Children born in early December. What name would suit a boy born in December

Doctors have established the optimal age for the birth of the first child - 21-26 years, but many women continue to postpone the first birth to 35 years. This tendency is associated with the desire to build a career, to achieve success. Late motherhood, regarding the first-born, among doctors, has a number of alarming moments. An older woman is at great risk of carrying problems, the risk of various gene mutations increases, and one should not forget about past, acquired diseases that leave a mark on health. The age of the man likewise plays an important role. Scientists have proven that a man's fertility begins to decrease at the age of thirty (the chances of conceiving decrease). The biological clock is ticking, not paying attention to career plans, you should listen to the opinions and recommendations of doctors. The majority of couples began to plan for pregnancy, going through doctors in advance, strengthening their health. Also couples choose best month for the birth of a child.

Scientists have long been interested in the question of the best time for conception. Over the centuries, people have noted that the health and development of a child largely depends on the time of birth, scientists picked up this idea, began to develop, study. Thanks to research, it became known which months are favorable for the birth of a baby. According to research, babies born in winter are more susceptible to various diseases. Doctors associated a similar trend with the peak of viral, infectious diseases that weaken the immune system, affecting normal development. Social factors also play an important role, studies have proven the following: the well-being of the family, the education of the parents leave an imprint on the development of the baby. To find out as accurately as possible the best period of conception, birth without taking into account social factors, studies were carried out among families with several children born in different months. It has been proven again that the seasonal factor plays a key role in the development of children.

The best months for conceiving a child are summer: according to statistics, babies are born strong, get sick less. May turned out to be the most unfavorable; the number of cases of premature births, causing malformations, is increasing.

What time of year is it better to give birth, the pros and cons of the seasons

When planning conception, each couple knows in what period of the year the baby will appear. Doctors determined what time of year it is best to give birth, identified the pros and cons of a certain season.

Winter... Having conceived in winter, childbirth will take place in the fall. The first trimester falls on the peak of infectious, colds. This period is dangerous, organs, viruses are laid, infections can negatively affect the development of organs, plus the likelihood of miscarriage remains. Future mom should take care, avoid crowded places, try to increase immunity, eat right. Autumn childbirth falls on not the best weather. Frequent rains, dampness, cold can interfere with the long walks necessary for the baby, outbreaks of SARS are dangerous. On the positive side, the last period of gestation falls on cool weather: low probability of edema, poor sleep.

Spring... The birth will take place in winter. Conception in the spring is associated with the weakening of the organisms of the mother, father. Lack of vitamins causes hypovitaminosis, various vitamin and mineral complexes solve the problem. The first trimester overlaps with respiratory diseases, the last with cold, slippery weather, fraught with injuries, falls. Positives include the lack of heat, the cold makes it easier to endure the last trimester.

Summer... The birth will take place in the spring. Summer is the best time to conceive a baby. Excellent weather conditions. Fresh fruits and vegetables will help replenish the vitamin supply. The diet is healthy, complete, rich in nutrients and minerals. You will have to give birth in the spring, but hypovitaminosis of a nursing mother can negatively affect the baby, therefore it is very important to adhere to a healthy, varied diet that maximizes vitamin reserves.

Autumn... Give birth in summer. In autumn, the vitamin supply is at a high level, which is very important for the well-being of the mother, for the good growth of the embryo, which receives the necessary vitamin elements from the mother's body. There is an unfavorable moment - it is dangerous to get sick in the first trimester, and the autumn season is a period of increased incidence of influenza. The winter period is similar. The last trimester will take place in hot summer, a woman may experience problems with sleep, edema. Heat, stuffiness contributes to a deterioration in well-being, the production of melatonin decreases, which contributes to a favorable course of pregnancy.

Define the best time years for childbirth is challenging. There are positive, negative points in every season. It is necessary to make a decision exclusively for future parents, weighing the pros, cons and especially the health of the expectant mother.

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Name, given to man at birth, plays a huge role throughout life. It affects character and fate, therefore, its choice must be taken seriously and responsibly. Today, parents approach this process very ambiguously. Someone names a child in honor of a celebrity or politician (for example, Vladlen), someone in honor of great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, someone with foreign names, someone takes into account astrological features. Today we will focus on the selection of names for girls who were born in the first winter month. December is approaching, childbirth is expected and future parents are worried about choosing the name of the baby.

What is the best name for a girl who was born in December

When choosing a name, you can use the following options:

  • pick up according to the Saints (Orthodox calendar, which lists the names of the saints who are honored by the church)
  • in meaning and origin (the book of names will help, in which the origin and meaning of the name is revealed)
  • zodiac sign
  • rely on your preferences, feelings and tastes when choosing a name.

