Subtleties of all hair removal techniques in the intimate zone. Hair function in the intimate zone and the meaning of their removal

The epilation of intimate zones is a procedure associated not only with external attractiveness, but also with the culture, hygiene and health of the human body. But about how to properly remove excess hair without strong skin damage, not many know.

Opinions about whether the intimate zones should be epilacated, divided. Some people are confident that the hair in these places is protected by the vagina from the penetration of bacteria and microbes. But this is a lie. Vegetation in this area creates an excellent environment for the life and functioning of microbes. In addition, hair in intimate zone - the main cause of occurrence unpleasant odor.


The most affordable, instantaneous and lightweight method of removing unwanted hair. Modern companies The production does not cease to surprise the assortment: some differ in the number of blades, other strips with moisturizing components that facilitate the slip of the device.

The epilation of intimate zones using a razor should be carried out after breaking the pubic area and preliminary haircuts of long hairs. Next, a special means is applied and the removal of unnecessary vegetation begins. To avoid irritation, shaving the hairs is needed by growth. At the end of the procedure, the pubic zone is rinsed with cool water and baby oil is applied.

The benefits of shaving can be attributed to the affordable price, ease of execution, speed and painlessness of the procedure. The disadvantages of the method of a lot: the formation of irritations and cuts, the short-term effect, the gradual formation of bristles and ingrown hairs and, finally, the inability to carry out deep removal (zone between the buttocks).

Use of creams and reviews about their effectiveness

The epilation of intimate zones with a chemical method is represented by the use of special creams, gels and aerosols. Each means consists of a substance provoking the splitting of the hair squirrel. As a result, separated from the bulbs, he falls out.

Application of the epilator

The intimate zone epilation at home is more often taken by an epilator equipped with small tweezers, exciting and sprinkling the hairs with the root. The procedure is very painful, and in the bikini area for several hours there is severe redness. But, fortunately, it goes down, and the effect of smooth skin lasts up to 4 weeks.

Intimate epilation of the bikini zone using the epilator - the procedure is unpleasant and painful, and to reduce pain, modern producers equip the devices with special cooling fixtures.

This method of epilation has a number of advantages and disadvantages and is suitable only for hair removal on the pubic zone. The advantages include preservation of the result for a long time, the possibility of conducting the procedure at home and independently.

The main disadvantages in the use of the epilator, according to women, is considered pain, a large spending of time, the appearance of ingrown hairs and high price For a high-quality epilator.

Wax epilation (Vaxing)

Before conducting the procedure, the hair in the intimate zone is spoiled to a certain length. It happens three species: warm, hot, cold. More about cold wax epilation will be described later, and now consider the first two types.

Warm wax is pre-warmed up in a water bath. They apply it as well as all kinds, that is, in growth, but remove against hair growth. After the epilation, the treated leather seems to be pulled. It's all about the wax residues on the epilacable zone, it is he who causes discomfort.

Hot wax is warmed up to 42 degrees in the exclave and applied with a spatula. The effect of sprinkling makes the epilation procedure intimate seats Less painful and fast.


Electricity is one of the most painful but effective ways Hair removal in any area, including in intimate. During the procedure, a needle electrode is introduced into the hair follicle. The main minus of this method: the possibility of the appearance of scars and scars.

Photo- and laser hair removal

Laser and photoepilation on the principle of action is similar, since in both cases the impact on the skin is performed using light threads. In the first case, the beam affects the part of the hair melanin, damages follicles, thereby provokes their loss. For processing 2 cm skin of sufficient one flash of the epilator. The procedure is most effective for blocked brunettes.

Full laser hair removal Intimate zones are limited to 5-7 visits to the cosmetology cabinet with an interval of 6-8 weeks.

Epilation of the intimate zone at home

Of course, the most reliable and usual way to remove vegetation in the bikini zone is the use of the epilator. But he has a significant minus - severe diseases of the procedure. Agree, not every can cause such suffering, but for a hike to beauty salons sometimes lacks time or finance is not allowed.

