What makes money on the face come out. Wen on the face: causes

Probably, everyone heard or became the owner of such a neoplasm on the face like a girody. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the reasons for such a sudden appearance, and what to do with such a problem. In this article, you will learn what kind of education, and how to get rid of them, without hurting your health.

Very often, lipoms that are formed under the skin on the face, the people are called wen, and this is no accident, because, in fact, the formation of a benign type is made up of adipose tissue. If such a problem appears, the majority, without thinking, trying to squeeze it, and very in vain. Why and how to cope with such a problem - learn later.

It must be immediately noted that lipoms can appear in any quantity and at an absolutely any area skin cover. The most common area of \u200b\u200bthe body, which is amazed by the wen, is the face, namely:

  • on cheeks
  • under the eyes
  • near and nose

Also, the fat may appear, regardless of age and sexuality, so you can meet such a neoplary from any person.

If you have noticed that the subcutaneous "pimple" appeared on your face, you should not panic, in fact, the wen is no danger for your health, in fact, do not represent.

Remember that the lipoma under no circumstances will be able to be reborn or provoked cancer cells - these are all myths and unreasonable assumptions. No one argues with the fact that the appearance of them is completely unattractive, but it is not worthwhile for their health when they appear.

Warms are reminded by the elastic ball, located under the skin, which when touched it can move. It is worth noting that the location of such formations may be:

  • group
  • single
  • preligid (when several wiring are connected together and are too close from each other)

Many are confused by lipoms with white eels, because they are outwardly similar, but the main difference of wen is that they have no so-called output duct. It is this feature that becomes the main difficulty in removing them.

The most common varieties of the skin problem under consideration are:

  1. Milium. In common, called debrian:
  • is a small, sufficiently dense, white knot, whose size is usually from 4 to 6 mm;
  • he is trying to the touch;
  • looks like a tubercle on the skin;
  • they usually do not increase in size, while no pain is brought;
  • the only one - such a "tubercle" is extremely cosmetic flaw;
  • most often, the wrath is striking chin and nasal wings;
  • such wenries can appear on the face of the newborn (statistics show that in this case, after a maximum - a year, they pass independently without any intervention).
  1. Xantellasm:
  • in contrast to the previous type, these neoplasms may increase in size
  • able to "merge" with other wrens
  • yellow color
  • sladden soft
  • the form may be any, most often they are flat
  • not limited in size, because they can grow
  • often appear on eyelids
  • according to statistics, most often formed on the skin in women whose age is more than 50 years
  1. Xanthoma - similar to the previous type of Lipom:
  • do not cause pain
  • the structure is soft enough
  • palpation can cause their shift
  • dimensions - up to 1.5 cm
  • food most often on the facial areas with the thinnest skin

Now that you have learned how wen looks like, breaks to clarify why the wen appears on the face.

Independent removal Zhenoviki may lead to negative consequences. That is why, when this problem appears, first of all, a specialist consultation is needed, which can accurately find out the type of neoplasm and the reason for its appearance on your skin. It is from these criteria that will depend on how it is necessary to get rid of this problem on the face.

The main "provocateurs" of the appearance of wen can be:

  1. Embossed skin care. These may be irregular cleaning procedures or incorrectly selected cosmetics. That is why it is recommended to always consult with a beautician.
  2. Fatty skin. People with this type often suffer from the problem under consideration. They also need proper selection funds that would contribute to a decrease in the saloon and minimize it.
  3. High cholesterol level. In the event that lipid exchange is broken, wen can appear in large quantities, because subcutaneous fat changes its consistency, its viscosity becomes higher, which leads to such formations on the skin.
  4. Failure of the endocrine system. The formation of fatty fiber under the skin is often occurring in the period:
  • puberty
  • pregnancy
  • breastfeeding
  • when climax

  1. Problems with organs that are responsible for the withdrawal of fluid and toxic substances from the body, and also contribute to normal blood formation. If you have problems with the kidneys or liver, the formation of wen will be the unsurvicious result of such failures.
  2. Disease gasts. If you do not eat incorrectly or suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - the probability of the appearance of wen becomes quite high.
  3. Genetic predisposition. This factor should not be excluded from the list, because it is a fairly common cause of the formation of lime on the face.
  4. Wrong lifestyle. Not only wiring appears from this factor, but also the problems are more complicated, so, to reduce the likelihood of the emergence of a variety of health problems, lead active and, preferably, the correct lifestyle.

