Gelatin hair lamination at home recipe. Recipes for masks for lamination of hair at home with gelatin

If you are looking for an affordable way to heal your hair, you should look at such an option as lamination of your hair with gelatin at home. It is this procedure that allows you to noticeably improve the condition of the bulbs on the head, as well as hide significant signs of damage. Such a procedure in the salon is very significant, so home lamination with gelatin is becoming more and more popular.

Benefits for hair

The main advantage of gelatin is the presence of collagen in it, which is a protein known for its ability to preserve the natural beauty of the entire body. That is why gelatin is used as the basis for home lamination. The effect is achieved by covering the treated surface with a protective film in order to hide microcracks and other obvious damage.

Pros and cons


  • The result of the procedure is an increase in hair density;
  • Smoothness and extraordinary softness, as well as an impressive healthy shine;
  • Split ends restoration;
  • Electrification goes away;
  • Absolute security. Home lamination is allowed even for pregnant women;
  • Perceptible savings in comparison with a similar salon procedure.


  • Failure to comply with all stages of the recipe reproduction can lead to unpleasant consequences: overdrying, excessive fat content, etc.
  • Possible lack of effect;
  • The period when the hair begins to grow greasy is accelerated;
  • The possibility of increasing dryness of the tips is noted.
  • The classic lamination method.

Important! Like any other product, gelatin powder can be an allergen, so before starting the procedure, it is advisable to try it on a small area of ​​the head. It is best to apply a small amount behind the ear and wait about 15 minutes. If there is no redness and other disturbing signs, the gelatinous mass can be applied.

Before and after photos

Classic recipe for gelatin lamination

Let's take a look at how to make hair lamination at home with gelatin step by step. Usually the following two methods are understood under this procedure:

Option 1

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 sachet (15 gr.) Gelatin powder;
  • 3 tablespoons of boiled water. It should not be cold (the product will swell for a long time) and not hot (it may curdle). The ideal temperature is room temperature or slightly higher;
  • half a tablespoon of a suitable mask.

More ingredients may be needed depending on the length of the hair.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The gelling agent is poured over with water for a period of 20 minutes. Stir well to avoid clumps. And if you have them, it is better to strain the resulting slurry through cheesecloth. Otherwise, they will stick to the hair and you will not be able to comb them out.
  2. The next step is to dissolve the gelatin powder. This can be done either in a water bath or in the microwave.
  3. Finally, any suitable mask is added to the composition.
  4. Rubbing movements, from top to bottom, distribute the product along the entire length. You cannot touch the roots.
  5. Further, the composition is covered with polyethylene and a heated towel. The exposure time is 40 minutes.
  6. Then you just need to wash your hair and dry it naturally.

Important! You cannot dry your hair with a hairdryer immediately after the procedure. Otherwise, the effect of weighting and pollution may turn out.

Option 2

Another home lamination option comes in two stages:

Stage 1 - preparation and application of the laminating shampoo

For convenience, you can immediately dilute the pack of gelatin powder for both stages, and then distribute it in half for further preparation.

You will need:

  • half a packet of gelatin;
  • 6 to 8 tablespoons of warm water;
  • 50 ml baby or organic shampoo.


  1. Dissolve the main component in warm water until smooth. And add shampoo in a 1: 1 ratio. The shampoo must be the same as the gelling agent, otherwise you can ruin the curls, making them overly fragile.
  2. Apply to unwashed head. We soak the gruel for 40 minutes, covering the composition with polyethylene and a heated towel.
  3. Further, we foam everything and rinse well with warm water.

Stage 2 - preparation of the mask

You will need all the same products as in the first stage, only instead of shampoo we add 1: 1 balm.


  1. We apply in the usual way avoiding areas near the roots.
  2. In the same way, we wrap it with polyethylene and wrap it with a heated towel. We stand for 40 to 120 minutes.
  3. We rinse with warm water.
  1. This procedure is best done no more than once every three weeks.
  2. It is better not to laminate hair with a dense "Asian" structure. But thin and overdried are highly recommended.
  3. Lamination works especially well for colored hair. Since the formed film does not allow the pigment to be washed out. Naturally, staining must be carried out before such a procedure.
  4. You can use a hair dryer after lamination, but it is better to refuse rectifiers (curling irons, ironing, etc.).
  5. If possible, it is best not to wash your hair after lamination for several days.
  6. During the day after the procedure, it is better not to pull the hair into a ponytail, bun or braid.
  7. Make masks based on gelatin.
  8. Since the data cosmetics are similar in their effect to home lamination, then they can also be used to heal your hair. When applied, the composition is covered with polyethylene and a towel, and after a long time it is washed off with shampoo.

Most girls perceive lamination as salon procedure... But in fact, it can be successfully repeated at home, using a product that is cheap and available in every kitchen.

