Instructions for using Frautest for pregnancy. How to use the Frautest pregnancy test - instructions for use Frau test shows a white second strip

In order to find out as soon as possible whether the long-awaited pregnancy has come, girls buy special tests in pharmacies to show whether fertilization has occurred. Today Frautest is very popular for express diagnostics at home.

The test strip will help you find out in a matter of minutes whether a girl is pregnant or not. Such a device is useful if there is no way to visit a gynecologist in the near future or when you want to know about the onset of conception as soon as possible.

What is the peculiarity of Frautest and how to use it correctly, we will analyze in this article.

Frautest pregnancy test - what are its features

Frautest is produced by a well-known German company that produces both means for determining conception and for establishing ovulation and detecting infections. Pregnancy is determined by the amount of hCG in the urine. After fertilization of the egg, the amount of this hormone increases, which is recorded by the rapid test.

All products of this brand have a high sensitivity (15 IU), that is, if 15 units of the hormone are formed in a woman's urine, then the test will show a positive result. The peculiarity of the Frautest pregnancy test is its affordable price, ease of use and the reliability of the results of 99.9%.

When to use

The test strips from this company are ultrasensitive, so their results are considered as accurate as possible. To achieve the correct result, you need to know how to use the device and when to do home diagnostics. Every girl should know that the maximum concentration of hCG in urine is found in the morning. Therefore, testing is best done on morning urine.

Frautest manufacturers advise when using the device to adhere to the following rules:

  1. If a woman has a normal menstrual cycle (27-30 days), without delays and failures, then the first diagnosis should be carried out 2 days before the start of menstruation. To make sure the results are reliable, it is best to retest after another 2 days.
  2. If the menstrual cycle is unstable, then the diagnosis should be carried out every 2 days for 14 days.
  3. In the event that the cycle lasts 24-25 days, testing should be done on the first day of the expected delay.
  4. For a cycle of 34-35 days, the check is done 6 days after the start of the delay.

When carrying out diagnostics, one should not forget that after fertilization of the egg, it takes 10-12 days for the development and consolidation of the placenta in the uterine cavity. Therefore, if a little time has passed after conception, then the device may not show a positive result.

The best day on the day of the first pregnancy test is considered a 1-2 day delay. If the first rapid test showed negative results, you do not need to be upset right away. Perhaps it is still a very short time, and the concentration of hCG has not reached the level for the device to show two stripes. In this case, it is best to re-diagnose in a week.

Which Frautest to choose - an overview of possible options

Today in the pharmacy and any store you can find a large number of pregnancy tests. They differ in price, use, type, packaging, sensitivity. According to customer reviews, the most accurate remedy is Frautest. The manufacturer produces several types of devices for detecting conception. What is their difference and how to choose the best one?

The company produces the following types of frautetests:


It is considered the most popular device from the entire line of this brand. Express Frautest is an elongated strip impregnated with a reagent that detects hCG hormone in the urine. Test strips are produced in a special sealed package, which contains detailed instructions on how to use the device, the sensitivity and interpretation of the results are indicated.

The price in pharmacies is 50–70 rubles per item.

Double control

The dual control is identical to Express Frautest, but the main difference is that two test strips are in one carton. All strips are packed in separate sealed bags. The instruction, decoding and sensitivity of the device are written on the cardboard box.

Double Control gives you the opportunity to retest to make sure the results are correct, or to carry out a second test if the first one was damaged.

Packing price 80-100 rubles.


Cassette version of the device. The kit includes a cassette with a pipette. It is very easy to use. Inside the plastic sheath is a reagent strip. To check, just drop a couple of drops on a special hole and wait for the results. They are very comfortable to use, which is the main advantage of the Expert Test.

The price of the cassette version is from 130 to 170 rubles.


This is the most convenient and simplest pregnancy test. The pack contains one vacuum-sealed white strip. The device is similar to Express Frautest, only to carry out diagnostics, you do not need to dip the strip into a container and wait, just put it under the stream of morning urine and see the result after 3-5 minutes.

Comfort cost 145 rubles.


Inkjet version of the device. Unlike the previous type, it has a special plastic protective cap that closes the reagent after diagnosis.

Frau exclusive is the most expensive test of the entire line, its cost is 240-270 rubles.

