Program for the development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. How to develop an understanding of emotions in younger preschoolers

Sections: Working with preschoolers

The urgency of the problem.

In psychology, a lot of works are devoted to the problem of emotions, however, it is believed that this problem is the least developed. It is no coincidence that such a well-known psychologist as N.N. Lange called the problem of feelings the “Cinderella” of psychology. This problem takes the place of the persecuted, unloved and forever robbed in favor of the older sisters - “mind” and “will”.

It should be noted that now, although there are works devoted to the problem of emotions, they are mainly considered from the physiological side, and there are almost no in-depth studies on the psychological aspect of emotions.

Thus, there is an urgent need for a proper psychological study of the problem of emotions.

Many well-known scientists, both Soviet and foreign, have worked on the topic of emotions. Some researchers (for example, Duffy) believe that within the framework of behavioral science, one can do without understanding “emotion” at all. Others, (for example, Tomkins, Izard) argue that emotions form the primary motivational system of a person. A number of scientists are of the opinion that most of the emotions destroy and disorganize behavior, being the main source of psychosomatic diseases (for example, Lazarus, Jung). The data of other authors show that emotions play an important role in organizing, motivating and reinforcing behavior (Leeper, Mauer). There is even an opinion that the solution of human problems ends in the suppression and control of inadequate emotional reactions. Others believe that the best way out of situations is to release emotions for their natural mutual understanding with other subsystems of the personality - cognitive and homeostatic processes, impulses and motor acts. Now there is no single view on the place of emotions in human life, which proves the complexity and relevance of this problem for study.

In his works, G.Kh. Shingarov argues: “... public is the fact that emotions are of paramount importance for educating a person and for instilling in her socially significant features.”

Since emotions play an important role in the lives of children, they help to perceive reality and respond to it correctly. Feelings dominate all aspects of a preschooler's life, giving them a special color and expressiveness, so the emotions that he experiences are easily read on his face, in posture, gestures, in all behavior.

Entering kindergarten, the child finds himself in new, unusual conditions, surrounded by unfamiliar adults and children with whom he has to build relationships. In this situation, adults should join forces to ensure the emotional comfort of the child, the development of the ability to communicate with peers.

For practical psychologist the behavior of the child, the development of his emotional sphere is an important indicator in understanding the world of a small person and indicates his mental state, well-being, and possible development prospects.

Therefore, adults (parents and teachers) should strive to establish close emotional contacts with the child, since relationships with other people, their actions are the most important source of the formation of preschooler's feelings: joy, tenderness, anger and other experiences.

Today you can find a lot of programs dedicated to the emotional development of children. before school age, but none of them meets the recommendations proposed by O.V. Khukhlaeva in the program on psychological health “Path to my self”. She suggests the next steps in getting to know emotions.

1st stage. Introduction to some basic emotions.

Step 1. Initial acquaintance with feelings.

Step 2 Learning to recognize and voluntarily express feelings.

2nd stage. Learning to understand relativity in the evaluation of feeling.

3rd stage. Teaching constructive conflict resolution.

Step 1. Teaching children to control their feelings.

Step 2 Teaching the ability to take into account the feelings of another person in a conflict situation.

Step 3 Teaching children to take responsibility for their feelings on themselves.

4th stage. Final.

As well as four areas, which are discussed below.

Basic emotions are those that are innate. Following the classification proposed by K. Izard, topics were taken and classes were developed for the “Rainbow of Emotions” program, they include all basic emotions, such as: joy, grief, fear, anger, interest, disgust, shame, contempt, surprise.

Classes under the program “Rainbow of Emotions” are built on the following principle: acquaintance with feelings, passing them through all channels of perception of information, that is, auditory, visual, kinesthetic.

For example, the auditory channel - children are shown pictograms and pictures depicting feelings, they observe the facial expressions of their peers and the teacher. Visual channel - listen to music, speak out loud memories from their past experiences, listen to other children. Kinesthetic channel - draw, show feelings with hands, feet, body movement.

Thus, acquaintance with feelings occurs from all sides as far as possible.

The value of the “Rainbow of Emotions” program lies in the fact that, thanks to the development of the emotional sphere, children expand the range of conscious feelings, they begin to understand themselves and the people around them more deeply, it becomes easier for them to establish friendly relations within the peer group.

Based on the above, I believe that in order to help a child understand his emotional state and learn how to manage himself, it is necessary to develop the emotional sphere in children through the Rainbow of Emotions program.

Program goal: develop the emotional sphere of preschool children.


  • to teach children to understand the emotional states of themselves and those around them;
  • give an idea of ​​the ways of expressing one's own emotions (facial expressions, gestures, posture, words);
  • Improve your ability to manage your feelings and emotions.


Working with children under this program, I am guided by the following principles:

  1. Don't force yourself on anyone, including the kids you want to work with. If for some reason the children did not like the lesson, then postpone it until better times, and try to understand what you did wrong.
  2. Stop - if you do not know how to act. In the process of working with children, difficulties may arise that cannot be eliminated immediately. Ignore this event, continue to lead the class as if nothing happened.
  3. Eliminate hostility towards children and your negative emotions at the time of your classes with them.
  4. Observe the principle of equality and cooperation with children. Remember that you are an adult because you are leading the class, in everything else you are the same participant as the children. You also crawl with them on the floor, show various emotions, draw. You are an example of that free creative behavior that children involuntarily imitate and to which children are drawn.
  5. Do not fix your attention on failures, do not make comments, even if you sincerely want to correct something at this moment, help someone, cheer someone up more. Excess of your attention or negative assessment can disrupt the emotional well-being of the child, and therefore harm him.
  6. Give quality ratings if you can't resist. There are no right and wrong actions in the classroom, here everyone succeeds, everyone shows themselves as they can and as they want, not being afraid to deserve censure, condemnation.
  7. Do not compare children with anyone in an unfavorable light, do not set anyone as an example. Remember that the main thing here is not productive achievements, but inner freedom, emotional well-being.
  8. Use different forms of non-verbal support for the child - a smile, a pat on the head, a hug on the shoulders, etc.

Receptions and means:

In the process of group and individual work with children, methods are used, the content of which meets the objectives of the program.

In the classroom, work goes in parallel in four main areas, which are proposed by O.V. Khukhlaeva.

The axiological direction involves the formation of the ability to accept oneself and other people, while adequately realizing one's own and other people's advantages and disadvantages.

The instrumental direction requires the formation of the child's ability to be aware of his feelings, the causes of behavior, the consequences of actions, i.e. formation of personal reflection.

The need-motivational direction is to form the ability to find in difficult situations strength within oneself, take responsibility for one's own life, the ability to make choices, in the formation of the need for self-change and personal growth.

The developmental direction implies adequate role development for preschoolers, as well as the formation of emotional decentration and arbitrary regulation of behavior.

These directions help to lay the foundation for reflection and self-change, and personal growth.

The following methodological tools are used in the lessons:

  • Role-playing games , which are based on an understanding of the social role of man in society
  • Psychogymnastic games , based on the theoretical provisions of socio-psychological training.
  • Relaxation methods - use of exercises based on the method of active neuromuscular relaxation.
  • Using emotional-symbolic methods - group discussion of various feelings: joy, anger, ..; directional drawing, i.e. drawing on certain topics.
  • Communication exercises , in which the training of the abilities of non-verbal influence of children on each other takes place.
  • Games aimed at developing the imagination: verbal games, non-verbal games, “mental pictures”.


The selected parameters of the emotional sphere can be traced not only when observing a child, but also when analyzing their performance of tasks of graphic methods: drawing a family, “Cactus” ...

The methods used to identify the emotional characteristics of older preschool children are as follows:

  • Methodology - G.A. Uruntaeva, Yu.A. Afonkina.
  • Anxiety Test (R. Tamml, M. Dorki, A. Amen)
  • Methodology "Ladder" (V.G. Shur, S.G. Yakobson)
  • Graphic technique “Cactus” (modified by M.A. Panfilova)
  • Test “Fears in houses” (modified by M.A. Panfilova)
  • Projective test "House - Tree - Man" (developed by J. Book)
  • Questionnaire for teachers and parents. ( Appendix 6)

Duration of lessons. Forms of organizing classes:

The Rainbow of Emotions program is designed for one year, contains 25 lessons, of which the first 5 lessons are introductory, aimed at uniting children, cooperation, mutual understanding, the remaining 20 lessons are thematic, where children get acquainted with emotions ( Appendix 1)

Classes are held once a week throughout the year.

Duration - 30 minutes, for children of preschool age.

To effectively support children, group and individual forms of work are used.

Classes are held in the office of psychological unloading, where all conditions are created. A carpet is laid on the floor, pillows are lying around, on which children sit. Selected didactic aids. The atmosphere in the office is conducive to communication, children feel comfortable and relaxed.

For classes, children sit in a semicircle - a dome, while the teacher is at some distance from the dome. This makes it possible for the teacher to keep the whole group in his field of attention, and for the children to see him well, or the children, together with the teacher, sit in a circle on the carpet on small pillows.

Lesson structure:

Each lesson consists of three parts: warm-up, main part and final part.

The warm-up includes a greeting and aims to include children in the work.

The main part is determined by the content of the topic, certain emotions are considered.

The final part is the removal of emotional arousal from children, summing up the results of the lesson. ( Appendix 2)

Expected Result

Children have learned to understand their own and those around them emotional state;

Have an idea of ​​how to express their own emotions;

They know how to manage their emotions and feelings.


Evaluation of the effectiveness of the program, in the experimental groups.

In order to assess the effectiveness of this program, a diagnosis was made of children of senior preschool age before and after classes.

Diagnostics consisted of 8 test methods ( Appendix 4)

These results are presented as histograms ( Annex 3).

According to the diagnostic results, it can be seen that this program helps to solve many problems of children, it has a positive effect on the mental state of children of older preschool age.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusion: the development of the child is closely connected with the peculiarities of the world of his feelings and experiences. Emotions, on the one hand, are an "indicator" of the state of the child, on the other hand, they themselves significantly affect his cognitive processes and behavior, determining the direction of his attention, the features of perception of the world around him, and the logic of judgments.

Without exception, all emotions are useful, if we are aware of them and "get along" with them, then we can manage them. But if we hide them behind the “screen”, they, firstly, will be inaccessible when needed, because we will not overcome them, if the “screen” fails, if they break through, they will damage us.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to develop the emotional sphere, and then, thanks to the developed one, direct your activity to other spheres.


  1. Bardier G., Romazan I., Cherednikova T."I want". Psychological support of the natural development of young children. Ed. "VIRT" Chisinau. "Dorval" SPb., 1993.
  2. Ganicheva I.V. Body-oriented approaches to psycho-correctional and developmental work with children (5–7 years old). – M.: Knigolyub, 2004.
  3. Danilina T.A., Zedgenidze V.Ya., Stepina N.M. In the world of children's emotions. Moscow: Iris-press, 2004.
  4. Kryukova S.V. , Slobodyanik N.P. I am surprised, angry, afraid, boasting and rejoicing. Practical guide. – M.: Genesis, 2000.
  5. Kryazheva N.L. Development of the emotional world of children. Yekaterinburg: U - Factoria, 2004.
  6. Let me be praised! / ed. E.Gorbachenok, S.Slepitsa, T.Kazachenok. Belfax, 2007.
  7. Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate? Practical guide: 4 vol. M.: Genesis, 2000.
  8. Khukhlaeva O.V. Practical materials for working with children 3–9 years old. M.: Genesis, 2003.
  9. Khukhlaeva O.V., Khukhlaeva O.E., Pervushina I.M. The path to my self. M.: Genesis, 2004.
  10. Chistyakova M.I. Psychogymnastics. / edited by M.M. Buyanov. – M.: Enlightenment, 1990.
  11. Yakovleva N. Psychological assistance to preschoolers. St. Petersburg: “Valery SPD”, 2001.

The most important task of the preschool education system is to ensure the availability of quality education, its individualization and differentiation, which implies:

  • protecting the rights of the personality of children, ensuring their psychological and physical safety;
  • pedagogical support and assistance to the child in problem situations;
  • a qualified comprehensive diagnosis of the child's abilities and abilities.
  • implementation of programs to overcome learning and developmental difficulties;
  • participation of specialists of the support system in the development of individual programs that are adequate to the capabilities and characteristics of children;
  • psychological assistance to families of children at risk.

Caring for the realization of the child's right to full and free development is today an integral part of the activities of any kindergarten, which determines the demand for psychological and pedagogical support for all participants in the educational process.

Children with a diagnosis of OHP (general underdevelopment of speech) enter the kindergarten "Fairy Tale". The psychological development of children with speech disorders has its own characteristics. In preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech, higher mental functions that are closely related to speech suffer: memory, attention, thinking. The volume of attention is significantly reduced, there is instability of attention and limited possibilities for its distribution. Children forget the sequence of tasks, complex instructions. Preschoolers with OHP lag behind in the development of verbal and logical thinking, with difficulty mastering analysis and synthesis.

If the general underdevelopment of speech is combined with such disorders as dysarthria, alalia, then there may be general motor disorders (poor coordination of movements, motor awkwardness), underdevelopment fine motor skills, decreased interest in gaming activities.

In children with OHP, the emotional-volitional sphere often suffers: children are aware of their disorders, therefore they develop a negative attitude towards verbal communication, sometimes there are affective reactions to a misunderstanding of verbal instructions or the inability to express their wishes. Due to such developmental features in children, there are:

  • aggressiveness, pugnacity, conflict;
  • increased sensitivity, fears;
  • uncertainty, feeling of depression, a state of discomfort;
  • increased resentment, vulnerability;
  • morbid fantasy.

Thus, in the process of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics in children with OHP, violations are revealed in the cognitive, emotional-volitional, and personal spheres.

The identification of the existing psychological characteristics of the pupils is necessary for the teacher-psychologist to determine the main directions of correctional and developmental work in the process of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of children.

The program provides for the development of cooperative activities of children, cooperation, decentration, the development of volitional processes, the development of self-awareness.

The lesson consists of 3 stages.