How to name a girl born in December according to the Orthodox calendar

Today, one of the most common is the method of choosing a name according to the Holy Calendar. December girls according to the Orthodox calendar were called: Anna, Fekla, Tatiana, Praskovya, Augusta, Ekaterina, Margarita, Maria, Tamara, Matryona, Glyceria, Varvara, Ulyana, Juliana, Anastasia, Anfisa, Evdokia, Alexandra, Angelina, Victoria, Sofia, Vera , Elizabeth, Zoya. The choice of a name according to the calendar is an old tradition of the Slavs. It is believed that the name given to the child according to this tradition serves as a kind of protection and amulet, and the child is under the patronage of a guardian angel all his life.

Another well-known method is the choice of a name by the zodiac sign.

Girls born before December 21 inclusive - Sagittarius... A short, bright and direct name like the arrow itself will suit them. Suitable option: Stella, Tamara, Sofia, Irina, Inna, Mirra, Valeria, Arina, Zhanna.

In the period from December 22 are born Capricorns... To emphasize the qualities of this sign, namely perseverance and seriousness, the name must sound firm, clear and confident. The following options are suitable: Olga, Darina, Regina, Victoria, Alexandra, Varvara, Margarita.

The combination of name and patronymic is also important. A short name and a long patronymic are well combined and sound - for example, Anna Vladimirovna, and vice versa, a long name and a short patronymic - for example, Ekaterina Igorevna, or the name contains the same vowels as in the patronymic (Victoria Anatolyevna).

What name to give your daughter is a very urgent question today. There are many options. You can use the Orthodox calendar, turn to the stars, look into the book of interpretation of the name, or name the child at the behest of the heart. Everyone decides in their own way.

But first, about the general trends of 2017 and plans to increase the family:

Those who have Rooster 酉, Rabbit 卯, Snake 巳, Ox 丑 in the hour may want to get pregnant or pregnancy will happen spontaneously), the likelihood of pregnancy also increases in those who were born on the days of the Tree 乙, 甲.
You should also not plan a pregnancy if there is a Rabbit-Rooster 卯酉 collision that affects the hour, especially if the Rabbit 卯 is in an hour.
Also, you should not plan a pregnancy if you just have a Rabbit 卯 in an hour
Also not worth it if you were born on Water Day (壬 , 癸) and there is a Rabbit in the card 卯
Or if in the NS hour there is Yin Metal 辛, and you were born on the day of Yang or Yin Earth 戊 , 己
If there are difficulties with conception, it is better not to choose March. If you look at the result (approximate time of birth), then conception in February, April, July, December 2017 is not the best choice. Note: it comes about the Chinese months (from the 4th-7th), so if your cycle falls at the end of the month, you can have time to give birth in the previous

They often argue - how critical this is, because they get pregnant and give birth in collisions and are quite successful. First, we are talking about general trends - a specific answer can only be given on a specific birth chart. Secondly, the problems listed above do not necessarily promise an unfavorable result, but automatically transfer a woman to a risk group. Of course, if age is running out, you can use such years and months, but then you should be very careful about the diagnosis before conception, the choice of the month for conception, the behavior during pregnancy and the choice of a doctor for childbirth.

Conception in January 2017 - probable birth in October 2017

It is also not the most favorable month for conception, since a child born in October will have a Rooster-Dog harm in the card, which indicates an increased risk of injury and is unfavorable for parents.

Conception in February 2017 - probable birth in November 2017

Conception in March 2017 - probable birth in December 2017

Not the most favorable months for conception, since those born in November and December 2017 can receive arrivals unfavorable for their parents in the birth chart. In addition, March 2017 is a rather conflict month and, if there are difficulties with conception, then it will not be easy to get pregnant.

Conception in April 2017 - probable birth in January 2018

For a person born in January 2018, a lot will depend on the birthday, so if you have the opportunity, choose another month for conception.

Conception May 2017 - Probable Birth February 2018

An interesting little man might be born in February 2018, so why not give it a try?)

Conception in June 2017 - probable birth in March 2018

If you have problems with water (in the bazi card), then the period for conception is not easy, for the rest it is quite suitable. A person born in March can choose a profession that is risky, so from childhood teach your child how to fall correctly and be attentive. He will also be charming.)

Conception July 2017 - probable birth in April 2018

The nature of a person born in April can be contradictory and conflicting, a tendency to injury is possible; so July is not the best month for conception.

Conception in August 2017 - probable birth in May 2018

Not the most favorable month if you have a choice.