All devices of this brand have high sensitivity. The only difference is in the operation. Which option is best for the girl, she must choose herself. If used correctly, all tests will show the correct result within 5-10 minutes.

Instructions for useFrautest

Before using the device, you must carefully study the instructions for use. If a woman uses the jet version, then it must be kept under the stream of morning urine for 30 seconds. Then put on a dry place and wait 5 minutes.

If a classic express test was purchased, then before the study you need to:

  • collect morning urine in a small container;
  • open the package with the device;
  • lower the strip with the desired end into the liquid until the red / blue line;
  • hold for 30 seconds;
  • take out the strip and put on a dry and flat surface;
  • see the results in 5 minutes.

The first strip should appear, this indicates that the test is working. If, after the allotted time, a second strip appeared, then the girl became pregnant. If there is one line, the result is negative.

If the second strip is barely visible - what does it mean

When doing home diagnostics, the test strip may show a pale pink second strip. This makes many girls panic, because it becomes unclear whether fertilization has occurred or not. What does this mean?

First of all, it is important to remember that a weak indicator is not always a guarantee of 100% conception. Such false results can result from improper use of the device. Therefore, manufacturers and gynecologists warn expectant mothers that before use, you need to carefully study the instructions in order to do everything right.

If the 2nd gray line appears, then this only indicates that the reagent is starting to dry out. Most often, this can be traced if a lot of liquid has got on the strip.

On early dates pregnancy hCG level may be minimal, resulting in false diagnostic results. In addition, the drugs that a woman takes are important.

If they contain this hormone, then the strip may show a weak second line, which indicates a low content of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine. Therefore, in order to find out whether conception really happened, you need to go to the gynecologist for an examination or do a second home diagnosis after 2 days.

Precautionary measures

To avoid false results, you must carefully read the instructions before using the device. It is necessary to evaluate the results 5 minutes after the study.

Frautest is a great way to quickly find out if a woman has become pregnant, but unfortunately, home study results do not always reflect the true state of affairs. Therefore, it is best to visit a gynecologist and conduct a more reliable diagnosis.

Will help you choose a test and tell you how to use it, obstetrician-gynecologist:


A wide range of means for determining pregnancy baffles a woman. She is lost and does not know which one is better to choose in order to find out the truthful answer.

Frautest is a great option to quickly and accurately find out if fertilization has occurred. It is used by many women around the world, and research results have high reliability rates.

A delay in menstruation is the first sign of pregnancy, so it is recommended to use tests to determine it in the early stages. One of the most popular is Frautest. Consider whether Frautest can be used before the delay in menstruation and the features of this brand.

Optimal timing for analytics

The first test is best done on the first day of the absence of monthly bleeding or a little later. Such timing is recommended due to the nature of the reaction of the test strips.

Highly sensitive Frautest tests before delay

They detect the concentration of hCG levels in the urine of a pregnant woman. When the value of the pregnancy hormone reaches 20-25 mMU / ml, the test reagent is able to determine it and give a positive result. HCG begins to be produced immediately after the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus, first by the outer shell of the fetus, the chorion, and then by the placenta.

Until 7-8 weeks, its presence in the blood doubles every 1.5-2 days. Because the later the analysis is carried out, the more accurate the result will be.

Using Frautest the day before the delay

You can use Frautest a day before the delay, or even two, but you cannot guarantee an accurate result. It all depends on the characteristics of the course of the menstrual cycle, the moment of ovulation, the speed of fertilization and the individuality of the growth of the hubbub of pregnancy. Of course, 2 identical lines may appear, but with an insufficient level of chorionic gonadotropin, it is possible that the second strip will be lighter than the control one or will not appear at all.

Therefore, having made a Frautest for pregnancy before the delay, and having doubted the answer received after the first test, the second must be repeated a few days later.

Types and features of tests

Frautest offers 5 types of tests today:

Test - Frautest strips

The simplest and cheapest Frautest express. The package contains 1 strip, which, during the procedure, is lowered vertically into a container with urine to a certain mark for 10 seconds, then it is placed on a dry flat surface and the result is assessed after 3-5 minutes, but no more than 10.

Frautest double control in the package has two test strips. Used in a similar way.

Cassette tests Frautest

Frautest expert is presented as a cassette with two windows. It is more convenient than the first ones in that urine drops are applied with a pipette to one window, and the answer is displayed on the second.