Stage 1 - Warm up. At this stage, the psychologist welcomes the children. Tells them what they have to do today. Asks about mood, well-being.

Stage 2 - Main part. This stage is accompanied by conversations, games and exercises that ensure the development of communication skills.

Stage 3 - The final part. The psychologist summarizes the results of each session. Praises each participant for his merits.

The submission guidelines are as follows:

  • each next lesson is not a continuation of the previous one;
  • increased difficulty (introduction to the "zone of proximal development");
  • From general to specific";
  • cooperation of children and within cooperation - the use of support methods and understanding communication.

Program type: group

Conditions for the implementation of the program: The main performer is a teacher-psychologist. It ensures the implementation of the planned activities provided for in the program, the availability of comprehensive thematic planning, the implementation of the content of the program classes, ensuring cooperation with the family, a variety of techniques and methods of psychological correction.

Logistics: To conduct classes, you need a separate room or office, it is good if upholstered furniture is placed in the room. The room should have a music center, stationery.

Program goals: Development and correction of the emotional-volitional and communicative sphere of preschoolers, the disclosure of their creative potential. Correction of skills of interpersonal interaction with peers and adults.

Program objectives:

Create favorable conditions for:

  • removal of an egocentric position - decentration;
  • formation of self-regulation and self-control skills;
  • development of cooperation skills;
  • development of constructive skills of interaction with others;
  • development of skills for the constructive expression of one's own feelings and emotions;
  • developing skills for constructive conflict resolution with others;
  • developing skills for assessing one's own behavior;

The program provides for the use of:

  • art therapy techniques;
  • psycho-gymnastic exercises;
  • conversations;
  • corrective exercises;
  • relaxation exercises;
  • game methods.

Age and psychological features of the senior preschool age of children 4-7 years old.

Age features development of children 4-5 years old.

The age of 4 to 5 years is the average preschool period. He is very milestone in a child's life. At this stage, the character of the child changes significantly. At this age, there is a significant change in the scope of the child's emotions. This is the time of the first sympathies and affections, deeper and more meaningful feelings. A child can understand the state of mind of an adult close to him, learns to empathize. Children are very emotional about both praise and comments, they become very sensitive and vulnerable. By the age of 5, the child begins to be interested in questions of sex and their gender. One of the distinguishing features is a vivid fantasy, imagination. It must be borne in mind that this can give rise to a variety of fears. The child may be afraid of a fairy tale character or imaginary monsters. At this age, contacts with peers are of paramount importance. If a before the child had enough toys and communication with parents, now he needs interaction with other children. There is an increased need for recognition and respect from peers. Communication is closely connected with other activities (play, joint work). The first friends appear with whom the child communicates most willingly. In a group of children, competition and the first leaders begin to emerge. Communication with peers is usually situational. Interaction with adults, on the contrary, goes beyond the specific situation and becomes more abstract. The child regards his parents as an inexhaustible and authoritative source of new information, so he asks them a wide variety of questions. It is during this period that preschoolers experience a special need for encouragement and are offended by comments and if their efforts go unnoticed. Sometimes adult family members do not notice these age-related features of children 4-5 years old.

Game activity

Playing activity still remains the main one for the baby, however, it is significantly more complicated compared to early age. The number of children participating in communication is increasing. Thematic role-playing games appear. The age characteristics of children 4-5 years old are such that they are more inclined to communicate with peers of their gender. Girls are more fond of family and everyday topics (daughters, mothers, a store). Boys prefer to play sailors, soldiers, knights. At this stage, children begin to learn the first competition, strive to succeed.

General motor skills

By the age of 4, the child is more mobile. Large muscles begin to grow and strengthen, while small ones remain in their original form. At 4 years old, the child walks and runs with free hand movements. The work of the hands is sometimes coordinated. Does not shuffle when walking. Able to throw the ball with both hands. When jumping high, it falls on half-bent legs, when jumping, it lifts its legs off the floor, and is able to restrain movement on a signal. By the age of 5, a child can simultaneously perform two types of movements. The movements of the arms and legs are well coordinated. The child independently runs in a circle, while walking keeps his head straight.

At this age, it is already possible to move on to work on more complex motor skills that require concentration. The best for these purposes is drawing with paints and coloring, creating applications from small elements.

mental development

At the age of 4-5 years, various mental processes develop rapidly: memory, attention, perception, and others. An important feature is that they become more conscious, arbitrary: strong-willed qualities develop, which will definitely come in handy in the future. The type of thinking characteristic of the child now is visual-figurative. This means that basically the actions of children are of a practical, experimental nature. For them, visibility is very important. However, as they grow older, thinking becomes generalized by the older preschool age, gradually turns into a verbal-logical one. The amount of memory increases significantly: he is already able to remember a small poem or an assignment from an adult. The arbitrariness and stability of attention increase: preschoolers can focus on any type of activity for a short time (15-20 minutes).

Speech development:

In the fifth year of life, the child's speech becomes more diverse, more correct, richer. He already builds his answers from 2-3 or more phrases, more and more often his speech includes complex and complex sentences. An increase in the active vocabulary enables the child to more accurately express his thoughts, to communicate freely with both adults and children. Five-year-olds have a very strong affinity for rhyme. They create their own poetry. They choose words that are sometimes devoid of any meaning. But this activity itself is far from meaningless: it contributes to the development of speech hearing, forms the ability to select words that are similar in sound. In the fifth year of life, most children master a clear and clear pronunciation of hissing sounds. At this age, the child should continue to get acquainted with new words, teach him to accurately name the quality of objects, determine what they are made of, find similarities and differences in objects, know such temporary concepts as morning, afternoon, evening, yesterday, today, tomorrow; spatial relationships: right-left, front-back, top-bottom. .

Age features of the development of children 5-6 years old

Socio-emotional development

A child of 5-6 years old strives to know himself and another person as a representative of society, gradually begins to realize the connections and dependencies in social behavior and relationships. At the age of 5-6, preschoolers make a positive moral choice (mainly in an imaginary way). More often they begin to use a more accurate dictionary for denoting moral concepts - polite , fair , caring, etc. At this age, the behavior of preschoolers forms the opportunity self-regulation, i.e., children begin to make demands on themselves that were previously made to them by adults. So they can, without being distracted by more interesting things, finish an unattractive job(clean up toys, clean up the room, etc.). This is made possible thanks to awareness children generally accepted norms and rules of conduct and the obligation to comply with them. The child emotionally experiences not only the assessment of his behavior by others, but also the observance by him of the norms and rules, the correspondence of his behavior to his moral and moral ideas. However, compliance with norms (playing together, sharing toys, controlling aggression, etc.), as a rule, at this age is possible only in interaction with those who are the most likable, with friends. At the age of 5 to 6 years, there are changes in ideas child about yourself the evaluations and opinions of their comrades become essential to them. Increased selectivity and stability of relationships with peers. Children explain their preferences by the success of this or that child in the game (“It is interesting to play with him,” etc.) or by his positive qualities (“She is good,” “He does not fight,” etc.). Communication of children becomes less situational. They willingly talk about what happened to them: where they were, what they saw, etc. Children listen carefully to each other, emotionally empathize with the stories of friends. At 5-6 years old, the child develops primary gender identity system on essential grounds (feminine and masculine qualities, especially the manifestation of feelings, emotions, the specifics of behavior, appearance, profession). When justifying the choice of peers of the opposite sex, boys rely on such qualities of girls as beauty, tenderness, affection, and girls - on such qualities as strength, the ability to stand up for another. Opportunities are increasing life safety child 5-6 years old. This is due to the growth of awareness and arbitrariness of behavior, overcoming the egocentric position (the child becomes able to take the position of another).

Game activity

In game interaction, a significant place begins to occupy joint discussion of the rules of the game. Children often try to control each other's actions - they indicate how this or that character should behave. In cases of conflicts during the game, children explain their actions to partners or criticize their actions, referring to the rules. When children of this age distribute roles for the game, one can sometimes observe attempts to jointly solve problems (“Who will ...?”). At the same time, the coordination of actions, the distribution of responsibilities in children most often arises in the course of the game itself.

General motor skills

Becomes more perfect gross motor skills: the child runs well on toes, jumps over a rope, alternately on one and the other leg, rides a two-wheeled bicycle, skates. Complex movements appear: it can walk along a narrow bench and at the same time even step over a small obstacle; can hit the ball on the ground with one hand several times in a row. The posture of children is actively formed, the correct manner of holding on. Endurance (the ability to exercise for a sufficiently long time) and strength qualities (the child's ability to use small efforts for a sufficiently long time) develop.

Agility and Development fine motor skills are manifested in a higher degree of independence of the child in self-service: children practically do not need the help of an adult when dressing and putting on shoes. Some of them can handle laces - thread them into a boot and tie them in a bow.

mental development

By the age of 5 they have quite a large stock of ideas about the environment that they get thanks to their activity, the desire to ask questions and experiment. Ideas about basic properties of objects deepen: the child knows the primary colors well and has ideas about shades (for example, he can show two shades of the same color: light red and dark red); can tell you the difference geometric figures from each other; compare a large number of objects in size. Child 5-6 years old can make equality out of inequality; lays out 10 items from largest to smallest and vice versa; draws geometric shapes in a notebook in a cage; highlights details in objects similar to these figures; focuses on a sheet of paper. Mastering time still not perfect: not an exact orientation in the seasons, days of the week (the names of those days of the week and months of the year with which bright events are associated are well learned). Attention children becomes more stable and arbitrary. They can do not very attractive, but necessary things for 20-25 minutes together with an adult. A child of this age is already capable act according to the rule which is set by an adult (select several figures of a certain shape and color, find images of objects in the picture and shade them in a certain way). Memory does not change significantly. Improves its stability. At the same time, for memorization, children can already use simple techniques and tools (diagrams, cards or drawings can act as a hint). At the age of 5-6 years, the leading role acquires visual-figurative thinking, which allows the child to solve more complex problems using generalized visual aids (diagrams, drawings, etc.). To visual-effective children resort to thinking in those cases when it is difficult to identify the necessary connections without practical tests. At the same time, the tests become systematic and purposeful. Tasks that can be solved without practical tests, the child can often decide in mind. Developing predictive function of thinking which allows the child see the future of events to foresee near and far consequences of one's own actions and deeds.

Speech development

For children of this age the correct pronunciation of sounds becomes the norm. Comparing his speech with the speech of adults, a preschooler can detect his own speech shortcomings. A child of the sixth year of life freely uses funds intonation expressiveness: can read poems sadly, cheerfully or solemnly, is able to adjust the volume of his voice and the pace of speech depending on the situation (read poetry loudly at a holiday or quietly share his secrets, etc.). Children start using generalizing words, synonyms, antonyms, shades of meanings of words, polysemantic words. Children's vocabulary is actively replenished nouns denoting the names of professions, social institutions (library, post office, supermarket, sports club, etc.); verbs denoting the labor actions of people of different professions, adjectives and adverbs reflecting the quality of actions, the attitude of people towards professional activity. Uses synonyms, antonyms in speech; words denoting the materials from which objects are made (paper, wood, etc.). Preschoolers can use in speech difficult grammar cases: indeclinable nouns, plural nouns in the genitive case, follow the orthoepic norms of the language; capable of sound analysis of simple three-sound words.Children learn on their own build game and business dialogues, mastering the rules of speech etiquette, use direct and indirect speech; in descriptive and narrative monologues, they are able to convey the state of the hero, his mood, attitude to the event, using epithets and comparisons. To reading circle a child of 5-6 years old is replenished with works on a variety of topics, including those related to family problems, relationships with adults, peers, and the history of the country. The kid is able to retain in memory a large amount of information, it is available to him continued reading. The practice of text analysis, work with illustrations contribute to the deepening of the reader's experience, the formation readership.A child by the age of 6 freely names his name, surname, address, names of parents and their professions.

Age features of the development of children 6-7 years old.

Socio-emotional development

In general, a child is 6-7 years old self-aware as independent subject of activity and behavior.Children are able to define some moral concepts (“ a kind person- this is one that helps everyone, protects the weak") and it is quite subtle to distinguish between them. They can make positive moral choices not only in an imaginary way, but also in real situations(for example, they can independently, without external coercion, give up something pleasant in favor of loved one). Their social and moral feelings and emotions are quite stable. By the age of 6-7, the child is confidently owns a culture of self-service: can take care of himself, has good habits, basic personal hygiene skills; determines the state of his health, as well as the state of health of others; can name and show what exactly hurts him, which part of the body, which organ; owns a culture of eating; dress appropriately for the weather, without overcooling or over-warming. An older preschooler can already explain to a child or an adult what needs to be done in case of injury (algorithm of actions), and is ready to provide elementary help to himself and another (wash the wound, treat it, turn to an adult for help) in such situations. Motivational sphere preschoolers 6-7 years old is expanding due to the development of motives that are social in origin: cognitive, prosocial (encouraging to do good), as well as motives for self-realization. The behavior of the child begins to be regulated also by his ideas about what is good and what is bad. General self-esteem children is a positive attitude towards themselves, formed under the influence of an emotional attitude on the part of adults. By the end of preschool age, there are significant changes in emotional sphere. On the one hand, in children of this age, emotions are deep and varied in content. On the other hand, children are more restrained and selective in emotional manifestations. The ability of children to understand the emotional state of another person (empathy) continues to develop even when they do not directly observe his emotional experiences. By the end of preschool age, they develop generalized emotional representations, which allows them to anticipate the consequences of their actions. The child may refuse unwanted actions or behave well, perform an uninteresting task, if he understands that the results obtained will benefit someone, joy etc. Thanks to such changes in the emotional sphere, the preschooler's behavior becomes less situational and is more often built taking into account the interests and needs of other people. It becomes more complex and richer in content communication between a child and an adult. Still in need of benevolent attention, respect for an adult and cooperation with him, on the one hand, the child becomes more proactive and free in communicating with an adult, on the other hand, very dependent on his authority. For him it is extremely important to do everything right and be good in the eyes of an adult.Great importance for children 6-7 years old acquires communication with each other. Their electoral relations become stable, it is during this period that childhood friendship. Children continue to actively cooperate, at the same time they also have competitive relations - in communication they strive to prove themselves, to attract the attention of others to themselves. However, they have every opportunity to give such rivalry a constructive character and avoid negative forms of behavior. At this age, children have generalized ideas about their gender, establish relationships between their gender role and various manifestations of male and female properties. By the age of 7, preschoolers begin to consciously follow the rules of behavior corresponding to the gender role in everyday life, public places, in communication, etc. By the age of 7, children determine the prospects for growing up in accordance with the gender role, show a desire to learn certain ways of behavior focused on fulfillment future social roles.

