Breast cough for 3 months. How to treat cough in baby

Children in the first months of life are susceptible to acute respiratory viral infection (ORVI). The risk of infection of babies is great, especially against the background of weak immunity and hypothermia. Deciding than to treat cough of a child for 3 months, parents are in front of the choice. Many drugs from the pharmacy are designed for children over 6 months. Folk remedies in the case of severe illness do not always help. What to do in such cases for effective treatment and recovery baby?

Characteristic symptoms of colds, ARVI in children - laid nose, watery snot, blush eyes, cough, lethargy. Infants are particularly hard to carry the disease, an increase in temperature, becoming capricious, sleep well. Because of the runny nose and cough, the baby cannot breathe normally, feed on breast milk or drinking from the bottle.

The primary step Mom is a consultation of the pediatrician, the advice of a doctor for choosing medicines and folk remedies, suitable infant. Main topics for discussion: how to treat cough from a 3-month-old child, how to knock down a high temperature? It is necessary to treat ARVI since the appearance of the first symptoms, but not antibiotics, they are powerless in the fight against viruses.

With influenza and other viral diseases, a small body gradually copes with infection, produces immunity.

Therapy is required in independent diseases and complications of ARVI:

  • at the beginning dry, then cough with a wettero - with tracheake, tracheobronchite;
  • dry, hoarse, painful cough - with laryngitis, adenoid;
  • purulent snot, cough, amplifying at night - with sinusitis;
  • intense, chronic cough - with cough.

When the child fails to be cleared independently, urgently appeal for medical help.

The pathogens embodied by the ARVI abbreviation are known to 200. The child has become infected with one type of virus and immunity developed to it, but there is no other protection in the body. This explains why a child's cough for 3 months in the peak of the infection season lasts for 2-3 weeks almost every month. This situation should be distinguished from aspiration - cough and choking, occurring in the respiratory tract of foreign bodies, both solid particles and drops of liquid.

How to treat cold and allergies in infants?

With a sharp or protracted cough, a three-month-old child therapy should eliminate the cause and correspond to the nature of the ailment. Treat the main disease - ORVI, allergies, bronchitis. At the same time, try to soften the dry cough to become wet. Abundant warm drink contributes to moisturizing the mucous membrane, facilitates expectoration, speeds up recovery.

Prevention of cough at a 3-month-old child with ARVI (strengthening immunity):

  • solution "Derinat" - immunomodulator for in / m injections;
  • gel and Suppositories "Viferon";
  • nasal drops "Gripferon";
  • candles "Genferon Light".

In a bacterial infection, antibiotics prescribes a pediatrician after examining the infant and determination of the nature of the disease. The infant from the high temperature is given antipyretic syrups with paracetamol or introduced suppositories with the same active substance. The popular tool "Nurofen" was created on the basis of ibuprofen - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. Apply such drugs only after consulting a pediatrician due to the possible negative effect on the gastric mucosa.

WHO does not relate ibuprofen to the preparations of the first row for children.

The body in the first months after birth is not yet enough formed, the system of organs work with a large load. A frequent or permanent cough without a temperature occurs with the gastrointestinal reflux. Thus called acidic content up, irritation of the pharynx and larynx. At the same time, the infant is the pathology of the stomach and esophagus. Of particular treatment in this case is not required, it is enough to provide a infant to the change of body position, keep the "column" after feeding, make a light massage during wakefulness.

When allergic cough, a 3-month-old child is treated with antihistamine drugs. When the baby is tormented by the runny nose, the snot flows along the rear wall of the throat, they accumulate and irritate the mucous membrane. In this case, agents based on sea water, saline, vasoconductive drops will help. Salt solutions can be used for washing and instilled in the nose several times a day, even every hour if the baby is hard to breathe. It is impossible to abuse nasal vesseloring drugs - this is an ambulance with nasal congestion.

Pharmacy preparations and folk remedies

Natural, vegetable means - the best solution to the problem, which give a child from a cold. In case of diseases of the respiratory tract, infants are applied dry powder "Money from cough". The drug helps the discharge, separation and removal of sputum due to the inclusion in its composition of altea extracts and licorice roots, anise oil and drinking soda. The medicine designed specifically for children is dissolved in a tablespoon of water. Then give a child a drop 3-4 times a day depending on age (up to 1 year - no more than 20 drops).

The Alteka preparation is produced based on altea root extract. The popular remedy has anti-shield and anti-inflammatory effect, contributes to the removal of mucus from the respiratory tract. Breasts before taking syrup lay water. Syrups from cough "Lazolvan", "Ambroxol" And others are mixed with tea, juice, give the minimum one-time and daily dose. Unfortunately, manufacturers do not always indicate the instructions of the lower age border. It is recommended to contact the pediatrician so that the specialist explains, from what month the child gives one or another drug.

Folk recipes from colds, snot and cough in a child 3 months:

Potatoes in the compress can be replaced with honey on a sheet of Savoy cabbage, a grid of interior of pork fat. It is recommended to put the diaper on the delicate skin of the baby, then the napkin with warm potatoes or salt, parchment paper. From above, everything is covered with another diaper and fix on the body with a bandage. Warming compresses are used to treat children only at normal body temperature.

How and how to cure a kashel kashel in 3 months - recommendations Updated: March 4, 2016 by the author: admin.

It is impossible to call good parents of those people who do not pay any attention to the emergence of any changes in the behavior and the state of their child's health. Therefore, anxiety and concern about the occurrence of a runny nose, cough, chihanas, jeeping and other phenomena, for young parents is considered quite natural and even the right process. Probably, many treat the pediatrician complaints about the fact that the baby coughs and sneezes. However, such signs not always indicate the development of a cold, this process can be caused by completely different reasons.

Causes of cough and chihana at the kid

Of course, finding that the newborn sneezes or coughs, it is important to contact the pediatrician to eliminate the development of serious diseases or, if necessary, spend timely and correct treatment. The newborn baby has the following factors:

All these reasons causing cough and chihanne in an infant, with the correct behavior of the parents, do not constitute a serious hazard for crumbs. But, according to Pediatricians, there have been more frequent cases of the birth of kids with congenital pneumonia, which is accompanied by a permanent wet, even a bugger cough. That is why it is important to regularly visit the children's doctor for inspecting the child.

It is important to know that the cough in children may occur as a result of mechanical damage to the respiratory tract, which is happening when in the oral cavity of foreign objects. Such a symptom in most cases passes immediately after extracting the object that has fallen into the body.

What is the associated frequent chihanye?

