Tips Joe Vital. Joe Vital: the secret of the instant embodiment of desires

And let's imagine that today we are visiting Joe Vitaly. Of course, for those who are interesting. I already wrote about him before in the article ". And today she wanted to communicate with him closer.

In short, Joseph Vitaly is an independent marketing specialist. In his arsenal, many stories, seminars and audio programs for art sales and marketing. This is the author of ten books, among whom are "seven forgotten secrets of success" and "spiritual marketing".

In an affordable language, he tells in his books about the strength of thought. Learn to use it for the fulfillment of desires. Joe Vital offers simple and effective techniques to achieve success and prosperity. And also explains the mechanism of action of the law of attraction.

And I thought: "If there is nothing impossible in the world, then what prevents me from chatting with Joseph himself and to speak him about how Joe himself applies his knowledge in practice?"

1. So that the law of attraction began to work, it is necessary to determine exactly what you want to achieve in this life.

And then D. Vitaly explains: " When you know exactly what exactly you want to get, you start and think about what can be done for this. And then the universe helps you to achieve the goal. "

2. If you have already defined exactly what you want, remind you from time to time about it. For example, a visible place in the apartment leaflet with the inscription desired. Or put this note in the wallet. Each time, reading about your dream, you will remember her.

3. If you want, so that the desire is fulfilled as fast as possible, the shortest path to this is gratitude. Thanks for everything that is in your life now.

4. Any event of your life learn to perceive from a positive side. Because, according to Joe Vital, the law of attraction works equally and for positive, and for negative thoughts. And every "bad" thought and experiences on this occasion will attract even more exactly the same in your life.

5. Learn to see the "prompts" of the Universe - on the right path you are. Joseph himself calls it the "theory of red flags."

For example, I want to learn something new, so that then this knowledge helped me earn more money. And I go to courses and sewing courses. But for some reason, I can't get there (there is no money to pay training, there is no teacher every time I appear there, something urgent distracts from the next trip there, etc.).

All this says that the universe I "says the Red Chegg": "Look for other courses. Not only sewing makes it possible to earn money. "

Or I, so stubborn, still want to break through these courses. And next 125 times go there. And I get into the car traffic jam. And again late to meet with the leader.

This is a "yellow check box." The universe does not insist, but asks: "Think again, but I personally would not advise. And you do, as you know. "

And then I accidentally see the announcement in the newspaper: "We need a copywriter assistant. Training guarantee! ". And during the day I have time to contact this person and see him. And come home satisfied and happy meeting results.

This is the "Green Checkbox." The universe fully supports me in this area of \u200b\u200badditional training and earnings.

Of course, everyone himself decides - to go on a break, or still listen to the prompts of the universe. But they are always found, if you carefully observe what is happening.

6. Start with a small one.Law Attraction equally can easily bring into your life and a cup of tea, and a fleet of limousines. Still, advises Joe Vitaly - Start with a small one.

When you easily be able to attract the desired meeting with an old friend, or free space for car parking - to attract more important in your life will be much easier. The law works equally for everything, but you are not yet 100% adoption state. And this need to learn gradually.

7. The most important thing is to learn in this life - this is love! When you are in a state of love, the Universe is able to make us many pleasant surprises. In this state you can achieve everything you want.

We have been around for a long time with Joseph, and the evening turned out simply magic! He is such a charming man. And about the fact that D. Vitaly told me about the raising of children, about the strength of the collective mind, about achieving success - all this I will tell you a secret bit later.

Once again, I reread the wonderful book Joe Vitali "The Secret of Attraction". Today I went to the site of this amazing person and found an article that can inspire and send those who are now experiencing difficulties. In general, specifically for readers of our site translated this article. I'm sure you like:

"Medicine from despair"

For dinner that evening, one person from our group looked at me and asked the question I did not want to hear:

"How did you become homeless?"

To date, most people have already heard my story about how I was on the streets of Dallas in the late 1970s and after that he struggled with poverty over the years in Houston.

But I never told anyone how exactly I got into these conditions.

When I started my story, all sitting at the table carefully looked at me. A woman who asked this question, looked at me with an open mouth and did not even blink through her eyes.

She asked: "Why didn't you tell it before?"

My friend, Mark Ryan, also asked: "How much I know you, but never heard about this story. It changes a lot. "

They asked me to tell them everything first right now.