Inkjet tests Frautest

The comfort and ecsclusive jet tests are more expensive. They have an improved design, the cap is removed from the cassette, the strip is placed under the stream of urine, the cap is closed and the same 3-5 minutes are waited.

Rules for using Frautest before the delay

Before testing, you must study the instructions and follow all of its points in sequence:

  • For a more accurate result, it is advisable to collect urine in the morning, when it has the highest level of hCG;
  • The container must be clean;
  • Dip the test vertically into it and only up to the indicated border;
  • Read the answer after the allotted time, but no more than 10 minutes, the result up to 3 minutes and after 10 is considered invalid and the procedure must be repeated;
  • Do not use expired tests;
  • Do not reuse them;
  • All actions should be carried out at room temperature.
  • In order not to spoil the test and get an up-to-date answer, it is important to follow the described general rules and carefully follow the instructions.

Reading the test result

Frautest shows pregnancy after a delay with its positive result in the form of two identical lines on a test strip of the same color: pink or red. If the answer is no, only one control line will be clearly visible. If both lines are blurry or broken, then there was a mistake in the test. The absence of a control strip indicates a poor quality test.

Frautest pregnancy after a delay shows 2 stripes of bright red color on the text, and the second stripe may be paler than the first in shade.

Sometimes a false-positive or false-negative result of the study is recorded, when, in the presence of other signs confirming conception, the answer is negative, and vice versa, fertilization did not occur, but the test is positive, in this case, to resolve doubts, it is necessary to repeat the procedure after 2 days.

Frautest is a modern miniature device that allows early detection of pregnancy. The main advantages of Frautest are its low cost, high accuracy and ease of use.

Frautest is produced by the German company Human Gesellschaft, and the excellent quality of German medicines and medical devices is known all over the world. Therefore, Frautest is in high demand among the female population of Russia and not only.

The range of tests produced under the Frautest brand is quite diverse, which allows you to choose a product that is optimal in terms of price and set of functions. The manufacturer offers strip strips, plate and inkjet tests. Accordingly, the higher the price, the more informative the test will be, so it is worthwhile to dwell on each of them in more detail.

How the Frautest pregnancy tests work

Although Frautest tests have some differences in appearance and use, they are based on the same principle of operation. It is based on the determination of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in a woman's urine. This hormone begins to be produced in large quantities when the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus. Up to this point, the level of hCG in the body of men and women is approximately the same and is at around 5 mIU / ml.

If conception has occurred, then after 10 days the level of hCG in the blood will increase by 2 times, and after 14 days it will reach 25 mIU / ml. Accordingly, its concentration in urine will also increase and will continue to rise every 48 hours.

All Frautest tests are equipped with a litmus strip, which, after being exposed to urine, turns crimson. It is a control and indicates that the test worked. The second strip remains invisible, provided that the pregnancy has not occurred. However, when the level of the hCG hormone rises in a woman's urine, the streak appears.

Ultrasensitive tests Frautest. Manufacturers of the Frautest test system are constantly striving to improve their product, so not so long ago devices appeared on the market that determine the level of hCG in urine already at 15 mIU / ml. While earlier this threshold was 25 mIU / ml. Accordingly, thanks to such sensitive tests it became possible to determine pregnancy a few days earlier (2 days before the expected start of menstruation).

Nevertheless, deciding to use such a test, a woman should be prepared for the fact that the reliability of the result will be the lower, the earlier she conducts the research procedure. While performing the test on the first day of a missed period guarantees detection of pregnancy in 99% of cases. Accordingly, the manufacturer equates the probability of an error to 1%.

Types of pregnancy tests Frautest, their pros and cons

In order to choose the best product for yourself from the entire Frautest line, you should familiarize yourself in advance with what the manufacturer has to offer you. Knowing what makes up the price of a particular device, you can save money without overpaying for unnecessary functions. So, there are the following types of Frautest pregnancy tests:

Frautest express. This test is a strip attached to a plastic backing. The strip is completely impregnated with a special reagent. To conduct a study, the strip must be dipped into a container with collected urine and left there for 5-10 seconds. At the same time, it is not completely immersed in urine, but only up to a certain point. After five minutes, it will be possible to evaluate the result.

