Preparation of pregnant women. Cooking the ligaments and muscles of the crotch: simple exercises

If you decide not to negotiate about birth with a specific doctor and did not choose a certain maternity hospital, while your pregnancy proceeds without complications and does not imply advance hospitalization, then the "ambulance" careta will take you to the hospital duty (the main thing is to call a medical team when first fights).

If the pregnancy passes normally, then at the 39th week, the body of a pregnant woman begins to intensively prepare for the birth of a child. On the eve of delivery, the following changes in the body of a pregnant woman are observed:

  • Pressure on all organs, and the strongest suffers bladder.
  • The appearance of nervousness.
  • The appearance of bleeding from the genital tract.
  • In-essential weight loss.
  • Testing mucosa.
  • either the liquefaction of the chair.
  • Raising appetite.
On the beginning of directly related activities are indicated by such signs:
  • At the bottom of the abdomen
  • constantly amplifying frequent contractions occurring at equal time intervals,
  • departure of the accumulation waters.
With the appearance of these signs, you can safely go to the maternity hospital.

Preparation for natural labor

Choose this option that does not assume surgical intervention and drug stimulation, extremely responsible future mothers who are thinking about the health of their child and take into account those negative consequences to which stimulated childbirth can lead.

Advantages for the child

  • Low risk of respiratory diseases. So, the squeezing of the chest kid helps to prepare lungs to independent breathing.
  • Stimulation of cardio-vascular system.
  • Getting protective during passage through the generic paths. Such bacteria colonized by B plays a crucial role in the formation of a balanced one.
  • Readiness for the emotional contact of the kid with his mother. The fact is that during the natural genera, the baby receives endorphins, helping quickly and comfortably adapt to life outside the womb.
  • Minimizing, which receives the crocha during childbirth, to a minimum.
  • The elimination of the negative effects of drugs used in cesarean sections and stimulating generic activities.
  • Contact to the skin of a child and mother. This contact is responsible for the exchange of necessary hormones.
Benefits for Mother
  • Fast restoration of the body.
  • The shortest stay in the hospital walls.
  • The emotional lift caused by the fact that the woman could give birth on their own (this positively affects the psychological state of the feminine).
  • Lack of either minimizing the risk of complications in future birth.
  • Exclusion of postoperative.
  • Applying a child to mother's chest immediately after birth.
  • A narrow pelvis or its abnormal forms, impede the passage of the child.
  • The presence of a tumor or scar changes on, in the vagina and the crotch.
  • In the zone of vagina and vulva.
  • Transverse or oblique position of the fetus in the womb.
  • Prelation of the placenta, which overlaps the inner uterine zev.
  • Too big mass of the fetus and the delay of its development.
  • Pupil loop preview.
  • The presence of pronounced fetoplacentage insufficiency, that is, a state in which the function of the placenta is disturbed, which entails its structural changes.
  • Various diseases, in the presence of the childbirth, are dangerous for the state of health and women, and the child ( we are talking About high degree, post-traumatic, infectious diseases, vaginal,).
  • Availability large sizes.
  • Neotallicity of the cervix to the process of childbirth with a dead pregnancy.
  • Preceding labor carried out with cesarean section.
All listed features are an indication to the cesarean section (otherwise the risk of tribal complications is extremely large).

Generic pain
Many women do not want to give birth naturally (that is, with minimal drug intervention), since they are afraid of generic pain, which performs an important function during childbirth.

During battles (subject to the lack of use of medicines), natural anesthesia occurs, significantly facilitating generic activities. In the course of such anesthesia, hormones-analgesics, which stop or reducing pain attacks are thrown into the blood of the fear.

It is a generic pain that activates maternal instinct. Please note that the baby also experiences pain at birth, besides, this process cannot be anesthesia. Therefore, moms who wish to survive with the child this difficult and painful moment often refuse.

Finally, the generic pain activates the mechanisms of the so-called bonding (or the inconsistent relationship between the mother and the newborn), which brings the mother and kid as much as possible.

Training for partnerships

To date, partnerships are a fairly common phenomenon, since the birth of a child is undoubtedly one of the most important events In the life of any family. However, it is necessary to approach the decision "to give birth together with her husband" as possible, since for an unprepared man, the process of childbearing can become a real shock.
Conditions for partnerships
  1. The desire of her husband. At the same time, it is important that he himself showed the initiative, and did not succumb to his wife's persuasion. If the husband is categorically against the presence in childbirth, it is not necessary to persuade it in this, let it be better to prepare a family nest to arrival from his wife's maternity hospital with the baby.
  1. Family harmony. The feminine should not be shy to seem to her husband unattractive at the time of birth or too aggressive.
  1. Her husband's preparedness. Before making a decision on joint birth, it is advisable to familiarize her husband with the stages of the flow of labor. Special courses will help in this for pregnant couples, video materials, special literature, as well as a conversation with a doctor who will take birth. Husband should understand that his task is not just to be in the same chamber with his giving birth to half, but also to actively participate in the sacrament of the birth of the baby (it is both physical and moral support).
  1. The absence of blood fear, at the form of which a man should not lose consciousness or composure.
  1. Positive attitude. The husband should clearly understand that childbirth is real magic.
  1. The readiness of both parents to certain discrepancies of the flow of the process of childbirth with the already established ideas. Thus, childbirth can pass rapidly, and they can delay over a few days, may be painless, and may be accompanied by severe pain. The main thing is to clearly perform the instructions of the medical staff.
  1. A set of analyzes handed to her husband, as well as necessary things. Thus, men who have surrendered analyzes on RW and HIV, HBS and HCV, as well as past fluorography are allowed to go to the maternity hall. In some hospitals, it may be necessary to conclude the therapist regarding husband's health. From things to the future dad should be replaced shoes, a bottle with water, something to eat (childbirth can delay), a camera or a camcorder, a disposable bathrobe, a medical hat, a gauze bandage.
Practical help husband
There are three periods of childbirth: the fight, the birth of a child, the expulsion of the pen. At each of these stages, the husband must behave in different ways, but the main thing is to keep calm and self-control.

