When to cut hair on days of the week signs. Born on monday when to get a haircut

Every woman knows the thought - "I am starting a new life!" And where to start it?

Of course, with a new hairstyle! The basis of a beautiful hairstyle is a flawless haircut!

So, you have decided that it is time to go to the salon, and the question arises - "Can I cut my hair today?"

For you to be happy with the result, it is important to choose an opportune moment.

What results do we expect from going to a beauty salon?

Naturally, we go to the salon with different thoughts. Many people dream of having their hair:

  • healthy
  • thicker
  • lush
  • shiny
  • did not fall out
  • began to grow even faster

But there is another, implicit side. A haircut changes not only our appearance, but also our inner, mental state.

If we look good, then we feel good, and accordingly, we form certain events around us.

The easiest and fastest way to predict results is to use planetary days.

It would seem that the sign of the moon, the lunar phase, the lunar day are important.

What does the day of the week have to do with it?

Long ago, sages and astrologers divided the week into seven days. This number corresponded to the number of planets known at that time, including the Sun and the Moon, and each day was named one of the seven planets.

It turns out that every day of the week is influenced by a certain planet. And it carries its own information and energy, which is inherent in the qualities of this planet.

In addition, each of us has our own patron, depending on what day of the week you were born.

So, how your life will change after a haircut, and whether it will be successful, will be shown by the day of the week when you visited the hairdresser.

- the day of the moon.

A favorable day for a haircut. At this time, you can take off a large number of negative emotions and unresolved problems that have accumulated in life. The day is favorable for hair coloring.

Tuesday- Mars day.

Better to go to the hairdresser if you are missing physical strength or the will to solve some important problem if you lack activity or are tormented by the monotony of life.

Wednesday- the day of Mercury.

Get a good haircut to learn something important or interesting, to meet new friends or attract old ones, to increase the number of trips, movements and communication in life.

Thursday - the day of Jupiter.

Promotes changes in relationships with others, contributes to the popularity of a person, increasing his luck and well-being.

Friday - the day of Venus.

It's beauty day. When you visit a hairdresser on this day of the week, you are not just changing your hairstyle, you are changing your appearance. Therefore, if you are satisfied with the way you look, it is better not to have a haircut on this day of the week.

Saturday - the day of Saturn.

Nice day for a haircut. Hair on this day heals, and at the same time part of the karmic debts and sins of your kind are removed from you.

Sunday - the day of the sun.

It is better not to cut your hair - you can cut your own fate or good luck by howling. This day is good only for chronic losers - maybe fate will have mercy and after such a procedure will change for the better. But no one can give guarantees.

It's not enough to choose a good day for a haircut, you also need to make it in harmony with your own birthday, otherwise all the favorable trends of the day can turn into negative ones.

If you were born on a Monday.

Energy is harmonious on Monday thursday, Friday, Saturday. In the afternoon - the antagonist for Monday is sunday.

If you were born on a Tuesday.

Energies are related to you thursday, Saturday, Sunday. And the strength monday and fridayunfavorable to you. Friday is the antagonist for Tuesday.

If you were born on Wednesday.

The environment is in harmony with strength sundays ... Its antagonist is thursday.

If you were born on a Thursday.

Energies are related to Thursday monday, Tuesday, Friday, Sunday. Its antagonist is wednesday.

If you were born on a Friday.

Power is near Friday monday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. Her antagonist - tuesday.

If you were born on Saturday

Energy is related to Saturday friday ... Her antagonist - sunday.

If you were born on a Sunday.

On Sunday, forces are harmonious tuesday and Thursday ... Its antagonist is monday.

On antagonist days, hair is cut when you are pursued by karmic bad luck in all areas of life. Usually, after such a haircut, life seems to freeze for a while, in order to then make a sharp turn that will lead you to victory.

With wishes of health and beauty.
Astrologer Olga Topilskaya.

\u003e\u003e Haircut on Friday

The modern worldview made humanity separate from nature and forget about the knowledge that helped our ancestors and harmonized their life thousands of years ago. We are talking about the main night energy source - the Moon. It is the lunar days that affect the extent to which each day will be successful and auspicious or unfavorable.

In the same aspect, the haircut works, as well as right choice day of the week to go to the salon. It is not only the lunar day that has an impact, because the specific seven, which makes up the standard week, obeys the planets and their characteristics. What to expect from Friday?

