How active should the movements be (31 weeks pregnant)? Baby movements at 31 weeks.

Pregnancy 31-32 weeks- this is a decent period, the child in the womb is already adding 200 g weekly. Growth and development of internal organs became more intense. Experts say that it weighs about 1.5 kg, its head circumference is about 7.5 cm, and its chest girth is almost 8 cm. The weight of the baby's brain has already reached one-fourth of the brain of an adult, it will soon be fully formed. The internal organs are improving their structure, many of them are already working at full strength.

Thermoregulation of the fetus is not yet perfect, the fat layer is now in the formation stage. When the development of the skin is completed, the child will be able to retain the heat of his body, but for now the mother's body provides a comfortable temperature. After observations, pediatricians found that most babies are born with gray-blue eyes. During the first year of life, the color of the iris can change under the influence of genetics, some parents will be in for a surprise. In the mother's abdomen, the baby still distinguishes only contrasting differences, he already knows how to close his eyes, the size of the pupils changes under the influence of light. After birth, a few more months will pass and all the variety of colors of the surrounding world will become available to him.

Future mom

In the third trimester pregnant is about 300 g per week. The belly is growing before our eyes, the weight fetus at 31 weeks pregnant increases, the body actively develops. He needs a lot of nutrients.

The height of the uterine fundus has already reached 32 cm. At this time, new sensations may appear in a woman's life. The muscle fibers of the uterus contract perceptibly for a short time and then relax. These contractions are called practice contractions or Braxton Hicks contractions. If you do not feel other symptoms that threaten premature birth, you should not worry, training contractions will periodically appear and pass.

In childbirth preparation courses, women are usually told about how labor begins. Usually, the symptoms are pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back, thick discharge mixed with blood, and amniotic fluid discharge. If you suspect the onset of preterm labor, you should immediately seek medical help. In most cases, preterm births 31 weeks pregnant can be stopped, because the baby still needs a little time to complete intrauterine development. If the baby still decides to be born, the doctors will be able to save his life.

The baby in the womb is no longer so free, coming to an end 31 weeks pregnant. Fetal movements become more tangible, every week there is less and less space. Probably by this date fetus at 31 weeks pregnant has already taken a favorable position in the uterus for natural childbirth - head down. Sometimes the child is in the breech presentation, as if he is sitting in the mother's stomach. Carefully probing the abdomen, you can determine in what position the baby is. Do not forget to control the nature of the fetal activity, normally there should be at least ten movements in 12 hours.

Discharge from the genitals may now become a little more profuse when it comes 31 weeks pregnant, this is due to more intense blood circulation of the vagina and uterus. Ordinary discharge is light, without a strong odor, homogeneous. If you are worried about itching in the perineum, the discharge is losing its uniformity - probably, the thrush has become more active. Modern drugs will easily get rid of that misfortune, consult your gynecologist about treatment. Elementary rules of hygiene will help compensate for discomfort until complete recovery.

The appearance of any infection in the vagina for a period pregnancy 31 - 32 weeks may adversely affect the course of pregnancy. Microbes can penetrate the uterus directly to the fetus, provoke malformations. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a healthy microflora and protect yourself from infections. In case of any suspicion, immediately visit your doctor.

Liquid watery discharge may indicate premature rupture of amniotic fluid on 31 weeks pregnant. Fetal movements may stop, this should alert the expectant mother. In this case, you need to go to the hospital, the fetus may suffer from lack of water. Spotting is dangerous for the child, intensifying, bleeding can lead to disastrous consequences. Be sure to call an ambulance and do nothing on your own.

On the 31 weeks pregnant and in the future it is especially important, varied, and not to overeat. Cutting out some less healthy foods is one of the few things you can do for your baby's health. Try a little distraction if the feeling of hunger haunts you constantly. An apple can replace a cake - and weight gain will not suffer, and it is good for health. It is strongly not recommended to use fatty foods, replace fatty meat with poultry breast, do not get carried away with confectionery products high in carbohydrates and fats. Remember, the pregnancy will soon end in a successful birth, and you will be able to eat everything that you have been depriving yourself of all this time.

You are getting closer to giving birth. By and large, they can begin at any moment, despite the fact that the allotted time has not yet come. And although at 31 weeks the baby has a great chance of surviving, the process of intrauterine development and maturation is by no means over.

