Rules for removing various types of stains from clothes. Universal stain remover What products to take for lotions

The most dangerous enemy for our clothes are stains. Sooner or later, every housewife faces such a problem, and removing the pollution that has appeared is not always an easy task. But you can cope with the stain if you choose the right and good stain remover.

Types of stains

Spots can be divided into three types according to the method of exposure.

  1. Insoluble. Insoluble stains include old stains from food, artificial dyes, mold, urea.
  2. water soluble stains are fresh food contamination, natural dyes(soluble in water), traces of stationery and carpentry glue.
  3. Susceptible to organic solvents. An organic solvent can remove oil paint, tar, grease, oils, varnishes, wax and almost all types of shoe polish.

The appearance of the stain

A good stain remover increases the chances of success in such a difficult struggle as getting rid of stains, it remains to determine their origin:

  • stains from wine, coffee, juice, tea have a clearly defined contour, and it is much darker than the central part;
  • at greasy spots the contour is blurred, they often appear on reverse side products, especially old ones;
  • stains from sauces, soups, blood, milk require a double type of treatment, as they contain both fatty and non-fatty substances.

Fresh stains are much easier to remove old ones. This is where the usual detergent, soda or soap. For older stains, a good stain remover is essential.

The best means

There are a number of popular brands with a good reputation. They are divided into solid (in the form of a pencil), powder and liquid. Cleansers differ in their composition:

  • with enzymes - for any type of tissue;
  • with active oxygen - for colored things;
  • bleaching.

Universal stain remover fights with any stains, the composition has a number of components that contribute to their removal. It is produced in the most different types, from pencil to spray and liquid. The most economical of all options is the pencil.

A targeted stain remover only works on certain types of stains. Commercially available products are exclusively for removing coffee or tea, wood glue, grease, red or white wine, etc. Let's take a closer look at the top ten products with the best reputation in the cleanser industry.

"Umax Ultra"

Very economical stain remover in stick form. Designed to remove approximately 500 small stains, chlorine-free, small and handy, ideal for work or travel. It fights well with stains from ketchup, lipstick, iodine, brilliant green, tea, coffee


It has a very reasonable price and is based on natural ingredients. Available in soap and spray form. Suitable for all types of fabric in any color. Ideal for removing stains on children's clothing. Well removes all types of organic contaminants even in cold water, including grease, grass, blood, etc.

Amway ("Amway")

The Amway stain remover is difficult to find in a regular store, more often it is ordered via the Internet. It is presented to the buyer in the form of an aerosol and is very convenient to use. Experienced housewives recommend applying this remedy immediately after the formation of a stain, then the thing can be washed in a few days. Good for synthetics and cotton, not recommended for silk and wool. Do not use Amway stain remover if the paint on the product is not completely stable. The product is produced in cans of 350 and 140 mg.

Dr. Beckmann ("Doctor Beckman")

Product of a German manufacturer. Available in nine bottles, each of which is designed for stains of a certain type. Able to remove up to 120 different kinds of pollution. The product is very popular on the market, does not irritate the skin, dermatologically tested, copes even with complex types of stains (old). Sold in the form of gels, liquids, rollerballs and express pens designed for road use.

Faberlic (Edelstar)

Experienced housewives have long fallen in love with this miracle pencil. A few years earlier, Edelstar joined Faberlic, but only the name changed, the quality and essence of the product remained the same. Faberlic stain remover is easy to use even outside the home. It is enough to moisten the stain with water a little, rub it with a pencil and wait ten minutes. It perfectly removes all fresh stains from brilliant green, coffee, ballpoint pens, etc. With old ones, you will have to repeat the procedure several times.

Stain remover "Faberlik" is universal. It can be used to remove stains from carpets, furniture, plastics and fabrics of any kind. The result is guaranteed. The price of such an effective pencil is only one hundred rubles.

Ace Oxi Magic

Universal stain remover powder for white and colored laundry. It has an affordable price and a pleasant aroma, does not spoil the fabric, removes stains well, leaving white white and color color. Effect when declared by the manufacturer low temperatures not as good, so it is recommended to use it only in hot water.

Vanish ("Vanish")

A very common and excellent stain remover even in cold water. There are a variety of reviews about it, including not entirely flattering ones, but they all say that the tool does an excellent job with fresh stains, and removes old ones in a few steps. Used for white and color, added during washing to the powder.

