Small gifts for boys on February 23rd.

Very soon we will celebrate a wonderful and beloved holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. All men and boys are in the spotlight and receive congratulations from beautiful ladies.

In schools, it is also customary to give small gifts to classmates. All responsibility for their choice falls on the shoulders of the parent committee. They need to choose a surprise for each boy, and this is not so easy. After all, they are all different and you want to please everyone. We have prepared a list of inexpensive gifts for boys at school on February 23, which may appeal to every classmate, or certainly most of them.

List of inexpensive gifts under 100 rubles

As mentioned earlier, parents are in charge of choosing and planning congratulations for classmates; in high school, girls do this. You need to have a small budget, organize a holiday and buy surprises for each boy. Such matters are often postponed to the last minute and in a short time it is necessary to come up with and buy gifts for the holiday.

To help with the choice, we have prepared a list of inexpensive gifts for February 23rd up to 100 rubles. After reading it, you can find a suitable surprise for the stronger half of the class. We offer the following options:

  • Cool pens They will be suitable as a present for a holiday, of course, it will be inconvenient to write with them at school, but at home a souvenir pen will definitely come in handy. They look different and for each boy you can choose an option based on his hobbies, for example: cars, musical instruments or animals.
  • Order soap self made , it is better to choose a form closer to the theme of the holiday. And also for each young defender, make a personalized inscription and choose pleasant smells (bubble-gum, chocolate or berry flavor).
  • Funny notebooks. It’s good that nowadays their choice is quite large, from classic to the most incredible options (abstract drawings, characters from your favorite films or cartoons).
  • Keychain– a fairly common gift, but they can also be chosen in an original shape, for example, a perpetual calendar keychain would be an ideal option.
  • spinner- quite a popular thing. A mesmerizing spinning object in the hands occupies and relaxes the owner, it helps to calm down in an exciting situation. And those who have gotten used to using it can perform various tricks, throwing it from finger to finger.
  • School supplies quite a relevant gift, because it is a consumable item that is necessary during study. When choosing an inexpensive surprise under 100 rubles, you can pay attention to such options as: an eraser, a set of colored gel pens, sharpener, notebook 48 sheets. To make the gift thematic, you can choose the shape and design of cars, airplanes or tanks.

Remember that all guys have different personalities and are special in their own way. You study with them and know who is interested in what. Therefore, if you have the opportunity and time, it is better to choose a gift for February 23rd individually for each boy. It can be from the same category, but at the same time differ in shape and pattern.

List of gifts for boys from 100 to 300 rubles

When there are more girls in a class than boys, it often turns out that the surprise amount increases. In this case, you can consider the list of gifts for boys from 100 to 300 rubles on February 23 and there is already a much larger choice. We have prepared various options for you that will help you choose a surprise for the stronger half of the class:

  • pencil stand;
  • luminous shoelace;
  • diary;
  • headphones with lock;
  • encyclopedia;
  • disk with a computer children's game;
  • personalized mug;
  • mechanical pencil sharpener;
  • money box;
  • a calculator that you can carry in your pocket.

As an addition to the main gift, give the guys a card. You can either buy them or make them yourself, the main thing is to sign it personally for each defender. Congratulations can be official or in a humorous form, but remember that you should not offend your classmates with caustic statements, even if it seems funny to you.

To beautifully congratulate the boys, learn poems in honor of the holiday, so the congratulations will take on a solemn character.

List of gifts for classmates up to 500 rubles

Sometimes it happens that parents can collect a little more than the average amount for gifts for children. This is, of course, good, but such a decision must be made general meeting and with the consent of all adults. We selected a few options that can be given for this amount and we came up with the following list of gifts for February 23rd for classmates up to 500 rubles:

  • Organizer– a necessary thing for any age. As a surprise, you can buy a personalized one or an unusual shape and type, for example, with black sheets.
  • Desk calendar with fun photos of the whole class. You can order it at any photo studio.
  • Flash card necessary for every student. Increasingly, homework is being assigned that can only be done using a computer. To check, you need to provide this file to the teacher, this is where the flash drive comes in handy. With its help, the student will calmly deliver the finished work for checking. Now in stores big choice of various shapes, in honor of the holiday you can choose a themed one.
  • Phone stand a very necessary thing. You will always know where he is.
  • An original pencil case for studying. Choose your own option for each boy, it will be much more pleasant, after all, they won’t all go like “from an incubator”.
  • Board games will always be a relevant gift for children. You can choose classic options (checkers and chess) or modern ones (monopoly, business, Nemo, figure it out or 7 by 9).
  • Funny T-shirts, they can be either with a printed photograph of the addressee or with cool phrases for every boy.

