Classes in a circle skillful hands. Methodical development of the circle association "skillful hands"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational

Institution "Kindergarten" Pchelka ""

Alexandrov-Gai village of the Aleksandrovo-Gaisky municipal district of the Saratov region

Circle "Skillful Hands"

2015-2016 academic year.


Mamesheva R.D.

Circle "Skillful Hands"

Additional education program

Explanatory note

V visual activity the child expresses himself, tries his hand and improves his abilities. She gives him pleasure, but above all, enriches his ideas about the world.
The program of additional education "Skillful Hands"is the author's program of artistic and aesthetic orientation, created on the basis of teaching aids Afonkina S. Yu., Afonkina E. Yu. “Paper toys”, Averyanova A.P. “Visual activity in kindergarten”, Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. “Summary of classes in senior group kindergarten. Fine Arts”, Davydova G.N. “ Children's design. Plasticineography”, Kazakova R.G. “Drawing with children preschool age. Unconventional Techniques”, Malysheva A.N., Ermolaeva N.V. “Applique in kindergarten”, Petrova I.M. “Volumetric application”, Ryabko N.B. “Classes on visual activity of preschoolers. Paper plastic”, Shvaiko G.S. "Classes on visual activity in kindergarten".
Preschool age is a bright, unique page in the life of every person. It is during this period that the child's connection with the leading spheres of being is established: the world of people, nature, the objective world. There is an introduction to culture, to universal values. Curiosity develops, interest in creativity is formed.
To support this interest, it is necessary to stimulate the imagination, the desire to be involved in creative activity. In the classes on drawing, modeling, appliqué, as well as manual labor, children develop emotional and aesthetic feelings, artistic perception, and improve the skills of fine and constructive creativity.
Dialogues in the classroom between the teacher and the child are aimed at a joint discussion of the situation and require the active participation of both parties. Conversation is one of the main methods for the formation of moral and evaluative criteria in children. A conversation on the topic “why do you like ...” or “why do you not like ...” with the help of leading questions encourages the child to comprehend the object. It is necessary that the child clarifies for himself the criteria by which he evaluates the subject.
Partial-search method is aimed at the development of cognitive activity and independence. It consists in performing small tasks, the solution of which requires independent activity (working with diagrams, attracting imagination and memory).
The method of problem presentation is aimed at activating creative thinking, rethinking generally accepted patterns and searching for non-standard solutions.
In the classroom, games and game techniques are used that create a relaxed creative atmosphere and contribute to the development of imagination.
Much attention is paid to creative work. This allows you to combine all the acquired knowledge and skills with your own imagination and imaginative thinking, forms a child's creative and cognitive activity. Visual aids are widely used in the learning process. This helps to reduce the time for the presentation of the theory.
One of the important conditions for the implementation of this program is the creation of the necessary material base and developing environment for the formation of a child's creative personality.


Having studied a number of methodological manuals and literature on organizing and conducting work in circles with additional education, the experience of kindergartens, it was revealed that the work is carried out in a narrow direction: either these are drawing classes or manual labor (along with paper design, construction and natural material).The “Skillful Hands” program is a comprehensive one, including classes in applique, manual labor, drawing, including using non-traditional methods, which are aimed at developing creativity in preschoolers, defined as a productive activity during which the child creates a new, original, activating the imagination and realizing their plan, finding the means to implement it.

Purpose of the program

The main goal of the program - create conditions for the formation of a comprehensively intellectual, aesthetically developed creative personality; based on an integrated approach; to promote the development of initiative, invention and creativity of children in an atmosphere of aesthetic experiences and enthusiasm, joint creativity of an adult and a child, through various types of visual and applied activities.

Program objectives

The program provides for the implementationpedagogical, cognitive and creative tasks.
Pedagogical tasks
involve the formation of such personality traits as attention, awareness in actions, perseverance, purposefulness, accuracy, artistic taste, desire for experimentation, the formation of creativity in the personality of the child, the development of his individuality.
cognitive tasksimplemented through the search for new knowledge in the field of visual arts and knowledge of their capabilities by connecting personal experience with the implementation of the given actions.
creative tasks- these are the tasks that require the child to combine known methods of artistic activity and mainly independently found as a result of experimentation with artistic materials.
The Skillful Hands program is designed for 1 year (senior preschool age). For the successful development of the program in the classroom, the number of children in the circle group should be no more than 10 people. The “Skillful Hands” circle is visited by children at the request of their parents. Classes are held once a week, from September to May. The duration of classes with a group - no more than 20 minutes - in the senior group.

Forms of conducting classes

Forms of conducting classes are different. Both theoretical ones are provided - the teacher's story, a conversation with children, children's stories, the teacher's showing the method of action - and practical ones, during which children, under the supervision of a teacher, independently perform work.

Expected results

As a result of training under this program, it is expected that children will acquire certain knowledge, skills, and abilities, the child will identify and understand his abilities, the formation of general labor and special skills, methods of self-control,development of attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination, fine motor skills of hands and eye; artistic taste, creativity and imagination; mastering the skills of a work culture, improving their communication skills and acquiring teamwork skills.

