Games for girls Tattoo Monster High. Monster High Game Tattoo

In this game you will turn into an employee of a tattooed salon. Give your clients charming pictures!

Girls will come to you wishing to get cute images on your body. You need to fully fulfill their wishes using the existing tools. To start circle the contour of the future tattoo, transfer it to the body. Then he will only make it color. Use for this paint and achieve complete similarity with the sample, which will be in front of your eyes all the time.

The creators of the Monster High Tattoo Games invite you to work in the cabin, where girls will come.

Your task will be to make visitors exactly excellent tattoos on their choice. Runing this game about Monster High, you will fall in Tattoo Salon, where there is everything required tools To create pictures on the skin. You can only follow the game prompts that will explain in detail in detail what you need to do. After starting the game Tattoo for Monster High, you will need to choose a client, and then answer a few questions about its preferences. This will determine how which tattoo will have to do.

Gorgeous tattoos from the best master

The process of the game Monster High in the tattoo cabin consists of several stages. To begin with, you need to outline the outline of the future image, then transfer it to the visitor's skin ... Of course, the picture will need to be painted in the specified colors. Look carefully on the sample and apply paints that will allow you to get a similar image. And even if you make a mistake with color, you can always change it. As you create a tattoo, the scale will be filling at the bottom of the screen. It will be displayed for the progress that you have already managed to achieve. When the scale is completely filled, you can go to another stage.

Great game for fans of the animated series

Especially like the game Monster High Tatu Salon, those who love a cartoon series about the school of monsters. It is the heroine of this series and will come to you to get a stylish tattoo on their skin. You will also have to fulfill their wishes and create such pictures that clients have chosen for themselves. However, this is definitely nothing complicated, because the game provides detailed prompts and indicates what and how to do at the moment. Just follow these instructions, and as a result you will definitely get excellent "tattooes", which will be pleased with your clients.

Dear Guys. The game is long loaded. Therefore, manifest patience. Everything will soon boot :)

IN games Tatu Monsters High A new passion appeared - a passion for a tattoo. The main characters go to the fashionable Tattoo Salon Jiji. For each heroine, it will have its own unique sketch, but for a start, the master must get the client's trust. In the conquest of the client and the creation of Tattoo, Jiji will help a player who can show all his dexterity and intuition. At the beginning of the game you need to choose a consumer, listen to him, then answer three questions that will be able to score three experiences experience. As soon as the answers pronounced, the master proposes a tattoo to the customer specifically for him. When creating a tattoo, it is necessary to show all your dexterity, must first draw a tattoo sketch on paper. To do this, use the mouse to connect all points in the figure. As soon as the pattern is ready, it should be covered with special glue, which will help move the pattern to the body. The image on the flesh, the piece of paper was deleted, now it's time to make the contour of the pattern clear and smooth. Then you should clean this section of the skin. Now you can proceed to apply color on the tattoo, then clean the tattoo. Game like and adults and children, perhaps someone will choose an image for themselves. Children will be able to show dexterity and patience, not so easy to connect the sketch points, and attentiveness will help you choose the desired color. Before creating a tattoo, you can print the resulting option for memory.

Game about tattoos decorated in the style of "School of Monsters", musical accompaniment It is impellent, in general, the game leaves pleasant emotions and raises the mood. The hostess of the salon tattoo is Jeji - Daughter of Ginn, she can fulfill 13 desires, in her pets she has scorpion - Sultan Sting, she spent a long time in the lamp. Ginn is a kind of magical spirit that is often found in magic fairy tales. There is also a mention of spirits in the Quran. Ginnes are made of pure flame, they do not feel taste, do not have feelings, they are not led by grief, sadness, joy, love. In Arab mythology, it is told about three types of jinn: marid - genie water, the most reasonable and rational; Iprhite - Ginn Fire, the most evil, can harm people; Gul - waswolf. In oriental fairy tales, there are many descriptions of jinn, but for many players, when mentioning Ginn, a funny genie is remembered from the Cartoon Disney "Alladin". Ginn lived thousands of years in the lamp, and after acquaintance with Alladin not only found friends, but also got freedom.

Like any girl, a representative of the School of Monster High love to look beautiful and stylish. Today, three students of the Monsters school went to the beauty salon, among them Draculaura, Claudin Wulf and Gulia Yelps. These beauties intend to make themselves on a tattoo that you choose for them. In this online entertainment for the Girl Monster High Game Tattoo, you have to try your hand as professional Masters A tattoo that does not just competently pick up the drawing, but also the masterful to do the knack itself.

This game refers to the category of entertainment Coloring Monster High, and it tells us that being a tattoo master is a fairly creative profession, where an important skill is the ability to draw beautifully. After all, only a real artist is able to create a real masterpiece on the body of his client. Let each of the girls who trusted yourself will be pleased with your work. The site wish you success in such a creative case, like tattooing!

Tips for passing:

After the game is loaded on your monitors screens, click on the PLAY inscription button to start creative work. Then select one of the proposed clients and click the Next button. Now try to honestly answer a few questions, including color preferences, a body area for a tattoo and stylistics pictures. You will appear automatically selected image of the future tattoo pattern. Next, your task will be to make the whole necessary work By applying a tattoo to a certain portion of the body of the client. You can carry out all the necessary actions you can use a computer mouse and tips that pop up at each stage.