Holidays of working professions. Professional holidays (calendar by dates)

Usually, parents scare young children who do not show diligence in their studies with the fate of a janitor in the future. However, every professional is important for the country, be it a doctor or a shoemaker.

Professional holidays in Russia

Some dates are celebrated on a grand scale throughout the country, others are celebrated modestly, in narrow circle like-minded people, associates and family members. And there are days marked by the state, but known to a few; even the culprits themselves sometimes do not know when their work can be officially glorified.

It’s all over the place, but in Mother Russia people love to take a walk. So why not hit yourself in the chest at least once a year, boasting of your knowledge, experience and self-importance?! So smart men made a calendar professional holidays in Russia. Let's be curious about when workers in which industries are supposed to take a walk.


02.12. Congratulations to those lucky people who work at the bank.

03.12. Praise be to the lawyers!

04.12. Congratulations to computer scientists.

07.12. Our favorite networkers offering easy income without investment - this is your date!

08.12. Holiday of Treasurers of Russia.

10.12. Communications workers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, please accept congratulations.

17.12. Vivat to the couriers of the Russian state and the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces)!

12.18. We honor the employees of the internal security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. We also congratulate the registry office workers.

20.12. Celebration of the FSB and realtors.

22.12. How important it is to save it now - energy. Happy Energy Day!

23.12. We honor the long-range aviation of the Air Force.

27.12. Festival of Rescuers. Low bow!

12.01. Professional holidays in Russia in the new year begin with the honoring of prosecutors.

14.01. Pipeline troops are walking. Did you know about these?

15.01. Investigators note the date of founding of their (investigative) committee.

21.01. Well, they should know about the engineering troops - this is their holiday.

25.01. Students' holiday? Yes! But not only. We honor the navigators of the Russian Navy!

31.01. A very significant date is “The Day of the Drunken Jeweler”. That is, Russian Vodka Day and Jeweler's Day.

08.02. Praise to military topographers. And scientists of all stripes should be congratulated.

09.02. Civil aviation salute!

10.02. Intrigues, adventures, treaties, other countries... Diplomats are walking!

18.02. The Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Transport also secured a date for itself.


We remember professional holidays in Russia further, the mood is already more cheerful - it’s spring after all. And the first day is immediately very rich in reasons, but we are only talking about professions.

01.03. Firstly, forensic experts, and secondly, Internet providers (and everyone whose work is related to the Internet) accept congratulations.

03.03. You'll never guess! Theater Cashier's Day. Who would have thought!

09.03. Again cartographers, but civilians, and also surveyors. Glory!

10.03. Unofficially - Day of archives, and of course, their workers.

11.03. Drug control is on the move and private security guards are on the move!

12.03. This day is probably well known to those behind the barbed wire. We praise the workers of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

16.03. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who monitor economic security also need to take a break from their work.

08.04. Oh, and these are tough men - employees of military commissariats!

12.04. Everyone knows this date. Many people's dad is an astronaut!

13.04. It doesn’t seem like a profession, but so much good in the world is done by the hands of patrons and philanthropists. And there’s nothing to say about the air defense troops!

15.04. The Day of Electronic Warfare Specialist was established by the President of the Russian Federation.

18.04. The holiday of radio amateurs, you see, has something in common with the previous one.

19.04. These people are unlikely to know about their holiday - in the scrap processing industry it is very dangerous to be distracted.

21.04. Chief accountants! We've waited!

27.04. There is a holiday on the street of notaries and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who protect science and deal with it.

30.04. Wake up, firefighters!

05.05. Codebreakers and divers unite! Walking together is more fun.

07.05. Simply - Radio Day.

08.05. Do you know that there is a Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation of Russia? That's it! And also the penal system and its operational workers!

13.05. Russian Convoy Day.

14.05. Freelancers, you can take a walk.

18.05. Day of museums in general and their workers in particular.

21.05. I really want such professions to become a thing of the past - Military Translator Day. And let the BTI workers stay.

24.05. Human Resources Worker's Day.

25.05. Not kindred spirits, of course, but people of science - philologists and chemists. Congratulations!

26.05. Salute to desperate, clever, simply crazy - Russian entrepreneurs!

27.05. Not of this world, or rather not in this world - librarians.

28.05. Congratulations to the valiant border guards and SEO optimizers.

29.05. Military Motorist Day. And don't forget about customs veterans.

30.05. Where are we without them? Welders, strong arc!

31.05. But out of necessity, it’s better not to get to know these citizens, but it’s good to have acquaintances. Gentlemen, lawyers, congratulations!