IN last years A popular way to remove hair in the intimate zone was shugaring. This old method is less painful, reliable and affordable. Shugaring can make women with sensitive skiny I. different type The stiffness is also a hypoallergen sugar and has an antimicrobial function, so during and after the procedure there will be no inflammation and irritation.

Men's epilation of intimate zones

The procedure for removing hair in delicate places is in demand not only at beautiful gender, but also in strong. Removing vegetation in an intimate place in men is characterized by the fact that the hair in this area is growing faster and have a dense structure.

Male epilation of intimate zones is carried out by the same methods as for women. But since the strong floor is inclined to the fear of obtaining pain (especially in such a delicate place), in most cases the preference is given to the old and proven method - shaving. But from here there is the following fear: the opportunity to hurt the skin or get irritation, after which the hands will constantly ask there.

Therefore, dear menIn order to make an intimate zone clean and neat, contact the beauty salon. Forget about constraints and discomfort, because for the master you are an ordinary client, and there is nothing terrible and so more than the shame there is no one.

Correct care for the intimate zone after the epilation procedure

How to make epilation in the intimate zone in the cabin and at home, now it is clear, it remains to consider the latter, no less important question concerning proper care Behind the skin field of the procedure for removing extra vegetation.

For the beginning, during the first days after the procedure, it is necessary to provide special care to the delicate zone, that is, apply special gels if pimples were formed after epilation on the skin, treat them with a calendula or salicylic solution, but in no case squeeze.

And finally, do not forget to enjoy caring and regenerating means, and then a wonderful result in the form of smooth and delicate skin is guaranteed!

There is no such woman who would not come across the problem of intimate places. Extra Hair, bringing a lot of inconvenience and discomfort, has to be deleted quite often, especially during the beach season and vacation. Choosing a painless way, we are forced to put up with the briefness of the results of the procedure, and preference to the method, after the use of which you can not remember about the extra hair for several months, is forced to endure enough strong pain.

A no less simple and painless way is to use a special to determine intimate places, which can have the shape of gel, cream and lotion. The procedure using these funds will take a few more time, but the result will continue a little longer. Before the first use, cream or gel for depilation of intimate seats is advisable to test on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin for sensitivity to active ingredients.

It is quite simple to use these cosmetics, it is necessary to apply a cream or gel to depilat intimate places to unwanted vegetation and wait the time specified on the package. Then it is necessary with the help of a special spatula to remove the tool from the skin along with softening hairs. Depending on the brand of cream and its composition, the effect can be saved from three days to three weeks.

Procedures such as depilation of intimate places at home wax and preheated sugar have recently become very popular even though it does not have to count on any painlessness at all. Apparently, the long-term results of the results do its job and women are ready to suffer pain to forget about hated hairs for several months.

The procedure for carrying out simple - wax for depilation of intimate seats is applied to the area of \u200b\u200bremoval of hairs in heat and is dramatically removed after the frozen together with unwanted vegetation. The method is very painful, so women with a low pain threshold almost impossible to endure such a procedure.

In order to prevent the appearance of irritations on the skin and slow down the growth of new hairs after the depilation procedure, it is advisable to use the cream after depilation of intimate places, which will calm the skin and effectively its moisturizes. For many girls, the problem is a problem of shooting new hairs under the skin, after which inflammation often occurs.

In order to prevent the rustling of hairs, it is possible to adhere to several tips:

  • before depilation (epilation), immediately after it and then at least once every 2 weeks, make a peeling scrub - it will remove dead cells from the skin surface, it will become thinner and growing hairs will be easier to break through the top;
  • movement of the razor machine do only on growing hair, in no case cannot be against growth;
  • constantly moisturize the skin with cream - it softens the surface layer of the epidermis;
  • use special means against increasing hair;
  • be sure to change the way of depilation, if after the previous hair began to grow;
  • do not wear close underwear from synthetic tissues.

Science and Technology in the Beauty Service

Proper depilation of intimate places with an electrical depilator is very effective, but also a rather painful way to combat the smoothness of the body. It gives a good result, which remained for a long time. In order for the procedure to be as comfortable as possible, it is recommended that it is recommended to peel the body well, for example, to lie down in a fragrant bath or, at a minimum, take a shower. After that, it is necessary to disinfect the place of mapping and apply a softening oil on it.