Forms of summing up the results of the implementation of the additional educational program:

- exhibitions of children's works in kindergarten;
- compiling an album of the best works;
- participation in art competitions
aesthetic orientation;
- presentation of children's work to parents (employees, kids);
- creative report of the educator - the head of the circle at the teachers' council;

Educational and methodological plan of the additional educational program:

1 year of study

N p / p

Name of topics

Number of hours



Manual labor

unconventional drawing
"The apples are ripe in the garden."


"Autumn Tree"

"Autumn Tree"

Unconventional drawing.
"Rowan branch".

"Puppy. Kitten".

"Cloudy Autumn Day"

Application (volumetric)

unconventional drawing
"Autumn leaves".

Composition "Two merry geese".

"My dear mother."

"Wonder tree".

unconventional drawing
"Christmas Tree".

"Spruce cones on a branch".

"Fairy Palace"

Manual labor

unconventional drawing
"Underwater world".


“What did you like most about the holiday?”

Manual labor

unconventional drawing
"Winter night".

Composition "Princess - Christmas Tree".

"Border guard with a dog."

"Basket of flowers as a gift to mom" .

unconventional drawing
"Gloomy day".


"Good fairy tale hero."


unconventional drawing
"Wonderful Bouquet"

Composition "Meadow flowers".

"In space".


Unconventional drawing.
"Starry sky".

Final lesson.

Final exhibition for the academic year.

Methodological support of additional educational program

1 year of study

Topic of the lesson

Program content

Material and equipment

1.Working with natural material

Create an image of an animal using natural material - dry birch leaves. Supplement with applique details - eyes, apple. Develop the ability to work according to the pattern. Cultivate accuracy.

blue cardboard, colored paper, templates, scissors, dried and broken birch leaves, accessories for appliqué.

2. Non-traditional drawing
"The apples are ripe in the garden." (poke)

To teach how to draw apples on branches, to consolidate the ability of children to apply one layer of paint to another by poking. To expand children's knowledge of fruits, to encourage interest in nature, attention to its seasonal changes.

Album sheet, gouache, two brushes (soft and hard), palette for color checking,

3. Application "Steamboat".

Learn to create a figurative picture, exercise in cutting out the same parts, consolidate the ability to beautifully place the image on the sheet.

White paper format A-4, scissors.

"Autumn Tree"

To teach children to place objects on a wide strip of land "closer" and "further"; to teach to convey in the drawing the structure of the tree - the ratio of parts in size and their location relative to each other; exercise in drawing with the end of the brush thin branches and foliage of a tree using a vertical stroke.

Album sheet tinted 1/3 with green paint, gouache, drawing supplies.

5. Application
"Autumn Tree"

To teach children to perform a tree, foliage, earth by cutting off; to consolidate the skill of working with glue.

Blue cardboard, colored paper, accessories for appliqué.

6. Unconventional drawing
"Rowan branch".
(drawing with cotton swabs)

Learn to analyze nature, highlight its signs, features. Learn to draw rowan berries with cotton swabs, with moderate pressure on it. To consolidate the ability to draw by sticking (for leaves). Develop a sense of composition, perception.

Rowan branch, landscape sheet, gouache, cotton buds, drawing supplies.

"Puppy. Kitten".

Introduce children to the puppy drawing highlighting the shape of its parts, proportions; make a sketch (head - circle, body - oval, paws - auxiliary lines) ...

A4 paper, pencil, drawing supplies.

"Cloudy Autumn Day"

Continue to develop in children to convey coherent content in the drawing; develop the idea that a certain weather and mood can be conveyed in a drawing through a set of colors (color); to consolidate the ability to draw objects on a wide strip of land.

Gray sheets of paper with a wide strip of land, gouache, drawing supplies.

9. Volume application

To teach children how to make a three-dimensional flower by cutting out the details (petals, leaf) according to the pattern. Improve the skill of working with templates, scissors. Learn to round the tips of the leaves with scissors, decorate the middle of the flower with millet.

green cardboard, White paper, templates, simple pencil, millet, accessories for appliqué.

10. Non-traditional drawing.
“Autumn Leaves” (leaf imprint).

To introduce children to the technique of printing leaves. Develop color perception. Learn to mix paints directly on leaves or swabs when printing.

Sheet dark color, gouache, foam swabs, drawing supplies.

11. Drawing
Composition "Two merry geese".

Exercise in the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper; continue to acquaint children with the works of Russian folklore.

Paper, drawing supplies.

12. Drawing
"My dear mother."

To acquaint children with a portrait - one of the types of fine art. Learn to draw a portrait of your mother, trying to convey similarities (hair color and hairstyle, eye color, clothes, etc.). learn about proportions and symmetry human face. To consolidate the ability to make a light sketch with a simple pencil, and then paint with watercolors. Awaken in children the desire to reflect in the drawing a feeling of tenderness, love for mom.

Album sheets, simple pencils, watercolor, brushes.