If it became clear where these subcutaneous wovers come from, let's find out how to cope with them.

How to get rid of wen on the face?

In principle, the wiring do not bring much discomfort, in most cases they are confused only with their not very aesthetic species, but sometimes it happens that the lipom that appeared is not just growing, but also inflicts, and then begins to be fed. If it happened, without thinking, you need to seek medical help. In this case, to independently take any measures contraindicated.

If the formation is small and does not bring discomfort, you can apply common methods to combat it.

Treatment of wen on the face

The current medicine offers to your attention the following ways to remove warves on the face:

  1. Operating method. In this case, surgery will be applied:
  • if the neoplasm in size is not more than 4 cm, all local anesthesia will cost;
  • if the amount of wen on the face is quite large, or their dimensions exceed 4 cm, then general anesthesia will be applied;
  • the most common to date is the removal of a lime endoscopic method (no scars and scars).
  1. Treatment with drugs:
  • it is applied if the fat is in size for no more than 5 cm;
  • first, the proclaim is carried out, after which a special preparation is introduced under the skin, promoting operational absorption of lipoma;
  • the end result, in contrast to the operational method, can be visible only a month after the procedure has been carried out.

Removing wen on the face at home

White wen on the face, as mentioned earlier, may appear anywhere and ever, no one is insured, including young children. In the case when Lipoma appears on the body in an adult, removing it at home without consequences - it is possible, but if there is a girody on the face of the child, a doctor's consultation is immediately necessary, and its independent removal is not recommended.

Funds from wen on the face quite a lot, but the most effective today are ointments. Your attention is provided with a list of the most popular ointments from wen on the face:

  1. Ichthyol. This ointment can be saved not only from the lime, but also from other diverse species of rashes on the skin. The use of the ointment under consideration is very simple:
  • apply the required amount of ointment (depends on the area of \u200b\u200bskin leshes) onto a cotton swab or a piece of softwood;
  • cover with a linden material impregnated with medicine;
  • consolidate his plaster;
  • leave for the night (this procedure is carried out at least 3-4 times in a row);
  • take a little break in a couple of days;
  • after that, repeat the treatment under consideration.
  1. Vishnevsky. Use for the treatment of various types of lesions of the skin - ranging from fuunkulov, ending with lipoms:
  • it has nasty smell
  • it is used as ichthiol
  • is a drug operational action
  1. Modify. The main component of this medicinal preparation It is renithol, promptly splitting fat clusters under the skin.
  2. Histan. It has anti-inflammatory effects and reduces the risk of re-appearing with linden on the face.

Another means against wen is the usual hydrogen peroxide. In order for fatting "resolved", without leaving the trail, it is necessary to quickly wipe the place of formation by lip several times.

In any case, whatever means you have used for the treatment of wiring is mandatory examine the carefully instructions that are attached to each pharmaceutical medium.

Removal of wen cosmetology methods

If you are not suitable for independent removal of wen, or for some reason you consider it not quite appropriate and the right method, then you can seek help from the cosmetologist.