The machine for depilation of intimate places should move against hair growth, otherwise the new growing hairs will start to grow into the skin. For a larger decrease in sensitivity, you can pre-apply in the place of the procedure with ice bag for 5-10 seconds and slightly pull the skin during accumulation. After electroepilation, the sound needs to be given to relax and raise some time, after which the moisturizing and soothing skin cream is applied.

Laser hair removal and photoepilation are very expensive procedures that are carried out exclusively in beauty salons. Photoepilation takes less time, is a more efficient and expensive procedure. With this method of exposure to several hair follicles, it is destroyed by flash light, while during laser depilation on each hairs have to be affected separately.

It is usually necessary to undergo a course of 3-6 procedures for full getting rid of hair for the period up to the year. These types of epilation are not suitable because there are a number of contraindications that include: diabetes, irritation on the skin, epilepsy and varicose veins.

If you have not yet decided on the choice of a hair removal method in the bikini zone, then looking at the short video, learn the opinion of doctors about what kind of depilation is the best in terms of medicine:

Oriflame offers a whole arsenal of means for depilation and epilation, as well as for skin care after these procedures:

  • 23783 - Women's razor machines (disposable) - a triple blade and a strip with aloe extract will provide you with a comfortable shave;
  • 22932 - Silk orchid shaving gel is rich in silk proteins and orchid extract, softens and calms the skin;
  • 23949 - wax strips for depilation "Silk Orchid";
  • 22691 - The gel against the ingrown hair "Silk Orchid" contains salicylic acid and the HAIR minimising complex, silk proteins and orchid extract will significantly reduce the number of ingrown hair;
  • 21665 - Body Lotion "Silk Orchid". Arnik and Gamamelis in the composition will remove annoyance, reassure the skin, the Hair Minimising complex slows the hair growth.

    Be healthy, beautiful, tender and sexy!

Modern world dictates women their beauty canons. Therefore, the question of removing excess hair on the body is now especially relevant. Depilation of an intimate zone causes many questions in women.

Advantages and disadvantages of depilation of an intimate zone

Intimate depilation, like others cosmetic procedures has his own positive and negative sides. Pros of this procedure:

  1. During the day, the hair on the body of a woman is absorbed a lot of dirt and are an excellent medium for breeding different bacteria. Therefore, the depilation of intimate zones is a question of personal hygiene and health not only girls, but also representatives of strong sex.
  2. Pure and well maintained female body It has always been the object of attracting male attention and attached confidence to representatives of weak gender. The hairs that look out from under the strip of the swimsuit look not aesthetically and even repulsive.
  3. Lobo hair in a woman may contain remnants of secretions, and then cause different infections.

However, despite all the advantages of a smooth intimate zone, nature did not invenue vegetation. If we consider the hair in the bikini zone from the side of biology, they indicate a sexual maturity of a woman and have many positive qualities. Therefore, the mines of female intimate depilation include the following:

  1. The hairs are a barrier to penetrate women of different bacteria and maintain the desired microflora. But this is possible only if hygienic standards are met. If the vegetation is removed, then alien microorganisms will be much easier to penetrate the female body.
  2. It is scientifically brought that pheromones are stored in the hairs, which attract the opposite sex.
  3. Natural vegetation in the intimate zone is responsible for thermoregulation.
  4. Sometimes depilation is a very painful process. Not every girl is able to endure this pain in order to look well maintained and beautiful.

Many modern girls, given all the pros and cons of hair removal from the intimate zone, resort to original decision - They are removed only that vegetation, which is visible outside the underwear or leave one thin hair strip. This option likes many women, because it looks aesthetically and does not contradict nature.

Methods of depilation in the bikini zone

Beautiful sexes who want their intimate zone clean and smooth can choose a suitable way of hair removal.

After all, there are several of them. Depilation of the intimate zone at home can be carried out using a razor, special cream, depilator, wax and shugaring.

Razor and cream

Shaver is the most popular and simple way Removal of unwanted hair on the body. Its dignity is the safety of the procedure, and the disadvantage - the appearance of the bristles is the next day.