Fetus at 31 weeks gestation: movements, development, weight and size

Masik's eyes are already quite well developed: he distinguishes between light and darkness, can focus his gaze, open and close his eyelids, squint. At the 31st week of pregnancy, a “corneal reflex” can be observed in a child: if he touches an open eye, he will immediately screw it up.

This week, the nails will almost reach the end of the fingers.

The brain convolutions continue to form, nerve cells work very actively, lung tissue improves, further releasing surfactant. Thanks to this, the baby will be able to inhale his first air - this substance prevents the empty alveoli from sticking together.

The liver is also actively developing: it already secretes bile, and from the 31st week of pregnancy it is preparing to cleanse the blood of the unborn child from toxins. The pancreas of the crumbs already produces its own insulin, it will begin to produce the enzymes necessary for digesting food only after birth.

Most babies at this time are already turning their heads down, from this position at the appointed time they will begin their journey into a new world. However, a certain percentage of babies do not take this most physiological position for childbirth. But you should not immediately get upset: it is quite possible that in the next week the baby will still move to the correct position.

In general, the child quickly builds up mass: at 31 weeks, he weighs an average of 1500 g and has grown to 41 cm. The skin turns pink, but capillaries are still visible through it - there is not enough subcutaneous tissue yet.

Your baby has already managed to develop his own sleep and wakefulness regimen: now you can notice that the baby reminds of himself at a certain time of the day. Moreover, he can even “remind” very actively, sometimes causing pain to his mother with his strong pushes and kicks. Each next movement of the baby can bring a woman tangible discomfort in the area of ​​​​the ribs, in the intestines or bladder, in the groin, in the back - it depends on where the baby rests, stretching out the leg or handle.

The number and nature of the movements should be monitored further: too frequent, painful movements of the baby can be a signal of a lack of oxygen, indicating an uncomfortable position for him adopted by his mother. You should be alarmed if the movements of the crumbs are not felt for several hours, in which case it is advisable to go to the doctor as soon as possible, who will listen to the baby's heartbeat and determine if everything is in order with him.

In general, at 31 weeks, the mother feels about 10 movements of the baby for 12 hours, or up to 4 movements per hour.

Future mom

The baby is growing and gaining weight very intensively. But you should get no more than 300 g per week - watch your increase. Now the expectant mother fully feels the burden of pregnancy: it’s awkward to walk, it’s hard to breathe, it’s uncomfortable to sleep ... If you didn’t suffer before or they disturbed you only occasionally, now you are more likely to encounter this trouble more closely.

Keep track of swelling, pressure and general well-being. If by morning the swelling of the legs does not go away, and you feel tired, and also if your eyes are dazzling, your legs cramp, your head hurts and you skid when cornering, you should visit the doctor earlier.
However, now you will visit the clinic quite often. You will need to take repeated ones, and if you have, then even more often than others.

Vaginal swabs will definitely be taken from you, because due to reduced immunity, thrush may develop or resume, and it must be cured by childbirth. You should also get your hands on: now this is your most important document. You should carry it with you all the time, because it is according to the records in the exchange card that the doctor will coordinate his actions in the event of your admission to the maternity hospital.

Be sure to ask your doctor how your baby is positioned. The correct presentation is head down. In this case, it will be useful to wear. If the baby lay down differently, ask about exercises that will help you correct the situation. In this case, do not use the bandage yet.

Do not forget that the baby feels your mood and state. Communicate with him daily, please yourself and his pleasant activities, enjoy the last weeks of peace: very soon you will have a lot of pleasant worries.

Pain at 31 weeks pregnant

As the uterus grows, the body weight of the pregnant woman also increases. Accordingly, the load on the legs, knee joints and back increases, the internal organs and systems of the body work "at full".

Therefore, it is not surprising if by the 31st week they increase - as a result of a shift in the center of gravity and increased load. It is very important to develop the correct posture and follow simple rules: do not walk for a long time, do not sit on chairs without a back, do not lie on your back, do not cross your legs, wear comfortable shoes.

The body is now working in preparation for the upcoming birth: the pelvic bones soften and diverge somewhat, which is the reason for possible pain in the perineum and sacrum. At the same time, pay attention to whether the pain affects the pubis - pain in the pubic bone indicates the possible development of symphysitis.