So you decided to cut your hair hair... In many ways, this is a great idea that will improve many aspects of life. First of all, the changes will affect social life, because Jupiter is responsible for communication and communication. On this day, loneliness and isolation are contraindicated. Ideal if you can gather a group of like-minded people and have fun. Consider this a holiday of true spiritual communication, devoid of gossip, gossip and chatter behind your back.

So is it possible to get a haircut on Thursday and how will this affect life? It is worth going to the hairdresser if luck has left you. In addition, any manipulation with the length and shape of the curls will allow you to correct the bond in the family, establish social contacts, improve communication and achieve a serious attitude towards yourself from society. This is the day when your value and significance increases for a large group of people. However, don't even think about touching your hair if your birthday falls on Wednesday!

Remember that the influence of Jupiter, reigning on Thursday, is worth strengthening. This is facilitated by the manifestation of mercy and kindness, the development of spirituality and the ability to see beauty in all living things. Do not be discouraged if reality seems to be pitch darkness and suffering. There is an option with drastic measures. To do this, use the antagonist day. In a specific case it comes about shortening the length by medium. This will completely turn the situation around and breathe a new stream into stagnant everyday life.

On Friday helpful cutting hair, if familiar with certain nuances. Venus is responsible for love. This is the most wonderful feeling, fueled by selflessness. Agree that in today's reality this is a huge rarity, but without a romantic attachment, the world will seem like a dreary place. Before heading out to get your hair cut, tune in to your inner beauty. You must become a true connoisseur of beauty and do not forget that the true light is hidden in every object.

Friday is a great time to trim your curls, re-style your hair, or try straightening your hair. But all these manipulations are required only for those who dream of adding to the list of acquaintances. If everything suits you, then do not change anything, as you risk introducing duality and imbalance into nature. In addition, you should not visit the master if your date of birth is on a Tuesday.

Haircut on Friday: signs

There are certain signs, which also cannot be violated, so as not to spoil your future. Try to coordinate with them the schedule and actions. Since ancient times, there is a belief that this day is filled with surprises and surprises. Therefore, a new hairstyle will not only invigorate you, but also help to establish inner peace and achieve spiritual peace. It is also important to choose an energetic and positive master because his energies are transmitted to your state.

It is better for pregnant girls not to go to the salon even on such a positive date. This prohibition begins from the moment when she learned about the situation, and before childbirth. Shortening the length will damage your baby's health. Remember that you always have a chance to correct reality if it seems dark and disappointing. Take advantage of the antagonist day of Tuesday.

Choose a day of the week and find out about the features of the haircut on that day.

Choose a specific type of lunar calendar to learn more about the influence of the moon on other affairs.

Types of lunar calendars:

Our ancestors treated hair with respect, it was believed that hair acts as a connecting link between man and the Universe, accumulates the vitality and experience of a person. Therefore, in ancient times, hair was cut only in extreme cases, because a haircut was equated with a loss of energy and experience, a loss of connection with higher forces. Let's find out what the signs of our ancestors say about when you can't cut your hair.

Reserved days and places for haircuts

  • On weekdays or weekends?

The only categorical ban on hair cutting on days of the week concerns Sunday. It is believed that cutting hair on this day can negatively affect a person's luck and success, cutting hair on Sunday is literally "cutting the wings of luck."

Hair acts as a conductor between man and the universe

Cutting your hair - destroying this energy connection

There is also a ban on haircuts on antagonist days, depending on what day of the week the person is born. For example, if you were born on Sunday, then a haircut on Monday is forbidden for you, as it will attract negative energy.

Antagonists for days of the week:

  • Monday Sunday;
  • Tuesday Friday;
  • Wednesday Thursday;
  • Thursday Wednesday;
  • Friday - Tuesday;
  • Saturday Sunday;
  • Sunday Monday.

IN Ancient Rome slaves were distinguished by their bobbed hair. In the Scandinavian countries, cut hair was equated with dishonor, with the Jews - with desecration.

Regardless of what day of the week you decide to correct your hairstyle, do it in the evening folk signs forbidden, since a haircut in the evening can take away strength. Perhaps this omen made sense before the advent of electricity, when it was difficult to cut hair at dusk, and, indeed, it was weakening. Nowadays, few people adhere to this prohibition.

Another prohibition that has lost its relevance in modern conditions, when a haircut takes place in a hairdresser, is that you cannot have a haircut in someone else's house. Perhaps the omen is connected with the prohibition to scatter your hair so that it does not fall into the hands of an evil person or a sorcerer. After all, it is a lock of hair that is used in many magical rites.