If you bought gifts for classmates on Defender of the Fatherland Day and still have money left, then arrange for them sweet table.

Original inexpensive surprises for boys in grades 1–5

The youngest defenders require attention in the first school years. When choosing an inexpensive gift for February 23rd for boys in grades 1–5, it is worth remembering that they are still just children. In any free time, they want to think less about studying and more about games and entertainment. We have prepared a list of surprises for children junior classes, For example:

  • Keychain reflector- a very necessary thing for every child. Mostly you have to move around in the dark, especially in winter, and it’s very good if it’s on a backpack. Any driver will see from afar that a child is walking ahead. In honor of the holiday, you can choose it in a military theme.
  • Toys. These years, children are still small and want to play once again, have a lot of fun, and they will definitely like such a gift. It is better to opt for popular toys, for example: Hot Wheels cars or cartoon characters.
  • Set of markers with coloring pages Many boys will like it, choose a holiday theme, for example: with military equipment or rare cars.
  • Origami “airplanes” set. They are assembled without cutting and can float in the air longer than conventional airplanes.
  • A set for drawing on water would be a good gift., this is a special surprise that easily captivates children and makes it quite easy to create their first water painting.
  • Cool magnets of different shapes. Such gifts are relevant if the budget is small, but you still want to please the boys. Their variety is simply amazing; you can choose your own option for each boy based on his hobbies.
  • Puzzles Children like them at any age. It's not only exciting activity, but they also train attention, memory and fine motor skills hands

Of course, every parent believes that when the child went to school, he became quite big, and this is true, because he now has his own important task in life. But no matter how you look at it, he still remains a child who wants to spend his free time doing what he loves.

Advice, time is moving forward by leaps and bounds, give it to your children more toys. They will always have time to grow up, and you won’t even notice how quickly they have grown. And also don’t forget that everyone loves sweets, so you can complement the main surprise with a sweet present.

Gifts for boys in grades 6–8

The older children get, the faster their interests change. Of course, it is difficult for adults to guess what is going on in a child’s head. Basically they don't care anymore simple toys and when choosing a surprise, preference is given to unusual gifts for February 23rd for boys in grades 6–8. We have prepared a list of inexpensive gifts for schoolchildren, for example:

  • 3D puzzle: cars, military equipment or airplanes;
  • self-erasing handles;
  • hardcover diary;
  • medium difficulty puzzles;
  • flashlight with carabiner;
  • mug that responds to water temperature;
  • set for an archaeologist or young chemist;
  • USB lamp for computer;
  • board games quizzes;
  • unusual handles in the form of a grenade or pistol.

Inexpensive gifts for schoolchildren in grades 9–11

High school students' interests change dramatically, and there is a clear division in their hobbies. Some people prefer to go out with friends, others consider it necessary to spend time at home reading their favorite book, while others prefer to play computer games. Choosing a surprise becomes much more difficult, because you want to please everyone. We have prepared a list of inexpensive gifts for schoolchildren in grades 9–11 on February 23 based on their hobbies, for example:

  • Entertainment gifts will appeal to fun-loving people who like to spend time with friends. They can be given board game or a puzzle.
  • Computer accessories suitable for those who like to spend time playing the game or those who work at it. There is quite a large choice here, for example: a keyboard vacuum cleaner, a mouse pad, headphones, a USB lamp or fan, an unusually shaped mouse, a heated mug.
  • You can choose these gifts for your studies:: desktop organizer, flash drive or encyclopedia.
  • Relaxing and soothing souvenirs, for example, an hourglass, a pendulum, a sand painting.
  • Cool inexpensive surprises: a passport cover, an unusual keychain, a set of pocket screwdrivers in the shape of a grenade, a phone case (choose an option for each boy for his model), a money holder.

How to choose a gift for the guys in the class parent committee It’s already becoming difficult, then the girls can do it on their own. You can draw lots and select a girl for each boy, who will choose the gift herself based on his hobbies and preferences.