Due to the compression of the intestines by the uterus, a decrease in the tone of the smooth muscles of the esophagus, many pregnant women suffer from constipation. And constipation, as you know, is one of the first steps to the development of hemorrhoids, which, like any other disease, is better to prevent than to eliminate later. Therefore, pay attention to painful manifestations in the anus - pain in this part may portend hemorrhoids.

Belly at 31 weeks pregnant: pulls, hurts

Do not leave without reaction and abdominal pain that occurs at 31 weeks of pregnancy. You can certainly distinguish the painful sensations associated with digestive disorders from other pathological pains. And if the stomach at the 31st week of pregnancy pulls and hurts, this is, nevertheless, more a pathology than a norm.

For example, the stomach can hurt due to detachment of a normally located placenta. Yes, placental abruption in most cases is accompanied by external signs - the appearance of bloody discharge. However, bleeding can be internal, and in this case, the separation of blood from the genital tract is not observed. But there are severe pains in the lower abdomen - the stomach can sometimes hurt so much that it is impossible to touch it.

Pain in the abdomen - pulling, aching, lasting for a long time - may indicate increased uterine tone and the associated risk of preterm birth. If your stomach hurts and has been pulling for several hours in a row, do not wait for “weather from the sea”, it is better to immediately go for a consultation with a doctor.

A very serious condition, which, among other things, is accompanied by abdominal pain, can be a condition called preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a preliminary stage of eclampsia itself, the last form of preeclampsia, which is a dangerous condition for the health and life of the mother and child. The main signs of preeclampsia are headache, "flies" before the eyes, dizziness, pain and heaviness in the abdomen. With such symptoms, go to the doctor immediately, because without a proper response, the condition of the pregnant woman can deteriorate sharply and unexpectedly - up to the occurrence of convulsions of the torso and face, loss of consciousness.

Discharge at 31 weeks pregnant

Continue to monitor the nature of the discharge: normal vaginal discharge at 31 weeks of gestation is light gray or milky-light in color, homogeneous, without a pronounced odor. Do not be alarmed if the amount of discharge at this stage increases slightly: the blood supply to the genital organs is now reaching its maximum, which is the reason for some increase in the amount of discharge.

But, if at the same time the discharge changes its color towards yellow, green, earthy color, pus or flakes appear in the discharge, foamy or curdled discharge with a sharp and unpleasant odor is observed - go for an examination as soon as possible.

So, the changes mentioned above are usually caused by the development of a sexual infection. Most often, women during pregnancy experience the development or exacerbation of thrush, but changes in the nature of the discharge can also be caused by any other sexual infection. And, whatever it may be, it is imperative to treat the disease, otherwise there is a high risk of transmitting the infection to the fetus in utero or when it passes through the birth canal.

You should not postpone a visit to the doctor and with the appearance of bloody, scarlet, brown spotting. Their appearance is a symptom of a possible abruption or placenta previa. And, even if it bleeds very slightly, this cannot be ignored: at any moment, bleeding can become rampant.

However, keep in mind that the appearance of blood on the panties may also be associated with inflammation, bleeding of hemorrhoids. And in this case, first of all, it is worth thinking about the adequate treatment of hemorrhoids.

Liquid watery discharge that has a yellowish tint is amniotic fluid. Of course, the simultaneous outflow of amniotic fluid by a woman cannot go unnoticed, and in this case, you should immediately call an ambulance: premature birth begins with the outflow of water. But, at the same time, the amniotic fluid may well leak in small portions, drop by drop, which is always associated with a violation of the integrity of the membranes. Even the slightest suspicion of leakage of amniotic fluid, which may occur with a feeling of increased moisture in the perineum, should be the reason for the earliest possible visit to a doctor: if the integrity of the membranes is violated, the fetus is defenseless against the attack of infections.


It is likely that at 31 weeks pregnant you will be scheduled for a third planned ultrasound. An ultrasound session is both an occasion for a mother to once again meet with a baby and observe him, and a valuable method for obtaining information about the course of pregnancy and fetal development.

As long as you smile, looking at how the baby sucks his finger or plays with the umbilical cord, the doctor will be able to determine the absence of any risks and pathologies. When conducting an ultrasound, a specialist measures the size of the fetus and correlates it with the gestational age, listens to the baby's heartbeat, and establishes its location. In addition, the internal organs and systems of the fetus will be examined to determine whether their development and improvement are normal.

