination of singing with movement; playing children's musical instruments.



Russian folk song.

Hearing; execution; plastic intonation: alternation of short and long sounds; cantilena; combination of singing with plastic intonation; playing children's musical instruments.

Kononova N.G. "Teaching preschoolers to play children's musical instruments." Moscow, 1990.

^ Songs are games with exercise elements.


« Warm-up " .

"Warm-up" E. Makshantsev.

Organization of attention; developing a sense of rhythm; development of fine motor skills; combination of plastic intonation with singing.

Makshantseva E.D. "Children's fun". Moscow, 1991.


« Cheerful teddy bear ».

"Quiet Bear, Sit" E. Makshantseva.

Ability to handle a toy; fine motor skills; combination of plastic intonation with singing.


"Cheerful Bear".

« Mishutka is dancing ”E. Makshantseva.

Ability to handle a toy; alternation of movements of the arms and legs; Combining singing with movement.



“Our machinist, machinist” E. Makshantseva.

Orientation in space; the ability to move in a chain one after another in a circle, bypassing objects; lead a chain; stomping step; combination of movement with singing.


"A bike".

« By bike ”E. Makshantseva.

Alternating singing with movement; development of muscle tone; change of position; transfer of emotionally-shaped content of music in motion.



"Bulba" is a Belarusian polka.

Gradual transition from a calm step to an easy run; change of direction of movement; combination of movement with singing.


Pair dance.

"Let's take a walk!" E. Makshantseva.

Development of the ability to perform movements in pairs without opening hands; the skill of slow whirling on a full foot; combination of movement with singing. Changing leg movements to arm movements.

^ Music for listening.


E. Marricone, K. Michell, M. Goodall, Skye, M. Raumand, G. Fillen and others A. Vivaldi, V. A. Mozart, I. Strauss, P. Tchaikovsky, N. A. Rimsky- Korsakov, Debussy.

Educator: Celebration new Year ended, and our Christmas tree became sad, and let's cheer it up, read poems to it, remember how much fun we had on the New Year's holiday.

Poems on the winter theme

Educator: The Christmas tree has perked up a little, and to make her have absolutely fun, let's make her a beautiful outfit.

Manual labor "Beads for the Christmas tree"

(children come to the prepared tables, under the guidance of the teacher they make beads, decorate the Christmas tree)

M.r: Where would we go today on such a beautiful winter day? I want to invite you to go sledding. Ride the slide with the doll.

Singing "DOLL" of Starokadomsky

M.r: Let's show the doll how to sled properly so as not to fall.


Children improvise movements, showing sledding, skiing, ice skating.

M.r: Look, Mishenka is coming and wants to play with us.


M.r: Children, we didn't even notice that it was getting dark, it's time for us to return to kindergarten. It is more convenient to sit on the sled and go to the kindergarten.

Children to the music of "Sanochki" by Filippenko, become in pairs, having traveled around the hall, go to the group.

Lesson number 36


(artistic and aesthetic development, social communicative development, cognitive development, physical development, speech development)

Program tasks:

  1. Learn to compare objects in length. Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe spatial arrangement of objects.
  2. Provide assistance to wintering birds, name them.
  3. Continue to instill in children a love of music, develop the ability to listen carefully, independently determine the character of musical works, and rhythmically play along with the bells.
  4. Achieve expressiveness in singing, purity of sound.
  5. Develop the imagination of children in motion. Participate actively in the familiar dance.

1. Creativity: "Let's go for a walk" Imitation of movements.

2. Singing "Zainka" Krasev

3. Elements of mathematics: "Make a Christmas tree from triangles", "Choose the most

long plaque "," Right - left ".

4. Hearing "The Bells Are Ringing" by Mozart

5. Exercise "Sparrows" Serov

6. Children's story "how we help the birds survive the winter"

7. Dance "Dance with kerchiefs" p. n. m.

Material: artificial herringbone, hemp, two cardboard houses, snowdrifts, blue ribbons, planks.

Course of the lesson:

Children come to the hall, greet m.

M.r: What time of year is it? (answer) Do you like walking in a snowy meadow in winter? (answer) Let's take a walk, maybe we'll meet someone. How do we dress when we go for a walk? (simulate movement: dress up)

Educator: "It is very cold in winter, (crossed arms on the chest, patting lightly on the shoulders)

But we'll go for a walk with you.

I will put on a fur coat, I will put on a hat, I will put on a scarf, and also a scarf.

And then I will pull beautiful, warm, fluffy crumbs-mittens on the handles.

And although I am little I have felt boots ”.