The modern cosmetology industry offers its client the following methods of getting rid of wen:

  1. Chemical peeling. In this case, the emphasis is on the cleaning of the rigorous ducts, due to which the risk of re-occurrence and formation of lipom on the face is reduced to zero.
  2. Cleaning mechanical face. The procedure is similar to the standard cleaning of the face - the puncture is performed and the contents of the "Narya" are removed.
  3. Laser removal. The procedure is quite simple, carried out in two stages:
  • the skin is processed by a special
  • laser dried a damaged skin area
  • as a result of the procedure under consideration, a crust should appear, which passes during the week

  1. Electro-generation. The principle of operation - the thermal effect is excised neoplasm. The method is surgical.

If a neoplasm appeared on the face, and you wonder - where to remove fats on the face, then the best option will appeal for help from a specialist.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Folk Medicine provides us with a lot of interesting and effective recipeswho are able to get rid of many ailments. Funds of getting rid of wen also a lot, and here are the most efficient and popular of them:

  1. Aloe. According to the truth, the miraculous homemade plant, which helps to cope with many skin and even respiratory diseases:
  • cut a piece of aloe
  • attach it fresh cut to the wing
  • fix his plaster
  • leave for the night
  1. Mother and stepmother. Used as a medicine from wen only in a rascal form:
  • cut off the fresh plant
  • i carry it very finely
  • add some vodka
  • making thick Kashitsa
  • we impose on fatik
  1. Salo and garlic. A great way to quickly get rid of Lipom:
  • grind products
  • it is necessary to mix the presented ingredients in the proportion of 1: 1
  • the resulting cashetzuregulously, several times a day to apply for fat

Whatever the means of the above you have decided to take advantage of the doctor's advice will definitely not too much. It is very important that in the presented means there was no allergenic components for you.

Fair is a nuisance, but not a problem, because it is not so difficult to get rid of it, and the removal methods are currently known.

Video: "Facial wen"

On the face is a small, benign neoplasm located under the top layer of the epidermis. Most often, they represent a separate type of acne with a sufficiently solid content of a whitish shade.

The wen, as a rule, do not give physical discomfort. Since they cannot cause pain and affect the nerve endings under the skin, however, many patients who addressed to dermatologists feel unsure and uncertain due to the appearance of a white tubercle.

Classification of wiring

The main difference between the wen from a conventional white subcutaneous eel is that it cannot go through the skin, therefore it is quite difficult to get rid of the usual ways: with a comprehension or mechanical extrusion.

A small duel of the sediment of adipose tissue under the skin may occur in a single copy, in rare cases, focal rashes of wen appear on the face.

Depending on the form of origin, several types of wen differ:

  1. - Speakers over the top layer of skin, whitish burgger tubes. Most often, they consist of a mixture of dead skin cells and accumulated subcutaneous fat. As a rule, Miliums do not increase in size during the patient's life.
  2. Xantellasma - In addition to the usual components of the suppuration and the dead cells of the epidermis contain the particle of the skin. They have a more loose density, so their form can change to change. They can also grow in places of clusters, connecting into one large, yellow fat deposition on the face.

Warves are not dangerous to health. They cannot provoke the appearance of a more complex pathological neoplasm or go to oncology. However, despite its painlessness and safety for the physical condition, the wen lies a lot of discomfort to those who care about their appearance and upset when sees noticeable imperfections on the skin.

The reasons for the formation of warves

Dermatologists cannot give an accurate answer, why particles of fat and sludge are sometimes accumulated under the skin, scoring pores and leading to the formation of wen. They can meet on the person of a person of any age and social status.

It is assumed that the formation of a bugger with a fat layer may affect the following negative factors:

  • increased congenital fatty skin on face. The skin type largely determines the problems that can subsequently appear with it;
  • hereditary predisposition to the formation of wen, and. In some cases, the inheritance is transmitted by the gene affecting the intensity of semination of the skin of the skin;
  • different stages of atherosclerosis, increased, violation of the metabolic process responsible for lipid exchange;
  • liver and kidney pathology;
  • disorders of blood and lymphorage often lead to insufficient skin nutrition and removing harmful, pollutants from it. This leads to closure, follicle and formation of lipid deposits under the skin;
  • disorders of the functioning of the endocrine system, diseases and processes changing hormonal background in organism;
  • neglect of personal hygiene rules, insufficient cleanliness of the skin, the use of aggressive decorative cosmetics, irritating skin and provoking epidermis on an excess protective separation of the skin fat;
  • inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, disruption of digestion processes, suction, removal of harmful, toxic substances from the body;
  • tobacco and alcohol use.

