New Year's crafts for kindergarten, lots of simple ideas! New Year's crafts New Year's crafts for kindergarten on the wall.

New Year for each of us it is a holiday of magic, it symbolizes the beginning of a new life, as with clean slate, everything bad and old remains behind, and we happily step forward. But, as is already customary, New Year’s Eve should be celebrated beautifully, which means it should be prepared in advance. In all homes, kindergartens, schools and other institutions, the New Year's bustle begins, everyone strives to decorate everything as best as possible. And here begins the time for DIY New Year’s crafts, especially in kindergartens and primary schools. This creative process has a positive effect on children, enriches their inner world, develops imaginative thinking, and develops perseverance and diligence. In order for the craft to be original and unique, and to deserve special attention at an exhibition in a kindergarten or school, parental assistance will be required. If you are at a loss because you don’t know how beautiful and unusual crafts for kindergarten for the New Year 2020, hurry up and read our article, in which we will give you 10 comprehensive ideas on this matter, master classes and provide visual photos so that you can carry them out correctly.

If you want to receive the desired gift, write .

Craft ideas in kindergarten for the New Year 2020 may be different, the main thing is that your child can complete them himself or with the help of you. And for this you should choose simple crafts, anyway, with your child’s hands they will acquire a beautiful and unusual look, and all this will take a little time, because children quickly get tired of long work.


  • applications (from different cereals, cotton pads, napkins, colored paper, ball plasticine, etc.);
  • postcards (made of cardboard and colored paper, knitting threads, beads and sequins, etc.);
  • drawings (Pig - the symbol of the year, snowman, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowflakes, etc.);
  • figures (made of plasticine, salt dough, clay, plastic, rubber bands, cones, felt, etc.);
  • snowflakes (made from paper, cotton pads, napkins, ear sticks, cardboard, thread, etc.).

Main material for manufacturing:

  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • markers;
  • pencils;
  • paints;
  • thick needle and so on.

Each product uses a specific set of materials that you like.

“Merry snowflakes” made of threads

Quite an original craft for kindergarten, which is easy to make with your own hands. To complete it, you will only need a little patience and sleight of hand.

For production you will need:

  • yarn;
  • PVA glue;
  • cardboard templates;
  • scissors;
  • plastic eyes, beads, beads or rhinestones for decoration;
  • threads;
  • needle.


  1. We take a cardboard template (instead you can use a notepad, a book or a regular disk, it all depends on the size of the desired product) and wrap the threads around it very tightly, as when making a pompom.
  2. Then the threads are cut along the edge of the template.
  3. We pull the threads together in the middle and tie a knot, straightening the threads.
  4. We divide the threads into 8 identical bundles, each of which is tied with thread approximately in the middle. The distance from the middle to the knot can be different, at your discretion.
  5. We trim the ends of the snowflakes so that they become even.
  6. When decorating a snowflake, we attach the eyes and nose in the form of a bead using glue, and the mouth can be made of red cardboard and also glued.

Master class on making snowflakes from knitting threads

"Poodle" from ear sticks

In order to make such a dog, you don’t need a lot of available material.

  • cotton buds;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • thin cardboard;
  • colored cardboard as a base;
  • pencil;
  • paints and brushes.


  1. Draw a poodle on cardboard as in the photo and cut it out.
  2. Cut off the cotton ends of the ear buds.
  3. Glue the prepared ends to the workpiece: tail, back, paws, head, chest.
  4. Draw eyes, tongue, nose.
  5. Glue the finished poodle to the base.

So our handmade applique is ready. Everyone in the kindergarten will probably like it because of its uniqueness.

Application "Snowman" from cotton pads

Well, what else can you come up with that you don’t see in others. Of course it is New Year's craft made from cotton pads. This is an excellent option for a kindergarten; rest assured, everyone will appreciate it. As you can see in the photo, nothing special is required to make such beauty.

To make it you will need:

  • cotton pads;
  • PVA glue, hot glue;
  • felt;
  • colored cardboard;
  • markers;
  • cotton wool;
  • white threads for knitting.


