Make a gift for March 8 from sweets. The most original candy gifts

Hello everyone, hello !! How is your mood ?? Are you ready for spring ?! I'm definitely ready !! I really like to watch how icicles appear on the roofs and begin to drip loudly in the bright sun, how all nature comes to life, and people all come to life and become more beautiful !!

It is probably no coincidence that Women's Day is celebrated in the first spring month, because everything hints at how to congratulate the lovely ladies and once again remind them that they are the personification of beauty and beauty.

Of course, an important issue on International Women's Day is the question of whether. According to the classics of the genre, men give flowers and sweets, children prepare postcards and crafts, and we buy various accessories for our friends and colleagues.

But today I suggest you show your imagination and all your handicraft abilities, and make a gift for March 8 with your own hands. And presented in one piece, they will help you make the right choice.

By the way, if your skills are at a high level, then you can even sell gifts, now such a business is popular on the Internet, so think about this idea. After all, works of authorship are valued very well.

From the very beginning, I want to show you various options for the so-called holiday, which are suitable for beginners and experienced needlewomen.

I have explored the vastness of the Internet and here are what interesting work found:

  • Flowers, of course, top the pedestal. They are usually decorated in a bouquet and most often made from sweets and corrugations.

I already talked about how to make such a gift from tulips, if you missed it, take a look.

  • Symbolic eights made of satin ribbons and beads can serve as an excellent decoration.

  • And flowers created in any technique can not only be collected in a bouquet, but also decorate chocolates, gift certificates.

  • Well, where without. Probably they are on a par with bouquets in popularity. Don't you think so ??

  • Look at this elegant shoe. Just a great and original gift for a lady !! We will talk about such work in detail a little later, so read on.

  • Here's a flawless option decorative flower in a pot, for those who know how and love to sew.

  • This is an excellent topiary, here you must already have certain skills and abilities.

  • Such a present is very easy to prepare. Bake muffins, decorate them gift paper and ribbons, print any text, attach with a stapler and the gift is ready. Such a product is very suitable for congratulating colleagues at work.

  • A simple card made of cardboard, corrugated paper and candy with ribbons.

  • Here are presentations for your favorite girlfriends or classmates. Looks great !!

  • Well, we give such a magic jar to the sweet tooth, and to all the girls, because we love sweets !!

  • And here's another very creative idea congratulations. Make a paper cake, put a wish and a surprise inside each piece.

  • And if you don’t know what to give and don’t know how to work with your hands)) although I doubt it of course)) then blow up the beautiful Balloons after putting the treasured pieces of paper there, let the lady buy herself what she wants. And the gift will still be personal, because you earned the money with your own hands))

  • This is for tea lovers. Make beautiful packaging and on each bag print wishes, warm words, glue. So your present is ready.

As you can see, all gift ideas are very simple and require inexpensive materials and very little time to make. But they will give odds to any purchased product. So do not be lazy, but do something on your own, the recipient will be very pleased.

By the way, perfumery will be an excellent gift, but not purchased, but made by hand. I came across an interesting article on this topic, look, I think the girls will be delighted !!

Master class on making a basket of sweets

But now I still want to dwell on flowers again. And I want to show you in detail how you can make a whole basket of edible flowers. Intrigued, then get down to business.

You will need: corrugated paper green, corrugated flower paper (select the color you want), small candy, floral wire, tape tape, strong threads, scissors, basket.

Manufacturing process:

1. Cut 6 petals 4 cm wide by 7 cm high from corrugated paper. Then 5 more petals 6 cm wide and 7 cm high.

2. Round off the edges of the petals.

3. Pull out each piece along its entire length, but do not touch the edges.

4. Cut out the sepals for the flower as shown in the photo. Stretch the middle from the edge to the top of each workpiece, and twist the edges a little.

5. Fasten the candy on the wire with a thread.

6. Take one of the wider petals and wrap it around the candy so that you can't see it.

7. Also wrap the other 4 wide petals tightly so that the height is the same.

8. Now tape the narrower rose petals. Place them 2 opposite each other. They also need to be strengthened tightly.

9. Tap the sepals with tape.Make lots of flowers and arrange them nicely in the basket. By the way, you can not buy a basket, but also make it yourself, for example, from newspaper tubes, see below.

These are such beautiful roses!

See what other beauty can be done:

Or you can supplement the usual bouquet with champagne and a bottle of wine.

And also give more soft toy, which you can sew yourself, or buy.

And this work just won my heart !! Such tenderness !!

It is just such baskets that are very successful to make for sale, they are in special demand.

Making a present for colleagues from newspaper sticks

And now I have one small question for you. Do you like reading newspapers ?? Or are you the proud owner of a pile of newspapers ?? You are probably already laughing and do not understand why such questions are.

It turns out that such miraculous gifts can be made from ordinary newspapers that no one in life will guess what they are made of. Doubt ?! Then see what kind of products you get.

  • Pin cushion

  • Bottle holder

  • Wall decoration

  • Candy bowl

You see what kind of beauty it turns out. And all this is done from newspaper tubes. If you are not yet familiar with this technique, then it's time to figure out all the nuances. BUT step by step wizard the class will help you in this matter. We will learn how to make a vase.

You will need: a tube of paper towels, scissors, PVA glue, a handle bar, any decorative elements, colorless varnish to cover the product.

Manufacturing process:

1. Cut strips from newspaper.

2. Then roll them into a tube using the rod from the handle, while holding the rod at an angle.

3. At the end, the edge must be greased with glue so that the tube does not fall apart.

4. Make a lot of tubes in this way. Take the tube and paste over newspaper tubes round. Wait for the elements to dry. You can cut the top of the vase evenly, or fantasize.

5. When the product is dry, paint with gouache in any color.

Like these ones beautiful products can be done from scrap materials.

Gift for March 8 from coffee

Now the main elements in the elaboration of presentations for Women's Day will be real coffee beans. Describe in detail what and how I will not, since everything is clear.

Throwing ideas for you, and you already bring them to life.

The simplest work that even a child can handle, a gift eight.