We continue the list of professional holidays in Russia. Spring was rich in military professions, let's see what summer brings us.

01.06. Being a child is, of course, a difficult profession, but being a land reclamation worker is not easy either.

05.06. Unfortunately, representatives of this profession are becoming increasingly needed - ecologists.

08.06. Who doesn't love the movie "Office Romance"? Here it is - a holiday of textile and light industry. And also congratulate people with big hearts - social workers.

14.06. Migration service workers, brewers and furniture makers!

20.06. Specialists of the mine and torpedo service of the Russian Navy, vivat!

21.06. Congratulations to the dog handlers at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

23.06. Populist musicians, happy holiday.

28.06. Salute to those who drive progress - inventors and innovators!

03.07. Traffic Police Officer's Day.

06.07. We honor workers of the river and sea fleet.

11.07. Light operator's holiday.

13.07. Guys, remember, here it is - Fisherman's Day. And postal workers too.

19.07. Congratulations to the lawyers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

20.07. They know everything about blast furnaces - metallurgists!

25.07. Congratulations are accepted by one of the most important office employees - System Administrator.

26.07. It's beautiful, but dangerous - to jump with a parachute. Paratroopers, fair wind!

27.07. A holiday for workers of two gigantic (in many indicators and properties) systems - the Russian Navy and trade.

28.07. PR specialists are gaining strength and popularity. Keep it up!

01.08. Congratulations to the collectors and special communications service workers.

02.08. Its destructive power is equal to Last call- Airborne Forces Day!

03.08. Railwaymen's Day in general.

27.08. This is a fairy-tale world, and it is made by wizards - film workers.

31.08. Miner's Day.


Professional holidays in Russia are not over yet. Let's continue!

02.09. A day for those in the teaching staff and guards service. Firework!

04.09. Congratulations to nuclear support specialists.

07.09. They have their finger on the pulse of our economy - workers in the oil, gas and fuel industries.

08.09. A very capacious but pleasant profession is a financier.

09.09. Tester's day. Previously there were graphic artists, and now there are graphic designers.

11.09. Today teachers are walking, not in the gardens, but in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation!

13.09. Programmers of Russia, congratulations! And let's not forget about hairdressers!

14.09. Happy Tanker Day!

17.09. This is a holiday not just for personnel officers, but for HR managers!

19.09. Gunsmiths and secretaries, health to you!

20.09. Congratulate your recruiter!

21.09. They breathe full breasts- forest workers. Happy holiday!

27.09. The most stress-resistant are employees preschool institutions. Low bow.

28.09. Search among your acquaintances for nuclear industry workers, machine builders and general directors. Found it? Feel free to go congratulate!

01.10. Congratulations to the ground soldiers of the Russian Federation.

03.10. Everyone on the floor! Riot police are working! And sometimes he rests too...

04.10. Holiday for rescue (EMERCOM) and space forces.

05.10. Day of teachers and criminal investigation workers. Isn't that great?

06.10. Congratulations insurers!

08.10. A holiday for commanders of all types of ships (surface, underwater and even air).

12.10. Another HR Day.

19.10. We honor food industry and road workers.

20.10. Military Signalman's Day.

25.10. Celebration of cable industry and customs workers.

26.10. This is a classic - Motorist Day.

29.10. Workers of private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, light duty!

30.10. Congratulations mechanical engineers.

31.10. All attention to the workers of pre-trial detention centers, prisons, as well as sign language interpreters.

01.11. Bailiff's Day. Are there many people willing to congratulate you?

05.11. Glory to Russian intelligence officers!

10.11. Celebration of a police officer.

12.11. Congratulations to Sberbank employees and everyone who cares about our safety.

15.11. Congratulations to the fighters against organized crime.

16.11. Congratulations to the designers.

17.11. Day of the district police officer.

19.11. Glaziers, rocket men, and artillerymen, hurray!

21.11. Congratulations to accountants and tax specialists!

22.11. Celebration of a psychologist.

27.11. Marine Day. The appraisers should also be congratulated.

Well, Janitor's Day was never found... It's a pity.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 15 books.

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Professional holidays in Russia

Professional holiday is the day of the profession. A tradition has developed these days to reward the best representatives of a particular profession at the state level.

On this day they spend corporate events , where they not only relax, but also congratulate the best workers.

Profession Day- a wonderful reason to congratulate loved one on his professional holiday.