13. Application
"Wonder tree".

Learn how to carve a Christmas tree and decorations for her (balls, garlands, little animals), using familiar techniques.

Application accessories.

14. Non-traditional drawing
"Christmas Tree".

Learn to make planar Christmas decorations using the watercolor technique + wax crayons to decorate the Christmas tree. To consolidate the ability to decorate various geometric shapes with patterns, as in Christmas decorations. Learn to decorate the Christmas tree with beads using finger painting.

Various figures cut out of paper, Christmas tree, watercolor, wax crayons, gouache, watercolor, Christmas decorations.

"Spruce cones on a branch".

Fir cones on a branch Poke with a hard brush. Transfer to figure the structure of a spruce branch with cones, drawing the contours with a simple pencil.

Application accessories.

"Fairy Palace"

To teach how to create a fabulous image by drawing the base of the building and inventing decorating details (lattices, balconies, various columns, etc.), to emphasize the possibilities of the unusual shape of windows, columns, doors, beautiful domed roofs; learn to sketch with a simple pencil only the main details; to fix the techniques of drawing with gouache.

Album sheet, simple pencil, gouache, palette, drawing supplies.

17. Manual labor

To teach children to make a voluminous toy from an incomplete circle. Learn to work with cotton. Strengthen the ability to work according to the template. Develop an interest in design.

Templates, blue, white, yellow paper, scissors, a simple pencil, cotton wool, appliqué supplies.

18. Non-traditional drawing
"Underwater world"

Improve skills in non-traditional fine art techniques - wax crayons + watercolors, handprints. Learn to turn palm prints into fish, jellyfish, draw various algae, fish of different sizes. Develop expression, a sense of composition.

A-3 blue or white paper, wax crayons, watercolors, sketches, illustrations, art supplies.


Target: learn "snowflakes"

Drawing supplies.

“What did you like most about the holiday?”.

Teach children to reflect in the picture their impressions of new year holiday. Learn to draw several objects united by a common content; convey in the drawing the shape, structure, proportions of objects, their characteristic features. Teaches children how to beautifully arrange an image on a piece of paper. Develop imagination, creativity.

Album sheet, pencils and colored pencils, gouache, watercolor, drawing supplies.

21. Manual labor

Teach children how to make a Valentine. Strengthen the skill of working according to the template. Learn to decorate the "Valentine" along the contour with an eggshell, giving it expressiveness and volume.

Templates, red arton, small eggshells, accessories for appliqué.

22. Non-traditional drawing
“Winter Night” (black and white scratching).

Introduce new technology- black and white scraping. Learn to convey the mood of a quiet winter night, exercise in the use of expressive means such as a line, a stroke.

Half-cardboard, candle, black ink or gouache, liquid soap, pointed stick, sketches.

Painting ready-made.

Drawing supplies.

"Border guard with a dog."

To teach children to create in the drawing the image of a warrior-defender, to convey the characteristic features of clothing, weapons, human postures. To consolidate the ability to draw a large standing dog, beautifully placing the image on the sheet. Learn to use drawing skills with a simple pencil, felt-tip pens. Raise interest and respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.

Album sheets, pencils and colored pencils, felt-tip pens, watercolors, drawing supplies.

25. Volume application
"Basket of flowers as a gift to mom."

To develop the ability to feel the specifics of the material, the ability to create a three-dimensional composition of flowers. Develop a sense of beauty, the desire to make a gift with your own hands.

Blue cardboard, colored paper, corrugated paper, appliqué supplies.

26. Non-traditional drawing.
“Gloomy day” (plasticineography).

Learn to apply a thin layer of plasticine on the base, mix plasticine on cardboard. Cultivate accuracy and creativity in work.

Cardboard, board, plasticine, stacks, water, rag, sponge.

Create a modular break application from colored paper with their own hands.

Colored cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue, appliqué supplies.

28. Drawing.
"Good fairy tale hero."

To introduce children to book graphics, to illustrators, to teach children to create an image fairy tale hero, decorative design of the image, drawing the details of the costume. To teach to convey the image of the goodness of beauty through color and costume.

Gouache, watercolor, colored pencils (optional), illustrations for fairy tales, drawing supplies.

29. Sculpting
"Cactus in a Pot"

To develop the practical skills of children in creating a given image through modeling, continue to acquaint children with the properties of plasticine: soft, pliable, able to take on a given shape. Learn to take advantage waste material(eg toothpicks) to give the object completeness and expressiveness.

A set of plasticine, toothpicks, accessories for modeling.

30. Non-traditional drawing
"Wonderful Bouquet"

To consolidate knowledge about symmetrical and asymmetrical objects, gouache drawing skills. Learn to draw a bouquet using the monotype technique.

Album sheet, gouache, brushes, sketches, illustrations of drawing supplies.

31. Drawing
Composition "Meadow flowers".

To teach children to draw using different basic shapes, to connect the details by inserting a bud into a cup; by connecting two buds, get a model of a blossoming flower, create a common composition.

Drawing supplies.