And here is a beautiful panel for your beloved mother.

Unusual coffee composition using a bowl.

Or such a tree of desires.

And here are the cute magnetic hearts.

Or how do you like this version of a wicker mug and a horseshoe for luck?

And this is generally a cool gift - homemade scented candles.

Or a variant of a holiday card, and you can't say that they made it themselves, as if they bought it.

I think such works will conquer anyone. After all, it is not only beautiful, but also fragrant))

Do-it-yourself gifts for mom

Now let's see what we can think of for our mothers. Maybe you already have a present, share it, I will be grateful.

Of course, on this beautiful day, March 8, daughters and sons congratulate their beloved mothers. Here are some ideas for you.

Beautiful greeting pots. Execution format - application.

Do not forget about origami and napkin twisting techniques.

But what kind of newspaper you can make, isn't it original? And I think mom will be very pleased to see this in the morning. Moreover, such work can be done by all together, both dads and children.

And this is for those who own the technique of soap making. Looks very elegant !!

Patchwork potholder, how do you like it? In my opinion, a very bright assistant in the kitchen.

That's quite simple craft: cloth napkins decorated with buttons. A great gift for mom from her daughter.

A self-made family photo frame is always welcome and will delight you for sure !!

Check out what cool vases you can make with regular bottles and decorative tape. You can even take colored duct tape. Just wow !!

Or a variant of a pencil vase. You can take cardboard as a basis, then paste over everything with pencils and you're done !!

I don’t know about you, but I really liked such products, they are bright, beautiful and are not at all difficult to perform.

Video on how to make a gift in the form of a shoe

Well, as promised, back to the shoe. I decided to show you a small plot of how to make such a cute presentation. So take a closer look, ask questions, if any, and go to work !!

Here are a couple more photos of options for gift shoes.

  • The easiest way is to fold the cardboard craft and decorate it.

  • You can take a finished shoe and simply decorate it with paper, flowers to your taste.

  • Or a variation for children, made in the form of an applique.

Well, just unearthly beauty turns out!

Interesting felt surprises for International Women's Day

And finally, festive work for those who love to sew. We take everyone's favorite material - felt, and begin to create.

Well, where without flowers, well, you just can't do without them !!

How do you like this spring photo frame ?! The truth is lovely !!

These are very simple, but such amazing roses !!

Purse for storing sewing materials. I'll tell you about it below.

Such a simple and delicate panel. The level of work is for beginners.

Or maybe you yourself will sew slippers, for example, for your mother or grandmother ?! How do you like the idea ?!

And attention, what I promised. I'll tell you now how to make it yourself, or rather sew such a useful purse.

You will need: multi-colored thin felt, 2 small buttons, thread, needle, scissors.

Manufacturing process:

1. First, cut out the organizer parts from colored pieces of felt. The sizes can be changed depending on your needs.

2. Now sew open and closed pocket, scissor pocket. And sew a piece of felt for needles with a seam "needle forward".

3. Sew the sheets of felt on which all the pockets have already been sewn onto the base of the organizer. You can put cardboard rectangles between the elements of the parts, so the product will not lose shape.

4. It remains to sew the buttons on the pocket flap and to fasten the organizer, then cut the loops. And you're done.

That's all for today. Any more ideas ?! Do not hesitate and write in the comments, because the more gifts, the more choice we will have for creativity. All the spring sun and warmth !!

Tue, 06/03/2018 - 13:45

March 8 is already very close and men probably have already broken their heads, thinking about what to give to their chosen one, mother or sister. Of course, there are a number of gifts that men usually give on International Women's Day. But if you think that flowers, jewelry or a toy are too trite and boring and you want to show your creative side and do something with your own hands, then we have prepared for you a collection of gifts for March 8, which you can easily bring to life.

White Chocolate Truffles

An exquisite dessert for lovely sweet lovers. Don't forget to pack your truffles in a nice box.

What do you need

    220 g white chocolate;

    70 g butter;

    3 tablespoons of whipping cream;

    a pinch of salt;

    vanillin - on the tip of a knife;

    60 g icing sugar.

How to do

Grind 170 g of chocolate, add butter, cream, salt and vanillin. Place in the microwave for 1-2 minutes, stir the mixture every 30 seconds. Remove the mixture from the microwave and stir again until smooth. Warm it up a little more if necessary.

Cover the container with foil and refrigerate for a couple of hours until the chocolate mixture hardens.

Then use a teaspoon to shape the mixture into small balls. Dip them in powder and shape them with your hands. Place truffles on a parchment-lined dish and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

Chop the remaining chocolate, melt in the microwave and stir until smooth. Using a fork or skewer, dip the chilled truffles into the chocolate icing. While the frosting is still hot, you can sprinkle the truffles with coconut, chopped nuts, or confectionery sprinkles.

Place the candies on parchment paper and refrigerate for 10-15 minutes.

Tea bags with photos

Tea is a rather commonplace gift, but tea in homemade bags with your favorite photos will be remembered for a long time.

What do you need

    white paper coffee filters;

  • sewing machine;

    delicious small leaf tea;

    photo paper or thin cardboard;

    thick white threads or thin rope;

How to do

Cut out two small, identical rectangles from the coffee filters. On the sewing machine sew them together on three sides, stepping back a few millimeters from the edges.

Fill the resulting tea bags, fold the corners and sew the top on a typewriter. If you decide to make round bags, then leave a small hole in them for tea, and then just sew it up without bending anything. Make a few more sachets in the same way.

Select your favorite photos, reduce or crop them in a graphics editor so that they are the same size. Print on photo paper or cardboard, cut out and punch holes in them with a needle. Cut a few threads 10-15 cm long and thread them through the holes in the photo.

If your tea bags are rectangular, use a stapler to staple the strings by bending the top edge of the bag. And if round, then sew them to them. It remains only to choose a beautiful packaging for your gift.

Paper tulips

Make a bouquet of paper flowers, glue to a card, or put in a small flower pot.