The hair of a man of strong spirit was braided into a shepherd's whip. Any cattle became obedient to such a whip.

  • What does the lunar calendar say?

The lunar calendar for hair cutting has been compiled from the observations of many generations of people. Depending on which phase the Earth satellite is in, a haircut can affect human health in different ways. For example, according to the lunar calendar, it is forbidden to shorten hair on the new moon, so as not to shorten your own life.

You can cut your hair on the full moon

Another prohibition on cutting concerns the so-called "satanic days" - 9,15,23,29 lunar days. The heavy energy of these days can contribute to illness after a haircut, and you can also "cut memory" by trimming your hair on the wrong day.

Astrologers draw up calendars for hair cutting, where they indicate favorable and unfavorable days for cutting, taking into account what day of the month and week the lunar day falls.

The general rule for cutting hair according to the phases of the moon states: those who want their hair to grow for a long time, but become thicker and stronger, are cut on the waning moon. Shortening the length of hair for the growing moon promotes their speedy regrowth.

Also, do not cut your hair during lunar and solar eclipses. These days, the body loses its defenses, and cutting hair can only harm a person, since energy is also lost with the hair.

My own hairdresser

You can't cut your own hair

First of all, self-haircut can negatively affect the health and vitality of a person. This is due to the fact that by cutting hair at random, without seeing what he is doing, a person violates his own biofield.

By cutting your hair, you can lose your luck and financial well-being. It is believed that cutting one's own hair can deprive a person of beauty, both external and internal. Unmarried girlwho cuts herself runs the risk of being lonely for the rest of her life. However, according to legend, life is also "cut", to cut off one's hair - to shorten the road to the cemetery.

Family connection

There are also popular superstitions about the prohibition of cutting the hair of their relatives. Children should not cut their parents' hair so as not to shorten their lives. And the parents of their own children are also prohibited from trimming their signs. For example, a mother cannot cut her daughter's hair so as not to cut her happiness, the same prohibition is imposed on a son's haircut by a father.

Strictly speaking, the omen forbids cutting children under one year old. In Russia, children were cut late for the first time - at three or even seven years old. At the age of one, he was solemnly cut off a curl from the top of his head and kept behind the icons until his son went to fight, and his daughter got married. Then the first curl was transferred to its owner for storage, it was a kind of amulet, protection against diseases and evil forces.

Our ancestors did not cut their hair

If any of the family members fell ill, an incense with an infant curl was put on his neck, all family members gathered around the patient's bed and prayed.

Today, the omen is distorted and it is believed that in a year it is necessary to completely deprive the child of hair so that they grow strong and healthy. Our ancestors did not do this, since shaving completely deprived a person of protection and provoked illness. They took care of the hair from a young age and tried to preserve it as long as possible, because along with the first hair, the memory of the days spent in the womb and of infancy, as well as all the energy and experience accumulated during life, was preserved.

Another family sign about the prohibitions on hair cutting does not allow the wife to cut her husband's hair. Husband and wife are considered one whole, therefore, as with cutting their own hair, the spouse deforms the husband's biofield by cutting off his hair. According to legend, this procedure can cause illness in a man, loss of strength, setbacks and problems, or even shorten his life.

In addition, it is believed that a husband trimmed by his wife can cheat on his wife, stop loving her or leave the family. And, without fail, a haircut will cause a quarrel between the spouses.

The omen does not allow pregnant women to cut their hair

Omen also does not allow pregnant women to cut their hair. In ancient times, a female braid was considered a link with the Universe, three strands of a braid symbolized the energy flows with which the body was fed. Getting such support for a pregnant woman was especially important because new life, which was born in her womb, especially needed the forces of Nature and Space.

By cutting her hair, a pregnant woman deprived herself vital energy, gained weakness and lost touch with Nature. This could negatively affect both her health and the health of the unborn child, because he might not even be born if the mother did not have the strength to carry him. That is why pregnant women in Russia never had their hair cut.

In pursuit of knowledge

In addition to folk signs, there is a common student omen - it is better to forget about hair cutting during the session. By shortening your hair, you shorten your mind, you shorten your memory. Therefore, in order not to have to learn everything anew or not to forget everything that was memorized earlier, at the most crucial moment, it is impossible to get a haircut before the tests and exams.