32. Drawing
"On a distant planet."

To consolidate the skill of working with gouache paints on a colored background, the ability to draw a rocket, planets, an astronaut, etc. Develop fantasy, imagination when drawing space. To consolidate the ability to draw with one color over another as it dries, to complement the drawing with interesting and unusual details. Learn to use foreground and background space.

Album sheets, tinted different colors, gouache, palettes, drawing supplies.

33. Application
“Fish” (confetti decoration).

Learn to cut a fish according to a pattern, give it completeness and expressiveness through confetti. Cultivate perseverance, the ability to bring the work to the end.

Blue cardboard, colorful confetti, templates, colored paper, accessories for appliqué.

34. Non-traditional drawing.
"Starry sky".

Learn to create an image of the starry sky, using mixing paints, spray and stencil printing. Develop color perception. Practice drawing with the help of techniques - spraying, printing with foam rubber on a stencil.

Album sheet, stencils, foam pad, toothbrush and spray stick, sketches, illustrations, art supplies.

35 Application.

Final lesson.

Making an album of children's works for the period of study. Development of communication skills and the ability to reconcile their interests with the interests of other children.

Children's work completed during the school year.

36. Final exhibition for the academic year.

Summarize the results of the academic year.

Topic of the lesson : "Skilled Hands"

Target :

the formation of artistic culture as an integral part of material and spiritual culture, the development of artistic and creative activity, mastering the figurative language of decorative and applied art.

Tasks :

Educational :

Contribute to the formation of children's ideas about the work of the circle;

To acquaint students with the types of handicrafts; - to generalize and expand children's ideas about needlework;- Familiarization with safety precautions in the classroom when working with tools.

Educational :

Development of interest inmanual labor

Development of creative thinking;

Educational :

To educate in students the qualities of accuracy and composure when performing labor methods, diligence, the ability to listen, sociability, accuracy, activity, work culture, the ability to work in a team.

Methodical equipment:

    Samples of objects of labor

    phonogram with music recording.

Equipment and tools: templates, scissors, pencils, PVA glue, natural material, pieces of fabric.

Used techniques, methods, teaching technologies:


    Demonstration of finished works

    Conversation with explanation of new material

    Independent work

Teaching methods :

Conversation, sample show, discussion, dialogue, slideshow.


    Organizing time .

Psychological mood.

Teacher: -Hello guys! My name is Tatyana Nikolaevna. Today I will conduct a lesson of the “Skillful Hands” circle at your place.

I am glad to welcome you to our lesson.

Let's smile, to each other, so that everyone becomes warmer on this cold winter day!

Guys, I want to introduce you to the work of the "Skillful Hands" circle, that is. e.

with what you can do in the classes of this circle and what this circle is about.

2. Introduction to the topic.

And the roots of the circle go deep into the ancient history of mankind.

Everything that has come to us from time immemorial, we call folk art.Folk art originated a very, very long time ago. It happened, most likely, when the first thinking human ancestor with the poetic name Petya Kantrop, having covered the mammoth with a stone club, expressively said with a certain Cenozoic accent:

Petya Kantrop

mammoth clap!

This was the beginning.

Along with the development of mankind, folk art also developed. In a certain year of the next century, Russians began to appear folk tales. And in order to make interesting fairy tales when telling children, the ancient man first drew the heroes of fairy tales on a stone in a cave, then molded them from clay, carved them from wood, sewed them from the skin of animals, and then from fabric. This is how needlework came about.

What is needlework?(children's answers: Needlework is what you can do yourself from paper, from fabric, from natural material.)

Right.Needlework is a type of human activity, in a different way, employment . You can also say that needlework is a hobby, creativity with your own hands or in another way a hobby. Each of you has ever done something with your own hands. For example, he painted nature outside the window. And even if you don’t know how to draw, but you conveyed with your work what you see, how you understand the beauty of this world. Through our work we convey all the love, beauty and kindness.

Tell me, it's more pleasant to give gifts made with your own hands than those that you bought in a store. So in the classes of the "Skillful Hands" circle, we will make various crafts with your own hands. And you can already present your work to your loved one for some holiday or just to do something nice.

And now I will show what crafts can be made in the classes of the circle, what crafts do the guys who already attend this circle.

3. Circle "Skillful hands". View slides about the circle.

4. Practical task. Group work.

1. - And now, guys, you will be in the role of Russian masters. You will work in groups. Each group will make their own craft.

Can you work in groups?

How should you work in groups?

Let's remember the rules of working in groups

Rules for working in groups:

1. Choose a group commander.

2. We work together, together.

Now, after conferring, each group will choose its commander.(children choose)


Then feel free to get to work.

2. - Group commanders go out and choose a sample of crafts that will be made.(choice)

What else do you need for your work?(answers)

Right. All material you choose on the next table according to your sample.

You can dream up, add something of your own to the manufactured item.


(To the motive of the song "It's fun to walk across the open spaces together").

Together it's fun to walk across the expanses, across the expanses, across the expanses,

And of course, it's better to sing in chorus, better in chorus, better in chorus.

Once sat down, two sat down, rested,

Once they got up, two got up, stretched.