Lamination is an excellent, cost-effective and time-saving alternative to salon care. The mixture that is made from this product, forming a protective film on the curls, helps to restore their internal structure, increase in volume, enhance growth and give shine. This is due to the fact that gelatin plays the role of a kind of protector-builder. Being hydrolyzed collagen - a protein obtained from the tendons of animals, it revives damaged, old cells, and helps the "young" to reach the surface of the epidermis faster, thereby strengthening the follicles, awakening dormant bulbs, solving the problem of scalp peeling and smoothing the texture of each hair shaft.

Also, the composition is famous for the content of many important amino acids:

  • glycine, which moisturizes and softens the hair;
  • alanine, which regulates metabolism and increases immune strength;
  • hydroxyproline, a proline responsible for healthy connective tissue function;
  • aspartic acid, which is involved in various biosynthetic processes and protects strands from the harmful effects of external factors (sun, wind, hard water, paint, iron / hair dryer).

The healing effect of the mixture cannot but have a beneficial effect on the condition and appearance of the hair. According to user reviews, even after one session, the curls become thicker, smoother, firmer and stronger. Their natural shine is enhanced many times over, and the magnetization of the strands and the "dandelion" effect are reduced to the maximum. The issue with split ends, thinning of the rod, excessive rejection of cells of the upper layer of the scalp due to the use of gelatin is also resolved quite quickly.

Experts agree on how often lamination can be done at home: the procedure does not need to be carried out daily, just 1-2 sessions per week. For an ideal result, gelatin for curls is best used within 2 months, since its therapeutic and caring effect is cumulative.

Which gelatin should you use?

Cosmetologists and stylists recommend purchasing powder, because in this form it dissolves faster without forming lumps. Other forms of product release - granules and plates - experts, on the contrary, do not recommend using it. In this case, it cannot be completely dissolved, sticks to dishes, hands, which complicates the procedure at home.

It is equally important to pay attention to the expiration date when choosing. Ideally, it shouldn't be more than a year from the moment of production, because the stale gelatinous composition loses all its beneficial features and does not have the desired effect.

How to properly prepare your hair for lamination?

To make it work, before applying the product, the scalp and the curls themselves are well cleaned of impurities. For this, it is recommended to use special cleansing shampoos. They will not only effectively eliminate dead cells, grease and other imperfections, but also increase the permeability of the epidermis and hair, and better fix the mixture on their surface.

Also, before the procedure, it is important to go through such a preparation stage as nutrition and hydration. It is most appropriate to do this by applying an appropriate mask: curls will receive all the most necessary elements, and the film that envelops each rod after lamination will prolong their use for a long time.

When asked whether to apply gelatin on clean or dirty hair, the answer is obvious - only on well-cleaned and prepared strands. If we neglect so simple terms, there will be no desired shine, problems with loss, damage and peeling will not be solved.

What is the best recipe to use?

If you don't have much time, but you really want to be beautiful, experts advise you to use the classic version. The hair, according to the reviews of those who have tried it, then look so shiny, healthy and well-groomed that it seems as if the procedure was carried out not at home, but in the best aesthetic center. In addition, the recipe is distinguished by the content of a minimum of components, their general availability and ease of both preparation and use.

For classic lamination you will need:

  • 1 large spoonful of gelatin;
  • 3 large spoons of water;
  • 1 or 2 (depending on the length of the curls) st. l. shampoo, conditioner, balm or other care product, which will act as a base and be responsible for a more convenient application.

You need to start cooking by heating the water - up to about 40 ° C. After that, pour gelatin over it and wait until it swells. This process usually takes 10-15 minutes if the product was purchased in powder form, and a little more time will be needed when dealing with granules and plates. Next, the swollen composition is placed in a water bath, and upon reaching a uniform consistency, shampoo or other base is added to it.

After mixing the ingredients, the mask is considered ready. Apply it to the curls wet after washing the hair, starting from the roots (with an indentation of 1-2 cm) and moving towards the ends. On top, as in the case of any other mask, a plastic cap is put on, made independently from a bag or specially purchased for similar needs, as well as a turban made of a towel. Now it remains to warm up the head with a hairdryer (at least 10 minutes) and hold the composition for about half an hour. The gelatin mask is washed off in the same way as the usual one. The hair is dried in the usual way.

Other lamination recipes should be used if you need not just temporarily improve the condition and appearance curls, but to make them beautiful forever by acting on the cause of imperfection. For example:

1. If the hair is too dry, a mask enriched with vegetable oils and vinegar. They begin to prepare it by diluting gelatin with water and observing the traditional proportion - 1: 3. Then 1 teaspoon of apple / grape vinegar and a few drops of burdock (castor, peach or almond) oil are added to the mass. It is necessary to apply the composition and insulate it in the same way as in the case of the classic recipe. The exposure time is 30 minutes.