List of surprises for the whole class on February 23

You can prepare a general surprise for boys on February 23, but such a gift must be discussed with class teacher and select several parents who can accompany the children. Here is a small list of possible entertainment:

  • class trip to the lightning;
  • a walk to the movies;
  • set the sweet table and organize competitive program for guys;
  • going to your class's favorite place, such as a gaming cafe or bowling alley;
  • trip to nature (botanical garden or recreation center);
  • excursion to the museum of military equipment.

If you have read our list of inexpensive gifts for boys on February 23 at school, then you have undoubtedly found the answer to your question. Give gifts that are age-appropriate, and also try to choose them for each boy personally. After all, such surprises evoke more emotions in the recipient and it is immediately clear that you were preparing for the holiday.

Already at the beginning of February, teachers and girls of different classes begin to think about the question of what gifts to give to boys at school on February 23rd. I would like to fit it into a modest budget, but to please the future defenders of the Fatherland. If this year you don’t want to give the boys new socks or a set of shower gel and shampoo again, then we suggest you carefully read the tips given in this material.

There is no point in relaxing in February; boys need to start thinking at the beginning of the month. It is clear that in our country Defender of the Fatherland Day is widely celebrated not only in schools, but even in kindergartens, factories and all offices. So, a list of not trivial, but relevant gifts for this holiday is always welcome.

Once again I would like to emphasize the fact that, despite the fact that the holiday is called Defenders of the Fatherland Day, all men without exception should be congratulated. If in Soviet times this holiday was relevant only to people who work in the military sphere, today all men look forward to congratulations and gifts. Remember that the gift chosen for this day must have its own thematic coloring. What it will be like can be decided independently in each class.

Pros and cons of predictable gifts

When there are short deadlines left to choose gifts for boys, teachers prefer not to look for difficult paths and follow proven and well-trodden paths. Moreover, it often happens that in the last minutes this task falls on the shoulders of the members of the parent committee. They need to buy gifts for the boys in a matter of days as quickly as possible and on a modest budget. This is where various socks, handkerchiefs, shampoos and other, most standard options come into play. It is clear that in such a situation, the advantage that there are always traditional gifts that are relevant on the holiday of February 23rd is a plus.

But this year, why not start preparing for the holiday in advance, or at least read some additional information that will help you buy an original and interesting gift in a very short time. This is a present for Defender of the Fatherland Day that a boy will not throw in the far corner of his room, but will use it.

Gifts for February 23rd for boys in school aged 13-15:
Notepads, as well as writing or drawing sets. On the one hand, such a present may seem banal. But, if you don’t go to the nearest stationery store and buy the first thing that comes to hand, but try and find original souvenir options, then the student will definitely like such a present.
Calendar. Again, on the one hand, this is a traditional gift, but with a creative approach it can become completely different. For example, you can specially order a calendar with class photos and educational process from last year or this year.
Various types of mosaics. Previously, of course, it was customary to buy mosaics ready-made.
Today, thanks modern technologies, you can choose any pattern for the mosaic. This means you can make a mosaic depicting a school building, a particular boy’s favorite literary character, or members of a favorite musical group.
Key rings. They can be hung on your phone or keys, so this is definitely a useful gift, even if not the most original one.
Again, you should pay attention to the circles, on which you can apply various kinds of designs. Here look at the ideas that were proposed in the mosaic section: favorites music bands, heroes of films and books, plants, exotic animals.

In this part of our material, we looked at, in principle, quite original and standard presents. But it’s hard to argue with the fact that we definitely managed to look at the most ordinary things from an unusual angle. We also advise you to adopt this approach if you are faced with the task of choosing gifts for boys for the holiday, when the budget is quite limited.

Nothing could be simpler: you should use your imagination, consult with the children, and you will be able to not just give gifts for show, but please the boys. When you manage to please boys at that age, you can get a lot in return. Even, oddly enough, good academic performance and exemplary behavior.

By the way, about age. It should be clearly understood that gifts for February 23 may differ for different age groups. So, further in our detailed material on the topic of what gifts to choose for February 23rd for boys at school, we will consider the options of what to give, depending on the specific age group.

Boys under ten years of age

Here we are talking about kindergarten, as well as primary school students. Choosing gifts for such boys is quite simple, because this age group is considered one of the most unassuming. modest and simple, but they are sure to delight.

Medals and magnets, key rings and other small items. The advantage of such souvenirs is their low cost. They will become an interesting gift for students, but such gift options for February 23rd for boys at school are only suitable up to 3rd grade.
Discs with games for the computer. It is important to carefully consider the choice of such a gift and check with parents whether their children have problems with video games that interfere with normal studies.