One to the right, two to the left turned

And friend, friend smiled good-naturedly.

5. Practical work.

Each group begins to complete the assigned task. We work quickly and together.

6. Exhibition of children's works.

7. Summing up.

Look at the amazing crafts you've made.
- Today you saw how much your hands can do. You have been in the role of Russian masters and you have succeeded. Each group completed the task and did very well.

But there are so many things in the world that you can still learn, and this can be taught by the classes of the “Skillful Hands” circle.

This is where our lesson comes to an end.

Thank you all for the activity and communication. I wish you success.

- Who enjoyed making crafts with their own hands?

- Why?

Lesson summary


"Skilled Hands"

Topic of the lesson : Introductory lesson

Target :

the formation of artistic culture as an integral part of material and spiritual culture, the development of artistic and creative activity, mastering the figurative language of decorative and applied art.

Tasks :

Educational :

Contribute to the formation of children's ideas about the work of the circle;

To introduce students to the types of handicrafts;

Generalize and expand children's ideas about needlework;

Familiarization with safety precautions in the classroom when working with tools.

Educational :

Development of interest inmanual labor

Development of creative thinking;

Educational :

To educate in students the qualities of accuracy and composure when performing labor methods, diligence, the ability to listen, sociability, accuracy, activity, work culture, the ability to work in a team.

Methodical equipment:

    Samples of objects of labor

    phonogram with music recording.

    Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation

Equipment and tools: templates, scissors, pencils, PVA glue, natural material, pieces of fabric.

Used techniques, methods, teaching technologies:


    Demonstration of finished works

    Conversation with explanation of new material

    Independent work

Teaching methods :

Conversation, sample show, discussion, dialogue, slideshow.

Lesson type : learning new material ( introductory lesson)

Lesson form: creative workshop (frontal, individual, work in small groups),

Predicted result: interest

Relationship with other areas (subjects): the world, music.


    Organizing time .

Psychological mood.

Teacher: -Hello guys! Today I will conduct a lesson of the “Skillful Hands” circle at your place.

I am glad to welcome you to our lesson.

Let's smile, to each other, so that everyone becomes warmer on this cold winter day!

Guys, I want to introduce you to the work of the "Skillful Hands" circle, that is. e.

with what you can do in the classes of this circle and what this circle is about.

2. Introduction to the topic.

And the roots of the circle go deep into the ancient history of mankind.

Everything that has come to us from time immemorial, we call folk art.Folk art originated a very, very long time ago. It happened, most likely, when the first thinking human ancestor with the poetic name Petya Kantrop, having filled up the mammoth with a stone club, expressively said with a certain Cenozoic accent:

Petya Kantrop

mammoth clap!

This was the beginning.

Along with the development of mankind, folk art also developed. In a certain year of the next century(even during the reign of King Peas) Russian folk tales began to appear. And in order to make interesting fairy tales when telling children, the ancient man first drew the heroes of fairy tales on a stone in a cave, then molded them from clay, carved them from wood, sewed them from the skin of animals, and then from fabric. This is how needlework came about.

What is needlework?(children's answers: Needlework is what you can do yourself from paper, from fabric, from natural material.)

Right.Needlework is a type of human activity, in a different way, employment . You can also say that needlework is a hobby, creativity with your own hands or in another way a hobby. Each of you has ever done something with your own hands. For example, he painted nature outside the window. And even if you don’t know how to draw, but you conveyed with your work what you see, how you understand the beauty of this world. Through our work we convey all the love, beauty and kindness.

Tell me, it's more pleasant to give gifts made with your own hands than those that you bought in a store. So in the classes of the “Skillful Hands” circle, we will make various crafts with our own hands. And already you can give your work to your loved one for some holiday or just to do something nice.

And now I will show what crafts can be made in the classes of the circle, what crafts do the guys who already attend this circle.

3. Circle "Skillful hands". View slides about the circle.

4. Practical task. Group work.

1. - And now, guys, you will be in the role of Russian masters. You will work in groups. Each group will make their own craft.

Can you work in groups?

How should you work in groups?

Let's remember the rules of working in groups

Rules for working in groups:

1. Choose a group commander.

2. We work together, together.

Now, after conferring, each group will choose its commander.(children choose)


Then feel free to get to work.

2. - Group commanders go out and choose a sample of crafts that will be made.(choice)

What else do you need for your work?(answers)

Right. All material you choose on the next table according to your sample.

You can dream up, add something of your own to the manufactured item.


(To the motive of the song "It's fun to walk across the open spaces together").

Together it's fun to walk across the expanses, across the expanses, across the expanses,

And of course, it's better to sing in chorus, better in chorus, better in chorus.

Once sat down, two sat down, rested,

Once they got up, two got up, stretched.

One to the right, two to the left turned

And friend, friend smiled good-naturedly.

5. Practical work. (music plays)

Each group begins to complete the assigned task. We work quickly and together.

6. Exhibition of children's works.

7. Summing up.

- Look at the amazing crafts you've made.
- Today you saw how much your hands can do. You have been in the role of Russian masters and you have succeeded.
Each group completed the task and did very well.