Game activity

In games, children of 6-7 years old are able to reflect rather complex social events - a holiday, an accident, a war, etc. There can be several centers in a game, each of which reflects one or another storyline. Children can take on two roles during the game, moving from one to the other. They can interact with several partners in the game, playing both a main and a subordinate role (for example, a nurse follows the orders of a doctor, and patients, in turn, follow her instructions).

General motor skills

Ideas about oneself, one's physical capabilities, and physical appearance are expanding. Walking, running are improved, steps become uniform, their length increases, harmony appears in the movements of arms and legs. The child is able to move quickly, walk and run, keep correct posture. On their own initiative, children can organize outdoor games and simple competitions with their peers. At this age, they master jumps on one and two legs, are able to jump high and long from a place and from a run with coordinated movements of arms and legs; they can perform a variety of complex balance exercises in place and in motion, they are able to clearly throw various objects at a target. Due to the accumulated motor experience and sufficiently developed physical qualities, a preschooler of this age often overestimate their abilities performs reckless physical actions.

mental development

At the age of 6-7 years there is expansion and deepening of children's ideas about the shape, color, size of objects. A preschooler can distinguish not only the primary colors of the spectrum, but also their shades both in lightness (for example, red and dark red) and in color tone (for example, green and turquoise). The same thing happens with the perception of form - the child successfully distinguishes both basic geometric shapes and their varieties, for example, distinguishes an oval from a circle, a pentagon from a hexagon, not counting the angles, etc. When comparing objects by size, an older preschooler quite accurately perceives even not very pronounced differences. The child is already purposefully, consistently examining the external features of objects. However, he focuses not on isolated signs, but on the whole complex(color, shape, size, etc.). By the end of preschool age, the attention span, which leads to less distraction of children. The concentration and duration of the child's activity depends on its attractiveness for him. The attention of boys is less stable. At 6-7 years old, children increase Memory, which allows them to memorize a fairly large amount of information without a special purpose. Children can also independently challenge yourself to remember something, using the simplest mechanical method of memorization - repetition (in a whisper, or to yourself). Also, the child can use a more complex method - logical ordering(arrange the memorable pictures into groups, highlight the main events of the story). The child begins to use new remedy - word: with its help, he analyzes the memorized material, groups it, referring to a certain category of objects or phenomena, establishes logical connections. But, despite the increased ability of children 6-7 years old to purposefully memorize information using various means and ways involuntary memorization remains the most productive until the end of preschool. Girls are distinguished by a greater volume and stability of memory. Imagination children of this age becomes, on the one hand, richer and more original, and on the other, more logical and consistent. Despite the fact that what is seen or heard is sometimes transformed by children beyond recognition, the patterns of reality are more clearly traced in the final products of their imagination. So, for example, even in the most fantastic stories, children try to establish causal relationships, in the most fantastic drawings - to convey perspective. When inventing the plot of the game, the theme of the drawing, stories, etc., children of 6-7 years old not only keep the original idea, but can think it over before starting the activity. However without the help of an adult there is a possibility that the imagination will be directed not to the knowledge of reality, but to the removal of emotional stress and to satisfy the unfulfilled needs of the child. Development continues at this age visual-figurative thinking, which allows the child to solve more complex problems using generalized visual aids (diagrams, drawings, etc.) and generalized ideas about the properties of objects and phenomena . Actions of visual-figurative thinking (for example, when finding a way out of a drawn maze), the child can do in mind without resorting to practical actions even in cases of difficulties. ordering and classification children can already carry out objects not only in descending or ascending order of a visual sign (for example, color or size), but also some kind of hidden sign (for example, ordering images of modes of transport depending on the speed of their movement). Use by a child (following an adult) words to denote essential features of objects and phenomena leads to appearance of the first concepts. Of course, the preschooler's concepts are not abstract, theoretical; they still retain a close connection with his direct experience.

Speech development:

Children not only pronounce correctly, but also distinguish phonemes (sounds) and words well. Mastering the morphological system of the language allows them to successfully form quite complex grammatical forms of nouns, adjectives, verbs. In his speech, the older preschooler increasingly uses complex sentences (with coordinating and subordinating connections). Vocabulary increases at 6-7 years of age. Children accurately use words to convey their thoughts, ideas, impressions, emotions, when describing objects, retelling, etc. Along with this, the ability of children to understand the meanings of words also increases significantly. They can already explain little-known or unknown words that are close or opposite in meaning, as well as the figurative meaning of words (in sayings and proverbs). Dialogic and monologue forms of speech are actively developing. Children can consistently and coherently retell or narrate. At this age, their statements are increasingly losing the features of situational speech. Appears at age 7 reasoning speech. The most important result of the development of speech throughout preschool childhood is that by the end of this period speech becomes a genuine means of communication, and cognitive activity, as well as planning and regulation of behavior.

By the end of preschool childhood, the child formed as future independent reader. At the age of 6-7, he perceives the book as the main source of information. In the conditions of communication with an adult, he actively participates in the multilateral analysis of the work (content, characters, themes, problems). Many preschoolers at this age are already able to independently choose a book to their taste from among those offered; simply recognize and retell the read text using illustrations. Children show creative activity: come up with an ending, new plot twists, compose short poems, riddles, teasers. Under the guidance of an adult, they stage excerpts from works, try on various roles, discuss the behavior of characters with their peers; they know many works by heart, read them expressively, trying to imitate the intonation of an adult or follow his advice on reading. Children are able to consciously set a goal to memorize a poem or a role in a play, and to do this, repeatedly repeat the necessary text. By playing their favorite characters, children can transfer individual elements of their behavior into their relationships with peers. By the end of preschool childhood, the child accumulates sufficient reading experience. Craving for a book is the most important outcome of the development of a preschool reader. The place and significance of the book in life is the main indicator of the general cultural state and growth of a 7-year-old child.

  • Children with severe speech disorders, the primary defect is speech underdevelopment;
  • Children with speech disorders (dyslalia, erased dysarthria, stuttering, violations of the lexical and grammatical structure, impaired phonemic perception);
  • Children with mild mental retardation;
  • Pedagogically neglected children;
  • Children are carriers of negative mental states(fatigue, mental tension, anxiety);
  • Children with disturbed forms of behavior of organic origin (hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder)

Age features of children 4-7 years old with general underdevelopment of speech.

Age features of the development of children 4-7 years old with general underdevelopment of speech.

Socio-emotional development

Personal characteristics of children with OHP are also noticeable. In the classroom, some of them get tired much faster than their normally developing peers, get distracted, start to spin, talk, i.e. stop learning the material. Others, on the contrary, sit quietly, calmly, but do not answer questions or answer inappropriately, do not perceive tasks, and sometimes cannot repeat the answer of other children. In the process of communicating with each other, some children show increased excitability, while others, on the contrary, show lethargy, apathy.

mental development

Attention: the time of productive work of preschoolers with OHP is much lower. At the very beginning of training, it is 6-7 minutes and only by the middle of the school year does it reach the norm.

Memory: preschoolers are able to retain and reproduce a series of 5-6 words, repeat the name of 5-7 pictures, arrange the same number of items in the original order. These children memorize the first time and repeat clearly rhythmic couplets, short stories and tongue twisters.

Thinking: a decrease in the indicators of verbal and logical thinking in some children is of a secondary nature. Most of them easily carry out non-verbal classification: inclusion in a series, exclusion from a series of an extra object. The same tasks, but associated with reasoning, inference and indirect conclusions, cause serious difficulties for the preschooler.

Speech development

The vocabulary of preschoolers with OHP is significantly filled by the age of seven, but still lags behind the age norm both quantitatively and qualitatively. Difficulties relate to the selection of synonyms and antonyms, related words, relative adjectives that have an abstract meaning, some generalizations. The use of prefixed verbs, nouns denoting professions or names of athletes in sports reveals a significant number of errors. In the vocabulary of children, there are often no compound nouns and adjectives, possessive adjectives. Children cannot always accurately explain the meaning of a familiar word, pick up more than two or three adjectives or verbs for a given noun.

The child is able to build simple non-common and common sentences, including phrases with multiple definitions. However, even in such sentences, for the most part, there are violations of agreement and control, omissions or replacements of complex prepositions, changes in word order.

The program is designed for children from 4 to 7 years old with disorders of the emotional-volitional and communicative spheres of the personality.

Stages of the program implementation:

No. p / p

Stage name



Selection and preparation of methodological literature, visual material.


April, 2016

Conducting correctional and developmental classes aimed at developing the emotional-volitional and communicative spheres of preschoolers.


Diagnosis of preschoolers. Summing up the results of the program.

The following methods are used to diagnose preschoolers:

  1. Observing the manifestations of the child's emotions.
  2. Card for assessing the characteristics of the development of the child.
  3. Questionnaire "The predominance of situational-personal reactions of behavioral disorders and emotions in children" A. A. Romanova.
  4. Diagnostic table "Diagnostics and criteria for assessing non-constructive behavior of children"
  5. Graphic technique M.A. Panfilov "Cactus"

Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the program:

  • preservation of physical, mental and social health of preschoolers;
  • satisfaction of preschoolers with being in kindergarten.
  • the acquisition by preschoolers of the skills to establish contacts with others;
  • satisfaction of preschoolers with relationships in the group;
  • formation of skills of adequate behavior;
  • formation in preschoolers of regulation of behavior, independence;
  • decrease in aggressive manifestations in preschoolers;

The target audience: preschoolers.

Number of children in the group: 5 to 10 people of the same age.

The program is designed: for 11 lessons, for 3 months of study. Classes are held once a week, for 25-30 minutes.

Calendar-thematic planning.

Topic of the lesson

Goals and objectives

the date of the

4-5 years

Exercise "Chamomile";

Game "Locomotive with a name";

Preparation of business cards;

14.03.16 - 20.03.16

My family

Exercise "Chamomile";

Conversation "What is a family?";

Finger gymnastics;

Exercise "Call me affectionately";

Yoga gymnastics;

Game "Guess who's talking?";


21.03.16 - 27.03.16

My mood

Develop skills to relieve emotional stress. Developing an understanding of the emotional state and actions of another person and the ability to express it in words. Learn how to change a bad mood into a good one.

An exercise " Good morning»;

Conversation "What is a mood?";

Game "Mood and gait";

Exercise "Mood drawing".

28.03.16 - 3.04.16

Introducing Emotions: Joy

Introduce children to the emotion of joy.

Developing an understanding of the emotional state and actions of another person and the ability to express it in words. Developing a sense of empathy.

Exercise "Chamomile";

Listening to the work "New Doll";

Conversation on the topic "Joy";

Drawing on the theme "Joy";

Exercise "What is joy"

Exercise "Round dance"

4.04.16 - 10.04.16

Getting to Know Emotions: Grief

Exercise "Good morning";

Listening to two pieces of music by S. Maykapar "Anxious minute" and "Meditation";

Conversation on fairy tales: "Teremok", "Zayushkina's hut", "The stolen sun", "The wolf and the seven kids";

Reading excerpts from the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief";

Dramatization of the situation "The dog is missing";

Drawing on the theme "Grief".

11.04.16 - 17.04.16

Getting to Know Emotions: Anger

Introduce children to the emotion of anger.

Developing an understanding of the emotional state and actions of another person and the ability to express it in words. Developing a sense of empathy.

Exercise "Wonderful greeting";

Reading excerpts from the work of K.I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr", where the author describes the anger of the Washbasin and the Crocodile;

Dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale by L.N. Tolstoy "Three Bears";

Exercise "Mirror";

Exercise "Drawing of anger."

18.04.16 - 24.04.16

Getting to Know Emotions: Fear

Introduce children to the emotion of grief.

Developing an understanding of the emotional state and actions of another person and the ability to express it in words. Developing a sense of empathy.

Game "Geese - swans";

Exercise "Find the icon";

Discussion with the children of the saying “Fear has big eyes”;

Reading an excerpt from the fairy tale by S. Mikhalkov "The Three Little Pigs";

Drawing on the theme "Naf-Naf is not afraid of a terrible wolf."

25.04.16 - 1.05.16

Getting to Know Emotions: Surprise

Introduce children to the emotion of surprise.

Developing an understanding of the emotional state and actions of another person and the ability to express it in words. Developing a sense of empathy.

Exercise "Warm-up";

Reading an excerpt from the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ...";

Exercise "Mirror";

Game "Fantasy";

Collage "Surprise";

Reflection Thank you.

2.05.16 - 8.05.16

Getting to know emotions: sadness and resentment

Introduce children to feelings of resentment and the actions associated with it. To form an adequate assessment of negative actions associated with the manifestation of feelings of resentment. Learn how to manage negative emotions express negative feelings in a safe way.

The ritual of the beginning of classes;

problem situation;

Confidential conversation on the topic "What is resentment";

Acquaintance with the emotion of resentment;

Pair exercise "Resentment";

Drawing "Grievance";

Acquaintance with Dunno's advice;

Exercise "Balloon";

Exercise "Sky";

Ending ritual. "Gifts".

9.05.16 - 15.05.16

Understanding Emotions: Boasting, Shame, Guilt

Introduce children to feelings of complacency, guilt and shame. Reinforce previously learned emotions. Development of empathy, collectivism. Development of volitional regulation of behavior. Learn relaxation techniques to relieve stress.

The ritual of the beginning of classes;

Acquaintance with the emotion of complacency; Conversation on the topic "When are we ashamed?";

Working with a fairy tale; Etudes on the expression of guilt; "Advice from Dunno";

Exercise "Working with poetry";

Flower game.