  1. We cut out two small houses from colored paper, glue or draw windows and doors with them, attach the roof in the form of half a cotton pad, and attach them with glue to blue cardboard, which is the basis of the craft.
  2. Let's make a snowman: take two cotton pads and glue them to the cardboard near our houses, as in the photo. On the top disk, which will be the snowman's head, we glue two small eyes cut out of black paper or felt. In the same way we attach the snowman’s nose, and the mouth can be drawn with a red felt-tip pen. We cut out a snowman's cap from colored paper, making it striped. For this we used purple and red paper. Next, you should cut out a scarf from felt or regular fabric of any color and glue a cross to the snowman’s neck. Draw his hands in the form of small branches with a black felt-tip pen. And on the body itself, use hot glue to glue several buttons cut from red felt.
  3. Let's start decorating the snowdrifts: take a certain number of cotton pads and glue them to the cardboard under the snowman.
  4. For realism, you can add a tree by drawing it with a brown felt-tip pen directly above the house, and glue several cotton pads on top of the crown, imitating snow caps.
  5. The last step of our work is to glue small snowflakes cut out of white paper. If you don’t want to cut it out, you can take white knitting threads and cut them finely, in the form of snow. Ready!

New Year's craft "Santa Claus" from pine cones

There is nothing easier for a child than a “Santa Claus” craft, made for kindergarten with your own hands from a pine cone and some auxiliary materials.

To make it you will need:

  • Pine cone;
  • plasticine;
  • colored paper (red);
  • cotton wool;
  • white threads for knitting;
  • sequins;
  • PVA glue.


  1. First, clean the bud well.
  2. Make the head of Santa Claus out of plasticine and attach eyes and a red nose from the same material.
  3. Take knitting threads and cut them into small threads, they will serve as hair and beard for Santa Claus.
  4. Using an ordinary needle, deepen each of the threads into the plasticine head, and do the same with the beard. If you doubt the correctness of the work being performed, then look at our photo, it will serve as a good hint.
  5. We cut out a cap from red colored paper and glue it together using the same glue. We glue the edge of cotton wool onto the hat and bubo, and then attach the resulting cap to Santa Claus’s hair with glue.
  6. To attach the head to the body, insert a toothpick into the base of the cone, after making a small hole using a large, strong needle.
  7. We make mittens from plasticine and decorate them with sequins to your taste.
  8. We do the same with Santa Claus’s boots, form the protruding toe of the shoe and attach it tightly to the bump - the body. If it doesn't stick well, you can use two toothpicks.
  9. As for the belt on Santa Claus’s stomach, it should be made of black plasticine, shaded with a gray plaque in the center.

This is how you can easily and simply create an excellent image of Santa Claus from natural material.

Felt Christmas tree toys

To work you will need:

  • sewing kit of threads and needles;
  • various buttons;
  • lace and ribbons;
  • stuffing material (cotton wool);
  • felt.


  1. From felt we cut out the shape of our toy (Christmas tree, star, boot, heart and deer).
  2. We sew two identical halves together to make a toy, but leave a small hole to fill it with filler.
  3. We stuff it with cotton wool or padding polyester and sew on a ribbon so that our toy can be hung on the Christmas tree.
  4. We decorate ready product, sewing buttons, ruffles, bows, beads to it, or simply doing embroidery in accordance with the flight of your fantasies.

Similar Christmas tree toy You can proudly take it to kindergarten, because this is a handmade craft, and not just some kind of Christmas tree decoration.

Master class on making felt crafts

Christmas decorations made from light bulbs

If you have a lot of damaged light bulbs lying around your house, take them for your creative work, which results in charming painted crafts in the form of various New Year's characters using paints. For those who liked our fun craft, make it for your child for an exhibition in kindergarten, it will certainly attract many admiring glances.

To work you will need:

  • light bulbs;
  • acrylic paints different colors;
  • brushes of different thicknesses;
  • pencil;
  • scarves, hats for snowmen.