2. If the curls quickly get dirty and greasy, then home lamination is best done according to the following scheme. Heat fresh lemon juice in a water bath and dissolve gelatin in it. In this case, the ingredients should be taken on the basis of a 4: 1 ratio (for example, 4 tablespoons of lemon juice will require 1 tablespoon of powder). Then add 1 egg yolk and a conditioner balm to the mask - half or a whole tablespoon (depending on the thickness and length of the hair). Having distributed the mass over the surface of the head, walk like this for at least half an hour, and then wash everything off.

3. If the curls have become dull and lifeless, experts advise resorting to such a remedy. Pour this food product not with water, but with herbal decoction: chamomile - blond beauties, nettle - brunettes. The proportion remains 1: 3, the exposure time is 30 minutes. Add some more honey if desired.

4. If the hair is badly damaged after dyeing, straightening / curling, drying with a hairdryer, a mask with pharmacy vitamins will come in handy. To prepare it, you first need to warm up the milk and dilute the gelatin in it in the same classic ratio of 3: 1. Further, pre-purchased vitamins A and E in liquid form are connected. The mask should be applied both to the roots and the entire length of the strands, with an exposure time of 40-50 minutes. According to user reviews, this recipe is also excellent for accelerating the growth of the hair shaft.

5. If there is no desired volume, lamination at home can be done like this. The base product is mixed dry with colorless henna and mustard powder. The components are taken in the same proportions, for example, for an average length of curls - 1 teaspoon each. Then raw yolk and water are added to the composition - 2-3 tablespoons. For the procedure to be successful, all ingredients must be slightly warmed up in a water bath. The mixture can then be applied and aged as indicated in the classic recipe.

What else do stylists advise to consider when laminating hair with gelatin?

  • never dissolve it immediately with hot water: the heating process should be gradual so that the product does not lose all its beneficial properties;
  • it is allowed to heat it up in the microwave instead of a water bath;
  • the mask recipe is always selected based on the type and characteristics of the hair;
  • the ratio of ingredients must be observed in full, otherwise home lamination will not give the desired effect, and it will be extremely inconvenient to apply the product: it may spread or, conversely, it is difficult to distribute over the curls;
  • if the proportion is not indicated regarding the use of gelatin and water, then you should resort to the traditional option - 1: 3.

Now in salons, lamination of hair is very common. Most women are interested in the question: "Is it possible to carry out this procedure yourself?"

The secret of their popularity lies in the fact that the results are visible after the first procedure. The basis of the composition is gelatin. It is 100% animal protein. It contains collagen, small molecules of which penetrate into the deep layers of the hair, have a therapeutic and cosmetic effect. Each hair is covered and enveloped with a protective film.


  • strands become silky, shiny, soft;
  • the protective film helps to retain moisture in the curls;
  • the volume of the hairstyle visually increases;
  • well restore and nourish hair;
  • all components are distinguished by their low cost.

But, unfortunately, there are also disadvantages. On severely weakened hair, the long-awaited result may not come. For those who often dye, blondes do not always go away.

Need to try. There is no one-size-fits-all method.


  • in some cases after the procedure
  • there are difficulties in rinsing and combing out the applied composition;
  • a feeling of fatness at the roots.

Important rules for the procedure

Despite the multiple recipes for obtaining masks with gelatin, repetitive highlights:

  1. The base is always the same - gelatin, water (milk, decoctions) and shampoo or balms.
  2. The proportions of the ratio of gelatin to liquid 1: 3 (for example, one tablespoon of gelatin and three of water).
  3. Gelatin should be poured over with warm, but not hot, water. If you add hot water, then it can curl up, and from cold water it can take a long time to dissolve. The best option- 50-60 °. Leave on for 15 minutes, stir constantly. If there are any lumps, use a strainer. If it has not completely dissolved, then heat it up in a water bath, preventing it from boiling. If the mixture boils, then you need to prepare a new one. There will be no benefit from such a mask.
  4. After dissolving the gelatin, add the remaining components to the resulting homogeneous mass and mix well (the result of the procedure depends on this).
  5. The mixture must be applied over the entire length of the hair, avoiding contact with the roots. It is better to step back 1-2 cm. Otherwise, the hairstyle will take on a sleek look.
  6. The head must be covered with a cellophane cap and insulated with a towel.
  7. Rinse off with warm or cool water without use. Allow hair to dry on its own, comb.
  8. Before the procedure, you need to wash your hair, but do not use balms and conditioners, dry your hair using a towel, but leave it damp.

Gelatin mask recipes

Using the above rules, you need to select options for individual recipes.

Mask with the addition of egg yolk

Pour a tablespoon of gelatin with 3 tablespoons of cold water, put in a microwave or water bath for a few seconds. The resulting mass, after dissolving the gelatin, add the yolk of one egg and one tablespoon Stir.

This amount is sufficient for a procedure with short strands. Girls with medium length hair, the number of ingredients should be doubled, and with long curls - 3-4 times. The mixture is applied to wet hair... Leave on 30-40 minutes.