Conception in September 2017 - probable birth in June 2018

For someone born in June, a lot will depend on the birthday. There is the potential for a very interesting leadership card. But, as you know, the life of leaders is not always easy, and from a health point of view, it will be more difficult to achieve balance.

Conception October 2017 - probable birth in July 2018

Also, a lot will depend on the day and hour of birth. In the chart of those born in July, both the month and the year are the pillars of solid earth, which can bring conservatism and stubbornness to a person's character. From a health point of view, I would also not recommend such a month for birth.

Conception November 2017 - probable birth in August 2018

Not the most favorable month for conception, since in the child's card, parents may be in a disadvantageous position.

Conception in December 2017 - probable birth in September 2018

Harm Dog-Rooster in the card born in September speaks of possible injuries in childhood. Such a child will need "eye and eye", so mobilize grandmothers in advance!

Conception in January 2018 - probable birth in October 2018

There is a lot of land in the map, but if the birthday is successful - no big deal! The character can be quite secretive, creative.

It's a pity, of course, that good luck family life or a rich destiny can be predicted only by knowing the birthday. But this gives us hope. Despite some unfavorable signs in the card for the month and year, a good day can make the card much better! So we cross our fingers and hope for the best! Your child himself knows in the end when it is better for him to be born)

© Natalia Tsyganova 2017

Young people, thinking about the birth of a child, often think about the baby's horoscope. How to plan your baby's zodiac sign? In this article you will find a table of zodiac signs by date of conception, as well as an astrologer's opinion on whether you need to plan anything at all.

The most favorable is the compatibility of the signs of one element:

PERSONAL HOROSCOPE - now available on our website. It is compiled according to YOUR individual birth data, that is, for you PERSONALLY. You will find out what the planets say about your personality.

For example, if the parents are Taurus and Virgo, then presumably the best option for the child will be one of the signs of the element Earth.

The compatibility of the signs of the zodiac of related elements is considered favorable. Fire is with Air, and Earth is with Water.

Sometimes women ask an astrologer about the periods of conception. To give birth to Aries, you need to conceive in what month? Or to have a Libra baby? You will find the answer in the table below.

Table for determining the sign of the zodiac by the date of conception

Is it worth planning a child's horoscope

Many expectant mothers diligently calculate good dates for conception, so that the baby is born under the "correct" sign. But is it worth doing it? Do you need such foresight?

The chosen zodiac sign does not guarantee that your relationship with your child will be perfect. Astrologers know that the character is influenced not only by the position of the Sun in his horoscope (this is the same zodiac sign we are used to), but also by the position of the Moon and planets.

Depending on how all these celestial bodies will be located at the moment of birth, the child's horoscope may turn out to be harmonious or complex. Every minute counts. Even babies born at intervals of half an hour have a very different fate.

At the same time, it is obvious that the exact date and time of childbirth cannot be predicted, even with a planned conception. Now we are not talking about a cesarean section (more on that below). The newborn's horoscope will be as fate directs.

What conclusion follows from this? There is no point in planning the zodiac sign of the unborn child.

In my opinion, it is more correct to rely on the will of fate. Let her define the best option conception and childbirth for you.

Zodiac sign planning example

Future parents Taurus (Earth) and Capricorn (Earth). After consulting, they decided that they wanted a Taurus baby. But fate decreed that the baby was born after the end of the Taurus period, his zodiac sign is Gemini (Air).

It would seem that the compatibility of Gemini with Taurus and Capricorn is problematic. However, in our example, in the infant's horoscope, several key planets ended up in Taurus. That is, in character, this child is very similar to Taurus, as the parents wanted.

At the same time, a few Gemini qualities will be very useful for the child - he will be more mobile and versatile than the classic Taurus.

Question: who lost from the described twist of fate? No one. Everybody won. And the situation could have turned out differently. The kid would have been born Taurus, but the key planets ended up in Aries (Fire). Nothing wrong with that. However, compatibility with parents is significantly worse than the first option.

What dates are not suitable for conception

There are no particular restrictions here. However, it is undesirable to conceive on the days of eclipses, as well as 3 days before and 3 days after the eclipse. Below are the dates of eclipses for several years in advance.

When an astrologer can help

It makes sense to consult an astrologer in a situation where you have to cesarean section... Usually, in such cases, doctors offer a choice of two or three dates.

The astrologer will analyze the dates taking into account the expected time of the operation and will tell you which of the dates is more favorable for the birth of a baby. Which of the horoscopes will be the most harmonious.

Of course, the choice here is very limited - only two or three options. Still, an astrologer will help to avoid the most unfavorable of dates. Of course, to solve such an important issue, you should choose a good specialist in astrology.

I wish you and your children health and well-being!