But there are so many things in the world that you can still learn, and this can be taught by the classes of the “Skillful Hands” circle.

This is where our lesson comes to an end.

Thank you all for the activity and communication. I wish you success.

- Who enjoyed making crafts with their own hands?

- Why?

Club work plan

"Skilled Hands"

senior group "Fidgets", MBDOU No. 250

The program was developed by:

Prikhodko Marina Nikolaevna, teacher


V modern world the child has new needs for non-standard creativity, for new thinking. That is why it is important in our time to develop in children Creative skills, the ability to think not according to a template, not to be afraid to express an opinion that differs from the public one. The more diverse the children's activities, the more successful the versatile development of the child is, its potentialities and the first appearances of creativity are realized. Working with improvised materials, which includes various types of creating images of objects from cereals, beads, fabrics and various natural materials, develops the creativity of children.

Manual labor, as well as gaming, visual, theatrical activities, are the most important conditions for the formation of the individual formation of a person already at its first stages.

It has long been known about the relationship between hand development and intelligence. Even the simplest handmade require constant attention and make the child think, and hand training increases the functional activity of the brain and other organs. That's why manual labor is a universal educational tool that can develop intellectual activity.


Development children's creativity is currently one of the most urgent problem. Because the interest of children significantly depends on how the conditions and organization of work allow you to satisfy the basic needs of a child of preschool age. His desire to act with objects that are no longer satisfied with the simple manipulation of them, as it was before. At present, the child has a desire for some meaningful outcome and a desire to feel capable of doing something that can be used and can win the approval of others.

Children learn to compare different materials with each other, find differences, create crafts from improvised means. During the work, children experience great joy, they are brought up with the desire to achieve a positive result and respect for the work performed.

Target: creation of conditions for the implementation of independent creative activity of children, through various types of activities: visual, play, theatrical.


Tutorial: to form elementary ideas about the types of art and skills to work with various materials; develop positive attitudes towards various types labor and creativity.

Developing: to develop the prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of fine arts; develop imagination and creativity.

Educational: develop respect for joint activities with peers; educate accuracy, diligence, purposefulness.

Material used for work:

Natural material, fabric, cereals, plasticine, corrugated and colored paper, woolen threads, salt, watercolor, synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, dough, wire, toothpicks, tubes, scissors, glue, brushes.

Forms of work with children:

Conversation, display, game, reading literary works, learning oral works folk art, the story of children, watching videos, discussion, designing exhibitions, making attributes and manuals for the mini-museum "Russian hut".

Working ways:

Drawing (groats, salt, on dry leaves);

Application (breaking, from woolen threads, voluminous from synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, cereals, paper, on fabric);

Printing (plants, hands);

Painting on fabric;

Modeling (modular, embossed, on a wire basis, from dough);

Blotography (tube, brush);


Construction (cardboard, paper, threads, cones).

Organization of activities:

Number of classes per week - 1.

Educational area - artistic and aesthetic development.

Reporting forms: exhibitions, photo exhibitions, presentation, design of the mini-museum "Russian hut".

Club working hours:

Friday at 16.00.

The number of children attending the club "Skillful hands" - 23 people.

The list of children is attached.

Expected result of interaction with children:

Conditions will be created for the implementation of independent creative activities of children; positive attitudes to various types of work and creativity and a respectful attitude to joint activities with peers will be formed; children will get acquainted with various materials and their properties; creative interest and initiative will be formed; learn the skills to work with different material and their application in practice; develop fine motor skills fingers, imagination, accuracy, purposefulness and creative activity; will be supplemented with attributes of the mini-museum "Russian hut".

Club plan:

Month Events Program content


1st week

1. Acquaintance with the work of the "Skillful Hands" club.

2. Safety rules in the club's classes.

Familiarize children with the features of the club. To form positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity. Expand children's ideas about the diversity of the material. Strengthen the skills of working with them. Learn to organize your workplace.


2nd week

Plant application:

"Autumn Bouquet"

Teach children how to make flower arrangements with plants. Develop imagination, thinking, fantasy. Expand children's knowledge about plants. Contribute to the education of accuracy in working with glue.


3rd week

Hand drawing: (printing technique)

"Birch Grove".

Improve your printing technique. Teach children to name and independently select colors for drawing. Develop the ability to beautifully combine colors. To instill a love for nature and cultivate a careful attitude towards it.


4th week

Making crafts from natural material:

"Ezhata in the forest."


Strengthen the skills of working from natural materials. Develop attention, imagination, creativity. Continue to teach to notice and highlight the main means of expression in crafts.


5th week


Learn to fix pieces of plasticine on cardboard by flattening. Cultivate accuracy and independence in work. Transfer the plasticity of the transition from one part to another (from the neck to the body). Develop fine motor skills of fingers.

1st week

Cereal application:


To form in children the skills of working with cereals. Learn to carefully lay out, connect and press the grains to each other, stick them. Develop children's attention and creativity.

2nd week


"Kalachi, bagels."