What do you need

    1 sheet of double-sided pink, red or yellow paper measuring 15 × 15 cm;

    1 sheet of double-sided green paper measuring 15 × 15 cm.

How to do

Detailed instructions for making paper tulips:

A vase for flowers

You can put artificial or paper flowers in it or insert a water bottle for fresh flowers.

What do you need

    4 rolls of scotch tape;

    multiple sheets of double-sided paper different colors;

  • pencil;

  • several sheets of A4 double-sided green paper;

    a skein of twine;

    glue gun;

    some thick white cardboard.

How to do

Lubricate the edges of the bobbins with glue and glue them tightly together. Cut the sheets of paper into 6 × 6 cm squares. Flowers will be made from them, 10-13 such squares will be enough for a vase. Fold them diagonally in half, then again draw a petal on the fold and cut out. Using scissors, lightly curl the edges of the petals. Press with a pencil in the middle of the flower and glue the bead there.

Then make leaves out of green paper. In order not to be mistaken, watch the video. It shows in detail how to do this.

Wrap the string around the bobbin blank, glueing the ends with a glue gun. Circle the bottom of the blank on white cardboard, cut and glue the circle to the bottom. Then glue the flowers and leaves to the vase.

Bouquet of pompons

A beautiful bouquet that will never fade.

What do you need

    yarn of white, beige and pink shades;

  • several thin twigs;

    white spray paint;

    glue gun;

    green felt;

    white lace braid;

    pink ribbon;

How to do

Wrap three fingers with yarn of the same color 50-75 times. Pom poms can be made in different sizes by wrapping two or four fingers. The more yarn you use, the more voluminous the flowers will be. After cutting the thread of the pom-pom from the skein of yarn, cut another thread 20 cm long.

Pull this thread between your fingers and tie in a knot, securing the pompom as shown in the photo.

Carefully remove the pom-pom from your fingers and tie it in a tight knot again. Cut the resulting loops in half.

Beat up the pom-pom and trim any loose threads for the perfect ball. Make a few more pom-poms in the same way.

Paint the branches with white paint and let them dry. Then glue the pom-poms to them.

Cut out a double piece of felt for each flower. Glue the leaves to the stems.

Cut off strips of braid, ribbon and twine to the same length and tie a bow on the bouquet.

Photo frame made of paper tartlets

Such a photo frame with children's photos will delight a mother or grandmother.

What do you need

  • A5 sheet of colored cardboard (¹⁄₂ A4 sheet);

    a sheet of white paper in A5 format;

    green paper or felt;


    paper tartlet.

How to do

Cut the cardboard 1 to 2 cm on each side. Round corners or cut edges. Glue the cardboard to the white paper. Cut the stem and leaves of the flower out of green paper or felt.

Cut a circle out of the photo along the diameter of the bottom of the tartlet. Glue the photo to the tartlet and the tartlet to the stem.

You can make several flowers with your favorite photos. And with back side sign who this beauty is intended for.

Volume postcard

What do you need

    1 A4 sheet of double-sided pink paper;

    some double-sided yellow paper;

  • pencil;

    purple felt-tip pen;

    purple handle;

    pink marker;

    1 sheet of A4 double-sided cardboard, purple;

    some yellow and pink cardboard;

    glue-based rhinestones;

    white braid.

How to do

Cut six identical small squares from pink paper and one from yellow paper. Fold them in half diagonally, then again. With a pencil, draw a petal on them, as shown in the video, and cut along the outline.

When you unfold the blank, you get a flower with eight petals. Color six of them as shown in the video and cut off one unpainted. Lubricate the second with glue and glue the adjacent petal to it.

Then glue the flowers to each other. The video shows you in detail how to do this. Fold the purple cardboard in half and round the corners. Glue the flower in the middle of the card, cover it and press down with a book until the glue dries.

Decorate the outside with strips of colored cardboard, rhinestones or something else, and inside with beautiful white braid.

Fabric bracelet

A stylish gift for a lover of unusual jewelry.

What do you need

    8 strips of knitted yarn of different widths, approximately 15 cm long;

    wide clasp for the bracelet.

How to do

Weave a pigtail from three strips. To the right and left of it, place the remaining strips and secure the ends with a clip with a clasp. By the way, instead of knitted yarn, you can use strips of fabric from an old T-shirt.

Salted dough pendants

For such a gift you will need a minimum of funds and efforts, but it looks very impressive.

What do you need

  • 3-5 tablespoons of water;

    stamps (instead of them, you can use boxes, frames and other objects with carvings);

    silver paint;

    black water-soluble paint;

    some water;


    paper towel;

    suspension holders;

    black ribbons.

How to do

Combine flour and salt. Add water and knead the dough. It is better to pour in water not immediately, but gradually in order to achieve the required consistency. The dough should be plastic and not sticky to your hands.

Roll it into a layer 5–7 mm thick and cut out the pendants. You can make pendants in the form of hearts, squares, circles, droplets, flowers and much more. The rest of the dough can be wrapped in plastic wrap or put in a container with a lid and left in the refrigerator for several days.

Use stamps to make a drawing on the pendants. Make a small hole at the top for the tape. Place the pieces on a baking sheet and bake at 100 ° C for 1–1.5 hours. The dough should harden completely.

Let the pendants cool and paint them silver. You can use regular or spray paint. After the pendants are dry, dilute the black paint with water and paint the patterns on the jewelry with it. Then wipe off the paint with a damp paper towel. This will give the pendants a rare look.

Insert the holders into the holes, and in them - the ribbons.

Felt earrings

Two stylish options for real fashionistas.

Feather earrings

What do you need

    a piece of cardboard;


    some felt in contrasting colors;

  • small carnation;

    2 gold-colored connecting rings;


    2 small chains of gold color;

    2 gold-colored earring hooks;

    beads - optional;

    fishing line - optional.

How to do

On cardboard, draw a feather pattern for the earrings. Use it to cut out two pieces of felt of different colors. Connect them together, and hammer in a nail from above to make the holes for the hooks.

Bend the rings with pliers and insert into the holes. Attach chains and hooks to them. You can attach beads to the end of the chain using a fishing line.