What to do with cut hair

No matter how our ancestors treated a haircut, they still sometimes had to trim the regrown ends of their hair - healers advised to cut their hair during illness so that the ailment would go away as soon as possible, and also hair cutting helped to get rid of love melancholy, since memory went along with the hair about the beloved.

Throwing out cut hair is prohibited

There are many signs about what to do with hair after a haircut so that the information accumulated in them does not fall into the hands of a bad person and is not used to harm. Signs are forbidden to scatter their hair, it is advised to drown or burn cut hair.

Old men in Russia collected their hair, which remained on the comb, and stuffed a pillow with it. They put this pillow under their head in a coffin. The gray hair of an old man from the family was considered a talisman; it was worn in an amulet on the chest. Such hair helped in business and obstructed enemies.

You need to drown your hair in running water so that it will wash away all the information about their owner. Although there is an opposite sign, which prohibits throwing hair into the water, because it can take with it the happy fate of a person, leaving only misfortune.

Burning hair is a cardinal way to keep it out of the wrong hands. Our ancestors said that fire destroys not only hair, but also all troubles, misfortunes and ailments, therefore, burnt hair serves as a guide to a happy life.

Of course, many omens these days have lost their relevance or have been debunked by scientific knowledge. Of all the prohibitions on a haircut listed above, it is worth trusting, first of all, the advice of the lunar calendar, and it is better to approach the rest of the signs with a certain amount of irony.

In this article, we do not consider the technical aspects of hair cutting, but consider other, also interesting haircut rules that are related to who should cut - what day to cut, whether it is possible to cut yourself and other similar issues. In general, these rules are peculiar signs of hair cutting.

Nine rules for cutting hair

First Rule of Haircut

You should rather seriously choose a person who will cut your hair, since he will begin to change your biofield, cutting off your hair. This means that when visiting a hairdresser, you need to choose a cheerful and energetic master, and after such a haircut, your life will definitely change for the better. The influence on you also depends on the age of the hairdresser - the older the hairdresser, the greater his influence.

If you are an independent person and like to solve your problems yourself, then you should choose a haircutter who will either be younger than you, or the same age as you, but not older. If you are unlucky in life, and you do not know the reason for these unlucky situations, then you should get a haircut from a master in years, even if this haircut will cost more than usual.

The second rule of haircuts

It is better that you have a haircut by a person of the same sex as you, because during a haircut, the mental, astral and etheric biofield changes, and as a result, we can rather more easily succumb to someone else's influence at this moment. And it may turn out that you will be liked by the master of the opposite sex and such a situation will lead to troubles in your personal life, or, on the contrary, to pleasantries - everyone has their own situation.

The third rule of haircuts

You can never cut yourself. It is very difficult for any person, no matter how strong and strong-willed he is, to correct the deformations of his biofield, as he does with the help of his own deformed energy. And it turns out that by cutting yourself you can only harm yourself.

The fourth rule of haircut

If you want your hair to grow quickly after cutting - then you should cut when full moon... If you want to change some properties of your hair (for example, they do not obey you, are constantly confused), then you should go to the hairdresser when the moon is waning. But having cut your hair with the waning moon, you should know that your hair will grow much more slowly. If you want to strengthen the hair roots (for example, they fall out profusely), then you should cut your hair on the waning moon.

Fifth haircut rule

Hair after cutting should not be thrown into the water. This sign should be followed and followed, and then you will keep your hair healthy and lush until old age.

The sixth rule of haircut

On some days according to the lunar calendar, haircuts are prohibited. It is forbidden to have a haircut on satanic lunar days - 9, 15, 23 and 29 according to the lunar calendar. Also, you cannot get a haircut on days of solar and lunar eclipses. Hair cut these days can lead to illness in the body.

The seventh rule of haircut

The day of the week on which you cut your hair is also important.

Monday is a good day for a haircut. A lot of bad emotions can be removed with a haircut on this day. Monday is also favorable for dyeing your hair.

Tuesday - if you have a problem in your life and you do not have the willpower to solve it, then you should go to the hairdresser on this day. Also on this day you should go to get a haircut if you lack activity and are tired of the monotony of life.

Wednesday - you should get your hair cut on this day if you want to learn something interesting or new, meet new people, go somewhere to travel or just change the scenery in many aspects of life.

Thursday - this day contributes to well-being and good luck, changes in human relationships, and contributes to the acquisition of popularity by the person himself.