M.r: So we got dressed. Let's go for a walk. (There are snowdrifts on the floor - white circles made of cardboard, children jump over them. They fall into a clearing where stumps and one Christmas tree are placed)

Educator: Where is the forest? Many Christmas trees used to grow here. Probably someone cut them down. There is only one left. The poor bunny has nowhere to hide from the wolf. Let's help the bunny, plant the trees?

(children lay out Christmas trees from 3 triangles on the floor) Well done, now the wolf cannot find the bunny.

Lesson number 25 "VISITING PETRUSHKA" (artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development, cognitive development, physical development, speech development) Program tasks: To develop imagination, creativity in singing and movement, to find an image in accordance with a piece of music, to develop children's emotional responsiveness to a song of a cheerful, danceable character to achieve purity of sound in singing, recognize familiar works, remember and actively participate in a familiar game. Lesson number 26 "Winter has come" (artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development, cognitive development, physical development, speech development) Program tasks:
  1. Clarify children's knowledge about winter natural phenomena.
  2. Develop thinking, auditory and visual attention, coherent speech, creative imagination. To cultivate the ability to listen carefully, not to interrupt others.
  3. Introduce a new song of a funny, comic nature, distinguish between the lead and the refrain.
  4. Listen to, recognize and name a familiar song.
  5. Continue to introduce children to the movement of the melody up and down.
  6. Exercise in a spring half-squat, teach children to gently lower their entire foot, spring to rise on their toes.
  7. Change movements in accordance with a change in character, dynamic changes in music.
Lesson number 27 "Visiting Zimushka-winter" (artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development, cognitive development, physical development, speech development) Program tasks:
  1. To fix: the “breaking off” technique (snow flakes), stick them on the surface of the sheet; to clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bchildren about the multicolored snow; encourage the use of paper different shades for the image of snow flakes.
  2. To develop in children: creativity; fine motor skills fingers; the ability to compositionally arrange "snow" on a sheet of paper; dictionary (snow flakes, snowflakes); the ability to coordinate their actions with the work of the entire team.
  3. To bring up in children: love for the nature of the native land; friendly attitude towards each other; the ability to interact in a group of children. Cause positive emotions in children.
  4. Instill correct squatting skills, strengthen leg muscles.
  5. Introduce a light, graceful piece of pictorial character.
  6. Learn songs, sing along to the melody.
  7. Teach children to convey the dance image of a gentle, light snowflake, in accordance with the nature of the music
  8. Introduce new game... Teach children to perform imitative movements of bunnies and bears.
Lesson number 28 "Let's decorate the Christmas tree" (artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development, cognitive development, physical development, speech development) Program tasks:
  1. Develop articulatory motor skills, fine motor skills. Develop visual, auditory perception, creative imagination.
  2. Create a positive emotional background, joy, expectations of the holiday.
  3. Emotionally perceive a song of a cheerful, mobile character that conveys a festive good New Year spirit... Learn the song, memorize the melody and the words of the children's answers. Correctly convey the melody of the song.
  4. Distinguish the means of musical expression of the piece, distinguish the three-part structure of the piece.
  5. Continue teaching children to identify the movement of the melody.
  6. Teach children to convey the playful image of gnomes, in accordance with the cheerful, mobile nature of the music.
  7. Improve light jumps on 2 legs, react with movement, “scared” (squat down) at the beginning of the 2nd part of the music.
Lesson number 29 "JOURNEY TO WINTER FOREST" (artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development, cognitive development, physical development, speech development) Program content:
  1. Form aesthetic feelings in children, evoke positive emotions.
  2. Recognize and name music of a pictorial nature, remember what the music tells about, what it is in character, distinguish parts of the work.
  3. To achieve expressiveness of movements, friendly, joint performance of songs.
  4. Teach children to recognize and respond to dynamic changes in music.
  5. Teach children to navigate in space, imitate the movements of hares, bears, snowflakes, gnomes.
  6. Learn to distinguish sounds by pitch.
Lesson number 30 "Magic ball" (artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development, cognitive development, physical development, speech development) Program tasks:
  1. Arouse positive emotions in children using the artistic word, music.
  2. Develop communication and speech skills.
  3. Expand children's ideas about the wintering of wild animals in our forests. Clarify what wild animals eat, how they get their food, what is the name of their home.
  4. Distinguish the nature of the music of 2 parts, teach children to switch from jumping to running.
  5. Strengthen the ability to distinguish the movement of a melody.
  6. Raise interest in playing musical instruments, teach to distinguish the change of parts, a small 2-part piece, play along with percussion musical instruments.
  7. Develop the expressiveness of movements.
  8. Correctly convey the melody of the song. Sing in a light sound, at a lively pace.
Lesson number 31 "LET'S HELP THE SNOWMAN" (artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development, cognitive development, physical development, speech development) Program tasks:
  1. Create a cheerful and joyful mood in children, interest in the lesson.
  2. Continue to develop fine motor skills, speech breathing, and voice strength and pitch. Expand and activate the lexical dictionary.
  3. Form the skill of communicative communication. Foster a sense of empathy, mutual assistance.
  4. Improve children's agility, accuracy of running, jumping, deepen the skills of correct hand movement.
  5. Listen, recognize familiar works, compare them.
  6. Develop the ability to determine the nature of the melody.
  7. Teach children to listen carefully to music, teach children to listen to each other, develop a sense of the ensemble.
  8. To develop in children the ability to act in accordance with the content of the song. Start singing amicably, accompanying the movements along the text of the song. To convey in singing the cheerful, mobile character of the festive song.
Lesson number 32 "NEW YEAR CHEROVER" (artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development, cognitive development, physical development, speech development) Program content:
  1. To consolidate the musical and literary material learned to new year holiday.
  2. Develop communication and speech skills. Expressively read the poems learned for the holiday.
  3. Teach children to perform movements with ribbons: wave in front of themselves, overhead, right, left, etc.
  4. To convey the gentle, flowing nature of the waltz through the image of a snowflake. To teach children in dance to display the character of a cheerful, perky folk dance.
  5. Develop a rhythmic ear, distinguish between the music of 2 parts of the work. Perform the movements of round dances in accordance with the content of the lyrics, expressively convey the images of bears and hares in the game.
  6. In the game "Santa Claus and Children", observe the rules of the game, cultivate endurance.