Immediately before the start of washing, the manufacturer suggests using another equally advertised option - Vanish Oxi Action. This is a pre-treatment spray. As a stain remover, that is, when applied directly to the product, it acts weakly and works only with fresh types of stains. It has a strong chemical smell and requires thorough rinsing.

"Eared babysitter" with whitening effect

This laundry soap has long been recognized by housewives as one of the best. The manufacturer positions it as a means for washing children's clothes. But it is great for any other fabrics, and even copes with cleaning furniture upholstery. If you believe the reviews of housewives, it also saves in especially neglected cases. It has a bleaching effect, so it is not suitable for washing colored items.

Bleach "Bos plus" Maximum

Probably the most budgetary of all the above options. But, despite the low price, it does an excellent job with all the tasks. It returns the whiteness to things and activates the action of the washing powder, as a result of which it intensively fights all kinds of stains. Designed for white only.

"Sarma Active 5 in 1"

Another inexpensive stain removal powder. Good for color and white, returns beautiful things appearance and color brightness. Its main components are enzymes that help remove stains even with a 30-degree wash. Best used as a laundry detergent activator and separately for pre-soaking.

We prepare the remedy ourselves

A good stain remover doesn't have to be store-bought. Reviews of experienced housewives talk about a very effective version of its home production.


  • 100 g of ordinary soda;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 4 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide.


Heat the water well, but do not boil, pour into a half-liter jar, pour soda into it and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. Add hydrogen peroxide, close the lid. Home stain remover is ready to use.

This tool copes well with the following types of pollution:

  • stains from tea or coffee;
  • stale and yellow stains on linen;
  • cuffs and collars on men's shirts;
  • stains from deodorants, perfumes, sweat;
  • dirt on kitchen towels;
  • oil and grease marks on the fabric.

This stain remover is liquid, so for easy use, the product can be poured into a tight-fitting spray bottle.

Another favorite way to remove stains from experienced housewives is aspirin. It is great for both white and color, displays even old yellow spots from clothes, it perfectly fights with any kind of stubborn dirt.


  • 1 pack of aspirin.


Half of the package should be thoroughly crushed and dissolved in hot water. In this solution, the laundry is soaked overnight. The second half of the package (also crushed) is added to the washing machine in the morning.

Almost any fresh stain can be quickly removed at home. Tips from housewives will help guide your actions:

  • a deodorant stain is removed with lemon juice;
  • blood can be washed off with cool water with a drop of detergent;
  • alcohol cleans things well from cosmetics;
  • grass stains are removed with ordinary granulated sugar;
  • wine and grease stains are well removed by salt.


No matter how high-quality and proven the stain remover is, before you start removing stains on things, you should test its effect on this type of fabric. To do this, you can use a piece of hem (spare fabric at the seam). When processing, it is better to choose a weak concentration of the solution and repeat the procedure several times. Strong may cause loss of color. And of course, the sooner the fight against the stain begins, the better the result will be. An old, long-standing stain is difficult to give in even to the most effective means, a fresh one can be dealt with using simple improvised methods.

In order to get rid of greasy stains, various means are used, differing in quality, price and composition. To get rid of dirt, you can use liquid, powder stain removers, special napkins or a pencil. What tools are best to choose and how to use them, we will tell below.

How often stains on clothes upset housewives, pollution can be very persistent. Sometimes, in order to clean things, you have to use chemical stain removers and bleaches. There are a lot of such funds, ranging from expensive professional to economy. options like Antipyatin soap. How to choose the right stain remover and how to remove a greasy stain from clothes without a trace without damaging the thing?