You should also carefully talk to your children to find out what games they already have: you don’t want to repeat this situation. It should be understood that games purchased as gifts must be different in nature and genre. Then you will definitely be able to please the taste of every child.
Toys. It's about more about small children, so you can safely choose various kinds of toys for gifts. At this age, boys are already interested in construction toys and collectible cars.

Boys from 10 to 14 years old

The older a child gets, the more difficult it is for an adult to understand what exactly is in his head. This is especially true for boys. The older a boy gets, the more discerning and demanding his tastes become. So, choosing gifts for February 23rd for boys of this age is already quite difficult. You will have to think about what exactly can give them a lot of impressions or at least positive emotions.

What gift options can you consider:

Models for construction, which are distinguished by their prefabricated nature and increased complexity. There are many such construction sets on sale in the relevant sections of stores today. These could be robots or ships, airplanes that have the ability to be reconstructed. By the way, for many modern men such a gift for February 23rd is a great find, so the boys will definitely like it.
Pocket flashlights. In the current age period boys are adventurers. Every such seeker must have such a useful and practical thing as a flashlight in his pocket.
Laser pointer. This gift option should also appeal to boys from 10 to 14 years old. It’s difficult for us to say what can be done with such pointers, but the boys definitely know the answer to this question, although they are in no hurry to share it with every adult.
Puzzles. Today there are many such products with different designs and the approach can be found on sale. You should select options that are most age-appropriate, then such a gift has every chance of becoming relevant, useful and loved.
Encyclopedias on various topics. This is a good gift, but you shouldn’t immediately buy one publication for all the boys. It is best to understand what exactly will be interesting for a particular boy. Some people are interested in dinosaurs, others love cars, and others generally study the history of fashion. With modern children, everything is possible, and when an encyclopedia is chosen as a gift for February 23 at school, then for each boy it should be on a different topic. It may be worth asking his parents about a specific topic that interests the child in advance.

Boys from 14 to 17 years old

We are moving further in studying the question of what kind of gifts for boys at school 15 years old and above to choose for February 23rd. It is already difficult to call this group of boys children, because they have become teenagers unnoticed by their parents and teachers. This means that their interests have also seriously changed. There can be no talk of any flashlights or puzzles on February 23rd.

For such children, who are only a few steps away from adult life, gifts must be chosen responsibly for any holiday; they must already be of a serious nature and must have practical application. At this age, many guys' main interest is the computer, as well as other modern gadgets and technological devices. So, you should choose gifts for Defender of the Fatherland Day, taking these factors into account.

What gift options can you consider:

Headphones with stereo effect. Let’s say right away that this is not the cheapest gift, but it is practical and useful, especially for high school students. Today, headphones help not only listen to music, but also study languages ​​and master other general education subjects in order to successfully pass exams.
Computer mice. This is already a budget gift, but it may differ in shape and size, design and even different color solutions. In this age group such a gift should be relevant and useful.
A stand for a laptop or mobile phone that is cooled. Useful thing, which a teenager cannot always afford.
Speakers that can play music from portable devices. This is a great gift for guys who love music and are into music.
USB cards with original design. These could be your favorite movie characters or something else that is relevant to you. adolescence paraphernalia.

Collective gifts

It should also be remembered that February 23 gifts for boys at school do not have to be individual. A collective gift would also be an interesting solution. For example, go with the whole class to a cafe or cinema, play billiards or paintball. Such gifts not only bring a lot of joy and positive emotions, but they give students of the same class the opportunity to get to know each other better outside the school walls. You can also make it for boys.

Other options possible gifts on February 23rd for boys at school (list):
A keychain that can be hung on a bunch of keys or on your phone.
Stylish designer notebooks for writing or drawing.
Tickets to a movie, theater, exhibition or museum.
Stands for mobile phones, today the range of these products is large and there is plenty to choose from.
Calendar with class photos.
A variety of engravings for creativity.
Mechanical pencil sharpener. This could be a product in the shape of an animal or a house.
Pocket flashlight.
Hourglass or paintings that have a relaxing effect if you watch the sand go down.
Construction models, designer: transport, animals, buildings.
Small thermoses or special mugs that keep liquid cold or hot as needed.
Darts game.
Stylish pencil case.
Board game.
Men's umbrella.
Encyclopedias that will definitely suit the interests of a particular child. Before purchasing an encyclopedia for each boy, you need to first talk with his parents.
Mugs with a name or encouraging messages on them.
A manual expander so that the boy can exercise his arm muscles in any situation.
Money box.
A folding cup that will be useful not only on a hike, but also at home.
Ball for football or other game.
Pocket calculator.
An incubator in which small animals can be raised.
Experiment kits.