Develop the skills of modular modeling from rings. Contribute to the desire to work with the test. Strengthen the ability to roll out the dough in the palms in a circular motion, tightly fasten the parts to each other.

3rd week

Painting on fabric:

"Multicolor Patterns"

To promote the development of interest in art activities and the emergence of a desire to independently choose colors for painting. Cultivate accuracy and independence in work. Enrich children's pictorial experience on fabric.

4th week

Monotype (printing with leaves):

"Leaf fall".


Continue to learn to draw using the "monotype" technique. To consolidate the ability to apply gouache on the leaves and carefully print them on a sheet of paper. Develop creativity and imagination in children.

1st week

Break application:

"Vase with Flowers".

Teach children how to draw with torn paper. Develop skills in working with glue, colored paper. Cultivate accuracy in work.

2nd week

Drawing on dry leaves: “Multi-colored patterns”.

Develop the ability to paint with a brush on a large maple leaf apply gouache in a thin layer. Develop fantasy and imagination, a sense of color.

3rd week

Grating technique:

"My yard".

Continue to acquaint with the rules and sequence of work in the technique of scratching. To develop attention and creativity in children, to consolidate the ability to draw with toothpicks.

4th week

Application from woolen threads: "Peacock". To develop the skills and abilities of children to make applique from woolen threads. Strengthen the ability to properly use scissors and glue, clean up your workplace after work. Cultivate patience.

1st week

Salt dough molding:

"Christmas tree decorations".


To consolidate the ability to sculpt toys from dough, their parts, using the movement of the entire brush. To consolidate the skills of accurate coloring; technical skills: pick up paint on a brush, use a “poke”.

2nd week

3rd week

Volume application from synthetic winterizer: "Snowman".

To consolidate the ability to work with padding polyester, to give the details a rounded shape, to connect them with glue. Teach to drag pieces with braid, decorate

crafts with fabric, lace.

4th week

Modeling on a wire frame:

"Spider on the Web".

Familiarization with the technique of through relief. Learn to make a wire frame. To form the ability to work on it with plasticine. Develop fine motor skills of fingers.

1st week

Production in the technique of papier-mâché: "Chupa Chups". Introduction to the papier-mâché technique: tear off small pieces of paper and stick them on the form. Develop children's imagination, sense of color; convey the color of flowers when coloring; be able to coordinate their actions.

2nd week

3rd week

Cotton application:

"Polar bear".

Continue to acquaint children with the volumetric application, consolidate the skills of working with cotton wool. Develop children's imagination and creativity. Cultivate respect for the result.

1st week

Drawing with semolina: "Winter morning". Continue to introduce non-traditional technique drawing. Cultivate a desire to use at work different techniques applications, to introduce the properties of cereals. Learn to compose.

2nd week

Manufacturing bulk crafts from threads:



To introduce children to the material used and how to work with it. Arouse the desire to create and decorate crafts with your own hands. Develop fantasy, imagination, eye; to form the ability to make a three-dimensional toy in two parts.

3rd week

4th week

Modeling from colored dough:

"Military equipment".

Improve test skills and techniques different ways(plastic, combined, constructive). Develop fine motor skills of fingers. Cultivate patience.

1st week

weave paper strips: "Cover". To develop in children the ability to cut even strips of white paper, interlace them in a checkerboard pattern, color them neatly, fix the names of colors.

2nd week

3rd week

Salt painting:


Continue to acquaint children with non-traditional drawing techniques; exercise in the selection of colors for coloring the composition; develop skills in working with salt.

4th week

Volumetric application from corrugated paper:

"Lake with Swans"

To develop imagination, a sense of color in children, to teach how to make a composition of corrugated paper, place it in the center, carefully stick it.

5th week

Making a cardboard photo frame. To consolidate the skills and abilities of working with cardboard, stencil. Cultivate diligence and diligence. To form accuracy when coloring the frame.

1st week

Sgraffito (scratching technique):

"I'm walking on the pavement."

Continue to introduce the technique of scratching on plasticine. Strengthen the ability to use the stack. Develop intent and imagination. Cultivate accuracy and independence in work.

2nd week

Blotography (brush):


Develop imagination and interest in artistic creativity, continue to introduce the technique of drawing with a poke, a hard, semi-dry brush.

3rd week

Origami: "Fox". To consolidate the skills and abilities of folding objects from triangular modules using the origami method. Develop diligence and diligence.

4th week

Fabric applique:


Improve your template skills. To consolidate technical skills: cutting and gluing fabric on cardboard. Develop imagination and attentiveness in work.
Testoplastics: "Dishes". Learn to carefully and diligently fashion dishes from familiar shapes. To consolidate the skills and techniques of sculpting from dough. Develop fine motor skills of fingers, creative abilities of children.

2nd week

Making crafts from cones and natural material: "Funny animals in a clearing."

(collective work).

Continue to introduce children to the manufacture of crafts from cones; exercise in the preparation of plot compositions, in the selection of material; build skills teamwork(ability to negotiate, distribute work, help each other).