Determine the nature of pollution

Let's figure out what and how to remove a greasy stain from clothes. In order to successfully remove the stain, you need to follow some simple rules:

  1. Stain removers are different. Some are designed to fight organic pollution (sauces, fruits, drinks, grass, blood, etc.) Others will help remove fat ( vegetable oil, animal fats, resins and oil paints) Still others will clean the rust. On the packaging, manufacturers indicate for what type of pollution this product is suitable.
  2. Regardless of the nature of the contamination, fresh stains are easier to wash than old ones. Therefore, get to work as soon as you find a stain.
  3. If contamination appears, do not iron it, because high temperatures fix many stains and then get rid of them much more difficult.
  4. Do not use chlorine-containing products for colored fabrics; for it, it is better to choose those based on active oxygen or those marked “For colored linen”.
  5. Act strictly according to the instructions, do not mix different products with each other, because the effect can be unpredictable.
  6. Carefully, use a stain remover if the type of fabric of your product is indicated in the instructions.
  7. You should not try to clean fabrics made from acetate fibers with a stain remover (lining fabrics are made from them, outerwear, feminine underwear), bologna, as well as impregnated fabrics. These materials are best cleaned with laundry soap or synthetic detergents.
  8. Check on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing (the inside of the cuff, seam or hem), if the paint does not fade, then it can be used from the front. Use proven products that have a certificate of quality. The packaging must indicate the composition and instructions in Russian.
  9. Processing is carried out away from open flames to avoid fire, because quite often the composition includes gasoline, solvents and other flammable substances.

We are often asked the question: “ from clothes”, the authors of “Modern Housekeeping” picked up a few effective ways, which you can find out about at the link.

How to remove grease stains from different types of fabric

  • Grease can be removed from a bologna jacket with Antipyatin soap. To do this, soap the desired area, leave for 15 minutes and wash in warm water. Another way: wash the stain with ordinary washing powder, then remove the grease with a cloth dipped in vinegar and rinse well. Conventional stain removers corrode bolognese and acetate fabrics.
  • Greasy down jacket sleeves are washed with: Dr. Beckmann, Vanish, Heitmann, you can also use dishwashing detergent, the substances included in its composition perfectly break down fat. It is necessary to dilute a little product in warm water, moisten a sponge in it and rub the dirty place until foam forms. After a while, wipe off the foam with a microfiber cloth soaked in water.
  • You can remove old greasy stains from kitchen towels and potholders in this way: in half a bucket of boiling water, dissolve 2 tbsp. l. oxygen bleach, half a glass of olive or sunflower oil and a glass of vinegar, put towels in the solution and leave. Soak colors separately from whites. When the water has cooled, rinse the towels and dry in the sun.

What are stain removers

Stain removers come in liquid, powder, stick, or aerosol form. Very convenient napkins impregnated with special. means, they, like a pencil, are convenient to take with you on the road.

  • Inexpensive stain removers that can be purchased at any store, they do a good job with grease, but have a very pungent smell: "Plik", "Sorbent", "Original", "Antipyatin", "Minute", "Udalix", "Sopal", "Agidel".
  • If you want a product that does not harm your health, then opt for products from Ecover (Belgium), Amway (USA), Faberlic, Frau Schmidt (Austria). These funds are not cheap, but very good quality do not cause allergies and do not pollute environment. You can buy these products in online stores or from distributors of products. For children's things, products of the Eared Nyan trademark are suitable.
  • For colored laundry, products with active oxygen are suitable, such as: Vanish OXI Action, Faberlic EXTRA OXY, etc.
  • Stain remover pencils: Faberlic, Unimax, Multi PROFESSIONAL, EDELSTAR. Pencils are convenient, compact, easy to fit in a handbag, indispensable when traveling. One pencil is able to clean up to 1 m of fabric.
  • To best use special and adhesive stains: ANTI-GUM , HGChewing Gum Remover , VMD92 , Gumex , DOMO Anti Gum, etc.

Read more about how to remove grease stains from clothes

  • Many chemical cleaners have a strong and pungent odor, so work in a ventilated area. It is recommended to protect your hands - use rubber gloves. First, clean the thing with a brush to avoid unnecessary streaks. Check in an inconspicuous area, if the product does not corrode the fabric and does not fade the paint, you can get to work.
  • Moisten the grease stain and around it with warm water, put a few layers of white cloth underneath, it will absorb the remaining grease. Take a gauze swab or cotton pad, moisten it with a stain remover and gently begin to erase the stain from the edges to the center, change the swabs as they get dirty.
  • It is better not to rub too hard so as not to smear even more, for the same reason it is not recommended to pour a lot of product on the fabric, it is better to work with a slightly moistened swab. After the process is over, let the matter dry and check the result. If the stain has disappeared, then wash the item to wash off the remnants of the product, and if it remains, then repeat the cleaning one or two more times. Thus, even complex, old stains can be removed.