In addition to the main reasons that cause coughing and Chihannia in infants, kids can also sneeze in the process of feeding or after it. Such a process is explained by the fact that the newborn has not yet fully formed Evstachyeva pipe, which connects the ear and the nasopharynk, and sucking the chest can cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the baby nose. Therefore, pediatricians claim that if a two-month child sneezes and coughs during feeding, there is no reason for anxiety.

In addition, the Chihannier occurs in the case when, in the presence of mucus in the nose, dry crusts are formed and tickned the nasopharynx mucous membrane. To eliminate such an unpleasant process for a child, it is necessary to regularly clean the spout of the crumbs using cotton flags.

If there are no factors that can make a child to cough and sneeze, while the cough and snot are observed in the baby, it is necessary to take measures aimed at treatment of colds. Thoughtful parents will certainly promote all changes in the body of their child and will not allow crumbs of health deterioration.

The child has a temperature 37

The most cherished dream of every mother is that her favorite child never hurt. Unfortunately, this desire is rarely coming true. Children are an ARVI, a cold, intestinal infections with various symptoms, among which the most frightening for parents is to increase the temperature. Panic cause not only cases when the indicator on the thermometer is rapid up for 39 ° C. Many are alarming and most, as often, it is called, "Nasty" temperatures at 37 ° C. Sometimes the heat appears on its own, no accompanying symptoms - cough, runny nose. Therefore, many moms and dad worries why the child has a temperature of 37 ° C and how to deal with it.

The temperature of the child is 37 ° C: reasons

The child, as well as an adult, is considered a normal temperature of 36.6 ° C with a slight deviation. Temperature of the body depends on many physiological processes. One of the important is the thermoregulation system, which maintains a stable normal temperature.

Newborn appear on light with imperfect nervous system, which affects their thermoregulation system. Their body adapts to new conditions outside the womb. Therefore, the temperature of 37 ° C at a monthly child is considered quite normal. The infants are very thermally sensitive, because any change in the environment affects the temperature of their body, they are suspended or overheating. For example, parents may notice that the child in the morning the temperature is 37 ° C, and in the evening it decreases and vice versa.

In general, the maturity of the regulation system occurs to achieve a crumbling of three months, and body temperature for a newborn 37-37.2 degree Celsius should not be concerned with parents. In addition, the temperature of the infants can be raised slightly with long crying and intestinal colic.

In many cases, the temperature increase is a protective reaction of the body when an irritant appears, most often infectious diseases. Interferon is distinguished, which has a powerful antiviral action.

For example, the appearance of temperature in a child 37 ° C, cough usually indicates the infections of the upper respiratory tract. It can be a viral infection, laryngitis, bronchitis, false croup, cough and even pneumonia. In the event of these symptoms, a pediatrician should be caused, since late treatment can lead to sad consequences.

If the child has vomiting and the temperature of 37 ° C, then there is most likely an intestinal infection (enterovirus or rotiraliral).

The temperature of 37 ° C in a child, accompanied by diarrhea, can be observed in teething. But along with this, such symptoms sometimes observed with intestinal infections.

In some cases, such temperature of the body appears as a result of allergies or problems with mental health of the baby (violation of the function of the central nervous system).

Parents should be a permanent temperature of 37 ° C in a child. It may indicate serious health problems:

Keep in mind that chronic does not mean that the temperature is holding around the clock. For example, you can observe a daily temperature rise in the evening in a child of 37 degrees.

How to bring down a temperature of 37 ° with a child?

The temperature of 37 degrees is not knocked down, since all life functions are preserved, and the body actively struggles with causative agents of the disease. Parents should give the baby a lot of drink to avoid dehydration of the body. If the temperature is kept 37 in a child for more than three days, you need to immediately consult a doctor.

How to treat cough 3-month-old baby ???? Advise than to treat a wet cough in three month old baby. Nobody bo


Maria S.

call your doctor, your child is only three months. , My sister had inflammation of the lungs, simply turned out, I just doubled, and what advice, what inhalation, Dr. IOM, the child is still small for such treatment.

Perhaps the wines of the whole dry air from heating, or a runny nose, DCA recently, in general this is a satellite of many diseases, and your treatment is symptomatic, but you have to say a pediatrician, and not on the answers ... Health to your baby!

Tatyana Kruger

call your doctor. Zadolbali already !!!

elena M.

rub the legs and breasts and the back of a balsam doctor
Expectorant: Licode Root Syrup

We will be kinder!

You need not tips of mammies, but consulting your pediatrician. Howver you know (especially, mommies from the Internet), which is why the kid kashel, you need to urgently listen and designate the right treatment, and not popular methods !! !
Very frivolous attitude. Go to the clinic, and not sit on the Internet.

Breast cough - not just an unpleasant symptom, which delivers inconvenience to the baby and his parents. The child becomes restless, sleeping badly, crying. This feature may occur not only because of the cold, but also to be a consequence of allergies, testify to malfunctions in the work of various organs of the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract.

To treat the cough of the child in 3 months it is impossible. If this symptom is present at the child of this age, then it is necessary to immediately contact the pediatrician, since attempts to detect themselves can provoke severe complications.

Causes of occurrence

Cough at a 3-month baby can have different etiology. Its reason can be:

  • colds;
  • allergy;
  • an extraneous subject in respiratory bodies;
  • teething and reinforced salivation;
  • bronchospasm.

It happens that the baby swallows if there are particles of dust, Gary or tobacco smoke in the air. This usually passes, if you eliminate external stimuli.

The cold in the newborn is also accompanied by other signs:

  1. Increase body temperature.
  2. Nasal mortgage.

When allergic does not change the temperature, it may appear itch and rash on the skin.

Sometimes the baby cough may appear due to the fact that it is suppressed by liquid (water or milk mother during feeding).

In rare cases, the cough in children of this age may appear due to the inflammation of the middle ear.

Due to the lack of sputum cough, the child is able to go into dry, while there is inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. Such a situation may result in the larynx stenosis.

Parents should be especially attentive in such cases:

  1. If they appeared wheezing.
  2. Prolonged, parole urges.
  3. If there are traces of blood in the separated or a sputum has a definite color.

4. In the event that no chance worries a long time and more often at night. This can talk about the presence of tuberculosis or inflammation of some lymph nodes.


Before giving infant antibiotics or other medicines, you should find out the reason. This can be done in the clinic.

Most of the means have age limits and are appointed over the age of three years. Three-month-old baby can already be given from the cough Gedelix and Prospan. They are used in the treatment of dry cough:

To cure cough in baby infant, it is categorically impossible to use various sprays, they can provoke spasm in respiratory organs.