Mark said: "In the time of the financial crisis, many people lose work, money, position. And this story should be known to everyone. "

I heard, I understood and agreed ...

Such is the story ...

When I was a teenager, I always knew that I wanted to be a writer. I wanted to write books and plays that would make people happy. Wherever I was, I always noticed happy people. I thought I could help them many of my stories and my humor.

Once I was painted the idea to go to Dallas and earn money there. I believed that in a big city there would be more opportunities for me and decided to leave.

At that time I lived in Ohio, Texas. There I was born and grew. For a long time I worked on the railway, performing difficult work throughout the day and on weekends, starting from the five-year-old age.
I took all my savings, gathered a bag and sat down on the bus. Three days later I was in Dallas.

Of course, I was lost in the big city. Being a family town, I was absolutely not ready for noise and bustling such a city as Dallas.

But I still wanted to become a writer.

In those days, large companies were built oil and gas pipelines in Alaska and the Middle East, and offered to pay a lot of money to those who were ready to move to work there. I did not really like the idea of \u200b\u200bmoving, but I saw the opportunity to earn big money. I wanted to earn a lot of money to return to them home and for several months or even a year to write books.

It seemed that it was a brilliant strategy!

I found an advertisement in the newspaper in which people were gained to work in one of the pipelines. They offered high hourly payment. I went to them to the office, where I was met by a friendly sales manager. He explained to me that due to the fact that it would have to work abroad, I should make a prepayment. As a result, I had to leave them all my money that in the total amount was about a thousand dollars. According to him, in two weeks it was necessary to fly abroad.

You could already guess a part of what happened next - but you do not guess everything.

A week after I left all my money there, this company disappeared.

Their doors were closed, no one answered the phone, but I could not find an email address.

Soon after that, the company went bankrupt.

After some time, the owner of the company committed suicide.

There was no one left who could return my money to me.

I was alone.

I was ruined.

I was in Dallas, far from home.

Yes, I confess, I prevented my own ego. I knew that my relatives in Ohio would take me back. But I was strong and decisive and wanted to dig up myself.

Yes, I survived - I slept in the church on the bench, on the steps in the post office, at the bus stop.
As you already understood, it was not an easy time. I never talked about it before. I was too shame ...

They said that many people get into with similar situations - they trust their money to the government, banks or other people, losing houses, money, jobs.

You must inspire the fact that I passed through the same three decades ago, and not only survived, but also reached the level of which Joe Vitaly could only dream of 30 years ago.

I got out of poverty due to the fact that he was constantly working on himself - read books on self-improvement, climbed and again climbed and again, took for any work that could find. But I always lived my dream, I have always seen the same picture before my eyes: one day to become the author of books that help people be happy and inspire them.

If you are now in a difficult situation, which is not very good, I urge you - remember that this is only a temporary phenomenon!

Remember - it is temporary. This is a medicine from despair.

Remember - the sun will shine again!

Now for you the most important is the need to concentrate your attention on what you want to have.

Keep this picture in your mind and do not miss her mind

Continue to go to your goal

Surround yourself with positive people

Help others and keep them

Remember, if I and other people were able to survive homelessness, loss of work, then you can also.

One more thing:

There was a time when I wanted to rush in the loop and leave this life.

Thank God that I stayed! If I went early, I would miss a lot of magic and amazing things in my life, success and fame, which I didn't even dream about, invaluable connections and experience, and much more.
All you need to do is stick to this course and follow your heart.

And the most important thing

Expect miracles.

"Secret" for Russian women

Today we will talk about the law of attraction. It is about this secret and says in the sensational film. What a person thinks about something is attracted to himself. From each thought there are waves, and they are already easily recorded today's scientists. And thinking about something constantly, you literally send signals into the universe, and she reacts to them, attracting what you think about. But! There is one problem. Most people basically think about what they do not want. And then surprised why this happens to them again and again.

To pull in your life what you want, you need and think about it, and not what you do not want. This law is always working. With everyone. Regardless of whether you want it or not, it is good for you or bad. You always get what you think about. And do you believe in this law, or not - it is absolutely not important. In each of us, the infinite power of the universe is concluded, and it operates in their laws.

Do you really think that one% of people on our planet, which has about 96% of all money - is it a simple coincidence? No, of course, they just know this secret. And they use it for their own purposes. And today this law opens to other people.