It is Frautest Express that is the most popular product among the entire presented line of goods produced under this brand. The fact is that such a test has a low price, which averages 70 rubles. At the same time, he gives a guaranteed reliable result from the first day of the delay in menstruation.

As for the shortcomings of the test system, first of all, it is the need to collect urine in a separate container. Conducting a study with comfort will only work at home.

Frautest double control. The product is packaged with two test strips. In their own way appearance and in terms of use, this test system is no different from Frautest express. However, the presence of two devices will relieve the nervous tension that every woman experiences when performing a pregnancy test. After all, the result obtained can be checked at any convenient time.

In addition, buying two tests in one package is cheaper than buying two tests in individual boxes. So, the cost of Frautest double control is about 120 rubles.

Frautest expert. This test is a cassette with two windows. Urine is applied to one of them using a special pipette that comes with the kit. In the second window, you can evaluate the result. According to the manufacturer, Frautest expert testing is the most accurate. At the same time, the procedure meets all hygienic requirements.

If we consider the price of such a device, then it will be slightly higher compared to conventional test strips. For Frautest the expert will have to pay about 170 rubles. The disadvantages of the test can also be attributed to the fact that for the study, urine will have to be pre-collected in a separate container in order to be taken from it with a pipette. Whereas it only takes 4 drops of urine to enter the window.

Frautest exclusive. This test is presented in a modern and stylish package. It is very convenient to use such a device, since it is an inkjet device. This means that no urine collection is required. Simply place the test under the stream while urinating. After 3-5 minutes, the result will appear in the window.

The disadvantages of the test include its high price. So, you can buy Frautest exclusive for an average of 260 rubles. The overpayment in this case is justified by the fact that the test is inkjet, that is, it is more comfortable to use it than conventional test strips. It is possible that for some of the women, the design of the device is important, which is quite attractive.

Frautest comfort. This test is a handy device for detecting pregnancy. It is very convenient to use, since it is jet, which means that urine will not need to be collected in a separate container. The procedure is as hygienic as possible, which is possible due to the unique elongated shape of the device. Testing can be done almost anywhere, including away from home.

If we consider the disadvantages of Frautest comfort, then its main disadvantage can be called a rather high cost. It averages 170-230 rubles.

General rules for conducting a pregnancy test Frautest

It is very easy to use Frautest pregnancy tests, because each product comes with individual instructions. However, in most cases it is not required, since the test is understandable even at an intuitive level. Nevertheless, you should not refuse to familiarize yourself with the official instructions, because this is the only way to reduce the risk of an error to a minimum.

General rules using Frautest to determine pregnancy are as follows:

    It is necessary to remove the device from the packaging and remove the protective cap, if any.

    The test is then exposed to urine. If this is a trickle test, then simply bring it under the stream of urine so that it hits the tip. In the case of a test strip, it is simply lowered into a container of urine to the desired level (it is marked on the device itself). If a test cassette was chosen for the procedure, then urine must be brought into a special window.

    To get the result, you need to put the test on a dry and flat surface.

    The average holding time is 3-5 minutes. However, the result can be assessed no later than 10 minutes after the study.

It is possible to determine pregnancy using the Frautest test no earlier than 2 days before the start of the expected period. Otherwise, the manufacturer does not guarantee a reliable result.

Evaluation of results. Any Frautest is equipped with special zones on which stripes appear. The first of them should appear under any circumstances, since it is a control one and indicates the correctness of the procedure. The second stripe, if visible, indicates pregnancy. When she is not there, the pregnancy did not come.

It should be borne in mind that the stripes should be approximately the same color and shape. If a woman has a very short gestation period, then the second strip that gives a reaction to hCG may not be too bright. However, it will fit across the entire width of the control zone. Weak color saturation is due to the fact that the level of hCG in the woman's body has increased, but has not reached the level of 25 mIU / ml.

The white strip that is on the test does not indicate pregnancy - it is just an undeveloped reagent. It may become more noticeable if there is too much urine on the device.

The woman should also have doubts about the presence of pregnancy in the case when the second (test) strip appears, but it is blurred or located in the place where the plastic substrate connects to the base of the test ( it comes about test strips).

A false positive is a result that indicates a non-existent pregnancy.