Be sure to evaluate the doctor and the condition, the size of the uterus. Pay attention to the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

31 weeks - the third in the 7th month of pregnancy. In a few weeks (normally from 5 to 9) a long-awaited event will happen - childbirth! In the meantime, two organisms are responsibly preparing for this process.

The hormone relaxin is released - a substance that promotes stretching and softening of the ligaments and cartilages of the pelvic ring. This will make it easier for the baby to pass through the birth canal. In addition, relaxin, together with other pregnancy hormones, affects the mammary glands, enhancing their growth. Future mothers should not be surprised if at 31 obstetric weeks of pregnancy there is a sharp increase in breast size and weight.

Every day the load on the kidneys increases. This can lead to swelling, so you need to strictly monitor the water-salt balance, stand less in one place and do foot massage to improve lymph outflow. You can alleviate the condition by lying down, placing a few pillows under your feet or simply “throwing” your legs against the wall.

The psychological state of a woman can also change - many at this time go to choose things for the baby, equip the nursery. This is a big event emotionally, and responsibility can make a woman irritable and whiny. This is normal, but with excessive worries, the baby may experience hypoxia, so the mother needs to learn how to cope with stress.


This week, the pancreas increases, which is already beginning to independently produce insulin - the most important regulator of metabolism in the body. The liver does not lag behind - it complicates its functions and structure.

The fetus at 31 weeks of gestation develops in the nervous system. Myelination of nerve fibers is already underway, but it will not end soon - 3 years after birth. The myelin sheath of nerves plays an important function by limiting the nerve impulse from neighboring nerve cells. It allows you to perform targeted actions, is responsible for the accuracy of thought processes and memory.

The weight of the child by the 31st week of pregnancy is already more than 1.5 kg. Often it is on these days that the baby takes the right position for childbirth - upside down. It may happen later, or it may not happen at all.

Gender of the child

The gender of the baby at 31 weeks pregnant is most likely already known. At this time, the internal organs are formed, there is a set of muscle mass, but the genitals still continue to transform. In boys, the formation of the testicles ends, at 31 weeks they have not yet descended into the scrotum, and in girls the labia remain open.

If the gender of the baby is still unknown to the parents, an ultrasound should be done. If the child hides the genitals, then one can only guess who will be born, according to the shape of the abdomen. If it has a pointed shape, sticks out forward, then you should expect a boy. Women who are expecting a girl have a round belly.


The uterus at 31 weeks of gestation rose 11–12 cm above the navel and 32 cm above the womb. It has already outgrown the size of a soccer ball and is approaching the size of a basketball. Of course, this is a huge load on the musculoskeletal system. Often at the 31st week of pregnancy there is an exacerbation of osteochondrosis, vertebral hernia, neuralgia, arthrosis.


The child at this time reaches a weight of 1.5 kg, so the stomach at the 31st week of pregnancy is growing by the day. It is large, it becomes an obstacle to doing daily housework. It is difficult for a pregnant woman to bend down to tie her shoelaces or put on her shoes. The skin on the abdomen is strongly stretched, pain occurs. You should moisturize the skin with olive oil, and also wear a prenatal bandage.

There is less and less space in the mother's stomach, so a woman may notice a protruding head, ass, leg or palm. There are wavy perturbations, tapping, shuddering. It's a baby moving.

Signs of pregnancy and mom's feelings

Most women experience digestive problems during the third trimester. Possible heartburn, bloating, constipation. In most cases, problems can be fixed by changing your eating habits.

It is still useful to count perturbations. They should be at least 10 in 6 hours and at least 20-24 per day. Tremors can be seen just by looking at the tummy!


Pain at the 31st week of pregnancy is noted in the lower back, pelvic bones. Due to the enlarged uterus and the increased weight of the child, the internal organs are displaced, their work may be disrupted. First of all, it concerns the gastrointestinal tract.

The kid actively builds up muscle mass and learns to control his limbs. Fetal movements at 31 weeks of gestation are becoming more and more noticeable. Shocks under the ribs and in the front wall of the mother's abdomen are inevitable and can sometimes be painful. White and brown fat continues to accumulate, which will protect the baby from hypothermia.


Allocations at 31 weeks of gestation are the same as in previous periods - transparent or whitish. Any deviations should be tested. The doctor will select a safe treatment, if necessary. With watery discharge, you can buy a test pad yourself to determine amniotic fluid. With a positive result, you need to go to the department of the maternity hospital for treatment.