Often, after using a razor in women, irritations or ingrown hair appear. To avoid this, you need to use a special gel or shaving foam, and after the procedure, wipe the skin with a moisturizing lotion. The disadvantage of this method of depilation is that after shaving hair grows even darker and thick.

Vegetation cream. You can make depilation in intimate places with special creams. This procedure will be absolutely safe and painless. How is all this happening? In order to remove the hairs, it is necessary to apply the cream to the intimate zone with a thick layer, and a few minutes, a special spatula, which is sold complete with cream, remove the cosmetic with unwanted hair. Creams with which they make depilation, consist of components that destroy the structure of hairs, and they are easily removed through the specified in the instructions.

Depending on the composition of the means and type of hairs, the effect of such a procedure can be saved from several days to several weeks. Contraindication to the use of creams may be sensitive skin and individual intolerance to those or other components of the means.

Electric depilator

Popular among women who decided to get rid of unwanted vegetation in the intimate zone, uses an electric depilator. To date, the variety of depilation machines is very large, some of them can even be used in water.

The advantage of this method of removing unwanted vegetation is the long-term effect and availability in price. Not to spend money on salon treatmentsYou can only buy a depilator once and use it for a long time. After its use, the hair does not grow at least two weeks.

By cons of the procedures include the soreness of the process and irritation on the skin. To avoid all these unpleasant moments, before using an electric depilator, you must apply to the desired zone special means, and after the procedure, wipe the body with a nutrient cream.


To combat unwanted hair, a fair sex is often used wax. It can be easily done at home, armed with the desired skill. For depilation, wax will need wax, blade and special strips. The procedure itself is produced as: warm wax is applied to the skin, then the thin strips are imposed on it and after a few seconds they remove them against the growth of hairs.

The effect of the procedure is held sufficiently long, and the hairs after it grows thinner and light. Unfortunately, to make depilation in this way quite painfully and irritation may appear on the skin.

Sugar will also help

Shugaring is a sugar depilation that won the attention of many ladies. This method of removing unwanted vegetation on the body provides for the use of sugar, which is prepared from sugar, lemon juice and water. To prepare a lot of independently at home, you need to take 500 grams of sugar, 3 tbsp. l. Lemon juice and 4 tbsp. l. Clean water. All ingredients must be placed in a saucepan and cook on a small fire, stirring periodically. When sugar is completely dissolved, and the mixture will begin to foam, it means that the mass is already ready. It must be removed from the fire and wait for it a little cold, and then make depilation. To do this, the mixture is made on the body against the growth of hairs and break with sharp movements towards the hair growth.

The main thing in this method is properly cooked syrup. After shugaring on the skin, small redness may appear, which quickly pass. Contraindications to this procedure are burns, damage and wounds on the skin. Shugaring is not limited to the bikini zone, it, like other ways of depilation, is perfect for other places on the body.

Women's depilation of the bikini zone is a simple and easy process. In order for it only a pleasant sensation and long-term effect, it is necessary to get acquainted with how to do it with the specific method.

Removal of unwanted hairs in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin is one of the components of the female intimate hygiene. Despite the prevalence of hardware hair removal techniques with intimate places and not only, most ladies prefer to delete unwanted hair Alone. All home methods of getting rid of hairs belong to depilation, implying the destruction of only the visible part of "vegetation".

Bikini shaving is considered the easiest and cheap way to care for skin intimate places. For this, razor machines are used equipped with a certain set of blades and moisturizing strips that provide soft gliding blades on the skin. To protect yourself from cuts and abrasions, it is recommended to shave only after taking a shower or bath. You also need to apply gel or shaving foam.

If the hairs are long, they are recommended to shorten the trimmer or scissors. After applying the foam (gel), you can proceed to the removal of hairs: all the movements of the razor must be carried out by the growth of hairs. After each movement of the blade should be rinsed with cold water. After completion of the procedure, the remnants of the foam (gel) are flushed and the intimate zone towel is neatly wedged. To prevent irritation, it is recommended to apply a slightly calming cream or oil on the skin.