Like these ones wonderful gifts boys at school, individual or collective, can safely choose to implement in their class. Believe me, if you pay attention to the process of choosing quality and the right gift in just a few hours, you can make boys of any age truly happy on this men's holiday.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, be sure to cover it for the boy festive table. You can cook your son, nephew or godson your favorite dish, bake pies or cakes. The school can organize dances, thematic meetings, and trips to the historical museum. The evening will be doubly interesting thanks to a joint tea party.

  • Things made with your own hands.
  • Personalized chocolates, sets of sweets, cookies, honey.
  • Computer accessories.
  • Gadgets.
  • Consoles, game discs.
  • Radio controlled toys.
  • Stationery.
  • Board games, creativity kits.
  • Puzzles and puzzles.
  • Prefabricated models of ships, aircraft, armored vehicles.
  • Sporting goods.

Choosing inexpensive and budget gifts for a boy

On the eve of the holiday, adults are looking for an answer to the question: how to please their boy? For the future defender of the Fatherland, you can always choose one of the things he dreams of. The child will definitely like the present. Inexpensive gifts are more preferable in terms of price, and there are plenty to choose from. Schoolchildren really like numerous souvenirs, robots, and superhero figures. It is not forbidden to give something educational on February 23: a military-themed coloring book, plasticine, a young carpenter’s kit. Good idea— a pencil case or satchel in camouflage colors, themed notebooks and covers for textbooks, sets of stickers, chocolate weapons.

3D pen “MyRiwell 100”. Will a good gift for a gifted child. With its help you can create real masterpieces.

Magic gyroscope Magnetic UFO. Original toy. Thanks to it, boys will get a visual understanding of the laws of physics.

Personalized wooden weapons. Cool option inexpensive gift. Tell the schoolchild that a real pistol is a reward for a professional soldier.

Set of erasers “Military equipment”. It is better to give it to boys along with an illustrated guide. They will be amazed by the capabilities of steel machines.

USB hub “Black Octopus”. Such gifts do not need instructions. Any schoolchild knows how to use a splitter.

Keychain with sound "Pac-Man". Can be attached to your keys or book bag. It looks very interesting.

Original gifts for February 23rd for your boys

The gift idea will be prompted by the interests of the child. Many boys are interested in aviation and astronautics. The rocket launch kit will leave a lasting impression on them. You can also make your son or nephew a participant in a thematic quest or battle reconstruction. They become frequent pastimes for members of historical clubs. Cool photo calendars are a universal solution. Friends or classmates can show off in the photo.

The original present does not necessarily have high price. Quite the opposite. The boy will be convinced of this by receiving a sharpener-tank, soap in the shape of a grenade, a thermos cartridge, and a lunch box stylized as a package of dry rations. Such gifts will be remembered with special feeling. Nobody else had them.

Program for children "Pilotik". A chance to try yourself as an aircraft captain. The child will not only show off the gift to his friends, but will also be able to take 3 people with him into the cabin.

Cosmic borscht in a tube. This type of food is used by the crew of the orbital station. The portion is designed for one astronaut.

Zorbing. Descent from the mountain inside a transparent ball. You can get a sea of ​​unforgettable emotions.

Snow thrower. A must give gift in winter. The throwing range will increase and the accuracy will increase.

Science of Magnets Set. Bodies with a magnetic field seem magical. With their help you can create miracles. The student can easily verify this.

Metal creative book "The Cretaceous period". An organizer that can replace a classic pencil case. Number one among gifts for collected students.

Gifts for boys on February 23 depending on age

The easiest way is to please the student primary classes. At 7-10 years old, boys do not wait for stars from the sky. You can give them a set of soldiers, personalized notebooks and pencils, commemorative medals, award figurines, MP3 players. IN high school children are more picky. Practical things are more suitable for this age. A compass and a flashlight will come in handy when hiking, illustrated guides and books will help you learn a lot about the world around you, and dumbbells, a horizontal bar and an exercise bike are needed for sports. It’s especially difficult with high school students aged 15-17. At this age they can hardly be called children. Choosing gifts is even more difficult. Let the graduates themselves suggest suitable ideas. They will probably want to get a tablet, smartphone, virtual reality helmet, electric scooter, projector or something similar.