Tatiana Parshina
Musical lesson for children early age in Group " Family preparation to kindergarten»


To develop musical and artistic activities of young children


1. Enhance children's movement and singing with a variety of toys.

2. Foster emotional responsiveness

3. To develop the ability of children to move and perform dance movements with various objects.

4. Promote the development of creativity.

5. Foster communication skills.

Material and equipment:

soft toys "Cat", "Mouse", bowl for "Cat", balls by the number of children, bells by the number of children, a box (basket, tambourine.

Musical material:

Exercise "Walk and Run", music by E. Tilicheeva

Song "Cat", music by A. Alexandrov

"Dance with balls", music by Afanasyeva

Game "Quiet - Loud", music by E. Tilicheeva

"Playing with a tambourine", Russian folk melody

Song "Tsap-scratch", music by Gavrilov

Squat dance, Estonian folk tune

Course of the lesson

Hello guys!

Do not hesitate, come through,

Lead your mom and dads,

We walk one after another

The lesson is starting!

The exercise "Walk and Run" is performed, music by E. Tilicheeva

Well done, walked together,

Now we need to rest!

Children sit on high chairs. A cat meow is heard.

Oh guys, can you hear "Meow"? Kitty Kitty Kitty! (shows a cat).

Pussy recites the poem "Meow Meow!"

Pussy, why are you meowing all the time?

I've played enough with a bow

And I got a little hungry ...

Gotta feed pussy

Pour milk into a bowl!

Children feed the cat. The song "Cat" is being performed,

music by A. Alexandrov

Kitty ate and cheered up again!

Pussy, do you like to play with a ball? (brings the cat to his ear)

Pussy invites us

Dance with balls!

Performed "Dance with Balls", music by Afanasyeva

Well done, kids, danced heartily!

You run to me as soon as possible, put the balls in the box!

Pussy, and you made friends with the mouse? - Yes!

Then we will invite a mouse to visit us!

Mouse, run to us soon,

Kiska will become more fun!

A Mouse with a basket appears.

Hello Mouse. What did you bring us in the basket? There are bells! Guys, let's take Mouse and Pussy to play. Here are the bells for you. Play loud, ring, make everyone laugh.

The game "Quietly - loudly" is performed, music by E. Tilicheeva. After the game, the children put the bells in the basket..

What wonderful instruments are bells. And today I also brought you a very sonorous instrument. It's a big, beautiful ... tambourine that's right!

Come on, children, come out, but when the tambourine rings - run!

And when the tambourine stops talking, everyone will get up, stand!

"Playing with a tambourine", Russian folk melody

Fast children, you ran,

Even the little legs are tired!

You sit down, rest,

Take your chairs.

And now a song for you about a pussy and a mouse. And you help me, when necessary, show your claws.

The song "Tsap-scratch" is performed, music by Gavrilov

Songs were sung and played

Yes, they haven't danced for a long time!

Come out to dance

Let's play the polka!

Performing the dance "Squat", an Estonian folk melody.

"Bravo!" - I tell everyone

Thank you from the bottom of my heart

You have shown your skill and diligence,

And they did all the tasks wonderfully!

Children leave the hall to the music.