2-step method

It consists of two procedures. First, the basis for them is being prepared. This will require one tablespoon of edible gelatin (do not use instant gelatin) and 6 tablespoons of warm water. Leave for 15 minutes, stir constantly. Then pour half of the prepared base into another container, add the same amount to it, stir and apply along the entire length of dry hair, avoiding contact with the roots.

Insulate your head, withstand 30-60 minutes. Wash off without adding shampoo, dry with a towel, but carefully, you do not need to rub. For the next stage of the procedure, take the second part of the prepared base and combine it with the same amount of hair balm, add vitamin E.

Apply to curls, leave for half an hour, rinse. It is allowed to rinse with a decoction of herbs. The procedure lasts 3-4 weeks.

Herbal decoction mask

The composition includes gelatin, herbal decoction (chamomile,) or water, a tablespoon of a hair mask, a mixture of oils. You can add an egg. Women with oily hair it is recommended to supplement with protein, and dry ones - with yolk. Repetition frequency - once a month.

Moisturizing mask for dry and damaged hair

Ingredients: gelatin - 1 tbsp. l., milk - 3 tbsp. l., honey - 1 tbsp. l., a few drops of any

Mask with added juices

Water is replaced with lemon and carrot juices.

Hair mask

Consists of a teaspoon of gelatin, two tablespoons of water, a teaspoon of powder, a teaspoon of colorless henna and egg yolk.

  • shampoo and it is advisable to add more than gelatin so that hair breakage does not occur;
  • you can not apply gelatin in its pure form;
  • rinse off with warm water, but not hot, otherwise the gelatin may steam out;
  • dry naturally without using a hair dryer;
  • do not apply the formulations to the scalp to avoid itching and burning.

The procedure for preparing and applying the gelatin hair mask is quite simple. However, to obtain the desired effect, you should carefully study and adhere to all recommendations.

Hair lamination is a useful procedure that allows you to turn dull, lifeless curls with split ends into a smooth, flowing wave. Even the most weakened, overdried hairs will shine, become strong and elastic.

Until recently, hair lamination at home looked, if not a dream, then a fantasy - good hair lamination could only be done in beauty salons. Home hair lamination with gelatin came to the rescue - now we can make our hair lamination no worse than professional hairdressers. Lamination of hair with gelatin at home has already been tested by a large number of women - everyone speaks of home lamination of hair with gelatin extremely positively.

Properties of Gelatin as a Hair Laminator

Salon lamination involves applying a special composition to the hair, covering each hair with a thin transparent film that transforms the appearance of the hair and protects it from negative external factors. Lamination not only improves the appearance of the hair, but also heals it, making it manageable and smooth, and returns shine.

This is a truly magical remedy that can bring even the most damaged hair back to life. However, this procedure costs a lot. For those who save the family budget, but want to look great, lamination of hair with gelatin at home is suitable. The product has almost all the properties that salon hair lamination products have:

  1. Contains natural collagen, protein, amino acids, dietary fiber, cellulose, vitamins and minerals necessary for hair restoration. In the process of exposure, the substances are absorbed, improving the structure of each hair.
  2. Covers hair with a breathable film that protects against external negative factors. Due to this, the hair looks more voluminous and elastic, smoothed, split ends disappear.
  3. It has thermal protective properties, therefore it is suitable for women who use hair dryers and tongs.
  4. Makes hair manageable, easy to remember its shape.
  5. It nourishes the hair and retains moisture in it thanks to the high content of vitamin E.

It is also worth noting that most store-bought hair care products that have lamination properties contain gelatin.

Benefits of home lamination

Gelatin is probably in the house of every housewife, although in the absence of it it will not be difficult to buy it. The product is inexpensive, so every woman can afford it. The lamination process does not take much time - only for the preparation and application of the composition, the waiting time for the impact is spent on household chores, watching your favorite TV series or just relaxing.

Gelatin hair product with a lamination effect is suitable for everyone, without exception, there are no contraindications to its use. Gelatin will help eliminate many hair problems:

  • damaged split ends;
  • thin and brittle curls;
  • will give shine and elasticity to hair;
  • will make rare hair visually thicker.

Home lamination is inferior to salon lamination only, perhaps, in that its effect is not immediately visible, but after several sessions. In the salon, even the most damaged hair will immediately gain vitality.

In addition, salon lamination retains the effect for a rather long time - from 4 to 6 months, the home lamination procedure will have to be repeated in a month, since the gelatin is quickly washed off. However, it has a regenerating effect on the hair, tends to accumulate, penetrating into the hair structure, therefore, after several courses it will hold for a longer time.

Nutritionists and trichologists (specialists in hair diseases) in one hair repeat: for the hair to be healthy, the food must contain the necessary amount of collagen, so they even advise to include dishes with gelatin in the diet: meat and fish aspic, dessert jelly, etc. etc. In this case, the hair gets the necessary collagen "from the inside", but if local "gelatin therapy" is carried out, i.e. lamination, the effect will only intensify.