Earrings with stones

What do you need

    some felt of a neutral color;

  • glue gun;

    2 connecting rings;

    2 studs.

How to do

Cut two identical ovals out of felt. Line them with a pattern of rhinestones and glue them to the felt.

Make small holes on top of the earrings and insert the connecting rings into them. Attach studs to the rings. If you could not find suitable ear wires, then glue beautiful rhinestones to the usual ones.

Hair combs

If you fail to find exactly the same materials for these beautiful accessories, then take inspiration from master classes, connect your imagination and transform the combs in your own way.

Golden comb

What do you need

  • ribbon of golden leaves (look in textile stores);

  • black, transparent and gold beads;

    glue gun.

How to do

Cut two ribbons to the length of the comb. Thread the line into the needle and tie the ribbon tightly to the comb by threading it through the teeth. Tie a second ribbon on top so that the leaves are facing in the opposite direction.

Then decorate the comb with beads by gluing them or attaching them with fishing line.

Comb with stones

What do you need

  • some black felt;

    plastic or metal hair comb;

    multi-colored stones, beads, rhinestones;

    glue gun;

Hey! The time has come for the most delicious, original and funny gifts! Believe it or not! But we will compose together today! I hope we will surprise everyone with how we decorate the holiday! Therefore, I propose to announce the agenda and open your own creative workshop!

Various options for serving treats to the table

It would seem, well, why invent something, make up some compositions, when the pastry chefs have already invented and composed everything for us in their desserts? And what can you think of, because you can't bend and stick candy? Therefore, I'll start by telling you about the "abilities" of sweets. Of course, in the first place - they delight us with their taste. But what can be done with them, and what ideas embodied in delicacies?


  • Different in shape and size. This means that you and I can choose exactly the ones that suit us the most.
  • Designers of confectionery factories have already “rewarded” candies and chocolates with bright “clothes”. And we can use this in our work.
  • You cannot glue the treats themselves, but you can fasten them to the wrapper or by wrapping them in paper packaging.
  • Alternatively, you can simply tie the candies together to create a peculiar bouquets.
  • If the dessert is in a box, you can think about how to decorate a box of chocolates.

We will try many of these options. And we will try to add a little creativity so that something original will turn out from the simple.

Do-it-yourself sweet gifts

Let's consider several versions, which gifts you can make:


Well, a very tasty bouquet in 1 minute

I'll start from the very simple option a bouquet that even a man who is not interested in needlework can master. We make a bag, as for seeds from bright paper and fill it with beautiful goodies, you can dilute it with fresh flowers.

Lily bouquet mini

The second option is more complicated, but in principle, everyone can also do it.

In one of the articles, I have already said how you can "hide" sweets in small bouquets... And today we will make lilies.

We will need:

  • Sweets;
  • Corrugated paper (wide tape);
  • Wire;
  • Glue;
  • Green paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Sanitary rubber tape;
  • Pot.

Let's do it together in stages do it yourself flowers.

Candy roses

Simple roses with Rafaello

Candy crocuses

Bottle decoration

And again, several options.

One of them is simple. Need to wrap champagne beautiful paper or a cloth, a scarf. And inject flowers with chocolates in a wavy line.

But decorate champagne can be more complicated and in an interesting way... The whole bottle, up to the neck, is wrapped with double-sided tape. Sweets are attached to it with "tails". In this case, it doesn't matter what it will be, chocolate or lollipops, but it is important that their shape is round and that the wrapper is yellow. It is safer to stick on hot glue, but also be careful not to melt the candy.

The neck of the bottle is formed by strips of green paper with a pointed one end. The junction of the "grass" and "bumps" is masked with a bow. We get ... pineapple!

Candy cake

Favorite treat or original present! And again, I will spoil you with several options:

  1. Decorate the finished port (prepared by yourself or purchased) on the sides with sweets, the length of which is slightly higher than the height of the cake. From above, you can pour or pour chocolate. Or make an installation out of chocolates. Or even easier - decorate with a beautiful marshmallow.

  2. Cardboard cake. The top can even be decorated with fresh flowers.

    We make several layers of "cake" from cardboard. To do this, cut out the circles. 2 large - bottom and first layer, and then smaller and smaller circles. We fasten the cardboard along the edge on the first circle with an edge. We put the second circle on it. Etc. When all the work is done with the cardboard, we place the candies on the sides and glue them to the cardboard, and then we tie them with a beautiful ribbon. It remains only to fill the horizontal surfaces. You can do this with M & M's dragees, or any other sweets.


The most relevant figure is. We will make it with the help of the bobbins remaining from the scotch tape. First, we cut out circles of the same diameter as the bobbins. And we close the holes with them. Now we attach oblong candies to each babin. The main thing is that their length is greater than the width of the bobbin. We tie it with ribbons. This is how you can connect both parts of the figure eight. It remains to apply the pattern to the circles. You can write wishes on them.

Again, let's diversify this option:

  1. Glue wishes for each delicacy and pack in a cute bag.
  2. Cooking DIY gift candies... We put a nut, raisins, a piece of an apple, etc. inside them. And we paint: if you come across a nut, to your surprise. Raisins - for fun ...
  3. We make new packaging for dessert out of paper. We write wishes and pack each chocolate bar. Whoever prints out will read what we want to wish him!

I wish you all inspiration! BUT good mood with such crafts guaranteed!

There is still time until March 8, and therefore visit the site for new ideas. I offer a sumptuous menu in which crafts constructed from different materials... You will have a choice. You will be able to stop at a material that is more convenient for you and your crumbs. And to receive all the articles, and not to miss a single one, subscribe. Invite your friends, and you will have topics that will be interesting for you to discuss together!

And for today I'm finishing. Bye Bye!