3rd week

Plasticineography: "Aquarium with fish". Continue to learn how to fix pieces of plasticine on cardboard by flattening, carefully fix the fish on the basis of plasticine. Develop creativity, a sense of color and proportions.

4th week


To develop skills and techniques for using an unconventional form in drawing - blotography. Make children want to work with a straw. Develop fantasy, imagination, the desire to learn something new.
Reporting exhibition of the club "Skillful Hands".

Republic of Kalmykia

Yashalty district

MBOU "Veselovskaya secondary school"

Development of a lesson on extracurricular activities.

Circle "Skillful hands"

Supervisor: teacher IKRK Uchenova A.N.


Draft Federal Component of the State Educational Standard for General Educationhas a goal - in connection with the modernization of the content of general education - this is a humanistic orientation of education, this is the development of the child's creative potential. What is creativity?

Creativity is the creation on the basis of what is, what has not yet been. These are customized psychological features child, which do not depend on mental abilities and manifest themselves in children's fantasy, imagination, a special vision of the world, their point of view on the surrounding reality. At the same time, the level of creativity is considered to be the higher, the greater the originality of the creative result.

The main task of extracurricular activities of students is the formation of practical labor skills, creative activity, and the cultivation of artistic taste. Extracurricular activities classes of the "Skillful Hands" circle open to children the wonderful world of folk art, which carries centuries-old ideas of beauty and harmony.

This occupation of additional education develops in children the ability to notice the beauty of the crafts being made, the desire and ability to create this beauty, to see the final result of the work.


Topic: Bulk flower Chamomile.

Target: making a flower cotton pads.

Tasks: developing : to develop creative abilities, fine motor skills of hands, self-confidence and abilities. educational : to consolidate the ability and skills of working with paper, with cotton pads, glue, scissors, perform sequential actions. educational : to cultivate the ability to work in a team, diligence, aesthetic feelings, accuracy in performingwork.

Making this craft is designed for two lessons.

Equipment and materials:

multimedia technology, multimedia presentation of the step-by-step production of a flower, a sample of a finished three-dimensional chamomile flower, albums, felt-tip pens, cotton pads, PVA glue, yellow colored paper, white sewing threads, scissors. Outline plan: 1. Organizational moment. 1) Greeting; 2) Checking the readiness of the workplace: each on the desk: album, felt-tip pens, cotton pads, sewing threads, scissors,PVA glue, yellow colored paper. 2. Motivation for the lesson.Solve the riddle. Everyone loves this flower. It grows in the steppe everywhere, They love a butterfly, a bug, And the flower is called ... (chamomile) 3. Reporting the topic and updating knowledge.

The teacher reads a riddle about chamomile: ... The students say a riddle. That's right, guys, it's a camomile. Look at the board, (on the board there is a photograph of a camomile). This is a chamomile flower, a very beautiful and useful flower. They are being treated sore throat, cough, various inflammations. Listen to a poem by Nikolai Sanzhiev in the Kalmyk language "Kamb - daisy" Students repeat the words after the teacher:

Kambin unr kanknna,

Kuukd kamb taslna -

Oln tsahan delvn

Old olzan kүrgnә.

And now, guys, draw a chamomile in the album and color it. Children draw. Well done guys, here are some beautiful daisies you drew. And now we will make such daisies with our own hands.


Chamomile blooms in the steppe (shrugs)

And a bug flies towards her. (flapping arms like wings)

I sat down on a chamomile, (sat down)

She ate the nectar, (waving their hands)

Slide number 4.

Before we get started, let's repeat the t/b when working with scissors. 1. Store scissors in a case or stand 2. On the table, the scissors should lie with closed blades, rings directed towards themselves. 3. Pass the scissors rings forward. 4. At the end of the work, the scissors must be removed in the box.

The teacher shows the finished craft and explains that the chamomile is made from cotton pads. Now look at the screen. Before you on the slides is a step-by-step production of a flower. Students learn how to make crafts.

You will repeat after me all my actions, you will gradually make a camomile.

First, we will make individual petals, from which we will then collect the chamomile.

Slide number 5. To do this, take one disk and wrap it like this:

We tightly wrap the lower edge of the resulting blank with a white thread to make the base of the petal. For a flower, you will need to make 16 such blanks, the bases of which wrap with thread. After making 8 petals, arrange them in a circle

Slide number 6. Now let's take a look at the center of the flower. To do this, cut out two circles from yellow paper: one large, the other smaller.

Slide number 7. Glue a petal onto a large circle, so glue eight petals in sequence in a circle.

Slide number 8. So, we got the first row of chamomile petals.

Slide number 9. Then, between the petals of the first row, glue the second row of petals in the same way.

Slide number 10. The final step will be gluing the center onto the resulting flower.

Slide number 11. Such unpretentious, but original daisies can be attached to a thin satin ribbon, let vertically along the curtains or “scatter” a clearing on the wallpaper.

We, the students of the school, will decorate the central wall of the school assembly hall with such flowers.

Guys, what wonderful flowers you have. Well done boys!

Your daisies will decorate our school!