Even very brittle, severely damaged hair with split ends will quickly recover, become elastic and shiny, acquire additional volume, which is especially important for owners of thin and thin hair. Hair after the first procedure will become shiny, smooth and silky, and with the help of natural substances, without the use of chemicals.

The classic home lamination recipe

The recipe for gelatin hair lamination at home is simple. It doesn't take much effort to prepare the mask. If you plan to carry out regular hair restoration procedures, it is advisable to purchase a special saucepan with a small bottom diameter. Since the composition to be prepared will not be too large in volume, it will spread in a thin layer in a pan with a wide bottom, and it will be inconvenient to mix and collect.

So, the step-by-step preparation of a homemade hair lamination composition:

  1. Pour 1 bag of gelatin (15 g, or 1 tbsp. L.) Into a saucepan, add 3 tbsp. l. slightly cooled boiling water and mix thoroughly. Cover the container and leave to swell for 15-20 minutes. If, after swelling, there are lumps that do not just stir, heat the composition until they are completely dissolved. At the same time, make sure that the mixture does not boil, since gelatin loses its properties when boiling, and it burns quickly enough.
  2. Add ½ tbsp to the resulting mass. l. balm, mask or hair conditioner, usually used for shampooing. If the mass turned out to be too liquid, add a little more balm, but you should not overdo it, otherwise there will be no desired effect.
  3. Wash hair with the usual shampoo, pat dry with a towel so that it remains damp.
  4. Apply the prepared mixture to the hair, avoiding contact with the scalp, as soon as possible so that the mass does not freeze in the container. If this does happen, it will be possible to slightly warm it up and continue applying.
  5. After distributing the gelatinous mass for lamination along the length of the hair, wrap the head with cling film or a plastic bag, insulate the top with a woolen cap or an ordinary terry towel. For the best effect, the hair can be warmed up with a hairdryer for 10-15 minutes, pressing it to the head. This will allow the laminator to penetrate the pores of the hair. However, heating is not necessary.
  6. After warming up, walk like this for another half an hour, then wash off the composition with warm (but not hot!) Water without using detergents... Gelatin can be easily removed from hair. To consolidate the effect, rinse the hair with lemon juice diluted in water (1 tsp per liter of water).

Proportions shown are for short hair... Owners of long curls need to increase the number of components. When preparing, it is worth considering that three parts of liquid are added to one part of gelatin (regardless of its composition).

Hair masks with gelatin base

The recipe above is classic. It is used as an independent tool, which will also have the effect of lamination. The main difference from conventional lamination will be the addition of one or more auxiliary components that additionally nourish the hair. The principle of preparing the gelatinous base in each case will be practically the same.

Nourishing hair mask

Instead of water, you can add juice or a decoction of herbs to the gelatinous mass prepared according to the classic recipe, which will nourish the hair during the action of the mask. For blondes, a decoction of chamomile or diluted lemon juice is suitable, for brunettes - carrot juice or a decoction of nettle.

Hair loss

Prepare a gelatin mixture, add ½ tsp to it. castor or burdock oil (you can do both in equal proportions). Apply along the length of the hair, insulate, rinse off after an hour.

To add volume to hair

  • Gelatin - 1 tsp
  • Colorless henna - 1 tsp
  • Mustard - 1 tsp
  • Water - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Yolk - 1 pc.

Prepare a gelatin base, add the yolk to it, then the rest of the ingredients. Mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps, if necessary, add water so that a mixture similar to thick sour cream is obtained. Apply all this to the hair, insulate, rinse off after an hour.

For all hair types

  • Gelatin - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Aloe juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Parsley juice - 1 tsp

Dissolve gelatin in warm water, heat to avoid lumps. Add aloe and parsley juice to the slightly cooled mixture. Apply to hair, warm. Wash off after an hour.

For dry hair

  • Gelatin - 1 t. L.
  • Water - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 tsp.
  • Essential lavender oil - 1 drop.

Dissolve gelatin in water, if necessary, heat in a water bath. Add oil, pour in vinegar, immediately apply to hair and wrap well. Wash off after 30 minutes.

For oily hair

  • Gelatin - 1 tablespoon
  • Lemon juice - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Yolk - 1 pc.
  • Mask or balm - ½ tbsp. l.

Heat lemon juice in a water bath, add gelatin, stir until completely dissolved. Stir the yolk with balsam, put in a gelatinous mass. Stir the mixture until smooth. Apply to clean hair, insulate, leave for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water without shampoo.

Hair shampoo mask

  • Decoction of herbs (nettle, burdock root, chamomile) - 1/3 cup.
  • Gelatin - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Shampoo - 2 tbsp. l.