16.05.16 - 22.05.16

Consolidation of knowledge about feelings and emotions

To consolidate the knowledge of feelings and emotions among preschoolers. Development of empathy, memory, speech, thinking, Enrichment of the dictionary of emotions. Relieve stress, fatigue.

The ritual of the beginning of classes;

Exercise "Mask Theater";

The game "One, two, three, take the right place";

Finger game "Funny little men";

A conversation about the influence of mood;

Reading a poem by M. Shchelovanov "Morning";

Relaxation "Waterfall";

The ritual of the end of the lesson "Eye to eye".

23.05.16 - 29.05.16

5-7 years

Acquaintance of children, rallying children's team, the formation of friendly relations in the children's group.

Exercise "Chamomile";

Game "Locomotive with a name";

Exercise "How can you call a person by name";

Exercise "Lost child"

Preparation of business cards;

Ritual of the completion of the "Relay of Friendship"

14.03.16 - 20.03.16

My family

Optimization parent-child relationship. Develop skills to relieve emotional stress.

Exercise "Chamomile";

Conversation "What is a family?";

Finger gymnastics;

Exercise "Call me affectionately";

Yoga gymnastics;

Game "Guess who's talking?";


21.03.16 - 27.03.16

My group

Developing Comprehension Skills individual characteristics and intragroup processes, identification of intragroup processes. Development of intragroup interaction.

Exercise "My neighbor";

Exercise "Centipede";

Exercise "Handshake"



28.03.16 - 3.04.16

Let's draw our group

Development of intragroup interaction. Developing a positive attitude towards others.

Exercise "Let's say hello in different ways";

Exercise "Show off your neighbor";

Exercise "Drawing a group";

Exercise "Change places";


4.04.16 - 10.04.16

Joy - sadness

Acquaintance with the feelings of joy and sadness, the definition of feelings and emotions by bodily manifestations, through facial expressions and pantomime.

Exercise "Rays of the sun";

Etude "Meeting with a friend";

Drawing on the theme "Joy and sadness"


11.04.16 - 17.04.16

Acquaintance with the feeling of resentment and with ways of expressing it.

Exercise "Repetition";

Game "Picture";

The game "Quarreled";

Conversation about the feeling of resentment;

Exercise "Balls"


18.04.16 - 24.04.16

Anger and anger

Acquaintance with feelings of anger and anger, with the forms of their constructive expression.

Exercise "Define an emotion";

Etude "Angry grandfather";

Game "Zhuzha";

Game "ABC of mood";

Exercise "Kind animal"


25.04.16 - 1.05.16

Acquaintance with the feeling of fear, the study of the expression of the emotional state in facial expressions. Teaching fear control skills through play, facial expressions and pantomime.

Exercise "Candle";

Exercise "Repetition";

Exercise "Finish the sentence";

Game "Hunter and animals";

Etude "Galya and the Goose";

Exercise "Good animal";

2.05.16 - 8.05.16


Acquaintance with a sense of wonder. Consolidation of facial skills.

Exercise "Let's sing the name";

Exercise "Depict an emotion";

Work with the story "The Living Hat";

Exercise "Surprised little men"


9.05.16 - 15.05.16

What I feel

Strengthening the ability to distinguish feelings

Exercise "Locomotive with a name";

Game "ABC of moods";

Game "Rhymes";

Exercise "Handshake";


16.05.16 - 22.05.16

Summing up

Consolidation of the acquired knowledge, development of skills for conveying emotions by artistic means.

Exercise "I feel today";

Exercise "roller coaster";

Completion of classes

Exercise "Wish each other."

23.05.16 - 29.05.16


Summaries of classes for children 4-5 years old.

Lesson #1

Subject: "My name"

Starting ritual:"Chamomile"

The game "Locomotive with a name."

Start options.

— Do you love them? Why? (Because they are kind, affectionate, take care of me.)
- What does your mom do? (Irons, washes dishes, cooks...)
“So what is your mother like?” (Hardworking, caring.)
- What do you usually call your mother? (Mommy, mommy, mommy.)
- What do you call your dad? (Daddy, daddy, daddy.)
- What do your grandparents call your mother? (Lena, Lenochka, daughter.)
- And when friends, acquaintances come to your mother, what do they call her? (Lena, Lenok.)
- Why do you think? (Because they've been friends for a very long time.)
- What's your dad's name? (Sasha.)
— What do you call him? (Daddy, daddy.)
- And mom? (Sasha, dear.)
What about grandma and grandpa? (Son, Sashenka.)
What are the names of your grandparents? (Baba Anya, grandfather Vanya.)
- What are your parents' names? (Mother, father.)
- And when you are walking with your grandmother or grandfather, and a neighbor came up to you - what does she call your grandparents? (Anna Sergeevna, Ivan Petrovich.)
- And why? What do you think? (Because they are already old,
old, they are older, they need to be respected.
- And if your grandparents get sick, what will you call them? (Dear, beloved.)

"Sasha, you are in the forest now.
We call you: "Ay!"

Ending ritual"Relay of Friendship" .

Busy number 2

Theme: "My family"

Starting ritual:"Chamomile" . Children are invited to color the flower petal according to their mood. (Green - "calm", yellow - "joyful", red - "excited", brown - "upset", gray - "indifferent".) After that, the children in the circle join hands, look into the neighbor's eyes and silently smile at each other (“give a smile”).

Hold hands.

Conversation "What is family?"

Children are viewing the photo exhibition. The facilitator asks how all the photographs and postcards are similar? The children answer that all the photographs and postcards depict families. The facilitator then asks how they guessed. During the conversation, it is concluded that there are parents and children in the family. The host asks if it is possible to include grandparents in the family?

It is concluded that grandparents are the parents of the parents. The facilitator invites the children to tell about their family.

Finger gymnastics "My family"

The fingers are clenched into a fist. When reading a nursery rhyme from a fist, you should unclench your fingers one by one (if necessary, individual assistance to children with mental retardation)

That's my whole family. In the final, you need to vigorously clench your hand into a fist several times.

The facilitator gives the children cards with the image of people of different ages. You need to sort them from youngest to oldest.

Children with the norm of intelligence are offered 5 age periods (infant, preschooler, schoolchild, man, old man), and we offer three age periods for a child with mental retardation.

Children lay out. The facilitator asks what age and what picture they can relate to at the moment; what happened before; what will happen next.

The game "Call it affectionately."

Children stand in a circle. The host, throwing the ball to one of the children, calls a family member, and the child, returning the ball, must call him affectionately. (Mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister).

Yoga gymnastics:

Game "Guess who's talking"

Exercise "Portrait of a family"

The facilitator asks: “What did we talk about in class?”. Invites all the children, leading the wand, to say a few words about their family. In conclusion, he invites the children, after class to the music, to draw a portrait of their family, where all family members would be depicted and take the drawing home. Depending on the level of development of fine motor skills, children are offered different materials(watercolors, finger paints, crayons, hard pencils).

Lesson number 3.

Theme "My Mood"

Exercise "Good morning"

Conversation "What is mood"

Guys, taking care of your mood is just as important as taking care of your body, your health. You need to learn to enjoy life.

Here's what helps good mood: friendliness, smile, comfortable beautiful clothes, music, what else?

(the psychologist listens to the opinion of the children).

Children, what can you compare the mood with? For example, what time of year a natural phenomenon, the weather looks like your mood? The psychologist gives an example: “My mood is like a white fluffy cloud in the blue sky.” What about yours? The psychologist in turn throws the ball to all the children. The teacher generalizes - what is the mood of the whole group today: sad, cheerful, funny, angry, etc.

It is proposed to listen to an English folk song translated by S. Marshak:

Two little kittens quarreled in the corner
The angry housewife took her broom
And swept out the fighting kittens from the kitchen,
Unable to cope with this, who is right, who is wrong.

And it was at night, in winter, in January,
Two little kittens are cold in the yard.
They lay down, curled up, on a stone by the porch,
They stuck their noses into their paws and waited for the end.

But the hostess gave in and opened the door.
“Well,” she asked, “do not quarrel now?”.
We went quietly to our corner for the night,
Cold wet snow was shaken off the skin,
And both in front of the stove fell asleep in a sweet dream,
A blizzard until dawn rustled outside the window.

After reading, the psychologist asks the children: has their mood changed while listening to the poem? How? Was it sad or funny? Children take turns imitating the facial expressions of the hostess, the kittens who are cold, the sweet dream of warm kittens. Then play out the whole scene.

The game is played: “Mood and gait”.

The teacher shows the movements and asks to depict the mood: “Let's drip like a fine and frequent rain, and now like heavy, big drops. They flew like a sparrow, and now like an eagle. We walk like an old woman, we jump like a cheerful clown. Let's go like Small child who learn to walk. Carefully creep up like a cat to a bird. Let’s run towards our mother, jump on her neck and hug her.”

Exercise "Mood Drawing"

All the children were in a good mood. Children are invited to stand in a circle and take turns passing their smile to another.

To the sound of a calm melody, children are invited to draw their mood (what it looks like). Everyone tells what he portrayed and why.

Lesson number 4

Theme "Experiencing Emotions: Joy"

Starting ritual:"Chamomile" . Children are invited to color the flower petal according to their mood. (Green - "calm", yellow - "joyful", red - "excited", brown - "upset", gray - "indifferent".) After that, the children in the circle join hands, look into the neighbor's eyes and silently smile at each other (“give a smile”).

Listening to the play by P.I. Tchaikovsky "The New Doll"

Questions for children:

What did you think about when you listened to music?

What did you feel?

What do you want to do with this kind of music?

Re-listening to a piece of music

Children are asked to imagine what they were given new doll or another toy, and dance to this music. At the end of the music, draw the attention of the children to what their faces were like, how they moved. Explain that this is how they expressed their joy.

Conversation on the topic "Joy"

Emphasize that all the children during the dance expressed their joy in their own way. Ask what determines how a person expresses his joy. During the conversation, bring the children to the conclusion that the degree of expression of joy depends on the person, his characteristics and the event itself.

Drawing on the theme "Joy"

Come up with the name of the album, which can be made from children's drawings after class.

Exercise "What is joy?"

Joy is when everyone is happy. Sometimes joy is great, sometimes it is small. Small is when one has it, and big is when everyone has it.

Joy is when a holiday.

Joy is when no one cries. No one.

Joy - when there is no war.

My grandmother has a heartache. And when it doesn't hurt, we rejoice together.

Joy is me! Because mom says: "You are my joy!"

(M. Pototskaya "What is joy")

round dance

Children are invited to stand in a round dance and all together rejoice at the good song “It's fun to walk together ...” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Matusovsky).

Lesson number 5

"Introducing Emotions: Grief"

Exercise "Good morning"

Children, together with a psychologist, sit in a circle, everyone is invited to sing the words of greeting:

Good morning, Sasha (smile and nod your head).

Good morning, Masha (the names of the children are called in a circle).

Good morning sunshine (everyone raises their hands, then lowers them).

Good morning sky (similar hand movements).

Good morning, to all of us (everyone spread their arms to the sides and lower them).

Listening to two pieces of music by S. Maykapar "Anxious minute" and "Meditation".

Questions for children:

What is the nature of these plays?

Are they similar to each other?

Children are invited to characterize the first piece of music, then the second.

Conversation on fairy tales: "Teremok", "Zayushkina's hut", "The stolen sun", "The wolf and the seven kids".

It is suggested to remember:

When did the heroes of these fairy tales experience grief?

How did they deal with grief?

Reading excerpts from the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief"

Dramatization of the situation "Lost dog"

One child plays the role of the owner of the missing dog, and the children comfort him, each in their own way.

After dramatization, ask the child who played the role of the host:

What did you feel when you were comforted?

Who calmed you down the best?

Drawing on the theme "Grief"

Invite those who wish to tell about their drawing.

Lesson number 6.

Topic: "Getting to know emotions: anger."

Exercise "Wonderful greeting."

The psychologist speaks of the existence of many different ways greetings by people to each other, really existing in a civilized society and comic. Children are invited to stand up and greet each other with their shoulder, back, arm, cheek, nose, invent their own unusual way for today's lesson and greet them.

Reflection (everyone shares their impressions).

Reading excerpts from the work of K.I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr", where the author describes the anger of the Washbasin and the Crocodile.

Questions for children:

Why were Washbasin and Crocodile angry?

Examination of illustrations by the artist A.M. Alyansky, which depict angry Washbasin and Crocodile.

Children are invited to tell how the artist conveyed the anger of the heroes.

Dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale by L.N. Tolstoy "Three Bears"

Children act out an episode where it is described how angry the bears are when they find out that someone has used their things.

Children's attention is drawn to how differently the teddy bear, bear and bear express anger.

Children's stories about situations when they were angry, angry, angry.

The psychologist asks the children to remember situations when they were angry. Why did this happen? How did they express their emotions.

Exercise "Mirror"

Children are invited to portray their anger in front of a mirror.

Anger drawing

Invite the children to depict their anger with a color spot.

Review the drawings with the children. Pay attention to the color rendering of anger, note the similarities and differences in the images of anger by children.

Lesson 7

Topic: “Getting to know emotions: fear.

Game "Geese-swans"

Children walk around the room, imagining that they are in a flowering meadow. When the leader sounds the alarm, the children hide behind the chairs.

The game is repeated several times.

Exercise "Find the icon"

Children choose a pictogram of fear from pre-prepared ones.

Compare the choice of children with the feeling that they experienced when they were hiding from the geese.

Consider with the children the pictogram they have chosen, pay attention to the eyebrows, eyes, mouth.

Discuss with the children the saying "Fear has big eyes."

Note the direct and hidden meaning of the saying

Question to the children: - Have you ever been so frightened that the cause of fear seemed to you much worse than it actually was?

Reading an excerpt from the fairy tale by S. Mikhalkov "The Three Little Pigs"(an episode that describes how the pigs run away from the wolf and tremble with fear) Question to the children: - Why was Naf-Naf not afraid of the terrible wolf?

Drawing on the theme "Naf-Naf is not afraid of a terrible wolf."

Invite the children to draw an episode from the fairy tale by S. Mikhalkov "The Three Little Pigs".