Yes, you probably noticed more than once that the more some kind of person complains - the more getting what will be complaining about. Moreover, the stronger and brighter his feelings - the faster everything happens in his life! We are magnets. This attracts like that. Who speaks a lot about sores - they have them. And who speaks a lot about prosperity - he lives in prosperity.

An American psychologist who has discovered the law of attraction of good luck, believes that any desires are executed. And if not, it means that we won't want something wrong. The law of attraction works so that our life is attracted what we think about with emotion - Love or hate. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on what would like to get, and send the "right" vibration into the world, which will attract the right event.

How to order wish

1. Remember what you usually complain. And write these complaints: "Wife sawd, the apartment is removable, the salary is small, etc."

2. Now reformulate your complaints into positive, confident intentions: "I have a good relationship with my wife, I have a house by the sea, I have a big salary."

3. The universe is better to send a specific request. If you ask the highest strength to simply "give more money," you can increase the salary for 1 ruble. Or if you ask the "meeting with your loved one," he can only rinse to your office for a minute or in general to be married.

4. Of several mutually exclusive desires, for example, and a strong family, and a dizzying career, a stronger is coming true.

5. Do not order the celestial forces as your desires should be performed. Just formulate requests, and let the universe performed them. If you want diamonds, you should not think: "I will earn money and buy a ring." Maybe you will give it. Or get the inheritance.

6. Now you have to drive the limiting beliefs and fears. Our desires are not executed only because we do not believe in them: "In my years it's too late to change the work", "Who can I like?" There should be no such thoughts.

7. Now imagine that the desire has already come true and what you feel. The smell of the garden has a new house, warm knobs of children with whom you walk in the park, leather interior of the car - and necessarily at the same time dizzying happiness!

8. Recognize dates. Try to be realistic and do not require fate to provide a new mansion in 15 minutes. But the sincere and stronger desire, the faster it will come to you.

9. To bring the fulfillment of desire, take a step towards him. Immerse yourself in the topic that interests you. Look at the Film of Love, learn real estate prices, take a look at the car dealership ...

10. The process of riddling of desire can be called magic, and it is possible - positive self-programming. Our attention is always focused on the most important thing for us. For example, when autumn boots are very necessary, we will notice shoe stores everywhere, and very soon a suitable pair of boots will be found. The same laws work in life. It is important to help your mind to catch the necessary information and send all attention to it. This is the secret of the execution of any desires.

The secret of Russian women is hiding in the mirror!

Tips Joe Vital, the creator of the film "Secret", Russian women.

"Russian women do not know the prices! Russian women are the most beautiful in the world! They are beautiful, strong, patient, understanding. And they have everything to be happy. In addition to self-confidence. You yourself do not believe that love deserves And respect for men. "

"I think it happened to you historically. The Russians always fought a lot, and you have a defensive warehouse of thinking. This is when people are always waiting for trouble, not sure in the future. And at the same time a low self-esteem - life is not valued in aggressive society. Add quantitative The advantage of women - after all, your "severe half" of death in different wars. Even the most beautiful women remained alone and doubted - whether their men will choose, or not. "

"My advice - look in the mirror! And you will be surprised how beautiful you are. And tell me:" I am a queen and worthy of wore a beautiful prince on my hands. "Repeat it a hundred, a thousand times a day, do not believe it. "

"And now let's try on the attraction of female happiness. Just do not think to imagine a specific man! Fate knows better what everyone needs. The man whom she prepared you, may be much better than this brunette. So why limit yourself? By the way, why limit yourself When you make an order to fate, you need to say: "Let such a person appear in my life or even better." Think themselves, three billion men in the world. And you need only one! And you really do not find anyone among them "

I believe that you are unique and unique. What you have great opportunities, regardless of what happened to you in the past. No matter how young you are or how much you think you are already aged. When you begin to think correctly, the whole strength and energy that is already laid in you will begin to wake up. She will send your life to the right side, feed and dress you, will direct and protect you, supporting your existence itself. If you allow her to do it.

Ecology of Life: You can think more about anything about anything, but if you live in your unconsciously faith in what you ...

How can you learn instantly incarnate everything you want?

How can you increase the speed of the law of attraction?

How can you attract miracles right now?

It all begins with what you feel at the moment. Yes, yes, it is now, reading these lines.

How do you find yourself in what are you now?

In other words: what did you do, thought and felt that "now" did it exactly?

The answer to this question will help you open the secret of the instant embodiment of desires.