  • When the cough is wet, then the sputum is perfectly sputtered with the content of ambroxol, in particular, Ambrohexal and Ambroben.
  • Help when pumping out and remove the accumulated mucus helps the drug Flavomed, but his dosage for the child of this age should determine the attending physician. This drug has contraindications - increased sensitivity to its components.
  • Lazolyvan cannot be used if the baby has fructose intolerance.
  • In pharmacies, it is often possible to acquire a medicine created on the basis of medicinal plants. Such a tool can be given to children under the age of the year in the absence of allergic reactions of 15-20 drops on the reception. They are bred in one tablespoon of water.
  • If a person coughs strongly, the doctor can recommend a sysecion to use. This agent has a strong antitussive effect, but has a number of side effects. It is prescribed with 2 months of life of a child solely in the form of droplets. The dosage is 10 drops, a medicine is taken 3-4 times a day.
  • In the absence of an allergic response, cough can be treated with Panatus medication. This agent is allowed to use aged two months.
  • Preparations Gedelix and Prospan refer to the group of phytogencies. They can be given a child aged three months at a 0.5 teaspoon. In the list of contraindications to their use - only allergic reactions.

It should be remembered that in the treatment of an infant child, it is necessary to observe special care, since the immune system of the kid is very weak and the use of some drugs can provoke dysbacteriosis, vomiting, diarrhea.

If the cough is accompanied by an increase in temperature, in no case warming procedures cannot be carried out.

Treatment of cough of allergic origin

If the cough is allergic, then drugs with antihistamine action are necessarily used:

  • Suprastin can be used after the first month of life, it removes unpleasant symptoms, eliminates the cough. At this age, the child can give one fourth part of the pill. It is crushed and stirred with a small amount of water. Suprastin does not apply if there are problems with digestive organs.
  • Fencarol is a drug with antihistamine effect. At the age of one year it is prescribed in granules. Of these, they prepare a suspension in the proportions specified in the instructions, give the baby for 2 mg twice a day. As in the case of other medicines, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the children's body. When admitting this drug in infants may have problems with urination.

Funds of traditional medicine

Help brands of such medicinal herbs as chamomile, calendula. The infusion of daisies give infant 5 mg 2-3 times a day. For its preparation, a teaspoon of chamomile colors are poured with a single glass of boiling water, insist for an hour.

If there is a cough without a temperature, then for the baby you can spend passive inhalation. To do this, the bathroom heats boiling water so that the room was steam. Sea salt should be added to hot water. Such a ferry must be adding to the baby. You can add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil if the baby has no allergies.

Mom with a child should be in such a room for no more than 10 minutes. Of course, when conducting such inhalations, all possible security measures must be observed.

During the usual bathing, you can add infusion sage or chamomile to the bath.

With a wet cough, you can also mix ground and dried mother-and-stepmother and plantain leaves. One tablespoon of a dry mixture should be poured a glass of boiling water and lays in two hours, then strain. This infusion should be given in a teaspoon 3-4 times a day. This drink contributes to effective expectoration.

In the absence of allergies and temperatures, you can lubricate the area of \u200b\u200bthe breast with a thin layer of plating or goat fat.

It should be extremely careful with the use of some folk remedies using radish with honey.

Such means can be used in the treatment of cough in children older.

Additional measures in the treatment of cough in infant 3 months should be such:

  1. The air in the room where the child is located, should be clean and wet. Room ventilation should be regular.
  2. The baby needs to drink a sufficient amount of fluid to avoid dehydration and drying the mucous membranes, because with any respiratory disease, the human body loses water.

If there is a cough, but there is no temperature, then you can go on short walks in the fresh air.

Folk remedies In the treatment of a child of three months to use, it is necessary to extremely carefully and coordinate such additional therapy with a pediatrician.

If the condition of infants does not improve, I need urgent medical care.

  • Massage
  • Drainage massage
  • Parents react to baby cough in different ways - some ignore it, especially if the temperature is normal and non-nose, and others rush to treat both folk and pharmaceutical means. Both options can be called extremes, because when the child's child has a child, both in 3 months and in 6 months or older, it is necessary to find out his cause and only after that, to start any treatment.

    What is cough?

    This is called a reflex that helps to clean the respiratory tract from any foreign substances, for example, from dust particles, allergens, viruses, crumbs accumulated mucus or pathogenic bacteria. Breeding cough is a sharp loud exhalation, in which the air from the respiratory tract comes out with increased speed.

    Cough types and reasons

    The causes of cough in infants a lot, so examine the child before treatment

    If you pay attention to the sprinkling of sputum, then such types of cough are distinguished, as dry (the sputum is not released) and wet (it is also called productive or wet). Normally the newborn, the infants of 2 months or older can extend the sputum in the morning, because it accumulates during night sleep. Next, during the day, the baby's baby will not be, and the general condition will not change.

    Assessing the sound of dry cough in an infant, you can define it like:

    • Living - a loud cough, resembling a dog Lai, usually arising from Larygitis.
    • Pulmonary - exhausting parole cough.
    • Surface - characteristic of pharyngitis.

    In most cases, the cough type can be determined by the sound.

    Cough, not related to the inflammation of the throat

    • The child of his chest can begin to cough due to hitting the foreign sideways, for example, small toys or their parts. At the same time, in addition to a sudden cough occurrence in a child, a voice can fall, breathing makes it difficult, the skin can sit. This situation should be a reason for immediate ambulance.
    • The occurrence of cough in an infant baby, for example, at the age of 5 months, can also be caused by an allergic reaction. Kroch can react cough on pollen plants, allergens from food, dust, down pillows and many other substances and items. To help a child with such a cough, it is important to identify an allergen and eliminate its impact.
    • Another reason for the appearance of cough without respiratory diseases is helming. The larvae of certain types of worms, developing in the child's body, can pass through the lungs. During the cleanement, they together with mucus go to the gastrointestinal tract and thus get to the intestine.
    • We also note that the reason for the appearance of a dry cough in infants may be overlooking the dry air in the room. In this case, the problem is easy to solve with the help of humidifier or other moisture sources (water tanks, wet towels).
    • Breasts can cough and while eating, if milk goes too fast. Eliminate such cough will help shift poses with breast feeding or shift nipples in case of feeding from a bottle.

    If you are convinced that the baby does not have a viral infection, then carefully examine it to reveal the cause of cough

    Dangerous symptoms (when coughing is dangerous)

    Parents need to be alerted and quickly show the baby to the doctor if:

    • Cough arose suddenly and does not stop.
    • Simultaneously with the cough, the baby appeared wheezing, which heard from afar.
    • Cough arises at night in the form of attacks.
    • The kid flies the wet of red or green.
    • Cough lasts longer than three weeks.

    How to treat?