Look at the children's drawings. Pay attention to the features of the image of a bold pig.

Lesson 8.

Topic: "Introducing Emotions: Surprise"

Exercise "Warm-up"

Group members should, without talking to each other, stand by height, then by voice color, then by hair color (from light to darkest), then by birthday.

The exercise ends with a discussion.

Reading an excerpt from the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"(about the amazing miracles on the island near Prince Guidon)


Why did all these miracles surprise and attract people so much?

Children are invited to compose a letter that could be sent to Prince Gvidon, to tell in it about the amazing things that the children met, or about the amazing cases that happened to them.

Exercise "Mirror"

Invite the children to look in the mirror, imagine that something fabulous is reflected there, and be surprised.

Draw the children's attention to the fact that each person is surprised in his own way, but, despite the difference, there is always something similar in expressions of surprise.

Question:- What do you have in common in how you portrayed surprise?

Game "Fantasy"

Children are invited to continue the start of amazing adventures:

An elephant has come...

We are on another planet...

Suddenly all the adults disappeared...

The magician changed all the signs in the stores at night ...

Collage "Surprise"

The psychologist proposes to compose the emotion "surprise" from a multitude of cut pictures.

Reflection "Thank you for"

The children stand in a circle, and the facilitator invites everyone to mentally put on their left hand everything that they came with today, their luggage of mood, thoughts, knowledge, experience, and on right hand- what I got in this lesson new. Then, all at the same time strongly clapped their hands and shouted - YES! or THANK YOU!

Lesson number 9

Topic: “Getting to know emotions: sadness and resentment

The ritual began.

Let each of you call yourself by name and at the same time perform some movements or actions.

For example: I will call the name and clap it with my hands, you can stomp your feet or do something else, but so that everyone sitting in a circle can repeat your actions.

Problematic situation.

Dunno's mood is spoiled - Znayka offended him. An adult invites children to find out the reason using the example of V. Orlov's poem:

Who offended whom first?

He me.

No, he me.

Who hit whom first?

He me.

No, he me!

You used to be so good friends...

I was friends.

And I was friends.

What didn't you share?

I forgot.

And I forgot.


Why did Dunno and Znayka quarrel?

Why offended at each other?

Why did friends forget the reason for their quarrel?

Confidential conversation on the topic "What is resentment"

What is resentment? (the feeling that arises if you were offended or not allowed to carry out your plan, or your help, participation was not noticed. The closer the person (parents, friend) with whom this feeling is connected, the stronger the resentment.

Why do people resent each other?

Did you get offended?

What do you want to do with the offender at the moment of resentment?

Acquaintance with the emotion of resentment.

Showing a pictogram, looking at (eyebrows lowered, mouth lowered).

Training exercise "Resentment"

Children are distributed in pairs and with the help of facial expressions and pantomime they must portray the role of the offender and the offended. During the training, the children change places.

How did you feel when you were in the role of the offended?

What did you want to do?

How did you feel when you were the abuser?

What did you want to do?

Which role did you like best?


A kind person will not offend another, causing him mental pain, humiliation.

An offended person feels unhappy, irritated.

Resentment is dangerous because it can cause feelings such as anger, hatred, and destroy goodwill.

A person who falls under the sway of negative feelings may hurt others by accident. In this case, you need to apologize and make peace (ask for forgiveness).

Drawing "resentment" (to the music)

Children are invited to draw their offense with the help of colored blots. At the end of the class, ask if music and drawing helped you feel better?

Acquaintance with the advice of Dunno

Tip #1: If you are very angry with the one who offended you, write him an angry letter, and then tear this letter.

Tip #2: When the soul is bad, and you are annoyed by something, it is better to retire to the room and try to cheer yourself up by remembering something pleasant.

Tip #3: You can express all your feelings about which you cannot tell either dad or mom, to your reliable animal friend: a dog or a cat. Hold him close, stroke him, talk to him and it will become easier.

Tip #4: If you are offended that your desire is not fulfilled, you can dream about it, dream up and even, even better, draw your desire, and believe me, it will become easier.

Exercise "Balloon"

  • Imagine what is in your chest balloon. Inhaling air through the nose, completely fill the lungs with air. As you breathe out through your mouth, feel it leaving your lungs.
  • Exhale slowly through your mouth as if the air is slowly escaping from a balloon.
  • Pause and count to 5.
  • Inhale again and fill your lungs with air. Hold it for a count of 3, imagine that each lung is an inflated balloon.
  • Exhale. Feel how warm air passes through the lungs, throat, mouth.
  • Repeat 3 times as you inhale and exhale, imagine that each lung is an inflated balloon that releases air when you exhale.
  • Stop and feel that you are full of energy, and all tension is gone.

Exercise "Sky"

  • Sit straight in a chair, leaning on the back (but without straining), your feet should touch the floor. (You can sit on the floor with your legs crossed.) Close your eyes.
  • Imagine a blue sky with clouds moving across it. You are watching them. If you are thinking about something, let your thoughts fly away with the clouds. You are focused on the sky.
  • You feel peace, silence and joy.
  • Open your eyes, sit quietly for a while, then slowly stand up.

Ending ritual. "Gifts"

At the end of the lesson, we will play a game called "Gifts". We all love to receive gifts, and it is also nice to give them. Let's pretend we can do anything. Look carefully at your neighbors on the right, try to guess what they want to receive as a gift. Now let's take turns giving each other our gifts. Whoever receives a gift does not forget to say "thank you".

This concludes our lesson. Goodbye!

Lesson number 10

Topic: "Getting to know emotions: boasting,shame, guilt»

The ritual began.

Let's imagine that we have forgotten how to speak, but we can only sing. Now each of you will sing your name, and we will all repeat after him together.

Acquaintance with the emotion of complacency.

Look at the cards I brought you today. What feelings do they depict? (joy, fear, surprise)

How did you know?

What helped you to identify feelings?

And here is another face. Does this person want to communicate with you or not? Why did you decide so?

Do you think he wants to play his favorite toy with someone, or will he show it to everyone and not give it to anyone?

Yes, this person, most likely, will not give his toy to anyone. The feeling on his face is called smugness. When you show off, you get the same or a very similar expression on your face.

Now, in a circle, we will brag about whoever wants what.

You can brag about what you have, you can think of something. I will begin…

Playing out the fairy tale "Bouncer Mouse"

I will tell you the fairy tale "Bouncer Mouse", and you listen to it carefully. Then we will role-play her.

The mouse was walking through the forest and met there a deer with golden horns.

Give me your golden horns, - the mouse asked the deer.

Why do you need my golden horns? They will interfere with you, - the deer answered.

You are a greedy one! - the mouse began to tease the deer

I'm not greedy, - the deer answered and put his golden horns on the mouse's head.

The mouse was delighted and ran to show everyone the decoration. She was in such a hurry that she even forgot to thank the deer. When the mouse saw her girlfriends, she began to brag to them:

I am the best, I am the richest of all, I will not be friends with you, with the gray ones!

Suddenly, a cat jumped out from behind the bushes. All the gray mice quickly hid in their holes, and the mouse with golden horns got stuck. The cat jumped on her and ate her. And only golden horns remained on the grass. A deer is walking through the forest and sees: his golden horns lie. He stopped, bent down and put them back on his head.

How bad it is to be boastful, - the deer sighed and shook his golden horns.

Here is such a fairy tale. Now we will try to play it. Who wants to be a mouse? Fawn? A cat? Well! And everyone else will be just mice.

The story plays out several times. Very well! Like real actors!

Exercise to consolidate the studied emotions "Working with poetry"

The teacher reads poetry, the children raise the corresponding icon.

1) "Scary bird" (fear)

A bird perched on the window
The brother closed his eyes in fear:
What is this bird?
He is not afraid of her!
The beak of this bird is sharp,
Ruffled feathers.
Where is mom? Where are the sisters?
Well, now I'm gone!
- Who hurt you, son? -
Mom laughed.
- You saw a sparrow.

2) “What ships are sad about”

What are ships sad about?
Far from sushi?
Sad, sad boats
About shallows on the river,
Where can you for a moment
Sit down and rest
And where absolutely nothing
Don't be afraid to drown. (A. Barto)

3) "Butterfly" (surprise)

Seeing a beautiful flower in the flower bed
I wanted to rip it off.
But it was worth touching the stalk with your hand,
And immediately the flower ... flew away. (V. Lunin).

4) "Joy"

Joy - if the sun shines,
If there is a month in the sky.
How much joy in the world
Do not measure or count.
Only those who are happy hear
Songs of the wind from above
How softly the herbs breathe
Like flowers in the meadows.
Only those who love deeply
Believes in a bright dream
Won't ruin, won't ruin
Beauty in this world! (V. Lunin).

Conversation on the topic "When are we ashamed?"

What do you think: “What is shame?” (Shame is a feeling that arises when evaluating one's actions, which are contrary to accepted standards of decency, self-respect, and dignity.)

Why are you ashamed?

What does shame look like?

What colour is he?

What do you feel when you feel shame? (embarrassment, shame)

Why does a person need shame?

"Advice from a Dunno"

When a person feels bad at heart, he can help himself.

If you have committed a misconduct, because of which you yourself became ashamed, then the surest way to regain the favor of your relatives and friends is to admit your guilt and ask for forgiveness.

To calm down yourself, you need to sit back, close your eyes and breathe slowly, calmly and deeply: while inhaling, count to five, while exhaling, up to seven. Imagine that you are in a forest or on the seashore, where the air is fresh and where it is free and pleasant for you to breathe, and you will immediately calm down.

Remember these tips and feelings when you imagine yourself in the forest or at the sea, and together with the children perform relaxation exercises to calm music.

Flower game(to beautiful music)

Spring has come. I planted seeds in the ground. These seeds will you agree?

Whoever I touch with the “magic wand”, please squat down and put your head in your hands and knees.

A warm ray of sun fell on the ground and warmed the seeds. A sprout sprouted from them, (slowly raise their heads and straighten up).

A beautiful flower grew from a sprout. A flower basks in the sun, exposes each petal to heat and light. Turns his head to follow the sun. Show how the “flower has blossomed”: raise your arms to the sides, tilt your head back, slowly turn towards the sun.

How many beautiful flowers! I will collect them in a bouquet (hugs the children).

And now let's weave a wreath! (hugs each other around the waist)

Now let's say good words, those who are standing nearby, and hug him.

Here is the wreath.

Do you like it? Did you enjoy playing together?


Lie on the mat, on your back, arms extended along the body, legs straight, not crossed. Get comfortable and close your eyes. A feeling of pleasant peace and relaxation covers my entire body and spreads through it. I rest easy. I'm resting

Resting my arms, legs, nervous system. Pleasant languor covers my body, I'm too lazy to move.

My breathing is completely calm. I breathe easily and freely. My hands are relaxed and warm. I breathe easily and naturally. Each new breath relieves tension, calms me and brings pleasant relaxation. A feeling of pleasant peace fills me from within.

I'm resting. My body is completely relaxed. Pleasant laziness spreads throughout the body. I enjoy complete peace and relaxation, which brings me strength and self-confidence.

Exercise "Mask Theatre".

Guys! We will visit the "Mask Theatre". You will all be artists, and I will be a photographer. I will ask you to imitate the facial expressions of the various characters. For example: show what an evil Baba Yaga looks like. Children with the help of facial expressions and simple gestures or only with the help of facial expressions depict Baba Yaga.

- “Good, great! Now stop, I'm taking a picture. Well done!"

Depict the Crow from the fable "The Crow and the Fox" at the moment when she squeezes the cheese in her beak (tightly squeeze the jaws while stretching the lips, depict the beak). Attention! Freeze! I'm filming! Thank you! Well done!

Now show how scared the grandmother from the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" was when she realized that she was talking not with her granddaughter, but with a gray wolf (open her eyes wide, raise her eyebrows, open her mouth). “Freeze! Thanks!"

And how did the Fox smile slyly when she wanted to please the kolobok? Freeze! I'm filming! Well done! And they hammered a carnation (knock with fists).

When reading again, compare the quatrains: 1 and 3, 2 and 4.

What tones are present in quatrains 1 and 3? (dim)

In the 2nd and 4th? (bright, bright).

Conclusion: A gloomy mood often makes everything around dull, uninteresting, joyless. And vice versa, a benevolent, bright mood makes it possible to see the beautiful, surprising, pleasant around.

Relaxation "Waterfall"

Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and exhale. Imagine that you are standing near a waterfall. But this is no ordinary waterfall. Instead of water, soft white light falls down in it. Now imagine yourself under this waterfall and feel how this beautiful white light streams over your head ... You feel how your forehead relaxes, then your mouth, how your neck muscles relax ... White light flows over your shoulders, the back of your head and helps them become soft and relaxed . White light streams from your back and you notice how tension disappears in your back, and it too becomes soft and relaxed.

And the light flows through your chest, through your stomach. You feel how they relax and you yourself, without any effort, can inhale and exhale deeper. This makes you feel very relaxed and pleasant.

Let the light flow through your chest, through your belly. You feel how they relax and you yourself, without any effort, can inhale and exhale deeper. This makes you feel very relaxed and pleasant.

Let the light also flow on your hands, on the palms, on the fingers. You notice how the hands and arms become softer and more relaxed. The light also flows down your legs, down to your feet. You feel that they also relax and become soft. This amazing waterfall of white light flows around your entire body. You feel completely calm and serene, and with each breath you relax more deeply and are filled with fresh strength. (30 seconds).

The game "Locomotive with a name."
Our steam locomotive will be unusual, each wagon will have its own name. At first, the locomotive will not have wagons, and the one of you whom we choose as the locomotive will “ride” in a circle, clap your hands and say your name. Then the engine will get bored and will drive up to any boy or girl with the words: “Engine, choo-choo-choo” - and will call his name. That child, to whom the train will approach, in response will give his name and become a new train, and the first one will become his carriage. Now they ride together and name the new engine. (The game continues until all the children are included in the train.)
So, we have arrived in the fabulous Land of Names (two dolls appear). Before you are the inhabitants of this country. They want to get to know you. They will tell you their names, and we will tell them ours.