Weight at 31 weeks pregnant

At 31 weeks pregnant, it is very important to follow the diet. The child at this stage is rapidly gaining weight. If a woman overeats, and also eats cakes and sweets, a hero may be born. It will be difficult to give birth in this case. You can't starve yourself either. During childbirth and breastfeeding, a woman simply needs an extra fatty smell, which is quickly exhausted.

Normally, weight gain at 31 weeks of gestation is about 12 kg, but this is a relative value.

At 31 weeks, you need to listen very carefully to the sensations. To help alleviate the condition:

  • rubbing the lower back and back;
  • massage of feet, hands, neck;
  • cool foot baths;
  • bandage underwear to maintain the tummy;
  • compression stockings against varicose veins;
  • special pillows for pregnant women.


At 31 weeks pregnant, you need to eat small portions. Eliminate all salty and limit sweet. Minimize foods that cause bloating - legumes, cabbage, white bread, soda. Sea fish and nuts will be useful. The more varied the menu, the better for the body.


Many take vitamins for the third trimester of pregnancy. But it does not hurt to include more fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Sex at 31 weeks pregnant

If there is no threat that premature birth will occur at 31 weeks of gestation, there is no obstetric pessary and both partners are “clean” from sexually transmitted infections, then there are no contraindications to making love.

Physical activity

Swimming, long walks are the main types of physical activity available at 31 obstetric weeks.

It is great if a woman began attending childbirth preparation courses, doing breathing exercises and Kegel exercises.

Medicines and medical procedures

On her own, a woman can only take no-shpu or papaverine for painful training contractions or uterine hypertonicity.

Possible problems

Despite the fact that mommy and baby have come such a long way, the excitement is not diminished. What most often worries pregnant women at this time?

Too big or too small belly. This may indicate a lot or lack of water. But there is a third screening ahead, which will show exactly if there are any deviations. No need to worry - both problems are solvable and in most cases do not threaten the baby.

The appearance of late toxicosis. Usually this condition requires treatment in a hospital, so if you experience nausea, dizziness and severe swelling, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Premature birth at 31 weeks gestation

The start of regular labor at this time is still undesirable, so you need to call an ambulance.

However, if the fetus was born at the 31st week of pregnancy, then it is practically not in danger, although it will take some time to gain weight and be under the constant supervision of specialists.

Ultrasound and tests

Preparations are underway for the third screening. At the doctor's appointment, he will measure the pressure, weight, abdominal circumference, palpate the tummy and prescribe a general urine and blood test.

Normally, ultrasound at 31 weeks of gestation is not done - only according to individual indications.

Features of IVF pregnancy

IVF pregnant women at 31 obstetric weeks need special control! It is possible that they will already have a CT scan and ultrasound at the 31st week of pregnancy, and prescribe dopplerography.

Features of twin pregnancy at 31 weeks

Mommy's tummy will be much larger! And, of course, the difficulties associated with it. Children are slightly smaller than their peers in size, but do not lag behind in development. Otherwise, the 31st week of the obstetric week of pregnancy with twins follows the same scenario as with a "normal" pregnancy.

Video thirty-first week of pregnancy

Well, the seventh month of pregnancy is coming to an end. Usually, by this time, mommy has already gone on maternity leave, which means that she has more time to relax and prepare for childbirth - after all, they are just around the corner! If by this moment you have not yet decided where your baby will be born, it's time to start looking for a maternity hospital and a person who will help you and your child. Also, this time is very favorable for you and the future dad of the baby to start attending courses for young parents - the information will not be forgotten before the birth, and you will be well prepared for them.

31 obstetric weeks of pregnancy is already seven months and three weeks (one obstetric month includes four weeks).

What's happening?

fetus at 31 weeks pregnant

The baby continues to grow, which means that mom will gain about 300 grams this week. It is necessary to carefully monitor your condition - are there any edema, do you exceed the normal weight gain for this period.

The baby is actively growing - weekly he gains about 200g, and at 31 weeks of pregnancy, the baby's weight is about 1500g (weight range 1400-1600g), and the height is more than 40cm.

Together with the baby, his organs also grow - the brain at this moment is actively increasing, reaching 25% of the adult, all organs are maturing. Subcutaneous fatty tissue begins to accumulate, which in the future will be responsible for maintaining a stable temperature for the baby.