Regardless of the reason for the formation of wen treatment, only a dermatologist can do with treatment. Since it is impossible to squeeze it due to the lack of an exit point, many are trying to pierce the fat, which is why infection may be subsequently under the skin and another, more serious pathology will be purchased.


The diagnosis of fatty deposits under the skin of a person called specialists with lipoma is carried out by a dermatologist or beautician. In cases of greater increase in wen, a surgeon consultation is sometimes required for the most successful removal.

In rare clinical cases, doctors prescribe additional ultrasound or to eliminate suspicion of the formation of wen on internal organs, tissues and muscles.

How to get rid of wen on the face

Getting rid of lime on the face is carried out by the following methods.

Regardless of the selected treatment method, the skin during this period will require additional care. Need to abandon fatty foods harmful habits, the use of decorative cosmetics and aggressive means to purify the face.

The appearance on the face of wiring (Lipom) does not pose health hazards, but from an aesthetic point of view it looks unattractive. Multiple weight of wen in the area around the eyes and lips occurs. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should find out the causes of such neoplasms and choose effective method Removal them.

Types of warves

  • Miliums are small tubercles (papules) of white under the surface of the skin, formed from subcutaneous fat and skin particles. They are located in the field of the upper and lower eyelids, on the nose and forehead.
  • Xantellasma - yellowish formations of larger size. Most often they have localization on centuries, can grow, increasing in size and connecting each other.

If you have noticed the appearance of Lipom on the face, it is recommended to apply for advice to the therapist and a gastroenterologist to identify possible diseases. Elemental education should be removed to prevent even more skin lesions.

Medicines for the elimination of wen on the face

It is sometimes possible to avoid mechanical or hardware exposure, applying pharmaceutical ointments, softening the upper skin layers and reinforcing blood microcirculation.

  • Mix the ointment "Vitaon" with an oil solution of vitamin A. Apply the composition on the affected areas twice a day for a month.
  • If you are not confused by an unpleasant smell, use the ointment of Vishnevsky. Apply it on the problem areas and cover a piece of the patch. After the Lipoma procedures, the Lipoma will gradually disappear.

Funds of traditional medicine on the removal of wen on the face

Homemade facial cleaning recipes are characterized by safety and availability of ingredients. Such means will help not only get rid of unwanted neoplasms, but also clean the pores, restoring the water balance.

  • Sutitate the economic soap and onions on a large grater (in equal shares), put on a slow fire and boil for 10 minutes to dissolve soap. We still have a warm mixture on problem areas and hold for 30-40 minutes, after thoroughly smoothed. This method displays fat and is antibacterial.
  • Fresh Kalanchoe sheet finely cut or grind in a blender. Apply the resulting cleaner to the lesion area and hold 20-30 minutes. Calando juice has excellent cleansing and moisturizing properties.
  • Aloe flesh to the wiring, creep the medical plaster and leave overnight. Such a means has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect, well cleans the skin of the face.
  • Take 2 tbsp. l. White clay, mix with 1 tbsp. l. sour milk and 0.5 ppm Small cook salt. The resulting mixture should be imposed on the problem zone per hour.
  • Prepare a mixture of onion, grated on a shallow grater and honey (1 tbsp.), Add flour so that you can make a "cake." Attach it for the night to the wiring, strengthens the elastic bandage or plaster.
  • Grind fresh garlic and mix in equal shares with vegetable oil. Apply Cashitz daily within 5-7 days on the affected areas. This method cannot be used on the area around the eyes.

To prevent the emergence of new formations, review the diet, eliminating fatty, fried and canned foods, fast food and semi-finished products. Use fruits, vegetables, fresh juices, boiled or steamed meat and chicken, fermented milk products. Watch for sufficient water (at least 1.5 liters per day).

Warves on the face are soft and mobile subcutaneous entities that are called lipoms in medicine. Fortunately, they do not cause painful sensations, but bring the inconvenience of aesthetic nature. Subcutaneous wovers on the face are able to appear both in adults and in children.