Exercise "How can you call a person by name."
Start options.
1. Guys, this morning I went to kindergarten and saw two boys arguing about something and calling each other ugly - Sasha, Mishka. They were so annoying to look at! In our group, I also sometimes hear how you call each other rudely.
2. When I was going to kindergarten, I saw Katya doll on a bench in the yard. She sat and wept bitterly. When I asked her why she was crying, Katya said that the girls who play with her call her Katya. And she likes it when her name is affectionate: Katenka, Katyusha. How else?
3. Guys, you know that each of us has a name. Mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, other people call you this name. Each name rewards a person with different distinctive character traits. For example, a name ... means ... But a person can be called not only by a name, but by a favorite affectionate word (sun, bunny, fish, chicken, sweetie ...). Maybe some of you are also called not by your name, but by such an affectionate word? What words? How can you name yourself? Listen to how I will call Lena: Lena, Alyonushka, Alena, Alenka, Lenochka ... (Ask the children for their options.) You know that names are given when a person is born. When he is small, his name is very affectionate and tender - Olenka, Olyushka (ask the children how else), and when a person grows up, his name is different - Olga.
And my name is: Inna Georgievna. Why is my name like that? What is your dad's name? Adults are often referred to by their first and last names. Here are some interesting names of our guys.
4. How do you address each other? I know you have nicknames. I want to hear why you call each other that?
What do you call Dima? According to Dima, is this a good or bad nickname? How do children think about it?
Now we know what the name of our guys is, how they are called differently, what they will be called when they become adults, what their friends call them now. And it will be very good if we call each other affectionate, gentle, kind names.
“What can you name your mom, dad, grandpa and grandma”
Every day you are surrounded by close people: mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. They are all very different. Everyone has their own names. Every day you communicate with them, talk. And let's remember with you how you call your mom, dad, grandma, grandpa.

  • Do you love them? Why? (Because they are kind, affectionate, take care of me.)
  • What is your mom doing? (Irons, washes dishes, cooks...)
  • So what is your mom like? (Hardworking, caring.)
  • What do you usually call your mother? (Mommy, mommy, mommy.)
  • What do you call your dad? (Daddy, daddy, daddy.)
  • What do your grandparents call your mother? (Lena, Lenochka, daughter.)
  • And when friends, acquaintances come to your mother, what do they call her? (Lena, Lenok.)
  • And why do you think? (Because they've been friends for a very long time.
  • And what is your dad's name? (Sasha.)
  • What do you call him? (Daddy, daddy.)
  • What about mom? (Sasha, dear.)
  • What about grandma and grandpa? (Son, Sashenka.)
  • What are the names of your grandparents? (Baba Anya, grandfather Vanya.)
  • What are your parents' names? (Mother, father.)
  • And when you are walking with your grandparents and a neighbor comes up to you - what does she call your grandparents? (Anna Sergeevna, Ivan Petrovich.)
  • And why? What do you think? (Because they are already old, old, they are older, they need to be respected.
  • And if your grandparents get sick, what will you call them? (Dear, beloved.)

Exercise "Lost child."
So, we walked through the forest, listened to the birds singing, picked berries and mushrooms. But suddenly one of you got lost. We are very worried and loudly, affectionately call him in turn, for example: “Ay, Sashenka!” We will put the “lost” one with his back to the group, and he will guess who called him. And the one who I touch will call.
"Sasha, you are in the forest now.
We call you: "Ay!"
Well, close your eyes, don't be shy.
Who is calling you - find out as soon as possible.
Psychologist. Today we talked about your names, you have heard many variants of your name, this knowledge will be useful to you. Now we will issue a personal business card. The name, surname and something important about you (with the help of a psychologist) should be written here. Color or draw beautifully. For example: Anya Solovieva, a girl from the Gnome group A business card can be decorated with patterns along the edge of the sheet.

Ending ritual"Relay of Friendship" .
Join hands and pass, like a baton, a handshake. The teacher begins: “I will pass on my friendship to you, and it goes from me to Masha, from Masha to Sasha, etc. and finally comes back to me. I feel that the friendship has grown as each of you has added a piece of your friendship. Let it not leave you and warm. Goodbye!"

Busy number 2

Theme: "My family"

Starting ritual:"Chamomile" . Children are invited to color the flower petal according to their mood. (Green - "calm", yellow - "joyful", red - "excited", brown - "upset", gray - "indifferent".) After that, the children in the circle join hands, look into the neighbor's eyes and silently smile at each other (“give a smile”).

Hold hands. Yoga gymnastics:

Children with the norm of intelligence show movements according to the name, children with mental retardation repeat according to the show.

  1. Children walk in a circle one after another and buzz like trains: "Tu-tu-oo-oo-oo."
  2. Stop, stand in a circle.
  3. “Set the alarm clock” - squeeze the palm into a fist, perform circular motions at the solar plexus: "Jik-jik-jik."
  4. "The alarm clock rang": "Z-z-z." We will stop him - the children lightly hit the head with their palms.
  5. “Sculpt a face” - they run their hands along the edge of the face.
  6. “They mold hairs” - they press the fingertips on the roots of the hair.
  7. “Sculpt eyebrows” - run your fingertips along the eyebrows.
  8. “They make eyes” - they touch the eyelids with their fingertips, draw their index finger around the eyes. Blink their eyes.
  9. “Sculpt a nose” - hold the index finger from the bridge of the nose along the wings of the nose down.
  10. “Ears are molded” - they pinch the earlobes, stroke the ears.
  11. "Sculpt a chin" - stroke the chin.
  12. “They draw the sun with their nose” - twist their heads, draw rays with their noses - perform the corresponding head movements from the bottom up: “Zhzhik - zhzhik - zhzhik”
  13. They say in chorus: “I am good, kind, beautiful”, stroking themselves on the head.

Children are divided into subgroups and collect a split picture, which depicts a family. Children with the norm of intelligence make up a picture of 5, 6 parts. A child with mental retardation is given a lighter option.

Game "Guess who's talking"

Your family decided to wish you a happy birthday. The facilitator invites the child to listen to the sentence “Happy birthday!”, pronounced on behalf of mom (in a medium-pitched voice), dad (low voice) and child (thin, high voice), and guess which voice belongs to each family member.

The task can be complicated (for children with normal intelligence) by offering to listen to a phrase spoken on behalf of the grandfather (low voice, dull timbre) and grandmother (voice of medium pitch, hoarse timbre).

Lesson progress

Greetings. Warm up.

Exercise "My Neighbor"

The facilitator asks the children to look at each other properly, pay attention to the hair, eyes, hairstyle, clothes of each of the participants and remember as much as possible. Then he asks one of the guys to close his eyes and asks questions about someone from the group.

  • who in the group blonde hair? - What are the eyes of A.?
  • who is wearing the green jacket? - what hairstyle O.?
  • What color is the neighbor's hair on the right? What is the neighbor on the left wearing?
Development of intragroup interaction, development of reflection,self-esteem.Exercise "Centipede"

Children stand one after another, holding on to the waist of the person in front. At the command of the leader, the “Centipede” starts to move forward, then crouches, jumps on one leg, crawls between obstacles, etc. The main task is not to break the chain and save the "Centipede"

  • who's in the mood
  • name one good and one bad event that happened between our sessions
  • What was most memorable from the last session?
  • what feelings did the children have when they remembered the lesson Research of intragroup processes. An exercise

"Show off your neighbor"

The host says: “Everyone really likes it when they say nice things about him. Today we are going to play bouncer. Only we will boast not of ourselves, but of our neighbor. It's so nice and honorable to have the best neighbor. Look at the one sitting to your right. Think about what it is, what is good about it? What can he do, what good deeds did he do? What might please him?"

Group Drawing Exercise

The host says that during the game the children learned something new and interesting about each other. Participants are invited to carefully consider each member of the group and the group as a whole for some time. Recall that thoughts can be expressed in poetry, in songs, in dances, and we will express them in a drawing. Then they must come up with a symbol, with

It is important to avoid evaluation by the participants. Everything that is drawn is good. The result is a picture of the group. At the end of the drawing, there is a discussion:

  • what does the drawing look like
  • what feelings does it evoke in the participants,
  • Do the kids like it
  • whether you want to change something in it (changes are made).
  • What name can be given to the drawing?

The group's drawing remains with the leader (it will be used when summing up the group).

Exercise "Change Places"

Instruction: “Now we will have the opportunity to learn more

about each other. Let's do it this way: standing in the center of the circle (to begin with, I will be it) offers to change places (change seats) to all those who have some common feature. He names this sign. For example, I will say: “Change all those who have sisters,” and everyone who has sisters should change places. At the same time, the one who stands in the center of the circle should try to take one of the seats, and whoever remains in the center of the circle without a place will continue the game.

When conducting the exercise, it is desirable to name not only the signs of appearance, but also possible interests, hobbies, character traits.

Summing up the lesson. Parting.

Lesson number 5

"Joy - Sadness"

Objectives: familiarization with feelings of joy and sadness, the definition of feelings and emotions by bodily manifestations - through facial expressions and pantomime. Consolidation of knowledge and verbal and non-verbal manifestation of emotions.

Materials: pictograms "joy" and "sadness"; photos of cheerful people; paper, pencils.

Course progress.

Greetings. Warm up.

Exercise "Rays of the sun"

Children are invited to build a long narrow corridor in pairs. The leader becomes the head of the created corridor and turns into the sun. Children turn into rays, stretch their arms forward (hands symbolize the rays of the sun). From the opposite end, each child passes inside the row with their eyes closed towards the leader, and the ray children stroke and caress him with their rays - their hands. The host all the time quietly says, “We are affectionate, kind, warm rays. We gently stroke the one coming towards us. When the child reaches the sun, it hugs him, and the child himself becomes the sun.

At the end, thank everyone for their kindness and affection.

Now look at the face of this person (pictogram "joy"). Do you think this person is sad? Or maybe he's angry? Or cheerful, joyful?.. Yes, this man is joyful. Let's try to portray joy on our face. What do I need to do?

But before that, let's play with the Sunny Bunny.

Exercise "Sunny Bunny »

The sunbeam looked into your eyes. Close them. He ran further along his face, gently stroke his palms on his forehead, on his nose, on his mouth, on his cheeks, on his chin, gently stroke his head, neck, arms, legs. He climbed onto his stomach - stroke his tummy. Sunny Bunny is not a mischievous, he loves and caresses you, make friends with him.

Fine! We made friends with the "Sunny Bunny", take a deep breath and smile at each other. It's great that we met!

Now I will tell you a story...

Etude "Meeting with a friend."

The boy had a friend. Summer came, and they had to part. The boy stayed in the city, and his friend went to rest with his parents. Bored in the city alone. A month has passed. One day a boy is walking down the street and suddenly sees his friend getting off the bus at the bus stop. How happy they were for each other!

State budget educational institution

"Bryansk regional boarding school named after the Hero of Russia A.A. Titov"

Considered at the meeting of the m / o Agreed Approved by order

Session #1 Deputy Principal of the School

according to UVR No. 298 dated September 1, 2015


Working programm

"The development of emotions in preschoolers"

Designed by:

educational psychologist

Rafalovich G.I

Zhukovka - 2015

Explanatory note

The work program "Development of emotions of preschoolers" is compiled on the basis of clause 6 of Art. 28 Law Russian Federation"On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-F3.

The regulatory framework for the development of work programs for basic and secondary general education is the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089 "On approval of the federal component of state educational standards for primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education", Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2004 March 9, 2004 No. 1312 “On approval of the federal basic curriculum and exemplary “curricula of educational institutions implementing general education programs”; Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 2005 No. 03-1263 "On exemplary programs in subjects of the federal basic curriculum." Uniform requirements for work programs are established by the local act of the educational organization.

The work program "Development of emotions of preschoolers" is based on two programs "Development of emotions of preschoolers."; Minaeva V.P. and "Socialization of orphans": developing classes for preschool and primary school age; Nikushkina N.V.

The work program "Development of emotions of preschoolers" is a holistic document, including the following sections: explanatory note, content of the topics of the training course, thematic lesson planning, requirements for the level of training of students in each section of the program, educational and methodological support.

The program is built taking into account the principles of consistency, scientific approach, accessibility.

The program is designed to conduct correctional and developmental classes for preschool children.

AT last years there is an active reform of the system preschool education: the network of alternative preschool institutions is growing, new programs of preschool education are emerging, original ones are being developed teaching materials.

Against the background of these progressive changes, the development of the emotional sphere of the child is not always given sufficient attention, in contrast to his intellectual development.

However, as rightly pointed out by L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, only the coordinated functioning of these two systems, their unity can ensure the successful implementation of any form of activity. K. Izard wrote about the same: “Emotions energize and organize perception, thinking and action.”

The formation of "smart" emotions, the correction of shortcomings in the emotional sphere should be considered as one of the most important, priority tasks of education.

In the process of development, changes occur in the emotional sphere of the child. His views on the world and relationships with others are changing. The child's ability to recognize and control their emotions increases. But the emotional sphere itself does not develop qualitatively. It needs to be developed.

What L.S. wrote Vygotsky about the phenomenon of “dried heart” (lack of feelings), observed among his contemporaries and associated with education aimed at logical and intellectualized behavior, has not lost its relevance in our time, when, in addition to the corresponding orientation of education and training, “desensitization” is facilitated by technologization life in which the child participates.

Closing themselves on TVs, computers, children began to communicate less with adults and peers, and yet communication greatly enriches the sensual sphere. Modern children have become less responsive to the feelings of others. Therefore, work aimed at the development of the emotional sphere is very relevant and important.

For purposeful, systematic work with children, it is necessary to decide what to take as a basis, what emotions to rely on. There are several classifications of emotions. One of them, the most convenient for practical purposes, is the classification of K. Izard, which is based on fundamental emotions: interest, joy, surprise, grief, anger, disgust, contempt, fear, shame, guilt. The rest of the emotions, according to this theory, are derivatives.

Features of the external manifestation of emotional states are determined by facial expressions (expressive movements of the muscles of the face), pantomime (expressive movements of the whole body) and “vocal facial expressions” (expression of emotions in intonation, timbre, rhythm, voice vibrato).