This is the first and longest period of childbirth, during which nearby the husband helps to establish the regularity of the bouts. So, if in 30 minutes there are three - four contractions, you can go to the maternity hospital. In the walls of the maternity hospital, the husband helps the feminine to comfortably equip.

Being with his wife in the prenatal ward, the husband must encourage her, configure the positive outcome of birth. At this time it is very important to properly set up the breath of the wife, which because of the pain can be born. And here the husband must establish the rhythm and the pace of breathing, which will be copied by a woman in labor. Inhale is carried out through the nose, and exhale - through the mouth. It is the correct breathing that suits the organism with oxygen, soothing pain syndrome.

In the process of childbirth, pregnant is desirable not to drink water. But to dissipate a piece of ice or moisten the lips with water is quite possible. And here the help of a husband is invaluable, especially if the feminine is experiencing severe pain, not allowing her to move on their own on their own.

But still the main task of the husband is to alleviate the prenatal and labor pain. To do this, it is recommended to do an anesthetic massage consisting of the following manipulations:

  • light stomach stroke
  • more intensive stroking the sacroist-lumbar zone with palms or fists,
  • pressure on small symmetrical holes, which are located on the smoking (right above the buttocks),
  • massaging the inner surface of the thighs.
To reduce pain, during battles you need to walk more. And here the help of a husband is invaluable, because who, if not he, will substitute your strong shoulder, will listen to complaints and moans. With an increase in the fighting of the feminine often changes the location, so the husband must be prepared for such manipulations.

Birth of a child
This stage is characterized by the appearance of dyghe (or cuts of the uterus), promoting the progress of the child directly by the generic paths. With the advent of the fence, the feminine is translated into the rodzal or laid on a special chair. The husband at this time helps to take the right pose: so, the head of the giving birth should be bent so that the chin is in his chest. Now the husband takes place at the head of the chair and continues to breathe correctly along with the guinea. In addition, he becomes a link between the team of medical staff and the guinea (often the husband is listening better than doctors).

It is important to talk to the guinea, to encourage her, wiping at the same time sweat from the forehead and carefully listening to the instructions of the doctors. The result is coherent joint activity A married couple and medical personnel becomes the appearance of a long-awaited baby. At the same time, the dad drops a large part, which consists in releasing the umbilical cord!

Exile after
This stage of childbirth passes without the participation of her husband, who at this time is busy with his newborn baby and various organizational issues related to the transfer of Mom and the child to the postpartum chamber.

It is the partnerships that allow the child from the very first minutes of his stay outside the womb to feel a close relationship not only with mom, but also with dad!

It is necessary to take into account the fact that today there is no such legal base that would fully control the activities of maternal schools that are not medical organizations. For this reason, no one checks exactly how and what they are taught at such courses, because services provided by them are called "educational activities", for which the license is not required. Therefore, and present its claims in the legal and legal levels in displeased courses of pregnant women, it is extremely rare.

Conclusion: approach the choice of courses, schools and centers for pregnant women is necessary with the maximum degree of responsibility by checking the education of instructors and doctors, because people who have no relation to the listed professions are often in the role of doctors, psychologists and teachers.

Preparation of a pregnant woman to childbirth begins long before the onset of the ninth month. From the moment of conception and to hospitalization, it is necessary to learn how to "configure" its body correctly, thereby facilitating the entire outcome of pregnancy - childbirth. There are all efficient and useful advice from professionals, experienced mothers and obstetricians. How not to become a hostage of fear before childbirth and with pleasure to wait for the beginning of the most precious man?

Pregnancy is not only pleasant jolts from the inside of the baby, tomber waiting, enjoying your "special" status, but also the active preparation of the future mother to the very responsible day in her life and child - childbirth.

From how much thoroughly for such a process, the woman inherine and her relatives approached, the well-being and ease of the process of the appearance of a child on light depends. Preparation for childbirth is a set of processes that will help better adapt the uterus and the whole body during the period of complex physical activity.

The whole process of birth is a complex and very difficult physical exertion for mom and baby. The woman's body knows how and when to respond to any "signals" of a child and each individual organ, but in any case it is important to prepare the body to respond to the contractions and sweating "correctly", entitled to this process all its reserve forces.

How to prepare for childbirth: period before conception

In fact, preparing for childbirth and everything you need to know about such a process is an integrated event that does not start exclusively at the moment when a pregnant girl learns about his position. Indeed, during this period there are already changes that provokes your hormonal and reproductive system.

Preparation for the birth of a child occurs long before its appearance into the world. First preparatory stage - This is a period of family planning. Before getting pregnant, ideally, you need to examine your body, eliminate possible problems, prepare morally, in the end. After all, you want - it does not mean to give birth without pain and complications. In many ways, childbirth without breaks and cuts is not an accident and luck, this is a whole range of organism events, which was held before conception.

How to properly prepare for childbirth before the conception, and what is such training? It must be remembered, the training of the body to childbirth before the occurrence of pregnancy is:

  1. Refusal of smoking and alcohol. The complete removal of nicotine from the body of a woman occurs 3 years, but if you do not take such harmful substances a year before the occurrence of pregnancy, it reduces the risk of breaks and bleeding after delivery.
  2. Healthy sex life. Unregular sex, a frequent change of partners is harmful not only for pregnant women, but also for girls who plan to raise a healthy and beautiful child.
  3. Calorie control. Reception proper food - This is not starvation, it is a complete diet with the necessary number of all useful macro and trace elements, vitamins, fats, proteins. On a positive and simple pregnancy, exhaustion is exhausted or vice versa - obesity. Proper nutrition is a stock of useful vitamins and elements for the development of a full-fledged and healthy in all senses of the child.
  4. Emotional mood. The most important thing for a woman is to be morally ready for motherhood. "It is necessary, it's time to, my mother will say" - this is all what a woman should have, who wants to give birth to a healthy child and enjoy maternity. Only the complete awareness and harmony of the body and the soul will help the body to carry out and give birth to a baby.

Preparation of pregnant women: Important moments

Conscious motherhood is an emotional, physiological and psychological readiness of a woman to become the most important person in the life of his child. Prepare the body for childbirth, and at the same time remain all the same attractive - this is a whole art. In addition to the preparation of the generic pathways, the uterus and the whole organism, it is necessary to understand the importance of exercises for the fencers, the relevance of moderate physical exertion. Therefore, proper preparation is fast and safe childbirth for the mother and child.

Planned childbirth: how to prepare correctly?

Planned childbirth and preparation for them is the most the best way For a woman: She knows where to go who will take childbirth, and how to go around the whole process. Therefore, to be ready for the beginning of the delivery, it is pre-clarifying such moments:

  1. Choosing a maternity hospital. Prerequisite all questions from your obstetrician: in which maternity hospital will take you in case of hospitalization in the ambulance, what a reputation for the institution, which doctors there. You can pre-visit the maternity department (no earlier than 36 weeks). As a rule, employees of the maternity hospital are allowed to even see the conditions, chambers (in the absence of fencers).
  2. Generic "alarming handbag". The entire package of documents (passport, outpatient book), diapers, dispensers and all required listwhich provides a leading obstetress, must be ready and assembled.
  3. Money. If you plan to give birth in a private maternity department, it is important to clarify how about about the amount you can do childbirth. But, in the case when childbirth is planned at the place of registration, the money should also be even for the elementary: taxis, first aid, medicines if necessary.
  4. Transportation of feminine. It is necessary to coordinate how you will get to the hospital: planned or urgently at the beginning of the bout. In any case, it is necessary to clarify the moment as a free reserve transport that can deliver the fever in opening time day and night.

These are important organizational momentsto be coordinated before the start of childbirth. Among other things, it is worth remembering - the planned delivery and training of the body increases the rapid outcome of the process of appearance of the baby. And in order to prevent such unpleasant consequences like breaks, cuts, cross-section and bleeding, it is necessary:

  • conduct preparation for childbirth - exercises for pregnant women;
  • in the femalenits, which are expected to be a large fruit, it is necessary to carry out an additional study, if necessary - stimulation ahead of time;
  • so that there are no gaps during childbirth, you need to do special intimate exercises (preparation of the cervix);
  • warning of stretching (stretch marks on the abdomen, chest, hips) - Frequent lubrication (oiling) of the skin.

The women in labor, who are preparing for childbirth, are consistently approaching the beginning of the generic activity from the moment of conception or long before its offensive, everyone knows about the birth, moreover, morally and physically ready. Improve generic activity yourself at home - this is a solid task for each pregnant woman.

Preparation of the cervix for childbirth

The most painful in childbirth is the opening of the cervix. The closed zev of the uterine cavity at the beginning of the generic activity is gradually revealed (from one finger at palpation to 10 cm). In the process of such an extension, the cervix of the uterus takes place, the discontinuation of the cork, the deposition of water (before the start of childbirth, in about 2-3 weeks). After that, the most painful - reducing the uterus, which is ready to push the child out.

In some of the births (especially the original), such a process lasts longer for the reason that the uterus earlier did not know such processes, and the point of discovery is slower. The faster the opening of the cervix takes place - the easier the child appears faster. Therefore, the main task of a pregnant woman is to prepare a cervix for childbirth long before their offensive.

Nature worried about the guy in the period of childbirth: the release of hormones, which occurs, starting with 36 weeks of pregnancy, erases the cervix, increases its elasticity, which reduces the risk of breaks. However, this requires a full and proper nutrition, healthy organism.

Although Nature independently worried about the hormonal preparation of the uterus before childbirth, it is all worth carrying out some auxiliary procedures that will make it easier for generic activities. Methods of such training There are several: from massage to intimate exercises. The choice of training methods depends on the desire of the very feminine itself and its time, which it is ready to pay such preparatory procedures.

Crotch preparation for childbirth - Flushing

Preparation of the crotch towards childbirth is also an extremely necessary procedure, because small and large outdoor sexual lips may not stretch to the required size, and the obster will carry out the cut cut.

To carry out such an intimate procedure to prepare before childbirth, it is necessary to buy linen and peach oil in the pharmacy, mix them in equal parts. After bathing, instead of the cream, apply the composition of oils on the crotch. Do not cry: an increased amount of oil is also not needed.


There is an opinion that if the baby is born on early time Or prematurely, and his weight is below 3 kg, then mom transfers childbirth easily, without breaks. In fact, the perineum up to 37 weeks is not ready for stretching, and therefore the woman has risks risen even with the weight of the child 2.5 kg.

Additionally, such comprehension should be carried out on the ground where stretch marks can be formed: hips, sides on the waist, pins and chest. All manipulations only after swimming, labeled and wait a bit while the oil is absorbed. You will be surprised how fast the skin absorbs the oily mixture.

Crotch preparation for childbirth - intimate gymnastics

It is also possible to prepare the crotch towards childbirth with the help of intimate gymnastics, which no one will see beyond the very feminication. For exercises, it is necessary to take the "lotus" posture, relaxing the entire muscles of the back. To do this, you can rely on the soft sofa.

Then you need to shoot the vagina, thus, as during the waiting period of urination. So do 50 times for one exercise. The number of gymnastics per day depends on the desire of pregnant. Only the muscles of the vagina and the buttocks should work. Spin and stomach completely in a relaxed position.

The second option is an exercise during urination. At the moment when a pregnant woman urins, it is necessary to hold urination several times. At such a moment the muscles of the vagina are involved, there is a training before childbirth.

Physical preparation for childbirth

To understand how to properly and effectively prepare the body for childbirth, you need to use all forces and resources. Results immediately, hardly get and see, but when you have a generic activity, your body "will say" thank you very much. As practice shows, childbirth in women who have carried out proper training before childbirth, they carry the pain easier, and the birth themselves are less than several hours less, since the cervix is \u200b\u200belastic and trained.

Exercises for preparing for childbirth

To facilitate the generic battles by professionals, special exercises were developed to prepare for childbirth that helps improve the efficiency of bouts without arrogant pain syndrome.

№1 - Kegel exercises before childbirth

To properly prepare for childbirth without breaks, you can use the method of Kegel. To do this, it is necessary to periodically compress the muscles of the vagina and anus to the very possible power. So do at any convenient time: before bedtime, in the bathroom, when cooking. The more exercise will be held - the better for you.

№2 - Charging pregnant women

For the prevention of damage to labor without breaks, gymnastics will help from breaks. To do this, you need to take a dog's position on a stable surface. Pre-put a pillow on the floor, which will be a kind of insurance. Then raise and try to align one leg, then another. After - the bending of the back like the cat's "Arc". And so alternate several times.

№3 - Vagina training in water

A simple exercise that can be done with each bathroom reception. It is important to break the body pre-well, but remember that the hot bathroom is contraindicated. Before going out with the bath, gently lie down on the back, leaning on legs forward. Then become like on socks, pulling the legs as much as possible. So 5-10 exercises. After such gymnastics, to do Kegel's exercises initially in the lying position, and then sitting.

Psychological preparation for childbirth

Psychological readiness for childbirth is perhaps the most important aspect that helps to spend the birthday of the kid as comfortable as possible. Of course, pain in childbirth is very strong, to say that it is possible to enjoy this process, can only one who has never experienced such pain can. But, simplify generic activities and prepare morally - this is half success.

You can learn a lot of information, go to seminars for future mothers and do Kegel exercises every day. But, all this preparation comes down to Nolu, if the woman has begins to panic in the first minutes of childbirth. At the moments of fear, panic and tears, all the muscles of a pregnant woman are compressed, the oxygen access is overlapped to the baby, and therefore such a process is just complicated.

It will hurt, but you need to understand that without this pain you cannot enjoy maternity. It is only necessary to be able to approach such a question thoroughly, not forgetting the correct breathing, moral rest in the intervals between the fights and the recommendations of the doctor. And if you prepared your body in advance for childbirth, then the whole process will pass as quickly as possible.

The state of readiness for childbirth is most clearly detected by changes detected in the sexual system of a woman.

Determination of the matte matte

To diagnose changes that compete in the formation of readiness for childbirth in the body of a woman, the following tests were obtained the following tests:

  • determination of the matte cerviffs;
  • study of the physical and chemical properties of cervical mucus;
  • clarifying the parameters of the contractile activity of the uterus, its sensitivity to oxytocin;
  • cytological examination of vaginal smears and others. However, from all listed tests, the most reliable and easily performed is the method of palpator determination of the maturity of the cervix. In this case, pay attention to the consistency (degree of softening) of the cervix, the length of the vaginal part, the degree of gaping of the cervical canal, the position of the neck in relation to the pelvis axis. With the gaping cable channel, the degree of its passability is determined, as well as its length, comparing this indicator with the length of the vaginal cervical cervix: the smaller the difference between the marked indicators, the more expressed the matter's matter matter.

All specified features are based on the classification developed by prof. G. Khyshinashvili. According to this classification, the following four varieties of the cervix state should be considered.

  1. The immature cervix - softened only along the periphery and dense along the gear channel, and in some cases a bolted entirely; The vaginal part is saved or slightly shortened. The outer zev is closed or passes the fingertips; The vaginal part is "meaty", the thickness of its wall is about 2 cm. The cervix is \u200b\u200blocated in the cavity of the small pelvis, aside from the wired pelvic axis and its midline, the outer ZEV is determined at the level corresponding to the middle of the distance between the upper and lower edges of the Lonnoye or Even closer to the upper edge.
  2. The ripening neck of the uterus - is not completely softened, the area of \u200b\u200bthe tissue tissue is still determined in the course of the crank channel and especially at the level of the internal zone. The vaginal part of the cervix slightly shortened, at primordin outdoor zevshe skips the fingertips, or less often the cable channel is passing for a finger to the inner session, or with difficulty in the inner zev. The essential difference (more than 1 cm) between the length of the vaginal part of the cervix and the length of the cerval canal is draw up attention. There is a sharp transition of the cervical channel to the lower segment in the area of \u200b\u200bthe internal zea.

The prepaying part is palpable through the archs is not clear enough. The wall of the vaginal part of the cervix is \u200b\u200bstill quite thick (up to 1.5 cm), the vaginal part of the cervix is \u200b\u200blocated away from the wired axis of the pelvis. The outer zev is determined at the level of the lower edge of the symphysis or somewhat higher.

  1. Not completely ripened neck of the uterus - softened almost completely, only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe inner zois is still determined by the area of \u200b\u200bthe dense fabric, the channel in all cases pass for one finger for the inner zev, at primordin with difficulty.There is no smooth transition of the cervical channel to the lower segment. The preemptive part is palpable through the arches quite clearly.

The wall of the vaginal part of the cervix is \u200b\u200bnoticeably thinned (up to 1 cm), and the vaginal part itself is closer to the wired axis of the pelvis. The outer ZEV is determined at the level of the lower edge of the symphysis, and sometimes below, but does not reach the level of sedlicate food.

  1. Mature cervix - completely softened; Cropped or sharply shortened, the cervical canal freely skips one finger and more, not bent, smoothly goes to the lower segment of the uterus in the area of \u200b\u200bthe internal zea. Through the vaults, the prevailing part of the fetus is quite clear.

The wall of the vaginal part of the cervix is \u200b\u200bsignificantly thinned (up to 4-5 mm), the vaginal part is located strictly on the wired axis of the pelvis; The outer ZEV is determined at the level of sedlicate associates.

If the cervical cervix is \u200b\u200bpoorly detected (especially at the first and second varieties), the spontaneous start of childbirth in the near future is unrealistic. In women with an uncomplicated course of pregnancy, by the time of the beginning of childbirth, poorly or insufficiently pronounced matter maturity is found only in 10% of cases. All these women have spontaneously started labor acquire a pathological - a protracted course due to the development of discoordinated generic activities with manifestations of the dystopia of the cervix.

Signs of mattress maturity can be expressed in points and calculate the forecast index.

When estimating 0-5 points, the cervix is \u200b\u200bconsidered immature if the amount of points is more than 10 - the cervix mature (ready for childbirth) and can be used to be applied.

Evaluation of tone and contractile ability of the uterus

In order to register the tone of the uterus and its contractile activity in pregnant women and the women in labor, many ways known as the methods of external and internal hysterography are proposed.

The methods of internal hysterography make it possible to judge the contractile activity of the uterus in terms of intrauterine pressure.

Less are less complex and completely harmless methods of outer hysterography (tokography), based on the use of various sensors applied to the abdominal wall.

The overwhelming majority of these methods do not give an accurate representation of the tone and contractual activity of the uterus. The methods of the outer hysterography mostly allow us to judge only the frequency of kits and partly about their duration, and with a multichannel assignment - on the coordination of abbreviations of various uterine departments. Recently, the most common is the method of cardiotokography.

Determination of the sensitivity of the uterus to oxytocin

It is known that the reactivity of the uterus to oxytocyne as pregnancy progressing gradually increases and reaches a maximum immediately before childbirth. In 19s4, Smith first used this phenomenon, developing a special sample of determining the reactivity of myometrium to intravenous administration of the threshold dose of oxytocin, capable of increasing the uterus. Subsequently, this dose was called them oxytocinne testor the test of the sensitivity of the uterus to oxytocin, the method of which is as follows.

Before applying the test for 15 minutes, the woman under study should be in a horizontal position, in a state of complete emotional and physical rest to eliminate the possibility of the incidence of the uterus under the influence of various factors. Immediately before conducting the test, a solution of oxytocin is prepared at the rate of 0.01 units of action (units) of the drug per 1 ml of isotonic sodium solution of chloride, 10 ml of such a solution are gained into the syringe and begin intravenous injection. The author does not recommend entering into the introduction of a solution of oxytocin immediately after venopunction, since the latter in itself can cause a reduction in the uterus. The introduction of the solution The author recommends producing "peasant" in 1 ml at once at the intervals between each such introduction in 1 min. In general, it is possible to introduce no more than 5 ml of solution. The introduction of the solution should be discontinued with the appearance of the uterus reaction (its reduction).

The test is considered positive if an oxytocin-induced cutting of the uterus appears within the first 3 minutes from the beginning of the test, i.e., as a result of administration 1, 2 or 3 ml of solution. The cuts of the uterus are recorded either when the abdomen is palpation, or with the help of one of the methods of hysterography.

According to Smith, a positive oxytocin test indicates the possibility of a spontaneous occurrence of genera at a woman over the next 1-2 days. The author recommends using a oxytocin test also in order to determine the readiness of a woman to childbirth before applying birth advantages with the goal of early delivery in one way or another. The reactivity of the uterus to oxytocin, when using the specified test, does not depend on the age of the studied woman and on whether it is primitive or repeated.

Oxytocin test found quite widespread use in clinical practice and during scientific research.

Separate authors somewhat modified the developed smith methodology for conducting oxytocin test. Thus, Baumgarten and Hofhansl (1961) are considered to be appropriate to produce intravenous administration of the solution of oxytocin not "peculiar", and gradually, by 0.01 units in 1 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution in 1 min. From the point of view of these authors, this method of administering a solution of oxytocin is more physiological and prevents the possibility of the onset of the tetanic cuts in the uterus. Climate (1961), taking as the basis of the original method of Smith, proposed on the amount of ml of the entered solution of oxytocin (capable of causing a reduction of the uterus) to judge how many days, counting from the date of the sample, should be expected to be expected to be a spontaneous occurrence of labor. So, if the cutting of the uterus occurs after intravenous administration of 2 ml of oxytocin solution (0.02 units), the childbirth must occur through 2 days.

Thus, according to the above research, the oxytocin test is valuable to diagnose women's readiness for childbirth and determining the conditions for conducting birth advances if necessary for early interruption of pregnancy.

Recently, it is widely accepted to conduct a so-called stress oxytocin test, which makes it possible to evaluate not only the readiness of the uterus to contractive activity, but also determine the state of the fetus.

Cytological study of vaginal smears

Currently, it is generally recognized that the method of cytological research of vaginal smears can be used to determine high-quality shifts in the hormonal balance of the body of a woman during pregnancy and especially before the occurrence of childbirth. Extensive literature is devoted to the specified question.

For the completeness of judgments about qualitative changes in the composition of the cells of the vaginal content of a woman in the dynamics of pregnancy, it is necessary to use the polychrome of painting smears, which allows differentiating cyanophilic cells from zozinophilic. It is believed that the detection in the smear predominantly cyanophilic cells indicates the predominance of progesterone activity over estrogen. Conversely, the increase in the content of zaseinophilic cells indicates an increase in estrogen activity.

IN last years Found the use of fluorescent microscopy of vaginal smears. However, despite the relative simplicity and speed of its implementation, the negative side this methodAs well as the method using conventional (monochrome) color of smears, is that both of them do not allow to judge the change in the quantitative content of cyanophilic and zaseinophilic cells.

During pregnancy, especially starting with II trimester, there is a proliferation of the basal layer of the epithelium and the growth of the intermediate while simultaneously decreasing the number of cells of the surface layer. All these changes are associated with the increasing activity of placental steroids and especially progesterone. By this time, pregnant (navicular) cells occurring from the intermediate layer of vaginal epithelium appear. A distinctive feature of the ladle cells is the cytoplasm vacaculation due to the accumulation of glycogen in it, as well as pronounced cyanophilia. The significant predominance of lands, cyanophilic staining and closely adjacent to each other cells is observed with a physiologically flowing pregnancy to its term 38-39 weeks.

Starting from the 38-39th week of pregnancy (about 10 days before the upcoming birth) appear, and then changes in the cytological picture of the vaginal smear, attributed to the increase in the activity of estrogenic hormones while reducing the activity of progesterone. As generation approaches, the number of typical progressive pregnancy lard cells is reduced by increasing the number of cells of the surface layers, increasingly painting eosinophilically and containing picnomatic kernels. In this case, there is also a vacuum of cell elements, a decrease in the ability of epithelial cells to perceive the paint and the appearance of an increasing number of leukocytes.

The assessment of the listed cell elements makes it possible to determine the belonging of each studied smear to one of the four cytotypes given in the classification of Zhidovsky (1964), and judge the degree of biological readiness of a woman to childbirth.

Below is given short description data of microscopy of vaginal smears typical for each cytotype; At the same time, the estimated deadlines are indicated, characteristic of each cytotype.

  • I CITOTIP: "late time pregnancy "or "Navicular type of smears"typical for normally progressive pregnancy, starting with II of her trimester. Palurative and intermediate cells are dominated in the smear in a ratio of 3: 1 in the form of characteristic clusters. The cytoplasm of such cells is sharply cyanophilic. There are almost no surface cells in the smear. Leukocytes and mucus are usually absent.

Eosinophilic cells occur on average in 1% of women, and cages with picnosis nuclei - up to 3%.

The occurrence of childbirth at the same time to wait no earlier than 10 days from the date of their take.

  • Citotype II: "Shortly before childbirth."In a smear of this type, a decrease in the number of variance cells is detected at one time increase in the number of intermediate cells itself, and their ratio is 1: 1. Cells begin to be placed more isolated, and not in the form of clusters, as is observed in a smear typical of cytotype.

The number of surface cells increases, and among them the number of eosinophilic cells and cells with the picnosis of the nuclei (up to 2% and to b%, respectively).

The occurrence of childbirth at the same time the tschpotype of smears should be expected in 4-8 days.

  • III CITOTIP: "Delivery time."In a smear of this type, the intermediate (up to 60-80%) and surface (up to 25-40%) cells having bubbling or picnomatic kernels are dominated. Local cells are found only at 3-10 %. There are no cell clusters, and the latter are arranged isolated. The content of eosinophilic cells increases to 8%, and cells with the picnosis of the nuclei - up to 15-20%. The number of mucus and leukocytes also increases. Cell coloring is lowered, and their contours less contrast.

The occurrence of childbirth at the same time of the Tsostotype of smears should be expected in 1-5 days.

  • IV CITOTIP: "The undoubted date of childbirth *. In the smears, the maximum pronounced regressive changes are detected: surface cells (up to 80%) predominate, the lands are almost absent, and in a small number are presented in itself about intermediate cells. Surface eosinophilic cells sometimes lose their nuclei and have the kind of "red shadows". The cytoplasm in most cases is painted badly, the edges of the cells are low-contrast, and the smear acquires the form of "erased" or "dirty". The amount of eosinophilic cells increases to 20%, and the cells with the picnosis of the nuclei are up to 20-40%. Also increases the number of leukocytes and mucus in the form of clusters.

Childbirth with such type of smears must come on the same day or, as a last resort, over the next three days.

Changing some of the physical and biochemical properties of the edge of the cervical glands at the end of pregnancy as a woman's readiness readiness indicator for childbirth

In pregnant women, in contrast to the unable, there are some features of the secretion of the ferrous apparatus of the cervix. K. A. Kogai (1976) showed that on the 32-36th week of pregnancy in the presence of a ripening cervix, i.e., in the absence of its readiness for childbirth, mucus in the cerulus canal ("dry" neck), and she sucks with difficulty. The mucus in such cases is opaque and is not crystallized when dried, i.e. there is no symptom of "fern".In addition, with these periods of pregnancy, compared with later, the mucus contains a relatively small amount of common protein. If there is a ripening cervix in 32-36 weeks of pregnancy, protein fractions are detected: albumin, transferer, immunoglobulin.

As it approaches the upcoming birth and growing the degree of maturity matteries, there is a distinct change in the physical and biochemical properties of the mucus: its number increases and transparency increases. Each third woman is 1-2 days before delivery, the crystallization of the cervical mucus is found.

With almost daddy pregnancy and discovery of the mature cervix, starting from 38-39th week, the main protein content in cervical mucus increases and a rich protein spectrum is detected. So, if, during pregnancy, 32-36 weeks, 1-3 protein fractions are detected in mucus, then it contains 8-10 such fractions in it.

Thus, during the ripening of the cervix, significant changes occur in the functions of the cervical channel glands, which is manifested by a significant increase in the total amount of the separated mucus, the increase in its transparency, the appearance of a symptom of crystallization, an increase in the content of a common protein in it and the expansion of its spectrum. The indicated changes in the secretory function of the cervical glands may apparently be applied as an additional test when evaluating the degree of woman's body's readiness to childbirth.

Basically, if you believe the statistics, then the thoughts about the upcoming kinds of pregnant women occur after 30 weeks. Of course, more questions arise from primordin women. The most frequently asked questions: how to prepare for childbirth when you need to go to the hospital and what to take there? How to behave correctly at childbirth? And how soon do you have to begin? Also such an important issue will be the question associated with the hospital.

If we are talking about the preparation of things, then there may be differences in this issue. But the most important thing to be with you is a passport, exchange card and direction in the maternity hospital or the contract that was compiled in advance. If the childbirth will take place with for example, her husband, then he needs to capture the passport, the results of analyzes and fluorography.

The remaining things can correspond to the list of the maternity hospital. It would also be good to find out in advance. In addition, you may want to take a MP3 player, personal hygiene tools, a book or something else in order to take yourself something while your baby will sleep. And of course, you should not forget about things for a child: diapers, cream or butter for newborns, clothes, diapers and the rest. If you have forgotten something, you should not immediately nervous. After all, everything else can be brought directly to the hospital.

What symptoms point to the rapid birth of a child?

If no complications arose during pregnancy, then the birth will most likely begin at the end of 39 weeks. By this time the body will already be ready for the emergence of a child. For a while, you can see some signs that say that childbirth is very close. For example, a strong pressure of the uterus on internal organs, minor bleeding, departs a mucosal plug, a decrease in weight, the appearance of diarrhea and appetite. When the childbirth begins, a strong pain appears at the bottom of the belly, and the fights will come all through smaller time intervals. Before the battles, or after the water should be moved.

Posses like the element of preparation for childbirth

If you are tired of doing the same pose, then change it to another or do it all in turn.

Exercises that will help during childbirth

Throughout the pregnancy, you need to do exercises that will help stretch the muscles and ligaments of the crotch. Of course, Kegel exercises will be most effective, which can be performed using a gymnastic ball. To do this, stand sideways to the back of the chair and rest in her with your hands, then you need to slowly take the leg to the side, while trying to do it as high as possible. You need to repeat the exercise 6-10 times per leg. Effective will exercise during which you need to tighten the bent foot to the stomach.

Some women choose the exercise Plie: you need to spread my legs wide and slowly. Sit as long as possible to sit in this position, and then also slow and climb. Exercise must be repeated 5-7 times.

Preparation of the cervix to the generic process

About 36 weeks of pregnancy, all doctors recommend having sex without a condom, of course, if there is no danger. In sperm there is a special substance that very quickly makes the cervix soft and perfectly prepares it to childbirth.

Preparation of nipples to childbirth

Need to massage nipples daily, take cold and hot shower, wipe a harsh terry towel and be sure to take air baths. If you have everything ok and there is no increased tone of the uterus, you can pull the nipples - it will make them more elongated and you will not have problems during feeding.

How to psychologically prepare yourself for childbirth?

In order to get rid of the panic fear of the upcoming event, it is necessary to learn as much as possible about what awaits you. I would be very good in this, courses were helped, where preparation for childbirth was taught. It certainly will not reduce the painful sensations during childbirth, but it will be more calm for sure.

Proper preparation of pregnant women to childbirth is a guarantee of the birth of a healthy baby. The upcoming generic activity is no less important than tooling the child for 9 months. Physically and psychologically prepared pregnant is able to control their behavior, reduce pain in the fights, prevent the kid oxygen fasting in the process of childbirth, to fully promote the work of the doctor of the obstetrician.

Help the woman to decide numerous training courses for childbirth, which you can come with the father of the future child. Group or individual classes helps a woman to reveal all the nuances of the upcoming event.

Prepar preparing, if the current pregnancy is the first.

Preparation of pregnant women

Physical training continues throughout the pregnancy:

  • harding procedures provide a preventive complex not only to counter the diseases of the most pregnant, but also protect the little baby from diseases yet;
  • special exercises contribute to an increase in the elasticity of the muscles of the peritoneum, vagina and the perineum, which will be subjected to reinforced voltage at labor;
  • mandatory preparation of a woman to childbirth includes a complex of breathing exercises that help to breathe correctly during battles and fence;
  • it is necessary to prepare the chest to feed the kid to avoid the formation of painful cracks on the nipples.

Preparation for childbirth: what you need

  • walk in the fresh air at least 30 minutes daily;
  • visit the pool at least 1-2 times a week;
  • use a contrasting shower, alternating cool water with moderately hot;
  • take air baths in warm weather;
  • making wipped with a wet sponge with the subsequent rubbing of the skin of the body with a dry towel to the redness.