Appearance and varieties of lime

What does a fat look like? Externally, it is a benign tumor formed from adipose tissue. Lipoma is large in size and very small, and also capable of occupying on any part of the face and body. Most often, lipomas on the face tend to appear in the attribute area and in the region of the age, but they can grow on chin, forehead or cheek.


  • White wen on the face - Miliums. They are formed on the cheekbones, the surface of the forehead, nose and in the eye area, both in a single instance and in the form of clusters. Because of the similarity with the wigkey grain, Miliums are often called the "debris" people.
  • Xantellasma - elevated plaques of yellowish color in the zone of the eyelid, consisting of subcutaneous fat.

Causes of occurrence

The first thing they want to know the victims - from which wen appears on the face. Despite the fact that such phenomena do not pose a health threat and years do not worry a person, many dreams with them to part and are looking for ways to get rid of wen on the face without resorting to surgical removal.

Unfortunately, today there are little reliable information about the etiology of this pathology, and therefore medicine does not give an unequivocal answer to the question, why are wen appear? There are many versions and assumptions, which may begin the development of the disease.

Possible causes of wen on the face:

  • genetic predisposition - some experts adhere to the opinions that even since the birth of a person develops special fat cells, which, concentrating, form a neoplasm;
  • violation of metabolism and related diseases - diabetes, elevated cholesterol levels may be directly related to the development of wen;
  • diseases of internal organs - liver or kidney, gastrointestinal tract, various infections and related processes are indirect cause of wen on the face;
  • incorrect power plus a sedentary lifestyle result in the accumulation in the body of a large number of slags, which becomes more difficult to remove them; slags, in turn, contribute to the procurement of strokes of the sebaceous glands, resulting in lipoms;
  • insufficient or improper care oily leather Persons causing an increase in silent discharges, as a result, traffic jams and cellular disorders.

Important! Some benign lipomas, actively smaller, can squeeze the nerve endings of the surrounding tissues and cause painful sensations. This is an indication for urgent removal of lipoma.

How to get rid of

Despite the fact that the exact causes of the appearance of warves on the face are not yet revealed, today there are many lipoma removal options:

  • medical method - assumes the removal of warves on the face by injecting the introduction of a special solution that ensures the resorption of adipose tissue; The advantages of such treatment are the lack of scars, minus - therapeutic effect may occur for two years, and then, in total 80% of patients;
  • surgical intervention - removal of wen medium or large size by excision under local anesthesia; The contents together with the capsule brings out of the skin, after which the scars remain;
  • laser therapy is the most progressive method for the treatment of warves on a person, which does not leave traces after the operation, but requires accurate diagnosis;
  • coagulation - painful but effective procedureallowing you to remove the lipom on the face once and for all.

How to bring small wins on the face? Single tiny nodules can be attributed to the variety of subcutaneous acne, which do not require so cardinal measures. Today, beauty and health salons are practicing the most different cosmetic procedureshelping to align skin relief, clean the epidermis from slags and small wen on the face:

  • peeling - facial cleaning with chemical and fruit acids;
  • microdermabrasion - skin grinding with microcrystals;
  • laser grinding - burning the surface layer of the skin, after which its active recovery and update is observed;
  • phototherapy - freeze;
  • other physiotherapy methods.


In addition, which has already been mentioned, getting rid of Lipa available to conservative methods. You can try to bring wen, applying special ointments, softening fabric, improving blood circulation and stimulating metabolism at the local level.

  • Balm Vitaon - carries out the treatment of wen on the face, affecting the focus of the lesion by oil extracts with anti-inflammatory, healing and immunomodulatory properties.
  • The ointment of the Vishnevsky - the balsaming composition has an antimicrobial and local-irritant action, accelerating the processes of regeneration, for which a small amount is applied to the problem zone and glue a piece of the patch. Compress is left for 6-12 hours. Active substance - birch tar and xeroform.
  • Ointment is to be seen - as part of the drug is retinol - vitamin A, easily leaking under the skin and splitting wen cloth. It is recommended to lubricate the sections twice a day, if white wen appears on the face - Miliums.
  • Histan cream - contains essential oil Lily of the valley and other extracts, in the complex affecting metabolic processes in the skin.