Aero football "Hover ball". It is better to give to first graders. They have little homework and a lot of free time.

Electronic piggy bank "Mini safe". Stylized as a safe with money. Ceramic gift variations will seem uninteresting.

Set “Young Chemist”. While the boy is in high school, introduce him to the basics of complex science. The experiments will delight the child.

Pen stand with clock, calendar and thermometer. Original desktop organizer. It is not forbidden to use this gift even after graduation.

Smart Watch V8. A great gift for the 23rd. The gadget will reveal its potential in conjunction with a smartphone.

Hoverboard. You can give it as a gift without hesitation. A high school student can easily learn how to operate the device and start riding to the envy of his friends.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday loved by men of all ages: from 3 to 103 years old. This date has long been associated with courage, honor and love for the Motherland. On February 23, mothers and grandmothers try to congratulate all male members of the family and give them gifts. What can you give to a boy at home and to his classmates at school?

What can you give boys on February 23rd?

Initially, Defender of the Fatherland Day was a holiday for the military, and it so happened that boys were more often presented with gifts in the appropriate style, but now more and more often parents and relatives give their sons educational toys, construction sets and creativity kits.

Not everyone considers February 23 an important date, comparable to the New Year or birthday, so they prefer to choose inexpensive gifts that are not related to military symbols. It is also very important to consider the age of the child: babies love toys, and older children love things that can be used in Everyday life, or developing creative sets.

Gifts for preschoolers at home and in kindergarten

Relatives who know the child’s interests and preferences well can make a choice according to his hobbies. Preschoolers will be happy with such gifts as:

  • machine guns or pistols for playing army, spy or war games;
  • special services cars with sound effects;
  • figurines of superheroes from films and favorite cartoon characters;
  • toy soldiers;
  • radio-controlled cars;
  • kits for role playing games in police officers, firefighters, rescuers;
  • children's toy binoculars;
  • sets of toy tools;
  • coloring pages with images of military equipment or cartoon characters.

Among developmental gifts, people often choose:

  • board game;
  • a game that teaches math or reading;
  • a book of adventure stories;
  • a children's encyclopedia on military topics or a publication with tasks for boys;
  • simple designer;
  • puzzles with cars and planes;
  • model for gluing a tank, plane or car.

Grandparents are usually much more conservative when choosing a gift for their grandchild. DIY kits are a great way to spend time doing something together with your child.

In kindergarten, before the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday, the parent committee will have to choose gifts that would suit the majority of adults in the group and would be useful to the kids. When budgets are limited, this often becomes a very difficult task. Most of the gifts listed will satisfy most of the requirements of parents and children.

How parents can please their son on Men's Day - photo gallery

A special services vehicle with working special signals and siren - great choice A set for role-playing games in the police will interest the little defender of the Fatherland Children's Encyclopedia of Russian Aviation and Navy - a themed book for the holiday A toy machine gun that makes realistic gunshot sounds is essential for playing war games Children's binoculars will be useful for a little spy

Gifts for schoolchildren on February 23

For children school age gifts are chosen depending on their temperament and character.

Gift ideas for teenagers - table

Current gifts for a child who is in school - photo gallery

A set for wood burning will be of interest to diligent schoolchildren Things that will be useful in winter are appropriate as a gift on February 23
Crystal growing kit will spark interest in chemistry The children's encyclopedia of military affairs can become a child's reference book
The Morse Code set will introduce the boy to the basics of electricity

Original gifts for Defender of the Fatherland Day

If parents want to give their children an unusual experience, you can think about more expensive original gifts. Will capture the imagination of future defenders of the Fatherland:

  • kit for launching a rocket at home, self-made slimes, lava lamps;
  • yo-yo;
  • participation in an entertaining military program (winter paintball, a military-themed quest, a master class on making a wooden sword or chain mail);
  • a flash drive with an original children's design for older boys who have to bring homework done in the form of electronic presentations to school;
  • spy pen and eavesdropping kit.

It would be great if at school the teacher agrees to hold a meeting for students with a veteran or a representative of a profession related to the defense of the Motherland or citizens in peacetime: policeman, firefighter, military man.