Many embody undesirable. They get it because they live like robots and allow their program to command their lives. There is nothing crazy about it. The first step of awakening from the life of the victim, which they lead, begins exactly here. Now go to the second stage.

The second stage is the acquisition of force.He comes when you begin to deliberately use your innate, but hidden inside the power that guides you to the desired and allowing you to incarnate what you want. This force is your birth right. You simply did not use it before, not to mention the use of it constantly and consciously.

And again, how do you create your "now"?

Basically, making the same things thinking among the same thoughts today, yesterday, the day before yesterday. As a result, you get the same situations. But there is nothing wrong with that, if, of course it suits you.

But I believe that you can live a wonderful life. But to come to this, you must change something. For example:

Thinking.You must believe that miracles are possible, otherwise it makes no sense to start anything. Your thinking image should change, that's what it means.

Behavior. If you continue to do the same as before, you will receive the same results as before. This means that your usual actions should change.

The faster the better.

But how to do that?

How to implement all this and create a world of instant realization of desires or at least speed up the results?

Here is part of the secret:

First. Only aware of their thoughts is not enough. This is only the beginning. You must train the image of thinking by setting it on a positive. Make a new habit of it. This is possible. Habits appear all the time. The basis of our everyday life is the old habits. Therefore, you know perfectly well how to create them. The complexity is that you have to create it consciously.

Second. New actions will require little effort because they gradually erase your old habits. By changing them, you will unfold and start moving in a new direction. Can you do this. Each of us is capable of it. Just all my life you drove along the road one way, but it's time to turn off her. So fold.

Now I will explain.

You know how to instantly embody the desired. What you have now is what you wanted before. In how you embodied your "now" and there is a secret of instant incarnation. Your process of awareness has already begun, you can redirect your actions consciously to embody the desired.


You see or not, continue to read.

In general, everything that occupied your mind, attention and emotions three days ago, came to you today.

Knowing it, it's time to look at your thoughts and feelings now.

So, we will conduct an experiment.

Let's say you want to make an increase in sales. You can experiment on something else. But we need something believable (what you can believe), and measurable (so that you have proof that it works). We still adhere to the rules of 3 days, but after a while you can reduce this time until the instant embodiment of desires.

When do you think about increasing sales, what comes to your mind?

In short, your thoughts are positive or negative?

When you feel the thought of big sales, how do you feel?

Do you feel inspiration or uncertainty?

I repeat, your thoughts and feelings are a magnet for what you attract. Perhaps you already know it.

But this is not quite so simple.

It just matters what you think is consciously, but what is born with you unconsciously.

You can think all day "I attract love", but if you are internally you do not feel your loved ones, you repelly attracted.

You can think: "I attract money," or something else, no matter, but you do not attract large amounts, if you are convinced that "money is the root of all angry."

Instead of the desired in your life, what matches your unconscious beliefs will come.

Obviously, you should get rid of these hidden blocks to control the process of incarnation.

But how?

Behavior obeys thoughts.Thoughts can be so familiar that you already do not notice what you think. But thoughts and manage your behavior.

Once you decided that they behaved correctly and kept inside a certain model of behavior. The thought that thormed this behavior has long been evaporated.

Your behavior has led you to certain results in "Now", and the behavior is born from thoughts, so to change your "now", it is necessary to work with thoughts.


I repeat it again, a little differently ...

To change what you have today will need to change what you thought and did three days ago; But since it is impossible (for now), you must change what you think and what you are doing today. And since actions grow from thoughts, you must now change your way of thinking right now.

How now, clearer?

And again, how to do it?

Where do thoughts come from?

You can't predict your next thought. Start and try. I'll wait…

Where do these thoughts come from?

It seems that they just suddenly arise in your mind.

You do not create them, you get them.

But where then come from?

They are generated by your programs.

They come from the focus of your unconscious beliefs.

It is this way that your thinking has developed thanks to various influences: families, friends, schools, governments, media, culture and many others.

But you are not to blame for what they appeared. You have been programmed as well as those who were up to you. Robots programmed robots. All robots make well what they know, based on their program.

But it's still a program.

Therefore, you must understand that only by changing your program, you can immediately embody everything you want.And once again, your belief system gives you what you are able to imagine.

For me, a secret to how to get the desired at any time (including this), is unconscious, because your programs live there. It is it that contains programs of psychological reactions of your life.