    If the cough appears any kind in infants, for example, in 4 months, you should first determine whether it is an option for the norm or caused by the disease. To do this, you need to show the crumb to the doctor, since any medicinal drugs against cough in children under year should be taken only after the prescribing pediatrician or Laura.

    In addition to drugs in the treatment of babies with cough, apply:

    • Inhalation. Depending on the method of conducting, they are steam and nebulizer. Keeping a breast baby over the ferry should be very careful to eliminate the risk of burns. In a nebulizer for inhalations at the breast, without prescribing a pediatrician, only saline or Borjomi should be pouring.
    • Drainage massage. It is carried out by kids who have no body temperature, from the 4-5th day of the disease to improve the wet wet. With such a massage, the head of the baby is located below the housing. First massage the back, and then the chest. After the massage of the baby should be bought and put in the crib, regularly changing body position.
    • Folk remedies. These include the use of herbal decoctions, cakes with honey and rubbing with barzuccia fat.

    Inhalation stimulates the release of mucus, thereby eliminating cough

    Massage promotes the lightweight of sputum

    Folk remedies help with complications and facilitate the condition of the child

    Review of the best tools

    Among the drugs that the doctor may appoint a baby in the cough, there are medications such groups:

    1. Anti-tech drugs.They reduce the activity of the cough center and are discharged only with the exhausting strong dry cough. It is important to remember that the preparations of such a group are not combined with expectorant.
    2. Expectorant drugs. Their action is to improve spilinking sputum. At the age of the year, the kids are prescribed Gedelix, Prospan, Linkas, Herbion Ivy, bronchipret or licorice root syrup.
    3. Mukolithics.Such means reduce the viscosity of sputum, which contributes to its better separation. These include the drugs of ambroquas drugs permitted to use infants.
    4. Antihistamines. Such drugs are prescribed in cases of allergic cough.
    5. Antibiotics.Their appointment is necessary in bacterial infections that are manifested by a couch, for example, pneumonia or angina.

    Before giving any medicine to the infant, consult a specialist

    Breast fees

    For the treatment of cough often use medicinal herbs, combining them in different combinations in the form of breast fees. In such fees, alta, anise, mother and stepmother, plantain, licorice, sage, souls and other herbs may be present. Nevertheless, in order to avoid allergies and other side effects, experts advise the infant decoction pile.

    Is it possible to use chamomile in the treatment of babies?

    Such a healing plant is often used under the age of year, since it has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. If you have brewed a chamomile for a baby for the first time, let's have a vegetable tool for a few drops to check the reaction of the organism of the crumbs.

    To prepare a ragger, take a tablespoon of dried colors and a glass of boiled water, cover the capacitance with a lid, and after 10 minutes. Giving such chamomile tea is advised three times a day after half an hour after feedings in an amount of up to 30 ml for children of the first months of life.

    Chamomile can be used for inhalation. Welded dry flowers need to insist 40 minutes, then boil the liter of water and pour over the decoction into it, then bring the baby to the tank so that the crumb is raging the steam for 5-10 minutes.

    Giving herbal decoction baby start with minimal dose

    Both options can be called extremes, because when the child's child has a child, both in 3 months and in 6 months or older, it is necessary to find out his cause and only after that, to start any treatment.

    What is cough?

    This is called a reflex that helps to clean the respiratory tract from any foreign substances, for example, from dust particles, allergens, viruses, crumbs accumulated mucus or pathogenic bacteria. Breeding cough is a sharp loud exhalation, in which the air from the respiratory tract comes out with increased speed.

    Cough types and reasons

    Depending on the factors causing cough, it is divided into physiological (necessary for the purification of the respiratory tract) and the pathological (emerging in many diseases).

    Cough is a symptom of such diseases:

    If you pay attention to the sprinkling of sputum, then such types of cough are distinguished, as dry (the sputum is not released) and wet (it is also called productive or wet). Normally the newborn, the infants of 2 months or older can extend the sputum in the morning, because it accumulates during night sleep. Next, during the day, the baby's baby will not be, and the general condition will not change.

    Assessing the sound of dry cough in an infant, you can define it like:

    • Living - a loud cough, resembling a dog Lai, usually arising from Larygitis.
    • Pulmonary - exhausting parole cough.
    • Surface - characteristic of pharyngitis.

    Cough, not related to the inflammation of the throat

    • The child of his chest can begin to cough due to hitting the foreign sideways, for example, small toys or their parts. At the same time, in addition to a sudden cough occurrence in a child, a voice can fall, breathing makes it difficult, the skin can sit. This situation should be a reason for immediate ambulance.
    • The occurrence of cough in an infant baby, for example, at the age of 5 months, can also be caused by an allergic reaction. Kroch can react cough on pollen plants, allergens from food, dust, down pillows and many other substances and items. To help a child with such a cough, it is important to identify an allergen and eliminate its impact.
    • Another reason for the appearance of cough without respiratory diseases is helming. The larvae of certain types of worms, developing in the child's body, can pass through the lungs. During the cleanement, they together with mucus go to the gastrointestinal tract and thus get to the intestine.
    • We also note that the reason for the appearance of a dry cough in infants may be overlooking the dry air in the room. In this case, the problem is easy to solve with the help of humidifier or other moisture sources (water tanks, wet towels).
    • Breasts can cough and while eating, if milk goes too fast. Eliminate such cough will help shift poses with breast feeding or shift nipples in case of feeding from a bottle.

    Dangerous symptoms (when coughing is dangerous)

    Parents need to be alerted and quickly show the baby to the doctor if:

    • Cough arose suddenly and does not stop.
    • Simultaneously with the cough, the baby appeared wheezing, which heard from afar.
    • Cough arises at night in the form of attacks.
    • The kid flies the wet of red or green.
    • Cough lasts longer than three weeks.

    How to treat?

    If the cough appears any kind in infants, for example, in 4 months, you should first determine whether it is an option for the norm or caused by the disease. To do this, you need to show the crumb to the doctor, since any medicinal drugs against cough in children under year should be taken only after the prescribing pediatrician or Laura.

    In addition to drugs in the treatment of babies with cough, apply:

    • Inhalation. Depending on the method of conducting, they are steam and nebulizer. Keeping a breast baby over the ferry should be very careful to eliminate the risk of burns. In a nebulizer for inhalations at the breast, without prescribing a pediatrician, only saline or Borjomi should be pouring.
    • Drainage massage. It is carried out by kids who have no body temperature, from the 4-5th day of the disease to improve the wet wet. With such a massage, the head of the baby is located below the housing. First massage the back, and then the chest. After the massage of the baby should be bought and put in the crib, regularly changing body position.
    • Folk remedies. These include the use of herbal decoctions, cakes with honey and rubbing with barzuccia fat.