Friday is a day of beauty, and by changing your hairstyle, you also change your appearance as a whole. Therefore, if there is no desire to change, then it is better not to cut your hair on this Friday. And if, on the contrary, you want to look prettier and change, then on Friday you should go to the hairdresser, especially on days when the Sun goes to Capricorn (this is from December 24 to January 22), or when the Sun goes to Taurus (this is from April 22 to 21 May).

Saturday is another good day for a haircut. Hair is healed, part of karmic sins and debts are removed.

Sunday - it is better not to have your hair cut on this day, as you can cut your luck or cut your destiny. It is worth cutting a haircut on this day for people who are constantly haunted by failures - it is possible that such a haircut will change the situation on the contrary and the failures will disappear, although no one gives a guarantee of this.

Eighth haircut rule

The day of the haircut should also be in harmony with your birthday.

For those born on Monday, the energy of Thursday, Friday and Saturday is in harmony - therefore, it is better to have a haircut these days. Bad connection Monday to Sunday.

Tuesday is related to the energies of Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. And unfavorable to those who were born on Tuesday the forces of Monday and Friday.

Wednesday means getting a haircut on Sunday and not cutting it on Thursday.

Thursday is in harmony with the energies of Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. Negative Thursday with Wednesday.

Friday is close to the power of Monday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Bad connection between Friday and Tuesday.

Saturday is auspicious Friday and unfavorable Sunday.

Sunday - Tuesday and Thursday are favorable, and Monday is unfavorable.

The ninth rule of haircuts

The position of the moon affects the speed and quality of our hair growth. So, you need to choose a good lunar day for hair cutting, hair correction. A favorable time must be selected taking into account the position of the moon in one or another sign of the zodiac.

The moon is in Aries - not a favorable period for cutting hair, although it does not affect their condition. The negative side is that a person's immunity weakens, which means that the risk of getting sick increases.

Moon in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - this time is favorable for visiting a hairdresser, since hair grows quickly, splits little and quickly gains strength.

Moon in Gemini or Libra - airy hairstyles are best done during this period. This time promotes rapid hair growth.

Moon in Pisces or Cancer - hair growth slows down, although the hair is saturated with vitality.

Moon in Leo - not quite good time for hair cutting, if everything is going well in your life, and vice versa, this is a good period when everything is bad for you and you need to change the rhythm, lifestyle.

The moon in Scorpio is an insidious time, because it affects relationships with the opposite sex, your personal life, and it is not clear exactly whether it will improve or worsen - everything can be.

Moon in Sagittarius - has a good effect on career advancement, on achievements at work, helps to achieve success and social status.

The moon in Aquarius is a bad time for a haircut and therefore it is best not to have a haircut at this time.

These were the rules for cutting hair. They usually say that if you strive to change something in life, then start the changes with your hairstyle, i.e. cut your hair. And these seemingly small changes can lead to big changes in your life. Therefore, it is probably important to choose the right haircut day so that these changes are positive.

The right haircut will win

Hair is not just for beauty. They are a kind of natural antennae of our body that conduct the invisible life-giving force of space to the body. There is a legend that before the Fall, there was a nimbus around the human head (a spherical accumulation of bioenergy, which we can now admire only on icons) and there was no hair.

It is said that the head of the prehuman was covered with something similar to the fluff that we see on the head of a newborn baby. And when a person fell into sin, the rays of cosmic energy around his head became heavy and turned into hair.

They became a connecting link between man and the sky until he again ascends to his heavenly level of development.

Hair is treated with care. Cutting your hair means changing your life, it was well known in the old days. It is not for nothing that a huge number of rituals associated with this procedure have been preserved.

The magic of hair and all the problems associated with it is very simple. Since hair is the source of our cosmic Power, it means that everything that happens to them changes the course of the invisible river, which washes us with its bioenergetic waves. Therefore, any effect on the hair can change in one direction or another not only our appearancebut also our whole life.