Memorable gifts

Sometimes parents have the idea of ​​giving a gift that their son will remember for a long time. On February 23rd it is wrist watch or a photo book filled with photographs of a boy in an appropriate setting: in a military museum, at the Victory Parade, in military uniform or after a gala event at which he congratulated veterans.

What gifts can you make for boys on February 23rd?

Both relatives and classmates at school can make memorable gifts with their own hands:

  • teachers quite often involve girls in making a homemade postcard or a hand-sewn phone case;
  • grandmothers knit original slippers for their grandchildren in the shape of a tank or a knight’s helmet;
  • Parents who are busy at work rarely have enough free time to make a surprise on their own. Kits for joint creativity with the child will come to their aid, when mom and dad will help their son in assembling complex models technicians, wood burning or together with your child will make a desktop organizer for writing instruments.

Homemade gifts from girls in the class and relatives - photo gallery

Postcard for February 23rd - a present that any girl can make A hat-helmet is a gift to a beloved grandson from a handicraft grandmother Tank slippers will warm the feet of your beloved grandson Do-it-yourself writing set - a necessary thing for a schoolchild

Sweet gifts for boys on February 23

Stores now offer a wide variety of sweet sets for various dates. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the expiration date of the sweets included in it. If you want to give the boys a delicious gift in an original way, then use these ideas from the Internet:

  • Chocolates and sweets purchased separately can be decorated independently in the style of the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday. For example, try making a tank out of candy;
  • It’s easy to wrap any chocolate bar in a themed wrapper;
  • bakeries or private craftsmen offer a variety of military-themed gingerbread sets.

Cool themed sweets - photo gallery

Chocolate in a themed wrapper is original and delicious Tank made of candies - a little imagination and the gift is ready A set of gingerbread cookies for the holiday will delight any boy

Whatever gift you choose for the future defender, it is important to remember that patriotism and respect for the family and the Fatherland are fostered every day. Then the gift for February 23 will become a symbol of masculinity for the child, and not a mere formality.

Many people remember school days Defender of the Fatherland and the Eighth of March as dates for the voluntary-forced exchange of notebooks and pens. But what should you give to boys on February 23 so that your son, classmate, nephew, friend will be delighted by this gift and will subsequently become dear to him? We decided to collect the most worthwhile gift ideas for boys of any age.

To really please an adult or little hero of the occasion, you need to choose a gift based on his preferences and hobbies. That’s why many people don’t remember their school days on February 23 because of the cliché of gifts - not all boys are equally happy about the same thing.

Much attention should be paid to the age of the child, because children aged 6-9 are no longer kids, most develop a serious hobby, many are already winning their first victories in sports and studies.

What can boys be given on February 23 – a present that will be useful to the future owner or will absolutely please him, that will serve him for a long time or will provide short but unforgettable moments. Too much unusual gift You shouldn’t give it to a child, but a banal one won’t make the boy happy either.

Although younger schoolchildren understand electronics and gadgets no worse than any adult, you can wait a little longer with such a gift.

They are still spontaneously curious kids who love everything cool and unusual, but at the same time modern and fashionable:

  1. Educational toys. For example, the “grabator” is a touch-controlled toy that amazingly develops dexterity and motor skills, which will definitely be useful for a future defender. Its essence is to have time to grab onto the flaming parts as often as possible. A good option would be a talking hamster, a laboratory kit, an electronic construction set, or a children's planetarium.

  1. First medal. It is symbolic to receive it on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Such souvenirs are not uncommon for gift shops; their prices are not too bad. A more expensive option is to order a real personalized medal. The boy's name and the achievements for which he was awarded will be engraved on the souvenir.

  1. Constructor. In any Lego or other themed market you can choose a set to suit every taste and budget - from a small “pocket” figurine of a minion or Batman to an entire city of multi-colored parts. Prefabricated wooden models are very interesting - you can glue and decorate a ship, an airplane, a car, or an interesting stand for stationery (the instructions for such sets are always detailed - a child who starts assembling for the first time will immediately be able to figure it out).

  1. Money box. What to give to boys on February 23rd who already manage their pocket money - a kind of safe. If the gift is from parents or relatives, you can put symbolic initial capital there. Such a gift will help the boy to take care of his money and not throw it away literally and figuratively. Since there are a great many options for piggy banks, you can use this idea for a gift from the class - each boy can choose exactly the one that he really likes.

