Paper origami easy patterns for beginners. Origami paper patterns

The ability to turn an ordinary piece of paper into a figurine in a matter of minutes is reminiscent of magic. This hobby does not require large material costs. Paper origami for beginners is a great opportunity to create a whole world without any special abilities. Over time, the young craftsman will master various techniques and directions, and you can start with simple figures.

General information

The art of origami for beginners and professionals involves folding various figures from white or multi-colored paper without the use of glue or scissors. It first appeared in Japan in 610. Monks were the first to master origami, making decorations for temples and rituals. This type of decorative and applied art became firmly entrenched in the culture of the Japanese aristocracy.

This hobby promotes the development of spatial imagination, fine motor skills, attention, communication and gaming abilities, outlook, and creative skills. Today there are many examples of how to make origami from paper. Schemes for beginners will help you easily make an original toy or gift.

Necessary tools

Hands and a piece of paper are all you need to create a simple craft. But for a deeper study of the art of origami, it won’t hurt to acquire several useful tools. These include:

  1. Glue (PVA or “pencil”). It is needed for gluing to crafts decorative elements, as well as to give the product strength if, for example, you need to prepare it for an exhibition. Some crafters prefer to use spray adhesive because of its ability to create interesting color and texture combinations when gluing two sheets of paper over an entire area.
  2. Paints. They are needed for coloring the finished craft if you used White paper. The most popular paints are in cans, but watercolors are not recommended for this activity, since excess water can deform the paper figurine.
  3. Scissors. It is optimal to have several tools of different sizes. It will be convenient to cut out tiny details with nail scissors, but you will have to resort to this extremely rarely, because paper origami schemes for beginners do not involve the cutting process.
  4. A stationery knife (well sharpened) - as an alternative to scissors.
  5. A sharp pencil. They can be used to lightly mark the paper and tighten the details.
  6. Ruler, triangle, compass, protractor. These tools are useful for creating products where precision work and symmetry are important.

Handicraft Carving

The right material

The quality of paper directly affects appearance and strength of the manufactured product. When choosing it, you should take into account Here are some points that will make the craft look perfect:

  1. It is optimal to use office or offset printer paper. It is quite dense, rigid and inexpensive.
  2. It is just as convenient to create figures from multi-colored office paper as from white paper. But in the process of gluing parts, stains may appear on the craft.
  3. Professionals in the modular origami technique successfully use stickers as the main material.
  4. It is better not to buy colored school paper for origami - it is too thin and does not hold its shape.
  5. A good option for complex patterns and product models is foil.
  6. Beautiful figures are made from old magazine pages. This paper is quite dense, it bends easily and holds its shape well.
  7. For true fans of the hobby they release sets special paper for easy origami. Its main disadvantage is its high price.

Types of techniques

Origami is a great way for an adult to spend time interestingly and usefully by making something beautiful with his own hands. The activity will help your child develop new skills and abilities. Do original gift, a flower or a toy can be used in different techniques:

  1. Simple origami. Optimal for beginner craftsmen. The assembly diagram involves folding the figure away from you and making bends towards you. The crane is a classic example of this technique.
  2. Modular origami. The craft is assembled from identical elements. Each of them is folded from a sheet of paper according to the classical pattern. The modules are fastened together by insertion, and the structure itself is held in place due to the frictional force that arises.
  3. Kusudama (3-D origami). Here the elements are not inserted into each other, but are fixed with glue or threads. Often the product is made in the shape of a ball.
  4. Wet folding. Products made from dampened paper look expressive and rigid, and the lines seem smoother. The technique is used to create crafts of animals or flowers, and the optimal material is paper with water-soluble glue in the composition.
  5. Aerogami. This method is convenient for making an airplane.
  6. Kirigami. Postcards are often made using this technique. Here, scissors are used to create figures.

Christmas tree made of corrugated paper

Examples of products for beginners

Those who have recently become acquainted with the art of origami start with simple figures made according to the classical pattern. With detailed step-by-step instructions you can learn how to make an origami flower (violet, tulip, lily, rose) or animal. Here are some simple examples.

Tulip in bud

Even a three-year-old child can handle a simple model of this flower under his mother’s guidance.

As the child grows up, he will be able to use more complex patterns to assemble a tulip so that it looks voluminous and blooming.