Shaving, despite its popularity, has such minuses:

  • a short result;
  • frequent shave provokes the appearance of non-psychic bristles;
  • shaving does not allow to perform deep depilation of delicate places, because it threatens with cuts and abrasions;
  • frequent application of the razor provokes skin pigmentation.

Chemical depilation

You can find special on sale. cosmeticswhich are intended for depilation at home. The cream depilator acts softly, and at the same time effectively and quickly. The composition of such funds includes chemical components dissolving keratin, thereby destroying the hairs. However, the bikini zone depilation cream does not allow to get rid of the bulbs of hairs, which is why the effect of depilation cannot be called prolonged.

Pluses of depilation with cream:

  • no pain and microtrav;
  • minimum depill duration;
  • cheapness;
  • easy in execution.
  • allergy is possible to cream;
  • the hairs are growing after 5-7 days;
  • the inability to fulfill Brazilian depilation, as the cream hitting the genial organs is unacceptable.

To get the desired result, you should use the depilaner correctly, in accordance with the instructions. During the day before the procedure, the skin of the bikini area is recommended to be treated with a delicate scrub. Such an approach will avoid rustling of hairs in the skin.

Before depilation, it is advisable to take a warm shower. If the hairs are too long and thick, to simplify chemical depilation you can cut them. Before applied cream to large areas of the skin, you need to perform an allergy test: the minimum portion of the cream is applied to the leather area of \u200b\u200bthe forearm and wash off with water in a few minutes. If after 10 minutes on the skin, a rash, blisters or redness appeared, from depilation with cream should be refused.

The rules for applying a depilator cream:

  1. The remedy shall apply a thin layer on the bikini line and pubis.
  2. After a few minutes, the cream is removed by a spatula against hair growth.
  3. The remnants of the depilator are flushed under the shower.
  4. After depilation on the skin you can apply some oil and cream, slowing hair growth.

The depilator cannot be applied to scars, wounds, neules, guns and warts.

Vaxing and Shugaring

Wax epilation of intimate zones is made cold or warm (hot) wax. Cold depilation is the use of wax strips of industrial production. It is easy to use such products: before sticking to the hairs, the strip is heated in the palms, after which they are fixed on the "vegetation" with the wax and after a few seconds they cut down the strip from the skin against hair growth. This method is suitable for performing classic bikini (hair removal only along the bottom of the underwear).

Warm (hot) Vaxing requires special skill, otherwise you can get a skin burn. Do wax depilation It is recommended in the hairs whose length exceeds 3 millimeters, because the wax will not be able to capture the shorter "vegetation". Before Vaxing, it is recommended to perform peeling of intimate zones, since the exfoliation of the damaged particles of skin contributes to the "exposure" of each hairs. The course of performing wax depilation:

  1. The skin with which the hairs will be removed is disinfected with chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide, after which it is processed by a talc.
  2. In the direction of growth of hair, a melted wax is applied to the spatula. The master sticks to the wax paper or tissue strip and a sharp movement removes it from the skin against the growth of hairs. If the epilation is performed for the first time, an insignificant amount of blood can act on the site of remote hair, but it is not necessary to be afraid. On the second day, the microranki is heal independently. With each procedure, pain will not be so strong, since the hairs after vacuing will grow not so thick and thick.
  3. Wax remnants are removed with napkins, and the skin of the intimate zone is disinfected.

After vacciping, the intimate zone is in perfect condition of more than 3 weeks. Pluses of Vaxing:

  • democratic price;
  • the possibility of holding a house;
  • the hairs cease to grow intensively.

However, wax epilation has several drawbacks:

  • soreness;
  • probability of allergy to wax;
  • need to wear non-psychic hairs a couple of days before the procedure;
  • increased probability of rustling of hair;
  • the hairs can break the skin during the removal process.

It is impossible to make a vaxing during pregnancy, as well as sugar diabetes In the stage of decompensation, dermatitis, exacerbation of herpes and varicose veins of the veins of the genital organs.