This can happen for a number of reasons, including:

    The woman is taking medications that contain hCG. They are prescribed for the treatment of infertility. A false positive result can occur both during the test while taking medications, and 10 days after the completion of the course. Such drugs, for example, are the drugs Profazi and Pregnil.

One of the faithful assistants of impatient girls who dream of learning about the onset of conception as early as possible is Frautest for pregnancy. Tests of this particular promoted brand are easy to buy at any pharmacy or supermarket.

Are these mini gadgets really true and easy to use? What are their advantages and disadvantages? What feedback do those women who have experienced them leave?

Test features

The frautest test is produced by a well-known German company that produces a whole line of tools not only for determining pregnancy, but also for diagnostic measures of varying degrees of complexity: ovulation, the presence of bacterial-type infections, diagnostics of amniotic fluid leakage.

Frautest for pregnancy determines conception, like other devices of this type, by the presence of hCG (chorionic ganadotropin) in a person's urine. From the moment the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine cavity, the amount of this hormone begins to increase, which is recorded by the tests.

All devices of this brand have a fairly high sensitivity, which is 15 IU. This means that when the level of hCG in the urine of a pregnant woman reaches 15 units, the test will show the presence of pregnancy.

The manufacturer claims that a reliable result can be obtained as early as 2 days before the onset of the expected menstruation. In this case, the diagnosis is allowed to be carried out at any time of the day, despite the fact that the result obtained in the morning is considered more accurate.

However, despite the assurances of the instructions that the accuracy of the study is 99%, cases of incorrect answers are not so rare. In addition, you can find reviews on the network that say that after the diagnosis there were no strips on the test at all.

Nevertheless, there are very few such negative statements by women. In most cases, false or no results are due to the following reasons:

  • Violation of operating rules;
  • Defective product;
  • Reception of a large amount of liquid before diagnosis;
  • The test was held upright after contact with urine;
  • The amount of urine was insufficient for the manifestation of the reagent;
  • Use of diuretics on the eve of the study;
  • Expired test.

Therefore, before buying, you should carefully read the rules for using the device, check the expiration dates. It is better to purchase a Frautest pregnancy test in large pharmacy chains or verified Internet pharmacies.

Which Frautest to choose

As we have already said, the frautest pregnancy test has several types, which differ from each other by the price category and the method of diagnosis. All tests of this brand are intended for home use.

Let's consider in detail their principle of operation and characteristics.

Express Frautest

One of the most popular representatives of this brand. Express Frautest are strips impregnated with a reagent that reacts to the level of hCG in the urine.

The price of the test varies from 60 to 80 rubles per strip. Which is very democratic for a highly sensitive test.

The strip is additionally protected from negative external influences by a sealed package that does not allow moisture to pass through.

Each carton is supplied with detailed instructions, which tells not only how to use the test strip, but also describes other diagnostic devices of this brand.

On one side, the strip is impregnated with a reagent that reacts to the level of hCG in the urine. With this side, the test is lowered into a container filled with urine up to the marked line. Then the strip is removed and placed on a dry horizontal surface.

The first should be the bright control strip. Its presence indicates that the test is not defective and is able to correctly diagnose pregnancy.

The second clearly distinguishable stripe is a sign of the conception that has occurred. If it remains white, then this time you did not become a mother.

Frautest Double Control

The diagnostic technique for this test is identical to the previous one. The difference is that there are 2 strips in one cardboard box. Each of them is in a hermetically sealed bag.

"Double" checking allows you to conduct the study twice to verify the result (for example, if the second band is faintly visible, you can repeat the test in a day or two).

By the way, from the point of view of cost, it is more profitable to purchase Double Control. After all, its price does not exceed 100 rubles.

Expert Frautest

This device is more expensive than previous copies. Its cost reaches 140 rubles. But it is also much more convenient to use.

This test is of the cassette type, that is, it does not need to be dipped in a container of urine.

A pipette is always included with the test, with the help of which a few drops of urine are placed in the place indicated on the test. It remains to be patient and evaluate the result: it will appear in 5 minutes in a special window.

Comfort Frautest

This device is the easiest to use, since it is enough to place the strip under the stream of urine to get the result. Just 5 minutes of waiting - and you can see the result of the study.

The test is hygienic. On one side it is equipped with a plastic handle, and on the other there is a strip with a sensitive reagent.

Comfort Frautest price - from 140 to 150 rubles.