Probably every woman is looking forward to the approach of one of the most wonderful and tender holidays - March 8th. Men are no less worried about him. True, if the former crave him because of receiving immense attention and care, the latter think about how to surprise their soul mate and present to her a pleasant surprise... Of course, this is a very difficult task, especially considering that modern woman difficult to surprise with anything.
A gift made in the "handmade" style can be a way out and an excellent solution. Perhaps this will be an addition to the main gift, but, one way or another, it will definitely make a strong impression. In other words, you can surprise a friend, mother, wife, acquaintance with the help of a hand-made thing. About what crafts are worth giving and how to make them, we will consider in more detail in the article.

What kind of crafts are better to give?

If you have clearly decided to donate a hand-made craft by March 8, then you will certainly have a question of what to choose, and what kind of "handmade" is in fashion today. Therefore, here is a list of the most popular gifts of this kind.
Perhaps, a more popular and more beautiful gift than flowers - no, but since it comes to handicrafts, then the flowers should also be original and handmade:
  • flowers made from paper;
  • flowers hairpins;
  • original painted bouquets.
An undoubted sign of attention will be a postcard, again invented and realized at home.
Various jewelry is always in fashion.
Of course, the choice is by no means limited to this, because one has only to show a little imagination and creativity, and then the matter is small.

DIY gifts on March 8: a little about the secrets of technology

Making gifts with your own hands requires not only creative invention, but also patience, attentiveness, as well as an understanding of the technology of their creation. That is why here are some tips on how to make a handmade gift.
As we have already noted, one of the simplest, but most beautiful gifts for International Women's Day is considered to be a bouquet. One of the options for such a bouquet can be a set of lush flowers from paper napkins... Such a thing is easy to create and requires a minimum amount of materials. In particular, you will need:
  • scissors ;
  • glue;
  • stapler;
  • and, of course, the main "ingredient" is napkins. Moreover, you can combine different colors, a monophonic version is also possible.
Armed with everything you need, follow these steps.
  1. Fold napkins in half.
  2. Staple in the center using a stapler and cut around the circumference.
  3. Straighten the petals, removing the circles towards the center, starting from the top layers.
  4. Glue the resulting flowers to the base, which can act, for example, a balloon.

DIY postcard for March 8

Again, using your creativity, you can create any postcard. We will give one example of the implementation of such an idea.
To create a postcard with flowers for March 8, we need:
  • paper;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • Scotch;
  • decor (buttons, beads).
So, the steps to create.
  1. Fold the cardboard in half.
  2. Fold back two corners from the front side of the future postcard, so that they coincide in the middle.
  3. Using glue, attach small paper bows to the resulting triangles.
  4. The back surface can be decorated with any decor (beads, paper cuttings, etc.).
  5. After complete drying, put under the press.
Thus, whatever gift idea comes to your mind, the main thing is that it was made by you. This will not only pleasantly surprise the recipient, but also show your true sincere attitude, since hand-made gifts are made with love.

The arrival of spring is in itself long-awaited and arouses joyful feelings. And the presence in this season of a gentle and beautiful women's holiday - March 8 - causes even more positive emotions! Flowers and sweets are sold everywhere, and there are long lines in stores, and not only in those that sell cosmetics and jewelry, but also in creative stores. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that it is very pleasant to give gifts, and if they are made with my own hands, it is doubly pleasant. Such a gift will definitely be unique and memorable.

In this master class, I will show 10 options on how to make DIY crafts for March 8 with step-by-step unique photos. Such crafts will become wonderful gift mom, grandmother, friend or colleague.

Spring women's holiday involves giving gifts to all the fair sex. We have been following this tradition since childhood, when we began to make gifts to our mothers and grandmothers in kindergartens. After all, a gift made by children's pens is always highly appreciated and evokes only positive emotions.

At the same time, the process of making such gifts has a beneficial effect on the child himself, as it develops fine motor skills his hands, promotes the manifestation of imagination and creative self-realization.

DIY crafts for mom on March 8

In this master class, we will make such a sweet gift.

For this we need:

  • candies;
  • wire;
  • Scotch;
  • scissors and round nose pliers;
  • artificial leaves of grapes.

To shape the candy into a grape shape, use double-sided tape to glue one tail to the candy.

Using round-nose pliers, we make a loop on the wire and fasten the candy.

We fix it with tape.

We begin to collect 3-4-5 candies in a bunch.

Now we begin to collect a bunch of grapes.

We wrap the twig with green adhesive tape.

We attach the leaves.

It remains only to arrange our gift - for this, a not high basket is best suited.

Our candy grapes are ready!

Jewelry box "Dear mommy" using decoupage technique

You can make such a box with your own hands as a gift for mom using decoupage technique. It is necessary to prepare suitable decoupage cards or napkins in advance.

We need an empty box, we took a metal tea box.

We cover it with acrylic primer.

Such decoupage cards can be ordered online.

We tear the map into uneven fragments.

We put it in water for a few seconds.

We transfer it to the transparent film (file) face down.

And we carefully apply it to the box.

Cover the top with a brush with PVA glue.

When the box is dry, cover it with transparent varnish.

Chocolate girl "Mom on March 8"

A beautiful postcard-chocolate, where you can put your sweet surprise, will complement the main gift in an original way. In addition, the chocolate maker can be used as an envelope for money, or you can put tickets for a concert or a trip into it.

If you just give sweets, then after they are eaten, there will be no memory of the gift, and if you present them in a chocolate maker, then after tea drinking, there will be beautiful card and a lot of pleasant impressions. Beloved mother will be pleasantly surprised by an unusual handmade present.

To make a chocolate maker using the scrapbooking technique, we need:

  1. Thick white cardboard;
  2. Blue paper with polka dots;
  3. A sheet of paper in a box;
  4. Glue;
  5. Ruler;
  6. Awl or sharp scissors;
  7. Scissors;
  8. The inscription "Mommy";
  9. Decorative paper flowers;
  10. Stamens;
  11. Gauze;
  12. Hair spray;
  13. Purple and blue pastels;
  14. Half beads;
  15. Ribbon;
  16. Double-sided tape;
  17. Pendant "Heart".

To get started, draw a diagram of a chocolate maker on a sheet of paper, or print it on a printer. This master class has ready template... The dimensions of the postcard correspond to a standard chocolate bar.