    Review of the best tools

    Among the drugs that the doctor may appoint a baby in the cough, there are medications such groups:

    1. Anti-tech drugs. They reduce the activity of the cough center and are discharged only with the exhausting strong dry cough. It is important to remember that the preparations of such a group are not combined with expectorant.
    2. Expectorant drugs. Their action is to improve spilinking sputum. At the age of the year, the kids are prescribed Gedelix, Prospan, Linkas, Herbion Ivy, bronchipret or licorice root syrup.
    3. Mukolithics. Such means reduce the viscosity of sputum, which contributes to its better separation. These include the drugs of ambroquas drugs permitted to use infants.
    4. Antihistamines. Such drugs are prescribed in cases of allergic cough.
    5. Antibiotics. Their appointment is necessary in bacterial infections that are manifested by a couch, for example, pneumonia or angina.

    Breast fees

    For the treatment of cough often use medicinal herbs, combining them in different combinations in the form of breast fees. In such fees, alta, anise, mother and stepmother, plantain, licorice, sage, souls and other herbs may be present. Nevertheless, in order to avoid allergies and other side effects, experts advise the infant decoction pile.

    Is it possible to use chamomile in the treatment of babies?

    Such a healing plant is often used under the age of year, since it has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. If you have brewed a chamomile for a baby for the first time, let's have a vegetable tool for a few drops to check the reaction of the organism of the crumbs.

    To prepare a ragger, take a tablespoon of dried colors and a glass of boiled water, cover the capacitance with a lid, and after 10 minutes. Giving such chamomile tea is advised three times a day after half an hour after feedings in an amount of up to 30 ml for children of the first months of life.

    Chamomile can be used for inhalation. Welded dry flowers need to insist 40 minutes, then boil the liter of water and pour over the decoction into it, then bring the baby to the tank so that the crumb is raging the steam for 5-10 minutes.

    Passive inhalations

    For such procedures in the bathroom pour a little boiling water into the bath to make the room to be filled with steam. Then the room includes a breast child and sit in it for about 10 minutes. If the baby has no tendency to allergies, you can add some eucalyptus oil in the bath.

    Opinion Komarovsky

    The famous doctor calls coughing with a natural reaction of a children's body to enter the respiratory tract of any foreign substances. If such a cough occurs in the baby, Komarovsky recommends contacting the pediatrician and do not give an embossing of any medicine yourself.

    As for drugs against cough, the popular pediatrician recommends focusing on other ways to make a dry cough productive - humidifying air in the room and abundant drinking. According to Komarovsky, these methods are no less effective than any expectorant syrups. About this next short video.

    • Regularly ventilate the room in which there is a breast child with a cough, because it really needs fresh air.
    • It is desirable that the temperature in the room does not exceed + 22 ° C.
    • If the body temperature of the thoracic baby is normal, be sure to go out with a crumb for a walk.
    • Change the baby's position in the crib and more often take it on hand.
    • So that the child drank is more, offer him drinks from a new cute mug, through a tube or bright unpolivative.
    • If a child besides cough there is a runny nose, rinse with a nose with sea salt, for example, Aquamaris.

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    How to treat cough in baby

    We all know that cough is an important protective reaction of the body, due to which the respiratory tracts from alien substances are cleaned, such as sputtering, pus, mucus, dust, etc. However, the cough in an infant child is always more difficult to treat children's age. How not to harm the treatment to your baby and what will help to cope with the cough in a newborn - our article.

    Cough as a symptom of illness

    As we have already mentioned, kingching does not appear just like that.

    Often the newborn cough in the morning can be explained physiologically: during the night, the mucus from the nasopharynx accumulates, flows through the wall of the larynx, thereby causing cough reflex. This is due to the inability of kids to impass the root. You can consider this process absolutely normal and not worry about this.

    Sometimes the child swallows due to too dry air indoors. Dust particles settled on the respiratory organs, their dried mucous membranes, provoking cough. In this case, the problem is solved by moistening the room with all possible ways.

    The cough in a newborn may appear during the meal when small "Judine" absorbs milk too quickly and, not so much to swallow, chips them. Try to change the pose when feeding.

    Timely vaccination helps to avoid such dangerous diseases like a cough

    However, often the reason why breast child coughs, it becomes some kind of disease, for example:

    1. ORVI and ORZ. This is the most common reason that manifests itself as a secondary sign somewhere on the third day after the start of the disease. Often, the child coughs and sneezes, because the infection spreads to all ENT organs.
    2. Bronchial asthma recognizable by a specific whistle when exhaling. She does not arise in a flat place, most likely, it was preceded by chronic bronchitis or a long non-treated allergy.
    3. Croup His distinguishing sign is a barking dry cough arising because of inflammation in the larynx. The disease is often found at the babies from 3 months to three years.
    4. Whooping cough. In this infectious disease, an approaches for a sorting cough is observed, which cannot be confused with anything. Strong cough is able to cause vomiting. It is exhausting and especially dangerous for kids up to a year, because it provokes the appearance of convulsions that, along with the lack of oxygen, can lead to a respiratory stop. Is it worth talking about how it is important to vaccinate the baby from this dangerous infection on time.
    5. ENT diseases (laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, inflammation of the middle ear). The chest cough may indicate inflammation in bronchops and the lungs when the diagnosis of bronchitis or pneumonia is made.
    6. Allergies can be caused by tobacco smoke if someone from relatives has a habit of smoking in an apartment, detergents, pollen of plants. To cope with an allergic cough, you need to remove the reason for its occurrence.

    How to be if the baby began the cough?

    What to do when a monthly child suddenly begins cough and do you understand that it is clearly caused by physiological reasons? The most faithful solution in any treatment of kids who were not fulfilled 1 year, call a doctor. Moreover, if we are talking about a baby, which is only 1 or 2 months old. It is strictly forbidden to independently prescribe drugs, this can be very harmful to the child.

    Assign treatment infants should a specialist

    What mum can do

    • Regularly air the room where the baby is located, giving access to fresh air. The room temperature should not, if possible, exceed 22 o C. Some diseases, for example, croup and cough, are mainly treated with a flow of fresh air. If the disease proceeds without temperature, you can and you need to walk on the street.
    • Moisturize the room with the help of waters with wet towels, the establishment of water tanks, irrigation from the spray or in a modern way - using the air humidifier.
    • Giving more fluid: breast milk or water, compotes. It is necessary to prevent dehydration.
    • Change the position of the child in the crib, more often wearing it in the hands.
    • If the cough with a hard-taking sputum, for example, with bronchitis, you can make a drainage massage. It is allowed to children from 6 months in the absence of temperature and inflammatory processes in the trachea and larynx. If you can do this massage in your case, the doctor will show how to perform it correctly. The bottom line is that the child is put on the knee with the tummy down (the head is below the horizontal) and make tapping movements with your fingers on the back, ranging from the lower back, towards the backbone
    • The folk remedy is to rub the chest, the back and feet of the baby with animal fat, for example, a barzucherap. The procedure is done before bedtime so that the child can be "kept warm." Keep in mind that many pharmaceutical ointments are contraindicated for children to 2 years due to the content of menthol and camphor. In addition, they cannot be used in some diseases.