  1. We cover our light bulb with white acrylic paint.
  2. When dry, draw a snowman with a pencil and apply the desired painting with a brush. In our case, this is a snowman. Looking at the photo, we draw black eyes, eyebrows, a mouth and a red nose, mittens and a wreath for the snowman.
  3. When the light bulb is dry, put a hat on the snowman’s head, sewn in advance from a small piece of multi-colored fabric, and attach a pompom. You can decorate it in different ways, with beads, rhinestones, decorative stones, ribbons, etc.

Master class on making crafts from light bulbs

Christmas tree decorations made from peanuts

New Year's crafts made from peanuts - it looks quite creative. Although the Christmas tree toys they make are small, they are quite interesting. In kindergarten you will definitely be noted for your originality.

To work you will need:

  • peanut;
  • glue;
  • acrylic paint;
  • tassels;
  • thin wire;
  • cotton wool;
  • ribbon.


  1. Color each peanut the desired color.
  2. Wait until the paint dries and add eyes, nose, mouth, and eyebrows to the blanks.
  3. Decorate each figure as you like - add a beard made of cotton wool to one, tie a scarf from ribbon to another, add horns from thin wire to some to make them look like deer.
  4. Make it from wire small ear to pull the thread through and carefully insert into the peanut. Here's a toy for you, just for fun!

“Snowman and dogs” made of polymer clay

This New Year's craft requires patience and diligence. Of course, children from kindergarten will not be able to complete such a craft, but you can make it as best the child can, and the parents will help him in creating some of the details, because teamwork works wonders.

To work you will need:

  • polymer clay (white, black, orange, blue, pink, lilac);
  • powder pink, blue;
  • wooden skewer;


  1. First we sculpt the body and head of the snowman as in the photo. To do this, we roll up an oblong cone - the body, two arms, a ball - the head, and also make a red oval nose and black eyes, squeeze out the mouth using a wooden skewer.
  2. Now we design the body: we connect the body and arms, and make a face.
  3. Next we make a scarf. To do this, we roll up two long strips and weave them together, after which we make a ribbed surface on them and put them on the snowman.
  4. We make a black hat from black clay and decorate it as in the photo.
  5. Two dogs are made in the same way.
  6. We bake the finished figures in the oven at 110 - 130 degrees for 8 - 15 minutes, after which we open the cooled crafts with varnish.

Master class on making New Year's crafts from polymer clay

New Year card on a stand

In order to make these, you should try and be patient, because the work will take place in four stages. You don’t have to make cards like in the photo; you can come up with something of your own that you and your children can do.

To work you will need:

  • white cardboard (10 by 15 cm);
  • gouache;
  • paraffin candle;
  • needle;
  • glue or tape;
  • various decorative details at your discretion.


  1. First stage. We apply multi-colored strokes of gouache over the entire surface in any form in the form of waves, wide stripes and circles large sizes. We wait until the paint dries.
  2. Second phase. On top of the first multi-colored layer we apply a second one - black gouache, and also let it dry.
  3. Third stage. Rub the black surface with a paraffin candle. Next we create: scratch any corner of thin glass or a thick needle New Year's drawing. The edges can be decorated with thin tinsel, attaching it in several places with double tape or glue.
  4. Fourth stage. Cut from thick cardboard leg and connect it to reverse side with a postcard with double tape. Ready! Imagine and you will exceed your expectations.

Video instructions on how to make a postcard for kindergarten with your own hands

New Year's snowman

It is interesting to spend your free time with your family inventing some non-trivial crafts. This activity seems especially exciting for children - they will take on coloring or gluing various elements with great desire.

New Year's crafts for kindergarten

When some celebrations approach and the seasons change, for parents whose kids go to preschool educational establishments, it’s time to make children’s crafts. Many always busy dads do not like such tasks, but mothers have a different attitude to this issue - they are happy to help their children, because they understand that such activities allow them to train the brain and develop fine motor skills baby's fingers.


A keychain in the shape of a dog's face made of felt will turn out to be a wonderful thing, which is not only distinguished by its beauty and originality, but can also serve for a long time and usefully, because we all carry our keys in one bunch. It will not be difficult to invent such an accessory.

What you need: have usable templates for cutting, felt of different colors, matching threads, silicone glue-sealant, beads for the eyes.

Now you should start collecting the dog's muzzle. We cut out the elements, then glue them together. In order to make certain details stand out better, you can make stitches with threads on the extreme side - this will be more effective.

When finished, you need to secure the eyes and nose using a loop made from a small ribbon, which will secure the carabiner or ring for the keychain.

The muzzles can be made either flat (that is, by taking one layer of felt) or voluminous (using two elements, sewing them together and filling the space inside).

To make a snowman from pompoms, you will need cardboard paper, scissors, and knitting threads. white, paper for appliques, PVA glue.

First of all, you need to make three pompoms. You need to cut out several circles of different sizes from cardboard paper (two for one pompom). Then you need to make a hole in the center. Place two circles together and wrap them with thread to a decent volume. Then you need to cut the threads along the edges of the circles and tie them with thread between the circles. Remove the cardboard mugs - the pompom is ready.

The moment has come when it is necessary to combine the made pompoms using PVA. Now cut out eyes and a nose from applique paper and attach them with glue.

You can tie a scarf made of ribbon or fabric to the snowman. To make a hat, you can take a thimble, a suitable cap, or use a blank for these purposes.

Dough snowman

Another one interesting craft in the shape of a snowman can be made from dough. This not only develops imagination, but also gives certain baking skills in the future.

To prepare such a snowman, toothpicks and a garlic press can help you:

  1. So, first you need to knead the dough, divide it into two parts, and then color one of the parts blue with food coloring.
  2. Now you should make two cakes of different sizes - these will be the head and the body.
  3. You need to immediately work on the snowman’s face, identifying the features - eyes, eyebrows, mouth and nose.
  4. Now you need to sculpt the arms and legs and attach them to the body.
  5. Then sculpt a triangle - this is a hat, and apply a design on it using a toothpick.
  6. Make a scarf from a strip of dough and make a design on it with a toothpick. You can put notches on the ends - you get a scarf with fringe.

Buttons are made from small balls of dough of blue color. Now it's time to get to work on the broom. Secure a toothpick in one of the snowman's hands. Take a small lump of text and pass it through a garlic press. The output will be thin strips that need to be wrapped in a small strip of white dough. Secure the resulting broom onto a toothpick.

Now the snowman needs to be dried properly. And in order for such a craft to retain its appearance for as long as possible, it is necessary to cover it with acrylic varnish.

Christmas tree

To make volumetric Christmas tree, prepare cardboard paper, applique paper, scissors, glue, duct tape, decorations.

Finally, all that remains is to decorate the Christmas tree. Here you can give free rein to your imagination - stick on cut out paper balls for appliques, apply rain showers, attach a star.

To decorate your Christmas tree, you may need beads, foil, paint and other suitable materials that you find at home.

For a clearer fixation, you should make a small cut in the workpiece and “attach” the star to the tree. Secure the connections of the elements with tape.

Candlestick made of pine cones

Another original craft is a candlestick made from pine cones.

What you need to prepare: paints, cones, disk, cardboard paper, candles, glue. You can also choose some decorations such as tinsel or beads.

  1. First of all, you should take glue and spread it on the disk, then “plant” the cones on it in a circle.
  2. Paint the cones, choosing a specific color scheme for each.
  3. Then the craft can be decorated.

A candle is placed in the center. If you only have one pine cone, it doesn’t matter, you can make a candlestick in this case too. The disc is glued to the crown of the cone, which is pre-cut for convenience. If you don’t have a disk, use whatever you can get your hands on, such as lids. Only then is it necessary to make the craft sustainable.

Things that are completely different in nature and origin can be suitable for inventing crafts for kindergarten. These include acorns and chestnuts, and cones; paper for appliques and plasticine are often used. You can also craft from more non-trivial materials: cotton pads and sticks, plastic meal sets, clothespins and pasta.

We can advise parents of very young “constructors” and “designers”: so as not to have to run around among relatives and friends for materials a day or two before handing over the craft to kindergarten, first and slowly stock up on what nature gives us.

For example, if you visit the sea coast in the summer, you can grab a few shells and small pebbles from there. Or, while walking through an autumn park, ask your child to pick up acorns and different colored leaves.

If you have a personal plot, you can sow dried flowers on it or plant some decorative pumpkins - all this survives the winter well, stored in an apartment or house, and at some point can serve as an excellent material for all kinds of crafts for kindergarten.

Photo ideas

As many as 20 ideas winter crafts We have collected do-it-yourself projects for kindergarten in this collection so that you can be inspired to create together with your child.

As we approach New Year's matinees, crafts for kindergarten on the theme of winter and New Year are again becoming popular and relevant. However, if you don’t have a tradition of making crafts in kindergarten for the New Year, you can do handicrafts at home. This is a great opportunity to keep your child busy in bad weather with an interesting activity.

For some of the winter crafts for kindergarten in the photo in this collection, it makes sense to use templates prepared in advance.

DIY winter crafts for kindergarten: funny snowmen

Snowmen are constant characters winter holidays and heroes of children's New Year's crafts with their own hands. They can be made from anything: cut out of paper, rolled from cotton wool, glued from cotton pads.

In our opinion, snowmen made from cotton pads turn out to be the cutest and most cozy. But if you want to cut them out of paper and stick them on a postcard, download the template from the link above.

Crafts for kindergarten on the theme of winter and New Year: Christmas trees and snow-covered trees

The Christmas trees, of course, are green and elegant. Snow-covered trees are white and lacy. To make this beauty, you can use cardboard, colored paper, thin paper napkins and ideas for garden crafts on the theme of winter and New Year from our selection.

Details on how to make such Christmas trees with your own hands for kindergarten as a New Year's craft are in the photo.

And here are the openwork winter trees.

And such cute DIY New Year’s crafts for kindergarten can even be used as Christmas tree decorations.

If there are trees, Santa's reindeer can walk under them, which you can with my own hands make it out of cardboard.

And birds will definitely sit on the branches. Your own hands will also come in handy here.

Crafts for kindergarten for the New Year: stars, snowflakes and Christmas balls

What would it be like to celebrate the New Year without all this winter splendor? Ornamentally accurate snowflakes made of cotton swabs, bright stars balls on the Christmas tree. And definitely warm mittens and hats. Their templates are also available at the link provided at the beginning of the article.

In anticipation New Year's holidays In kindergartens and schools, not only matinees are held, but also various thematic lessons and exhibitions. Special attention During this period, people focus on DIY crafts dedicated to the upcoming New Year. Most often, such children's crafts are made from simple and affordable materials: paper, felt, pine cones, plasticine, thread. Useless, at first glance, “waste” such as ice cream sticks, bottles, caps and old discs are also used. Considering the huge number of materials from which you can create real New Year's tale, in this article we tried to collect the best and most original step-by-step master classes with photos and videos on this topic. Be sure that absolutely any child or novice adult craftsman will be able to reproduce the 2018 New Year crafts presented below with their own hands without any problems.

Original New Year's crafts 2018 for the year Do-it-yourself dogs for kindergarten - step-by-step photos and instructions

The first version of the original DIY New Year's craft 2018 for kindergarten is suitable for pupils senior group. This lesson shows how you can make from ordinary colored paper beautiful decor in the form of a Christmas tree. Read on to learn more about how to create this original New Year's craft with your own hands with your children in kindergarten.

Necessary materials for an original DIY New Year's craft 2018 for kindergarten

  • thick colored paper
  • scissors
  • paper clips and clips
  • pencil

Step-by-step instructions for original DIY New Year crafts in kindergarten

DIY New Year's crafts for 2018 in kindergarten from ice cream sticks - step-by-step master class with photos

Ice cream sticks are one of the simplest and most affordable materials for DIY New Year's crafts for 2018 for kindergarten. You can use them to make Santa Claus, a Christmas tree or beautiful snowflake, as in the master class below. Read more about creating a DIY New Year’s craft from ice cream sticks for 2018 “Snowflake” below.

Necessary materials for DIY New Year's crafts for kindergarten from ice cream sticks

  • ice cream sticks
  • PVA glue
  • brush and white paint

Step-by-step instructions for DIY New Year's crafts for kindergarten using ice cream sticks

Quick DIY crafts for New Year 2018 for kindergarten “Santa Claus” - step by step lesson with photos

In kindergarten, quick DIY crafts for the New Year 2018 are especially appreciated, for example, like Santa Claus from the next lesson. Make one like this original craft you can literally do it in 10 minutes from a regular disposable plate. All the details of creation quick crafts for New Year 2018 with your own hands “Santa Claus” for kindergarten in the step-by-step lesson below.

Necessary materials for a quick do-it-yourself New Year’s craft for kindergarten “Santa Claus”

  • plastic plate
  • scissors
  • paints
  • red pompom
  • colored paper
  • decorative eyes

DIY New Year 2018 for kindergarten

Simple DIY New Year's crafts 2018 from bottle caps - master class with photos step by step

Another very quick and simple version of the 2018 New Year’s craft can be made with your own hands from bottle caps. For example, you can make an original one out of them New Year's toy for a Christmas tree in the shape of a snowman. Learn more about how to make this simple DIY 2018 New Year's craft from bottle caps below.

Necessary materials for a simple DIY New Year's craft from bottle caps

  • bottle caps (iron or plastic)
  • black and orange marker
  • buttons
  • thin ribbon
  • White paint
  • thick knitting threads

Step-by-step instructions for simple DIY Christmas crafts from bottle caps

Do-it-yourself children's New Year's crafts 2018 from felt for school - a simple master class with photos

DIY children's New Year's crafts made from felt are always relevant, especially in labor lessons in elementary school. This material is easy to work with, and things made from it literally keep the warmth of their creators. Therefore, if you want to do something memorable, then be sure to take a closer look at the simple master class of children’s New Year’s crafts 2018 with their own hands for school made from felt below.

Necessary materials for children's DIY felt crafts 2018 for school

  • felt in different colors
  • needle and thread
  • scissors
  • decorative twine

Step-by-step instructions for children's New Year's crafts 218 with their own hands from felt to school

Simple DIY crafts for the New Year 2018 for elementary school from pine cones and felt - master class step by step

Felt is suitable not only as a main material, but also as an additional material, as in simple master class DIY crafts from pine cones for the New Year 2018 for primary school Further. It shows step by step how to pine cones and felt you can make a cute New Year's toy. Read more in a simple master class on DIY New Year 2018 crafts made from pine cones and felt for elementary school below.

Necessary materials for a simple DIY New Year craft from felt and pine cones for elementary school

  • cone
  • beads
  • decorative twine
  • wooden balls

Step-by-step instructions for a simple DIY craft for the New Year 2018 from a pine cone and felt for school

Festive paper crafts for the New Year 2018 for elementary school - step-by-step lesson with photos

Another option for a holiday craft for elementary school could further become good decoration or a gift for New Year 2018. The photo tutorial shows step by step how to make an original wreath for decoration from ordinary colored paper and a plastic plate front door. At the same time, it takes very little time to make this festive New Year craft from paper for elementary school.

Necessary materials for festive paper crafts for the New Year 2018 for elementary school

  • plastic plate
  • colored paper
  • scissors
  • ribbon

Step-by-step instructions for New Year's paper crafts for elementary school

DIY New Year's crafts for 2018 for school for the "Snow Globe" competition, master class with video

DIY children's New Year's crafts 2018 are often used for themed competitions in schools. Our next master class with video will tell you step by step how to make a real snow globe at home. By the way, the DIY New Year’s craft “Snow Globe” for 2018 is perfect for the school competition. If desired, its filling can be changed using other crafts made from cones, felt or paper. Also this work Suitable for beginners, but a child in kindergarten will not be able to master it without the help of adults.