Place a ruler against the fold line and draw firmly with an awl to mark fold lines and then bend the cardboard easily.

Glue the chocolate bar together.

Glue the chocolate bar together. From the bottom, so that the chocolate does not fall out, glue a small strip of tape.

Let's start decorating the front side. Cut the patterned cardboard to the required size, cut out the inscription.

Now you need to tint the edges of the decorative cardboard. Rub the blue and purple pastels with the sharp edge of the scissors. Dip a dry cotton swab in the pastel and rub it over the edges of the picture.

Cut off a piece of gauze, sprinkle it with hairspray and wrinkle it.

Twist the stamens together and stick to the gauze. Plant decorative paper flowers on glue, add an inscription, decorate it all with half-beads.

Using a ribbon, tie a metal heart to the gauze, tie a bow, and singe the edges of the ribbon with a lighter so that they do not fall off.

Make a bow at the bottom of the postcard and decorate with half-beads in the form of a flower. Hide the edges of the tape under the inside of the cardboard.

Use thick double-sided tape to glue the decor to the chocolate card. Thanks to this tape, a space is formed between the postcard and the decor, and the finished product looks more interesting and voluminous. On the inside, glue thin satin ribbons on the edges of the card so you can tie it.

Now you can write for mom the warmest and sincere words, put a chocolate bar inside, tie on both sides and the gift is ready!

DIY gift for grandmother on March 8

DIY paper teapot

Such a teapot will be a wonderful gift for mom or grandmother. In the arsenal of any hostess there are beautiful plates and a salad bowl in which she serves delicious festive dishes to the table when guests come. A completely different matter is the usual tea drinking with friends who dropped in. It does not provide for the use of plates with snacks and meat dishes, so you will not be able to surprise guests with beautiful dishes.

What do you usually serve tea bags in? In a box or on a platter? This master class will tell you original idea unusual and beautiful presentation of tea bags.

You will learn how to make an extraordinary paper holder for tea bags. It is made in the form of a teapot. Are you interested? Then rather prepare the necessary material:

  • a piece of wrapping paper with a bright print;
  • a sheet of white cardboard;
  • glue stick;
  • scissors;
  • pen (pencil);
  • stencils in the form of a teapot and a small cup;
  • thermal gun;
  • ruler;
  • braid, delicate flowers, bows and other ready-made decor details.

First, take a piece of cardboard and cover it on one side with brightly colored wrapping paper. Use a glue stick to securely bond these materials.

It turns out a sheet thick cardboard with a print in the form of roses.

Now prepare your stencils. Images can be found on the Internet and printed on a printer. If you know how to draw well, then draw the silhouettes of a teapot (teapot) and a small cup yourself.

Trace each stencil 2 times, touching them to the colorless side of the cardboard.

Cut out the blanks and cover them with wrapping paper on the second side.

It turns out there are 4 parts that are needed for the subsequent work.

Cut 2 strips out of the remaining cardboard. One should be 5.5cm x 15cm and the other 2.5cm x 9cm.

Cover each piece with rose wrapping paper, and then fold it twice.

Now you need to assemble all the parts into a single structure. First glue the stripes using a glue gun. Apply glue to one part of the teapot and fix the curved strip as shown in the photo. Glue a narrow strip to the cup.

Glue the second part of the teapot and cup to the strips symmetrically to the first one.

It turns out 2 blanks with deep "pockets".

Now the cup needs to be glued to the teapot.

The main work is done, it remains only to decorate the stand. You can use pieces of braid, bows and flowers.

Glue the bows on the central part of the craft, the flowers on the lid of the teapot, and place the strips of braid on the bottom and top of the teapot.

This is what the finished craft looks like.

You can put napkins in a large "pocket", and in a small bags with tea or coffee.

Or this option: in a large "pocket" place tea bags with different tastes and coffee in sticks, and in the small hole in the cup will fit bags of sugar.

Such an original stand for tea, coffee and sugar bags will become a real decoration of the tea ceremony. It will cause surprise and genuine interest among the guests, and the process of drinking tea will become twice as pleasant.

Potholder for grandmother on March 8, crocheted

Another gift for grandmother in the same red and white colors is an elegant potholder, which can also serve as a napkin for hot dishes, decorate the kitchen, and make it more comfortable. The potholder is tied in two colors with single crochets using elongated loops. Leftover yarn can be used for knitting.

Materials and tools:

  • inexpensive Karachai yarn in two colors;
  • hook number 3.

Abbreviations used in the text:

  • RLS - single crochet;
  • CCH - double crochet;
  • VP - air loop;
  • Runway - air lift loop;
  • US - doubled column.

We start knitting with the Amigurumi slip ring. We work with red yarn.

1 row. We put the free end of the thread in the left palm, and wrap the working thread around the index finger of the left hand. We introduce the hook into the ring, pick up the thread and knit a loop, fixing on the ring.

2 row... 3 runways, 15 SSN. We pull the ring tightly at the free end and knit a connecting loop into the third lifting air loop.

In this row, together with the runway, there should be 16 CCHs. Next, we knit the entire fabric with single crochet columns.

3 row... 2VPP, * 1 RLS, US (i.e., knit 2 RLS in one loop of the previous row) * Repeat the pattern between the asterisks until the end of the row. The addition in the next rows will always occur over the last of the doubled columns, which will divide the circle into 8 sectors. Finished the row with a connecting loop.

4 row. 2 runways, * 2 RLS, US. We repeat to the end of the row. Finished the row with a connecting loop.

5 row. 2 runways, * 3 sc, the fourth column is doubled. We repeat to the end of the row. Finished the row with a connecting loop.

6 row. 2 runways, * 4 sc, double the fifth column. We repeat to the end of the row. Finished the row with a connecting loop. When knitting a connecting loop, change the color of the yarn to white.

7 row. We knit with a white thread. 2 runways, * 5 sc, 1 US. We repeat to the end of the circle. Finished the row with a connecting loop.

When knitting a connecting loop, change the color of the yarn to red.