Expressive actions not only determine, but also form the sensual sphere. This is confirmed by the words of S.L. Rubinshtein: “An expressive movement (or action) not only expresses an already formed experience, but itself, being switched on, forms it; in the same way, by forming our thought, we thereby form our feeling, expressing it.

It is known that each child has his own problems and difficulties, and if at any age level normal conditions development, special corrective work.

The hardships and losses experienced by orphans are the cause of various kinds of psychological problems. It is known that a child's self-esteem is formed under the influence of evaluation by significant adults from his immediate environment. The classic of world psychology A. Adler noted that if emotional contact with close adults is broken, the child lives, as it were, on “enemy” territory, circumstances suppress him, he feels weak, unloved. As a result, he develops a very low self-esteem, a feeling of inferiority. The presence of an acute need for attention and goodwill underlies the child's communication with others. Observations show that children's contacts with adults are reduced to the search for his attention and disposition, and personal communication with peers is very often accompanied by aggressive symptoms.

These children are often deprived of the opportunity to enjoy their own success, which means that they will have rivalry and envy in relation to another child, the desire to stand out by any means.

Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions that will determine the nature of the child's communication with others, his personal successes, and contribute to the formation of the child's idea of ​​himself and his capabilities.

Thus, a positive self-esteem, a sense of confidence, the ability to better understand other people and oneself is formed.

Goals and objectives of studying the subject

Program goal: development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers, normalization of relationships between children in communication; teaching children the ability to see behind their actions the manifestation of character traits, the ability to adapt to changing social conditions, the removal of mental and emotional stress.

The main objectives of the program are:

    Acquaintance of children with emotions: joy, grief, anger, fear, surprise.

    Development and correction of the psycho-emotional sphere;

    Developing an understanding of one's own individuality and the individuality of other children.

    Formation of a positive attitude towards oneself and others, positive self-esteem through the reinforcement of any successful actions;

    Expansion and enrichment of communication skills for conflict-free communication and interaction;

    Formation in children of ideas about the world and about themselves in it;

    Education of social feelings, evaluative attitude to the world around;

    Formation of reflective thinking skills.

general characteristics

The program "Development of emotions of preschoolers" is designed to work during the school year.

The training program is designed for 30 hours in accordance with the educational and calendar schedule and taking into account public holidays in 2015-2016 academic year. The program requirements for the level of preparedness of students are fulfilled by compacting the educational material.

Classes are held once a week, lasting 20-25 minutes Number of group members: 1 - 5 people.

The program of classes for preschoolers provides, on the one hand, the formation of psychological health, and on the other hand, the fulfillment of age-related developmental tasks. In the classroom, children live emotional states, verbalize their experiences. They get acquainted with the experience of peers, as well as the cultural heritage of mankind (literature, painting, music).

    Preschool children expand the range of understood emotions;

    Children begin to understand themselves and others more deeply;

Main areas of development work:





axiological the direction teaches the child to accept himself and other people, while adequately realizing his own and other people's advantages and disadvantages.

instrumental the direction forms the ability to be aware of one's feelings, the causes of behavior, the consequences of actions, to build life plans, that is, it helps the child's personal reflection.

Need-motivational the direction involves, first of all, the development of the ability to make a choice, the willingness to bear responsibility for it, as well as the formation of the need for self-change and personal growth.

Educational direction provides the formation of personal self-determination, internal position.

Age characteristics of students

It is known that in preschool age the problems of communication and self-knowledge come to the fore. Game activity is leading. In that age period knowledge of the surrounding world takes place.

Children at preschool age have problems in expressing emotions associated with the prohibitions of adults. This is a ban on loud laughter in an inappropriate situation (according to adults), a ban on tears (especially for boys), a ban on expressing fear, aggression. For many children, there are quite a lot of such prohibitions on certain types of behavior, followed by punishment.

According to A. Lowen, excessive prohibitions in the expression of feelings entail a restriction of vitality, spontaneity and charm, i.e. the loss of that natural naturalness, grace that a child has from birth.

Games aimed at developing the emotional sphere will help to partially cope with this problem.

This age is characterized by increased anxiety, uncertainty, fears, aggressiveness.

Communication plays an important role in the life of preschool children. It is in communication that children learn a system of moral principles typical of society and the social environment. The children also need a favorable, trusting communication with adults. Most children with learning and behavioral difficulties are characterized by frequent conflicts with others and aggressiveness. Such children do not want and do not know how to admit their guilt, they are dominated by protective forms of behavior, they are not able to constructively resolve conflicts.

The lesson program "Development of emotions of preschoolers" is divided into three sections:

    I. section (7 lessons) - includes classes in which children are introduced to emotions;

    II. section (8 lessons)- deepening knowledge on familiarization with emotions;

    III. section (19 lessons) - reinforce knowledge gained in previous lessons.

In the classroom, games and psycho-gymnastic exercises known to most psychologists, active motor warm-ups, energizers, activators are used. The structure of the lessons is traditional and consists of an introduction, main part and conclusion. In the introduction, the psychologist can either simply tell the topic of the lesson, or ask students questions on the topic under discussion. The main part, as a rule, contains a discussion and playback of the situation on the proposed topic, and the final part is aimed at analyzing the lesson, self-examination and reflection.

Changes can be made to the initial plan of the lesson right in the course of its conduct or the day before in connection with the request that has arisen (from students or teachers).

Classes are designed so that there is a constant change in them. different types activities: game, conversation, drawing, elements of training (exercises), etc.

Each session contains the following steps:

    Creating an emotional mood in the group;

    Information, discussion methods, tasks using therapeutic metaphors.

    Exercises and games to attract the attention of children, aimed at developing the imagination.

    Games aimed at correcting the emotional and personal sphere;

    Creating a sense of belonging to the group for each participant and reinforcing positive emotions from work.

With a certain non-rigid structuring of classes, each child has the opportunity to realize himself, show a certain level of skills, and an adult or a peer praise him for small successes.

The development of emotions in preschoolers»

Title of section and topic

Personal Outcomes

Subject Results


subject results

I. chapter

Promoting reflection of emotional states, adequate self-expression.

Familiarization with the objectives of the lessons.

Awareness of the importance of self-knowledge for personal development.

Creating a positive mood in the group, an atmosphere of psychological comfort for each child, encouraging children to cooperate.

2. Me and the world

Encouraging the desire for self-improvement.

The development of the emotional sphere.

Acquaintance with emotions, teach children to distinguish emotions from schematic images.

3. Joy

The development of the emotional sphere.

Introduction to emotion: joy.

Formation of a positive relationship with others.

Develop personal responsibility for your actions.

Cultivate respect for each other.

Understanding emotion: grief.

To teach children to convey a given emotional state using various expressive means.

Development of independence and personal responsibility for one's actions

Development of attention to people around

Understanding the emotion: anger. Learn to convey a given emotional state, to control your emotions.

7. Surprise

The development of the imagination.

Acquaintance with emotion: surprise.

Learn to convey a given emotional state.

Development of communication skills.


8. Joy and sorrow

The development of the emotional sphere.

Continued acquaintance with the emotions of joy and grief. Development of the ability to determine the emotional state of the schematic images.

Willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, understand their feelings and the feelings of others.

9. Joy and anger

Promoting awareness of one's qualities and increasing self-esteem

Acquaintance with the emotions of joy and anger. Learn to convey a given emotional state, own your emotions

Development of attention to the people around.

10. Anger and surprise

Creating motivation for children to know themselves.

The development of the imagination.

Acquaintance with the emotions of anger and surprise.

Removal of emotional stress.

11. Joy, grief, fear.

The development of the emotional sphere.

Development of empathy and imagination.

Acquaintance with the emotions of joy, grief, fear. Familiarization with methods of control and regulation of mood.

12. Joy, grief, surprise

The development of the emotional sphere.

Development of empathy and imagination.

Acquaintance with the emotions of joy, grief, surprise.

Expansion and comparison of children's ideas about emotions.

Development of attention to the people around. Removal of emotional stress.

13. Joy, fear, surprise

Creating motivation for children to know themselves.

The development of the imagination.

Acquaintance with the emotions of joy, fear, surprise.

Expansion and comparison of children's ideas about emotions.

Cultivating confidence. Removal of emotional stress.

14. Magic balls

Development of imagination, observation, expressiveness of speech.

Consolidation of knowledge about emotions. Developing the ability to identify emotions from schematic images.

Development of attention to the people around. Removal of emotional stress.

15. Read the letter

The development of the emotional sphere.

Development of empathy and imagination.

Development of the ability to determine the emotional state from schematic images and combine different images with a single plot.

Development of attention to the people around. Removal of emotional stress.


16-17. My inner friends

Promoting awareness of one's qualities and increasing self-esteem

Consolidation of knowledge about positive emotions.

Developing a positive relationship with others

18 -19. My internal enemies.

Promoting self-awareness and self-esteem. Familiarization with methods of control and regulation of mood.

Consolidation of knowledge about negative emotions. Consolidation of ways to control and regulate your mood.

Education of kindness.

20-21. Is it shameful to be afraid?

Promoting adequate self-expression.

22-23. Emotions and our behavior

Facilitate reflection of emotional states.

Encourage adequate self-expression

Acquaintance with the feeling of fear. Promoting reflection of emotional states.

Formation of a positive attitude towards others, fostering goodwill

24. Fairy casket

Formation of a positive "I" - concepts, self-acceptance, self-confidence.

Acquaintance with the feeling of fear. Promoting reflection of emotional states.

25-26. Feelings and emotions

Development of adequate self-expression and self-esteem.

Formation of a person's responsibility for his feelings and thoughts

27. I am through the eyes of others

Contribute to the desire for self-improvement. Develop the emotional sphere.

The development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy with the feelings of other people.

Formation of the ability to introspection.

28. My friends.

The development of independence and personal responsibility for their actions.

Cultivating self-confidence.

Help children discover themselves. Help overcome communication barriers

Developing the ability to accept each other.

Promoting adequate self-expression

Introduction to speech intonation. Promoting reflection of emotional states.

Education of mutual understanding.

30. Magical means of understanding: facial expressions

Cultivating positive emotions

Learn how to use facial expressions to express emotions. Show how facial expressions help communication.

Formation of a positive relationship with others.

31. Magical means of understanding: pantomime

Development of attention, empathy.

Acquaintance with the concept of pathomimics and gesture. Developing the ability to communicate through gesture.

Formation of a positive relationship with others. Encourage children's self-expression.

32. Chamomile revelations

Increasing the level of self-awareness. Cultivating interest in your personality.

Generalization of the material of the block of classes. Consolidation of knowledge about emotions.

Education of kindness.


The child's awareness of his social "I", himself as a bearer of a social role, awareness of his place in society, the selection of equals in the social environment.

Generalization of the material of the block of classes.

Consolidation of knowledge about emotions.

Cultivating self-confidence.

34. Final lesson.

Increasing the child's self-esteem. Maintaining interest in one's own individuality and in other children.

Generalization of the material of the block of classes. The use of speech means for solving communicative and cognitive tasks.

Cultivate a positive relationship with yourself and others.

Educational and thematic lesson plan


Sections, topics

Number of hours

I. section (7 lessons)

Self-knowledge. Establishing contact

Me and the environment


IIsection (8 lessons)

Joy and sorrow

Joy and anger

Anger and surprise

Joy, sorrow, fear.

Joy, sorrow, surprise

Joy, fear, surprise

magic balls

Read the letter

IIIsection (19 lessons)

My inner friends

My internal enemies.

Is it shameful to be afraid?

Emotions and our behavior

Fairy casket

Feelings and emotions

I am through the eyes of others

My friends.

Magic means of understanding: intonation.

Magic means of understanding: intonation.

Magical means of understanding: pathomimics

Chamomile revelations


Final lesson.

Essential student skills

For the development of the emotional sphere in preschoolers, it is desirable together with gaming activities to conduct cognitive ones, on which, using a variety of methodological techniques, to acquaint children with emotions.

In the classroom, students not only receive knowledge about emotions and feelings, but also exercises in the application of various ways behavior and learn effective communication skills. Much attention in the classroom is paid to the discussion of various situations, role playing, creative self-expression. With specific exercises and role playing participants learn effective communication skills. In the classroom, the children have the opportunity to gain specific knowledge, realize and solve their personal problems, as well as develop adequate self-esteem and correct their behavior.

In the classroom, children live through emotional states, verbalize their experiences, get acquainted with the experience of their peers, as well as with the cultural heritage of mankind (Literature, painting, music).

The value of these activities is:

    Pupils expand the range of understanding of emotions;

    They begin to understand themselves and others more deeply;

    They are more likely to show empathy towards others.

Expected positive dynamics:

    Adequate self-esteem;

    Manifestation of individuality

    The ability to present oneself;

    Build conflict-free communication;

    Ability to choose ways of effective behavior;

    Overcome various barriers of mutual understanding.

Positive changes in the emotional and personal sphere give children the opportunity to participate in joint activities.


Special diagnostics that allows you to fix positive changes in the emotional and personal development of each pupil (initial diagnostics at the beginning of the year and control diagnostics at the end of the year).

List of educational and methodological support:

    The development of emotions in preschoolers. Lessons. Games. / Minaeva V.M. - M. ARKTI, 2001.

    Socialization of orphans: developmental activities for preschool and primary school age / Nikushkina N. - M .: Chistye Prudy, 2007.- (Library "First of September", series "School Psychologist").

    Lessons of kindness: Correction and development program for children % -7 years old / Semenaka S.I. - M. ARKTI, 2004.

    Play therapy with anxious children / Kostina L.M. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2003.

    Comprehensive support and correction of the development of orphans: socio-emotional problems. / Edited by Shipitsina L.M., Kazakova E.I., St. Petersburg, 2000.

    Psychogymnastics / Chistyakova M.I. – M.: Enlightenment, 1990.

    We are all different. Educational visual aid / Knyazeva O.L., Sterkina R.B. – M.: Bustard; DiK, 1998.