Interesting on the site "Modern Housekeeping":"from white".

General requirements for all stain removers:

  • Should remove dirt, not paint, from your clothes;
  • Good products do not damage the fibers of the fabric;
  • After application, there should be no streaks or persistent odor.
Anastasia , March 26, 2016 .

Ways to remove stains, proven over the years.

Clothes get dirty a lot, and sometimes we spend a lot of money buying stain removers to get rid of all sorts of stains. However, there are tools that have been tested over the years, our grandmothers and mothers used such tools. Moreover, they will help us save a lot of money. Can be done at home.

When removing stains from various fabrics at home, the following rules must be observed.

If the stain is left by liquid, remove it immediately with blotting paper or paper napkin. Stains that are left by a loose or solid object should be brushed, scraped with a knife and cleaned again. After that, it is good to clean the whole thing from dust so that no smudges remain during processing with the compositions.

Before removing stains, you need to check the color fastness on an inconspicuous area (on the hem or in the seam). Soak a small piece of cotton wool with stain remover and gently rub the stain. If the cotton swab does not stain and the color does not weaken, you can proceed to remove the stain. Otherwise, you need to change the composition or refuse to remove the stain at home. Often stains cannot be removed without damaging the dyeing of fabrics.

Starting cleaning, it is necessary to put a plank wrapped in a clean white cloth or a dense white cloth folded four times.

Moisten a small cotton swab or cloth with the cleaning solution and begin to remove the stain from the edges to the middle. We change the tampon more often. When wetting small spots, you can use a pointed stick or dropper. Sprinkle the cloth around the stain with talcum powder or moisten with water so that the remover does not blur.

Many stains can be removed by washing with soap and water. Therefore, first use this method, and if it does not help, move on to more complex radical compounds. So after water, you can use hot water, vodka, alcohol, gasoline, ammonia, turpentine. These funds must be kept in the house.

Remember that acids and alcohol dissolve some paints, so use them with care. Alkalis can only be used for white fabrics, they cannot be used for natural silk and wool. Handle solvents and gasoline with care, they quickly evaporate and are flammable. Keep such substances in containers with tightly closed lids.

In order not to spoil the thing, do not use strong solutions of chemicals. It is better to do this several times with a weak solution with washing, do not rub the stain strongly, this will damage the fabric.

Removing ink stains from silk and wool- such stains are removed with acetic acid, ammonia, soap, glycerin. The area on which the stain should be removed is collected in a small lump, tied with a white thread at a distance of 2 cm from the borders of the stain. Acetic essence is diluted in half with water and the solution is heated to 50 degrees. A lump with an ink spot is lowered into the heated solution and held for about a minute. After the lump is lowered into a cup of warm water, the acid is squeezed out, rinsed. If the stain does not completely discolor the first time, you need to repeat the same operation. You can remove the stain in glycerin by heating the solution to 70 degrees. It must be borne in mind that ink stains are difficult to remove and it is not always possible to achieve the desired effect without damaging the color of the fabric. With a white cloth, this composition works perfectly.

If the fabric is of a fragile color, you can use a solution of glycerin or denatured alcohol, slightly warmed up. Residues of glycerin are easily washed off with water.

Potassium permanganate removes ink stains well from white fabrics. Wet the stain with a hot purple solution. After 10 minutes, the brown spot from potassium permanganate is removed with a solution of several crystals citric acid diluted in a tablespoon of hot water.

Removing grease stains from clothes—removed with gasoline. turpentine, ether. Such stains are wiped with a piece of hard cloth moistened with gasoline or turpentine. The operation is repeated by sprinkling a rag moistened with gasoline with starch. The stain is large, then perform the operation several times. The starch is pressed firmly against the stained fabric so that the fat is absorbed into it. This method is harmless, since gasoline does not affect dyes.

Care must be taken when working with gasoline, do not smoke and work in a ventilated area.

Removing paint stains—soften first. To do this, the stain is smeared with petroleum jelly and left for several days. Washing powder is mixed with an equal amount of gasoline or turpentine to a pulp. Rub with a hard cloth into the stain. After drying, the remaining composition is washed off with warm water.

Removal of sweat stains, greasy dirt—such stains are mainly formed on collars, hats and so on. Stains are cleaned with ammonia, do not try to soak the thing through. With a stiff brush, three contaminated places, then rinse with warm water and wipe with table vinegar. We dry.