    Position of the child with drain massage

    If a child often sick respiratory diseases, think about the acquisition of a nebulizer. This, in fact, a modern inhaler capable of splitting the medicinal substance to the smallest particles and in the form of a pair to deliver it to the lower departments of the bronchopulmonary system. Even just giving the baby to the toddler with ordinary saline, you will achieve the maximum moisturizing the mucous meadows in the thoracic department.

    Cough medication

    Although the pharmaceuticals appoint only the attending physician, it would be nice to understand the types of these medicines and know, in what cases they are appointed.

    1. Antitussive. A serious group of drugs, which suppresses the cough reflex at the brain level. Assigned with a strong dry exhausting cough. Representatives: Oxladin, Glaucin, Butamirat.
    2. Mulcolitis - means drank sputum and facilitating its evacuation of the lungs; Their feature is that the number of secrets (mucus) does not increase. Representatives: ambroxol, bromgexin, acetylcysteine, licorice root syrup. Their appointment is justified only in those cases when a thick hardwood sputum is present.
    3. Expectorant. Their goal is to ignite the sputum, increasing its quantity, so that it will be easier to depart, and increase the activity of the fiscal epithelium. It is mainly ivy-based vegetable preparations (Gedelix, Prospan), Altea (Mukaltin, Deutka), licorice.
    4. On sale you can meet the chest collection of three-four herbs, such as a coltsfoot, oregano, alta, plantain, chamomile, sage, anise. However, some experts believe that before the year, children are better brewing one-component teas.

    Expectorant products are manufactured mainly on herbs

    Serious mistakes price

    In medicine, from time to time there are cases when due to too initiative parents have to retire children in resuscitation, and sometimes such actions lead to death. Therefore, we assume all seriousness to the following information and remember it:

    1. It is impossible without appointing a doctor to give the newborn baby antitussive tools! Imagine that the kazhele is not dry, but with minor signs of sputum. Coughing, the child is trying to get rid of mucus and microbes, freeing the respiratory tract. What will happen if at this time give a crude medicine, "turning off" cough? Wet will not come anywhere. It will accumulate in bronchi and lungs, clogging them and preventing normal air circulation. Usually this story ends with complications.
    2. It is impossible to give two types of drugs (expectorant and antitussive) at the same time! This is the biggest mistake in the treatment of children, and adults too: give a tool that increases the wet in volume and deprive the possibilities to withdraw it by turning off the cough center. After such procedures, the child's hospitalization is almost always required.

    Let's summarize: the cough in the baby cannot be left unattended. Be sure to show the child by a specialist to make a diagnosis with it and choose treatment tactics.

    If the cough is a protracted, which is more than a month, it is possible to consult from a otolaryngologist, a pulmonologist, a phthisiatra, an allergist, in general, to find the cause must necessarily. Remember that after ARVI, the child can kill another 3-4 weeks. Do not forget to eat enough baby, more often walk, and the cough is most likely disappeared without a trace.


    Good when coughing make inhalations. Little crumbs they are also not contraindicated. The doctor appointed us for inhalations. So we managed to avoid bronchitis.

    I use flushing and expectorant when coughing to bring wet. The pediatrician said to drink Syrup Prospan, on the leaves of ivy. The cough became wet and the mucus was well released.

    Massage with the tapping was also done when the daughter was cold and coughed at 4 months. But a more noticeable effect was from the syrup of the banner. Pediatrician assured that this is a natural remedy without chemistry and dyes. Our dry cough became wet on the third day of reception.

    We are 3 months old, you can drink Prospan?

    I heard that Prippan is impossible, so I give my baby only Gedelix syrup, it is safe, without sugar and alcohol in the composition.

    True, the prospaus contains fructose, and at my child, for example, on fructose diathesis. So, also take Gedelix syrup. There was no side on him.

    I liked the syrup of the Prospan, how it dilutes the mucus and displays a sputum. Pereted in 1, 5 years.

    We, too, at such an age, the Prospan were appointed from cough, I am pleased as it helps. In addition, safely, without side effects. Now we go to school, but if you are still treated with this syrup so far.

    My daughter is 4 months old, coughs for more than 3 months. All medicines have already drank, they did inhalation, nothing helps. What to do?

    If the child on artificial feeding, it means that the mixture is incorrectly selected, if on breast, mom must eliminate all dairy products, and eliminate malformation, for example, tpachopisual fistula.

    My advice to you: Go for all doctors, what are in the city. I was 4 months old I was looking for a reason. She turned out to be banal - sinusitis. For 10 days cured. But I had to go through all until I found a normal specialist. And coughed half a year. Here we have doctors working with higher education.

    Mukaltin and licorice can give 3 months old?

    We are 3 months old, what is better to give the baby from cough?

    Tell me what can be washed with nose? Baby three months.

    We instill Linakva's droplets in each nasal passage of 1-2 drops, then suck aspirator

    Please tell me, I have access, 1.5 months I lay with him and the hospital, bronchitis treated and here again began to cough, can someone say what medicine to give from cough?

    ATTENTION! All information on the site is popular-familiarization and does not claim 100% accuracy. No need to deal with self-medication!

    Children in the first months of life are susceptible to acute respiratory viral infection (ORVI). The risk of infection of babies is great, especially against the background of weak immunity and hypothermia. Deciding than to treat cough of a child for 3 months, parents are in front of the choice. Many drugs from the pharmacy are designed for children over 6 months. Folk remedies in the case of severe illness do not always help. What to do in such cases for effective treatment and recovery baby?

    How do colder diseases manifest?

    Characteristic symptoms of colds, ARVI in children - laid nose, watery snot, blush eyes, cough, lethargy. Infants are particularly hard to carry the disease, an increase in temperature, becoming capricious, sleep well. Because of the runny nose and cough, the baby cannot breathe normally, feed on breast milk or drinking from the bottle.

    The primary step Mom is a consultation of the pediatrician, the advice of a doctor for choosing medicines and folk remedies, suitable infant. Main topics for discussion: how to treat cough from a 3-month-old child, how to knock down a high temperature? It is necessary to treat ARVI since the appearance of the first symptoms, but not antibiotics, they are powerless in the fight against viruses.