Second Sunday in March– Day of Geodesy and Cartography Workers

Third Sunday in March– Day of Trade, Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services Workers

March 29– Legal Service Specialist Day in Armed Forces Russian Federation

First Sunday in April– Geologist Day

Second Sunday in April– Air Defense Forces Day

Last Sunday in May– Chemist’s Day

Second Sunday in June– Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers

Third Sunday in June- Day medical worker

Last Saturday in June– Inventor and Innovator Day

First Sunday of July– Day of Sea and River Fleet Workers

Second Sunday of July– Fisherman's Day

Third Sunday of July– Metallurgist Day

Last Sunday of July– Day of Trade Workers

First Sunday in August– Railwayman’s Day

Second Saturday in August– Sportsman’s Day

Second Sunday in August- Builder's Day

Third Sunday in August– Air Fleet Day

Last Sunday in August– Miner’s Day

First Sunday in September– Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers

Second Sunday in September– Tanker Day

Third Friday in September– Secretary's Day

Third Sunday in September– Forest Workers Day

Last Sunday of September– Mechanical Engineer’s Day

First Sunday in October- Teacher's Day

Second Sunday in October– Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers

Third Sunday in October– Road Workers Day

Last Sunday in October– Road Transport Workers Day

Our A new book"Name Energy"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our email address: [email protected]


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailings, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they lure people to various magic forums and deceive (they give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure money for performing magic rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our websites we do not provide links to magic forums or websites of magic healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations over the phone, we do not have time for this.

Note! We do not engage in healing or magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in written form, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website, in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities have not yet been able to cope with the growing influx of "Deception for profit" madness.

Therefore, please be careful!

Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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In Russia, state, professional, international, folk, church (Orthodox), and unusual holidays are celebrated.

The most important dates:

  • New Year
  • Christmas
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day
  • International Women's Day
  • Labour Day
  • Victory Day
  • Russia Day
  • National Unity Day

Russian public holidays are proclaimed in honor of the significant historical event in the life of the country. They are established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Some of them are declared holidays. Non-working holidays are listed in Art. 112 Labor Code Russia. On these days, official ceremonial events are held and the state flag is raised.

Professional holidays in Russia are established in recognition of the merits of specialists in various fields of activity. Most of them are fixed by decree of the president of the country or another normative act and is celebrated at the state level. Some are informal.

International holidays have global significance. They are celebrated all over the planet. Established by international organizations: UN, UNESCO, WHO, etc.

Church (Orthodox) holidays are days of remembrance of sacred events from the life of Jesus Christ, Holy Mother of God, John the Baptist or veneration of the memory of saints.

National holidays- spiritual heritage of ancestors. Most of them are related to events church calendar. Some arose during pagan times. Folk holidays have rich interesting traditions, customs and signs.

Unusual holidays are events that are distinguished by originality: dedicated to inventions, funny objects, fairy-tale characters, etc.

For those who celebrate company day in these two months, I will repeat our offer :-). We organize any holiday outdoors, in a restaurant or in the office:


July 2
International Day of Sports Journalists. The holiday of sports journalists is celebrated on July 2 - on the same day in 1924 the International Organization of Sports Press was created in Paris.

3 July
Traffic Police Day (State Traffic Police Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation). A service that ensures our safety on the roads and guarantees compliance with the rules traffic, was formed on June 3, back in 1936. And for seven decades now, the work of traffic police officers has been a respected and responsible profession.

1st Sunday of July
Day of workers of the sea and river fleet. Dreamers who connected their lives with seas and rivers celebrate their professional holiday on the first Sunday of July and realize continuous work one of the main sectors of the Russian economy.

July 11
Lighting Artist Day (Light Operator Day). It is with the help of light operators that all our holidays and events are filled with light. This became possible thanks to Alexander Lodygin, who received a patent for an incandescent lamp on July 11, 1874.

12 June
World Civil Aviation Flight Attendant Day. Workers of this romantic and very responsible profession guarantee the safety and comfort of passengers during the flight. Interestingly, this seemingly new specialty dates back to 1928 with the first steward to board an airplane.

2nd Sunday of July
Fisherman's Day. Since time immemorial, fishing has been not only a hobby, but also a way to feed oneself, and soon - other people. Fishermen fill our tables with delicious, fresh fish and seafood, so they rightfully celebrate their own professional holiday on the second Sunday of July.

2nd Sunday of July
Russian Post Day. Postal service employees perform a critical function in bringing people who are far apart from one another together. Postal service was used a thousand years ago, and under Peter I, regular postal service began to form.

July 18
Day of creation of state fire supervision bodies. On July 18, 1927, a decree was issued on the establishment of state fire supervision bodies, and since then employees of GosFire Supervision have guaranteed fire safety throughout the country.