Removing grease stains from leather items- mix equal parts of starch and gasoline. The gruel is rubbed into the stain. Gasoline will evaporate, you can shake the starch. The operation can be repeated as needed.

Blood stains - mix one teaspoon of ammonia with 3 teaspoons of baking soda and wipe the stain with this composition. Then we moisten the stain with hydrogen peroxide and wash it with warm water.

Berry, fruit, juice and red wine stains- a purple solution of potassium permanganate is used, and stains are removed with hydrogen peroxide.

Removing grass stains—removed with a solution of denatured alcohol or a solution of a tablespoon of salt in half a glass of warm water. Rinse the fabric after treatment.

Removing rust stains—quickly dissolves a solution of several crystals of oxalic acid in a teaspoon of warm water or a mixture in equal parts lemon juice And table salt. Any of the compounds is applied to the stain, left for several hours, washed off with warm water, and then with water to which baking soda is added (to neutralize the acid).

Shoe polish stains- prepare a mixture of equal parts of turpentine, acetone or denatured alcohol and add starch to form a slurry. We rub the gruel into the stain, after 5 minutes we clean it off, you can put a new portion on the stain. Do this until the stain disappears.

To remove stains from various fabrics, ordinary powder is not enough. Difficult stains cannot be removed in the usual way, but this does not mean that they cannot be removed at all. There are many ways and means to help overcome pollution of a very different nature. In this article, we will describe the products that are used to clean and wash clothes.

Everyone knows that pollution can be complex and not very, many even have fragmentary information about the removal of various stains. But we decided to start with something else. What should not be done in order for a difficult stain to be removed without problems?

Important! Some types of stains can be absorbed immediately while they are fresh by covering them with salt.

We remove stains with what we find in the kitchen

From stains on things, the most common household chemicals that can be found in the kitchen of any good housewife can help. Let's see what kind of chemistry it is, and what kind of pollution does it help to cope with?

Note! It is necessary to use the above components for washing things in certain proportions and strictly according to the recipe, since there is a risk of damaging the fabrics.

Look for a good stain remover - look in the first aid kit

Stain remover can be found in your first aid kit, and you do not have to run to the hardware store for an expensive stain remover - everything you need is already at hand. What do we mean in this case?

Important! In addition to “kitchen chemicals” and medicines from the first-aid kit, gasoline, acetone, nail polish remover, white spirit, and so on are used to reduce difficult stains.

In conclusion, we note that the most ordinary substances that can be found in every home are often suitable for removing stains from things, without even having to make extra efforts. Folk remedies usually cost mere pennies, and the result from their use is equal to the cost of a thing spoiled by an old stain. Good luck with your experiments!

There are unforeseen situations when, in the process of repairing a car, eliminating the unpleasant creaking sound of door hinges, engine oil gets on clothes.

This article will discuss various techniques for removing grease stains from oil, also presented folk ways how to neutralize this problem.

Features and rules for removing such stains

Engine oil leaves persistent blots that are difficult to remove. It is required to resort to special procedures to neutralize and remove stains from the surface of clothing.

First of all, it is necessary to use absorbent agents. Such substances that are in the public domain include:

The substances have excellent absorbency and, when applied to a fresh stain, absorb more than half of the spilled substance on clothing.

The way to use it is quite simple:

  • it is necessary to apply the substance to the stain that appears;
  • leave for 30 - 40 minutes. This time will be sufficient for the absorbent to absorb the substance.

It is undesirable to soak things in hot or warm water, if the stains have not been previously treated with special absorbent substances. There is a possibility that the substance will be absorbed even deeper into the tissue, and the boundaries of the contaminated area will become much wider.

What can remove stains

There are several ways to get rid of these stains.

Care must be taken before using some of the chemicals listed below, some of which are highly reactive.

It should be noted that it is necessary to use absorbents before proceeding with stain removal using one of the above methods.

The method of applying chemical reagents is quite simple, after absorbing agents have been applied, and some of the oil has been removed from the clothes, it is necessary to apply the substance to the fabric and leave it for a while.