    Psychogymnastic exercises for schoolchildren: warm-ups, energizers, activators / Pavlova M.A. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

Calendar-thematic planning of correctional group classes

the date


the date


Lesson topic

Forms, controls

Student activities

1. Self-knowledge. Establishing contact

Issues for discussion

To create a positive attitude in the group, an atmosphere of psychological comfort for each child, encourage children to cooperate.

To acquaint with the objectives of the classes, the rules of conduct.

Performing exercises:

"Mood Barometer"

"Open your fist"

"Frightened Hedgehog".

Farewell ritual.

The game "Round dance".

Me and the environment

Issues for discussion

Disclosure of the concept of "communication". Promote awareness of their qualities and increase self-esteem.

Exercises: "Let's say hello", "Weather forecast", "I'm glad to talk with you."

outcome behavior.

Issues for discussion.

Listening to joyful music.

Conversation "What is joy"

Drawing on the theme of joy.

Children's answers to the question: "What is joy?".

A round dance with the song “Walking merrily together” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Matusovsky).

Goodbye exercise "Kind Animal"

Issues for discussion.


Conversation on the fairy tales "Teremok", "Zayushkina's hut", "The wolf and the seven kids".

Reading an excerpt from the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief". (How Fedora is experiencing the departure of dishes). Then the final part, which describes the joy.

Dramatization of the situation “The dog is missing”.

Exercise "Kind animal"

Issues for discussion.

Exercise "Mood color".

Reading K.I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr", which describes the anger of the Washbasin and the Crocodile.

Examination of illustrations by the artist A.M. Alyansky.

Dramatization from the fairy tale by L.N. Tolstoy "Three Bears".

Children's stories about situations when they were angry, angry.

Exercise "Mirror"

Anger drawing.

Exercise "Tender paws",

Issues for discussion

Game "Geese-swans"

Exercise "Find the icon"

Discussion of the saying "Fear has big eyes"

Reading an excerpt from the fairy tale by S. Mikhalkov "The Three Little Pigs".

Question: "Why was Naf-Naf not afraid of the wolf?"

Drawing on the topic: "Naf-Naf is not afraid of a terrible wolf."

(pay attention to the features of the image of a bold pig).


Issues for discussion

Reading an excerpt from the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ..." (about miracles on the island near Prince Gvidon).

Why did miracles surprise and attract people?

Exercise "Mirror"

Game "Fantasy"

Exercise "Up the Rainbow"

Joy and sorrow

Issues for discussion

Continue with emotions.

Meeting gnomes.

literary mysteries.

Drawing gnomes (Joyful and sad).

Relaxation "Dandelion"

Joy and anger

Issues for discussion

Conversation on the fairy tales "The Fox and the Crane", "The Man and the Bear".

Game "Bears and bees"

Relaxation "Dandelion"

Anger and surprise

Issues for discussion

Exercise "Sending".

Reading an excerpt by N. Ekimova. "Clouds floated across the sky"

Cloud drawing.

Games: "Clouds", "Magic ring".

Exercise "Say the phrase."

Joy, sorrow, fear.

Issues for discussion

Literary excerpts from the works of K.I. Chukovsky.

While reading, children depict emotion.

Game "Gnomes"

Children's stories about funny, sad and terrible events from their lives.

Game "Prince and Princess"

Joy, sorrow, surprise

Issues for discussion

Etude "Good weather"

Joy, fear, surprise

Issues for discussion

Exercises: "Affectionate words",

Work on the topic.

Game "Open your fist"

The game "Pushers without words."

Learn how to get out of conflict.

magic balls

Issues for discussion

Reflect on the statement "People get lonely if instead of bridges they build walls"

Game "Teeth and Meat"

Listen to the parable of the snake.

Exercise "Exhibition"

Consider the balls different shapes.

The child chooses a ball and schematically depicts an emotion on it


Read the letter

Issues for discussion

Learn to determine the emotional state of the schematic images.

Postman game

Variants of letters and their decoding.


My inner friends

Issues for discussion

Exercise "Finger Tips"

Related work

Exercises: “Draw an emotion”, “Guess an emotion”, “Name an emotion”, “What does your feeling look like”.

My internal enemies.

Issues for discussion

Emphasize the value and uniqueness of the inner world of each person.

Exercises "Psychological examples", "Mental picture", "I am inside and outside", "Dreams".

The game "The Little Prince".

Is it shameful to be afraid?

Issues for discussion

Exercise "Greeting", "Mood color"

Work on the topic.

Etudes "The little fox is afraid",

"We quarreled and made up."

Drawing "What color is my fear?".

Game "Our Feelings"

Emotions and our behavior

Issues for discussion

Game "Island of feelings"

Fairy tale "Know how to wait" p. 329 "The ABC of Communication".

Exchange of opinions: "Who has it easier for a pessimist or an optimist?"

Emotion training: "Guess the mood of Baba Yaga."

Listen to ditties from the cartoon.

Fairy casket

Issues for discussion

Exercises "Change all those who ...", "Associations", "Magic Hand", "Good or Bad".

Game "Fairytale Box"

Feelings and emotions

Issues for discussion

Exercise "Greetings".

Work on the topic.

Conversation "Emotions in human life"

The game "Guess the mood from the picture."

Discussion "the most-most"

Method "My Universe".

I am through the eyes of others

Issues for discussion


Exercise "Wind", pay attention to the similarities between people.

Exercise "How a child sees himself in the world around him", "Building a city",

"Good Animal"

My friends.

Issues for discussion


"Greeting", "Wish", "Island", "Rings".

Etude "Two friends"

Drawing "Drawing of a friend".

Relaxation "Good warmth".

Magic means of understanding: intonation.

Issues for discussion


“Affectionate name”, “Uncle Abram ...”, “Hands get acquainted, quarrel, reconcile”, “Intonation”.

The game "Who called you."

Relaxation "Good warmth".

Magic means of understanding: facial expressions

Issues for discussion

Exercise "Affectionate name".

Work on the topic.

Joke game "Understand me", "Pass around".

Exercise "Dragon Interview", "Kind Animal".

Magical means of understanding: pantomime

Issues for discussion

Exercise "Greeting", "Depict".

The game "Tell poems with your hands."

Exercise "Good animal".

Chamomile revelations

Issues for discussion

Exercise "Greeting", "Looking for a treasure", "Chamomile of revelations".


Issues for discussion

Draw a self-portrait

Exercise “Say your name”, “Who am I? What am I?”, “Hot chair”.

Determine the preferences of children in games, activities, hobbies. Compare with others' preferences.

Exercise "Bouquet", "A little about yourself",

"What is he?", "I'm the first."

Issues for discussion

Summarize the material of the lesson block. Raise their self-esteem. Maintain an interest in their own individuality and in other children. to yourself and those around you.

Exercises: "Palms", "Change everyone who ...", "Peony and prickly hedgehog", "I am good, we are good."

Draw on a free topic.

Direct educational activities in junior group"Joy"

Papanova Galina Sergeevna, teacher of the first qualification category of the MB preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 150", Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region.
Material Description:This directly educational activity is aimed at the formation and enrichment of children's speech, the development of imagination, fantasy and observation. A description of classes with preschool children using methods for the development of speech and thinking is given. Illustrative material is used. In addition, this form of work with children allows you to understand the mood and emotions of people and be sensitive to others.
Target: Acquaintance of children with the emotion "Joy".
- activate the emotional experience of children, expand the range of their understanding of emotions;
- learn to understand their feelings and the feelings of others;
- to learn to fix attention on their muscular sensations and verbally describe them;
- develop the ability to consciously express their emotions and feelings;
- reproduce emotions "joy" and convey their emotional state using facial expressions, intonation;
- to form positive emotions through a smile, the ability to build friendly relationships with others.
Equipment: a cardboard house with a "joy" pictogram on the door; heart shape; ball; mirror; transparent cups with water; shiny stars; model of a house with a window; cocktail sticks according to the number of children. Educator:- Good morning, guys! Let's greet each other, let's play the game "Hello". I clap my hands once - we say hello by the hands, twice - we say hello with our shoulders.
Educator:- Today we will talk about the mood that you, your family, and any other people have. We all sometimes get angry, happy, sad. But today we are going to visit only one mood. To whom? try to guess. I will turn on the song, listen carefully, and then tell me what it is: calm, joyful, sad.
(listening to a funny song)
caregiver: - So, guys, what kind of music sounded?
Children:- Joyful.
caregiver: - Yes, this is a joyful melody, which means we are going to visit for joy. She lives in the house (a model of a house with a window, a joyful face of a boy looks out of the window).- Look carefully at his face, what is the mood of the boy?
Children:- Merry.
Educator:- How did you guess?
Children: He smiles broadly, his eyes sparkle.
caregiver: - And what is joy for you? How do you understand this word? I will throw a ball into everyone's hands, and you name your joy.
Children:- Joy is:
when is the holiday
when no one is crying
when the surprise
- when is the birthday
when gifts are given
- when mom says "You are my joy."
Educator:- Well done! Now let's smile, and carefully find the narrowed eyes and mouth with the tips of your fingers.
-Guys, you and I turn into wizards and come to the table. Look at this clear water, our thoughts are just as calm and pure, but when we have fun, our joyful mood smiles, and our thoughts are like fireworks. They sparkle and shimmer (the teacher throws sparkles into the glass and stirs). How beautiful!
Children:- Yes!
Educator:- Now you take some stars and throw them into your glasses, with the help of magic wands, arrange a salute! Look how cheerfully the stars sparkle. Smell, maybe the water smells of joy? Wizards, I suggest you go to the next table. Please close your eyes, smile. Find in your body that warm place where your joy lives. Where does your joy live?
Children:- In the heart!
Educator:- Yes, and I also have joy in my heart. Let's draw our smiles in this heart (children draw a smile with their fingers). Get in a circle guys. What did we talk about today?
Children:- About joy.
Educator:- That's right, today we talked about joy, about a joyful mood, but you can please not only yourself, but your loved ones. Now we will pass a flashlight-firefly, and name the ways how we can please our loved ones?
Children:- Draw a picture. If you offended someone, ask for forgiveness, etc.
Educator:- Well done!!!

Work plan of the psychological circle

"World of Emotions"

Target: a decrease in the high level of aggressiveness in children of older preschool age.


1. Dealing with anger. Teaching aggressive children acceptable ways to express anger;

2. Establishing relationships between the child and peers and adults on the basis of partnership and cooperation;

3. Disclosure of the creative potential of the child, the release of his hidden, energyreserves, as well as finding them best ways solving their problems with the help of art therapy methods.

The selection of children in the group is carried out using the criteria for determining aggressiveness projective technique "Drawing of a non-existent animal"; questionnaire for identifying aggressiveness in a child (Lavrengpyeva EP., Timarenko TM 1992) for teachers.

Expected results:

1. Reducing the manifestation of signs of aggressiveness in the behavior of children;

2. The use by teachers and parents of the recommendations of a psychologist in working with children with signs of aggressive behavior.

Methods of working with children to correct aggressiveness

  1. Isotherapy: free drawing, dramatization of free drawings,

doodles, "country X" (collective drawing).

  1. Fairy tale therapy: fairy tales for the actualization of the problem.
  2. Sand therapy: creating a sand world using

items of various subjects (figures of people, animals, houses,

plants, natural material etc.) .

  1. Muscle relaxation, mimic gymnastics, breathing exercises.
  2. Game therapy: games that promote the development of emotional self-regulation.
  3. Music therapy: music that allows you to overcome the psychological defense of the child - to calm or, conversely, activate, tune in, interest.
  4. Phototherapy: as a complementary discussion of slides and various

creative activities, including pictorial movement,

dance etc.

long term plan


Diagnostics of aggressiveness(developed by American psychologists M. Alvord and

P. Beikke)

Target: to investigate the aggressiveness of children in relation to a number of typical for him life situations communication with other people.


1) To reveal the inner attitude of the child to certain situations.

2) Give indirect information about the nature of the child's relationship with peers

And adults in the family and kindergarten.


Group work:

"We are together"


Acquiring the skill of game interaction;

Disclosure of positive character traits;

Expansion of the role range;

Development of a more positive self-concept.


Group work:

"Advice of the Wise"


Show children the unproductiveness of using aggression in communication;

Develop positive relationships between children;

Reducing the level of emotional stress with the help of art therapy / isotherapy /

Strengthen a sense of unity.


Group work:

"Visiting a fairy tale"

/fairytale therapy/


Expanding the child's consciousness;

Improving interaction with the outside world;

Teaching your child acceptable ways to relieve muscle and emotional



Individual work:


/game therapy/


Relief of the psychological suffering of the child;

Development of the ability of emotional self-regulation;

Restoring trust in adults and peers, optimizing relationships in systems child - adults"," the child is other children.


Individual work:

"Magic Sand"

/sand therapy/


Working out psychotraumatic situations at the symbolic level;

Reaction of negative emotional experience in the process of creative


Strengthening (or awakening) confidence in the world, developing new, more productive

Relations with the world.


Group work:

In the world of music"

/music therapy/


Increasing self-esteem based on self-actualization;

Development of empathic abilities;

Establishment and development of interpersonal relationships.

the date




"Musical doodles" p.84


"Conductor" p.86


"Free dance" p.86


"Spontaneous drawing to music" p.87


"Musical communication" p. 87


Group work:

"Development of personal communication"


Removal of non-verbal aggression, provide the child with the opportunity to “legally” throw out anger;

Remove excessive emotional stress, direct the energy of children in the right direction;

educate children effective ways communication.

the date




Slides session p.94 /phototherapy/

M.V. Kiseleva " Art therapy in working with children


"Tousled Men"

Page 85

S.V. Kryukova, N.P. Slobodyannik

I am surprised, angry, afraid, boasting and rejoicing"


"Roller coaster" p.87


Diagnostics of aggressiveness(developed by American psychologists M. Alvord and P.


Target: to study the aggressiveness of children in relation to a number of typical life situations of communication with other people, as well as to trace the dynamics of the level of manifestation of aggressive behavior in children.


3) To reveal the inner attitude of the child to certain situations.

4) provide indirect information about the nature of the child's relationship with peers and adults in the family and kindergarten.