Three popular recipes

Those who prefer pharmacy facilities of natural, is offered an alternative - some information on how to deal with wen on the face with folk Medicine.

List the most effective methods Treatment with Lipom:

Method number 1.

How to remove wen on the face of the Cleaner? Live juice plants can be bought at the pharmacy or make independently. It helps get rid of all kinds of neoplasms, warts, papillomas and small wen.

How to treat? Problem the problem area of \u200b\u200bone drop and wait half an hour, after which the juice should be washed. The daily procedure helps to open linden. As soon as the hole appears, attach a piece of bandage to the rink, impregnated with the ointment of Vishnevsky, and creek the plaster for an hour.

Method number 2.

For those who are looking for a more sparing option, how to get rid of wen on the face, the following recipe is recommended:

Fresh flesh of the leaf of aloe or plagnee to crush and regularly apply overnight. It softens the capsule and gradually displays its contents out.

Method number 3.

A tincture prepared in a ratio of 50 g of dry raw materials on 500 ml of vodka. It is necessary to withstand the mixture for three weeks and strain. Apply on a damaged zone as compresses. Exposure time - 20 minutes.

Attention! The fact that some are taken for firout may be a potentially dangerous neoplasm, threatening to reborn in a malignant tumor. Therefore, the first thing to be done when lipoma is detected - show her doctor!

How to distinguish giroving from cancer

A benign neoplasm, as a rule, has an elastic consistency and in rare cases worries the patient. Its growth is due to an increase in fat deposits, and therefore proceeds slowly, while malignant tumors grow quickly, infrainment of the district tissues and causing pain.


To date, the world is still unknown specific measures, warning education and the development of wen. General prophylaxis is in compliance healthy image Life and principles of proper nutrition.

It is very important to contact the doctors in a timely manner with any suspicious symptoms.

Zhenoviki (lipoma) - benign neoplasms formed under the skin and having a view of tubercles localized in the most unexpected parts of the human body: both outside and among muscle fibers.

Lipoma may form at any age and have different outlines and sizes. Not being dangerous to health, they are an extremely repulsive spectacle, especially if they occur on the face, so most patients prefer to get rid of them once and for all.

Causes of appearance

Why do wen appear on the face? The most likely reasons can be:

  • Insufficient production (or low activity) of digestive enzymes and disorders of protein exchange in the human body.
  • Diseases caused by violation of metabolism in cells.
  • Hereditary predisposition (in the presence of this factor, wenning is beginning to form in children and adolescents).
  • The formation of linden contributes to some diseases of the endocrine gland and a number of internal organs.
  • Improper nutrition (characterized by excess carbohydrates and a shortage of tocopherol).
  • Excessive use of alcoholic beverages.
  • Violation of the rules of care for oily skin, especially in a publ period characterized by hormonal splashes.

Most often, the ethiology of the emergence of benign formations on the face (especially those whose diameter exceeds 5-7 mm) remains unidentified.

Types of lime on the face

That looks like wen on the face

Two types of warves are formed on the face:

  • Miliums: White wen, mistakenly accepted and generated as a result of the blockage of too active sealer glasses. Miliums do not have a duct, therefore it is impossible to squeeze them (they differ from acne).

Miliums are primary (arising from spontaneous) and clinical (which caused a consequence of the integrity of the skin or pathological processes in soft tissues).

  • Xanthomylocated in close proximity to the eyes or on centuries and having the usual merge. A variety of this type of wen is called xantels.

Subcutaneous wen can be:

  • Spilled
  • Localized
  • Soft
  • Dense

In case the lipom is located next to the blood vessel, nerve or darterosis, it can be extremely painful.