List of stain removers:

  1. A special spray that is not uncommon and is sold in every second hardware store. There are various manufacturers, which, however, have approximately the same formula. The method of use is indicated on the jar. It is necessary to work in protective glasses and preferably gloves.
  2. Dishwashing detergent will remove most of the oil. After using this tool, it will be necessary to wash things in order to finally achieve positive results.
  3. Special soap. It should be applied in large quantities, it is advisable to leave the applied substance on the contaminated area for 30 minutes, only then wash it in warm water.
  4. Remove blot from engine oil You can use any degreaser. Gasoline, kerosene, technical solvent are used. The degreaser must be applied to the contaminated area with a sponge. The substance takes time to begin to act, 30 minutes is enough for the machine to dissolve a little. After that, the thing must be washed in a washing machine.
  5. A solution of alcohol, turpentine and ammonia are an excellent tool for removing greasy, oily stains.

You can remove the blot from engine oil with any degreaser, it must be applied to the contaminated area with a sponge

Modern stain removers

There is a huge amount various means that remove engine oil stains. The list of such substances is huge.

How to use modern means stain removal is almost always indicated in the instructions that come with the substance:

List of funds:

  1. LiquiMolyOil-Fleck-Entferner - 1200 rubles.
  2. GLUTOCLEAN - 2000 rubles.
  3. MolyduvalCleaner - 2500 rubles.
  4. Duty Oil - 5000 rubles.
  5. Ecolan-2s - 600 rubles.

You should not neglect the rules for using a stain remover, if you overexpose a thing in water with an active substance, then it can be completely damaged

Folk remedies

These methods have been tested over the years and are called "grandmothers". They differ in that the ingredients for preparing a special solution are easy to get, and their cost is low.

Consider the most famous ways to remove stains "folk remedies":

  1. A mixture of starch and chalk. We apply the method only to fresh stains. It is necessary to apply the resulting solution to the soiled area and leave for a while, approximately 30 - 45 minutes. The mixture will absorb all the fat, after which the thing should be washed in a typewriter.
  2. Toothpaste. The method is a little strange, but effective. We rub the paste on the place where the oil hit, the thing dries and then goes to the washing machine.
  3. A mixture of ether and magnesium powder. We mix these 2 components, after which we apply them to the contaminated area, let it dry a little and wash it in the machine.
  4. Salt application. The use of salt is possible only with very fresh stains. Salt has good absorbent properties. It absorbs not only fatty substances, but also chemicals that are in engine oil.
  5. oxygen bleach. It is used when fatty substances get on white things. The application is very simple. It is diluted in water, after which the thing is soaked in this solution. After all, you still need to wash in the machine. N.B. Oxygen bleach is a very active substance, so as not to spoil the thing, follow the instructions in the instructions. Do not be amateur and deviate from the manufacturer's recommendations.
  6. Iron. We apply a hot iron to the front side of the thing. Put a napkin under it first. The heated iron will melt the oil, which will be absorbed into the napkin.

Salt absorbs not only fatty substances, but also chemicals that are in engine oil.

Features of removing stains from different materials

  1. Denim clothing is most commonly soiled by machine oil:
    • The material of jeans is quite dense and wear-resistant. Therefore, do not be delicate with this thing.
    • Choose one of the methods above and get started.
    • Do not forget to look at the tag where the washing temperature is indicated - this is very important. Too much heat will damage the thing, and a low one will not give any result.
  2. Removing stains from delicate types of things (silk, linen, cotton) is much more difficult. It must be remembered that these types of fabrics are very delicate and sometimes a simple blot can ruin them, not to mention such a dangerous substance as engine oil:
    • It is not easy to remove blots from delicate fabrics; it is necessary to use not too active substances. For this, chalk, starch, flour, baby powder, stain remover are suitable.
    • Even with these tools, the likelihood of coping with a dirty place is negligible. There remains only the last possibility - this is to give the soiled thing to the dry cleaners so that they try to do something with it.

It is very difficult to remove a blot from engine oil. There is always the possibility that the thing has already been damaged forever.

  • Most professionals who have encountered a similar problem, we strongly recommend that you follow the instructions on the label of the item that needs to be removed from machine oil.
  • Remove excess grease before washing. using absorbent materials.
  • The thing should be washed and at the same time use exactly the temperature regime that is best for the structure of the thing itself. After all, it has penetrated deep into the tissue and its removal is possible only under special conditions.