The child begins to actively urinate - this means that his kidneys began to work and remove unnecessary substances from the body on their own, although most of them, of course, are still excreted by the mother.

The lungs begin to produce a special substance responsible for opening the lungs after the birth of a baby - a surfactant. That is why babies born after 31 weeks of pregnancy are much more likely - because their organs are already slowly starting to function.

The color of the baby's eye at 31 weeks of gestation is still blue, but gradually the pigment begins to accumulate in the iris. Despite this, your baby's eye color is likely to be light at birth, and it will take a few months after birth for the true color of the eyes to develop.

The child responds well to light, can squint if a bright light hits the tummy, and his pupils actively respond to changes in lighting.

The uterus continues to grow, reaching 32 cm above the pubic symphysis. False contractions are periodically noted - the body trains before childbirth. Due to the increased size of the uterus, pulling pains in the abdomen are possible. These pains are not too intense, with an increase in the intensity and duration of pain, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Proper nutrition

The stomach has increased in size even more, the expectant mother begins to experience discomfort associated with compression of internal organs: heartburn, constipation. In addition, these phenomena are enhanced by progesterone. In order to avoid these troubles, you will have to slightly change the daily routine and diet.

You need to eat at least five to six times a day, in small portions - so you will not have a feeling of fullness in the stomach and heartburn.

In the diet, you need to add more products that facilitate bowel movements (mainly fiber) and exclude everything that causes flatulence.

The baby is now actively growing, so his mother's diet should contain a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins. The diet should be varied, be sure to include first courses.

It is worth closely monitoring the amount of food consumed - in the later stages, women usually experience a constant feeling of hunger. However, you should not indulge yourself - because the more weight you gain during pregnancy, the more difficult it will be for you during childbirth.

The kid is active, but due to the fact that he has already grown significantly, he does not have the opportunity to behave as actively as before. Therefore, mom needs to carefully monitor the movements of the fetus: in the antenatal clinic you will be given a special diary in which you will need to note all the movements. Normally, the baby moves at least 20 times a day, or 4 times per hour during the rest period.

Mom's Feelings

During this period, the body is already beginning to prepare for childbirth - the tone of the uterus often increases, training contractions are noted. The body begins to produce a hormone that causes a weakening of the pubic joint, due to which the pelvic bones begin to diverge - so it will be easier for the baby to be born. The gait begins to resemble a duck - do not worry, after giving birth everything will return to normal.

The expectant mother is often worried about fatigue, pain in the back and legs. At this stage, moms are advised to rest more, but you should not significantly reduce your activity - this will only make things worse. You need to take daily walks in the fresh air, do special gymnastics for pregnant women.

If the legs are too tired, varicose veins appear - ask your husband in the evenings to give you a gentle massage of the feet and legs, this will greatly alleviate the condition of the legs and relieve fatigue.

It is necessary to constantly monitor weight - a significant increase can speak not only about overeating, but also about edema, which is quite dangerous at the 31st week of pregnancy. You also need to regularly measure the pressure - it is at this time that it begins to fluctuate, for most mothers it rises, and for some, on the contrary, it decreases.

In addition to stomach problems, mothers often complain of severe dizziness and weakness in the supine position. This is due to compression of the vessels of the abdominal cavity by an enlarged uterus. Moms at 31 weeks pregnant are not recommended to lie on their backs. It would be much better to rest on your side or half-sitting.

Often at the 31st week of pregnancy, mothers complain of sleep problems - because of the large belly, squeezing the insides, it is difficult for them to fall asleep, and during the night they also have to get up often to the toilet - the bladder is also squeezed by the uterus. In addition, in the later stages of mothers, nightmares about pregnancy and the baby often begin to torment. Share your fears with loved ones - they will support you and help dispel anxiety.

Allocations at 31 weeks of gestation become more abundant due to increased blood supply to the pelvic organs. However, they should not be accompanied by unpleasant sensations, have a pronounced smell or color. If you have spotting, you need to see a doctor urgently, this may be a sign of placental abruption or premature birth. It is also worth worrying about the appearance of abundant watery discharge - leakage of amniotic fluid threatens the baby with infections.