Dissolve gelatin in warm broth, add shampoo, mix. Apply the composition to the hair, leave for 10 minutes (without insulation), rinse with warm water.

Honey Gelatin Hair Mask

  • Gelatin - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Essential oil (sage, almond, rosemary - your choice) - 1 drop.

Add honey to the gelatinous mass and essential oil, slightly warm until the oils dissolve and apply to clean hair. Warm your head and hold the mask for 30-40 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Egg Gelatin Hair Mask

  • Gelatin - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Yolk - 1 pc.

Prepare a gelatinous mass, cool slightly, add the yolk. Stir everything and apply to hair. Wash off after an hour with warm water.

  1. It is advisable to do lamination of hair with gelatin once a week for 2-3 months in a row to consolidate the result. After a few months, repeat the course.
  2. Gelatin hair masks are not applied to the scalp, as irritation will occur due to the astringent properties of the product, and it is much more difficult to wash it off the skin than from the hair. Leave 1-2 cm free from the mask.
  3. Gelatin is usually not a product allergic... If, nevertheless, discomfort is noticed during the procedure, then it is better to refuse it.

Indications and benefits of lamination

First of all, it is worth figuring out what the procedure itself implies, because despite its fame and popularity, many firmly believe that it has a healing effect. In fact, by wrapping each hair in an additional layer, the lamination product protects, adds shine, and straightens the hairs without affecting the growth process or the condition of the bulbs.

Who is this procedure indicated for? First of all, it is advised to carry it out to women whose hair has been repeatedly dyed, especially if it is lightening or blonding. Regular exposure to chemical dyes negatively affects the structure of the hair, making it look like a prickly spruce. Frequent use of a hair dryer, iron or curling iron will lead to a similar effect. By making the hairstyle more effective, they ruin it day after day. It is advisable to make lamination for those who are going to spend their holidays under the scorching sun, which, as you know, is not the best way affects the hair.

What are the benefits of home hair lamination

And here are the most important advantages of using gelatin for hair before lamination in the salon:

  • Gelatin is absolutely harmless, on the contrary, good for hair.
  • The huge amount of vitamins found in gelatin contribute to healthy hair growth.
  • Dry hair becomes shiny and silky.
  • Damaged hair becomes elastic.
  • The result is especially noticeable on thin and weakened hair - they immediately acquire volume and shine.
  • These masks make hair smooth and promote hair growth.
  • The mask with gelatin makes the hair denser, stronger, and they are not so much traumatized during styling with a hairdryer, curling iron or iron.
  • Homemade hair lamination with gelatin can be repeated an unlimited number of times without fear of harming your hair.

Thus, by laminating your hair at home, you save time and money, as well as give your hair not only beauty, but also health. Everyone who has tried home gelatin hair lamination at least once was satisfied and continue to use it. Try it! You will not be disappointed!

Who is lamination suitable for?

Varieties of lamination:

  • colorless;
  • colored;
  • cold;
  • hotter.

All types of procedures are performed in beauty salons. Color lamination involves the simultaneous "sealing" of the hair and its coloring. With a hot variety, a special composition is fixed on the curls with the help high temperature... This type is not recommended for owners of damaged, overdried strands.

With the help of natural ingredients, you can independently perform colorless cold lamination. Gelatin, water, a little nourishing balm for curls - everything you need to achieve maximum results without serious financial costs.

How long does the lamination effect last?

The durability of the result depends on the condition, the thickness of the hairs, and the correctness of the procedure.

Main factors:

  • the ideal condition of the hair is noticeable within 3-6 weeks;
  • the healthier the curls, the longer the effect will last;
  • the repeated procedure is carried out no earlier than a month later.


Poor lamination preparation at home can be negative. The consequences of negligence are as follows:

  • instead of perfect hair, you will get “heavy”, dull curls that break up into uneven strands;
  • "bald patches" may appear in the hairstyle;
  • coarse hairs will resemble "straw";
  • split ends will remain, knocked out of the total mass of the hair; curls will become dirty faster;
  • instead of a pleasant volume, you will get stuck together strands that are difficult to style;
  • the hairstyle will seem "licked" and sloppy.

How and what to do lamination at home

For a lasting effect, perform the procedure with gelatin. If you want to experiment and heal your hair - choose a mask with a banana-based lamination effect. Leave the keratin straightening for beauty salons.

Gelatin has a huge advantage over the cloned products that are piling up on store shelves. It contains natural protein collagen, whose task during lamination is to gently envelop each of your hairs with the thinnest protective film. It is thanks to this component that the hair gains volume, becomes thicker and looks healthier, well-groomed. Plus, gelatin is an excellent hair moisturizer and nourishment.

Do not expect an instant effect after the first application of gelatin. At least three treatments are required for visible results. Every time before washing your hair, do not forget about the healing procedure, and then your hair will accumulate the benefits obtained over and over again, as a result - silky, smooth, shiny hair!