Sigaring of intimate zones is a little different from Vaxing, but still this method has its own characteristics. To fulfill the procedure, a sugar paste is home or industrial production. The composition of such a paste is pretty simple: sugar, lemon juice and water. Such a pasta not only removes hair, but also provides soft skin peeling during depilation, thereby reducing the likelihood of rustling of hairs into the skin. Shugaring can be made in the hairs from 1 millimeter.

Shugaring technology:

  1. The skin of intimate places is disinfected and talc is applied to it.
  2. A small piece of paste is heated in the palms and laughed evenly on the hairs or a spatula against hair growth. After 30 seconds, the edge of sugar cakes should be picked up with his fingers and sharply disrupt it by the growth of hairs.
  3. Paste residues are removed from the skin, and after depilation on the treated areas, a calming agent is applied.

The effect of sugar epilation is saved for about a month. Many girls prefer shugaring, as he possesses such advantages:

  • versatility;
  • a combination of depilation and peeling;
  • minimum risk of allergies on sugar paste;
  • the ability to prepare the paste and performing the procedure at home.
  • shugaring takes a lot of time;
  • pain in the first sessions.

Contraindications for the holding of shugaring are similar to wax depilation.

It is worth noting that none of the described methods does not allow to get rid of the hair on the body. If there is a desire to remove the hair forever, it is recommended to resort to hardware methods of epilation. To make a good choice of techniques, you should consult with a beautician.

Depilation is called hair removal from the skin surface, and its most famous ways are to shave and use a special cream that softens and removes the hairs. Depilation does not affect the hair follicle and does not destroy it in contrast to the epilation - hair removal along with a bulb. Depilation of an intimate zone is characterized by simplicity, painlessness and speed - the procedure usually does not take more than 5 minutes.


Depilation of the intimate area has to do not like every girl or a woman - some are afraid of pain and irritation, others quite satisfy their vegetation. Like any procedure, depilation has positive and not very features:

  • Allows you to get rid of the hair quickly and painlessly;
  • Ensures unpleasant odor. Through the hair (no matter where) can be delayed on their own "body" of sweat and sebum - skin saline, and the latter have an unpleasant to smell, plus bacteria spread to all in the hairs. Especially this problem - pregnant women suffer excessive sweating and just those who change hormonal background;
  • Smooth skin in the intimate area is charged with confidence more detached linen, experts say;
  • Women's depilation allows not to remove hair cleaned, but to remove the length or get rid of the protruding hairs from under the panties;
  • Depilation of deep bikini implies the removal of hairs completely and especially common among young girls.

Speaking about the positive parties of depilation, it is impossible not to be noted and its negative:

  • May cause irritation on the skin;
  • Can lead to rustling of hair;
  • Requires constant costs - buying a razor, cassettes or blades for it, cream and other accessories, including skin care products;
  • Does not have a long-playing effect.

What is the name of?

The scope of the female in women is called "Bikini", and speaking of this intimate zone it is impossible to not say that Bikini's depilation is deep and classical. The "classic" bikini depilation implies the removal of only those hair that go beyond the panties, that is, all extra, usually they look untidy and can cause disgust. "Deep" bikini - hair removal from the entire surface of the groin, including sex lips and an inter-log area, but as an exception you can leave a small strip short hair On the pubis.

Types and methods

There are two ways of depilation, that is, hair removal from the skin surface is the use of a razor machine or cream.


The easiest and painless way of getting rid of the hair in the intimate area, but not the most modern and long-playing - the hair starts growing already in a day, and the intimate area is like a hedgehog.

Dozens and even hundreds of models of razors are represented and even hundreds of simple disposable to modern floating head and the additional property to reassure the skin (by selecting the gel from the machine).

The razor copes well with full depilation, that is, "deep bikini" due to the subtle blades and a small head of the razor, but there is a chance to cut the skin.


The cream for depilation literally "dissolves" the hair on the surface, but its hitting is undesirable to the skin mucous membrane (and it is in the intimate area). This method is also painless, but not all creams cope with rigid and long hairs on the body, to achieve the perfect effect often comes in addition to the razor.

Cream for depilation Velvet. Qualitatively removes hairs and slows their further growth, in the brand line there are products for different parts of the body, including intimate zone and sensitive skin as a whole. Depilation complex "mini-bikini" allows you to get rid of vegetation for a period of 3 to 6 months and even at home. The manufacturer suggests that his product does not remove hair, and only stops their growth, so cream and oil must be used in the complex only after any epilation procedure - using a homemade epilator or a hike to the procedures for shigaring or hair removal wax. The opinion of this product was divided into consumers - alone praise him for the "smooth" result, others do not see anything special in the composition of the funds and its work.

By the way, about the composition of "mini-bikini": a complex of saturated fats, organic acids, iodine in high concentration and oil of a rambutan bone.


Depilation is the easiest and not expensive way to remove hairs in the bikini area, and there are not so many means for its implementation.


It is almost painless and does not affect the deep processes in the skin (in contrast to the epilation, when the hairs are removed along with the bulb). Shave is advisable to spend with a special gel, cream or foam so that the razor blade is better slid over the skin surface, even small hairs breatht on, besides, an additional means will be secure from cuts and cutting the skin.

Shaving disrupts the structure of the hair, as well as the removal of their epilator, sugar or wax. It can change the direction of growth of the hair, lead to irritation and other consequences from depilation or epilation, and to avoid unpleasant moments, It is necessary to carry out a procedure for uncomplicated recommendations:

  • Use a razor in the shower Or after taking a bath on a wet, slightly sparkling body - so hairs will be easier to grasp and remove;
  • Use special cream, not soap (the latter is very dry skin and does not provide a sliding surface for razor blades);
  • Remove hair for hair growth If the skin is sensitive or thin or against - so more efficiently;
  • Additionally plug the hair with tweezersIf in some zone they are rare - frequent shave can cause the growth of new thick and dark hair.

Using cream

A well-known way to remove hair with an intimate area. This product is simple in its application: it is enough to apply it to the skin of the hair with the help of a blade and leave for a certain time, then with the same spatula to remove against growth. Modern manufacturers of cosmetics for depilation offer creams "for all occasions" - for sensitive skin, for the area of \u200b\u200bbikini, legs and armpits, for normal dermis and others.

What to choose - stop the creams for the intimate areas or sensitive parts of the body, since their composition is usually simplified and "on the hand" to the consumer.

Cream Velvet.- One of the most famous and affordable hair removal, including an intimate area. Cream is suitable for removal of hairs from the bikini area Velvet.for sensitive skin with olive oil and chamomile, special " Velvet intim.»To work with an intimate area with a chamomile in the composition. It is inferior to hot wax in the effect of the effect of the effect, but surpasses the notorious razor - the hairs grow thinner.

Ingrown hair may appear from any kind of depilation, and the special cream or lotion will help prevent their appearance, for example, " Depileve Folisan." The liquid form of the product is convenient for its use on the bikini area. As part of a lotion against the ingrown hairs " Depileve Folisan.»Contains acetylsalicylic acid (drying the skin, relieves inflammation, redness), glycerin (excellently moisturizes, nourishes the epidermis, soothes and stimulates the cellular update, effectively heals damaged or dry skin).

Folk recipes

Our great-grandmothers thought about getting rid of hair, from which simple methods have reached us, or recipes.

Hydrogen peroxide or peroxide

« Old-timers»Recommend to wipe hair 2-3 times a day and say that the vegetation will soon acquire a brighter inconspicuous shade. This recipe cannot be called a 100% way to get rid of the hairs on the body, but it is often used to discolor hair and especially often on the face.


Or permanganate potassium. Excellent struggles with unwanted vegetation - so they say "experienced". The essence of its use is to breed concentrated solution Manganese and daily wiping of the body sections with vegetation, in our case in the intimate area. The highly concentrated composition of mangartages is dangerous - they are easy to get burns and especially when contact with the mucous membrane (it also has in the intimate area).

In addition, a solution of manganese gives a noticeable coloring effect on the skin from light yellow to brown.


The mixture of ammonic, classic alcohol and iodine is effectively fighting with hairs. The recipe is pretty simple: you need to mix 70 grams. Alcohol, 10 gr. "Nasharya", 10 gr. castor Oil and 3 gr. iodine. The resulting solution needs to wipe the skin twice a day.