Exclusive Frautest

This device, like the previous one, belongs to the diagnostic jet type. That is, to conduct a study, it is placed under a stream of urine.

It differs from its counterpart by the presence of a protective cap, which is used to close the reagent after research.

This Frau pregnancy test is the most expensive. In different regions of Russia, its price varies from 250 to 280 rubles.

Regardless of which type of diagnostic tests of this brand you have chosen, it should be remembered that the results of the study are evaluated within 10 minutes after the test. After this time, the results are invalid.

And if the second strip is barely visible?

In reviews of Frautest, women often talk about the manifestation of a slightly visible strip, wondering if it means the onset of pregnancy.

In this case, the situation can be twofold. On the one hand, if a woman diagnoses at the earliest possible date and the level of hCG is still very small, a barely distinguishable band can really be a signal of the onset of pregnancy.

On the other hand, some women evaluate the results much later than the stipulated time for this. In this case, a weak second stripe, especially if it is gray, is not a sign of the onset of conception.

In addition, if a lot of moisture gets on Frautest, the second weak streak that appears is an indication of its drying, and not a reagent. In any case, if a second, barely visible strip appears on your test, the diagnosis should be repeated after a few days, waiting for a delay in the menstrual cycle.

Recently, frautest for determining pregnancy has become popular, reviews of which are positive. It is intended for rapid testing at home. This device helps out when there is no time to go to the hospital for an ultrasound examination, and you want to determine the possible onset of conception as soon as possible.

Test read the instructions at home
Weak streak that these are several analogues
tablet high sensitivity

It is very important that the test is highly sensitive and accurate. Frautest fulfills these tasks perfectly, because its reliability is 99%. Ease of use and stylish design distinguish it from other tests.

Yes, no one is immune to mistakes. There are both false positive and false negative results. Sometimes the streaks may not appear at all. This means that the test is defective or the instructions for conducting are violated. But more often than not, Frautest is not wrong.

Basic principles of work

We are waiting for 10 to 20 minutes

Frautest, like any pregnancy test, operates according to a certain principle. It is designed to detect the presence of the "pregnancy hormone" (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine. It is always present in the body of men and women, but its concentration is maximum 5 mIU / ml.

As soon as conception occurs, a large amount of this hormone begins to be produced. After about 1.5-2 weeks, it is between 25 and 100 mIU / ml. Therefore, by the time of the diagnosis, the concentration of this hormone is greater than the sensitivity threshold of the test.

Home research can be done at any time, but it is believed that the result will be as accurate as possible in the morning. In the morning, the concentration of the hormone is highest.

According to the instructions, all test systems of this brand are highly sensitive. Therefore, as soon as the concentration of CHC reaches 5 mIU / ml, home diagnostics will be able to determine conception. The manufacturer claims that the exact result can be as early as 2 days before the start of the delay in the menstrual cycle.

Home diagnostics methods

Used at home

The most popular is "Express Frautest", which is the most popular and highly efficient, but at the same time with a low price. It is used at home at least two days before the delay in menstruation. The package contains only one strip in an airtight bag. All you need is:

  • dip the strip into a jar of urine;
  • leave in a horizontal position for 3-5 minutes.

Double Control "Frautest" is also very effective. The package contains two test strips so that you can re-diagnose and verify the result. The method of application is no different from that described above.

Among the pregnancy tests from Frautest there is also "Expert Frautest". Its price is much higher than that of the rest, and the methodology is somewhat different. The package contains a cassette and a pipette. Using a pipette, you need to collect a couple of drops of urine and place them on the designated place. The result will be visible in a few minutes. High reliability of diagnostics is guaranteed.

The invention has high accuracy

The advantages of "Comfort Frautest" include maximum hygiene and additional comfort. Includes a plastic holder with an ultra-sensitive strip. The test is placed under a stream of urine for a few seconds, and after a while you can see the result. The cost is high, but almost all the reviews about this diagnostic device are positive.

The highest price is the Exclusive Frautest pregnancy test. It is popular for its precise results and stylish design.

It is considered very convenient to use. The rules are similar to those described above: place urine under the stream with the sensitive side, cover with a lid and put on a dry, flat surface for 5 minutes. In spite of high price, there are many fans of this test.