Another undoubted advantage in favor of gelatin lamination: high-quality store lamination products will cost you a lot, and gelatin costs a penny. At the same time, the effect of lamination is impeccable.

Directly the procedure for lamination of hair with gelatin at home requires no more than an hour of your free time.

Video: home gelatin lamination

Yes, you heard right. Today we will offer you homemade hair lamination recipe with gelatin.
This hair restoration method is suitable for those who have severely damaged hair, split ends, hair has lost its healthy shine and become dry like straw. Then gelatin lamination of hair at home you will come in handy. Also, for owners of thin and thin hair, such a lamination procedure at home will cause the most visible effect of hair volume.

The advantage of gelatin over store-bought laminating products is that it contains protein collagen (natural), which covers each of your hairs with a protective film. Therefore, after such a procedure, your hair will acquire a healthy look and become thicker. Gelatin moisturizes and nourishes the hair well. Just do not expect an amazing effect the first time. For visible changes, you will need at least 3 procedures. It is advisable to carry them out when you are used to washing your hair. That is, if you wash your hair three times a week, you can do gelatin lamination three times in a row. If you wash your hair once a week, then hair restoration procedures are also once a week. Each time, your hair will build up the effect, resulting in shine, silkiness and smoothness.

Homemade hair lamination with gelatin- this is not fiction, but reality!

Another advantage of this hair restoration procedure is that home remedies for lamination of hair with gelatin have a low price in the store, gelatin can be bought without high costs, which is not difficult for any girl to carry out such a procedure at home.
The gelatin lamination procedure itself is not very complicated and takes about an hour, in principle, like regular hair care, for example, a hair mask. Below we give you a recipe for gelatin lamination, where everything is described how to make hair lamination right at home.

Homemade hair lamination with gelatin (recipe)

For a gelatin mask, you will need:

  • 1 sachet of gelatin;
  • Boiled water;
  • Hair mask or balm.

How to do hair lamination(hair lamination instruction):

  • 1 ... We boil water, let it cool slightly. We pour out 1 tbsp. a spoonful of gelatin in a glass container and pour 3 tbsp. spoons of NOT HOT water. If you have thick or long hair, then increase the proportions 3 times, that is, add 9 tablespoons of water to three tablespoons of gelatin (just do it always in a 1: 3 ratio). Mix everything thoroughly. Don't be afraid if the gelatin sticks to the cutlery, it will rinse off easily afterwards. We advise, after you have mixed everything well, cover the dishes with gelatin with a plate so that it does not cool down and does not freeze. By the way, this proportion is designed for short hair. After the first procedure, you yourself must already adjust the proportions of the prepared gelatin mixture. So that the next time you decide to laminate your hair at home with gelatin, you will already know how much mixture you need for your hair.
  • 2 ... At this time, while the gelatin swells, you go to wash your hair with shampoo, and then apply a balm and then rinse off. Wipe the hair with a towel to remove excess moisture, but to keep it slightly damp.
  • 3 ... So, from the moment we made the gelatinous gruel, it should take about 15-20 minutes. Now we check what we have with gelatin. If it is not completely dissolved, then you can warm it up in a water bath, stirring until smooth.
  • 4 ... Then we add our favorite mask to the gelatin - half a tablespoon (it is not advisable to add more, since the effect may not be as it should be). The consistency should resemble thick sour cream or dough.
  • 5 ... Now we apply the gelatin mixture to our damp hair. It is advisable not to apply on the scalp itself, i.e. on the hair roots themselves. Step back about 1 cm from the hair roots. The gelatin mask is applied very quickly. You will see - this lamination procedure will not be difficult for you.
  • 6 ... Now, as soon as we have applied all the mixture to the hair, then you need to put a plastic bag over your head or a special hat. We wrap the top with another towel and warm up the head with a hairdryer for 10-15 minutes. Then we go about our chores around the house and do not notice how 45 minutes have passed.
  • 7 ... Now wash off the gelatin mask with water. You will see that the gelatin will wash off your hair without too much difficulty thanks to the balm we have added to the mixture.

Hair after lamination (photo)

How often do hair lamination?

You can do gelatin lamination of your hair at least once a week for two months. You will see the result immediately after the first application, and then the effect will only intensify.

We have given you an example of the simplest homemade gelatin hair lamination recipe.

But you can also try to make gelatinous masks with a lamination effect. We suggest that you decide which gelatin hair mask, its recipe, is right for you. When choosing, you should be guided by your hair type, color and degree of damage. The only difference between a gelatin mask and gelatin lamination is that we also add an auxiliary component to the mask (yolk, milk, herbs, mustard, and so on). And the basic composition and preparation process is the same as with gelatin lamination.

How to make a gelatin mask?

The mask preparation process is the same as hair lamination. Just adding one more useful component.

How to apply a gelatin mask?