    Therapy is required in independent diseases and complications of ARVI:

    • at the beginning dry, then cough with a wettero - with tracheake, tracheobronchite;
    • dry, hoarse, painful cough - with laryngitis, adenoid;
    • purulent snot, cough, amplifying at night - with sinusitis;
    • intense, chronic cough - with cough.

    The pathogens embodied by the ARVI abbreviation are known to 200. The child has become infected with one type of virus and immunity developed to it, but there is no other protection in the body. This explains why a child's cough for 3 months in the peak of the infection season lasts for 2-3 weeks almost every month. This situation should be distinguished from aspiration - cough and choking, occurring in the respiratory tract of foreign bodies, both solid particles and drops of liquid.

    How to treat cold and allergies in infants?

    With a sharp or protracted cough, a three-month-old child therapy should eliminate the cause and correspond to the nature of the ailment. Treat the main disease - ORVI, allergies, bronchitis. At the same time, try to soften the dry cough to become wet. Abundant warm drink contributes to moisturizing the mucous membrane, facilitates expectoration, speeds up recovery.

    Prevention of cough at a 3-month-old child with ARVI (strengthening immunity):

    • solution "Derinat" - immunomodulator for in / m injections;
    • gel and Suppositories "Viferon";
    • nasal drops "Gripferon";
    • candles "Genferon Light".

    In a bacterial infection, antibiotics prescribes a pediatrician after examining the infant and determination of the nature of the disease. The infant from the high temperature is given antipyretic syrups with paracetamol or introduced suppositories with the same active substance. The popular tool "Nurofen" was created on the basis of ibuprofen - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. Apply such drugs only after consulting a pediatrician due to the possible negative effect on the gastric mucosa.

    The body in the first months after birth is not yet enough formed, the system of organs work with a large load. A frequent or permanent cough without a temperature occurs with the gastrointestinal reflux. Thus called acidic content up, irritation of the pharynx and larynx. At the same time, the infant is the pathology of the stomach and esophagus. Of particular treatment in this case is not required, it is enough to provide a infant to the change of body position, keep the "column" after feeding, make a light massage during wakefulness.

    When allergic cough, a 3-month-old child is treated with antihistamine drugs. When the baby is tormented by the runny nose, the snot flows along the rear wall of the throat, they accumulate and irritate the mucous membrane. In this case, agents based on sea water, saline, vasoconductive drops will help. Salt solutions can be used for washing and instilled in the nose several times a day, even every hour if the baby is hard to breathe. It is impossible to abuse nasal vesseloring drugs - this is an ambulance with nasal congestion.

    Pharmacy preparations and folk remedies

    Natural, vegetable means - the best solution to the problem, which give a child from a cold. For diseases of the respiratory tract, babies use dry powder "Coughs Money". The drug helps the discharge, separation and removal of sputum due to the inclusion in its composition of altea extracts and licorice roots, anise oil and drinking soda. The medicine designed specifically for children is dissolved in a tablespoon of water. Then give a child a drop 3-4 times a day depending on age (up to 1 year - no more than 20 drops).

    The Alteka preparation is produced based on altea root extract. The popular remedy has anti-shield and anti-inflammatory effect, contributes to the removal of mucus from the respiratory tract. Breasts before taking syrup lay water. Syrups from cough "Lazolyvan", "Ambroxol" and others mix with tea, juice, give a minimum one-time and daily dose. Unfortunately, manufacturers do not always indicate the instructions of the lower age border. It is recommended to contact the pediatrician so that the specialist explains, from what month the child gives one or another drug.

    Folk recipes from colds, snot and cough in a child 3 months:

    1. Prepare chamomile infusion in a thermos from 1 tbsp. l. Flower baskets and 200 ml of boiling water. Give a means of 1 t. L. An hour later.
    2. Equal parts of Altea roots, licorice, nine, left for the night are poured in a thermos of boiling water. Give the baby a tablespoon of the beam 4 times a day.
    3. The table salt is poured into the bag, heated, put on the chest above the level of the heart.
    4. Warm boiled potatoes kneads, a little sunflower oil is added, laid out on a clean napkin and used as a compression on the top of the chest.

    Potatoes in the compress can be replaced with honey on a sheet of Savoy cabbage, a grid of interior of pork fat. It is recommended to put the diaper on the delicate skin of the baby, then the napkin with warm potatoes or salt, parchment paper. From above, everything is covered with another diaper and fix on the body with a bandage. Warming compresses are used to treat children only at normal body temperature.

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    In such a gentle age, the pediatrician prescribed natural syrup Stodal. Syrup helped us immediately, but at first I, of course, studied all the instructions, surprised that Stodal comes from any kind of cough and for the whole family. So now he is always in our first-aid kit.

    In 3 months, I was afraid to give the child at all any medicines, but, on the advice of familiar moms, I decided to give the Syrupchik Gedelix. The kazel at the baby quickly passed. So I recommend that, mommies.

    Yes, we also saved Gedelix syrup when we were 3.5 months old! I was very afraid to give him, but the doctor convinced the opposite. Helped quickly!

    My child often has a cough, always appeal to the hospital to the pediatrician. Each time the pediatrician prescribes different drugs. I'm not sure whether he is doing right, but the cough always passes. Once the cough was very strong and the prescribed drug did not help, then the pediatrician appointed an antibiotic and a week later, the cough gradually passed. So I can assume that all drugs that can be taken to children help get rid of cough.

    What to treat cough in a child 3 months: drugs and folk remedies

    What to treat cough in a child for 3 months? At this age, it is necessary to especially closely towards the health of the child. Therefore, treatment can be started only after the inspection and purpose of the specialist, and all the instructions of the doctor are performed for sure.

    Causes and manifestations of cough

    Why does this symptom occur in 3 months? Most often it is a cold or allergy. However, there may be other reasons. At this age, the child has increased salivation. The baby may chollow because of a large amount of fluid and start coughing. The reasons for strong salivation are as follows:

    1. Teething. Typically, the process begins at 3 months.
    2. Salus protects the oral cavity from the microbes, so when harmful microorganisms in the mouth, the salivation is enhanced.
    3. The salivary glands are not yet fully formed, so sometimes work excessively.

    In addition, a mucus can accumulate the newborn in the night. It flows through the wall of the larynx, and it causes a cough reflex. Because a child at 3 months can not be mixed up, it causes cough. But it is absolutely normal.

    The baby may choose because of a large amount of fluid and start coughing

    Almost in all cases, in addition to teething, the cough quickly passes and is not accompanied by additional symptoms, that is, no high temperature, no runny nose. If, in addition to cough, other painful signs begin to bother - it means that it is most likely a disease.