And therefore, in order not to go bald ahead of time and not to lose your heavenly half in the form of a Guardian Angel, it is necessary to observe certain safety measures when cutting a haircut, to know when and why you are doing this.


reads: you can't trust your hair to just anyone. It should be remembered that the person who cuts you changes your biofield. Therefore, when you come to a hairdresser, choose an energetic and cheerful master, then your life after a haircut will change for the better. The older the hairdresser, the stronger his influence on your life. If you are an independent person, are accustomed to solving your problems yourself and do not like it when something prevents you from realizing them, choose a master, either the same age as you, or younger than you. When you are chronically unlucky for some unknown reason, it makes sense to choose a very old and famous master, even if his hairstyle will cost you dearly. But after visiting a hairdresser, your life will change dramatically. And if you calculate the moment of visiting correctly, it will not only change, but improve.


to ourselves better hair do not cut. Even if you know hairdressing well, you should not neglect this sign. The roots of this "superstition" lie in a very important problem: it is very difficult for a person to heal himself. Anyone, the most powerful psychic, knows this. No matter how strong and strong-willed a person is, it is very difficult for him to correct the deformations of his own biofield, since he remakes them with such deformed energy.


it is believed that it is better if you are cut by a person of the same sex. The fact is that a lot of recipes for love spells are associated with hair, but the problem is not only in pure witchcraft. During a haircut, your etheric, astral and mental biofields change, and as a result, we easily succumb to someone else's influence. Therefore, if you like a master of a different sex with you, this can lead to trouble in your personal life. It is not for nothing that in the biblical legends Samson was killed by a woman who cut off his hair. A similar omen is true for women, only we are already talking about male hairdressers.


after cutting, the hair is not thrown into the water. Keep a close eye on this in the hairdresser, then keep your hair lush and healthy until old age.


if you want your hair to grow faster after a haircut, you need to do it with a full moon. If you want your hair to change its properties a little - for example, you are not satisfied that they are tangled, naughty - you should go to a hairdresser on the waning moon. But remember that after such a haircut, the hair will grow back for a very long time. On the waning moon, it is also good to have a haircut if you want to strengthen the hair roots and delay their rapid loss.


hair cannot be cut on the so-called satanic lunar days (9, 15, 23 and 29 days according to the lunar calendar), as well as on the days of a solar and lunar eclipse. After such procedures, you can get sick or, as they used to say in the old days, "cut off your memory and mind."


how your life will change after a haircut, the day of the week will show when you visited the hairdresser.

Monday - a day favorable for a haircut. At this time, you can remove from yourself a large number of negative emotions and unresolved problems that have accumulated in life. The day is favorable for hair coloring.

Tuesday it is better to go to a hairdresser if you do not have enough physical strength or will to solve some important problem, if you lack activity or are tormented by the monotony of life.

On Wednesday get a good haircut in order to learn something new or interesting, to meet new friends or attract old ones, to increase the number of trips, movements and communication in life.

Thursday promotes changes in relationships with others, contributes to the popularity of a person, increasing his luck and well-being.

Friday - beauty day. When you visit the hairdresser on this day of the week, you are not just changing your hairstyle, you are changing your appearance. Therefore, if you are satisfied with how you look on this day of the week, it is better not to have a haircut. If you want to look prettier, visit the hairdresser on Friday, when the Sun goes to Capricorn (December 24 - January 22) or Taurus (April 22 - May 21).

Saturday - a good day for a haircut. Hair on this day heals, and at the same time part of the karmic debts and sins of your family is removed from you.

On Sunday it's better not to cut your hair - you can cut your own destiny or luck. This day is good only for chronic losers - maybe fate will have mercy and after such a procedure will change for the better. But no one can give guarantees.


says that it is not enough to choose a good day for a haircut, you also need to make it in harmony with your own birthday, otherwise all the favorable tendencies of the day will turn into negative ones.

Monday harmonious energy of Thursday, Friday, Saturday. The antagonist day for Monday is Sunday.

If you were born tuesday, you are related to the energies of Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. And the power of Monday and Friday is not good for you. Friday is the antagonist for Tuesday.

Wednesday the power of Sunday is harmonious. Its antagonist is Thursday.

Thursday the energies of Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Sunday are related. Its antagonist is Wednesday.

Friday the power of Monday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday is close. Its antagonist is Tuesday.

Saturday the energy of Friday is related. Its antagonist is Sunday.

Sunday the forces of Tuesday and Thursday are harmonious. Its antagonist is Monday.

On antagonist days, hair is cut when you are pursued by karmic bad luck in all areas of life. Usually, after such a haircut, life seems to freeze for a while, in order to then make a sharp turn that will lead you to victory.


suggests that, like plants, the speed and quality of our hair growth is subject to the position of the moon in the sky. Therefore, it is not enough to choose a good lunar day and day of the week for a hairstyle, you also need to take a favorable time for hair growth, the position of the Moon in the sign of the Zodiac. The position of the moon is always indicated in lunar calendars for a year.