  1. Favorite characters. At this age, especially children are “fans” of their favorite characters from movies or cartoons. If you know about such a “idol” of a boy, then February 23rd will be the most the best gift receive a gift with the image of your favorite character - a T-shirt, a pencil case, a backpack, a set of figurines, a mosaic, stationery, etc.

Schoolchildren 10-14 years old

Boys of this age are already very serious guys, so you need to try to make the gift really sincerely surprise them:

  1. Adventure. Most cool gift from class! Give the boys a day at the trampoline park, water park, bowling alley, and attractions. It's a good idea to arrange sports festival with a themed winter “Zarnitsa”, organize a class trip to nature. You can also choose a “quiet” option - going to the cinema (on February 23, there are always patriotic films at the cinema, but why not be inspired by watching a movie about superheroes?) and discussing the movie in a cafe over ice cream and pizza.

  1. Puzzle, logic game, puzzles. What to give boys on February 23, if you know their preferences - your choice of construction sets, educational video games, creativity kits, mosaics.

  1. Mini exercise machine. This gift will come in handy for those teenagers who spend a lot of time on a PC. This could be an ab roller, expander, etc. And dad can surprise the future protector of the family with a home sports corner!

  1. Book. At all times, a book has been the best gift, and on Defender of the Fatherland Day, you can please a boy with a work in the spirit of the holiday. You shouldn’t immediately start with the biography of Zhukov or “War and Peace”; a boy will be more interested in the illustrated history of military equipment and weapons, while others will be impressed by works about young heroes. Remember those adventure books that you read as a child - perhaps they will also become tabletop books for the hero of the occasion. One of the most best books for this age there is an illustrated encyclopedia written in simple language - like “Everything about everything”, “I explore the world”.

  1. Keychains or bumpers for your phone. The most universal gift – you just need to know the teenager’s phone model. You can decorate a plain silicone bumper with your own hands using acrylic paints. There is an option to glue a handwritten mini-postcard, photo or collage to the bumper with colorless glue and cover it with epoxy resin. A keychain can be presented in the form of your favorite cartoon or movie character, or with useful functions, for example, a flashlight or laser pointer.

  1. Mug. An inexpensive and seemingly ordinary gift, which with a creative approach can become truly original. A good option for a gift from the class, you just have to contact a workshop that makes custom printing on mugs. The image can be chosen as common for all the boys - a funny class photo, a collage for the holiday, a composite portrait of their faces, a general congratulations from the girls, or individual for each - a funny caricature image, original congratulations, fantasy “what kind of warrior will you be in the future,” etc.

Boys 14-17 years old

Guys of this age are already very serious people, but also love to have fun and fool around from the heart:

  1. Emotions. A memorable adventure or trip will delight young men no less than younger children. Only the “weekend hike” should be cooler - an analogue of the “Battle of Heroes”, an quest or a panic room, a climbing wall, laser tag or paintball. If the guys in the class are not indifferent to sports, February 23 can be spent on the ski slope or at the skating rink with clubs and a puck.

  1. Play up standard gifts: chocolate, shampoo, shower gel. Create it yourself in Photoshop or download ready-made template individual label, print it on self-adhesive paper.

  1. Cool calendar. Since the year is just beginning, this gift will not lose its relevance when presented. A desk calendar, in which each month classmates say warm words to future defenders of the country - this is great, especially if you can get some for the photo shoot school uniform. Printing such a thing in a limited edition printing house will cost quite inexpensively.

  1. For exams. The “sick” topic of upcoming exams can be softened with fun writing materials, organizers, and notepads. On the contrary, a solid writing set would also be a good gift.

  1. Headphones. Not a cheap, but memorable gift, especially since the choice of headphones is now incredibly large. The present can be ordered in advance in the online market, having first read the reviews on its quality. Of course, not everyone can afford Monster Beats, but still the headphones should not disappoint a guy.

  1. Flash-card. Necessary thing both for study and for life. The gift is good because it is rich wide range— you can choose for every taste and color. For collective gift For boys, you can choose multi-colored flash drive bracelets onto which you can pre-load a congratulation (such a video is later in this article).

  1. Electronics. The guy will also like other “electronic” gifts - computer mice, portable chargers, mini speakers for the phone, cooling pads for laptops, monopods. If you know the composition of his game collection, then it would be a good idea to hand over a license for a game of his favorite genre that is not yet in his collection.

We will be very glad if our ideas told you what to give to a boy, teenager or young man on February 23rd. We wish the heroes of the holiday to grow up to be real men, the pride of their family and Motherland!