    ARVI in young children proceeds especially hard. After all, at an early age, immunity has not yet been formed, the child cannot be unimmed up, and it makes it difficult to eat and breathing. Babies become sluggish and capricious. Categories colds as follows:

    • lays nose;
    • there is weakness and malaise;
    • there are watery discharge from the nose;
    • the temperature rises;
    • worried dry cough.

    As for allergies, it can also manifest itself a cough. But unlike ORVI, in such a situation, it is usually not worried about the heat. Break and itching appear. Itching may be disturbed in the nose, throat. Even eyes can be made. In addition, edema ages and frequent sneezing may appear.

    ARVI in young children proceeds especially hard

    Couch treatment in a child

    Treatment of such a small child can not be started independently. It is necessary to contact a specialist who will first diagnose, and then prescribes treatment. What to treat cough in a child for 3 months? Here are the main drugs, if it is a cold:

    • mukolithic - Flavmed, Lazolyvan, cough medicine.
    • antitussive - synecode, Panatus;
    • expectorant - Gedelix and Prospan;

    Flavmed - helps to sneak thick mucus. Children at the age of three months the doctor must appoint a dosage. Nausea may occur and abdominal pain. Contraindicated means for hypersensitivity to components.

    Important! Any medicine can give side effects, so you need to carefully follow the reaction of the child.

    Flawmed helps to thin the thick mucus

    Lazolyvan is a medicine that promotes the discharge of mucus. Up to 2 years, children can be taken 2.5 ml several times a day, but a dose, of course, must clarify the doctor. When taking can disturb diarrhea, dry mouth. It is impossible to give medicine with fructose intolerance.

    Cough medicine is a dry powder containing plants extracts. Powder must be breeding in water and give a child. Children up to a year - 20 drops. Divided usually in a tablespoon of water. In a child, a belly can hurt when taking.

    Synecode is a means against a strong cough. We are released in syrup and drops, children in 3 months can be used only in drops. Usually prescribed 10 drops several times a day. Dizziness and diarrhea may occur. It is impossible to give a tool to children up to 2 months.

    Synecode - remedy against strong cough

    Panatus - medicine can be applied in drops if there are 2 months. Dosage individual. Side effect - allergy. Contraindicated drug in individual intolerance.

    Gedelix is \u200b\u200ba vegetation preparation. Children under the year you can drink half a dimensional spoon once a day. From side effects - only allergies. It is forbidden to give the drug to children if there is an allergy to the constituent drugs.

    Prospan is also a phytopreparation. Children have been allowed to consume 2.5 ml 2 times a day. As with the use of other medicines on a vegetable basis, allergic is possible.

    What to treat cough in a child for 3 months? It all depends on the character of cough. With dry, mugolats and drugs that remove attacks are prescribed. With wet - expectorant means. It is impossible to take all types of drugs at the same time.

    Prospan is allowed to eat 2.5 ml 2 times a day

    If there is an allergy, and therefore the cough is concerned, antihistamines are prescribed. In addition, it is necessary to try to remove the allergen, if it is known that the reaction has arisen. As for antiallergenic funds, small children are prescribed:

    Supratine can be given up to a year, he will remove the symptoms of allergies and remove the cough. You can give a 3 month 1/4 tablets several times a day. Side effects are nervous excitement, fatigue. It is impossible to give under the age of the month.

    Fencarol can be taken just from 3 months. You can give 5 mg three times a day. Do not give the drug if there are disorders in the work of digestive organs and individual intolerance.

    Fencarol can be taken just from 3 months

    Diazolin children under the year are prescribed in granules. It is necessary to prepare a suspension and give 2.5 ml a couple of times a day. There may be problems with urination.

    Fact! Domestic and medicinal can be applied.

    Folk remedies for treatment

    Baby 3 months: dry cough than to treat? Of course, dry cough requires soften the throat and remove the attacks. What will help in the treatment of cough? From this age you can already give onion jam. It is necessary to graze the bulb and mix with honey. After an hour, send the resulting juice and giving half a teaspoon. But it is possible to use the tool if there is no allergies.

    Milk will also help cure dry cough. In warm milk, it is necessary to dissolve a slightly butter oil. This drink must be given to a child on a teaspoon a couple of times a day. The infusion of daisy flowers can also be given to the child several times a day, of course, also on a teaspoon. It is necessary to brew a teaspoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and insist an hour.

    Milk will also help cure dry cough

    They will help to cope with dry cough also inhalation. Make them very easy. It is enough to pour hot water in the bath and add a seaside salt. For the procedure, you have to be in the bathroom and breathe pairs.

    How to treat cough to a child of 3.5 months? At this age, you can use the compress from potatoes. The vegetable must be welded, spread and add some sunflower oil. Stay on the napkin the resulting mass and make the compress on the top of the chest. Potatoes should be very warm, not hot. You can also warm the chest with a large salt.

    With a wet cough will help herbal decoction. It is necessary to make it from the plantain and mother-and-stepmother. A tablespoon of the mixture should be pouring boiling water (glass) and insist 2 hours. Give on a tablespoon. The tool helps to flip. Of course, it is possible to use such a drink only in the absence of allergies on the grass.

    With a wet cough, herbal decoction of plantain and mother-and-stepmother will help

    You can make a massage with a wet cough. To do this, put the baby with a stomach on his knees and stroke the back. It is usually enough 15 minutes to start expectoration.

    Baby 3 months: Rubber, cough How to treat? If not only cough is worried, but also a runny nose, the nose washed. How can I wash your nose? It may be carrot juice or beet. It should be dissolved with water in a ratio of 1: 2 (water should be 2 times more). It is necessary to rinse often.

    Aloe juice can also be used, it must be divorced in the same proportion. A decoction of chamomile will help, they can also wash the nose. It is necessary to carry out the procedure as often as possible, it will help to remove the mucus from the nose and the throat. Consequently, a runny nose will be faster and cough. Breathing will be easier.

    Nuance! It is desirable when coughing and rhinestone more often to wear a child vertically and change the position in the crib.

    Aloe juice can also be used.

    With any kind of cough, it is necessary to air the room and moisturize it. Temperature should be comfortable - 20-22˚C. This will help avoid air cutting. If there is no heat, it is advisable to endure a child for a walk. Fresh air will help destroy microbes and relieve breathing.

    Do not use medicines that advise people who are not doctors. The child is 3 months old: cough than to treat, the forum of young mothers often discusses, it sometimes is one of the sources of information. However, only a pediatrician must prescribe treatment. It will be the only right solution.