Milium has the appearance of a dense tubercle of white, pale gray or yellowish colors. Most often is localized on the nasolabial triangle, forehead and cheekbones. May be single or multiple. If there are many miliums, the surface of the skin becomes a bug art.

Xanthtoma looks like a soft flattened papula of yellowish brown, localized on eyelids or in the eyebrow zone.

Is it worth removing wen?

If the lipom has a small size, does not increase and does not cause moral (from the point of view of cosmetology), no physical inconvenience, you can not get rid of it.

If the fat is growing rapidly, it is best to decide on the operation to remove, while its dimensions can do with a minor cut and the smallest traumaism surgical intervention. After removing lipom large sizes Inevitably the formation of scars and scars.

All remote lipomas are subject to histological examination in order to eliminate the possibility of errors in diagnosing, since some malignant education are often masked.

Treatment of warves

If the wiring is small, you can resort to conservative treatment, although the use of drugs and ointments, as a rule, often does not bring a good result. The method of treatment is simple: fat is pierced and introduced a suspension of Diprospan. Sometimes injections are replaced by applications containing the same medicinal substance.

How to remove wen on the face

Retinoye peeling from wen on the face

Small lipoms are removed during cosmetic procedures:

  • Mechanical and ultrasonic face cleaning.
  • Glycolic and retinoye peeling.
  • Sleerage.
  • Laser grinding face.

All these procedures are carried out in the clinics and cosmetic cabinets.

Lipomes of large sizes are removed by more radical methods:

  • Liposuction.
  • Electrical and laser surgery.
  • Operational excision of lipomas together with its capsule containing it.
  • Removal through a cut on the skin.

How to get rid of wen at home?

We are in a hurry to immediately warn the reader that it is still undesirable to remove firing on your face at home: the procedure will be effective and not so dangerous if you refer to the specialist. But in the absence of such a possibility, you can do the following:

  • Only white wen can be removed on its own, provided that all the rules of aseptics are strictly followed.
  • Buy alcohol, cotton, tweezers and insulin syringe in advance.
  • If you do not tolerate pain, buy an ampoule of a good anesthetic (most often used lidocaine) and treat them the skin in the lipoma area.
  • Carefully processing the skin of the face and hand with an alcohol, a disinfected needle, carefully pour and slightly discharge the skin at the base of the lipoma, while holding it with a tweezers. Lipoma will leave the place of its deployment, barely press the scene.
  • Cover the wound with alcohol.

How to clean the face of folk remedies?

Aloe compress will help remove fat

The removal of wiring on the face of the methods of traditional medicine refers to the number of ineffective procedures, because due to the absence of fatty duct, the fat from it cannot exit outside. If, under the influence of the applied drug, there will be a gap of the surrounding ghostik of the epidermis, hazardous microbes can enter the body.

However, if lipomas are very small, you can try to resort to home drugs.

Several folk recipes:

  • Garlic ointment. Grind with a blender a piece of sala and garlic (2: 1). Lubricate linden 2 times a day.
  • Lopuha root medicine. Scroll to 500 g roots of the burdock through the meat grinder and pour the bottle of vodka. Insist 30 days (the place must be dark and cool). Prepandable medicine take at least two times a day (before meals, 30 ml).
  • Compress from aloe leaves. Rinse the fresh cut sheet of aloe and, cutting in two, impose a cut on lipoma. Lock with a piece of adhesive. Make the procedure for the night and continue until the lipoma decreases significantly in size. After that, remove it with the help of a disinfected needle and make the compress to the complete disappearance of education.

Actions with lipoma inflammation

What should I do if the firing on the face inflamed? If the lipoma blushed, significantly increased in size and began to hurt when you press it (and at the moment of pressing you can feel the accumulation of fluid inside), this indicates the presence of inflammation. The inflamed fat is necessary to show a specialist immediately and pass a number of diagnostic procedures.

After accurate diagnosis confirming the benignness of education, which causes the inconvenience to Lipoma should be removed in a medical institution. Independent removal of inflamed wen can lead to irreparable consequences.