All tests of this company are in high demand. Every woman can find something that suits her in terms of quality and price. That's just the result you need to watch a maximum of 10 minutes after the test, otherwise you can get a false answer. There are several analogs that are also quite common.

General rules for conducting

Be sure to read the instructions before performing a pregnancy fraute test. If the device is of a jet type, it only needs to be wetted with a stream of urine. If you bought simple test strips, there will be a little more steps.
They are all standard.

  1. Collect urine in a jar.
  2. Lower the test strip to the drawn line.
  3. Wait 30 seconds.
  4. Lay on a flat surface.
  5. Assess the result after 4-5 minutes.

Conception occurred if a second appeared near the control strip. It can be red or pink. If, after the expiration of the due period, you see only one strip, then there is no conception.

Sometimes the control strip does not appear, which indicates a defective test. In this case, carry out one more diagnosis. Before doing a pregnancy fraute test, look at the photo to have a visual idea of ​​what a positive and negative result looks like.

According to the instructions for use, you can store frautest for pregnancy in a room with not very high temperature... Frautest's home diagnostic tests have gained confidence in their availability, accurate results and ease of use. With this tool, you can ideally plan the date of conception, and then check the level of acidity of the vaginal environment, the possible presence of Candida fungi. So, as you already understood, with a positive result, two stripes appear: diagnostic and control. However, there may be a situation when not a single strip appears.

If the testing methodology is not violated, and you strictly followed the instructions, then the test is defective. There are several other reasons: you did not hold the diagnostic device in an upright position, but in a horizontal position, or the amount of urine was too small.

Even if you performed a Frautest pregnancy test and followed the instructions carefully, the result could be false negative or false positive. There are several reasons for this:

  • a large amount of water drunk before testing;
  • diseases of cardio-vascular system, kidneys;
  • abortion;
  • the presence of a tumor;
  • HCG treatment with drugs.
If the second strip is weak

Many girls, when doing frautest for pregnancy, see a weak second strip and look for photos on the Internet to figure it out. However, a weak streak is not always a confirmation of the conception that has occurred. Carefully read the instructions, which indicate the exact time required to obtain a reliable result. It varies from 1 to 5 minutes. If you look at the result after a longer time, the result will be unreliable. A weak streak may appear, but it does not indicate a positive result.

A weak streak is not always a confirmation of the conception that has occurred.

A faint gray streak should also not be construed as a positive response. This is a drying line, not a reagent reaction. A similar phenomenon can be observed in cases where a lot of moisture has got on the test. Also, a weak streak may appear when the diagnosis is carried out too early, a woman has a low hCG level or an abnormal pregnancy. The strip is very pale after taking drugs containing hCG, after an abortion, miscarriage, with a hormonally active tumor.

The instruction says that a pale streak can be regarded as a positive response. But you shouldn't hope so. Sometimes a false positive result appears. If Frautest does not show the presence of pregnancy, it is worth making the diagnosis again. Perhaps the test was defective, or you violated the instructions.

Some girls believe that a weakly developed second strip indicates an ectopic or frozen pregnancy, but this is not the case. Usually tests diagnose only the very fact of a completed conception, and the location fetal egg they cannot determine. "INEXSCREEN" is an exception. However, you still need to go to an ultrasound study to find out where the fetus is developing.

Sometimes girls write reviews that they made a pregnancy test even before the delay, and the result was a pale second streak. To dispel doubts that the diagnosis was carried out too early, see your doctor. It is necessary to take into account the fact that home diagnostics will reveal conception a maximum of two days before the onset of a delay in menstruation. Try to diagnose again after a few days.

Larisa Ivanova:

I read many reviews on the Internet about the Frautest ultrasensitive pregnancy test and decided to buy it. Already on the 4th day of delay, he showed that conception had occurred. The doctor confirmed, so I will recommend the remedy to my friends.

Alexandra Kapustina:

When I needed to conduct a home diagnosis to determine pregnancy, I immediately went to the pharmacy to find out how much Frautest costs. The price is not cheap, of course, but I bought it. He showed a positive result, but after the ultrasound it turned out that this was a mistake. Perhaps a defective test was found.

Angelina Uba:

I chose a pregnancy test at the pharmacy, and the doctor advised Frautest. Spared no money and bought it. He showed two stripes. I decided to make sure of this and passed a blood test. It turned out that the test didn't lie.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist