Cream for cracked heels rating. First aid for heels: the best creams and ointments for cracks

Cracking of the skin on the heels is a consequence of dryness. For various reasons, the epidermis does not receive enough moisture, which leads to the formation of dry and hard patches that begin to peel off over time. One of the well-proven methods of treatment is ointment for cracked heels.

Causes of skin cracking

The main factor leading to the appearance of cracks is insufficient hydration of the skin. This situation does not necessarily have a pathological origin. Most often, it is enough to simply lubricate the heels with a suitable cream, and the problem will be solved.

The causes of cracking are usually divided into two types - internal and external.

TO external reasons the appearance of cracks include:

  1. Seasonal factor. In summer people wear open shoes. The skin on the heels is injured, resulting in microscopic cracks. The cause of cracking is excessively hot, dry weather. Under the influence of the sun's rays, thinning of the skin occurs, as a result of which the epidermis loses its protective characteristics.
  2. Incorrectly chosen shoes or socks. If the feet are dressed in synthetic material, air does not reach the skin, which leads to their drying out and cracking. Tight, uncomfortable shoes lead to skin trauma and cracks.
  3. Improper care behind the feet or its complete absence. To prevent cracks, take baths that soften the skin. You should exfoliate rough skin areas and lubricate them with moisturizing and nourishing compounds.
  4. Swimming in chlorinated water.
  5. Polluted air.
  6. Temperature changes.
  7. Unfavorable indoor microclimate.
  8. Frequent walking barefoot on hot surfaces.
  9. Specific reaction to household chemicals.

Some of the most common internal causes of cracking include:

  1. Accompanying illnesses. Skin problems provoke skin diseases, diabetes, gastric and endocrine pathologies, nervous disorders, worms.
  2. Fungal infections. Infection often occurs in public places (baths, saunas, gyms, beaches). Other skin problems, such as dermatitis, also lead to the appearance of cracks.
  3. Unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins and microelements in the body. It is especially important to have vitamins A, D, E and group B in the diet.
  4. Pregnancy.

The appearance of cracks in the skin of the heels is an indication for the use of medicinal ointments. The purpose of the drug is to provide a healing effect, reduce inflammation and moisturize the skin, improving its nutrition.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Pharmacodynamics (a concept characterizing the localization, mechanism of action and therapeutic effect of the drug) of the ointment is determined by the composition and a number of other features. As an example, let’s look at the pharmacodynamics of Calendula ointment, which is considered a very effective drug for combating cracking of the skin on the heels.

The ointment is characterized by local antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and reparative effects. The biological activity of the ointment is caused by the combination of its active substances. Flavonoids are the most important essential oils, sesquiterpenes, triterpenes: essential oils are responsible for counteracting microbes and fungi, flavonoids have an antioxidant effect, reduce free radicals. In addition, flavonoids help synthesize collagen, which accelerates tissue contraction in injured epithelial fragments.

Another effect achieved as a result of using Calendula ointment is improving tissue perfusion in small vessels. This makes it possible to reduce swelling, relieve pain and cramps.

After applying the ointment, the patient feels warmth on the treated area, which is caused by the activation of certain substances contained in the ointment. When the receptors are irritated, impulses enter the spinal cord and reflex mechanisms come into play nervous system. The triggered reaction accelerates regenerative processes in the skin. After just a couple of hours, the anti-inflammatory effect of the drug makes itself felt.

Pharmacokinetics (kinetic features of chemical and biological processes in the body after taking the drug) is determined by the localization of ointment application. If the drug is applied to a healthy area of ​​skin, the composition will be absorbed extremely slowly, the absorption of the ointment will not exceed 2 - 3%. Once in the subcutaneous layers, the active substances form a protective layer in the vascular endothelium.

Popular ointments

There are many drugs available in pharmacies to combat cracking of the skin on the heels. Below we mention the most common and affordable ones in terms of price.

Zinc ointment

The drug allows you to relieve the inflammatory process and overcome fungal infection. Zinc ointment helps get rid of dryness and flaking of the skin. The drug is an antiseptic, allows you to overcome bad smell emanating from the affected area of ​​skin.

This remedy for cracked heels is recommended for use in the mornings and evenings. The ointment is rubbed in with massaging movements. The product should be well absorbed, so you need to apply the composition in a thin layer. The skin of your feet should be dry and clean. The ointment is best absorbed into skin steamed after a hot bath.

Salicylic ointment

The drug has an even wider range of indications compared to zinc ointment. Salicylic acid is effective in the treatment of psoriasis, burns, fungal infections, eczema and comedones. The active ingredient of the drug is an excellent antiseptic.

More greater effect in the treatment of cracks, this is achieved by mixing salicylic ointment with paraffin and beeswax. All components are added in equal quantities and mixed thoroughly. After this, the composition is slightly heated - the ointment should become warm.

The resulting preparation is applied to the cracks using a cotton swab. As soon as the ointment layer dries, apply the next layers, and so on 4–5 times in a row. A gauze bandage is applied on top. After 2 - 3 hours, the bandage is removed and the heel is washed in a warm soap and soda solution. The feet are wiped and a rich cream is applied to the problem area.

Cream "Zorka"

Cream for cracked heels “Zorka” has another application - it is used to protect cow’s udders from cracking. The drug effectively heals cracks, relieves skin from dryness and makes it softer.

Before applying the cream, steam your feet in moderately hot water. After this, the skin is dried with a towel and cream is applied. You should be in a state of complete rest for 20 minutes, and then put cotton socks on your feet and go to bed. In the morning, it is recommended to steam your feet again and treat the skin with pumice.

Note! Cream "Zorka" is characterized by a sharp, unpleasant odor.


The product contains lactic acid, which softens the skin of the feet. “Balzamed” contains a set of oils designed to moisturize the skin and improve its nutrition.

Note! "Balzamed" is used only for initial stages pathology. If there are open wounds on the skin, the drug should not be used.

"Doctor Biocon"

The medicinal product based on a combination of oils. Thanks to properly selected components, Doctor Biocon promotes rapid healing of cracked skin.


The drug is indicated in cases where the cause of cracking is vitamin deficiency. The ointment includes a significant amount of nutrients that have a life-giving effect on the skin.

Cream "Doctor"

The drug is used to remove dead skin cells of the epidermis. In combination with the main active ingredient - urea - the components of the drug relieve itching, soften the skin, eliminate pain and promote skin regeneration.

The problem area is steamed in a bath 2 hours before bedtime. After this, thoroughly wipe the heels and apply cream to them. Place cling film on top and put on socks overnight. In the morning, feet are washed in warm water and the skin is treated with pumice.

Cream "Gewol"

The significant difference between this drug and other drugs is its purpose - the drug is aimed at normalizing the natural protective border of the skin. Dryness and cracks arise precisely as a result of an imbalance in this balance. Gewol improves skin elasticity.

Apply the cream after taking a moderately hot bath. The drug is used once a day.

The drug is released in a gel form. “Zazhivin 911” has a disinfectant effect and accelerates regenerative processes in the skin. The gel effectively treats not only cracks, but also abrasions. The main components of the drug are natural oils.

"Zazhivin 911" is applied to dry and clean skin. After treating your feet, wait 15-20 minutes until the gel is absorbed, then put on cotton socks overnight. In the morning, feet are washed in warm water.


A drug wide range Actions "Fulex" is used to care for the skin of the heels and prevents increased sweating. "Fulex" shows good results in the treatment of corns.

Fulex cream has an affordable price and completely natural composition. Apply the cream twice a day for 1 – 2 weeks.

Balm "Flexitol"

The British-made medicine is used to treat dry, cracked skin on the feet and heels. The drug contains a quarter of urea, vitamin E, and shea butter. Flexitol does not contain parabens.

Calendula ointment, created on the basis of a plant extract, contains a large number of healing components. It's about about carotene, glycoside, flavonoids, salicylic acid, essential oils and resin complex.

The drug has a softening, anti-inflammatory effect, improves skin elasticity and regenerative processes. Due to the lanolin content, the ointment quickly penetrates into the pores. Additive beeswax ensures filling of cracks and other defects, resulting in the formation of a protective film. The ointment is characterized as an antiseptic.

"Chinese ointment"

The drug for cracks in the skin of the legs “Chinese ointment” with a healing effect is also used for other skin diseases, including dermatitis and eczema.

The ointment is characterized by a very rapid effect: after the first treatment of the skin, itching, dryness and pain disappear, the skin becomes softer.

Before use medicine It is recommended to steam your feet in a bath. To ensure better absorption of the ointment, wrap your feet in cling film and put on cotton socks on top.


You can make an ointment for treating cracks yourself at home. Ointments are used not only for rubbing, but also in the form of compresses. To improve skin absorption, baths with medicinal products are used.


The procedures are performed before bedtime. To prepare the composition, honey, propolis, and vegetable oil are used. The ingredients are mixed in equal quantities and heated slightly in a water bath. Then moisten a napkin with the composition and apply it to the problem area. The top of the heel is wrapped in polyethylene and a sock is put on. In the morning, wash your feet in warm water and apply moisturizer to already dry skin.

Note! Instead of honey, you can use the resin of coniferous trees. You can add grated raw onion and apple to the composition.


The ointment will penetrate deeper into the skin if you steam your feet in advance. One of the best additives for baths is nettle brewed in boiling water. When the solution becomes warm, immerse your feet in it for half an hour. After this, a moisturizer is applied to the cracks.

A bath with potato starch is useful. You need to take this bath longer - for an hour.

Other natural ingredients used in baths include chamomile, celandine, calendula, and coltsfoot.


To prepare the ointment you will need one egg yolk, a tablespoon vegetable oil and vinegar. These substances are thoroughly stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Next, the cream is applied to the problem area of ​​the skin. Place polyethylene on top and put on a sock.

Another recipe involves adding apple cider vinegar to tetracycline ointment. As in all other cases, it is recommended to steam the skin before applying the cream. After the bath, rough areas of skin are removed with pumice. This procedure should not be carried out more than 2–3 times a month, so as not to irritate the skin too much.

Carotene, found in abundance in carrots, is beneficial for the skin of the heels. This vegetable is crushed to a mushy consistency, and then vegetable oil is added. The resulting composition is infused for 2 weeks. The ointment is applied to the skin of the heels before bedtime.

Urgent help

If the case is advanced, it is recommended to use medical glue BF-6. This is not an ointment, but the principle of its application is the same. The technique is safe for the skin and approved by dermatologists. Apply glue to the crack and allow it to harden. When the layer of glue is removed, the keratinized tissue will come off along with it.

Note! Moisturizing creams can be used no earlier than a week after treating the skin with glue.


It is recommended to use pharmaceutical preparations for cracked skin on the heels only after consultation with a dermatologist. Such preparations often contain allergens. Patients with diabetes should be careful, since not all ointments are suitable for them due to health reasons.

If different medications do not produce results, you should consult a doctor for examination. Serious disorders in the body can be hidden behind cracks.

Cracked heels: causes

Cracked heels are a serious problem that can be quite difficult to eliminate. This is not just a cosmetic defect, but a problem associated with diseases in the body. Cracks present the possibility of penetration of various infections, as well as pathogens. Even minor damage to the skin should be treated, since it is at the very beginning of the development of the disease that it is easier to cope with it.

There are many causes of cracked heels. Some of them can be easily and without problems eliminated with the help of a lubricating cream, others need to be treated more seriously and for a long time. The causes of cracked heels deserve special consideration.

Causes of cracked heels

Exogenous causes of cracked heels should be considered:

  1. The main exogenous cause of cracked heels is fungus. The most possible different ways penetration of a fungal infection into the body, both from the surrounding air and after staying in a sauna, bathhouse, or swimming pool. Injured skin is a source of spores entering the body; the spread of infection is accompanied by a decrease in immunity and disturbances in the circulatory process.
  2. Cracks occur due to the development of vitamin deficiency, developing due to poor nutrition.
  3. Violations of the rules of personal hygiene, manifested in carrying out only routine washing of feet. Proper care foot care involves taking foot baths, exfoliating, lubricating your feet with moisturizing and nourishing creams.
  4. Also, cracks in the legs can occur as a result of overly careful care of them. With frequent peeling, the skin of the legs does not have time to recover well, as a result of which it becomes thinner and cracks form in it.

These are only the main reasons for the occurrence of cracks in the legs; in fact, there are many more reasons and it is very difficult to describe them all.

Deep cracks in the heels, causes

There are the following main causes of deep cracks in the heels.

  1. The most common cause of deep cracks in the heels is a disruption of the normal functioning of the endocrine gland. This can happen as a result of diabetes or problems with the thyroid gland.
  2. Deep cracks in the heels can occur as a result of hereditary diseases. If parents have cracked heels, most likely their children will have them too.
  3. Quite deep cracks in the heels appear in people suffering from gastritis, vitamin deficiency, and other skin diseases.

If you find deep cracks in the skin, you should seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. Only a timely diagnosis and timely treatment can guarantee relief from the problem.

How to get rid of cracked heels?

Methods for getting rid of cracked heels can be very different, and when choosing any of them, you should take into account the nature of the skin damage.

Cream for cracked heels

Creams are widely used in cosmetology; they also help, if necessary, to treat cracked heels. For example, the Super Heels cream contains extracts of medicinal plants, as well as Shostakovsky balm. The cream effectively removes corns and rough skin. High-quality softening of the skin occurs, cracks in the skin heal and the formation of new cracks is prevented. The good antibacterial effect of the cream is explained by the presence of aspen extract and Piroctonalamine in its composition. The cream should be applied with massaging movements twice a day until complete recovery and the disappearance of all cracks.

Cream Healer for cracked heels

Cream Healer is relatively inexpensive and at the same time very effective in treating cracked heels. It is also recommended to use it to eliminate keratinized skin on the legs.

The main active component of the Lekar cream is urea. It does not damage healthy skin, while it softens keratinized skin well. It is the presence of urea that makes Lekar cream an effective remedy for treating cracked heels. The effect of its action is enhanced by the presence of oak bark extract and tea tree oil in the cream. The action of such components helps to accelerate skin regeneration and also eliminates severe pain from deep cracks.

Emergency cream for cracked heels

Cream for cracked heels Ambulance belongs to the category of relatively inexpensive and at the same time quite effective drugs. The cream contains glycerin, stearic acid, petroleum jelly and water. The cream also contains components that promote the speedy healing of wounds received by a person.

You can purchase Emergency cream almost without problems at any city pharmacy. No special medical prescriptions are required for this; the cream is freely available. It can help well with calluses, and it is also successfully used in the treatment of foot and heel fungus.

Gevol cream for cracked heels

Gevol cream is specially developed to restore the skin to its normal state. The use of the cream helps restore the hydro-lipid balance; after using the cream, the skin again acquires previously lost freshness and elasticity, and its dryness is eliminated.

The cream contains sea buckthorn, chestnut, avocado, algae extract and other natural ingredients. This cream is used exclusively externally.

In addition to eliminating cracked heels, the cream can be used to treat fungal diseases, to remove unpleasant odor from the legs, with increased sweating, as a means of combating inflammation in the legs, as well as for caring for the skin after the patient has suffered from diabetes. The cream is freely available in tubes of 75 and 125 milliliters; you can buy it in a pharmacy or order it online.

Cream Shol for cracked heels

Cream Shol is an excellent restorative cream for the skin of the heels. To eliminate cracked heels, it is recommended to smear the skin with it every day. In this case, a month will be enough to completely eliminate the problem. The cream has a good wound-healing and disinfectant effect, eliminates microbes that have penetrated skin cracks and prevents the development of new infectious diseases. It moisturizes the skin well and soothes it, so the cream is recommended to be used after baths, before going to bed. The use of Shol cream provides a good healing effect for skin cracks on the heels. A prerequisite for achieving good results from using the cream is its daily use.

Pine cream for cracked heels

Pine cream for cracked heels promotes high-quality regeneration of skin cells. The cream contains mountain pine oil, allantoin, which renews the cells of the upper skin layer, turpentine, which improves blood circulation and blood supply to the legs, as well as chamomile extract, which prevents the development of the inflammatory process. The cream should be used regularly to moisturize the surface of the feet and heels, as well as to give them additional elasticity. Among the various varieties of such creams, Allga San cream can be distinguished as the most effective.

Ointment for cracked heels

Salicylic ointment with a concentration of 20% helps very well for cracked heels. You should prepare a compress from this ointment and place it on your heels overnight. As a rule, a single application of a compress is sufficient to achieve the desired effect.

For the treatment of cracked heels, the use of Radevit ointment is effective. In addition to eliminating cracked heels, this ointment shows sufficient effectiveness as a treatment for burns, skin lesions due to infectious diseases, as well as dermatitis of varying degrees. The ointment contains vitamins of almost all known groups, so it can be used to treat cracks that have formed as a result of the lack of vitamins.

Calendula ointment for cracked heels

Calendula ointment can effectively heal wounds on the skin, relieve inflammation and destroy harmful bacteria. Also, this ointment destroys fungus on the skin, makes the skin softer and has a good disinfecting effect. Due to the above circumstances, calendula ointment is widely used to treat various skin diseases.

To treat cracked heels, this recipe for preparing calendula ointment is recommended. You should select a container with a lid and mix 20 grams of calendula ointment and 10 grams of vitamin A in it. The composition should be stored in the refrigerator. You should apply the ointment to your feet every day after the skin on the heels has softened. The course of treatment is two weeks.

Zinc ointment for cracked heels

Zinc ointment is widely used in the treatment of fungi on the feet, nails, as well as in the treatment of various inflammations. The basis of the drug's action is the use of zinc oxide. It qualitatively restores damage to the integrity of the skin, and also eliminates dry skin, itching in certain areas and unpleasant odor from inflammation. Zinc ointment is known for its antiseptic properties and can perfectly resist inflammation, which makes it very effective in treating cracked heels.

Zinc ointment is available for free sale in aluminum tubes weighing 30 grams, the cost of one tube is approximately 35 rubles. This product is relatively inexpensive; its analogue is Zorka, a cream for cracked heels, which costs about 85 rubles per tube.

Salicylic ointment for cracked heels

Salicylic ointment for cracked heels is applied only externally. The drug contains in its composition, in pharmacies in large cities you can also purchase other varieties of this drug: zinc-salicylic paste and sulfur-salicylic ointment.

The effective effect of salicylic ointment in the treatment of cracked heels is explained by its good anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. In addition, external application of salicylic ointment guarantees a softening effect on the skin of the feet, followed by peeling of the skin on the heels.

The concentration of salicylic acid in the drug ranges from 1 to 10%. Do not allow the drug to come into contact with mucous membranes. The ointment can not only eliminate cracks in the heels, but also reliably protects against their subsequent occurrence.

Other medical products

In the event that the occurrence of cracked heels is caused by one of the list of concomitant diseases, such as disturbances in the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, hormonal imbalances, it is necessary to ensure the use of certain medications, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the consequences of the disease.

If cracked heels are caused by fungal infections, their elimination is ensured by the use of topical antimicotic agents, such as Mycoterbin, Terbizil and Nizoral creams. In some cases, the problem is caused by a violation of the circulatory process; in such cases, it is recommended to use means to bring the veins into the necessary tone, such as Venoruton and Troxevasin.

In other cases, it is recommended to use topical preparations that have a calming effect, maintain the elasticity of the skin, moisturize the skin, soften damage and heal cracks. If the cracks in the heels are deep enough, they should be treated with ointments that contain antibiotics.

Vitamins for cracked heels

Lack of sufficient vitamins in the human body can also be one of the causes of cracked heels. To eliminate this cause, vitamins should be included in the nutritional diet, for which it is recommended to eat greens in sufficient quantities, and add variety to the nutritional menu with fresh vegetables and fruits. Vitamins for cracked heels are recommended to be taken as part of vitamin complexes, special dietary supplements are also recommended, which are taken for several months. In some cases, the desired result can be achieved by using special creams with vitamin supplements.

Calluses on the heels and cracks are often caused by a lack of vitamin A in the body. In order to have enough of it, it is recommended to eat pork and beef liver, carrots, butter, as well as beets and apricots.

Plaster for cracked heels

Before using a patch for cracked heels, disinfect the cracks and then cover the wounds with the patch. This will prevent various infections from entering the wound. The Compid patch is recommended as an effective remedy for calluses and cracks. There are several advantages of its use:

  • cracks in the skin of the heels are protected from infection;
  • the patch remains on the skin for a sufficiently long period of time;
  • a special breathable formula ensures the fastest healing of cracked heels;
  • When there is severe pain in the heels, it decreases almost instantly.

It is recommended to keep the patch on the skin until the wound is completely healed. After the wound is completely protected from all external influences, you can think about the cause of the cracks; perhaps it’s all about the need to moisturize the skin or eliminate a fungal infection.

Socks for cracked heels

If sufficiently deep cracks appear on the heels, it is recommended to lubricate the heels with a special cream to moisturize the skin, and then put silicone socks on the feet. They provide good skin hydration, relieve dryness, and enhance the effect of lavender oil, which softens dead skin areas.

Socks for cracked heels can be quite effective; they can provide good results after just three uses within a week. This saves time and effort, but if you wear socks for cracked heels every night for two weeks, you can forget about their appearance for a long time.

Cracked heels can be treated at home; there are a sufficient number of treatment options for this.

Mask for cracked heels

It is recommended to use maxi for cracked heels, prepared from aloe juice and apple pulp. It should be applied in a thick layer to the heels, after which the mask should be covered with cling film for half an hour. After removing the mask, it is recommended to treat the heels with foot cream. Excellent results are obtained by using a mask prepared from one egg yolk, with the addition of a tablespoon of starch, as well as lemon juice squeezed from half a lemon. The mixture prepared in this way should be applied to the heels in a continuous thick layer, left for half an hour, then rinsed off and lubricated the heels with a mixture of vegetable lemon essence and olive oil overnight.

At home, you can prepare a heel mask from banana and honey, if you mix them in arbitrary volumes. The presence of honey in the mask will help soften the skin on the heels and eliminate minor cracks and irritations.

Baths for cracked heels

Baths have long been used with success as a remedy for cracked heels and are very effective method their treatment, since they have good antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. Ultimately, the success of using baths is determined by certain components that are used in baths to treat cracks. The systematic use of baths for medicinal purposes guarantees the achievement of maximum results.

  • St. John's wort and sage;
  • calendula and oak bark;
  • elecampane, string and chamomile.

When preparing a bath, a tablespoon of dry prepared raw materials is used for one liter of water. The grass is poured in, after which it is placed on the fire and boiled for half an hour. Then the resulting decoction is diluted with cold water and a bath is then formed in which you can hold your feet. The procedure takes from half an hour to forty minutes. After completing the procedure, your feet should be wiped dry with a towel.

Compress for cracked heels

Before going to bed, it is recommended to steam your feet in a bowl of water with a teaspoon of soda for twenty minutes. After this, onions should be applied to the heels, previously chopped and wrapped in cotton fabric. It is recommended to bandage this fabric, wrap it in film or paper. The compress is kept for one night, after which it is removed, the heel is washed and lubricated with cream, and pre-wiped with pumice. It is recommended to apply such a compress to cracked heels at least three times a week.

Folk remedies for cracked heels

There are enough proven folk remedies for treating cracked heels.

Glycerin for cracked heels

Glycerin is useful as a treatment for cracked heels due to its ability to extract water molecules from the air. By absorbing moisture from the atmosphere, glycerin moisturizes the skin of the heels, disinfects the feet, and prevents the spread of harmful bacteria. The result is healing of small wounds and cracks in the skin. High-quality and effective glycerin must be almost completely purified and made from natural ingredients.

Glycerin is effective in combination with vinegar or vinegar essence. Depending on how deep the cracks in the heels are, the duration of treatment courses is selected. After each procedure, heels are treated nourishing cream. Glycerin is not used in its pure form; the addition of vinegar or other components is required.

Cracked heels: treatment with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is widely used as a treatment for cracked heels. I can recommend this recipe for its use.

Hydrogen peroxide is used in a volume of 200 milliliters, as well as water in a volume of 1200 milliliters. A solution of hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of 3% is added to the water, after which the liquid is thoroughly mixed. A bath is prepared from this composition, in which you should soak your feet for five minutes. Then the soles of the feet and heels can be cleaned using pumice or a brush of sufficient hardness. After this, to soften the skin, you should treat your feet with a cream using glycerin.

Aspirin for cracked heels

Aspirin is an inexpensive and accessible treatment that is found in almost every medicine cabinet. It softens dead skin areas well, which makes it useful for treating cracked heels at home.

Ten aspirin tablets should be ground into powder, then filled with vodka in a volume of 150 grams. Add two teaspoons of an alcohol solution of iodine. After two days of infusion, the composition can be used to treat cracked heels.

The heel should be treated with the solution twice a day; it is applied for half an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water. You should not apply the solution at night, as this can damage the skin of your feet.

Wax for cracked heels

There is such homemade recipe using wax as a treatment for cracked heels. The wax is melted in a water bath, after which a little licorice root is added to it. Thorough mixing is carried out. The warm composition is applied to the skin of the foot in a dense, thick layer. The mask is kept on the heel for a quarter of an hour. Then the maxa is removed and the surface is treated with spermaceti cream.

Oil for cracked heels

The use of various oils gives a good effect in the treatment of cracked heels. It is recommended to use castor, flaxseed, sunflower and almond oil. All of these oils can effectively moisturize the skin, heal wounds, and also have good antimicrobial properties. You can lubricate problem areas of the skin with oils, and also use them as a means to prepare compresses.

Honey for cracked heels

To treat cracked heels, it is recommended to use fresh linden honey. It must be rubbed into problem areas overnight, then rinse off in the morning with warm water. To secure the honey overnight, place a plastic bag or sock on the foot. In the morning, after washing off the honey, the heel is treated with moisturizing cream. The total duration of treatment takes no more than a week.

Bow for cracked heels

Onions have properties that are widely used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Onion juice has been successfully used to treat cracked heels, eliminating pain and healing cracks.

The onion compress is placed on the heel for two parts, after which it is removed and the feet are washed in warm water. Immediately after washing, the heels are treated with pumice and lubricated with a high-fat moisturizer.

Aloe for cracked heels

Fresh aloe leaves can be successfully used to treat cracked heels. A freshly cut leaf should be washed well, dried and the spines should be cut off. The aloe leaf should be applied to the cracked heel with the inner mucous side, and then bandaged thoroughly. Thanks to its good wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties, aloe juice can quickly and effectively heal cracked heels.

Pink, smooth heels are the dream of women and girls of any age, but not everyone comes true even with good care behind the skin of the legs. Cracks that appear on the lateral surface of the feet not only spoil the appearance, but also cause a persistent feeling of discomfort due to painful sensations when standing for a long time. The pain, although not severe, can ruin your mood.

Causes of cracks

Dry skin, decreased elasticity, increased proliferation of the superficial stratum corneum, poor regeneration of the epidermis are factors that contribute to the appearance of cracked heels.

The cause of the appearance may be a disease, and not necessarily a skin one. Very often this problem occurs in people with high blood sugar levels.

No less common cause are endocrine disorders: anemia, hypovitaminosis. Failure of metabolic processes in the body leads to loss of elasticity of the skin and its cracking.

Lack of hygiene, the presence of microdamages on the skin is a loophole for infection. Fungus is the most common skin infection, affecting the skin of the feet, disrupting its structure and reducing its regenerative abilities.

Another skin disease, dermatitis, is included in the list of causes leading to cracking of the stratum corneum. It is dangerous primarily due to secondary infections, to which inflamed skin becomes more susceptible.

Cracks can also appear in an absolutely healthy person. They can be provoked by:

  • illiterate use of skin care products;
  • frequent use of abrasive materials to remove the stratum corneum;
  • wearing shoes made of artificial materials, tight, and the wrong size (large);
  • long walks;
  • heavy physical work performed on the legs.

How to get rid of cracks

The correct solution to the problem is to visit a doctor, full examination with passing all the necessary tests and treatment of the body as a whole. If you are not ready to spend time visiting a clinic or simply don’t have it, you can treat cracks at home.

Reviewing your diet

A and E are vitamins for the skin. Summer is the time when fresh vegetables and fruits can fully satisfy their needs. Include vegetable salads in your diet. No need for complicated recipes.

A simple salad of tomatoes and sweet bell peppers, seasoned with olive or camelina oil, sprinkled with lemon juice and sprinkled with herbs.

Omega-3 will help your skin. Be sure to use:

  • seafood:
  • nuts;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • sesame seeds;
  • all types of unrefined vegetable oils.

Refusal of junk food. A noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin of the feet can be noticed after a short period of time after quitting smoking, fried foods, strong alcohol, canned vegetables and fruits, and fast food.

Water balance is the basis for good skin regeneration and the normal course of all metabolic processes. It is especially important to drink enough fluids (the norm is 2 liters per day) in the summer in the heat and when working in an office equipped with an air conditioning system.

Treatment options

Deep cracks that form on the heels are very painful. Let's figure out how to help ourselves. It is important to reduce pain and prevent foot infections. Infection can enter through deep cracks.

We use drugs from the pharmacy

In the treatment of deep cracks, ointments sold in pharmacies are best. Ready-made ointments are dosage forms consisting of a base (fat) and a medicinal substance.

They should be applied to cleanly washed and dry heels one to two times a day. The quantity is specified in the instructions that come with the drug. If the damage is very deep and difficult to wash with water, it is worth treating it with hydrogen peroxide.

If the heel problem is caused by a fungus, antifungal agents are prescribed:

  • Nizoral;
  • Mycoterbin;
  • Terbizil.
We use BF-6 glue

Bonding a crack with medical glue − original solution Problems. This unique recipe can be used if there is no inflammation or secondary infection. Wash your feet thoroughly and dry. Apply the glue pointwise along the entire length of the damage.

When dry, it firmly sticks the edges together. After 7 days, the wounds will heal. Soften the stratum corneum with warm foot baths. Use pumice to remove it. Use pumice correctly. Steam your legs. Wipe them dry. Drive the pumice stone not across, but along the cracks.

After finishing treating the heels, be sure to rinse your feet and blot them with a napkin or towel. Squeeze a little cream onto damaged skin and rub in lightly. If you are not lazy and perform these simple procedures for several days, the skin on your heels will become smooth again.

Preparing an ointment to treat cracked heels at home

It is easy to prepare an ointment for treating heels at home. For the base you can take:

  • petrolatum;
  • badger fat;
  • pork fat

You can take vegetables, herbs or fruits as a medicinal component of the ointment. You can adopt several simple, affordable and very effective recipes.

Carrot ointment

The healing properties of carrots are well known. It also helps with skin problems. For the base, take 100 g of pork fat. Wash, peel and grate the carrots. It should be about 100 g. Place the fat in a small container and place in a water bath.

When it becomes liquid add chopped carrots. Keep the mixture in the bathhouse for another 15 minutes, then remove, cool, and strain using cheesecloth or a fine-mesh sieve. Pour into a glass container and close with a lid. Place in the refrigerator. Apply to your heels before going to bed. Before doing this, wash your feet, steam them well in warm water, and wipe dry.

Medicinal herbs and badger fat

The beneficial properties of calendula, badger fat, and celandine are used in the treatment of various diseases. If you prepare an ointment based on them, it can be used to treat cracked heels. You will need:

  • badger fat - 50 ml;
  • dried and crushed calendula flowers - 1 tsp;
  • dry celandine, crushed – 1 tsp.

Everything you need to prepare the ointment can be bought at the pharmacy. Prepare the ointment in a water bath. While the fat is melting, pour a small amount of boiling water over the herbs. After a couple of minutes, you can add them to the liquid fat.

The oil takes 30 minutes to prepare. Do not bring the mixture to a boil. At the end of this time, be sure to strain the medicinal fat and pour it into a container with a tight lid. A refrigerator is suitable for storage. Warm the ointment before applying.

Foot baths

Baths help soften the stratum corneum, relieve inflammation, and speed up the healing process of heels. They need to be done daily until the problems go away. There are many simple and interesting recipes that can be alternated.

To prepare foot baths, they often use:

  • sea ​​salt;
  • dry white wine;
  • apple cider vinegar;
  • infusions or decoctions of herbs;
  • starch.

Sea salt is a good antiseptic. Baths with sea salt soften the skin faster and are easily removed with pumice. Add 100 g of coarse sea salt and 1 tbsp to a bowl of warm water. baking soda.

The duration of the therapeutic bath is 15 minutes. After this time, dry your feet with a towel and lubricate with ointment from a pharmacy or prepared by yourself.

Pour dry white wine (1 tbsp.) into a glass container, add 1 tbsp. l. dry linden blossom. Place the composition in a water bath and heat to a boil. Strain. Dilute the pure decoction with 1 liter. warm water. Place your feet in a basin with wine mixture and hold for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes, rub your feet with a hard washcloth and put them back in the bath. Repeat steps until medicinal composition won't cool down. When finishing the procedure, wipe your feet dry and lubricate the skin with cream or any vegetable oil.

You can simply add apple cider vinegar to a bowl of warm water. For 1 l. water 2-3 tbsp. l. vinegar. Vinegar helps fight fungus, helps soften the skin, and speeds up the process of exfoliating dry scales.

Herbal infusions or decoctions can be prepared from several types of herbs. Help with cracked heels:

  • Oak bark;
  • calendula;
  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort.

Stick to the proportion: 1 l. water, 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs or mixtures of herbs. Pour a liter of boiling water over the herb and keep it on the fire for almost 30 minutes. In the cool to comfortable temperature Keep the infusion of the foot until it cools completely, this is about half an hour. Wipe your feet dry, massage, apply cream.

Take potato starch. Dissolve 1 tbsp. l. in 1 l. warm water. This bath softens rough skin, heals cracks of any depth. The effect will be noticeable after a week of use. The duration of one bath is at least 20 minutes. To get a greater effect, instead of water, you can take a decoction of herbs:

  • chamomile (1 tsp);
  • calendula (1 tsp);
  • St. John's wort (1 tsp).

Smooth heels at home: video


Exfoliation is an important part of heel care. The process of removing (exfoliating) dead skin layers is called peeling. You don’t need to do it often, once a week is enough.

To remove hard skin from your heels you can use:

  • pumice;
  • pedicure grater;
  • scrub.

Pumice of natural origin is preferable for heels. It does not cause allergic reactions and does not crumble. After use, it should be rinsed and dried. Store in a dry place. Pathogenic microbes can multiply in wet pumice.

Pedicure graters are easy to use and easy to clean. Scrubs are commercially available and easy to make yourself. The easiest way is to use medium-fraction sea salt, mixed with liquid toilet soap until it becomes thick sour cream. Rub the scrub into your heels in a circular motion for 5 minutes.

After peeling, rinse your feet. The water must be warm. Dry the skin thoroughly with a towel. Before applying ointment or cream, it is necessary to treat the cracks.

Crack Treatment

Hydrogen peroxide should definitely be in your home medicine cabinet. This is an excellent antiseptic; it is convenient for treating small wounds, abrasions and cracked heels. Pharmacies sell ready-to-use perhydrol (3.3%). The antiseptic liquid just needs to be poured into the cracks. It does not cause pain, foams upon contact with the skin, and removes remaining dirt and infection. Blot your heels with a clean napkin.

Compress - quick help

The compress can be kept on the heels all night, or just 20 minutes. Any option will benefit the skin of your feet. You can use the most unusual products.

For example, after eating a banana, you don’t need to throw away the peel. Apply the inner part of the peel to the damaged part of the heel. Wrap your foot in cling film and put on a sock. You need to keep this compress for at least 10 hours, so it is more convenient to do it at night. In the morning, unwrap and wash your leg. Make banana compresses for a week.

A quick 30-minute compress can be made from lemon. Cut one medium-sized lemon into 2 parts. Apply the halves to your heels and sit for 30 minutes, after which rinse your feet and lubricate them with cream.

Heel creams

How not to make a mistake when choosing a heel cream. You always need to look at the composition. The composition should include:

  • urea, it moisturizes the skin and softens keratinized areas;
  • lanolin nourishes and restores at the cellular level;
  • lactic acid moisturizes;
  • natural oils for moisturizing;
  • vitamins (E, B5).

For deep cracks in the heels, creams help well:

  • Bepanten;
  • Pantoderm;
  • D-panthenol.

Coping with the problem is not easy, but by approaching its solution comprehensively, you can get rid of cracks in a short time. Everything is important: nutrition, the right shoes, fluid intake, personal hygiene. This and daily care taking care of your feet using ready-made cosmetics and medicinal products will certainly give a good result - smooth, pink heels.

DIY ointment for cracked heels

Almost every woman faces the problem of rough skin on her feet, dryness and cracked heels. All this causes a lot of difficulties and causes severe discomfort when walking. Find out the causes of cracked heels in women, how to make your own ointment and how to properly care for your feet at home.

Cracked heels: causes and treatment

Doctors identify several causes of coarsening of the skin on the heels of the feet: improper hygiene, uncomfortable shoes, excessive dryness of the skin due to lack of vitamins, various fungal diseases. Remember, if the cause of rough skin is not identified in time, then over time your heels will begin to crack and cause a lot of trouble.

Cracks on women's heels

Cracked heels are not a defect, so you need to look for methods to combat them. You can easily restore the original smoothness of your heels if you choose the right cream. Most The best way get rid of cracks and roughness of the skin - traditional methods. Natural ingredients will not only eliminate the problem in a short time, but also will not cause any harm to the body.

Photo of deep cracks in heels

DIY cream recipe for cracked heels

Every woman can prepare such an ointment at home. The cream recipe is not only simple, but also cheap. You will need:

Cream for cracks and rough skin at home

Each of these components complements the other, so the complex produces a fairly effective ointment that has a moisturizing, nourishing and antifungal effect. Take a glass and pour 70% vinegar essence into it. After this, place a shelled egg in a glass and leave it in a dark place for 5 days. Now you need to carefully remove the egg, remove the film and grind it in another container. It is also necessary to add to the egg the sediment that remained in the glass with the bite after the shell was dissolved. Add 200 grams of butter and mix the mass well.

Ointment for deep cracks at home folk method ready. You can store it in the refrigerator in a closed container. Before applying crack cream, inspect your heels. If there are fresh cracks, they need to be dried, otherwise the ointment will be very hot. The remedy for cracks should be applied to rough skin and dried cracks, while it is advisable to steam your feet well in salty warm water. After applying the ointment for cracked heels, wrap your feet in cling film or plastic and put on warm socks.

In the morning, you need to not only remove the plastic, but also carefully scrape off the dead skin with a pumice stone. If you repeat the procedure two days in a row, you will be able to quickly see the result. The cracks heal, and the heels themselves become soft and acquire an aesthetically attractive appearance.

It is important to know the causes of cracked heels in women, because the choice of treatment method directly depends on this. Remember, the way your legs look depends on how others think about you. Every girl should have smooth and beautiful heels that are pleasant to touch.

Folk remedy for cracked heels

Why do heels crack - causes of cracked heels Cracked heels appear for the following reasons:

1. Fungal infection

2. Dry skin that cracks easily. Causes of dry skin on the heels: - incorrect, slow metabolism. The reasons for this are age (after 40 years, metabolism slows down, skin condition worsens), chronic diseases(gastritis, diabetes, obesity), lack of vitamins in the diet. - increased formation of stratum corneum on the heels: this may be due to walking barefoot or walking in uncomfortable flip-flops and mules that constantly hit the heels. Permanent mechanical impact leads to hardening of the heels.

3. Improper foot care. The causes of cracked heels may be an incorrectly selected cream, excessive friction when removing the stratum corneum, or wearing synthetic socks.

Folk remedies for cracked heels will help cure your heels. Initially, you should analyze the causes of cracks in the feet and only then choose the appropriate treatment method. If the cause is a fungal infection, then it is advisable to use products with the addition of vinegar. If the disease is caused by dry skin, then remedies with the addition of honey, medicinal herbs, potato and flax compresses, as well as recipes with vinegar will help in the treatment of dry heels. Below are folk recipes for cracked feet:

Honey cake for cracked legs

Knead the dough from 1 tbsp. l. honey and 2 tbsp. l. flour. Divide into 2 parts. At night, steam your feet for 10-15 minutes, dry them, and put a honey cake on each heel, wrap it with plastic and a bandage. Put on socks. In the morning, remove everything, wash your feet, roll the cakes into a ball until the next evening. Do this procedure for 5-6 days in a row. All old rough skin will come off and dry heels will become pink and smooth.

Woodlice in the folk treatment of cracked heels

To get rid of cracked heels, steam your feet in a decoction of chamomile and calendula. Then put fresh woodlice in your socks, put the socks on your feet and walk like this all day. Everything will drag on quickly. You can add plantain leaves to the woodlice.

Treatment apple cider vinegar cracks in toes, feet, heels

If the skin on the soles of your feet has become rough and begins to crack, the following folk remedy will help: mix apple cider vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio. Soak a cloth in this solution and wrap your feet overnight, put plastic bags on top and put on socks. Overnight, rough skin will become limp and easily cleansed. In the morning, feet should be washed and lubricated with nourishing cream.

Glycerin and vinegar for cracked feet

This is the simplest and popular remedy, effectively treats cracked heels, cracked toes and feet. Buy a bottle of glycerin at the pharmacy and top it up with vinegar. In the morning, lubricate your feet and toes with this mixture. Then put on socks. In just two days, rough, cracked skin will become soft and pink. To treat cracks you will need more time - you need to take 5 vials of glycerin per course. (HLS 2010, No. 11, p. 30, 2010, No. 14, Art. 23). Another article says that glycerin and vinegar essence should be taken in a 1:1 ratio - after bathing, lubricate the soles, they will not crack and peel. (2009, no. 16, p. 10)

But here is a similar folk recipe, given to the reader by an old paramedic. Only here you need to mix glycerin with ammonia in a 1:1 ratio. Steam your feet in warm water, wipe and lubricate with this mixture. With the help of this remedy, the woman managed to cure cracks in her fingers, and her niece was able to completely improve the skin on her legs - she was covered with scales, swollen, with sore layered nails. A week later, the scales and swelling disappeared, and a month later the nails became beautiful, strong, shiny, as if covered with varnish. Another variation of the recipe: mix 3 parts glycerin, 3 parts 70% vinegar and 2 parts alcohol - rub into the soles every evening after washing your feet. This product is well absorbed and does not stain the bed.

Herbal ointment for treating cracked heels

Take 4 bunches of lilac with leaves, 10 calendula flowers, 10 plantain leaves, a handful of cinquefoil and 2 aloe leaves. Mash all this with a masher and pour in 200g. hot (60-70C0) chicken fat. When cool, refrigerate for two days, then heat again and strain. Rub into steamed cracks on the heels at night, put on socks. The cracks will heal quickly.

Folk remedy for cracked heels using egg yolk

Mix 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. vinegar. The result will be an ointment similar to yellowish sour cream. After the foot bath, apply the mixture to the heels, put on plastic bags and socks. In the morning, wash everything off and treat with pumice. After 2-3 procedures, the feet will become smooth. Another similar recipe: 1 egg, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. vinegar essence - mix.

Folk ointment for cracked heels

100 g sunflower or olive oil heat to 40 degrees, remove from heat, add beeswax the size of half a matchbox, stir until the wax dissolves, add 1 tsp. glycerin and 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil. Mix until smooth and store in the refrigerator. Before going to bed, steam your feet, apply ointment, put on socks and sleep until the morning. At first, treat every day, then as needed. The skin on your heels will become very soft and smooth.

How to treat cracked heels with an ointment made from vinegar, eggs and oil

Wash the white chicken egg, put it in a glass and fill it with 70% acetic acid, close the lid and put it in a cool place for 7 days. Then carefully remove the egg with a spoon, place it on a plate, mix with 200 g of butter, mashing with a fork into a homogeneous mass. Apply like a cream, rubbing lightly. The course of treatment will not end. The man had cracked heels for many years, and at times he could not walk due to pain. Lotions made from onions, potatoes, and herbs did not help him, nor did expensive medications prescribed by doctors. And this folk remedy helped immediately.

Ointment against cracked heels from oleoresin

Heat good butter in an enamel mug, skim off the foam, drain the clean oil, and discard the remainder with impurities. For 1 cup of melted butter, take two volumes of natural wax. matchbox and the same amount of resin (frozen in the refrigerator and grated). Mix all this, heating no higher than 80C0. When everything has dissolved, strain through double gauze; when the mass begins to thicken, add 1 tsp. honey and stir again. The result will be a healing ointment with the aroma of pine needles, slightly bitter. Store in the freezer in a glass jar. The properties of the ointment are simply extraordinary: it treats wounds, erosions, hemorrhoids, trophic ulcers, boils, cracked heels. When taken orally, it helps with stomach ulcers and heartburn.

You can add 5-10g to this ointment along with resin. propolis.

Tetracycline ointment and apple cider vinegar

The woman had problems with her heels for many years - thick, dry skin constantly grew on them, and cracks often appeared. Used it a lot folk recipes, but the following method helped: Steam your feet in water with soda, clean your heels with pumice stone, generously lubricate them with 3% tetracycline ointment, put on bags, socks and go to bed. Wash your feet in the morning and the cracks will gradually heal. After this, change tactics: take gauze, moisten it generously with apple cider vinegar and wrap the heel across the entire foot, secure with a pin, bag and sock. In the morning, rough skin can be easily removed with a pumice stone. Do this procedure once every 2-3 months as the skin grows, there will be no cracks at all, and the heels will be smooth.

Treatment of cracked heels with onion skins

Pour a handful of onion peels into 2 liters of boiling water, cover and leave for 1 hour. Pour the infusion into a bowl, add 1 tbsp. l. salt and soda. Soar your feet until the water cools down. Then wipe your feet and spread the entire foot with vegetable oil, then egg yolk, put on cotton socks, then a plastic bag and wool socks. - and to bed. To cure cracked heels, 4-5 procedures are enough.

Treatment of cracked feet with rest

You need to steam your feet every evening and go to bed, the cracks will begin to dry out and tighten, and only anoint them in the morning thick cream. If you anoint the wounds right away, the cream or ointment will prevent them from shrinking as much as possible.

Treatment of heels with resin

Apply liquid resin to the cracks - the pain goes away immediately, and the wounds will heal in 1-2 days. The resin heels will be black, but this is temporary.

Plantain roots for cracked feet

Cracked heels are very easy to treat. Wash the plantain roots, pour boiling water over them, when the water has cooled to lukewarm, lower your feet and hold for 20 minutes, it is better to do this before bed. Dry heels will become soft, wounds will heal.

Lipstick for cracked heels

A simple labial will help. chapstick– every evening after washing your feet, lubricate your feet with lipstick – cracks will quickly disappear.

Onion ointment for cracked feet

Heat 1 glass of unrefined oil and throw in 2 chopped onions. Fry the onion in oil until it turns Brown color. Then quickly strain and add beeswax to the hot oil. Stir, cool, store in the refrigerator. After washing your feet, lubricate your feet with this mixture.

Traditional treatment curdled milk

If your heels are cracking, you need to make compresses from yogurt or sour cream for 7-8 days.

Traditional treatment of heels with a cabbage compress. A woman often had cracked heels until they bled. She used various folk remedies, but the cabbage leaf helped best - after these compresses, her heels have been fine for 10 years. You need to steam your feet, let them dry, then smear them with honey, wrap them in a cabbage leaf and secure them with a plastic bag and bandage overnight. Repeat the procedure 5-7 times. This recipe has helped many.

If your heels are cracking, cheremitsia will help.

To treat heels, dried and ground cherry roots are used. The resulting powder is mixed with an equal amount of butter. Lubricate the sore spots with the mixture at night and insulate them with a bandage. Healing occurs within a week.

How to treat cracked heels with folk remedies

The woman’s heels were in terrible condition: covered with cracks, many warts, all the tights tore within the first hour of wearing them. She tried to treat them with various means, but with the onset of improvement, she abandoned the treatment, and the problem returned. In addition, after the foot was dislocated, a lump began to grow on the inside thumb, the surgeon said that it was joint fluid that had leaked out and that the lump needed to be removed through surgery. Then the woman decided to take hold of her legs more systematically. I used a number of measures, and my heels became soft and healthy. In addition, the lump on my finger went away. She can’t say what exactly helped, but here’s what she did: 1. At night, she wrapped her feet in a cloth soaked in urine, over a bag and socks. I washed it off in the morning. 2. I tied a cake made of flour, garlic, vinegar to the wounds 3. I tied baked onions and ate oleoresin. 4. At night or for the whole day I made a compress with tincture of potato flowers. 5. Steamed my feet in a potato decoction or a decoction of burdock, celandine, calendula, nettle, wormwood herbs - in arbitrary proportions.

6. She lubricated her feet with honey, and her heels with ointment, which she prepared from honey, vegetable oil and wax.

How to treat dry heels with potatoes

If your heels are dry, covered with corns and cracks, then raw potatoes will help - grate 3-4 potatoes, add the same amount of alcohol, divide the mass into two parts and place in two plastic bags. Place your feet on this mixture, having previously lubricated your feet with cream so that there is no burn, and secure. Sit in front of the TV for three hours, then wash your feet and apply cream. You can make compresses 3-4 times with the same portion of potatoes.

Treatment of heels with paraffin

If your heels are cracking, you need to take a candle and cut it into a tin jar. Take the same amount of butter. Put on fire and stir until smooth. When the mixture has cooled slightly to a tolerable state, pour it onto the heels, tie it with parchment and put on socks. the next morning everything heals.

Herbal flour for cracked feet

A simple remedy will help against fungus, sweating, and cracked feet: put a pinch of herbs: mint, sage, chamomile, celandine, nettle in clean socks in the morning. Walk in these socks all day. When walking, herbs turn into powder and get into all wounds. Every morning add a new portion of grass. This way you can cure cracked heels and bad foot odor.

Cracked heels treated with honey If your heels are cracked, you can do a simple procedure: before going to bed, spread honey on them and wash them off in the morning.

Solidol will help with cracked heels

After a bath or bath, apply Solidol to steamed and clean feet, put on plastic bags and go to bed. After just two procedures, cracks in your legs will stop bothering you.

Treatment of heels with fat

Rub melted beef fat into the cracks overnight with a cotton swab. In the morning there will be no more pain.

Treatment with soap Soak a linen cloth in strongly brewed tea and lather with laundry soap. Place the fabric on the heel, polyethylene on top and secure overnight. It is necessary to do 3-4 such procedures to cure cracked heels.

Nettle baths against cracked heels

Per liter of boiling water - 2 tbsp. l. nettles Soar your feet in this solution, then lubricate them with cream or fat and give a light massage. Instead of nettle, you can take starch - 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water.

Here's a way to make your heels as soft as a cat's paws: dryness and cracking are a thing of the past!

Skin Ointments Feet Heels Vinegar Eggs

Severe roughening of the skin of the feet is a common problem. The reason for this may be individual predisposition, lack of vitamins, uncomfortable shoes, improper hygiene or fungal disease.

If the cause of the roughness is not identified in time and the necessary measures are not taken, over time the skin will inevitably begin to crack, causing not only aesthetic discomfort, but also tangible physical pain.

If you need an effective product that will remove rough skin, heal cracks and get rid of fungus, “So Simple!” knows this. After just the first use, you will regain the softness of your heels!

Ointment for cracked heels

The ointment contains an egg (a source of lecithin - a wound-healing and regenerating substance), butter (intensively softens, nourishes, and vitamins), as well as vinegar, which removes dead skin cells and has antifungal properties.

  • 1 egg
  • 70% vinegar essence
  • 200 g butter

Before using the ointment, be sure to dry fresh cracks to avoid burning. Apply the product to healing cracks and rough areas, avoiding places where the skin is more delicate.

Before going to bed, steam your feet in a bath of salt and wipe dry. Lubricate the areas that need treatment with the prepared ointment, put plastic bags on your feet, and socks on top. You can go to bed.

In the morning, wash your feet in warm water and soap, gently scrape off the dead skin and lubricate your feet with nourishing cream. Repeat the procedure until you get the desired effect. Usually, after the second session, the cracks are completely healed, and the heels acquire extraordinary softness!

Tell your friends about this effective home remedy for cracked heels!

Cream for cracked heels is an effective remedy for solving the problem characterized by dryness and the appearance of wounds on the delicate skin of the extremities. If you do not begin to treat such damage in a timely manner, then there is a possibility of infection of the open wound, which will lead to the development of an inflammatory process and complications.

Cracks in the heels are not only an aesthetic problem; they indicate certain disorders in the human body, and can also provoke pain while walking. Many people know that treatment by steaming and removing exfoliated skin alone is ineffective. This is due to the fact that the skin must receive additional nutrition and hydration.

If deep spots appear on the heels, then treatment according to the proposed scheme will help eliminate the problem in a short time. Depending on the degree of damage, an excellent result will be achieved after 10–20 days. Below are ointments tested by many people and an algorithm of actions.

BF 6

BF-6 for cracked heels

It is better to use the product according to this scheme:

  • Don’t be scared by the name, because this superglue is medical, and it is recommended by dermatologists (the cost does not exceed 90 rubles);
  • First you need to do this, then thoroughly wipe your feet with a towel;
  • then, apply the product along the entire length of the crack and allow it to harden (a couple of minutes);
  • as a result, the edges of the wound are fixed, and the healing process from below begins;
  • you need to walk like this for a week (do not do baths, and do not treat your heels in any other way), after which the layer of glue is removed along with the dead skin;
  • after this, you can begin to perform steaming procedures, during which the rough skin will be gradually removed;
  • to enhance the effect of the baths, after taking them it is recommended to use a cream with lactic or glycolic acid;
  • It is also necessary to lubricate your heels with a moisturizer at night so that the skin does not have time to dry out.

They complement the entire complex with lungs, which improves blood microcirculation and helps enrich blood vessels with oxygen.

"Dawn" and "The Power of the Forest"

If the task is to find the cheapest, but at the same time very effective remedy from cracked heels, then these qualities best meet:

  1. Cream "Zorka", which contains petroleum jelly, floralysin, sorbic acid and pentol (can be purchased at a pharmacy for animals);
  2. Cream “Forest Power” has an identical composition and can be an analogue of the product presented above, but its cost is slightly higher.

Using veterinary foot cream for deep cracks in the heels will give an incredible effect in a short time. The whole secret is that it contains Floralizin, which is a powerful complex of biological active substances, thanks to which wounds heal very quickly.

Medical supplies

Vaseline for cracked heels

In most cases, treatment that contains fatty, medicinal creams is considered effective. These funds can be used both to combat an existing disease and to prevent damage to the integrity of the skin. The method of application is quite simple and involves regular application of the composition to the heels before bedtime.

When choosing from a wide range of products, you should pay attention to those that contain salicylic acid. The action of these components is aimed at preventing the occurrence of corns. To enhance the effect, you can wear warm socks at night.

The most famous nourishing heel cream is Vaseline. The procedure should be done twice a day, but if this is not possible, then it is better to apply it at night.

This recipe for treating cracked heels using Vaseline and boric acid is effective:

  • You should steam your feet for 20 minutes;
  • then you need to take 2 liters of warm water and add 10 teaspoons of boric acid to it;
  • Finally, you should thoroughly dry your feet with a towel and apply Vaseline to the cracked surface;
  • Then the cracks are sealed with adhesive tape and left overnight.

In the morning, wash your feet in warm water and soap, and apply a nourishing cream.

Treatments using wax, salicylic acid and paraffin are no less popular:

  1. It is necessary to take the indicated components in equal proportions;
  2. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the damaged surface of the heels using a cotton pad;
  3. Allow time to dry and apply another layer;
  4. The resulting film is fixed with a bandage and left for a day.

After the specified time, you need to remove the bandage and take a warm foot bath, and remove the exfoliated skin.

If you use the ointment for cracked heels according to the recipe presented, then within a week a visible result will be achieved.

Traditional methods

You can quickly get rid of cracked heels with ointments prepared at home according to folk recipes.

Badger fat

Badger fat from cracked heels.

To prepare, you need to take about one and a half tablespoons and melt it well over steam bath. Then 10 grams of steamed calendula and celandine are added to the component and left to simmer in a bathhouse for 30 minutes. At this time, you need to make sure that the mass does not start to boil.

You need to use the prepared product before going to bed at night. You can store it in the refrigerator, but be sure to warm it to room temperature before applying.


Quite old but effective recipe remedy from cracked heels. To make the ointment, you need to take half a glass of juice, 150 grams of castor and 50 grams of eucalyptus juice, mix the mass thoroughly. After this, you can apply to the affected areas once a day, preferably before bed.


To prepare, you will need half a glass of olive oil (it must be brought to a temperature of 40°), then 20 grams of beeswax are added to it and mixed thoroughly. When the mass becomes homogeneous, add 10 grams of sea buckthorn oil and glycerin.

Even minor cracks in the heels must be properly treated. If we neglect restoration procedures, then there is high probability accession, development of the inflammatory process and global complications.

Cracked skin on the feet, especially on the heels, brings discomfort and discomfort. Today in pharmacies you can choose a variety of products that help soften rough skin and improve the condition, but the most effective is still a special ointment for cracked heels.

Indications for the use of ointments for cracked heels

If the skin on your feet first becomes very rough, very dry and constantly peels off, then soon the skin on your heels will soon begin to crack. Due to the fact that a person spends most of his time on his feet, the heels are constantly under pressure. Even small scratches, cracks and wounds gradually grow, deepen, and begin to constantly itch and hurt. Any step brings unpleasant stabbing and cutting sensations. In addition, due to damage, the skin can become inflamed and infected.

Typically, cracks in the heels appear in the summer when the air temperature is too high. The skin gradually dries out, loses its elasticity, and becomes less durable, so strong physical activity causes cracks to appear.

There are external and internal factors for the appearance of cracked heels. External ones include:

  • Using chlorinated water.
  • Polluted and dry air.
  • Frequent temperature changes.
  • Features of the workspace.
  • Walking barefoot on hot sand.
  • Incorrectly selected shoes.
  • Reaction to household chemicals and soap.

Internal factors are:

  • Diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorder.
  • Improper functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Diseases caused by nerves.
  • Some chronic diseases.
  • Improper functioning of the digestive system.
  • Worms in the body.
  • Foot fungus.
  • Dermatitis and other skin diseases.
  • Insufficient amount of vitamins.
  • Pregnancy.

It is in such cases that it is necessary to use ointment for cracked heels, which will help significantly moisturize the skin, nourish it and relieve inflammation in the affected area.


The pharmacodynamics of the ointment for cracked heels depends on the main substances used in the product, as well as on some other features. That is why different drugs differ in their properties. We will look at the pharmacodynamics of Calendula ointment, which is one of the most effective in the fight against cracks.

The drug has local antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and reparative effects. The activity of the ointment is due to the combination of its active components. Among them, the most important are flavonoids, essential oils, triterpenes and sexviterpenes. Thanks to essential oils, the product has an antimicrobial effect against certain types of microbes and fungi (including Candida albicans, Candida monosa). Thanks to flavonoids, the ointment has an antioxidant effect, it helps restore free radicals. Flavonoids also take part in the synthesis of collagen, so the ointment helps accelerate tissue contraction in the damaged edges of the epithelium.

Microvascular tissue perfusion also improves after using Calendula ointment. Therefore, if the patient suffers from chronic venous insufficiency, the remedy quickly relieves swelling, pain and cramps.

After applying the ointment to the site of injury, a person immediately begins to feel warmth there, which is associated with the activation of some of its components. Once the receptors are stimulated, these impulses begin to be transmitted to the spinal cord, which turns on the reflexes of the nervous system. Thanks to this, skin regeneration is enhanced. Two hours after application, the anti-inflammatory effect of the ointment begins to appear in the deep layers of the epithelium.


The pharmacokinetics of the ointment for cracked heels depends on what substances and active components are included in its composition. We will look at the example of Calendula ointment, which effectively fights unpleasant skin diseases.

If the product is applied to intact skin under a special bandage, it is absorbed very slowly. Absorption in this case will not exceed 2%. The components that are included in the calendula plant help form a kind of layer in the endothelium of skin vessels and other structures.

Using ointments for cracked heels during pregnancy

Cracked heels irritate every person, and they can bring a lot of problems and inconvenience to a woman during pregnancy.

Most of the ointments that manufacturers suggest using to combat cracked and dry heels are completely safe for the health and development of the fetus, so you can apply them to your skin without much concern. But before use, we still recommend that you consult a dermatologist, who will recommend the safest and most effective product, or carefully read the instructions.

Contraindications for use

Most ointments for cracked heels are based on natural ingredients, so they are completely safe for human health. Typically, such products do not have any special contraindications for use, except for special sensitivity to their active substances.

Side effects of ointments for cracked heels

Ointments for cracked heels usually have no side effects, except local: allergies, itching, burning, redness at the site of application. If you notice any negative effects after applying the product to your skin, you should immediately rinse it under warm running water, wipe dry and consult a doctor who will prescribe you another medicine.

Names of ointments for cracked heels

Many are in no hurry to show such an unpleasant problem to a doctor, therefore, in order to choose the appropriate treatment on your own, you need to know the names of ointments for cracked heels, which are popular today.

  • Radevit. An ointment based on retinol palmitate and vitamin D. This drug is used to improve tissue healing. Has antipruritic, dermatoprotective, anti-inflammatory effect. Helps normalize the process of keratinization of the skin when the body lacks the vitamins that are included in the product. Indicated in the case of: ichthyosis, cracked heels, erosions, dermatitis, ulcers and wounds without infections, burns, eczema, neurodermatitis, allergic reactions.

It is not recommended to use if you have hypervitaminosis D, A, E, or during pregnancy if you are already taking any medications with retinol. Apply a small amount onto rough skin of the heels. To achieve effective results, repeat twice a day.

  • Balsamed. It has a moisturizing and nourishing effect. It has a good effect on the skin, making it more elastic and soft. Helps prevent cracked heels. Also used to relieve redness, irritation, and allergies. The composition includes vitamins E and A, which help increase the resistance of the epidermis to infections. Apply without much effort, with light movements on the heel twice a day after taking a bath.

There are no contraindications or side effects.

  • Lamisil. Actively fights various infections, helps destroy foot fungus. Thanks to the active components of the ointment, cracks and other wounds on the heels heal very quickly, the skin becomes soft, moisturized and elastic. Restores damaged tissues. Use once a day, applying only to the heels. Before use, rinse the affected area with warm water and wipe dry. There are no contraindications. No side effects were observed.
  • BioAstin antifungal. It has an antifungal effect, so it is often used if cracked heels are caused by fungi. Creates a protective layer on the skin against pathogenic microflora and infections. The ointment contains essential oils of sage, cloves, mint, and tea tree, which help soften the skin. Cracks heal faster thanks to plant extracts and extracts. Can be used throughout the day until complete healing. Apply with gentle massaging movements. There are no contraindications.
  • Zazhivin. It consists of natural ingredients (tea tree oil, vitamin F, milk thistle, sage), so it helps to quickly and effectively regenerate damaged tissue. It has wound-healing and bactericidal effects. Apply once a day (best before bedtime) in a small amount, massaging movements.

Calendula ointment for cracked heels

Today on the Internet you can find many different reviews about various products that help soften the rough skin of the feet and heels. Calendula ointment for cracked heels is one of them. This is a homeopathic remedy that does an excellent job of regenerating the skin, healing wounds and scratches. It has a bactericidal, wound-healing, disinfectant, softening and anti-inflammatory effect. Shown when available acne, inflammatory processes on the skin, cracks and wounds on the heels, burns, to narrow pores, to give the skin elasticity, for pain relief after bites.

As the name implies, the main component of the ointment is calendula tincture. It is distinguished by a slightly greenish tint and has a characteristic herbal odor. Apply only to cleansed and dried skin. Use a small amount of ointment, which is applied to the damaged area with massaging movements. Repeat up to three times a day. Among the side effects, only possible ones are distinguished allergic reactions. Calendula ointment for cracked heels is contraindicated for children and pregnant women.


German ointment for cracked heels “Gehwol” helps to solve once and for all this unpleasant problem that can affect each of us. It quickly and effectively heals cracked, rough, dry, hard skin of the feet and heels, helps destroy infections that could get into the cracks during physical activity. The ointment contains natural substances (plant essential oils), as well as other active ingredients (bisabolol, panthenol, calcium ricinoleate, nutritional fat), so it is safe for your health.

Gewol ointment can be used daily as a treatment for cracked heels, as well as to prevent their occurrence. Thanks to the components of the drug, the skin of your feet will soon become elastic, soft and moisturized. If there are cracks and wounds on the heels, then the ointment will help disinfect them, quickly relieving all discomfort and pain.

Apply once or twice every day, rubbing thoroughly but lightly into the skin. If you need to quickly solve the problem, you can use Gewol immediately after a warm foot bath. There are no contraindications to the drug.

Zinc ointment

Zinc ointment for cracked heels is a simple, inexpensive and effective remedy for healing the skin, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. The active substance of the drug is zinc oxide, which helps create a protective barrier on the heels and prevent further damage. Thanks to this, healing occurs several times faster, inflammation goes away, and the skin becomes soft and pleasant to the touch.

The ointment has antiseptic properties, although they are quite weak and only help prevent infection of the wound. It also has a regenerating and healing effect. Zinc ointment is actively used for various dermatitis, scratches, diaper rash, cracked heels, hemorrhoids, and acne.

Most patients tolerate the effect of the ointment well. But if you are suffering increased sensitivity to any of its components, then the product must be used extremely carefully. The most common side effects include: burning, itching, redness, allergic reaction.

Ointments for deep cracked heels

If for some reason you were unable to treat your cracked heels on time, then seemingly small problems can turn against you. Soon the cracks will become too deep, they will begin to bring constant pain while walking and will become more likely to become infected. In this case, Vaseline-based ointments for deep cracks in the heels will bring you significant relief.

  • Bepanten. Protective and healing care line skin from the early childhood. The ointment copes well even with very deep wounds that appear on the heels in summer time. This is a universal and proven remedy that has no contraindications or side effects. Apply the ointment in a small amount twice a day to previously cleansed and dried skin of the heels.
  • Petrolatum. This drug is considered the most effective in the fight against deep cracks. Apply several times a day to the damaged area. Patients noted that immediately after application the skin becomes more elastic, moisturized and soft. The burning sensation, itching, and pain go away. There are no contraindications.

Chinese ointment for cracked heels

A proven and quite effective remedy that helps not only with cracked heels, but also with dermatitis and eczema. Excellent and quick healing of all wounds, even very deep ones. Unpleasant sensations, itching, burning, pain, dryness, redness and infection disappear immediately after the first application of the ointment. The skin of the heels becomes more elastic, soft and moisturized. To get a faster effect, apply after a warm foot bath.

Chinese ointment for cracked heels is used only on clean and dry skin. To help the product absorb better, you can wrap your feet in plastic wrap and put warm socks on top.

Directions for use and doses

For cracked heels, ointments are applied to the affected areas of the skin until the main symptoms completely disappear. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about any standard course of treatment. It all depends on the severity of the disease, the size of the affected area and individual characteristics body. As a rule, ointment for cracked heels is applied to clean and dry skin before bed.