The mask is applied very easily, just like a regular mask. The consistency should resemble liquid honey. Do not apply the mask to the scalp, but leave the hair roots (2 cm) free of gelatin, so that there is no itching, and the mask rinses off easier.

For those who find it difficult to make homemade hair lamination with gelatin according to a written recipe, we suggest watching a video about hair lamination at home.

Lamination with gelatin (video)

The video shows how to make a gelatin mask with chicken yolk. Her detailed recipe is given below.

Next, we will offer you mask recipes for different types hair. You just have to choose a mask suitable for your hair and prepare it. Everything is very simple. All recipes are based on the ratio of gelatin + liquid - 1: 3.

Gelatin mask with juice

Blondes can add lemon juice diluted with water to the resulting mixture, and brunettes can add carrot juice. It turns out that for 1 tablespoon of gelatin - 3 tablespoons of juice. We add juice instead of water and heat this mixture in a water bath. And then we do everything as usual.

Burdock or castor gelatin mask

Mix gelatin and warm water in a 1: 3 ratio. Then add half a teaspoon of oil. Next, as usual.

Herbal Gelatin Mask

We brew chamomile flowers for blondes, and nettles for brunettes. Mix the broth with gelatin and add 1 tbsp. honey. Then everything is sequential, as in the previous recipes for masks.

Gelatin mask for hair volume

We need: 1 tsp. gelatin, 1 tsp. colorless henna, 1 tsp. mustard, 2 tbsp. l. water, 1 yolk. Stir the mixture well in a water bath.

Mineral water gelatin mask

We buy ordinary non-carbonated mineral water in the store. We take gelatin 1 tbsp. l. and add 3 tbsp to it. l. mineral water. Stir this mixture in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved. After the gelatin mask has cooled down, then we apply it to the hair. Since gelatin contains vitamin E, you just need to add vitamin A or a couple of drops of lemon with lavender oil to the mask.

Gelatin mask with milk

We mix everything in the same proportion 1: 3 gelatin and milk. We put on a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved. After cooling, apply to the hair.

Almond oil gelatin mask

Dilute gelatin and water in a 1: 3 ratio. If you have dry hair, then add 1.5 teaspoons of almond oil to the mixture, for normal hair - 1 teaspoon, for oily hair - 0.5 teaspoons of almond oil. We put it to melt in a water bath, and then we apply it to the hair. Keep this mask for no more than 30 minutes.

Egg-gelatin mask for all hair types

We dilute gelatin and water in a 1: 3 ratio. Then add the yolk of the chicken egg and put it in a water bath. Further, follow the instructions.

Gelatin mask for dry hair

Gelatin and water - 1: 3. Then add 1 more teaspoon apple cider vinegar and a couple of drops of lavender oil or whatever. We put on a water bath and stir. Then everything follows the same steps as before.

Gelatin mask for oily hair

We take 1 yolk, 4 tablespoons of lemon juice (can be replaced with vinegar), then add gelatin - 1 tablespoon, and shampoo - 1 tablespoon. Stir all this well, put it in a water bath, etc.

Gelatin shampoo mask

Boil the herb (nettle, chamomile, burdock, etc.). It all depends on the type and color of your hair, which herb you choose. Add 3 tbsp to 1/3 cup of broth. l. gelatin and your shampoo. We put all this in a water bath and stir until the gelatin dissolves. Apply this gelatin shampoo to the head and leave it on for 10 minutes. Store gelatin with shampoo in the refrigerator for a week.

Hair after a gelatin mask looks smooth, even, elastic and thicker.

Gelatin mask (photo After lamination)

How often should you do a gelatin mask?

You can do a hair procedure such as gelatin lamination at least once a week. And the result will get better, and the effect of the gelatin mask will be greater. Hair will look healthy. They will fall out and break less.

Now we will summarize and answer the basic questions about lamination of hair, how to do it CORRECT:

  • 1 . Try not to rub the gelatin mask into your scalp as it can cause flaking and itching.
  • 2 . When preparing the gelatin mixture in a water bath, make sure that the gelatin does not boil. It will immediately lose all its beneficial properties. In this case, it is best to re-prepare the gelatin mixture.
  • 3 .Try to completely dissolve the gelatin. Do not apply the mixture with lumps, as they will be difficult to comb out from the hair.
  • 4 . If your hair does not acquire shine, the effect of lamination is not visible even after several procedures, then you may need to see a doctor to find the cause or disease.

If you have any questions, then ask them in the comments. There you can also find answers to many questions.

In addition to the gelatin hair restoration procedure, there is also a gelatin face mask that will make your skin more youthful and healthy, and get rid of acne. Or strengthen your nails with gelatin using special anti-brittleness and growth trays. All this can be found in the Beauty Secrets section.

We hope you enjoyed our homemade gelatin hair lamination recipe. Now you can look just great. If you have new additions to the recipe, then do not hesitate, but write your feedback in the comments or suggest your own recipe for a gelatin mask.