July 20
International Chess Day. The most intelligent sport - chess - originated in India back in the 5th century, and since 1966, the World Chess Federation introduced a professional holiday for chess players, celebrated on July 20 throughout the world.

3rd Sunday of July
Metallurgist Day. The courageous and dangerous profession became especially in demand in the post-war period, making a huge contribution to economic recovery. To this day, metallurgists ensure the continuous operation of a key sector of the economy - the mining of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

Last Friday of July
System Administrator Day. This holiday was founded by American system administrator Ted Kekatos, who wished that important, but invisible at first glance, work would receive due gratitude.

26 July
Parachutist's Day. On the same day in 1930, a team of Soviet pilots made the first series of parachute jumps. This event was the start for the development of parachuting in Russia.

4th Saturday of July
Day of Trade Workers in Russia. Trade is an area without which it would be impossible modern life, and every fourth Saturday in July, the country honors those who have dedicated their lives to serving the public.

Last Sunday of July
Russian Navy Day. Perhaps one of the most memorable holidays both in the USSR and in modern Russia, which has the unofficial name of “Neptune Day”. Creation of a regular navy- the merit of Peter I, who for the first time built a full-fledged fleet consisting of ships of various classes.

July 28th
PR Specialist Day. The relatively new profession of public relations specialist has already received due recognition in Russia, and since 2003 a new professional holiday has appeared on the calendar.


August 1
Logistics Day of the Russian Armed Forces. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War It was on August 1, 1941 that the self-determination of the rear as a separate type of armed forces took place.

August 1
Cash collector's day. Transportation of funds is a service that requires honesty and responsibility. The collection service was formed at the State Bank of the USSR on August 1, 1939.

August 1
Day of formation of the Special Communications Service of Russia. Ensuring high reliability and secrecy, transmitting important information are tasks that the Russian Special Communications Service has been performing with dignity since August 1, 1939.

August 2
Airborne Forces Day (VDV Day). " Blue berets" - symbols of valor and courage. The professional holiday of paratroopers has been celebrated since August 2, 1930, when a group of 12 people was parachuted during an exercise near Voronezh.

1st Sunday in August
Railwayman's Day. The oldest professional holiday was established back in 1896 and is tied to the birthday of Nicholas I, who was the first to begin laying railways.

August 6
Railway Troops Day. Railway soldiers with their labor have made a huge contribution to victory since the time of the Russian-Turkish war. On August 6, 1851, Emperor Nicholas I signed the “Regulations on the composition of the management of the St. Petersburg - Moscow Railway,” which served as the basis for the emergence of the holiday.

August 7
Day of special communications and information of the Federal Security Service of Russia. The service, formed on August 7, 2004, is the successor to the KGB and operates secret information channels used by the president and other high-ranking officials.

8 August
International Mountaineering Day (Mountaineer's Day). On August 8, 1896, two fearless porters - Packard and Balme - were the first to conquer Mont Blanc, the highest point in the Alps.

2nd Saturday in August
Sportsman's Day. Mass holiday symbolizing healthy image life, is always accompanied by sports competitions and active events, and all employees physical culture receive well-deserved congratulations.

2nd Sunday in August
Builder's Day. Builder's Day was celebrated for the first time on August 12, 1956. To this day, workers in the construction industry have preserved the Soviet traditions of celebrating the holiday: ceremonial speeches, official meetings, awards and, of course, a feast.

12th of August
Air Force Day (VVS Day) of Russia. The holiday was established in 2006 as a symbol of recognition of the work of members of the Air Force. It is August 12, 1912 that is traditionally considered the day of the creation of Russian military aviation.

August 15
Archaeologist's Day. This day is not dedicated to any discoveries and is not a state day, but this does not prevent archaeologists from celebrating their professional holiday - the day of enthusiasts, discoverers and researchers of ancient human cultures.

3rd Sunday in August
Russian Air Fleet Day. The holiday of Russian Air Force employees has two origins: on August 12, 1921, Emperor Nicholas II ordered the formation of the first part of the air force in Russia, and on August 18, 1933, Stalin established the tradition of celebrating USSR Air Fleet Day in the USSR.

August 27
Russian Cinema Day. It dates back to August 27, 1919, when the new leadership of the country, understanding the need to develop cinema, signed the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars (Sovnarkom) on the nationalization of the film industry in the country. Since then, cinema has undergone global changes, but we still love old Soviet films.

Last Sunday in August
Miner's Day. The day to honor the courageous and dangerous profession was not chosen by chance: on August 31, 1935, a miner named Alexei Stakhanov exceeded the coal mining standard by 14 times! Since then, the term “working like Stakhanov” has appeared.