Your software is the system of your beliefs, your image of thoughts or paradigm of views given to you at birth (even before birth). In this part I want to clarify how to erase these programs so that you can get what you want.

But, let's start first.

You must understand: what you get does not come from positive thinking, good sensations or even positive actions.


Your results come from unconscious installations that you absorbed until today's moment. Your thoughts are born from installations that lead to certain feelings, feelings generate actions that, in turn, bring results.

In other words, you can think more about anything about anything, but if in your unconscious living faith in what you, for example, are unworthy, you will not attract what you consciously think.

And after that you start criticizing the law of attraction, the film "Secret", and everyone else. You are upset, disappointed, and maybe even angry.

I do not blame you. I did it too. I was a poor, unhappy, depressed, oppressed and brought to despair. When you feel defenseless, it is easy to accuse everyone else and it is difficult to impose responsibility for yourself.

But the real changes begin at the moment when you take full responsibility for everything that happens to you now.

I repeat again, you can't just clean the surface levels of consciousness. Representing affirmations is not enough. Visualizations are not enough. You must go down below, in the unconscious, where the command center is located. And I tell you, it's not so difficult. All you need is a conductor.

How do I know?

Because this is what you pulled, based on former thoughts, feelings and actions. Others joined in the course of life with their thoughts, feelings and actions and you together created the present moment. This moment coincides with your comfort zone and comes from your belief that it is possible for you, and what is not now.

But let's go even deeper ...

What you allow you to be based on your unconscious program.

If you do everything right, but still do not get the desired results, then, in reality, your results are compliance with your unconscious. I know it is difficult to believe, especially at the beginning. But your deeply living plants about money, love, romantic relationships, health and everything else, these are filters standing in the way of reality, so you perceive only what matches these settings.

These installations were formed from the conclusions that you did during life. I'm not trying to blame you. We all were programmed to varying degrees.

For example, if you look a lot of films, in each of which rich people are vicious and immoral, you will unconsciously come to the decision that "money is vicious and immoral."

And then, when you decide to attract money in your life, your block will work.

True, it's not so difficult?

You would not want to attract what you seem immoral. Therefore, you do not attract.

To get away from these blocks, you need to cleanse these hidden installations.

I wrote a lot of books and recorded a large number of disks offering ways to purify, from the "attraction factor" to "key. Secretattraction of money. " Someone finds the methods described there sufficient to purify.

But that if you tried all sorts of techniques, but again get the same results?

So, your work lies deeper than the recommendations of this article, but here's a brief answer: any unconscious barrier will make impossible your conscious intentions..

In other words, if you say: "I believe that I will attract a new job," but under this intention lies the unconscious conviction: "I am not worthy of new work!" Or "I do not have suitable skills" or "unemployment is so high", what do you think will happen? These obstacles will be attracted what matches them.

Have time?

Your unconscious barriers will win conscious intentions. Based on this, how can I clear your unconscious beliefs?

Relax. There is hope.

Here are some technicians who can come in handy:

1. Emotional freedom technique (climbing). I love this technique very much and perform it almost every day. She really removes stress and helps improve emotional state, removes headaches, anxiety and tension. Honestly, I do not know how deep it works. Probably, experts will say that it works on very deep levels and can clear the unconscious installations, perhaps this is. Try!

A few years ago I wrote a book "Life without restrictions", where I described the Hawaiian method of working with unconscious beliefs. I use it since 2005. it prophoving four phrases:

  • I'm sorry.
  • Please forgive me.
  • I love you.
  • I thank you.

This is a kind of appeal to God, correcting the mistakes of our perception of reality.

I really believe that this technique works. She clears the darkest corners of our personality, which we do not even guess. But I also do not know how fast you can change your life.

2. Consultation of a specialist psychologist.

My life rapidly went up when I started working with a psychologist. I did the right things: I read the right books, listened to the right disks, visited lectures, and acted correctly. My progress was meager.

But when I found a mentor, everything changed. Barriers melted.

Why? I realized that a psychologist helps you see your unconscious installations and programs. Understand, for you to see your own beliefs too hard, because you look from the inside. While the psychologist looks from the side. This is a clear way to rapid results.

3. If you work with something and it helps.

Of course, use this method and tell us about him. But, if you can not pull into your life what I want, it is possible for you time to change and it is worth thinking about the specialist.