The abrasive surface of the pumice is able to get rid of hairs - the daily use of the "grater" for the legs literally carries the hair from the body surface, they speak forums. It is worth noting that this method is intended and especially for an intimate zone - the skin is tender there. The essence of the method is that 1-2 times a day rub the skin to easy redness and wait for the natural loss of hair.

Folk ways The fight against undesirable vegetation in the field of bikini is quite doubtful: it is unknown, after how many hair will begin to fall from daily friction of pimples or compresses from iodine and alcohol. It is likely that to get a burn or strong irritation will be faster than getting rid of hairs.

What is better to do in the field of bikini?

A razor or cream - depending on how you are used to doing it. The daily shave with a razor is not very good for our skin - it is annoyed, it seems and is simply injured from a frequent contact with the blade, the same thing can be said about the cream for depilation - it is simply impossible to use it every day. Irritation is the most common consequence from daily depilation procedures and especially in the field of bikini, it can be expressed by easy redness, rash, itching and even painful feelings on the skin.

If we talk about sensitive skin, you need to test and shave, and several creams for depilation in order to determine "your". With the growth of coarse, hard and dark hair, you can try several brands of creams for depilation, suddenly there is a product with a maximum return on them - it will be effectively removed by the hairs in the bikini area, will not cause irritation on the skin and they will not grow with him "like yeast" . Owner thin light hair May also try to find your perfect cream or continue to use a razor, especially if new hairs grow slowly.

How to do at home?

Proper preparation.The optimal time for the procedure is 15-16 hours - this time experts determine how the smallest susceptibility period to unpleasant sensations. In general, depilation is known for its painlessness, which means that it can be "on demand", if any pain or unpleasant sensations Previously, it was not observed.

Make scrub before hair removal procedure- in the soul or after taking a bath. Abrasive particles remove the buried "dead" layer of cells, raise the hairs at the roots and ensure the razor blade is a high-quality slip, and the cream is the best assimilation on the skin and the destruction of the "body" of the hair.

Conduce the depilation procedure in the shower (If this is a razor) or after, if you use the cream. Warm water will break the skin slightly and provide better gliding with a razor cassette. By the way, the epilation is also worth it after the shower, to clean the skin and do not allow the particles of the skin, sweat and bacteria to enter open pores, and soak the skin after the procedure is not recommended for another 2-3 hours (ideally for up to 12 hours).

If we talk about a razor, Prepare a fresh sharp blade or appreciate the state of the previous one - how clean it is, is well sliding on the skin and cuts the hairs, and does not tear them.

Cream depilation requires no less preparation:

  • Take the shower - the depilatory area should be clean. Does not hurt and scrub;
  • Fully dry the skin and the hairs with a towel and natural air - the cream will not fall evenly on wet skin;
  • Prepare a tube with cream, shovel for applying and removing hair, towel or a dense napkin;
  • Additionally, you can wipe the skin with an antiseptic - lotion, tonic if there are no contraindications on this topic in the manufacturer's recommendation.

How is the process?

The razor depilation is better carried out in the shower - warm water will slightly soften the skin and will open the pores. Pre-apply a little cream or shaving foam on clean wet skin and quickly distribute it on the intimate area, the composition will allow the razor blades to slide on the surface easily and hooking all the hair, even the shortest.

The process of hair removal begins with a pubic - walk the hair razor, top down. Next, switch to sexual lips and an inter-log area - shave in these places is necessary in different directions to remove vegetation effectively. Return to the pubic and appreciate its smoothness - if it is not sufficient, you can walk on it with a razor against hair growth, consolidate the result.

Cream's hair depilation is a little different:

  • Apply a little cream to the dry skin with the help of a blade - it is not worth distributing it;
  • Start the distribution of the product from the pubic and move down - to the sexual lips;
  • It is important to distribute the cream evenly - there should be no spaces, otherwise the hairs will remain in place;
  • To effectively apply a cream to depilation "Deep bikini", take the position of sitting, bend the legs in the knees and maximize them as much as possible to get them to hard-to-reach areas will become easier;