At this time, a woman may begin to stand out colostrum - the breast is also preparing for the appearance of the baby. During this period, it is worth carrying special liners for the breast with you - after all, colostrum can begin to leak at the most inopportune moment. In order not to spoil your mood, always carry liners in your purse.

Pain at 31 weeks pregnant

Pain can accompany mommy all the time - these are back pains, and pains in the legs, and pulling pains in the abdomen. If these pains do not become very intense, you should not worry - at this stage of pregnancy, undulating pulling pains in the abdomen are the norm. If the pain becomes constant, the uterus feels very dense to the touch - you should consult a doctor, because the constant increased tone of the uterus indicates problems and the possibility of premature birth.

Required studies and analyzes

During this period, visits to the doctor are carried out every two weeks. At the appointment, the gynecologist will examine you, measure the size of the abdomen and the height of the fundus of the uterus, and listen to the fetal heartbeat. If necessary, the doctor may re-prescribe,. Ultrasound at 31 weeks of gestation is indicated only in situations where there is doubt about the condition of the fetus. If your pregnancy is proceeding normally, and the doctor sees no reason for concern, there is no need to repeat the ultrasound.

31 weeks pregnant with twins is a little different than a normal pregnancy. Firstly, each of the babies may be smaller than the child should be by this time. Secondly, quite often twin pregnancy ends in childbirth after 30 weeks. Of course, there is nothing pleasant about this, but in this period the children are already quite formed and have every chance to grow up healthy.

Another problem of twins is that they are much less mobile than one baby, and therefore often retain the position in which they are at 31 weeks until delivery. It is unlikely that one of the babies will be turned over, so in such a situation, a caesarean section may be necessary.

Of course, the mother of twins needs to pay double attention to her condition - after all, she must provide everything necessary not only for herself, but also for two babies at once. Therefore, for her, proper nutrition with a sufficient content of vitamins is of particular importance.

Sex is not forbidden at all - childbirth is still far away. And if you have no contraindications (multiple pregnancy, placenta previa, uterus in good shape), then you and your husband may well continue to indulge yourself in intimate relationships. Of course, you should be careful - sex should not be too violent and hard, it is better to choose positions where the man is behind; penetration depth should be limited. But most importantly - know that it is almost impossible to harm a child during sex, so you should not deny yourself pleasure because of this common fear.

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Questions - answers

I am 31 weeks pregnant, my stomach periodically stiffens and hurts. But it goes away after a few minutes. What it is?

At the 31st week of pregnancy, you may have training contractions (Brexton-Geeks) - they arise and spread in waves through the uterus, then all sensations pass without a trace. Usually, training contractions are short-term (no more than two minutes), do not cause intense pain. At this moment, there may be a feeling that the stomach is turning to stone, there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Based on your description, there is nothing to worry about.

Now the 31st week of pregnancy has gone, the fetus moves a little compared to the previous terms - is this normal?

The fetus by 31 weeks becomes larger in relation to the size of the uterus and the amount of amniotic fluid than before. Due to the fact that it becomes crowded in the uterus, the range of motion of the fetus decreases - after all, it can no longer move as freely as before. In order for the future mother to understand exactly whether everything is fine with the baby, she must keep a diary of fetal movements - normally, the number of movements is 4 per hour during the rest period or 10 per twelve hours. If the number of movements is consistently below these numbers - this may indicate fetal hypoxia, you should consult a doctor.

There was a strong heartburn, but before that there had never been such problems. Maybe I have gastritis?

By the 31st week of pregnancy, the uterus reaches a fairly large size, squeezing all the internal organs, including the stomach. Because of this, nausea and heartburn occur. What is heartburn - is the reflux of acid from the stomach into the esophagus due to increased pressure in the stomach and relaxation of the gastric sphincters. It is difficult to fight this phenomenon, but you can - eat a little bit and often, drink milk during heartburn.

My baby and I are already 31 weeks pregnant, the position of the fetus is still pelvic. I'm worried - will the baby be able to roll over before birth? Is there any way to turn it around?

Until the 32nd week of pregnancy, doctors consider your baby's pelvic position to be normal - after all, he is still quite mobile and can change his position in the uterus several times a day. It is worth taking some measures to change the position of the fetus only after 32 weeks and only under the supervision of doctors - because often the umbilical cord, myomatous nodes or other problems do not allow the baby to roll over. In such a situation, you can only damage it, so do not take any action before 32 weeks and without the advice of a doctor.