In the end, you do not forget to remind yourself: You are in the process of change. It is very important not to condemn yourself and your life. In the end, when you can say to yourself: "I finished my way. I arrived!"? You will work on yourself to the very end. This is an adventure entitled "Life". So enjoy!

It may be the first thing to do is to take yourself, your situations and problems right now, knowing that they will change as you work on yourself.

The more you will be happy right now, the faster despair goes out, you will stop losing vital energy, and the process of smooth moving to a new behavior model will begin.

I have already spoken about it, and again I repeat that the miracles you are already waiting here right now.

The deeper you understand that this moment is already here, and you feel gratitude for it, the faster you are moving towards the constant manifestation of your desires.

P.S.: I emphasize again that real Secretinstant and unchanged embodiment of desires in accordance with the law of attraction - it's just to appreciate the present moment. Look around! There are so many wonderful things for which we can be grateful right now. Focus on them. Feel gratitude. I'm talking about really feel it. The more you feel this, the faster we transform your energy in happiness and prosperity, and this feeling will attract even more such moments like this one. Why not try right now?published

2. Contact your audience

Plumbing repair! Housewives! Pain in your feet?

This type of title will help you find exactly your consumers.

If you sell legal literature, start your announcement with words: "The attention of lawyers is offered!"

Observing this rule, you will attract the attention of the target audience. That part of the reader audience in which you are most interested.

3. Promise the buyer to satisfy his needs.

Back pain will be held in 10 minutes! Buy two shirts at the price of one! With the help of a new method - you will find a job in 2 days!

Satisfying needs is exactly what people pay money for.

Coffee without caffeine is a product, and the fact that "he will give a healthy dream!" - Specific benefit.

If a person has a spin hurts, he pays, essentially, not for the medicine, but for getting rid of pain. The title "Back pain will be held in 10 minutes!" Reports that relief is possible. Suggest recovery, not pills.

Real breakthrough in safety driving New formula restores hair. Found seven "lost secrets"

People crave sensations. Show novelty and the unusualness of your offer - and you will win attention.

New product is news. New use of the old product is also news.

Food Soda "Alla & Natteg" (also in the past small business) is known to everyone for several decades, but this company constantly finds all new areas of application of its product - from toothpaste to the means to absorb unpleasant odors in the refrigerator, and this is always news.

5. Offer something for free

Writers - free! Free - information on how not to pay extra taxes for free - car repair manual

Your free offer must be addressed to potential buyers. It can be free, but should not be uninteresting.

If the buyer is not interested, he will not write you and will not call.

In addition, your free offer must be really free, without any pricks or conditions so that there are no problems with the law. Any small business can afford to offer any product or service for free.

6. Specify the intriguing question

7. Use reviews

8. Use the word "how?"

9. Proximize your readers

10. Use the words "these" and "why" in the headlines

11. Use "I" and "My" in headlines

12. Place the name of the goods in the title

Vitamins "Jumko" help athletes run with a lightning speed Folding staircase "FISKIN" saved the life of my husband

The title "How to get rid of warts" is not bad, but "how to get rid of warts using the" Vitalyism "means - better.

For greater visibility, you can put the name of your company, but it should not be in the header focus.

It is best to write a successful title on which the reader's view stops, and unobtrusively insert into it the name of your company.

13. Use the word "required"

14. Use the word "breakthrough" type in the title, "Revolution"

Revolutionary invention in the field of signaling systems The doctor offers a new revolutionary formula against baldness only lawyers can provide a breakthrough in the affairs of the company

"Breakthrough" is novelty. With this word, the idea is associated with that your product or service is better than others. A similar effect is achieved by the words "revolutionary" or "record".

15. Capital and lowercase letters must be alternate in the title

The title written only by capital letters is read

If the title is used as capital and lowercase letters, it is easy to read it

This is obvious, isn't it?

16. The title should be as many words as you need

17. Highlight the main thing

ARROW shirts with a 50% discount of oil. Discount subscription for half a year. The remaining six months - free!

In order for your ad worry, It is necessary to describe how to clearly as clearly than your offer is uniquewhy your goods are undoubtedly better than the goods offered by others.

This advantage must be highlighted.

18. Words "Who else ..."

19. Use warranties

20. You can mention the disadvantages

21. Focus on the positive end result

22. Attract the attention of the target audience

ATTENTION Medical workers! Attention: audio systems for your children! To the attention of owners of small enterprises! Such a header easily will take advantage of your readers, promising information and causing curiosity.

23. Be careful with humor!