8 row. We knit with a red thread. 2 runways, * 6 sc, double the seventh column. We repeat to the end of the circle.

Finished the row with a connecting loop. When knitting a connecting loop, change the color of the yarn to white.

9 row. We knit with a white thread. 2 runways, * 7 sc, double the eighth column. We repeat to the end of the circle. We knit a connecting loop and change the color of the yarn to red.

10 row. We knit with a red thread. 2 runways, * 8 sc, double the ninth column. We repeat to the end of the circle. We knit a connecting loop and change the color of the yarn.

11, 12, 13, 14 rows. We knit with white yarn.

We double one column in each sector. For the rest, we knit in the same way as in the previous row. Each sector should have 14 single crochets. When knitting a connecting loop of the fourteenth row, we change the color of the yarn. Cut and fasten the white thread. We won't need it anymore.

15 row. In each sector, after the doubled column, we knit 2 RLS, the next column we knit with an elongated loop in the column of the thirteenth row, the next - in the column of the twelfth row, the next - in the column of the thirteenth row.

On each of the eight sides of the polygon, there are two groups of loops. different lengths... We knit two RLS between them, after the second group of loops we knit 3 RLS. We finish the row with a connecting loop.

16 row. We continue to knit with a red thread at 15 RLS, double the sixteenth column. So we knit in each sector.

17 row. We knit in the same way, doubling one column.

Row 18. We finish knitting according to the same pattern, only after finishing the last circle, we knit a loop. We collect 16 VP and, having closed them in a ring, we tie the ring with twenty single crochet columns.

Now you need to lightly steam the product through a damp ironing iron, giving it a finished look. The potholder is ready.

The master class was prepared by Svetlana Chalkina

Crafts for a friend with their own hands

If you want to give your girlfriend some jewelry or scarf with flowers, but think that it is not very interesting, then take and make them yourself! Such a gift will be individual and will definitely not leave your friend indifferent. And you can put a piece of your soul into it, and at the same time show your imagination and love for your friend. In this master class, prepared by Anna Moiseeva, we will crochet a light necklace!

In order to knit such a necklace, we need:

  • thread of blue, light blue, white;
  • hook 1.75 mm;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • chain.

For knitting such a product, it is better to take thin yarn. The thinner the better. Our necklace will consist of 7 circles. 1 of them will be the largest and centered. The other 6 are 2 sets of 3. The sets will be the same.

Let's start knitting from the center, that is, from the largest circle. We knit 12 stbn into a sliding loop with blue yarn. We close the circle of the cn and tighten the ring.

We knit 1 row of blue yarn, adding every 2 loops in a row. Closing the row, we change the thread to white. We carry out a row, adding every 3 loops of the row.

And it remains for us to knit the last row. In it, we perform additions every 5 loops of the row. The central circle is ready.

The next circle will have only 4 rows. First, we form a sliding loop with blue yarn and perform 12 stbn into it. This will be considered the first row.

Then we change the thread again, but now to white. We add after 2 loops. Once again we change the thread to blue and knit a row, performing increments every 3 loops of the row.

We knit 1 more exactly the same circle. It remains for us to connect the last 2 circles. These are the smallest details of the necklace.

We knit again 12 stbn in a sliding loop with a blue thread. Then we change it to blue. We carry out a row with an increase through the loop.

We knit the same circle. Now we just need to collect the necklace. To do this, you first need to expand it in order to understand how to sew the parts.

Then we sew 2 smaller circles to the central large circle. Sew on from different sides.

And then we sew others on these parts. And at the end we sew the smallest circles.

The last step is to chain. We attach it to the loops of the circles. The crochet necklace is ready!

Craft - surprise "Candy Message" for March 8

When there is no desire to give a close friend a banal gift, such as others can give, your head breaks with thought and violent fantasies, but nothing wise comes to mind, you can follow simple advice... The best solution in your situation is to make a gift with your own hands! For example, you can make a "Candy Message" gift. It requires little investment and half an hour of free time.

In order to make this gift, you need to purchase a vase for sweets in the store and the sweets themselves, which, of course, should be tasty and beautiful in appearance. As a candy bowl (instead of a vase), you can use a decorative box, satin bag, small basket and more.

Also, to make a gift, you will need several short satin ribbons of any width (or thread) for winding scrolls and paper "scrolls" for wishes. As a decoration and addition, you can use chains and beads, as well as various decorative elements.

On the paper prepared for the scrolls, you need to write wishes, wrap the paper and tie it with a ribbon or thread. The number and size of the scrolls should depend on the size of the vase and the number of chocolates. The color of the ribbons should be in harmony with the color of the chocolates and the vase, or be neutral.

The candies must be placed in a candy bowl, and the scrolls with wishes should be beautifully placed between and on top of the candies. The gift is ready - stylish and fast!

Champagne with sweets

A traditional and at the same time banal gift for colleagues and teachers on March 8 is wine, champagne and sweets. In order not to change its essence, but to surprise with the design, you can create a unique bouquet of sweets or arrange a bottle this way.

Such one gift will contain champagne and goodies at the same time. It doesn't matter which sweets you choose for this, chocolate or caramels, if you know the taste preferences of the woman to whom you will give such a bouquet - great! Well, if not, then it's okay, take the most common ones and believe me, such a bouquet will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.

For work, you will need colored corrugated paper, cardboard, a plastic jar of yogurt, scissors, scotch tape, ribbons for decoration, threads, champagne and 7 sweets.

Making a skirt for the bottle. Cut the corrugated paper to the width of the bottle girth, two skirt heights. In this case, one edge should be 2 cm shorter.

Fold in half and stretch the paper widthwise along the fold line. With a short edge, glue the skirt to the neck of the bottle with tape.

We wind the long edge with thread to match the paper.

Draw a circle on the cardboard with a cap of a suitable size - this will be the base of the cap. From a jar of yogurt we make the top of the hat.

We wrap the blanks with paper, glue them.

Cut out rectangles 5 cm by 8 cm from corrugated paper, round off the upper edges with it. With your fingers, stretch the petals in width along the upper contour, a gentle wave is obtained.