To create a flower, follow the following step-by-step diagram:

  1. We bend a square piece of red paper along one diagonal, then unbend it and fold it along the second.
  2. For the resulting triangle, you need to fold the corners from the center line and bend the lower pointed tip of the bud. A flower bud has formed.
  3. For a square green paper sheet, bend the corners towards the diagonal of the square.
  4. The resulting figure is folded in half to form a green triangle. Now you need to bend the bottom corner of the figure to create a stem.
  5. The last step is to connect the bud to the stem on a thick paper base.

It turned out original craft from paper that a child can present to his mother or grandmother.

Offset paper rose

This model is one of the basic ones in Japanese art; it is most popular among girls. A step-by-step diagram of an origami paper flower for beginners looks like this:

  1. We bend the colored paper sheet in half, then again to make a square.
  2. You need to open the top layer and slightly flatten the top of the future flower, then turn it in the other direction, turning over the square.
  3. Repeat step with top layer.
  4. Next, take two corners and bend them towards the top one. We fold the resulting triangle in half, obtaining a fold line.
  5. Flatten the triangles slightly by pulling the ends down.
  6. We carefully bend the resulting pockets from top to bottom.
  7. Next, repeat steps 4-6 on the reverse side.
  8. Now you need to bend the corners at the top and open the bottom.
  9. Place the template on reverse side and lift the triangle up.
  10. Bend the right square at the bottom from top to bottom along a diagonal line.
  11. Rotate the craft 180 degrees and repeat.
  12. It remains to transfer the workpiece to left hand and rotate in a circle until you get a rose. We shape the petals with our hands.

How to make a heart-shaped handbag out of paper?

Dog and panda

It's easy to fold an origami dog. You need to fold a square of paper diagonally so that the right angle of the resulting triangle faces down. Next, we form the ears by bending the two upper corners down. To get a puppy's face, you need to bend the bottom corner of the product up. At the final stage, you can invite the child to draw the dog’s eyes and nose and color it at his own discretion.

You can make a panda using white paper and a black pencil or felt-tip pen. To begin, we outline the fold lines by folding an equilateral sheet diagonally twice and bending the left and right corners forward.

We fold the resulting corner at the top in the other direction, then reduce the resulting panda face from the edges. Now you should bend the corner forward from below. We get the nose by turning the top corner down. All that remains is to draw the face.

Crane in origami style

To create one of the simplest models, you will need scissors and paper. In Japan there is an opinion: if a person folds 1 thousand cranes, then his wish will come true cherished dream. Step-by-step instructions include:

  1. Folding a sheet of offset paper diagonally.
  2. Cut off any excess with scissors to create a triangle.
  3. Carefully perform another fold.
  4. Forming a square from a triangle by straightening the corners on both sides.
  5. Neat and even folding of the edges towards the center.
  6. Folding the triangle formed on top.
  7. Folding bottom corner horizontally, extending both edges towards the center to form a diamond shape. Repeat steps on the reverse side.
  8. Fold the corners towards the inner contour to create a neck. The tail should be assembled in the same sequence.
  9. A neat bend of the neck to form the beak.
  10. Bending the resulting wings at an angle.

The white crane can be made more original by decorating it.

Of all the materials for creative work, a special place occupies plain paper: It is used for many crafts. Adults and children love to work with this material. Easy origami crafts made from paper are available for children from 3-4 years old. Any creative activities contribute to the intellectual development of children.

Origami (folding paper figures) has long been a real art: its history goes back several centuries. If previously it was available only to monks and members of the nobility, then with the spread and availability of paper sheets, this type of creativity has gained popularity in many countries around the world.

Small children do not like to sit in one place: children are attracted by the novelty of the world around them. But from the age of 3, it is necessary to prepare the baby for school. The main requirements for the behavior of fidgets are perseverance, the ability to remember and assimilate new knowledge. Can help develop these and other character traits different kinds creative works made with your own hands.

Crafts develop fine motor skills, teach accuracy and perseverance. First of all, origami classes are:

  • development of spatial thinking, logic and memory;
  • introduction to the basics of mathematics, geometric shapes, development of the child’s mathematical abilities;
  • ability to read diagrams and drawings;
  • development and training of fine motor skills;
  • fostering perseverance, dedication, scrupulousness and accuracy;
  • knowledge of beauty and harmony.

What to do with a child at home, how to make the baby sit quietly for at least some time - these questions often worry parents. Folding paper figures will not only calm the restlessness, but will also develop many useful qualities in the little man.

The availability of this type of pastime is also determined by the availability of material. The stores offer ready-made sets of colored, corrugated, velvet, and metallized paper. But for simple and easy crafts, you can use old newspapers.

It is believed that children over 3-4 years old can create paper figures using the origami technique. However, there are several simple models of figures that a two-year-old toddler can make. Children begin to be introduced to simple paper origami in preschool institutions.

At home, mommy can organize lessons for the baby herself, creating light and beautiful figures from paper.

There are many simple paper origami for beginners available on the Internet - diagrams with step by step instructions for assembling paper models.

The first models for children from 3 years old

Currently, in addition to classic origami, there are other types of it, but for beginning craftsmen and young children, it is best to start getting acquainted with the world of origami with the simplest classical patterns. Classic origami- this is the folding of models from square sheets of paper, without using any glue or scissors when creating figures.

The simplest crafts for beginners include: an airplane, a boat, a tulip, a dog or a cat. Let's look at how to make these figures step by step.


A simple model of this flower can be assembled by a very small child with the help of his mother. How older child, the more complex schemes for creating a tulip are available to him: they turn out already voluminous, with open buds. A simple diagram for a child over 2 years old will allow him to make a beautiful craft and give his mother a reason to be proud.

Stage one

Take a red square piece of paper. Help your baby fold it diagonally. Unfold the sheet and fold it in half along the second diagonal.

Stage two

Bend the corners of the resulting triangle from the center line. Bend the lower sharp tip of the bud. You have a tulip bud.

Stage three

Take a square green piece of paper. Bend the corners, directing them towards the diagonal of the square.

Stage four

Fold the resulting figure in half. You will get a green triangle. Bend the bottom corner of the figure - you have a tulip stem.

Stage five

Connect the flower and stem on a thick paper base. The result is a tulip applique using the origami technique. The craft looks very beautiful. The baby can give this card to his mother or grandmother.

This simple circuit, where there are no complex bends. The baby can master this craft under the guidance of his mother.

Familiarity with the technique of creating a dog will help you create an animal.


Stage one

Fold the paper square diagonally. There should be a triangle in front of you, in which the right angle is directed downwards.

Stage two

Fold the top two corners down to form ears.

Stage three

Fold the bottom corner of the craft up - you get the face of a dog.

Stage four

Let the child draw the doggie's eyes and nose. He will color his craft the way he likes.


White paper required. Prepare a black pencil, felt-tip pen or paints. For pandas, white and black colors are relevant.

Stage one

It is necessary to outline the fold lines. To do this, fold the square sheet diagonally twice, and bend the corners on the left and right sides forward.

Stage two

Bend the resulting upper corner in the opposite direction.

Stage three

Make the resulting panda face smaller at the edges.

Stage four

Bend the bottom corner forward. For the spout, fold the corner of the top edge down.

Stage five

Let's draw a face.

Light figures include cars and tanks. More complex models are images of birds and insects. Children 8-9 years old can already make human origami on their own. Creating such a figure requires an understanding of classical folds and developed motor skills baby's fingers.

For creating New Year's mood there are many easy models of Christmas trees and volumetric snowflakes made using the classic origami technique. Paper rings are very popular among girls. However, such models are quite complex for novice craftsmen. To learn the technique of creating a paper ring, you can take a look at special master classes.

DIY toys

The first light toys include finger puppets. With their help you can organize theatrical performances for children. You can make paper fingertips for animal figures. For dolls you can create beautiful outfits, furniture for doll houses.

Older children make more complex models that they play with.

Let's look at easy paper origami patterns for creating a frog and an airplane.

The most popular type of craft. You can do it in a few minutes. Any sheet of paper is suitable for creation.

Stage one

Take a rectangular piece of landscape paper. Fold it in half lengthwise. Unbend.

Stage two

From the side where the nose of the plane will be, bend the corners 2 times, directing them towards the center line: first at a right angle, the second time at an acute angle.

Stage three

Bend the pointed tip of the spout in half, pointing it toward the center of the airplane's diverging wings.

Stage four

Bend the resulting airplane blank in the middle.

Stage five

Bend the resulting model in the middle, clearly forming the wings.

Such an airplane can be made from an ordinary notebook sheet or a newspaper page, and you can arrange a competition with your child to see which airplane flies further. This type easy craft is one of the simplest and favorite among children and many adults. Sometimes landscape sheets are used to create airplanes. The craft becomes heavier, but more resistant to wind.

jumping frog

A paper frog that can jump is a favorite among children of all ages. Schemes on how to easily make a jumping frog can be found in different versions. Let's consider the classic scheme.

Stage one

It is necessary to fold the square sheet twice diagonally. In front of you is a rectangle with two squares.

Stage two

Fold the top square along two diagonals as well. Expand. Gently pull the opposite triangles on the left and right with your fingers towards the center. Fold the square at the bottom in half.

Stage three

Point opposite sides toward the center. Fold the bottom part in half again.

Stage five

Bend the two upper corners of the bottom down. Pull the resulting pieces along the fold, straightening them. If you bend the resulting corners, the lower legs of the frog will come out. For the upper legs, fold the upper triangles to the sides.

Stage six

The lower part of the resulting torso is bent in half. Then bend it down a little. Turn over - the jumping frog is ready. You can draw eyes on her.

These easy crafts will captivate your child into the world of origami for a long time.

Origami is the ancient Japanese art of folding various figures from paper. To get 7-8 year old children interested in this activity, you will need to prepare thick paper, maybe multi-colored. In addition to good leaves, you will need scissors, glue, a ruler, a pencil, as well as elements for decoration. To start assembling origami, you will also need to choose suitable patterns for beginners.

  1. Folding paper figures trains fine motor skills of children 7-8 years old.
  2. Promotes the development of non-standard thinking, logic and memory.
  3. Develops mathematical abilities, spatial thinking, logic and the ability to find solutions to complex problems.
  4. Origami has a calming effect and develops perseverance and concentration.

Swan diagram

In order to make an origami swan out of paper, for children 7-8 years old, you will need to use step by step diagrams. If you use the most common and common paper patterns, you can easily and simply make a swan with your own hands.

  1. Fold the square sheet in half, marking a fold diagonally.
  2. We fold the two sides of the sheet to the resulting fold.
  3. The sides will need to be folded one more time.
  4. Let's fold our craft in half.
  5. Bends the swan's neck inside the craft. The bending point should be approximately in the middle of the craft.
  6. At an arbitrary point on the tip we bend our head and our swan is ready.

Modular origami in the shape of a swan looks good; it is just right for beginners, since the patterns are very simple and making such a toy from modules with your own hands will not be difficult. A craft made from modules is put together quite simply, it is lightweight if you correctly understand how to install the modules one into the other. Very quickly you can fold a swan that will beautiful decoration exhibition, children's or a great holiday gift.

Origami swan. How to make an origami swan


It will be very easy to make origami for beginners and children 8 years old in the form of animals. You will need to use the patterns to fold the cats and dogs yourself. These easy and step-by-step diagrams will help you make amazing toys for children, because you can use not only white paper, but also colored paper.

To make the dog's face, you will need to take a square piece of paper:

  1. Bend the sheet diagonally along the floors.
  2. Fold the edges of the resulting triangle towards the center, but the top lines should not overlap, lower them a little lower.
  3. Now the bent triangles need to be bent again and laid in the shape of dog ears.
  4. Turn the craft over and grab it on the bottom corner.
  5. Unfold the corners and fold them inward, forming the lower part of the dog's muzzle.
  6. Draw the eyes and nose, and your do-it-yourself dog is ready.

This simple instructions even for children 8 years old, they can make such a toy with their own hands if they stick to the diagram.

Simple instructions for folding a paper toy are suitable for folding a fox's face with your own hands.

  1. Fold the square sheet in half.
  2. Direct the corner of the resulting triangle upward and bend the corners upward, forming the ears of the fox.
  3. Turn the craft over and fold the corner.
  4. Turn it over again and draw the eyes, nose and antennae of the fox.

When your child masters the simplest crafts, you can try to start making modular origami with him. For example, you can collect a bunny for children. There are different schemes, but the simplest is this:

  1. We begin to fold modular origami from three rows of 24 standard modules.
  2. We turn the craft inside out and make 6 more rows, this will be the modular body of the bunny.
  3. The head will be made up of thirty modules, which are inserted on the other side towards the body.
  4. Next, we place 7 rows as standard, just as we did when assembling the modular body.
  5. The ears are assembled from modules that we install in reverse. We form a modular ear from 6 modules, then 5, then 6 again, then 5, again 6, 5 modules and 4. Now the modular ear is ready.

Origami dog


Using clear diagrams, for children 8 years old it will not be difficult to make a boat with your own hands.

  1. To assemble the boat, you will need to bend a rectangular sheet in half.
  2. After this, bend it in half again vertically, marking the middle.
  3. The upper edges of the resulting sheet will need to be folded towards the middle, forming an angle at the top.
  4. Fold the remaining part from the bottom to the top, folding the edges over the triangle both in front and behind.
  5. Slide your fingers under the edge and unfold the triangle to create a hollow cone.
  6. Fold the paper so that those edges that are not touching, but opposite, touch.
  7. Fold the corners up.
  8. Turn the craft to the sides, and your boat will be head.

After the child masters such a boat, you can offer him modular folding of the boats.

Easy ORIGAMI. Paper BOAT for beginners


Boys are always interested in technology and a wide variety of rockets and machines. We offer you an origami rocket, which comes with instructions telling you how to make such a craft with your own hands from paper for beginner children who are not yet at all experienced in the folding technique.

  1. Bend the square sheet so that you form a fold dividing it into four equal parts.
  2. We work with the upper two parts; to do this, they need to be divided in half. Fold the top parts in half.
  3. Turn the sheet over and fold the corners towards the middle, forming a corner at the top.
  4. Fold the sides towards the middle.
  5. After this, we bend them so that a fold is formed closer to the outer edge.
  6. Turn the craft over and your rocket is ready.

You can try modular folding of rockets, but first you should master easier and simpler options.

Flower – Rose

For children 8 years old it will be interesting to make a rose flower out of paper with your own hands. Using step-by-step diagrams and exactly following all the prescribed movements, the child himself will very quickly be able to fold a beautiful rose with his own hands. Later you can try modular rose folding.

We offer origami for children with diagrams. You can watch a video assembly to see how the crafts are put together. All this simple models and you can engage in production with your children beautiful crafts from paper. This is useful for finger motor skills, and kids always like to do something with their own hands, create and then proudly declare that they did it themselves. These are great gifts for any occasion - New Year. It's always better when original things are made with your own hands.

Circuit examples

We offer a lot different schemes. But, of course, kids cannot complete crafts the first time. It takes skill. It's like puzzles - it requires perseverance and careful handling of the material used. You can fold a lot of different origami from plain paper for children 3-4 years old, useful little things, valentines, hares, animals, birds, thereby creating comfort in the house. The admiring glances of the guests will definitely appreciate such painstaking work.

Valentine cards are also a kind of individual crafts. These are not simple paper hearts, but rather complex models, neatly folded into modules.

All the most best schemes origami can be viewed at the links below for children 5-6 years old. Children can make a seal, a fox, a camel, a hare, a bird, autumn leaves, a cat, a flower.

Origami is a real art and all you need to do it is colored paper and scissors. You should definitely study the diagrams first in order to put the model elements in the right order. It relaxes well, concentrates attention, and develops finger motor skills.

Modular technology is a new phenomenon for children today. You can create truly mesmerizing crafts that amaze with their beauty and variety. See photos and videos for examples of completed works for children aged 7-8 years.

What is the difference?

What is the difference between modular origami and classic? And since you will need at least 6 identical modules in each row, there are also quite a lot of sheets of colored paper. But the result is worth it. A little perseverance and patience and you can make real masterpieces that will be the envy of others.

The origami method consists of connecting all the modules to each other, connecting the structure, giving it various shapes.

You can use PVC glue in your work and thereby create any figures. different colors and sizes. The more sheets of paper are used in the work, the more difficult it is to come up with a design structure from triangular elements, which is suitable for older children: 11-12 years old and 13-14 years old.

Origami schemes:

Let's start working

  1. In Russian folklore, the birch tree is compared to a slender and beautiful girl. But indeed, there is something equally naive, pure, attractive in the birch tree;
  2. Swan made of modules. Assembling the figure is not difficult, the only thing is that it takes a lot of time. This swan is suitable as a gift for both birthday and wedding celebration, wedding anniversary;
  3. Vase with rose. For this work, a diagram is taken modular picture, only made in a circle. They put a glass inside - you can already put flowers;
  4. Cat made of paper modules. This cat looks beautiful in any home! Everyone likes her. This craft required more than a thousand triangular modules;
  5. "Russian beauty". IN this master class We suggest you assemble a girl's figure in Russian folk costume: sundress, shirt, headband. In a similar way, you can collect figures in other national traditions;
  6. Transformer. An interesting type of crafts made from modular origami are transformers. They can be collected in various ways and obtained different figures. Try creating a transforming craft.

Today on the Internet you can find various origami schemes from modules in Russian for children 9-10 years old. Many of them contain video tutorials. The level of proficiency in this art can be improved through ordinary practice. Perhaps in the future you will be able to create your own designs for your own figurines of animals or flowers, or maybe something more complex.

Video on the topic of the article

Selection best videos on the Internet.

Paper origami for children

Simple origami for children: diagrams

Origami “Bunny” for children 1) Take a square sheet of thick paper2) Fold its two sides diagonally so that you get a shape similar to a diamond, but one side should be slightly shorter than the other3) Make a small cut in the center of the sheet, starting with the longer side of the diamond4) Fold the sheet in half so that the cut is on top5) Bend one of the triangles formed from the cut upward (this will be the ear)6) Fold it in half so that the ear becomes half the size, and the remaining part turns into a bunny's face, on which you can now draw an eye7) Do the same with the second side8) Now your bunny’s body looks like a triangle. Mentally (or with a pencil) draw a line from its top (located at the bottom) to the center of the base (located at the top) 9) Fold the far part of the triangle (the one that is further from the muzzle) inward. Ready! If desired, the bunny can be painted in any colors.

Origami for children "Fish" 1) Fold a square piece of paper in half to make a triangle 2) Fold its edges towards the center so that you again have a square (but keep it in the future in the shape of a diamond, that is, with the angle down) 3) Fold the triangles from which you now have consists of the surface of the square, twice 4) Now fold each of the triangles on top twice more, bending down only the top layer of paper 5) Fold the smallest triangles twice more, mentally drawing a line from their vertices, located in the center of the square, to the bases, located on its sides 6) Now let’s take care of the bottom part of the rhombus: fold the top layer of paper “valley” (that is, towards you) 7) Turn the strip formed in the center “mountain” (that is, away from you) 8) Fold the topmost triangle again “valley” 9) Bend its upper part into a “mountain” 10) On both sides, cut one layer of diamond paper along the line that is the base of the largest triangle 11) Turn the bottom of the triangles “mountain” 12) Turn the result inside out.

The fish is ready! All that remains is to draw the eyes and decorate it! Both proposed schemes are origami for children 9 years old and older. In any case, at the first stage of a child’s acquaintance with a new hobby, parents are recommended to be present nearby and even actively participate in the process. Most likely, origami will captivate not only the child, but also the parents who started it all. So origami has every chance of becoming a real family hobby!

Chapter origami It will be of interest not only to those who are interested in this type of art, but also beginners will be able to take in a lot of educational information. We invite you to plunge into a fantasy world. Paper origami has existed for more than a thousand years and over the course of its existence has managed not to lose its relevance over the years, but has only increased the number of fans.

In almost every master class you will find tools that will greatly simplify your work. Besides, master classes contain step by step photos the work process itself, and therefore you can easily make the craft you like.

This origami, which consists of individual modules fixed together. Thanks to this technique, you will get beautiful three-dimensional figures. This could be a basket of flowers, a horse, a bouquet, a tea set and much more. Paper products made using the origami technique will be a wonderful gift for any occasion. On New Year you can give Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, beautiful Christmas tree, on March 8 - it can become an origami heart, a bouquet of flowers.

Many master classes are dedicated to origami flowers. Graceful and creative origami flowers are suitable not only as room decoration, but also as a gift.

In the section you can also watch an origami video that will clearly show the entire manufacturing process origami crafts.

Where to start origami, how to make it three-dimensional origami balls?

Origami for beginners is better to start with making simple crafts. A little practice and you can do it with ease origami from modules.

Paper origami diagrams- this is a schematic representation of actions with a piece of paper. Thanks to the diagrams, you can clearly see in which direction the sides of the sheet need to be folded.

For those who have children, we suggest watching master classes - which they will certainly like. Create interesting animals, airplanes, boats, flowers, pine cones and much more with your child. Simple origami figures for children can be used for finger theater. By doing origami with your child, you will not only have fun in your free time, but also usefully, since the child, making origami with his own hands, directly develops and improves fine motor skills of the fingers, as well as memory, imaginative thinking, and reveals his creative potential.

All modular origami provide for the assembly of individual modules in ready product. Origami assembly consists of connecting individual modules into pockets one next to the other, without using glue. The origami modular diagram clearly shows how exactly the modules are fixed in each row.

We also invite you to watch interesting master classes on creating voluminous postcards, made using the kirigami technique, beautiful balls -