Recommended complex of physical exercises for pregnant women

Preparation for easy childbirth With the help of exercise lies in the protection of the crotch, the cervix from breaks:

  • stand up to the back of the chair, keeping behind which with both hands, you should make MAX foot aside for the most accessible height. 5-6 times the legs are recommended to alternate;
  • lack on widespread legs, performing spring movements in the bottom pose;
  • walking "goose" step;
  • alternately compress and relax the muscles of the vagina, lingering in each position for 1 minute;
  • raise as above, to the chest bent in the knee foot. Alternate limbs 5-6 times;
  • starting from 30 weeks, the massage should be applied vegetable oil Crotch regions to prevent her gap during childbirth.

Exercises should be done, given the physical possibilities of a woman. Do not cry if fatigue appeared.

The power exercise complex for pregnant women must necessarily agree with the gynecologist.

Mother preparation for childbirth

Respiratory gymnastics helps prevent the appearance of toxicosis, nausea, blood circulation deficiency, reduce oxygen levels in the blood.

Respiratory exercises when preparing for childbirth:

  • fixing the position of both hands on the ribs, a deep breath and exhalation is made;
  • breathing with support for the specified rhythm: breath-exhale occupy 5 seconds, the delay between them - 2 seconds;
  • it follows for 1-2 minutes to make frequent breaths of exhaust;
  • using a diaphragm breast abdomen.

Put your hand on the stomach, controlling his movements: on a slow breath, the belly is drawn up to the maximum, in full exhalation - falls.

Ideally, the exercise is repeated as many times as full years of a woman. But during pregnancy, it should be started with 1-2 approaches, gradually increasing the amount in 2-3 days.

Preparation of Nipples

In order to prevent the nut crack during the kid feeding, it is recommended to take all available preventive measures:

  • taking a shower, it is recommended to send a rarefied water stream to the area of \u200b\u200bthe nipples;
  • alternate cool and hot water when water procedures;
  • in the leaf from the wrong side to sew a piece of burlap;
  • rub nipples with a terry cloth;
  • do stretching exercises by imitating the movement of the baby when feeding.

Cracks on nipples subjected kid risk of infectious infection, at the same time causing mother painful sensations.

Psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth

Preparation for childbirth is unthinkable without psychological attitude of a woman on a normal result of the generic process. Fears and phobias will take place without a trace, if the woman has carefully examines the upcoming maternity process, will know how to better go to each specific case, so as not to expose the life and health of the child in vain risk. Weighting assistance have preparation courses for childbirth, which employs specialists from their own category. Usually, psychologists, experienced doctors who know everything about childbirth come to the state.

The psychology of a pregnant woman undergoes various changes in connection with the following factors:

  • emotions prevail over the mind due to the change in the hormonal balance;
  • fear of liability for the life of the baby, the fear of doing something wrong;
  • fear of the generic process due to knowledge failure;
  • doubt about the competence of medical personnel;
  • insecurity in their forces.

Psychophylactic preparation for childbirth includes:

  1. Select suitable training courses for childbirth helps communication with other pregnant women who have the procedure for the first time, or already having such experience. Among the variety of ways, how to give birth to a child, you need to choose one, most suitable. Then, decide on the choice of teachers who are able to qualify to prepare a woman for childbirth, tell about the care of the baby in the postpartum period.
  2. Preparation for childbirth can independently be carried out by reading special literature, which is represented on the counters of bookstores, on the Internet, public libraries. Each future mom Picks all books to read according to your interests and commitments.
  3. Childbirth psychological training Unsured without autotraining techniques. Daily repeating the phrases that the current pregnancy end with the safe birth of a healthy baby, you can promote all the upcoming events with a happy completion. For a better effect, it is useful to write posters with positive phrases by placing them in such a way that you can read written, engage in various everyday affairs: in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the hallway, in the room. Gradually, the person himself believes in the installation.
  4. Preparation for childbirth using visualization helps to save great mood. Introducing myself the future successful completion of the generic process, a healthy laughing baby, a trouble-free future, a woman avoids stresses and excitement, which can negatively affect the course of pregnancy.
  5. No less important is the psychological mood of a woman who is carrying baby. If possible, it is necessary to indulge yourself with goodies, go to visit, walking on the street, devote time to your beloved lesson. All this contributes to getting rid of the panic fear of the upcoming event.

Full preparation for childbirth that you need to know about anatomical features female body At the time of the birth of a child, helps the woman in labor to get rid of his own uncertainty and panic.

Generic activity occurs at each woman individually, but usually lasts from 2 to 20 hours. The first pregnancy has a longer process than the next. The generic process is divided into 3 periods:

  1. The cervix begins to open up, reaching the size of about 10 cm. The process is accompanied by pains, which are gradually separated by an ever shorter interval. This is the main part of the prepar preparation, which is marked from several hours to several days.
  2. Further starts, with the help of which the woman's body is trying to push the baby outward. If the child's place does not break independently to move away oil flooded water, it is picked up by a special device. The greatest pain is accompanied by the process of promoting the kid by generic paths. Speakers last about 30 minutes.
  3. Completes the generic process children's placewhich happens completely painless. At this stage, a woman can relax and relax.

During the generic activity, a woman will use all knowledge gained on courses or independently.

Accompanying the maternity hospital, the correct breath, the preservation of calm, the fulfillment of all orders of the doctor, the woman protects himself and the baby from harmful consequences.

Planning the desired pregnancy

The birth of a child is a significant event in the life of each family, so it is important that the pregnancy is planned in advance.

To eliminate the risks of the birth of a weak baby, it should be prepared for childbirth for another six months before conception:

  • normalize your food by turning on natural products without harmful components. Its menu must be equipped with all the components in the form of fats, carbohydrates and proteins necessary for the development of the kid;
  • be sure to walk on a distance of at least 3 km daily. This contributes to pacification, strengthening nervous system child;
  • in the appointment of a doctor, you must take vitamins, useful for the full physical and mental development of the child;