We begin to wind the petals on the candies. One flower will need 5-7 petals.

We connect the blanks into a product. Tie a ribbon on the hat, glue a candy flower. Optionally decorate.

Stick flowers on the skirt in any order.

Petals from green corrugated paper will look beautiful with flowers. Decorate the neck of the bottle with a lace veil. Original gift set ready.

A classic gift set for a woman can look like a real work of art. Such a gift will not leave indifferent any woman.

DIY cards for March 8

As for the postcard, which does not require too much effort to make, it is imperative to use cardboard for its base, and the design can be done as an applique, decoupage, scrapbooking or origami. It doesn't matter in what style such a postcard will be, the main thing is that it should evoke tender feelings, be spring, bright, preferably with some flowers and contain warm words of congratulation. Usually, there are no difficulties with materials for such a gift.

A fluttering and weightless butterfly landed on a postcard designed to congratulate loved ones on a wonderful holiday - International Women's Day. This gift is quite within the power of a child to fulfill if he is already a schoolboy. Mom will be happy to receive this exquisite product, the efforts of the child will be appreciated. Since the postcard is made for congratulations on March 8, you can fantasize a little, make the central figure not quite ordinary.

Let the butterfly wings remain chic and spreading, bright and eye-catching. But let the body itself be made in the form of number 8. This is the main highlight of the proposed presentation. Not everyone dares to beat the figurine of a simple insect in this way, but the result will turn out to be truly beautiful.

To create the same bright and unusual postcard, prepare:

  • dense cardboard base;
  • plasticine for creating a background, drawing, lettering and additional decoration;
  • a toothpick that will allow you to draw on plasticine, as well as attach small balls.

DIY greeting card modeling

Take whatever you need to work with. A big plus is the brightness of the plasticine, the brighter and more attractive in color the material itself is, the more expressive the postcard will be. The selection of plasticine shades is already half the success.

To get started, very carefully apply a juicy green plasticine to the surface of the cardboard. Try to make the layer very thin, smooth the pieces into different sides... It does not matter that the light surface of the cardboard will show through. This will create an unusual, slightly aged effect. In general, the craft will look harmonious.

Blind a thin purple sausage. It should be long enough to form the number 8. Glue the ends together to form a ring, then cross to get the part you are looking for. Make wings from bright orange plasticine. Knead the pieces of plasticine in your hands, then press down on both sides with your fingers, while simultaneously setting the appropriate carved shape for the wings.

Start assembling a beautiful insect. Of course, we only use the silhouette to decorate our wonderful postcard. Stick a figure eight in the center. Attach a pair of wings to it on both sides. Now we see a butterfly in front of us.

Roll up oblong white droplets from white plasticine. Make pairs of droplets of different sizes. These details are for decorating the wings. Stick a few on each side.

Also, glue the red balls with a toothpick along the edge of the wings. Write "Happy Holidays" above the insect. In this case, there is no need to indicate March 8, because the eight already appears on the postcard, so it is immediately clear to which holiday the craft is timed. Glue patterns in the corners to make appearance finished.

A beautiful gift doesn't have to be expensive. The main thing is to make it from pure heart and spare no imagination. Beautifully pack a present, tie a bow, now present with nice words to a loved one.

Plasticine roses greeting card

It is customary to depict flowers on postcards dedicated to International Women's Day. This is the most desired and the most beautiful gift for the fairer sex. And even if you don't know what to give, flowers will always help out, this is a win-win option.

But in this lesson, prepared by Elena Nikolaeva, it will not be about how to choose a beautiful gift, but how to make it yourself. We offer an unusual volumetric option - a postcard decorated with a bouquet of plasticine. Central buds are roses, additional branches are blue cornflowers. The card looks tender and rich at the same time.

Materials for the postcard:

  • thick cardboard;
  • multi-colored plasticine: red, yellow, green, blue and white;
  • thin toothpick.

How to make a beautiful DIY greeting card

Before you is a canvas. It doesn't matter what color it will be. Pay more attention to its density and size. Choose a size for your craft, as well as a background color that will perfectly match the buds in the bouquet.

Fill the background completely with bright plasticine. Since it is necessary to independently apply bright plasticine in a thin layer to the surface, initially the color of the cardboard is not important.

A beautiful bouquet can be made rich, beautifully complemented with simple wildflowers, for example, cornflowers. Florists often do this. For small graceful twigs, prepare thin green threads and green leaves, small blue beads.

Glue thin green twigs with leaves under one side of the card first.

Then press each leaf down with a thin needle to make the surface more believable and textured.

Collect the small cornflowers. To do this, combine 4 blue balls together, press down with your fingertips to get petals. Insert a white ball in the center. Attach the resulting flowers to the ready-made branches.

Make 10-20 blue wildflowers. Paste in different places. On top of the white bead in the center, press down with a toothpick, also press each blue petal.

Now move on to the rose leaves. They should be much larger. Make green flat droplets. Draw veins on top with a thin tool.

Collect several combinations of thin green threads and the resulting carved drop-shaped leaves.

Glue green leaves randomly over the field branches.

For beautiful roses, prepare red plasticine. Cut small pieces from the block.

Press down and smooth each piece so that you get a flat oblong petal.

Start twisting the petals in spirals, forming beautiful red buds.

Form 3 buds. This will be enough to fill the picture.

Attach all rose heads to the bouquet. Now we have a wonderful floral arrangement.

To make the inscription "Congratulations!", Stick a pink stripe somewhere on the side. Make an engraving with the sharp tip of a toothpick.

If desired, fill in the empty space with small multi-colored plasticine balls to create a rainbow picture as a whole.

Beautiful greeting card with a bouquet of flowers from plasticine is ready.

Gifts made with your own hands for any occasion are highly appreciated and arouse interest and affection for them. Of course, you can't say for sure that any woman will be happy with some small gift that you make with your own hands. After all, many expect chic and elegant gifts from their soulmates. In such cases, a homemade gift can be presented as an addition to the main and refined one.